NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel

Page created by Connie Bradley
NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
NOVEMBER 8 - 15, 2019

NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel

Welcome Letter........................................................................................ 3
Article: Q&A............................................................................................. 5
Partners’ Bios ........................................................................................... 7
Directors’ Bios........................................................................................... 8
Wayne’s Corner....................................................................................... 9
Article: Are You Shy?..............................................................................         11
Article: How to Host an Orgy................................................................. 15
Port Fun..................................................................................................... 21
Article: The Language of the Lifestyle.................................................. 23
Venue Sponsors....................................................................................... 25
Playrooms.......................................................................................            31
Meet & Greets.......................................................................................... 33
Article: What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say.................. 35
Workshops................................................................................................ 37
Top Travel Agencies................................................................................. 43
About Bliss Cruise..................................................................................... 45
Ship Entertainment.................................................................................. 47
Specialty & Complimentary Dining ...................................................... 51

Bliss Cruise Help Desk Hours
Day 1 Noon-8pm
Day 2 9am-8pm
Day 3 9am-8pm
Day 4 8am-11am | 4pm-8pm
Day 5 8am-11am | 4pm-8pm
Day 6 9am-8pm
Day 7 9am-8pm                                                
NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
    Welcome on board Bliss Cruise charter # 7. Can you believe it? Bliss is the largest adult party at sea. The
    absolute, hands down best part is meeting the wonderful couples who share your passion for adult fun.

    Your Bliss Travel Agent, Bliss Cruise Team Members, Royal Caribbean crew, plus Bliss Partners all THANK YOU
    for joining the fun.

    When folks ask “How is Bliss Cruise content organized?” most answers originate with YOU! Whether you’re
    new to Bliss or a repeater, we listen to you
    and read EVERY evaluation for your
    ideas including events for non-
    lifestyle couples to meet each
    other, as well.

    While you’re here, consider
    choosing to cruise again
    with Bliss Cruise in 2020,
    2021, and even our newest
    Mediteranean sailing in 2022.
    Check in with your favorite
    travel agent to choose your
    cabin and RESERVE IT with a
    small deposit.... they’ve got
    your cabin.

    Read your daily Cruise
    Compass delivered to
    your cabin each evening
    about next day’s events,
    workshops and theme

    This Cruise Compass helps
    you decide: Where to dine,
    what to wear, where you
    can enjoy a tan all over, what
    parties to attend and whether
    to participate in the lifestyle...
    there’s no wrong answer and
    nobody’s grading meet
    everyone you can, escape from reality
    and have a blast. Of course, you’re
    excused from events if you “get a better
    offer”... lucky you!

NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
     1) Do I have to be nude - NO

     2) Will I be expected to participate in any lifestyle activities - NO


     NEWCOMERS: Attend a voluntary orientation and Meet and Greet on Day 1 in Schooner
     Bar located on Deck 4 Forward from 2 pm - 3 pm. If you miss orientation, don’t worry:
     Ask any Bliss Cruise Team Member for help..... look for them in easy to spot BLUE shirts or
     YELLOW shirts. Or stop by the Bliss Cruise Help Desk located on Deck 6 Aft elevators.

     HOW DO WE MEET ANYONE?: We’ve found it’s best to just open your mouth...You may be
     surprised what happens. You all have two things in common: Either you’re a newbie or
     you’re not. Either way, it starts the conversation.

     WHAT’S HAPPENING AROUND THE SHIP? Check your printed daily newsletter called the Cruise
     Compass - This Compass is specifically designed for your lifestyle trip. Many activities found on
     vanilla cruises are swapped out in exchange for activities adult-natured. If you do not READ and
     follow your Cruise Compass, you will miss many opportunities. TIP: Carry the activities page
     portion with you -OR- take a photo of it with your phone.
     • See your cabin TV for Bliss Cruise and ship’s information channels
     • Consult information monitors and event boards located in the public areas of the ship
     • Attend the Meet & Greets, Newcomers’ reception, seminars and “playshops”
     • Ask Bliss Cruise Team Members located throughout the ship in BLUE SHIRTS

     • Visit the Bliss Help Desk, open daily, located on Deck 6 Aft

     Enjoy shore excursions when in port...they’re a blast and some are clothing optional,
     especially the catamarans!

     INCREDIBLE CREW: The Royal Caribbean crew are excited to meet you. Tips are pre-paid
     and included. However, if you feel a Royal Caribbean crew member or Entertainer has
     exceeded your expectations, you’re free to show your appreciation. PLEASE REMEMBER:

     WHO’S HELPING? Bliss Cruise is honored to welcome and thank the many who volunteer
     to be Bliss Cruise Host Couples, and Security. If you have questions, just ask your Bliss hosts
     who are wearing BLUE SHIRTS. The Bliss security team is here to help, too...look for the men
     and women in NEON YELLOW.

     NEXT CRUISES? Sign up on board with your Travel Agent or at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk for
     future Bliss Cruise charters. Keep in mind, Bliss Cruise sailings fill up quickly, many times up
     to one-year in advance of the sailing. An early deposit is great security in knowing you will
     have a cabin and not miss out on the fun.

     Thank you again for your business from,


     BLISS CRUISE PRODUCTION: Janis, Carlos and our entire Bliss Cruise Team

     PARTNERS: Brian, Haiyan & Wayne, Shelley & Joe, Champagne (Donna) & James

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NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
BLISS CRUISE PARTNERS BIO                                                                   BLISS CRUISE DIRECTORS BIO
           BRIAN                                                                                       JANIS AND CARLOS - CO-PRODUCTION DIRECTORS
           As the founder and owner of, the world’s largest                         Janis and Carlos return to lead their 7th consecutive Bliss Cruise production. Every
           lifestyle website, Brian was a perfect choice as partner for Bliss Cruise.                  Bliss Cruise starts with a blank slate. In consultation with Bliss Cruise Partners, the duo
           Brian was chosen as the first president of Bliss Cruise by a unanimous vote                 develops, executes, and administers the entire Bliss Cruise program. With such,
           of the partners due to his leadership ability and great business sense.                     Janis and Carlos lead an impressive team of host couples and security personnel.
           The community of SLS and the resources available to market the cruises                      They work closely with ship executive personnel, author the Cruise Compass, and
           were exceptional and a must have. His work with International Swingers                      handle logistics associated with U.S. Customs regulations and inspections. Spanning
           Day, Vegas Exchange, Topless Travel and Lifestyle Magazine as well as                       an over twenty-year affiliation in organizing special events, concerts, convention
           extensive relationships with clubs, groups and resorts was instrumental                     management, fundraising, and more, Janis and Carlos are also the owner-
           in bringing the industry together to make this company the new gold                         operators of ShareNation Events, Inc., an industry leading northeast lifestyle hotel
           standard, trusted by all.                                                                   party brand serving clientele in NY, NJ, MA, RI, ME, VT, CT, PA, MD, VA, and NC. On
                                                                                                       the Navigator of the Seas, the ShareNation brand sponsors GLOW NIGHT on Deck
           JOE & SHELLEY                                                                               11 held poolside on Day 4 from 11 pm until the wee hours of the morning. Janis
                                                                                                       and Carlos have been in the adult lifestyle since 2010.
           With their role as Owners/Operators of Topless Travel, the primary supplier to
           many of the lifestyle cruises that occurred before Bliss, they were in the unique
           position to be one of the general partners of Bliss Cruise. Shelley is the CFO of
                                                                                                       MALCOLM NEITZEY – BLISS CRUISE DIRECTOR
           the corporation and Joe looks to secure an ever expanding list of Bliss Travel              Malcolm Neitzey, Bliss Cruise Director is originally from Maryland outside of
           Agents and Affiliates; as well as, the sourcing and the acquisition of major
                                                                                                       Washington DC, and currently lives in Fort Lauderdale. Neitzey is a Graduate
           assets for cruise production. They also manage the day-to-day administrative
           operations of Bliss Cruise. With six full ship charters completed and many                  from the of University of Maryland, he has worked in the tourism and keeping
           more now under contract, it is certain they will be working hard with their                 people happy fields since college. He has worked for Club Med, Universal
           partners, travel affiliates, production managers, cruise lines, and thousands               Studios and Warner Brothers.
           of clients who attend our cruises, continuing to build Bliss into a multi-national
                                                                                                       Malcolm has been the Cruise Director for Atlantis Events for 18 years, and
                                                                                                       has been the Bliss Cruise Director since our inaugural cruise back in 2015.
           WAYNE & HAIYAN
                                                                                                       MARIA MURPHY - OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR
           Our passion is cruising and we want to help you get the cabin you
           deserve. Location is everything on making your charter more enjoyable.                      Maria Murphy, Office Administrator of Bliss Cruise was born in Cuba, raised in
           Have specific questions on cruising? See me (Wayne) each morning at                         South Florida and has been a part of the travel industry for over 30 years.
           CAFE PROMENADE from 10:30 - 11:00. I would love to meet you. Being
           the Vice President of Cruise Logistics for BLISS, we get to work closely                    For the last 6 years she has been working for one of the Internet largest
           with the cruise line on unique itineraries and specific clothing optional                   cruise specialist in the industry as an affiliate Administrator.
           excursions. Finally, meet Haiyan (Ms. Shanghai) at the Asian Meet &
           Greet Day 2, R BAR, located on DECK 5. Thanks for being with us on this                     “I am very happy to call Bliss, my home and work with such wonderful and
           incredible week.                                                                            caring people!” Maria will be at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk on Deck 6 assisting
                                                                                                       clients and agents.
           Jim & Donna aka James & Champagne, as owners of FOX Travel, Affiliate                       TANIA ANTUNES - EVENT COORDINATOR
           of American Express Travel & Castaways Travel were excited to join the
           BLISS organization back in 2014. Starting in 1984, Jim & Donna attribute their              Tania is the newest member to management of Bliss Cruise. Tania originates
           longevity in the travel business to their respect and passion for taking care               from Rhode Island and has been sailing as a Bliss Cruise team member
           of their customers with a bonus: witnessing their customers’ discovery of new               since 2016.
           experiences which no one can take away from them. Appreciatively, FOX
           Travel earned one of 25 Top American Express agents in the US to receive                    In addition to cruise event coordination and development, Tania is the official
           the Rep Excellence Award for 2018. Using the history of FOX & Castaways                     record-keeper for the Bliss Cruise production department.
           Travel, Donna & Jim, along with the rest of the BLISS team, agree to a no
           debt operation. The BLISS team, with pride, has produced 6 very successful
           cruises with Navigator 2019 being cruise #7 having 5 more projects in the
           works going into 2022. Jim & Donna believe in having FUN in whatever you
           do and if you’re reading this, they wish you to have LOTS of FUN on board the
           Navigator!!! Thank You for joining us On Board!!!
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NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
                                        Hi Everyone - let’s look
                                        at a number of things
                                        happening behind the
                                        scenes on Bliss Cruise, as
                                        we want to enhance your

                                        The best thing about two
                                        sea days to start the charter
                                        is that you will have multiple
                                        opportunities to make
                                        connections, such as:
    • MEET & GREETS for every sexual or cultural interest
    • Meet couples on the BLVD ( Deck 5 ) all day long
    • Join a “SHARING TABLE” for breakfast, lunch or dinner
    • Go to a seminar or presentation

    • Visit a Travel Agent sponsored bar or lounge

    As we get into the middle of the charter and into Tortola and
    St. Thomas, there will be multiple opportunities for great excursions.
    The offerings do fill up fast, so book early.

    There is a new specialty restaurant on board, on Deck 4 across
    from SCHOONER BAR called HOOKED. The RAW OYSTERS and
    CLAM CHOWDER are great! This spot will be popular so it is
    recommended to call in advance for a reservation.

    We g e t a s k e d a l l t h e t i m e , W H Y D O W E C H A R G E F O R
    SEMINARS and how does the program really work on a
    s h i p . We l l , t h e p r e s e n t e r s a r e n o t p a i d b y B L I S S a n d t h e y
    also have purchased a cabin to be here this week. The
    nominal amount charged ensures that those who want
    to attend and listen to the topic will be present. In the
    old days, couples would come on Day 1 to the BLISS
    HELP DESK, pick up FREE TICKETS to about 10 seminars
    and if a playing opportunity arose, would not show
    u p f o r t h e s e m i n a r. T h e a m o u n t p a i d f o r t h e s e m i n a r /
    presentation is split between the cruise line (they
    provide the space), BLISS (we provide team support
    staff) and the presenter for professional services.

    Don’t forget to put down on paper your idea for a
    g r e a t 7 day itinerary - you could win $250.00.

    HAPPY CRUISING           Wayne & Haiyan
NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel

                          By: Miss Lynn, Owner

                          I surveyed over 276 Experienced Cruisers to find out what         “We’re into afternoon delight!” Seriously! Be on the
                          ONE thing would make any couple enjoy their Bliss Cruise          lookout for that!
                                                                                            Don’t have a sign?
                          The overwhelming answer? Stop being SHY!                          Why not have the body painter put a little message on
                          Of course, that is easier said than done. So we dove into         your ‘assets?’
                          the question and found a few fabulous answers! Try one or
                          try them all!                                                     Pretend You are a PRO or Act Like the Admin

                          Report back and let us know which works best for you.             The final strategy that experienced cruisers
                                                                                            recommend is to simply ACT like you aren’t shy. Since
                          Play Up Being Nervous like a Newbie.                              you have costumes, theme parties and thousands of
                          Strategy #1…Why fight it? Use the shyness to your                 people who don’t know you are shy, why not ‘Fake it to
                          advantage. Michael & Linda are a couple where both                Make it.’
                          partners are shy. They say sometimes they have a drink
                          to take some of the nerves away but mostly they just              How this works:
                          rock the shyness.                                                 “Ask yourself how would an experienced couple act?”
                                                                                            Get a clear picture in your mind. How would they walk,
                          Here is how to do it: The basis of this strategy is to be         dance, flirt? What would they say?
                          transparent. Let people know right away you are shy or            Next step: Do that!
                          a newbie. Everyone has been there before and sharing
                          that little piece of information can be the difference            Dan & Melissa recommend themes, themes, all the
                          between them thinking you are aloof or stuck up v.s. the          themes! After all, dressing up is one way you can step
                          truth that you are just nervous.                                  outside your shyness and be someone else for a little
                                                                                            while. I know that acting not-shy can be tough. If you
                          Michael told us that if people can just help keep the             can’t pull that off why not actually become a ‘pro or
                          conversation going long enough for him to get to know             admin?’
                          them then everything works out fine. But it’s hard for him
                          to bring up questions at first.                                   Simply ask your favorite travel agent if they need a
                                                                                            helping hand. At we always
                          Greet Them & Go (or Meet ‘em and Mash!)                           have volunteers help us with handing out lanyards for
                          Sam & Kathy are experienced cruisers and they                     room keys or other promotional items. You get a name
                          recommend using the awesome activities on the ship,               tag, official t-shirt and a way to help other cruisers. ‘TA-
                          like Meet & Greets to find people with similar interests.         DA Instant Authority.’ It’s a great way to meet people
                          They also share that on a ship with SO much happening             and have a structured role to play.
                          that it can be hard to keep a set “date.” Too many
                          factors got in the way of keeping things on time.                 Let the structure of the ship help you!
                                                                                            Speaking of travel agents, they also give you a great
                          Here is how to do it:                                             way to interact with your friends. If don’t have a card
                          They recommend going to a meet and greet with the                 you can always tell new friends to meet you at your
                          idea in mind that they are open to play. Or schedule a            travel agents pre-dinner event.
                          date to start off at a bar or hot tub. Better yet if you find a
                          couple you click with it could be best to ‘grab them and          Corina says don’t miss the nightly meet-n-greet
                          go have your fun.’ There is no time like the present!             sponsored by your agency. If you don’t have cards tell
                                                                                            your new friend to meet pre-dinner drinks there every
                          Put it in Writing!                                                night. “It was great when new friends came to find us.”
                          Having trouble telling someone what you want? Why not
                          put it in writing!                                                Still Need More Ideas?
                                                                                            Lynn is the Newbie Expert on
                          Having a business card with your info and a message               Bliss Cruise and has sailed on
                          like ‘We are interested, just shy’ can take all the               over 34 lifestyle cruises. She’s
                          guesswork out of getting to know another couple.                  been teaching her Swinging
                          Cards are also a great way to help people remember                101 class to hundreds of
                          your names, faces, interests, contact information.                happy new couples for over
                          Although cards require advanced planning we always                6 years.
                          recommend having a few printed.                                   Join her in the Theater
                                                                                            on deck 3, Saturday
                          Another great suggestion came from our friend Nellie.             Day, 2 at 12:00 noon or
                          She says on past cruises her husband combines putting             meet up with her in R Bar
                          it in writing with the great idea of having fun in the            on the promenade at
                          afternoon. He brings a sign to pool parties that says    desk.
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NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
Bliss Cruise provides an opportunity for bisexual or bi-curious ladies to connect with each other. With so many
passengers on the ship, this is an extremely popular way to identify ladies looking for the same journey you are
seeking. To help expedite connections, a Meet and Greet is held before each play session. We’ll have our favorite
DJ to mix it up and bar services will be available. Your journey continues with an optional play should you desire.
Nevertheless, you’ll make connections and that makes a happy passenger. The special session goes down starting on
Day 3 in Star Lounge from 4 - 6 pm, and a second session on Day 6 from 1 - 3 pm. (Sorry, NO GENTS permitted)

Hall Pass Meet & Greets are designated for passengers who have permission to meet others and potentially play with one
or more passengers without the presence of the partner. Look for the Meet and Greets listed in the Cruise Compass daily for
your opportunity to make a connection. Come pick one playmate, or gather a few of them and go have some fun!
NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel
                         By Mike & Lilly of Diretto
                         Lifestyle Skills

                         HAS THIS
                         TO YOU?
                                                             the time you would have otherwise wasted.
                                                             Here’s a tip to help smooth this part out: start
                                                             talking about some playtime you’ve already had. It
                                                             could be from the ship or any other time. You don’t
                                                             have to share the details or names but talk about
                                                             how things got started, when you knew playtime
                                                             was going to happen, and your favorite or most
                                                             interesting parts of the experience. As you do this
                                                             pay attention to the faces of the people in the
                                                             group. Do they look turned on by your story? If so,
                                                             then it’s a safe bet that they will be open to a sexy
                                                                                                                      worse for a man to have his bare penis emphatically
                                                                                                                      turned away in the middle of the playroom, than
                                                                                                                      for him to hear a polite “no thanks” while he’s still
                                                                                                                      wearing pants (and what woman enjoys turning
                                                                                                                      someone down like that anyway?).
                                                                                                                      It’s important to let the group know that it’s totally ok
                                                                                                                      if people have different comfort levels or if someone
                                                                                                                      doesn’t want to play with everyone else.
                                                                                                                      The reason we’ve heard most often for people
                                                                                                                      sitting out of group sex was that they felt pressured
                                                                                                                                                                                  are all closed? How many people can you
                                                                                                                                                                                  actually fit comfortably inside your stateroom?
                                                                                                                                                                                  Well… from our (ahem) extensive testing, it’s no
                                                                                                                                                                                  trouble to fit your average six-some into even an
                                                                                                                                                                                  interior cabin. An eight-some would be possible
                                                                                                                                                                                  but it might be a tight fit.
                                                                                                                                                                                  For any group larger than 8 we recommend a
                                                                                                                                                                                  larger room, a room with a balcony, or a suite
                                                                                                                                                                                  (keep in mind there is no balcony play anywhere
                                                                                                                                                                                  close to land!).
 You’re at one of the many fine Bliss Cruise Meet            suggestion.                                              to go along with whatever the rest of the group was
 & Greets, Pool Parties, Theme Nights, or just plain                                                                  doing. Letting people know this isn’t necessary long        Of course you’ll want to head to the largest
 random hallway conversations; and you’ve managed            Don’t forget! Once you’ve taken the temperature          before the play starts is your best chance at keeping       room in the group, but it’s a good idea to be
 to run into a cool group of sexy people. You all seem       of the group and found it to be at least decently        everyone involved.                                          prepared to host yourself if you’re trying to have a
 to just click right away and you think to yourself          warm, SOMEONE still has to pull the trigger and                                                                      spontaneous orgy. You’ll want to make sure your
 “Wouldn’t it be great if we were all naked?” - but you      suggest group playtime. In the Lifestyle, we get         Group play can be fun for people of ALL comfort             room is set up for group play. It’s going to get
 just don’t know how to make it happen!                      what we ask for (as long as you ask enough               levels because there are plenty of ways to be               HOT, and we’re not just talking about how it looks.
                                                             people), so ask!                                         involved in the scene without full swapping.
 Well if this sounds like you, Mike and Lilly Diretto,                                                                Someone can be using toys, or getting lube or water         If you know you’ll be having company over, it
 you’re friendly Bliss Cruise Approach Coaches, are          At this point you might start to worry less about        for the group, and if consent was given it’s always         may be in your best interest to turn on the AC in
 here to give you a road map to spontaneous orgy-            yourself, and more about the comfort level of the        great to have a photographer get those sexy shots!          advance. Don’t be surprised if you steam up the
 land… at sea!                                               other people in the group. What if some people                                                                       room and make the walls sweat with all the action
                                                             are soft swap and others are full swap for example?      On the other hand, if everyone playing with                 going on.
 First off, take a look at your group... Is this the first   What if some people don’t want to play with              everyone else is the specific experience you’re
 time you’re all meeting or does everyone already            everyone? The more people involved, the harder           looking for, we suggest consciously preselecting your       Having water and towels on hand is crucial to
 know each other? Has anyone played with anyone              it becomes to have everyone on exactly the same          group and planning ahead for the event. If you’re           keep your group comfortable. If there are any
 else in the group? Even just one person with a prior        page. So how do we handle that?                          trying to create this spontaneously it might take you       squirters in the room we strongly suggest putting
 connection can sometimes help put others at ease.                                                                    a while to find the right random group.                     down extra towels (ask your porter in advance)
 Be sure to properly introduce everyone to each other        No worries! There’s an incredibly useful concept                                                                     and putting your comforter in the closet. There
 if you haven’t already done so. Names, length of time       specifically designed for just this type of situation,   Excellent! You’ve now got your sexy group primed            are plenty of extra sheets, but not a lot of
 in the lifestyle, and full or soft swap are the basics.     and it’s called a “Welcome Circle”. We could write       and ready for action! So where do you go from               replacement mattresses and comforters.
                                                             a whole other article on this concept alone, but         here? - Literally! Fortunately, on Bliss you have
 Next, you want to make sure everyone has playtime           we’ll summarize it for you here.                         multiple options for places to play! We’ll start with       There’s one final tip for successful spontaneous
 in mind. You can do this in many ways of course, but                                                                 the playrooms.                                              group play, and that is to STAY TOGETHER! Do NOT
 we prefer the direct approach (Diretto means direct         BEFORE the clothes come off, have a brief                                                                            let people run off on their own before you arrive
 after all)! If you’ve already been chatting and flirting    discussion with the entire group and ask each            Bliss Cruise offers a variety of playrooms for you          at the final playtime destination. Take everyone to
 for a while, don’t hesitate to speak up and voice your      person to share the following information: #1 what       to enjoy, each with their own sexy charm. The               the meeting spot FIRST, then if people need to use
 desires. Most likely there’s at least one other person      kind of play are they comfortable with? #2 who           conference center on deck 2 is a great place for            the bathroom or run back to get toys they can do
 that feels the same way and they’ve been waiting for        are they comfortable playing with? #3 are there          group play with it’s giant central area. We’ve seen         so then.
 someone with bigger balls to say something.                 any fantasies they want to play out? And #4 is           some crazy sex choreography in that room! If you
                                                             there anything that they definitely do NOT want to       come during off-peak hours you can sometimes                If you split up before the final location there are
 For some of you, this may feel scary, abrupt, or overly     happen?                                                  have multiple mattresses to yourself. If your group         a million things that can prevent your group from
 forward - but it’s not! You’re on a sex cruise! Not only                                                             is looking to create a truly unique Bliss Cruise            reforming - like a last second venue change - but
 is it expected behavior, but the group will respect you     You can of course add your own questions and             experience, you’ll need to check out the exterior           a man or woman will always rush back to a room
 for speaking up and saving everyone time and effort.        variations, but the most important part is that the      playroom on deck 13 forward where you can play              full of sexy naked people waiting on them to
                                                             discussion happens early enough that nobody              under the stars and enjoy the sea breeze! (We’re            return with a vibrating strap on.
 If you read the room wrong and folks are NOT                is wondering what is or is not okay in the heat of       serious about the breeze! This deck may be closed
 interested in playtime, you’ll be happy to know             the moment. We’ve found that hurt feelings and           due to wind. Bring a robe in case it’s chilly!).
 that sooner rather than later! You may feel slightly        awkward moments are much easier to avoid when
 embarrassed but it’s a small price to pay to reclaim        you’re not feeling pressured. For example, it’s a lot    But what if it’s 3 AM and raining and the playrooms

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NAVIGATOR OF THE SEAS - - Topless Travel

                                                                                                            THE SEAS, WITH THEIR BIG SMILES AND THEY ARE
                                                                                                             ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP IN ANY SITUATION!

                                                                                                          HOWEVER, PLEASE DO NOT MISTAKE THE BIG SMILE
                  PACKAGE                                                                                  AND FRIENDLINESS AS AN INVITATION THAT THEY
                                                                                                              WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU. THEY DO NOT!
                               BY                                  FOR COUPLES                              All the crew have families back home and they need these jobs to send

             THE BOTTLE                                                 Day 2, 3, & 6
                                                                                                             money back to them. This is a double edged sword, if any of the crew
                                                                                                            are caught doing anything by the 1500 cameras on board, they will be
                                                                   10-11:30AM | 1-2:30PM                  immediately fired and off the ship. AND if you are involved, you will also be
                                                                                                             escorted off the ship at the next port. (NO REFUND and on your own).
                                                                      Studio B, Deck 3
                                                                   *Follow Cruise Compass for Times
                 PACKAGES AVAILABLE
                    5 BOTTLES - $150
                    7 BOTTLES - $196
                                                                  FETISH DINNER
                   10 BOTTLES - $270
                                                                                        Flirting &

                                                                                         DAY 6
                                                                                      Jamie’s Italian
                                                                                       6pm or 8pm
                                                                                       *Visit the Bliss
                                                                                      Cruise Help Desk
                                                                                      for Reservations
     An 18% gratuity will be added onto all purchases by R.C.I.

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Sea Days | 10 am | Meet at
       Pool Stage
 A Royal Caribbean excursion booklet is placed in your cabin for review. To reserve your
 excursion, passengers should visit the Shore Excursion Desk located next to Guest Services
 on Deck 5.

 Excursions are subject to capacity limits, so reserve early. Enjoy your adventure!


                         Powdery white-sand beaches, lush green mountains, and sheltered, yacht-
                            filled harbours characterize the island of Tortola, the BVI’s largest and
                                 capital island. The past of the West Indies and the present-day BVI mix
                                  and mingle with ruins existing alongside the luxury resorts that draw
                                    visitors from around the world.

                                     Swim or stroll the secluded palm-shaded white sands of dozens of
                                     beaches, including Apple Bay, Brewer’s Bay, Smuggler’s Cove,
                                     Long Bay Beach, Elizabeth Beach and Josiah’s Bay Beach to name
                                     just a few.

                                    Step away from the sand just long enough to discover Tortola’s
                                  history with a visit to the 1780 Lower Estate Sugar Works Museum, Fort
                                Burt, Mount Healthy Windmill, Callwood’s Rum Distillery, J.R. O’Neal
                             Botanic Gardens, Old Government House Museum and VI Folk Museum.


                  While the beaches and ocean are beautiful, there is one thing that really sets St.
                          Thomas apart - shopping. Browse through the shop-lined streets of Charlotte
                              Amalie and find out why St. Thomas is called the “duty-free shopping
                                capital of the world.”

                                   Beyond the glitz of its famous shopping district, St. Thomas enchants
                                    with a fascinating history and natural scenery. Explore the island’s
                                    diverse heritage in Charlotte Amalie, or splash your way around at
                                    vibrant reefs or relax on a gorgeous beach.

                                    Take a ride on Skyline Drive and enjoy a breathtaking view of St.
                                   Thomas Harbor. Check out Coral World Marine Park, where you
                                 can touch sea stars at the touch pool or explore the mystery of life
                               in a mangrove lagoon off the Coastal Trail. Take a tour of key island
                            landmarks to view the lovely vistas, enjoy spectacular shopping and
                       explore the stunning Magen’s Bay Beach. No diving experience is required for a
                  guided underwater exploration off St. Thomas with The BOSS - a Breathing Observation
                  Submersible Scooter. Blast out of the water and soar like Ironman on a flyboard.
LANGUAGE OF THE LIFESTYLE                      HALL PASS: “Isn’t a pass to have sex in the hallways” It is
                                               Permission from your partner to engage in sexual activity without
                                               your partner being present.
 By Doug & Barb, Erotic Adult Travel
                                               BARE-BACKING: “Not save a horse ride a Cowboy” It is
 PLAY:    Sexual activity and/or physical      Penetration sex without the use of a condom.
 interaction of a sexual nature with
 someone other than your partner.               EXHIBITIONISM: “Could it be a Porn Star?” It is engaging in
                                                sexual activity while being watched by others Voyeurism: “Not a
 FULL SWAP: “For Those Who Go All                 Spy Game” It is gaining sexual pleasure by watching others who
 The Way” An exchange of partners in                 are engaging in sexual activity.
 which the participants have agreed
 that intercourse is a permissible and                       VANILLA: “Nothing to do with Ice cream “A
 desirable outcome when “playing” with                            term used to describe those who are not in the
 others.                                                              lifestyle, for example, “This will be a lifestyle
                                                                            takeover cruise with no vanilla guests
 SOFT SWAP: “For those not sure how                                            onboard.”
 far they want to go or have established
 a Rule not to go all the way“ This type
 of play generally includes kissing,
                                                                                  COUPLES SPEED DATING:
                                                                                   “Thinking Orgy? ” Actually no,
 touching, stroking, and/or oral
                                                                                    each couple is given a minute
 sex — just about anything short of
                                                                                     or two to introduce themselves
 penetration. This is also often referred to
                                                                                     and determine if there’s any
 as soft play, as “swapping” partners is
                                                                                      interest in spending more time
 not necessarily an integral part of “soft”
                                                                                       It’s a great way to meet
 UNICORN: “Not the fairy tale
                                                                                       dozens of couples in a short
 myth with one horn” Refers to a
                                                                                       period of time and, to make
 single female.
                                                                                       sure you don’t run out of
                                                                                      things to talk about, there’s
 BONDAGE,                                                                            usually a list of prepared or
 DOMINATION,                                                                         suggested questions to take
 SADO-MASOCHISM:                                                                    the pressure off trying to “make
 This covers a wide range                                                           conversation.”
 of different activities, from
 playful teasing and gentle                                                       ONBOARD MEET &
 spanking to the application                                                      GREETS AND SEMINARS:
 of intense pain. There                                                          One of the best ways to meet
 is an entire subculture                                                         others on the cruise! They are
 devoted to individual                                                         listed in the Bliss Program & Cruise
 and group exploration of                                                      Compass, to include days and times!
 BDSM, with the practice
 as varied as those who                                                       Meet as many couples as you can by
 enjoy it. Still Curious?                                                     going to these meet and greets and
 There is a playroom on                                                      seminars-and then practice your newly
 board referred to as a                                                     learned techniques.
 dungeon or fetish room
 exclusively devoted to                                                    Remember, it’s one of the main reasons
 BDSM, with introductory                                                  most couples are on the cruise — to meet
 demonstrations. You                                                     others. The subjects will cover a wide range
 can watch, volunteer or                                                of topics for Newbies & Advanced.

23                                                                                                                        24
SPONSORED VENUES                                                                     SPONSORED VENUES
              TOPLESS TRAVEL                                                             THESWINGERCRUISE.COM
              WINDJAMMER CAFE | DECK 11                                                  R BAR | DECK 5
              It’s the ship’s self service buffet eatery. The location offers views      Experience a 1960’s vibe at the all-new R-Bar, featuring iconic
              over the ocean, buffet breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks                 furnishings and classic cocktails-gimlet, martini, gin, whiskey and
              served throughout the day. Food offers range from a sandwich               more...all served by the ship’s resident mixologist.
              or salad to a full hot meal with dishes from all around the
              world including delicate Asian flavors and hearty all-American             And be sure to try the drink specials, specially created
              favorites, spicy Indian curries and authentic Italian pizza and
                                                                                         to complement the Centrum’s nightly theme and aerial
              pasta. The cafe is also open throughout the sailing for late
              night meals, and serves as an excellent location to meet up                performance.
              with friends. It even features the Washy-Washy greeters which
              is a show within itself (don’t forget to wash those hands before
              entering the Windjammer). Stop by during breakfast and
                                                                                         RIGHT CONNECTIONS TRAVEL
              lunch to meet the Topless Travel team and to book your next                PLAYMAKERS |DECK 5
              adventure. Got the late night munchies? Join Marc & Carley,                One of the newest venues to hit Royal Caribbean International
              Entertainment Directors for Topless Travel, for a Milk & Cookies           ships is the Playmakers Sports Bar and Arcade on Navigator of the
              meet-up at 2:00 am each morning. You never know what it                    Seas.
              leads to.
                                                                                         This new concept combines several of my past times- watching
                                                                                         a game on the big screen, beer, and chicken wings. For intimate
              CASTAWAYS TRAVEL                                                           gatherings, check out the hidden room called the Owner’s Box in
              COPPER & CLOVER | DECK 5                                                   Playmakers. The room is first-come/first-served.
              As lively as London, this is a brilliant spot to grab a pint. And you’ve
              got lots to choose from. The impressive beer list runs from ales to
              lagers, with UK-themed cocktails and an inspired collection of spirits,
                                                                                         EROTIC ADULT TRAVEL
              as well. Come for the British racing decor and stay for the live music.    BOLEROS | DECK 5
                                                                                         Whether it’s after dinner or after party, nighttime sizzles at
                                                                                         Boleros, a Latin-themed club and hot spot serving Cuban
              LIFESTYLE CRUISING                                                         mojitos, Brazilian Capirinhas, or your favorite classic cocktails.
              CAFE PROMENADE | DECK 5                                                    Two live Latin bands belt out the Latin rhythms that get you
              Cafe Promenade, located along the Royal Promenade on deck                  moving, because it’s all about the salsa, cumbia, merengue
              5, seats 105 guests and is open 24 hours serving snacks and drinks.        and samba. So get on the floor and dance.
              In addition to beverages there are complimentary snacks ranging
              from a selection of Danish Pastries served up until 11am and
              sandwiches (such as salami on sourdough rolls, ricotta, red pepper
              and olive tapenade rolls and ham and cheese croissants) pizzas             BAMBOO ROOM | DECK 5
              and desserts including granola cranberry bars, mocha brownies,             Throwback vibes and kitschy cool cocktails will whisk you away
              and blueberry pound cake served through until 3am, with                    at The Bamboo Room — a Polynesian watering hole that packs
              anything remaining on offer until early morning breakfast begins           a punch. This tiki-chic lounge is the per fect spot for a pre-dinner
              again. The lively venue is the ideal location to sit and enjoy a drink     cocktail or a late night rendezvous. Expert bartenders keep your
              and a snack whilst watching the activities taking place along the          tastes in mind as they craft your per fect potion with exotic fruits
              busy promenade.                                                            and spices. So sit back, relax, and order small plates to share.

                                                                                         Stop by during breakfast and lunch to meet the Topless Travel
                                                                                         and SLS team and to book your next adventure.

25                                                                                                                                                              26
ADULT PLAY ROOMS                                                                    In all other playrooms, ALL PASSENGERS are permitted and there are no restrictions to be a
                                                                                         couple. For couples who are new to the lifestyle and until you are comfortable with your established
                                                                                         boundaries, Bliss Cruise recommends starting your play in the Conference Center limited to couples-
                                                                                         only. If you wish to try another playroom, that’s fine too, so long as you accept that the other

 PLAYROOM ETIQUETTE:                                                                     playrooms are not couples-only.

                                                                                         All playrooms are designated for PLAY, not conversation. Please keep conversation volume to a

                                                                                         minimum or you may be asked to leave by the playroom manager.

                                                                                         Passengers may be waiting their turn for play space. Upon conclusion of your playtime, kindly gather your
                                                                                         personal belongings and exit from the play space in a respectful manner noting that play may still be
                                                                                         happening next to you.
                                                                                         For maintenance, Play is considered concluded once all participants on designated
                ​ ay and evening play space is provided by Bliss Cruise. All play        mattress leave the mattress. No mattress-hogging permitted. Also, Play beds may
 areas listed below detail evening hours and general rules. For day play hours, please   not be reserved in advance.
 refer to your Cruise Compass for designated activities.
                                                                                         CONFERENCE CENTER PLAYROOM
 Superior Service is provided in ALL PLAYROOMS: ​An
 elite team of lifestyle host couples provide operational
                                                                                         10 PM - 3 AM ​| ​DECK 2 ​| ​COUPLES-ONLY
 maintenance of the playroom; greeting guests, providing                                 HOUSE RULES: T​ his playroom is couples-in and couples-out. This means
 fresh towels, changing sheets, sanitizing areas after each                              that if any part of the couple leaves the playroom, the other partner is not
 use, distributing condoms, lube upon request, and more. If                                permitted to stay. No outside drinks permitted;a water station is provided.
 you need something, just ask a Bliss Cruise team member                                      DRESS CODE: ​Street clothes are NOT permitted​.. Ladies must have on
 dressed in blue shirts.                                                                        lingerie or less. Gents, boxers or less. Robes are permitted. Laundry bags
                                                                                                  are available; laundry bags must be cleaned immediately after use.
 NO means NO a
             ​ nd once ​NO​is indicated by any                                                     Therefore, the laundry bags are not permitted to leave the Playroom.
 passenger, it means you must suspend any further                                                  Place your used bag in the disposal area upon exit.
 negotiation for the duration of the event with the
 person who told you ​NO. ​Unless you are involved in                                           STAR LOUNGE PLAYROOM
 a play session,​you are also not permitted to hover
                                                                                               10 PM - 3 AM ​| ​DECK 5 ​| ​ALL PASSENGERS PERMITTED
 over anyone playing.
                                                                                               HOUSE RULES: ​This playroom allows all passengers to enter. You do
 No drape peeping.​No drape peeping. If                                                        not have to attend with your partner. If you are seeking a couples-
 any party closes the drape of a mattress                                                     only play environment, try the Conference Center Playroom on deck 2.
 area, please respect their privacy. Also,                                                    Unless a special event is held (such as Dance n’ Play), no outside drinks are
 Playroom mattresses are for playing, not                                                     permitted; a water station is provided.
 lounging. During busy hours, a mattress-                                                     DRESS CODE: ​There are no clothing restrictions in this playroom.
 hog rule is in effect. If play fails to
 commence or has concluded,                                                                    FETISH FANTASY THEATER
 passengers may be subject to
                                                                                                11 PM - 3 AM ​| ​DECK 3 ​| ​ALL PASSENGERS PERMITTED
 a time limit by the Bliss Cruise
 Playroom Manager.                                                                              HOUSE RULES: ​All passengers are available to explore and
                                                                                                 entertain themselves or others on the theater stage via use of Bliss
 There is a playroom                                                                             Cruise provided equipment. A playroom manager and a fetish
 designated for couples-                                                                          master & mistress are always on duty during operational hours. For
 only; the Conference                                                                             passenger safety, no outside drinks are permitted. A water station is
 Center. In this                                                                                   provided. Sexual activity is prohibited in theater seating areas.
 playroom, passengers                                                                              DRESS CODE: ​There are no clothing restrictions in this playroom.
 are NOT permitted
 to enter unless the                                                                                 DUNES EXTERIOR PLAYROOM ​(WHILE AT SEA) ​
 male and female
 are present. Once
                                                                                                      DECK 13 ​| ​ALL PASSENGERS PERMITTED
 any person of the                                                                                    HOUSE RULES: T​ his play area allows all passengers to enter.
 couple departs the                                                                                   Serving as an intimate outdoor entertainment space with beds
 playroom, the other                                                                                  and play pods, the Dunes shifts into an adult exterior play area
 person of the couple                                                                                  each day while at sea and at night, weather permitting. Drinks
 must vacate the                                                                                        are carry-in, carry-out.
 playroom.                                                                                                 DRESS CODE: ​This is a clothing-optional deck.

31                                                                                                                                                                                              32


                                                                                           G R E E T
         Bliss Cruise holds passenger Meet & Greets daily. The Meet & Greets are a great
         opportunity for you to meet other passengers just like you and even cut to the
         chase relating to specific sexual boundaries. Unless otherwise indicated,
         all passengers are invited to attend Meet & Greets.

         2:30 - 3:30 pm     Full Swap M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
 DAY 1

         2:30 - 3:30 pm     Soft Swap M&G - R-Bar, Deck 5
         8:30 - 9:30 pm     Meet a Newbie Couple M&G - Bamboo Room, Deck 5                           12:00 - 1:00 pm    Lunch Time Nookie M&G - R Bar, Deck 5

                                                                                             DAY 4
         8:30 - 9:30 pm     Social Media Reunion M&G - PlayMakers Deck 5                             2:00 - 3:00 pm     Soft Swap M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         8:30 - 9:30 pm     Non-swingers M&G - Cosmopolitan, Deck 14                                 2:00 - 3:00 pm     Hall Pass M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         8:30 - 9:30 pm     Full Swap M&G - R-Bar, Deck 5                                            3:30 - 4:30 pm     BI Couples M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4
         8:30 - 9:30 pm     Soft Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5                                  3:30 - 4:30 pm     Full Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
                                                                                                     9:00 - 10:00 pm    Soft Swap M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         10:00 - 11:00 am   Non-swinger M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5                                     9:00 - 10:00 pm    Full Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
 DAY 2

         11:00 - 12:00 pm   Nudist M&G - Solarium, Deck 11
         11:00 - 12:00 pm   Canadian M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4                                      12:00 - 1:00 pm    Lunch Time Nookie M&G - Bamboo Room, Deck 5

                                                                                             DAY 5
         12:00 - 1:00 pm    Lunch Time Nookie M&G - R Bar, Deck 5                                    2:00 - 3:00 pm     Soft Swap M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         1:00 - 2:00 pm     Asian M&G - R Bar, Deck 5                                                3:00 - 4:00 pm     Full Swap M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         1:30 - 2:30 pm     Soft Swap M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
                                                                                                     3:30 - 4:30 pm     Silver & Sexy M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4
         2:00 - 3:00 pm     Silver & Sexy M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
                                                                                                     8:00 - 9:00 pm     Under 45 M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         2:00 - 3:00 pm     Hall Pass M&G - Boleros, Deck 4
                                                                                                     8:00 - 9:00 pm     Over 45 M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
         2:00 - 3:00 pm     Kinky Couples - Fetish M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     French M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4                                        9:00 - 10:00 pm    Hall Pass M&G - Bamboo Room, Deck 5
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     Somos Latinos M&G - Boleros, Deck 4
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     Women Love BBC M&G - R Bar, Deck 5                                       12:00 - 1:00 pm    Lunch Time Nookie M&G - Boleros, Deck 4

                                                                                             DAY 6
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     Full Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5                                  12:30 - 1:00 pm    Ladies-Only M&G - Star Lounge, Deck 5
         5:00 - 6:00 pm     Meet & Make a Dinner Date M&G (Unhosted) - R Bar, Deck 5                 1:00 - 2:00 pm     Non-swinger M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         9:00 - 10:00 pm    Over 45 M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5                                         1:00 - 2:00 pm     Meet a BBC M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         9:00 - 10:00 pm    Kinky Fetish M&G - Bamboo Room, Deck 5                                   1:30 - 2:30 pm     Hall Pass M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4
         9:00 - 10:00 pm    Under 45 M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5                                   3:00 - 4:00 pm     Soft Swap M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
                                                                                                     3:00 - 4:00 pm     Full Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
         11:00 - 12:00 pm   Aussies & Kiwis M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4                               8:00 - 9:00 pm     Silver & Sexy M&G - Boleros, Deck 4
 DAY 3

         12:00 - 1:00pm     Lunch Time Nookie M&G - R Bar, Deck 5                                    8:00 - 9:00 pm     Kinky Couples M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         1:00 - 2:00 pm     Full Swap M&G - Boleros, Deck 4                                          9:00 - 10:00 pm    Over 45 M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5
         1:00 - 2:00 pm     Soft Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
                                                                                                     9:00 - 10:00 pm    Under 45 M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         2:00 - 3:00 pm     Non-swingers M&G - Casino Bar, Deck 4
         2:30 - 3:30 pm     Hall Pass M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
                                                                                                     11:00 - 12:00 pm   Silver & Sexy M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4

                                                                                             DAY 7
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     Kinky M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         3:30 - 4:30 pm     Silver & Sexy M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5                              12:00 - 1:00 pm    Lunch Time Nookie M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         4:00 - 5:00 pm     Ladies-Only M&G - Star Lounge, Deck 5                                    2:00 - 3:00 pm     Over 45 M&G - Schooner Bar, Deck 4
         5:00 - 6:00 pm     Meet & Make a Dinner Date M&G(Unhosted) - Playmakers, Deck 5             3:00 - 4:00 pm     Under 45 M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
         9:00 - 10:00 pm    Under 45 M&G - Playmakers, Deck 5                                        8:00 - 9:00 pm     Full Swap M&G - R Bar, Deck 5
         9:00 - 10:00 pm    Over 45 M&G - R Bar, Deck 5                                              8:00 - 9:00 pm     Soft Swap M&G - Copper & Clover, Deck 5
33                                                                                                                                                                 34
                By: Miss Lynn, Owner

                 Does your mind go blank when it comes to keeping a conversation

                  Here is a simple formula designed to keep the conversation going until
                  you are ready for what comes next.

                   Ask an open-ended question. Here are 5 conversational questions
                   that are super on a Swinger Cruise:

                       • What do they want to do most this week?
                         • What do they like about being on Bliss Cruise /Being in the
                           lifestyle/ being a nudist?
                             • What the one thing that would be just beyond their
                              comfort zone on this cruise?
                               • What do they have planned tomorrow that they are
                                excited about?
                                • What other vacations are they excited about?

                               Discover: After they tell you, ask a question about their
                                answer that goes a little deeper. Even if it’s only to clarify
                                  something about what they said.

                                     React: this is your chance to respond! Use
                                      something uptempo. ‘That’s fascinating!’, or
                                       ‘I bet that was a blast!’. This shows you were
                                       actively listening, and that you share excitement,
                                       amusement, joy, etc. with what they care about

                                      Relate: Find something in your past that is similar
                                     to their topic. A quick story, comment about a
                                   friend who does something similar, or a memory
                                  you have of a time you had a similar experience. All
                                 conversations have lulls. It’s to be expected.

                                Don’t let these lulls go on too long. The best way to
                                overcome these gaps is to start by revealing a positive
                                emotion you’re experiencing:
                                • I’m really excited about tonight’s theme party/
                                chance to try the dungeon for the first time / meeting
                                 new couples (like you.)

                                 •I’m so happy they were able to create events like this
                                  • I’m grateful the embarkation/luggage delivery/
                                  traffic was really smooth. I was worried I’d have
                                    • I’m really impressed with the way everyone here
                                    seems to be so energetic...

                                     Secondly, direct the conversation to what’s
                                      happening onboard. Stick with what’s happening
                                       now, avoid religion, politics, your kids, your
                                        physical ailments and your jobs… and you
                                         should be back on track. Still Need More Ideas?
                                          Lynn is the Newbie Expert on Bliss Cruise and
                                           has sailed on over 34 lifestyle cruises. She’s
                                            been teaching her Swinging 101 class to
                                             hundreds of happy new couples for over 6
                                              years. Join her in the Theater on deck 3,
                                               Saturday Day 2 at 12:00 noon or meet up
35                                               with her in R Bar on the promenade at
HIGHLIGHTED WORKSHOPS &                                                                                                       PRESENTATIONS

       James &                           Cuntseeme                     Mistress Harlotte                  Dr. Leonard McHill    Master Glass                         Mr. SLS “Brian”                 Lynn                         Tantric Hearts

                       Lexi Luna                       Taylor Sparks                        Dr. Valerie                                        OneEnergy Institute                     Fair villa               Mike & Lilly Diretto
 DAY 1
 NEW TO LIFESTYLE CRUISING | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4                                                           QIGONG | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3
 Presented by James & Champagne                                                                                                Presented by OneEnergy Institute
 Learn inside tips on what to expect on your first Bliss Cruise sailing. Meet new couples just like you and you’ll             For lifestyle couples: How to boost and retain sexual energy before and after sex for as little as 10 minutes
 be off to a great start.                                                                                                      while building the emotional intimacy with your partner. The course will disclose a simple yet effective Taoist
                                                                                                                               strategy to prolong orgasm without ejaculation. Please register as soon as you get on the ship at the BLISS
 NAVIGATING THE BLISS CRUISE PLAYROOMS | 3:00PM - 3:45PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4                                               HELP DESK on Deck 6. For attending our first Qigong (Chi Kung) workshop, you will receive a free gift.
 Presented by Mike & Lilly Diretto of Diretto Lifestyle Skills
 There are many playrooms on Bliss Cruise, and each is unique with a set of rules. Learn which ones work best for you.         APPROACH, CONNECT, AND CLOSE | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
                                                                                                                               Presented by Mike and Lilly Diretto of Diretto Lifestyle Skills
 DAY 2                                                                                                                         *Approaching a couple creates an anxiety many couples experience. Mike and Lilly will discuss techniques on
 DISCOVERING THE LIFESTYLE | 10:00AM -11:00AM | BAMBOO ROOM | DECK 5                                                           how to get past obstacles. Now what? Is there a connection? How do you really know? Learn key identifiers,
 Presented by James and Champagne                                                                                              and even red flags.
 Curious about the lifestyle? Well, let’s talk about it. In this workshop you’ll understand and find comfort on
 moving forward with boundaries you’re ready for.                                                                              SQUISH SPLASH, LEARN-TO-SQUIRT | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
                                                                                                                               Presented by Dr. Valerie P.
 SPECIAL COUPLES EVENT: HAPPY CLIT & G-SPOT WORKSHOP BY TANTRIC HEARTS                                                         This workshop is FREE, but all couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk to attend this
 11:00AM - NOON | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2                                                                                   activity. This is an interactive session where you get to experience hands-on techniques on squirting. All
 Pamper the clit and discover your G-Spot in this interactive and orgasmic session.                                            couples have the option of playing with their partner, and if a connection is made and permission granted,
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk              may play with others. Couples will share a mattress for this event with another couple.
 to attend. $50 per couple
                                                                                                                               SPECIAL COUPLES EVENT: SUPER SUCKING BLOWJOB | 4:30PM - 6:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 SWINGING 101 | NOON-1:00PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3                                                                           Join adult actress Lexi Luna and Super Suck your man like a porn star. Also learn to maximize your facial driving
 Presented by Lynn,                                                                                       your man to the next level.
 Our favorite demographic are the newbies. That’s why we put you in the hands of our favorite newbie                           *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk
 speaker. Lynn will explain the in’s-and-out’s of swinging so you can explore at your pace and make it a                       to attend. $50 per couple
 wonder ful journey.
                                                                                                                               SEX IN EXCESS | 5:00PM - 6:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
 SPECIAL COUPLES EVENT: BLOWJOBS AND CHOCOLATE KISS BY TANTRIC HEARTS                                                          Presented by Fairvilla
 1:00PM - 2:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2                                                                                  Start with the basics. Talk about the importance of consent. Recognize your boundaries. Learn how to
 Make your husband melt. It’s tasty too!                                                                                       communicate and negotiate. Review what should you include in your Safe Sex Kit. Discuss what red flags to
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk              look for.
 to attend. $50 per couple
                                                                                                                               DAY 3
 EXPLORING YOUR FETISH | 1:00PM - 2:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4                                                               FUTURE BLISS CRUISES | 10:30AM -11:00AM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
 Presented by Master Vin Glass & Mistress Lisa Harlotte                                                                        Presented by Wayne of Bliss Cruise
 *This is a discussion for entry level couples seeking to discover their fetish side.                                          Come discover many of the future cruises Bliss Cruise has to offer.

 Presented by Dr. Leonard                                                                                                      11:00AM - NOON | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 In this class, men and women will learn techniques for totally engaging their partner’s mind and body. The                    Presented by Tantric Hearts
 talk includes: hypnotic language, erotic massage techniques, foreplay accomplishments, and simple rituals to                  Discover her natural ability to ejaculate.
 open your lover to as much pleasure they can handle.                                                                          *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk
                                                                                                                               to attend. $50 per couple
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                                                                                                                           PERSONAL HYGIENE WITH MULTIPLE PARTNERS | 3:30PM - 4:00PM | STAR LOUNGE | DECK 5
 QIGONG WORKSHOP | 11:00AM - NOON | STAR LOUNGE | DECK 5                                                                   Presented by Lexi Luna
 Presented by OneEnergy Institute                                                                                          This is a LADIES-ONLY class, whereas Lexi discusses her personal industry tips on approaches to ensuring
 Official workshop on retaining sexual energy before and after sex for as little as 10 minutes while building the          hygiene, and the proper functioning of the vagina.
 emotional intimacy with your partner. Learn simple yet effective Taoist strategy to prolong orgasm without
 ejaculation.                                                                                                              APPROACH, CONNECT, AND CLOSE | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk          Presented by Mike and Lilly Diretto of Diretto Lifestyle Skills
 to attend. $50 per couple                                                                                                 Approaching a couple creates an anxiety many couples experience. Mike and Lilly will discuss techniques on
                                                                                                                           how to get past obstacles. Now what? Is there a connection? How do you really know? Learn key identifiers,
 THE AMRITA AWAKENING | 11:00AM - 12:30PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3                                                         and even red flags.
 Presented by Lynn of The
 Find out what is possible when you use simple trance techniques. Open up to easier and more power ful                     DAY 4
 orgasm. Intent, language and connection are the 3 factors that make the trance experience spectacular.                    TANTRIC MASSAGE FOR BEGINNERS & MASTERS | 4:30PM - 6:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 Discover what is possible by sampling the ‘Amrita Awakening’                                                              Presented by Dr. Leonard
                                                                                                                           *In this class couples will learn; How to set up a space for Tantric massage, a ritual for “seeing into the soul” of
 THE CARE AND FEEDING OF YOUR PUSSY | 12:30PM - 1:30PM | STAR LOUNGE, DECK 5                                               your partner, the best oils and play toys to have on hand, how to use Loving Touch massage strokes, how to
 Presented by Taylor Sparks of Organic Loven                                                                               completely relax the vagina and penis so they are more sensitive and responsive.
 *In this fun and interactive discussion and demo, we will discover the most common products and ingredients               *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk
 that could be causing irritation, burning, dryness or even yeast infections. Discover organic products that               to attend. $50 per couple
 can assist with vaginal strengthening, enhanced orgasms, increased vaginal fluids and overall connections
 between the head, the heart and the pussy.                                                                                DAY 5
                                                                                                                           THE SECRETS TO SUCCESSFUL CAMMING | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3
 SPECIAL COUPLES EVENT: CHARM HIS SNAKE; MULTIPLE MALE O’S                                                                 Presented by Lexi Luna & Matt
 1:00PM - 2:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2                                                                              Discovering how you can get into adult camming can be and erotic journey that can also make you money.
 Presented by Tantric Hear ts                                                                                              Join adult actress Lexi and Matt to learn the in’s and out’s of an industry popular form of sex.
 Assist your man with multiple orgasms.
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk          SQUISH SPLASH, LEARN-TO-SQUIRT | 4:00PM - 5:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 to attend. $50 per couple                                                                                                 Presented by Dr. Valerie P.
                                                                                                                           This workshop is FREE, but all couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk to attend this
 SEXUAL HYPNOSIS IN 5 EASY STEPS | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | STAR LOUNGE | DECK 5                                                  activity. This is an interactive session where you get to experience hands-on techniques on squirting. All
 Presented by Dr. Leonard                                                                                                  couples have the option of playing with their partner, and if a connection is made and permission granted,
 Sexual hypnosis is the art of putting a partner into an hypnotic trance and then living out an intensely erotic           may play with others. Couples will share a mattress for this event with another couple.
 “scene”. In this class participants learn how to put their lover into a trance, and also how to create scenes
 fulfilling their partner’s and their own sexual fantasies.                                                                APPROACH, CONNECT, AND CLOSE | 4:30PM - 5:30PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk          Presented by Mike and Lilly Diretto of Diretto Lifestyle Skills
 to attend. $50 per couple                                                                                                 Approaching a couple creates an anxiety many couples experience. Mike and Lilly will discuss techniques on
                                                                                                                           how to get past obstacles. Now what? Is there a connection? How do you really know? Learn key identifiers,
 BDSM 101 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4                                                                        and even red flags.
 Presented by Master Vin Glass & Mistress Lisa Harlotte
 This is a discussion for entry level couples seeking to discover the basics of BDSM and how to incorporate it into        DAY 6
 your lifestyle.                                                                                                           BDSM FOR BEGINNERS | 11:00AM - NOON | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
                                                                                                                           Presented by Sir Knotty & Hummingbird
 TOY STORY | 2:30PM - 3:30PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3                                                                      This is a discussion for entry level couples seeking to discover the basics of BDSM and how to incorporate it into
 Presented by Fairvilla                                                                                                    your lifestyle.
 Toys bring out the playful in many women. Come discover the in’s and out’s of toy play and get good
 vibrations out of this amazing seminar.                                                                                   FEATURED COUPLES EVENT: DRIVE YOU WILD WITH DESIRE
                                                                                                                           11:00AM - NOON | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 WHEN YOUR HIPS DON’T LIE | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2                                                   Presented by Tantric Hearts
 Presented by Taylor Sparks of Organic Loven                                                                               Sizzling blindfolded exploration of the senses ending with a sensual explosion.
 In this playroom seminar we will explore and discover all the fun, flexible and not so flexible ways to indulge in your   *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk
 best sex. Get ready to learn and practice such positions as: Capture the Flag, the Fox Hunt, the Pedestal, the            to attend. $50 per couple
 Bound Butterfly, the Carnal Clutch, the Drawbridge, Side Winder and my favorite, the Supreme Being and more!
                                                                                                                           ADVANCED BDSM | NOON - 1:00PM | SCHOONER BAR | DECK 4
 SPANKING & FLOGGING | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | SCHOONER BAR, DECK 4                                                              Presented by Sir Knotty & Hummingbird
 Presented by                                                                                          This is a discussion for advanced couples of BDSM and how to enhance your skills.
 Learn techniques on spanking your spouse and others safely. Discover how to stimulate your partner by using
 floggers along with other items.                                                                                          FEATURED COUPLES EVENT: KAMA SUTRA SEXUAL POSITIONS
                                                                                                                           1:00PM - 2:30PM | CONFERENCE CENTER | DECK 2
 ROPE WORKSHOP | 3:00PM - 5:00PM | STUDIO B | DECK 3                                                                       Presented by Tantric Hearts
 Presented by Sky                                                                                                          Secrets revealed as practiced by the greatest lovers.
 Sky, an experienced rope rigger for photography and film, passes on his experience to those that want to                  *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk
 “learn the ropes”. He has been teaching classes in rope binding for many years with a goal to bring safety                to attend. $50 per couple
 and easy to follow instruction to those wanting to learn where to begin. Couples work along with step by step
 instruction, learning a new skill that they can use right away. Rope included and it’s yours to keep. Come join           SPICE UP YOUR FETISH FANTASY | 1:00PM - 3:00PM | ROYAL THEATER | DECK 3
 in on the “Knotty” class.                                                                                                 Presented by Goddess Phoenix
 *There is a fee to attend this play workshop. All couples must pick up a wristband at the Bliss Cruise Help Desk          Join Goddess Phoenix, a legendary Dominatrix, educator, fetish model, per former, and erotic travel agent
 to attend. Due to hands-on instruction, class sizes are small. It is advised to reser ve as soon as possible.             of in a super inviting and friendly session to understand the in’s and out’s of the fetish
 $40 per couple                                                                                                            lifestyle and play.
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