Page created by Russell Reynolds
Irish Update
         For Alumni of St. Patrick, St. Patrick Central, Bishop McNamara High School,
                            and Bishop McNamara Catholic School

                                  VOLUME 40, NO. 1 • FALL 2021

       New Coordinator of Alumni Relations
                                                  having several ‘aunts’ and ‘uncles’ that            and coordinated events for Amita St.
                                                  as I got older I realized they were not             Mary’s Hospital, the Salvation Army, and
                                                  blood relatives but, high school friends            Kankakee Valley Symphony Orchestra.
                                                  that my parents considered family. My                  In this role as your Alumni Relations
                                                  sister (Wendy Marczak ’80 Sorensen),                Coordinator, I will continue to foster the
                                                  my son (Justin Madsen ’08), and myself              current friendships and relationships I
                                                  have many of our own memories and                   have built with many fellow alums, and
                                                  stories we hold close to heart. We have             I look forward to engaging new alumni
                                                  all made friendships and relationships              locally and nationwide. I am committed
                                                  that will last a lifetime. That’s what fam-         to utilizing all my energy, creativity, and
                                                  ilies do.                                           passion to advance our school and com-
                                                      I have always felt blessed to be a part         munity each day while also ensuring the
                                                  of the Bishop McNamara family and now               continuation of the traditions that are the
                                                  I am honored to be a staff member at                fiber of our Irish Family here at Bishop
                                                  Bishop McNamara Catholic School. This               McNamara Catholic School.
                                                  past July I was hired as the Coordinator               We are all a part of the McNamara Irish
                                                  for Alumni Relations. I have worn vari-             Family, as with any family you can go
Hello Friends and Alumni,                         ous hats at Bishop McNamara previous-               years without speaking to some people
  A ‘legacy’ student is someone whose             ly, serving as an Alumni Board member,              and when you finally connect you won-
parent or other family member attend-             Alumni Board Treasurer, Sponsorship                 der why it took so long. I want to hear
ed the same school. I am proud to be a            Committee Lead for Las Vegas in Brad-               from you! Tell me your story; share a fa-
Bishop McNamara Catholic School leg-              ley and Silent Auction Chair for the An-            vorite school memory, a favorite teacher,
acy family!                                       nual Dinner Auction Gala. I have always             your family traditions. Reach out to me
  Bishop McNamara has been a part of              believed that serving your school, home-            by email at, I look
me as long as I can remember. Growing             town and your community is important. I             forward to hearing from you!
up, I recall listening to the many stories        continue to do that by giving of my time,              Irish Blessings!
my dad (Ray Marczak ’57) told of his high         talent and treasure when called upon. I                Liz Marczak ’77 Madsen
school days. When I was young I recall            have spearheaded fundraising efforts                   Coordinator of Alumni Relations

                     r         UPCOMING EVENTS                                                                            r
   OPEN HOUSE - JR. HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL......................................................................Sunday, October 24, 2021
   38th ANNUAL DINNER AUCTION....................................................................................... Friday, November 5, 2021
                                  FINAL PROGRESSIVE RAFFLE DRAWING
                   $80,000 Total Payout including a $50,000 Top Prize at the Dinner Auction
   PLACEMENT EXAM – CLASS of 2026.............................................................................Saturday, December 4, 2021
   ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB TRIVIA NIGHT...................................................................... Saturday, January 22, 2022
   CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK..................................... Sunday, January 30, 2022 through Saturday, February 5, 2022
   CLASS OF 2022 GRADUATION.................................................................................................Sunday, May 29, 2022
   FIGHTIN’ IRISH 5K KEN KLIPP CLASSIC......................................................... Memorial Day Monday, May 30, 2022
   36th ANNUAL IRISH GOLF CLASSIC.............................................................................................Friday, July 1, 2022
   JACKIE KELLER MEMORIAL GOLF OUTING............................................................................Friday, August 5, 2022                                                                                                             Irish Update               1
IRISH UPDATE                    FROM OUR PRESIDENT/PRINCIPAL Terry Granger ’76
     is published semi-annually     Dear Bishop McNamara Alumni,
           (spring and fall)           “We are not going back to normal. We are going back to being Bishop
    ALUMNI BOARD MEMBERS            McNamara… we are going back to being better!” Those are the words
                                    I spoke as I addressed our faculty, staff, and students at the start of
             President              this 2021-22 academic year. As the global pandemic continues into
    Annie Provost ’07 Rorabaugh     this school year, I encouraged everyone to rise above and be better
          Vice President            in everything we do in the classroom, cafeteria, hallway, athletic field,
        Todd Arseneau ’86           fine arts, and extracurricular clubs and organizations.
            Secretary                  Bishop McNamara has continually prided itself in being better. In
      Beth Olsen ’75 Provost        1922 St. Patrick High School opened on the campus of St. Patrick
                                    Parish in Kankakee to provide a Catholic education for the greater
       President Ex-Officio         Kankakee community. Due to an increase in enrollment, St. Patrick Central was built in 1955
          Nick Elliott ’06          at the current Kankakee location where second semester classes began in February of 1956.
              Directors             The round architectural design was unique and attracted nationwide attention in newspapers
    Sharon Soucie ’56 Jackson       and building trade magazines. St. Patrick Central existed until 1964 when the rectangular
            Jim Gerth ’80           addition was added to the school. In August of 1964, classes began in this new addition and
          Adrian Provost ’92        the name, Bishop McNamara High School was established. Our school’s name honored the
           Andy Purcell ’92         first Bishop in the Diocese of Joliet, Bishop Martin D. McNamara. Many deemed this a fitting
     Tyler Provost ’99 Pallissard   tribute to the man whose vision and perseverance chiefly contributed to the development
         Tyler Boerschig ’09        of a parochial school, to a centralized school, and ultimately to a Diocesan high school. Six
          Mitchell Gerth ’11        years ago, the transition to Bishop McNamara Catholic School began where Catholic ed-
         Emily Olszewski ’12        ucation was regionalized for grades Pre-K through 12 in the greater Kankakee community.
           Dave Roney ’12           Encompassing the three sites: Kankakee, on Brookmont Boulevard – grades 6 - 12; Bradley,
         Jared O’Connor ’12         at St. Joseph parish - grades Pre-K - 5; and Bourbonnais, at Maternity BVM parish - grades
    Kelsey Curwick ’13 McGrath      Pre-K - 5, Bishop McNamara carries on the tradition of providing a quality Catholic education.
        School Liaison              Progress continues to be the keynote of Bishop McNamara history. The dynamics of growth
   Liz Marczak ’77 Madsen           and adaptation to meet the needs of ever-changing times continues to motivate all of us in
Coordinator of Alumni Relations     our quest of Christian and academic excellence.
       - Board Treasurer               During the 2022-23 school year we will celebrate our 100th Anniversary. One hundred years
                                    of excellence! One hundred years of Irish traditions! The planning has begun for this most
  100th Year Celebration
                                    celebratory year. In the center of this edition of the Irish Update you will see there are many
    Committee Liaison
                                    activities, events, and sharing of the rich history of Bishop McNamara under way. We hope you
Sandy LaMotte ’82 Malpasuto
                                    will join us as we celebrate by attending any or all the events during the 2022-23 academic year!
 Interested in learning more           Many blessings to all of you and GO IRISH!
    about the Irish Alumni             Terry Granger ’76
     Association Board?                President/Principal
  Please contact any of our            Bishop McNamara Catholic School
board members or email Liz at               FROM OUR ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
                                    BOARD PRESIDENT Annie Provost ’07 Rorabaugh
     MISSION                                               Dear Irish Alums,
                                                             I hope this edition of the Irish Update finds you all healthy and happy.

                                                           As our nation begins yet another school with the pandemic still pres-
                                                           ent, fortunately, we have the Bishop McNamara community to get us
                                                           through. As Mr. Granger stated, “We are not going back to normal, we
The Irish Alumni Association                               are going back to better! We can all come together to support each
unites more than 9500 alumni                               other and grow as individuals and as a family.
of St. Patrick, St. Patrick                                  I want to thank all alumni, friends and family who came out to the 35th
Central, Bishop McNamara                                   Annual Irish Golf Classic. It was one of our biggest turn outs to date
High School, and Bishop                                    which would not have happened if it wasn’t for you! The generosity and
McNamara Catholic School.                                  support you all continue to show is what allows the alumni association
                                    to be so successful. Thank you again and we cannot wait to see you at next year’s outing
Our mission is to preserve          on July 1, 2022!
the heritage that shaped our           As you peruse the Irish Update, check out our upcoming events and take advantage of all
school, to foster the spirit of     the opportunities to attend and/or participate this year! As the world around us continues to
camaraderie among alumni            change we strive to keep our Irish traditions and values the same. God bless you all, continue
and to support the mission          to be good to those around you and remember, the Irish family will always be here for you.
and development of Bishop             Thank you and Go IRISH!
McNamara Catholic School.             Annie Provost ’07 Rorabaugh
                                      Irish Alumni Association President
2      Irish Update                                                                                        
Sandy LaMotte ’82 Malpasuto Heads Into Retirement
                        Bishop Mc-             sociation Board assisting in coordinating     fellow alums I have gotten to know from
                      Namara extends a         alumni events and serving as the editor       near and far. Irish traditions truly live on
                      heartfelt thank you to   of the Irish Update. Although Sandy has       at Bishop McNamara with incredible
                      Sandy LaMotte ’82        officially retired, she will stay connected   witnesses of selfless dedication, gener-
                      Malpasuto for her        by participating on the committee for the     osity, and kindness. I cannot wait to see
                      15 years of service      school’s 100th Year Celebration where         everyone at our 100th Year Celebrations
                      and dedication to        events will take place throughout the         next year... especially my classmates of
                      Catholic schools.        2022-23 school year.                          1982 where we will celebrate our 40th
                        Sandy began her          Sandy says, “I am incredibly thankful       reunion!”
                      career in the Cath-      to have had the opportunity to work at          Sandy’s family consists of 3 generations
olic school system as an administrative        my alma mater. The people I have worked       of Irish alums. She and her husband Bob
assistant at Maternity BVM, then at            with and those I have gotten to know          have 2 sons, Jack ’12 and Mike ’14.
Bishop McNamara. She assumed the               over the years has been nothing short         Her dad, Jim LaMotte ’58, sisters Lori
position of director of advancement for        of amazing. I am most appreciative of         LaMotte ’81 Henry & Jackie LaMotte ’84
several years and spent the past four          the interaction I have experienced with       Haas, and niece, Nicole Haas ’13 complete
years engaged with the Irish Alumni As-        the Irish Alumni Association Board and        her immediate family of alums!

                         Meet Our Chaplain - Fr. John Horan
   “If the next priest assigned to Kankakee gets to teach, I’d be     on “Revelation as an Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures”
   jealous,” I said candidly to our vicar for priests one afternoon   and “Jesus Christ and God’s Plan of Salvation” in the Spring.
   this past winter. My three-year assignment at St. John Paul        The Juniors are studying “Catholic Morality” this Fall and
   II in Kankakee was coming quickly to an end, and while I           “The Sacraments of Grace” in the Spring. My goal is to
   wasn’t sure where in the Diocese of Joliet my next placement       continue strengthening the Christian education that many
   would take me, I was also curious to know who might be the         have been receiving in our Catholic school for years while
   next priest involved at Bishop McNamara Catholic School. In        at the same time clarifying what the Church teaches and
   conversation about what the possible role for the next chap-       witnessing the joy of the Gospel through it all. I am eager to
   lain could be, the idea of having a role in teaching seemed        be both a priest and teacher who can seek to care for the
   like a wonderful opportunity to engage with the students on        young people as a spiritual father and guide them closer to
   a closer level than simply coming and going for Mass and           God on a daily basis.
   other special events. I was somewhat surprised
   at myself when I expressed the desire to be in                                     “While we have not made it official yet, I am
   the classroom, but I never thought that I would                                    planning to offer Mass before school for any
   be the next full-time teacher and chaplain at                                      students or faculty that want to start their
   the school. Well, that’s exactly what happened,                                    day in prayer. This will be in addition to the
   and let me take this moment to say that I am                                       weekly junior high Masses and the regularly
   thrilled to be here!                                                               scheduled high school Masses planned for
                                                                                      the students. I also hope to plan a month-
   “I am coming back to Bishop McNamara after                                         ly praise and worship time for the young
   serving as chaplain since October 2019 while                                       people to be in adoration with Jesus in the
   splitting time between my first assignment                                         Blessed Sacrament. I would love to get to-
   as parochial vicar at St. John Paul II Parish                                      gether with all the altar servers somewhat
   in Kankakee and a secondary assignment                                             regularly and encourage them to continue
   to help with Hispanic ministry at Immaculate                                       growing in faith. We also have many service
   Conception – Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish                                          opportunities, with Michelle Barrie’s help,
   in Gilman, IL, both since 2018. While entering                                     planning our Catholic Ministries Office. We
   the world of teaching is a bit of a whirlwind, I am also feeling   are still having class retreats for different grade levels and
   grateful in a spiritual way to be able to have a single focus:     the Kairos retreat for our upper-classmen. As we trust in
   with this assignment I know that the Lord wants me to pour         God with all our efforts, we can be sure that this will be a
   my energies into serving faculty and staff at our school.          great year ahead!”
   I am also grateful for the encouragement of the school
   administration and Bishop Hicks of Joliet for making this          My education background is a bachelor’s in Spanish from U
   assignment possible.                                               of I Champaign-Urbana (2012); master’s in Catholic Philo-
                                                                      sophical Studies from St. Meinrad Seminary (2014), Masters
   “This year I am teaching Theology for the whole Freshmen           of divinity and STB (bachelor’s in sacred theology) from
   and Junior classes. The Freshmen are taking a Fall course          Mundelein Seminary (2018).                                                                                                  Irish Update            3
Dawn Akerman - New Coordinator of Enrollment
                        Dawn joined the         feel” and decided to leave her career in          their lives to Catholic education is a true
                     Bishop McNamara            banking to join the development office            blessing. I am truly grateful to be our
                     family as a par-           under Sharon Jackson. When a position             new Coordinator of Enrollment. Bishop
                     ent in 2006 with           opened up in the Bishop McNamara                  McNamara is very important to me. Over
                     her son, Luke ’10          finance office, she joined that team in           the years I have absolutely loved every
                     and daughter, Pa-          2010.                                             minute of interacting with our students
                     ityn ’12. Dawn will           In July of 2021, Dawn joined the ad-           and their families. I am excited to share
                     tell you, “to say it       vancement team moving into her current            the Bishop McNamara experience with
                     was the best de-           position as Coordinator of Enrollment at          families for years to come!”
                     cision I ever made         Bishop McNamara Catholic School. In                 If you or someone you know is
                     for my children is         Dawn’s new role she leads the charge on           interested in learning about Bishop
an understatement.” She jumped right in         all important enrollment initiatives. Best        McNamara, please have them contact
and also accepted the job as the varsity        said in her own words: “I enjoy coming to         Dawn at or visit
cheerleading coach. What Dawn noticed           work every single day! To work alongside          our website at
immediately is the sense of the “family         amazing individuals who have devoted

    Amy Nelson ’80 Bovie Retires From Bishop McNamara
              And Heads Into A New Venture
   Amy Nelson ’80 Bovie reflects on her         to think of the lives                             they do not take a minute for themselves.
years as a teacher with these words:            changed and the                                   They cannot give what they do not have
   “My teaching career began in 1984,           sacred moments                                    so I want to provide opportunities for
teaching preschool in Naperville. My            shared during this                                women to “fill their cups.” Belle Ame Ex-
husband, Kyle Bovie ’80, and I returned to      “God’s Time.” For                                 perience seeks to remind people that they
Kankakee the summer of 1985. I started          twenty-one years I                                are “beautiful souls” as God’s beloved
teaching 4th grade at St. Patrick Grade         was blessed to be                                 children. As a certified spiritual director, I
School in Kankakee. I remained there for 7      the campus minis-                                 offer hour one-on-one sessions, as well
years teaching, coaching, and even acting       ter, responsible for                              as personal and professional half-day,
as co-athletic director. In May of 1991, Fr.    the spiritual health                              full-day, or weekend retreats. All experi-
Don Lewandowski (principal of Bishop            of our school.                                    ences incorporate gratitude, stillness, and
McNamara at the time) asked me to come          These were cherished days, filled with            surrender through journaling, faith sharing
teach religion. “We need what you have.” I      God’s Grace. It was a great honor to train        and prayer. I am beyond excited and a
told him I was not interested. What he said     students, as well as adults, to evangelize        bit terrified about this new chapter in my
next would change my life. He said, “Pray       to others in our retreats. My heart has al-       life, but I trust that “nothing is impossible
about it.” I said that I would, but I was       ways been in leading others to God, and           with God” and “if God leads me to it, God
pretty sure I would not change my mind.         helping see themselves and others as God          will surely lead me through it.” Check out
I prayed, and the rest is history. I began      sees, with unconditional love. Recently,          my website, www.belleameexperience.
teaching religion to freshmen, juniors,         a former student, now a grown man, told           org and let me know how I can serve you
and seniors the following fall. In addition     me that I loved him even before he loved          in your faith journey. God bless you and
to teaching, I worked closely with various      himself. That is quite a legacy.                  know that our McNamara family remain
chaplains helping with prayer services,           In this next phase of my life, I will contin-   in my daily prayers.”
liturgies, retreats, and service projects. In   ue to lead others to a personal relationship         Kyle and Amy have four children
my mind, one of my greatest accomplish-         with God through a nonprofit organization         who are all Bishop McNamara alums,
ments at Bishop McNamara was starting           that I have created for women. Women are          Jonathan ’07, Jenna ’05, Pat ’15, and
the Kairos retreat program. I am humbled        often so busy taking care of others that          Peyton ’18.

    We Are Right                                                      Facebook:            @ Bishop McNamara
                                                                                           @ Bishop McNamara Alumni
      At Your                                                         Twitter:             @ bishopmcnamara
                                                                                           @ bishopmacalumni
     Fingertips!                                                      Instagram:           @ bishopmcnamara                                                                      @ bishopmcnamaraalumni

4     Irish Update                                                                                                  

    The Senior Class of 2021

       Showing their excitement on becoming the latest Irish Alums are left to right: Ryan Hardesty,
              Liv Lorenc, Patrick Wilson, Emma Gerth, Patrick O’Brien, McKenna O’Connor

                         Class of 2021 Graduating Seniors
      Emily Antognoli              Sydney Fulford                  Riley Jones            Crystal Rivera
     Andrew Arseneau                 Emma Gerth                  Victoria Jones            Natalia Ruiz
    Matthew Arseneau                Katelyn Godin               Trenton Koenig          Elizabeth Salerno
        Jade Baker                Donovan Golden               Douglas Konecki             Carter Silcox
        John Baud                 Madison Hamilton              Annika Lackey              Caleb Smith
     Jackson Bennett                Piper Hanson                 Adriana Lade             Dakarai Smith
    Landon Blanchette               Ryan Hardesty            Kennedy Lakomiak              Noah Smith
       Sydney Born                Emmanuel Harris                Kyle Lampley             Michael Stipe
      Gillian Brenner               Sadie Hayden              Matthew Lampley              Laura Tatroe
      Anabel Canales                 Jayce Hedge                 Anna Latham               Emma Valant
       Blain Christie            Nathaniel Hendricks            Brooke Leisure             Jael Vickery
      Amelia Conroy               Pedro Hernandez               Lauren Leisure           Jessica Vickery
       Haley Dexter                Jocelyn Hipolito              Cameron Link               Calin Wells
      Victoria Dilday                  Faith Horn             Emmanuel Loaiza            Patrick Wilson
      Claudia Dolliger              Collin Howard                Brezje Lopez             Trevor Wilson
        Darrick Ford                Ethan Howard                 Olivia Lorenc          Kaylee Woolman
         Luke Fox                    Isabella Jeck              Lesley Magiera              Arran Yartz
       Adrienne Fritz              Jordan Johnson               Jacob Majszak
                                                              Elizabeth Martinez
                Area priests celebrating the graduating        Alyssa Mayhood
                mass are; Rev. John Peeters, C.S.V,            Emily Mazzuchi
                Fr. John Horan and Rev. Jason                 Graham McGrath
                Nesbit, C.S.V                                     Aiden Morris
                                                                Peter Nicholos
                                                                Patrick O’Brien
                                                             McKenna O’Connor
                                                               Chase Osterhoff
                                                                Jacob Pelletier
                                                          Allison Perez Hernandez
                                                           Katie Prado Totomoch
                                                                  Lilia Provost
                                                                  Ian Quezada
                                                                                    Bagpiper escorting the
                                                                 Eden Rainbolt
                                                                                        class of 2021
                                                                Abigail Richey                                                                           Irish Update        5
        And Romy
    Hall of Honor
  Congratulations to the following
alums who will be inducted into the        Kelsey Curwick ’13 McGrath our Social Media coordinator,
   Dorothy and Romy Hammes              and Liz Marczak ’77 Madsen our Coordinator of Alumni Relations
                                         have been collecting photos and bios of Alumni to share on our
    Hall of Honor in October:
                                                  Alumni Facebook page for “Feature Friday.”

    The late Mose ’54 and Dolores ’54   Do you have a current headshot that you could send us? Include a
             Kilbride Arseneau          short bio with the year you graduated, a favorite high school mem-
                                         ory, kids who are also alums, and information about your career.
            Dr. Karl Keller ’72
             Pat Martin ’78                                        Email to
                                                    Kelsey McGrath at
          Rev. Tony Nugent ’63
            Dave Raiche ’65                           Liz Madsen at
6      Irish Update                                                                     
8   Irish Update
Bishop McNamara

                     $40,000                                               $80,000
                              Total Cash Payout                                      Total Cash Payout

                     November Bishop McNamara                               March      Las Vegas in Bradley
                                Annual Dinner Auction                        6
                                                                             202 1

    Call the Raffle Hotline at              $25,000                                             $50,000
                                                                                                    Grand Cash Prize
    815-348-7610 with questions.              Grand Cash Prize

                      Two $5000 Winners                                     Three $5000 Winners
                      Three $1000 Winners                                   Nine $1000 Winners
                      Four $500 Winners                                     Twelve $500 Winners

                   The sooner you buy your $100 ticket, the more chances you have to win!
                                Buy them yourself or split them up any way you want with a group of people!

      How much will you and your friends win?
                                                                           Winners will be drawn on each of the two dates listed here.
        To buy your chance to win a piece of the $120,000 prize, visit     Winning tickets will be re-entered in the next drawing.
                                             Winner need not be present. Must be 21 years or over to win.
                                                                           For more details about the drawing and events, visit

   Thank you for all you do for Bishop McNamara! ~The Bishop McNamara Progressive Raffle Committee

   Please complete, detach and return this to the Main Office                                   GROUP TICKET SALES
                                                                                            (INCLUDE FIRST AND LAST NAMESͿ
   Tickets Request
   Please reserve _____________ Progressive Raffle Tickets for our family.
   Family Name___________________________________________________
   Student Name/Grade __________________________________________
   Phone _________________________________________________________
                         GROUP TICKET SALES                                                                                                     Irish Update            9

G lf
C assic
   The 35th Irish Golf Classic was held on Friday, July 2nd at Oak Springs Golf Course.
It was a gorgeous day and a perfect way to kick-off the 4th of July weekend! Fellow
alums, family and friends were reunited for a fun-filled day of food, fun, fellowship,
and golf! The Irish Alumni Association Board loves hosting this
event each year!
   We thank all our major event sponsors, day of event sponsors,
and hole sponsors!                                                                        Andy Pallissard ’92 taking a tee shot!
   Please visit to view all sponsors
and photos from our day of golf and check out what the funds
raised are used for throughout the year!

                                                                                                     Katie Kresl ’03
     Chris Martin ’01, Dave Thompson ’00, Jon Dole ’01, Scott Piggush ’01

                                                                                                   Larry Cianfrogna,
Class of 2007 - Patrick O’Brien, Chris Roney, Zach Olszewski, Grant Senesac                      Dominic Randazzo ’56
10 Irish Update                                                                                        
Brooke Beaupre ’01 Payne, Danielle Martin,               Lynn Devine ’72 Piggush, Amy Devine ’81 Hansen,
      Darci Kramerich, Sarah Piggush ’99 Mickler                  Ellie Rorabaugh, Deb Devine ’73 Rorabaugh

Drew Laurenti ’01, Nick Jakubowski ’01, Jake Jakubowski, Ryan Olsen

                                                                       Enjoying the margarita hole from the Class of
                                                                          2012 are Jared O’Connor, Dave Roney,
                                                                               Zac Lawler, Emily Olszewski

                                                                         Save the date for
                                                                             next year’s
                                                                        36th Irish Golf Classic
  Rick Trump, Joe Ciaccio ’66, Charlie Harpin ’66, Gene Kellogg ’66      Friday, July 1, 2022!                                                                                 Irish Update 11
Bishop McNamara Cath-
olic School hosted its 6th
annual golf outing on Friday,
August 6, 2021 at Shamrock
Golf Course in St. Anne. The
annual golf outing is named
after one of our most be-
loved teachers and Bishop
McNamara Alumnae, Mrs.
Jackie Martin ’75 Keller. Jack-
ie’s dedication to her family,
students, fellow colleagues,
Bishop McNamara and her
faith was unwavering. Hon-
oring Jackie’s memory each                                                 Meghan Martin ’82 Downey, Dr. Karl Keller ’72,
year at this event is a special                                                           Pat Martin ’78
day for everyone involved.
   On this particular day the
weather was perfect as the                                                                                    George Keller ’71,
sun shone bright on over                                                                                      Ainsley Keller,
130 golfers along with family,                                                                                Tim Keller ’02,
friends and volunteers who                                                                                    Madelyn
joined together to pay tribute                                                                                Schroeder,
to Jackie. It was a wonderful                                                                                 Katie Keller ’97
event, a full day of golf fol-                                                                                Schroeder,
lowed by a gathering at Sam-                                                                                  Dr. Karl Keller ’72,
my’s Pizza in Bourbonnais.                                                                                    Beckham
   Make plans to join us next                                                                                 Keller, Makenna
year, the Jackie Keller Memo-                                                                                 Schroeder,
rial Golf Outing will be held on                                                                              Jeff Schroeder ’97
Friday, August 5, 2022.

                                                                           It was a perfect day July 26, 2021 when over 120 golfers

           The Denny
                                                                        came together at the Kankakee Country Club to play in
                                                                        ‘The Denny Golf Outing and Fun Day” sponsored by The
                                                                        Dennis J. Smith Legacy Foundation. Proceeds from the
                                                                        annual outing fund scholarships for Bishop McNamara

             2 21
                                                                        students who demonstrate their commitment to com-
                                   Golf Outing
                                   &Fun Day                             munity service and leadership. Mark your calendars and
                                                                        join us for The Denny Golf Outing on Monday, July 25,
                                                                        2022. Contact Mike O’Brien at
Monday, July 26, 2021      Kankakee Country Club   Kankakee, Illinois   to learn more about The Denny!

    We hope you can join us for
       the 15th Edition of:

                The Denny
Pictured with the speaker of the day, Chicago Bears’ Dan Hamp-
        Monday, July 26, 2021
ton are: Caroline Haley, daughter of Kelly Smith ’95 Haley, Emma
O’Brien, class of 2027 and Eamon O’Brien, class of 2024, children
                                                                        Advancement office team selling raffle tickets are
                                                                        L to R: Liz Marczak ’77 Madsen, Areca Van Mill,

Invites    will be sent in the Spring.
of Mike ’92 and Nikki Hoevet ’92 O’Brien.                               Lisa Azzarelli ’80 Gerth and Dawn Akerman.
 12 Irish Update                                                                                        
Nora Elliott,        Leo Benoit,
   The annual Fightin’ Irish 5K Ken Klipp Classic was held on May 31st, Memorial        class of 2036,     class of 2035, son
Day. It was perfect weather for our runners, walkers, and eight years and under lep-     daughter of        of Luke ’97 and
rechaun dash. This event draws many alums, current students, families, and friends       Nick ’06 and            Mandy
from our surrounding community and afar. A very special morning                            Meghan             Pommier ’98
was enjoyed by all!                                                                     Billadeau ’06            Benoit
   Thank you to Haven and Anna Provost, our 2021 chairpersons                               Elliott
and their committee, for planning this event! We extend a huge
thank you to our 2020-21 major event sponsors and our special
day of event sponsors! Please visit
tinirish5k to view event day details and photos.

                                                                                        Mike Wolfe ’93     John Krones ’04

                                                                                                               Purcell ’92,
                                                                                                               Wesoloski ’92

                Ken Klipp getting ready for the start of the race!

Bruce ’71 and Chris Memenga ’72 Breault, Tim and Rachel Breault ’12 McElroy,                                Jennifer
            Jackie Breault ’92 Littrell, Laura Breault ’97 Andersen                    Jeremy Downs ’93 Storer ’09 Ahrens                                                                                            Irish Update 13
Update your info so you don't miss out!
14 Irish Update                              
These events are great for reunions!                            Irish Update 15
Maggie Hansen ’68 Frogge -
                    2021 Riverside Healthcare Samaritan of the Year
                                                   The award, announced every year since         Mary’s hospital. Bob Miller, who was the
                                                1974, honors those who have given “time,         founding president of Riverside, gave her
                                                talent and treasure” to Riverside. Awards        an opportunity. “I don’t know what to do
                                                have been given to philanthropists, vol-         with you,” he told her. “But I am not going
                                                unteers, individuals, groups, physicians,        to let you get away.”
                                                and employees. “The winners,” Riverside             That start was the opportunity to begin
                                                Board Chairman Tim Milner said, “often           a comprehensive cancer treatment pro-
                                                give of their intellect and wisdom.”             gram. Eventually, she would recruit the
                                                   Phil Kambic, president of Riverside, said     doctors and train the nurses and pharma-
                                                Frogge has played key roles in the cancer,       cists for the cancer center.
                                                heart, and neurosurgery therapies at the            Oncologist Dr. Mehmet Sipahi said
                                                hospital. “Her drive,” he said, led to “all      Frogge started the cancer center “from
                                                those programs.”                                 the ground up.” He said she had a vision,
                                                   ‘Every brick, every idea’                     and he added that “she always kept the
                                                   After her 1968 graduation from Bishop         welfare of the patient at the top.”
                                                McNamara High School, Maggie received               “Every brick, every idea of the cancer
                                                her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from          center bears her thumbprint,” he said.
    Maggie Hansen ’68 Frogge                    Northern Illinois University, Master of Sci-        Maggie retired in 2015 and is now fully
and Phil Kambic, President and CEO              ence in Nursing from Rush University, and        engaged in ‘preferment’—choosing what
        Riverside Healthcare                    Post-graduate certification in Healthcare        projects and activities on which to focus.
  This past August Maggie Hansen ’68            Administration from the Wharton School           Maggie says, “I’m fortunate to have worked
Frogge was the recipient of Riverside Health-   at University of Pennsylvania.                   with so many great people in our commu-
care’s Samaritan of the Year Award. The            Maggie worked at Rush University Med-         nity on various committees and boards.”
annual award is the highest honor for service   ical Center in Chicago for 10 years before          Jim Frogge retired in 2014 after teach-
given by the Riverside Foundation Board.        returning to the Kankakee area.                  ing physics and chemistry at Bishop
  The award in previous years had been             She had roamed the very same Bish-            McNamara. The couple has three adult
given at a large banquet in the fall. This      op McNamara halls as fellow alum Jim             children – all Bishop McNamara alumni:
year, the honor was bestowed at a dinner        Frogge ’68; however, it wasn’t until years       Jessica ’00, a lawyer; Sarah ’02, a nurse
of the President’s Circle, a smaller group of   later, in 1980, that they married. When the      practitioner; and Nathan ’05, a doctor.
donors. A larger Samaritan event is planned     couple moved back to Kankakee, Maggie            They are blessed with three grandchildren.
for October 7, 2021, at the railroad Depot.     interviewed with both Riverside and St.          (Photo & some content courtesy of the Daily Journal)

        Brian Hassett ’86 - 2021 Illinois High School Football Coaches
                     Association Hall of Fame (IHSFCA)
    Brian Hassett ’86 was inducted into the        Brian says, “I was humbled and honored to     the 5th time in school history and 3rd coach
Illinois High School Football Coaches Hall      be inducted in to the 2021 IHSFCA where I        to take SHS to the playoffs). He is currently
of Fame at a luncheon held at the Shirk         now stand alongside Rich Zinanni ’65 (induct-    an assistant football coach (defensive
Center on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan       ed in 1995) and Jim Frogge ’68 (inducted in      coordinator and offensive line coach) at El
University in Bloomington, IL, on Saturday,     2007). I was extremely fortunate to play for     Paso/Gridley (EPG) High School.
June 20, 2021.                                  (1982-1985) and work with (1991-1998)               Brian moved to Fairbury in 1999. He
                                                legendary coach, Rich Zinnani. Under his         and his wife, Traci, will be celebrating
                                                leadership, I learned what it took to be a       their 30th wedding anniversary in Feb-
                                                head football coach.”                            ruary of 2022. They raised four children,
                                                   From 1999-2014 Brian was the head             Abby Hassett Schweizer, Anna Hassett
                                                football coach at Prairie Central High           Tonachel, Nikolas Hassett, and Rebecca
                                                School (PCHS) in Fairbury, IL. While there,      Rae Hassett (deceased 2006). They have
                                                his teams held a record of 98-68, advanced       two grandsons Malcom and Winston.
                                                to ten play-off qualifiers and earned a state       Brian reflects, “I have great memories
                                                runner-up title. The 2003 and 2006 seasons       of my time at Bishop McNamara as a stu-
                                                resulted in 9-0 regular season Corn Belt         dent, player and coach. I had the opportu-
                                                Conference Championships. During his             nity to play for and coach with some great
                                                tenure at PCHS, they faced off against           people and mentors… Rich Zinanni ’65,
                                                Bishop McNamara in the 2004 playoffs,            Jack (JT) Roney, Terry Granger ’76, Jerry
                                                winning a close game. In 2012 they posted        and Alan Krieg, Jim Frogge ’68, Paul Tutt
                                                a big loss against The Fightin’ Irish of Bish-   ’74, and many more. A few great memo-
                                                op McNamara at Rich Zinanni Stadium.             ries include football state championships
                                                   Brian currently teaches physical edu-         in 1982 and 1985, runner up in 1998, a
Brian Hassett ’86 receiving the award           cation and driver education at Streator          state baseball appearance in 1986 with
from Mark Grounds, head football                Township High School (SHS) in Streator, IL,      a 2nd place finish in 1989 (his brother,
coach at Jacksonville High School and           where he served as the head football coach       Kevin Hassett’s ’89 senior year) and a 3rd
president of the Illinois High School           from 2015-2019, compiling a 15-31 record         place finish in 1994. Bishop McNamara
Football Coaches Association.                   with one playoff appearance in 2017 (only        will always be home for me.”
16 Irish Update                                                                                                        
Luke ’97 and Mandy ’98 Benoit - Entrepreneur Couple of the Year
                                              Entrepreneur Couple of the Year. Benoit         excited to be working together and to
                                              Greenhouses has been serving the horti-         be in a place in our life where whatever
                                              culture industry since 1975 when Luke’s         we dream up, we can make happen!
                                              parents, Vince & Christine Worby ’74            Working together with our family is not
                                              Benoit, started the business. The couple        without its challenges, but it’s definite-
                                              became sole owners of the business in           ly the most rewarding thing we’ve ever
                                              January 2020 having no idea of the chal-        done.”
                                              lenges they would face.                            Following their respective graduations
                                                 Starting January 2020, Luke tran-            from Bishop McNamara High school,
                                              sitioned from head grower to a Chief            Luke enrolled at Kankakee Community
                                              Operating Officer of sorts, running             College for an RN Associates and con-
                                              the entire operation. His job includes          tinued at Illinois State University with an
                                              growing, maintenance, sales, invoicing,         Agribusiness BA and Minor in Horticul-
                                              construction, expansion, billing, produc-       ture; Mandy graduated with a BA in Interi-
                                              tion scheduling, and daily operations.          or Design from Olivet Nazarene University.
                                              Mandy oversees design, marketing, and              Luke and Mandy reside in Bourbon-
                                              creative vision for Benoit Greenhouses,         nais. They have four children attending
                                              while simultaneously running her own            Bishop McNamara Catholic School:
         Luke Benoit ’97 and                  company, Pommier-Benoit Handcrafted,            Lucy, Class of 2028; Anthony, Class of
      Mandy Pommier ’98 Benoit                out of the Black Shed at Benoit’s. Luke         2031; Kate, Class of 2033 and Leo, Class
  Last May, Luke Benoit ’97 and Mandy         & Mandy recently bought an additional           of 2035.
Pommier ’98 Benoit were recipients of the     41 acres of farmland to continue growing                    (Photo and some content courtesy
                                                                                                                       of the Daily Journal)
Daily Journal’s 2021 Progress Award for       the company. Mandy says, “We are so
                         Chris Ruder ’93 - Innovator in Real Estate
   Chris Ruder ’93                            where he purchased the 51,000-square            a tremendous following with 4+ million
was the recipient                             foot distribution property located at 1180      players worldwide. They hold 150+
of the Daily Jour-                            Lesco Road. This is the first time the com-     tournaments every year. The game can
nal’s 2021 Progress                           pany has ever owned a building. It had          be found at many major retailers such
Award for Innovator                           been operating a distribution point out of      as Target, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Cosco,
in Real Estate. Chris                         the Kankakee County Training Center in          and Dick’s Sporting Goods to name a
is the founder and                            Bradley for years, but the game’s popular-      few. The popularity of Spikeball is moving
CEO of Spikeball                              ity resulted in that space being too small.     internationally into Europe, South Amer-
which was launched                               Spikeball is a fast-growing backyard         ica, Mexico, and China. The mission of
in 2008. Chris se-                            and beach friendly game that is a fusion        the company is to create the next great
lected his hometown                           of volleyball and four-square. It has           global sport.
of Kankakee as the Chris Ruder ’93            quickly become dynamic in the world                         (Photo and some content courtesy
company’s Midwest distribution center                                                                                  of the Daily Journal)
                                              of outdoor entertainment. Spikeball has

             Neeley Provost ’01 - Regas Women In Business Award
   The August/September issue of the Dai-        Regas opened her own practice she            adds, “My faith is
ly Journal’s Lifestyles of Kankakee County    is the sole owner of the law firm, Neeley       a guiding principle
Magazine honored several incredible           Regas PC, Inc. in Kankakee. Her practice        in my career and
local women with the Women in Busi-           focus is mostly transactional matters,          personal life. De-
ness Awards. Every year the Lifestyles        including, but not limited to real estate,      spite the joys or
Magazine seeks nominations to honor           probate, contract, guardianship, and            tribulations that I
some of the most successful, influential,     property law. I am also a part time public      encounter, Bishop
and inspirational female business owners,     defender in the juvenile abuse and neglect      McNamara and its
executives, entrepreneurs, and non-profit     division for the Kankakee County Public         faith-based curric-
leaders in the area. One of those honorees    Defender’s Office.                              ulum taught me to
was Neeley Provost ’01 Regas.                    Practicing in both the private and public    continue to rely on
   Following her Bishop McNamara grad-        sector of law brings different people with      the steadfastness Neeley Provost ’01
uation, Neeley earned a degree at Purdue      unique experiences into my everyday             of faith and to lean       Regas
University before graduating from Thom-       life. Having respect for everyone I meet        on God in times of happiness and dis-
as M. Cooley Law School in 2008. After        in my office or the courthouse, despite         appointment.”
receiving her JD, she began her career        our differences, is a quality that I continue      Neeley lives in Bourbonnais with her
as a lawyer with a law firm in Chicago.       to live by.                                     two children who both attend Bishop
However, with the economy suffering              Neeley credits her dad, Wendell Pro-         McNamara Catholic School: Vivian, Class
from a significant recession at the time,     vost a 1969 Bishop McNamara alumnus,            of 2032 and Auggie, Class of 2034. Both
Neeley found herself laid off from the firm   for instilling valuable life lessons. She       keep her busy and involved with Bishop
and decided to return to her hometown         says, “he taught me as a young child            McNamara School and Maternity BVM
of Kankakee.                                  that there is no substitute for hard work       Catholic Church parish activities.
   “God has a plan,” she said. “There’s       and being prepared. Hard work and be-              (Some content courtesy of the Daily Journal
always a silver lining.”                      ing prepared will lead to success. She                Lifestyles of Kankakee County magazine)                                                                                                   Irish Update 17
Connolly Keigher ’99 - White House Director of Presidential Advance
   In addition to Bish-                           She has conducted and managed                Obey and served in the AmeriCorps*Na-
op McNamara, Con-                               Advance work on five Presidential cam-         tional Civilian Community Corps.
nolly is an alumnus of                          paign cycles and served as Trip Director          Connolly stays involved in her commu-
Marquette University,                           throughout Secretary Clinton’s 2016 cam-       nity, parish and beyond. She says, “I’ve
where she graduated                             paign. Prior to campaign work and recent       never met a food bank I didn’t like, partic-
with a Bachelor of                              Administration roles, she worked at the        ularly Feeding America in Milwaukee and
Science in Business                             Department of State as a Protocol Officer,     the pantry at my local parish, St. Vincent
Administration (Mar-                            on the Hill for Congressman David R.           DePaul in Southeast DC.”
keting & Public Re-
lations) in 2003, and                              Local Hero at Kankakee County Museum
DePaul University,                                 Memorial Day weekend saw the open-          their country. Not everyone will stay for
where she graduat-               Connolly       ing of an exhibit honoring the veterans of     30- plus years like I did, but even a few
ed with a Master of            Keigher ’99      Vietnam, Desert Storm and Desert Shield        years of serving others and learning ac-
Public Administration, International Public     at the Kankakee County Museum. Retired         countability and leadership will hold them
Management.                                     Marine Brigadier General Tom Draude ‘58        in good stead,” Draude says, adding that
   Con n o l l y i s c u r re ntly the W hite   was in attendance as he was honored as         he would love to talk with anyone who has
House Director of Presidential Advance          the first local hero.                          questions about serving.
based in Washington, DC. Prior to this             “I would heartily encourage young                      (Photo courtesy of the Daily Journal)
role, Connolly worked in Covid risk             men and women to consider serving
m it iga ti o n a n d o p e ra tions a t The
White House, Presidential Inaugural
Committee, and the Biden for President
campaign in Wisconsin. Prior to that
she was at the Democratic National
Convention Committee where she
served three roles during her tenure,
including Director of Venue Opera-
tions, overseeing all events conducted
in Milwaukee during the Democratic
Convention in August 2020.
   Connolly has served as Chief Operating
Officer of D.C.-based judicial advocacy
organization Demand Justice and has sig-
nificant experience consulting on special
events for clients such as the Special Olym-
pics, March for Our Lives, Harvard Marshall
Scholars, and the Clinton Foundation.                                                                       Newly commissioned Ma-
                                                                                                            rine officer Tom Draude
      Chris Curtis ’91                                                                                      after graduating from An-
                                                                                                            napolis. Following over 30
      Elected Mayor                             At the Kankakee County Museum are Sandi                     years of service Brigadier
                                                                                                            General Draude retired in
                                                Draude, Sharon Draude ’53, Brigadier General
                                                Tom Draude ’58.                                             1993.

                                                               Manteno Citizens of the Year
                                                  On Sunday, August 29, 2021
                                                the Manteno Historical Society
                                                held their Annual Heritage Ban-
                                                quet. At the event two people
                                                were co-honored for Citizen of
                                                the Year: former Mayor Jerry
                                                Pearce and current Mayor Tim
                                                Nugent ’70 for their service
                                                and many contributions to the
                                                Manteno community.
                                                  In addition, a third award was
             Chris Curtis ’91                   given to Ken Klipp, a longtime
    On May 3, 2021 Chris Curtis ’91             Bishop McNamara teacher and
 (R) was sworn in as the new mayor              coach. He received the Lucille
 of the City of Kankakee. He is seen            Thies Achievement Award,
 here celebrating his victory on elec-          which honors a native Mante-                  (Photo courtesy of Manteno Historical Society)
 tion night.                                    noan whose impact reaches           The three award winners honored, from left to
                                                beyond the community.            right: Jerry Pearce, Ken Klipp and Tim Nugent ’70.
18 Irish Update                                                                                                   
I’m an Irish fan!
  Charlie Elliott                 David Beckner                          Ava Pence                 Wells Arseneau

   Charles Roger Elliott was         David James Beckner               Ava Nicole Pence was         Wells Jacob Arseneau was
    born on April 2, 2021 at         was born on May 31,            born on February 14, 2021 at      born on April 5, 2021 at
      Riverside Hospital in          2021 at Northwestern           Edward Hospital in Naperville, Advocate Christ Hospital in
  Kankakee, IL. Parents are      Prentice Hospital in Chicago,          IL.  Parents are Cole        Oak Lawn, IL. Parents are
     Nick ’06 and Meghan           IL.  Parents are Bryan ’06                and Kathryn          Tyler ’11 and Katelin Arseneau.
   Billadeau ’06 Elliott. They   and Ellen Kresl ’06 Beckner.        Jacobsen ’08 Pence. They       They reside in Mokena, IL.
 reside in Kankakee, IL along    They reside in Libertyville, IL.     reside in Warrenville, IL.
      with big sister, Nora.
                                                                        James Kresl (and cousins)
      Eliza and Emmy Arocha
   Eliza Rose and Emmy
  Kathleen Arocha were
    born on December
         31, 2020 at
  Northwestern Memorial
  Hospital in Chicago, IL.
 Parents are Mike ’07 and
                                                                Pictured L to R; James Kresl, Eliza, Emmy and Clara Arocha,
 Alison Kresl ’08 Arocha.
                                                                                      and David Beckner.
 They reside in Frankfort,
                                                                 James Walter Kresl was born on July 20, 2020 at Northwestern
      IL along with big
                                                                Memorial Hospital in Chicago IL. Parents are Jack ’03 and Kevan
        sister, Clara.
                                                                              Kresl. They reside in Park Ridge, IL.

     Classmates From 1979 Celebrate Turning 60 Years Young
                         in Chicago!

          Left to right: Rory O’Connor, Dr. Kelly O’Connor, Julie Menard Backus, Mike Golowski,
           Colin Gubbins, Renee Powell Bachman, Jim Kennedy, Dr. Joe Franco, Alex Kramer,
                                 Eric Volkman (friend), Gigi Vercchio Tarulis                                                                                            Irish Update 19
Just                                                 Married
       Tyler & Katherine                                        Trevor & Jenna
           Rorabaugh                                                         ALLEN
                             Tyler Rorabaugh ’08
                             and Katherine “Ellie”                                    Trevor Allen ’14 and Jen-
                             Webster were married                                     na Stauffenberg ’14 were
                             on August 21, 2020,                                      married on May 29, 2021,
                             at Maternity BVM                                         at the home of her parents
                             Catholic Church in
                                                                                      in Kankakee, IL. Parents
                             Bourbonnais, IL. Par-
                                                                                      of the bride are Darren ’91
                             ents of the bride are
                                                                                      and Carrie Stauffenberg.
                             Charles and Jo Anne
                                                                                      Parents of the groom are
                             Webster and Stepha-
                             nie Webster. Parents                                     Chris and the late Rob
                             of the groom are Greg                                    Allen. Trevor is an EMT
                             and Deb Devine ’73                                       Paramedic and firefighter
                             Rorabaugh. Tyler is an                                   for Riverside Medical Cen-
                             electrician for IBEW                                     ter, Limestone, and Aroma
                             Local 176 and Ellie is                                   Park. Jenna is a registered
                             a teacher at Kennedy                                     nurse at Provena St. Mary’s
                             Middle Grade School.                                     Hospital, Kankakee. Trevor
                             Tyler and Ellie reside                                   and Jenna reside in Saint
                             in Bradley, IL.                                          Anne, IL.

         Spencer & Tricia                                       TReVOR & OLIVIA
                    RUCH                                                  WILSON
  Spencer Ruch ’05 and
  Tricia Powell ’11 were                              Trevor Wilson ’09 and
  married on March 5,                                 Olivia Bauer ’09 were
  2021, on the beach at                               married on June 12,
  Miramar Beach, FL.                                  2 0 2 1 , a t M a te r n i ty
  Parents of the bride                                BVM Catholic Church
  are Amy Devine ’81                                  in Bourbonnais, IL. Par-
  Hansen and Ed Pow-                                  ents of the bride are
  ell ’81. Parents of the                             Mark and Beth Bauer.
  groom are Claire and                                Parents of the groom
  the late Chuck Ruch.                                a re M a rc a n d K i m
  Spencer is employed                                 Wilson. Trevor is em-
  at UPS and Tricia works                             ployed at Nucor Steel.
  at CSL Behring as a                                 Olivia is a registered
  regional manufacturing                              nurse at the University
  execution lead. Spen-                               of Chicago Hospital.
  cer and Tricia reside in                            Trevor and Olivia reside
  Bourbonnais, IL.                                    in Bourbonnais, IL.

20 Irish Update                                                                           
PAUL & BRIANNE                          colin & bradie
                    Fischer                                     Ryan

  Paul Fischer and Bri-
  anne Johnson ’08 were
  married on June 26,
  2021, at St. Joseph
  Catholic Church in
  Bradley, IL. Parents of
  the bride are Brian ’68
  and Carla Johnson.
  Parents of the groom
  are Rick and Mary
  Fischer. Brianne is a
  union operator at CSL
  Behring. Paul is a union
  driver at UPS. Paul and
  Brianne reside in Bour-
  bonnais, IL.

          andrew & brandi                Colin Ryan ’10 and Bradie Vaubel ’13 were married on July

          kordelewski                    24, 2021, at White Willow Farms in Carmel, IN. Parents of the
                                         bride are Kyle and Dawn Huot ’85 Vaubel. Parents of the groom
                                         are Tim and Jodi Ryan. Colin is a co-owner of Kankakee Tank
                                         Wash. Bradie is the junior high assistant principal and social
  Andrew Kordelewski                     studies teacher at Bishop McNamara Catholic School. Colin
  and Brandi Branka ’08                  and Bradie reside in Kankakee, IL.
  were married on July
  17, 2021, at Holy Fam-
  ily Catholic Church in
  Shorewood, IL. Par-
  ents of the bride are
  Robert and the late
  P a m B r a n k a . P a r-
  ents of the groom are

                                                          s !
  Steve and Martha Kor-

                                            u l a t i o n
  delewski. Brandi is the

                                   n gr a t
  head women’s bowling

                               C o
  coach at Maryville Uni-
  versity in St. Louis, MO.
  Andrew is the director
  of clinic operations at
  ApexNetwork Physical
  Therapy in Highland,
  IL. Brandi and Andrew
  reside in Belleville, IL.                                                                  Irish Update 21
22 Irish Update   Irish Update 23
24 Irish Update   Irish Update 25
Robert Dionne..................................1948      Kathryn Schmidt Burge....................1960            Cathy Coash Jacobs........................1969
Robert Marcotte...............................1948       Dianna Anderson Wilson..................1960             Rodney Van Der Karr........................1969
Donald Houde..................................1950       Donald Johnson...............................1962          Chris Harpin 1970 Van Der Karr
Sharon Draude.................................1953       Joyce Lambert Irle............................1964       Dale Piggush....................................1971
Dolores Kilbride Arseneau................1954            David Anderson................................1965         Lynn Devine 1972 Piggush
Robert Sterr......................................1954     Margie Reynolds 1965 Anderson                          Jon Pagano......................................1976
Annette Weber Gladu.......................1955           John Hayes.......................................1965    Pat Martin.........................................1978
Patricia Kahnt Curry.........................1956        Ralph Lambert..................................1965      Kathleen Klodnycky Mastny.............1978
Janice Belisle McClain.....................1957          Michael Ohrt.....................................1965    Renee Arseneau Streicher................1980
Norma Skeen Stauffenberg..............1957               Mary Pat Taylor Barney....................1966           Marlene Clancy...............................Friend
Dennis Deany...................................1958      Janet Girard Giroux..........................1966        William Cox....................................Friend
Joseph Martino................................1958       Kevin Nugent....................................1966     Madelyn O’Brien.............................Friend
Gary Kilgos.......................................1959   Thomas Ohrt.....................................1968

   We love putting the                                   A big THANK YOU to everyone who made a donation toward

     Irish Update                                          production and mailing costs for the Irish Update. We want
                                                            to keep our alumni connected to their alma mater and the
               together!                                                       Irish Update is our best tool to do so!

    Memorials were established for
         Bishop McNamara
         Catholic School for
       these deceased alums
                                                                               Rest In Peace
            and friends.

     We are truly grateful for all gifts
      received in honor of these
                                                           Iris Roy Mulvihill.............................1935    Gregory Lambert...........................1966
           wonderful people.
                                                           Elizabeth Mills Arseneau ..............1944            Donna Grant..................................1968
                                                           Barbara Rittmanic........................ 1945         Marty Gleeson...............................1969
    Monies received directly benefit
                                                           Mario Sebastiani............................1946       Mark Salkeld..................................1977
            the students of                                Joel Brault.....................................1949   Robert Olshefski............................1978
         Bishop McNamara.                                  William Orth...................................1950    Steve Hedger.................................1979
                                                           Justin Cyrier..................................1951    Kelly Mericle Tutt...........................1979
              Larry Wheeler ’74                            Frances O’Connor Hunter.............1951               Joseph Wertz.................................1980
                                                           Patricia Morrow Hunter.................1951            Deborah Power Kimery.................1987
              Joseph Wertz ’80
                                                           Zeph Benoit...................................1952     Sr. Helen Kavanaugh..... Former faculty
                                                           MaryAnn Dandurand Koerner.......1954                                             and Dean of Girls
                Bruno Rudolf
                                                           Patricia Mallaney Layne................1955            Barbara Azzarelli....Friend of McNamara
            Friend of McNamara
                                                           Diana Drummond..........................1957           Jim Girard............Friend of McNamara
               Steven Picucci                              Dennis Johnston............................1962        Jon Simoneau......Friend of McNamara
            Friend of McNamara                             Sue Mallaney Rudolf.....................1965

26 Irish Update                                                                                                                           
                            Staying in touch...
 With the upcoming 100th Year Celebrations during the 2022-23 school year, we want to
 be able to communicate with as many Irish alums as possible.

 There are several ways you can help us keep up-to-date with your information.
 Additionally, if you know of any alums who currently do not receive the Irish Update or
 alumni communications, please feel free to direct them to the following:
 1. You may visit and update your information online.
 2. You may email Liz Marczak ’77 Madsen, our Coordinator of Alumni Relations at or, Lisa Azzarelli ’80
    Gerth, our Advancement Associate at to provide them with updates to your address, email, and phone
    number, etc.
 3. You may fill out the below form and mail it in the envelope provided in this edition of the Irish Update.

  Name (Including Maiden) 				         		                Graduation Year

  Mailing Address

  Preferred Phone 					                     Preferred Email

  Seasonal Address ________________________________________________________________

  Dates of Seasonal Address: From ________________________ To _________________________

  College a nd/or University Attended_____________________________________________________

  Degree(s) Earned _________________________________________________________________

  Trade School ___________________________________________________________________

  Professional Certifications __________________________________________________________

  Military Service __________________________________________________________________

  Profession _____________________________________________________________________


  Awards, Honors, Recognitions Received ________________________________________________

  Wedding Information _____________________________________________________________

  Births ________________________________________________________________________

  Memorials ____________________________________________________________________

  Family members who are also Irish alums (include maiden names and graduation years)





  Please feel free to submit your photos, too!                                                                                                   Irish Update 27
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28 Irish Update                            
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