2020 EVENT PROGRAM - Organic Growers School

Page created by Monica Morris
2020 EVENT PROGRAM - Organic Growers School

Farming While Black                           Mushroom Cultivation
 with Leah Penniman                     with William Padilla-Brown & Leif Olson

                  Chickens & You                                    Healing Our Soils
        with Pat Foreman & Meagan Coneybeer                           with Troy Hinke

Practical. Affordable. Accessible.
         27th Annual • OrganicGrowersSchool.org
        Mars Hill University, Mars Hill NC • March 6-8
2020 EVENT PROGRAM - Organic Growers School
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                                                           Support OGS

OGS Board of Directors:
TA’RIN’II SHANAI                          Organic Growers School (OGS) is the premiere provider of practical
ZO MPOFU                                   and affordable organic education in the Southern Appalachians.

                                             Since 1993 we have been building a vibrant food & farming
OGS Staff Members:
                                               community by boosting the success of organic growers.
AGATHA HANNAH, Farmer Programs            A 501c3 non-profit, our hands-on training, workshops, conferences
  Coordinator & Conference Associate
                                            and partnerships inspire, educate, and support people to farm,
BRANDON GREENSTEIN, Sustainability                            garden, and live organically.
CAMERON FARLOW, Farmer Programs           We keep registration fees affordable through grants,
  Director                                 sponsorship, and donations from people like you.
EMILY BELL, Conference Registration &
  Volunteer Coordinator                        Our program fees DO NOT cover our operating expenses.
LEE WARREN, Executive Director
NICOLE DELCOGLIANO, Farmer Programs        Please donate regularly to OGS to support the
  Coordinator                               kind of food and farming systems you value.
ROD BOWLING, Administrative Director
SARAH ZEILKE, Marketing &
  Communications Director                           OrganicGrowersSchool.org/Donate
SERA DEVA, Farmer Programs &
  Conference Curriculum Coordinator
                                                            We couldn’t do this without you!
                                           Track Leaders: Community Food: ISA WHITAKER • Cooking: ANNE KNOFLICEK •
                                        Earth Skills: ERICA GUNNISON • Farming -- Beginning: DALLAS ROBINSON • Farming
                                          -- Experienced: JOE EVANS • Gardening -- Beginning: MACON YORK COSTLOW •
                                         Gardening -- Experienced: TA’RIN’II SHANAI • Herbs: NOELLE JOY • Homesteading:
                                        CHRIS SMITH • Livestock: MEREDITH LEIGH • Mushrooms: WILLIAM PADILLA-BROWN
                                                    • Permaculture: INDY SRINATH • Poultry: MEAGAN CONEYBEER •
                                           Soils: MARK DEMPSEY • Sustainable Forestry: IAN SNYDER • Sustainable Living:
                                                         RICHARD FREUDENBERGER • Thinking Big: SERA DEVA
                                         Speakers: Thanks to our 100+ Speakers who have shared their time and expertise
                                                  this weekend. For a complete list of speaker bios, go to pages 19-29.
                                        Host and Volunteers: Thank you to MARS HILL UNIVERSITY and our 150+ volunteers!
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WEEKEND HAPPENINGS                                                     IMPORTANT DETAILS
Trade Show                                                             Where’s the Coffee?!
Visit a diverse spread of local businesses in the Exhibit Hall.        Coffee and snacks may be found in the Exhibit Hall at both the
Located in Chambers Gym, the Exhibit Hall is open to the public        Firestorm Cafe & Books booth and the Notorious Coffee booth.
Saturday 7:30AM - 6PM and on Sunday, 7:30AM - 4PM For a full list      Notorious Coffee will also have a satellite location in the lobby of
                                                                       Day Hall.
of exhibitors, go to page 12.
                                                                       Lunch, Anyone?
LUNCHTIME FEATURES: Organic Meetups                                    Visit the Buffet Line (Pre-purchased meals only), stop by FBFC in the
Saturday ONLY - Day Hall                                               lobby, or check out the restaurants downtown. If you pre-purchased
Want to network with other growers? Bring your lunch to a casual       a meal from Gypsy Queen, it will be available in the Dining Hall in
meetup between 12:45 and 1:45 with folks who grow like you do...       Chambers Gymnasium. Grab-and-go options are available in the gym
                                                                       lobby. Or explore downtown Mars Hill and check out the numerous
   LGBTQ Farmer Meet Up
                                                                       restaurants on Main Street. The French Broad Food Co-op will
   Saturday ONLY - Day Hall - Day Hall 201                             be open at lunchtime and will have snacks as well as grab-and-go
   Calling all LGBTQ+ farmers and farmworkers! Join us for             sandwiches.
   community and conversation about our unique challenges and
                                                                       If Workshop Changes Occur
   opportunities within the organic farming movement. Bring your
                                                                       Changes to the weekend schedule after the printing of this program
   own lunch.
                                                                       will be posted to two message boards: One in the lobby of Chambers
   New & Young Farmer Meet Up                                          Gymnasium and one in the ground floor lobby of Day Hall.
   Saturday - Day Hall - Floor 2                                       Advertise Your Program or Event
   Join the National Young Farmer's Coalition for lunch and meet       Do you have an event, program, or something else that you want to
   up to discuss what it means to be a new farmer in a changing        advertise? Pin your materials to the message board in the lobby of
   world. Anyone in their first 10 years of growing welcome, OR        Chambers Gym. (This is the same board OGS uses to post workshop
   anyone who wants to support farming as public service!              changes.)

OGS T-Shirts and Tote Bags for Sale                                    WIFI Access
                                                                       Network: MHUwireless • Password: mhillwireless
Want to represent OGS all year round? We have 100% organic
cotton t-shirts and 100% recycled cotton tote bags for sale at the     Nursing Mother's Room
OGS Booth in the Exhibit Hall.                                         Ferguson 146 (Off of the Atrium) is reserved for nursing mothers to have
                                                                       some privacy and quiet. Mother, please come and go as you need!
Name Badge Recycling
                                                                       Social Media Mentions
Please recycle your name badge so we can use it again next year.
                                                                       If you’re posting about the Spring Conference this weekend, be sure
Buckets and boxes are available around the event space. You can
                                                                       to tag us! – @organicgrowersschool and use our hashtags:
also return it to a class moderator or assistant, staff member, or     #springcon2020 • #getgrowing
drop it at the OGS table in the Exhibit Hall.                          Be sure to tag @organicgrowersschool and #ogsspringconf to get
Questions?                                                             entered into a raffle for an OGS Shirt (size of your choice!) & Tote
Find a helpful OGS staff person at the OGS Booth in the Exhibit Hall   Bag! We’ll announce the winner by sharing your post on social media
in the Chambers Gym or at the registration desk in the lobby.          on Sunday afternoon -- you can come pick up your shirt & tote bag at
                                                                       the OGS booth in the Exhibit Hall.

OUR GOAL: OGS aspires to develop, promote, and sustain an organizational culture that acknowledges, values, and nurtures equity,
diversity and inclusion in board, staff, volunteers, audience, leaders, and programs. We define diversity as: race, gender, ethnicity,
sexual orientation, socioeconomics, personality, ability, education, geography, age, experience, values, politics, appearance, religion,
mental health, and immigration status.
OUR MISTAKES: OGS has made many and will continue to make many mistakes while working on this goal, and we are committed
to this ongoing and important work through all of our educational programs through relationship building, partnerships, and policy
development, to dismantle injustice in OGS and in the food system for the ultimate goal of food justice for all.
CLASSROOM CULTURE: OGS seeks to cultivate a classroom culture of a respectful and reciprocal learning that is non-judgemental
and engaging of all people. With your partnership and through your leadership, please set the following goals:
     • All participants have a voice.
     • All participants are heard.
     • Conflict is an opportunity for deeper understanding.
     • Everyone takes responsibility for the quality of the conversation.
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JOIN OGS AT THE SATURDAY SOCIAL                                                              RAFFLE DRAWING
                                                                                             Prizes will be on display and tickets for sale
5:30–7:30PM • Saturday, March 7, 2020                                                        on Saturday all day and Sunday AM at the
Hickory Nut Gorge Brewery, Mars Theater, 70 Main Street, Mars Hill                           OGS raffle booth in the Exhibit Hall. Raffle
It’s a short walk just across the street from campus.                                        drawing will be on Sunday at 1PM & posted
                                                                                             at the raffle booth location. Winners need
                                                                                             not be present to win, but we encourage
                                                                                             you to check-in and take your prizes home!
                                                                                             First 35 people to purchase $20 worth
                                                                                             of raffle tickets will receive a free beer
                                                                                             voucher to use at the Saturday Social.
                                                                                             Cost: $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets.

                                                                                             Top Prizes
                                                                                              • Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine -
                                                                                                online medicine making course
                                                                                              • Floyd Yoga Jam - full passes to the
                                                                                                4-day festival
                                                                                              • New Belgium Brewing Co - gift pack
                                                                                                and tour
                                                                                              • Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary
                                                                                                - top-bar beekeeping workshop

                                                                                             2020 Raffle Prize Donors Include
                                                                                             Bonterra Organic Vineyards
Kick back and relax in this newly renovated movie theater with your fellow farmers           Brown's Fish Fertilizer
and gardeners over beer or Buchi! Keep the conversation flowing and farm inspiration         CharGrow
growing. Sample one of HNG’s English Cask-style ales or Buchi’s line of locally              Deschuetes Brewery
fermented flavors.                                                                           Dirtcraft Organics
                                                                                             Fedco Seeds

Organic Educator of the Year Award                                                           Firestorm Books
                                                                                             Floyd Yoga Jam
                        This award honors the individuals in our midst who have made         Fun Frolic Farm
                        ongoing and important contributions to the sustainable agriculture   Kenkashi
                        community in Western NC and the Southern Appalachians. This          Medina Mercantile
                        year OGS is thrilled to recognize Dr. Jeanine Davis. Jeanine is      Mushroom Mountain
                        a researcher and extension specialist with NC State University,      New Belgium Brewing Company
                        and a founding member of Organic Growers School. She and             Organic Growers School
her staff run a program dedicated to organic agriculture and alternative crops (e.g.,        Peace and Harmony Farm
hops, truffles, stevia, herbs) at research stations in Mills River and Waynesville. She is   Plant to Profit
the lead author of the book Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and Other              Reems Creek Nursery
Woodland Medicinals and co-owner of Our Tiny Farm in Etowah.                                 Seven Springs Farm
                                                                                             Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary
    Lee Barnes will be offering the Southeastern Seed & Plant Exchange in
       the Exhibit Hall at the Chambers Gymnasium. Have extra seeds?
      Bring them with you! Need or want some seeds? Come get them!
          You’ll find plenty of interesting heirlooms along with staple
                    varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers.
 If you’re bringing seeds to share, please include the following information:
                                    Variety name
                                   Scientific name
            Date harvested or Seed Company “packaged for” year
           Stories and notes about your experience with this variety
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Workshop Descriptions
         COMMUNITY FOOD                    Understanding the Root Causes of            Mead Making
            DAY 201                        Hunger                                      Marissa Percoco
                                           Janice Brewer & Ali Stone                   The ancient art of mead making
Community Gardens for Good                 Everyone is hungry for something            mixes honey with fruit, flowers, roots
(Sunday ONLY)                              and everyone has something to give.         and herbs to create beverage bliss.
Isa Whitaker                               Dive deeper into the roots of hunger        We'll cover handling, harvesting, and
Discover the assets of community           while exploring the intersections           preparing ingredients including ratios
gardens and their power to encourage       of emergency food assistance and            and qualities of sweeteners and
good physical and mental health,           community farming. Learn to disrupt         yeasts, and bottling and storing. The
strengthen community, and engage           the systems that keep people in loops       focus is on wild, open, and cultured
youth. Combine gardening with Hip-Hop      of food insecurity.                         fermentation.
as a way to bring awareness of nature
connection and getting youth to expand              COOKING                                        EARTH SKILLS
outside the box.
                                            FERGUSON MATH & SCIENCE 135                              DAY 202
Co-operative Farming Models                Food Preservation: Canning                  Primal Play
Kimberly Hunter                            Kaleb Wallace                               Elijah Strongheart
Explore co-operative farming models,       Demonstration and discussion of             What principles can be derived from
best practices, and experimental           techniques and equipment used to            studying the way our ancestors
systems. Discover how farmers can          preserve food with water bath canning.      traditionally interacted with their
engage in aspects of independent           Pressure canning of low acid foods will     environment? What games do we play to
farming while also incorporating co-       also be discussed. Learn to feed yourself   stay young? All knowledge is acquired
operative components. It doesn't have      from local foods through the winter!        through movement and interaction. We
to be all or nothing                                                                   will organize and research methodology
                                           Food Diaspora                               that enables us move through our
Farming While Black                        Georie Bryant                               3-dimensional terrain and acquire
(Saturday ONLY)                            Through discussion and cooking              information about our surroundings.
Leah Penniman                              demo, we’ll investigate the relationship
Some of our most cherished                 between food, culture, and racial           Invasive Ethnobotony
sustainable farming practices have         equity. Explore the indigenous roots        Lauren Bacchus
roots in African wisdom. Learn how         and history of the foods we enjoy and       Instead of vilifying invasive plants,
Soul Fire Farm is part of a global         the ways that current eating habits are     understand their value and uses
network of farmers working to increase     implicit to cultural injustice.             through ethnobotany. Used for
farmland stewardship by people of                                                      millennia by traditional peoples,
color, restore Afro-indigenous farming     Local Cherokee Cuisine                      rediscover the history and uses of
practices, and end food apartheid.         Tyson Sampson                               mulberry, kudzu, and others for food,
                                           Discover Cherokee family food               fiber, and medicine. Human-use is an
Sowing the Seeds of Racial Equity          traditions starting with introductions      effective form of species management.
Natilee McGruder                           and relational narrative of these
Racial inequities hold our entire          historically and culturally significant     Traditional Sustainable Foods of the
community back. Learn to address           plants and foods. Workshop will             Cherokee
these issues in food system head-          include demonstrations and sharing of       Mary Crowe
on and create a plan of action to          the principal foods.                        Discover traditional foods gathered in
incorporate racial equity work into your                                               the Great Smokies by the Cherokee
work and daily life.                                                                   including spring gathering of
                                                                                       various wild mountain salads and
                                                                                       plants. Including but not limited to
                                                                                       Ramps, Sochan, Poke Salad, Jellico,
                                                                                       mushrooms, berries and nuts.
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Woodslore & Wildwoods Wisdom                  Smart Tools, Healthy Body                   Gearing for Stability & Growth:
Doug Elliott                                  Nazirahk Amen                               Designing a Small Farm for Financial
Whether he's singing about ginseng,           Belief in only hard work can lead to        Success
pontificating on possums, talking turtle,     aches and pains. Working smarter is         Elliot Seldner & Panel: E. Chender & L.
telling wild snake tales, or wailing out      the more enduring path. From hand           Howerter
a jivey harmonica tune, storyteller/          tools to tractors and plant protection to   Double down on profitability. Topics
naturalist, Doug Elliott, will take you       harvesting equipment, discover useful       covered: setting financial goals,
on a multifaceted celebration of the          tools to help make life easier in the       four-season cash flow, growing in
human connection to the natural world.        field.                                      greenhouse/high tunnel environments,
                                                    FARMING: EXPERIENCED                  and more. Useful for vegetable
        FARMING: BEGINNING                                DAY 304                         growers both actively farming as
             WALL 302                                                                     well as those in the planning and
                                              SATURDAY                                    development phase.
Black Farmers: The New Generation             Blight Resistant Tomato Varieties for
Kendrick Ransome                              the Organic Market                               GARDENING: BEGINNING
Stories of a beginning black farmer           Inga Meadows & Panel: M. Ashwill, P.               BELK AUDITORIUM
and he is sustaining human and                Shoemaker, & T. Elmore
economic development in his                   The use of grafted tomatoes in              10 Easy Vegetables for Beginners
communities. Discuss how to establish         sustainable production has the              Clint DeWitt
more black farmers, the importance            potential to increase yields depending      Explore how easy gardening can be!
of privileged and minority farmers to         on several variables. Explore               Discover the basics of ten vegetables
coexist and share (markets, equipment,        applications of grafted tomatoes            that are easy to grow, seamlessly
etc.) and identify community allies.          including disease resistance and many       scaled up or down, and best of all, can
                                              factors to consider when growing            provide fresh produce throughout the
Sustainable Agriculture 101                   grafted tomatoes.                           year.
Lucas Howerter
We will explore small-scale market            Organic No-Till Techniques                  Gardening 101: A Holistic Approach
farming, in particular cooperative            Shawn Jardnicek & Panel: C. Johnson, R.     Krista Fayette
management strategies, building a             Klein, & R. Hedrick                         Gardening Learn the basics of creating
farm from the ground up, detailed             Tools and techniques for no and low-        a garden, starting with our connection
year-round vegetable production for a         till agriculture being used on NC farms.    to the land and what we want to
CSA, sustainability considerations and        Discuss techniques like weed-free           receive from it. We will discuss garden
intensive growing practices using low-till,   cover crops, raised-bed production,         bed preparation and maintenance as
hand-scale methods. We will use Ten           delaying cover crop maturity, adding        well as basic plant care from seedling
Mothers Farm, a high production/low           mulch to extend weed control,               to harvest.
acreage mixed vegetable farm, as an           cover crop mixes, seeding rates and
example                                       equipment for all scales.                   The Seed Garden
                                                                                          Pam Dawling
Intergenerational Mentorship                  SUNDAY                                      Learn to grow seed crops. Discover:
Felicia Bell & DJ Baker                       Advanced Enterprise Development &           selection and marking plants for
Experienced farmers need to team              Strategizing                                improvement, best population size
up with beginning farmers for                 Nicole DelCogliano & Kimberly Hunter        and isolation distances, drying and
intergenerational mentorship. This            & Panel: C. Coulter & H. Whitesides         cleaning, storage and germination
prevents costly pitfalls, provides            Farming requires a variety of               testing. Examples of easy-to-grow wet
access to wisdom and traditional              production, management, and                 and dry seed crops. Use hoophouses
knowledge, provides potential for land        business skills. Understanding how          for seed growing in summer.
opportunities, and the assists in the         financial and production records
long-term success of new farmers.             translate to business development
                                              can sometimes be challenging.
                                              Group discussion on advanced
                                              enterprise development and adaptive
                                              management strategies for beginning
                                              and advanced small farmers.
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The Whole Okra: A Seed to Stem            Growing Sweet Potatoes                       What's the Buzz on Adaptogens?
Celebration                               Pam Dawling & Panel: Annie Louise            Eileen Brantley & Amy Wright
Chris Smith                               Perkinson                                    Adaptogens strengthen immunity,
Okra is an easy to grow, productive,      Grow your own sweet potato slips,            improve mental and physical function,
nutritious, and beautiful heat loving     plant them, cultivate healthy crops,         and relieve the impact of stress.
crop. Let’s celebrate this wonderful      harvest good yields, and select              Our ancestors across the globe
vegetable and explore using the           suitable roots for next year’s slips.        incorporated adaptogens effectively.
whole plant (from seed to stem) for a     Cure and store roots for top quality         Learn to appropriately utilize these
wide range of culinary applications       and minimal losses. Useful for               powerful herbal allies including some
and beyond.                               beginner and experienced growers             recipes to try at home.
                                          alike.                                       .
     GARDENING: EXPERIENCED                                                                      HOMESTEADING
            WALL 414                                      HERBS                                    WALL 220
                                                         WALL 418
SATURDAY                                                                               Digital Skills for the Homesteader
Cultural Growing Techniques               Grief & Trauma Support with Plant            Jason Contreras
Tarinii Shanai & Panel: S. Seldin, T.     Medicine                                     Connecting with an online community
Sampson, Z. Sabb-Hubb                     Kelbi Morris                                 through social media and video
Discover the traditional sustenance       None of us escape the trials and             platforms is a common path for
gardening techniques, specific crops,     tribulations of life. Thankfully there are   homesteaders. Learn from a skilled
and diverse cultural foods from West      many safe, accessible, and effective         and self-taught homesteading
Africa, Israel, and other regions, and    tools to help with the impact of trauma.     videographer about sharing and
how they relate to growing and eating     Discover plant based medicines and           monetizing your land-based living.
in Appalachia. These nutritious foods     nervous system support that can
can be incorporated into your garden      support us through difficult times.          Home-Scale Grain Production
and kitchen.                                                                           Mark Dempsey
                                          Growing & Selling Herbal Products            Are you wanting to produce more of
Forest Gardening                          Patricia Kyritsi Howell                      the staple foods you eat or feed your
Jeanine Davis & Marc Williams & Panel:    Transform your herb crops into a             livestock? Explore the many methods
Osker Brown                               lucrative revenue stream by making           to successfully produce a wide
With even a small shaded area, you        and selling your own herb products.          variety of grains—cereals, legumes,
can create a forest garden for food       Learn the regulatory and financial           and more—a small-scale. We’ll cover
and medicine as well as a beautiful       considerations related to the home-          growing, harvesting, cleaning, and
place in which to “forest bathe.”         made manufacture as well as                  storage.
Learn the basics basics on how to         marketing and sales of teas, salves,
grow, procure seeds and plants, and       lotions, and bath products.                  Homesteading 101
maintain a plentiful forest.plants, and                                                Angelica Watkins
local opportunities.                      Hemp Overview & Production                   From city dweller to homesteader.
                                          Michael Lewis                                Hear stories of wrangling chickens,
SUNDAY                                    Take a look at the history of the            raising rabbits, gardening, harvesting
Grow Great Vegetables in North            hemp plant's role in the development         grapes, butchering goats, making
Carolina                                  of our species, the events that led          sourdough and weaving washcloths.
Ira Wallace & Panel: Cindy Trisler        to its criminalization, the eventual         Discover ideas about setting up your
Tips and techniques for growing           re-introduction of the plant to our          homestead, how to gain practical
garden fresh salads year-round,           current economy and a broad look at          knowledge, and learn lessons from
including vine ripened tomatoes, crisp    current policies and issues around the       others.
green peppers, outstanding winter         development of this crop for farmers.
collards, and dozens of other delicious   Overview of production specifics for
edibles. Discussion of soil building,     fiber, grain, and production, and a
planting dates, succession sowing,        review of diseases and pests.
mulch, managing water, selecting the
best varieties, and more.
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Practical Skills for Food Storage                Raising Bacon: Understanding Feed           Mushroom ID Basics: 20 Easy
Ashleigh Hillen                                  Rations & Alternative Feed Ingredients      to Identify Edible & Medicinal
Practical skills for storing food through        "Pork" Rhyne Cureton                        Mushrooms
the winter. Learn a variety of storage           Although swine can close the loop           Tradd Cotter
methods including dehydrating and                on food waste, it's not enough to just      If you have ever wanted a basic
drying, canning, fermenting, freezing,           feed pigs scraps! In this session we        introduction to unlocking the edible
root cellaring, storage of root crops            will discuss how feed is formulated,        and medicinal mushrooms in our area
in the ground, and ongoing rotation              differences in food rations depending       this is it! Includes basic taxonomy,
for freshness. Create at-home food               on age or breed, how feed affects pork      spore printing tips, collection advice,
resiliency.                                      quality, which feed ingredients to stay     dissecting mushrooms, and how to use
                                                 away from, and the cost effectiveness of    field guides properly.
               LIVESTOCK                         procuring alternative feeds.
                 DAY 303                                                                               PERMACULTURE
                                                              MUSHROOMS                                   WALL 413
All About Minerals                                             WALL 202
Greg Stewart                                                                                 Permaculture 101
Explore the macro and micro nutrients            Fermenting with Fungi: Molds &              Michael Brown
essential for optimum animal health,             Yeasts                                      Learn about permaculture including
develop a holistic supplementation               Erica Gunnison                              ethics and principles for land,
program, discover the minerals that might        Discover fungal cultures as a way to        livelihood, community engagement,
be lacking in mountain soils, implement          preserve the harvest, increase nutrient     and more. Discover this holistic design
the best method of supplementation, and          availability, and create intoxicants!       system used to create regenerative
experience the resulting nutrient density        Work with molds and yeasts to create        human settlements and food systems
of your products.                                tempeh, meads, miso, and others. The        while working harmoniously with
                                                 world of fungi is vast and not limited to   nature and ecological systems.
Sustainable Meat Rabbits: Down the               mushrooms.
Rabbit Hole of a Greener World                                                               Phyco-Permaculture
Sarah Hopton                                     Fungi in the Soil                           William Padilla-Brown
Start or scale up a meat rabbit enterprise,      Leif Olson                                  Integrate algal allies into your systems
for home or business. Learn feeding,             Leif Olson is an environmental              including a practical understanding
breeding, rearing, housing, diseases,            scientist, educator and consultant who      of the top five algae cultures.
cures, processing options, marketing             studies the interactions of ecology with    Focus on spirulina due to ease of
(direct, restaurants, distributors), and         food production, waste management           cultivation and safety for consumption.
financial data. Get a realistic sense of the     and land restoration. His background        Discover media preparation, culture
costs and benefits at various scales.            includes mushroom cultivation,              maintenance, batch culturing,
                                                 biogeochemistry, field ecology and          harvesting and consumption. Hands-
Livestock Learning Curves: The Biggest           landscaping and he currently works          on.
Things I've Learned From Animals                 as a research consultant for land
Meredith Leigh & Panel: R Cureton, S.            management projects.                        Permaculture Land Assessment
Duboc, V. Hamilton, & R. Sinicrope                                                           Luke Costlow
Learn from seasoned farmers about a              Medicinal Mushrooms                         Effective implementation of the
variety of species. From business to             Cornelia Cho                                permaculture principles requires a deep,
spiritual, discover the hard knocks and          Covering both ancient knowledge             robust, and holistic understanding of
sweet gifts of livestock management.             and current research, learn how             the specific land you are stewarding.
Equal parts philosophy, embarrassing             mushrooms can help us with many             Discover the assessment process, using
stories, and technical tips, plan for a lively   health issues including eczema,             an objective lens, which will lead to
and educational conversation and Q&A.            Parkinson’s disease, glucose                informed design decisions and more
                                                 regulation, dementia, immune                creativity in implementation.
                                                 regulation, addiction, depression, and
                                                 more. Grow your own---often delicious-
                                                 --medicine on agricultural waste.
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Perennial Permaculture Plants              Production, Processing, & Marketing                 SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY
Laura Ruby                                 Tyler Case                                                 DAY 205
Come learn about the top 20+ native        Discussion of systems for production,         Forest Farming Enterprises in
and non-native perennial plants for the    processing, and selling chickens in our       Appalachia
Western North Carolina region and why      farm's small scale broiler operation. We’ll   Jeanine Davis
we love them. Leave this class ready to    cover the on-farm processing setup,           Learn how woodland medicinals
start or expand your useful and edible     methods, marketing, and customer              can provide long term income as a
perennial permaculture garden, berry       ordering system.                              component of your forest management
patch or orchard. Learn how these plants                                                 plan. These medicinal herbs can be
can support humans and the greater                          SOILS                        grown to harvest and sell, produced as
ecosystems of our region.                                  DAY 301                       nursery and seed crops, or be part of an
                                                                                         agritourism/educational business.
               POULTRY                     Fertility Management
               DAY 204                     Robin Kloot                                   Forest Planning
                                           Soils are more than a medium to               Mary Vann Johnston
Hentopia: DIY Chickens                     grow plants, they are a living, dynamic       Learn the role of the forest in your land
Frank Hyman                                ecosystem. As we expand the                   plan through stewardship planning,
Go on vacation without a chicken           paradigms that govern soil fertility, this    intentional design, and management
sitter! Discover low-tech self-filling     influences the ways in which we view,         strategies. Discover the resources and
waterers, vending machine feeders,         tend, engage, and benefit from soils.         tools for a variety of options that will
best nest boxes, and a nearly                                                            help you achieve your forest goals and
free coop made of pallets. Slides,         No-Till Methods for the Small-Scale           objectives.
handouts, Q&A, and props! Cut the          Grower
time and money you spend on chicken        Cedar Johnson                                 Growing Fruit Organically in the
keeping.                                   Cut back on tilling and cultivation to        Southeast
                                           improve soil health even on a garden          Andrew Goodheart Brown
Poultry Husbandry & Management             or small farm scale. Learn practical,         Growing fruit organically in WNC can be
Meagan Coneybeer                           methods and accessible approaches             a challenge. Discover what you need
Learn the various pastured poultry         used by small-scale growers to cut            to know to design for success. Make
management styles including using          back on tilling while still growing a         good decisions prior to starting your fruit
pasture and landscaping to benefit         successful crop.                              growing, though all levels can benefit!
poultry. Discussions on coop and
forage styles based on terrain and         Soils 101                                     Making Maple Syrup in the South: From
predator pressure, management of           Mark Dempsey                                  Back-yard Sugaring to Small-Scale
broody hens, raising chicks, utilizing     Soil is complex, but with some basic          Farming
manure, as well as health and              knowledge of how soil works, you can          Wheeler & Michael Waldeck
wellness.                                  farm better. Come learn how the many          Tap into something sweet! Delve into the
                                           properties of soil interact, and how you      lost art of sugaring in the south. Top to
Predator Protection for Poultry            can manage for both healthy soil and          bottom tutorial on how to make maple
Tim Burke                                  healthy plants.                               syrup, whether you're tapping a single
Learn to protect your birds from                                                         tree, or pursuing a small-scale farming
predators of all kinds and avoid           Soil Food Web                                 enterprise.
devastating losses to your flock.          Troy Hinke
Understand each predator and learn         Understand and steward the life in
strategies for protection. Specifically    your soil to promote healthy plants
we’ll discuss containment options for      and sustainable profits. Discover the
specific breeds of poultry.                soil food web and techniques for
                                           living soil using compost and compost
                                           teas. Three to five days of training
                                           condensed into 90 minutes.
2020 EVENT PROGRAM - Organic Growers School
10 | 2020 SPRING CONFERENCE                                                                           ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG

        SUSTAINABLE LIVING                  Tiny Homes                                    Healing the Matriarch
             WALL 219                       Jeramy Stauffer                               (Sunday ONLY)
                                            The tiny home and portable house              Zaire Sabb-Hubb
DIY Solar 101                               movement has swept the country. It            There is a growing shift in consciousness
(Saturday ONLY)                             advocates for simple living, a smaller        in women around the world. Women
Keenan Phillips                             ecological footprint, & an architectural      are done with being sick and tired and
Introduction to solar powered systems       design that meets all human needs. This       ready to emerge into their full potential.
on a small scale. Learn about siting,       class will discuss technical approaches,      Discover the imbalanced scales and
planning, designing, components,            design concepts, rules & regulations,         ways to heal the imbalance.
energy storage methods, construction,       construction issues, infrastructure, and
and more! Get some hands-on                 homesteading tips.                            Rural Justice in an Unsettled Land
experience with tools to help you create                                                  Charlie Thompson
your own power system.                      Water Resilience for the Homestead            An intimate portrait of the joys and
                                            John Henry Nelson                             hardships of rural life, in a search of
Regenerative Farming Funding                In an age of climate change and water         community, equality, and tradition in
Mari Stuart & Zev Friedman                  challenges, it’s important to design          Appalachia. Learn what thrust Charlie into
Co-operate WNC’s new initiative             and build in water resilience on your         organizing, teaching, and documenting
helps farmers transition to climate-        homestead or farm. Learn about                in his quest for rural justice in the US and
resilient, regenerative farming and         collection, storage, and use. Discover        Latin America.
land management practices. The              how to prepare for a changing future of
program leverages cooperative funding       water challenges.                             Stewardship Dowsing: Applied Intuition
mechanisms to implement these                                                             Lee Barnes
practices. Learn about the benefits of                   THINKING BIG                     Simple Dowsing/Divining techniques
regenerative farming and how your farm                     DAY 305                        allow us to ask clearer questions and tap
can participate as a pilot site.                                                          into superconscious awareness. When
                                            Climate Advocacy & Resilient Farming          we allow our muscles and body a "voice,”
Solar for Home & Farm                       Asher Wright & Steffi Rausch                  it helps for more informed decision
(Sunday ONLY)                               Farmers are at the center of emerging         making by inviting both our conscious
Chavo Krenek                                solutions for a changing climate. Learn       experiences and subconscious
Apply the most current solar technology     tangible strategies to build resilience       connections.
and equipment to your home or farm,         into your farm as well as communication
including battery storage options.          strategies to effectively engage with
Discuss the current financial incentives,   legislators on federal climate policy. We
such as federal tax credits and the solar   need both to mitigate effectively.
rebate program for Duke customers in
NC.                                         Growing Out Loud:
                                            The New American City
                                            (Saturday ONLY)
                                            Rashid Nuri
                                            The current paradigm of commercial
                                            agriculture is not sustainable. Small farms
                                            and urban agriculture can improve the
                                            future of the world's food production,
                                            improve health outcomes, and build
                                            strong communities. Discover history and
                                            guidance as this new generation of food
ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG                                                                                      2020 SPRING CONFERENCE | 11

                                                     HALF-DAY WORKSHOPS: AM

These workshops require advance registration and cost an additional $10 to cover materials fees. To register, go to the registration table in
the Chambers Gymnasium.
The ABCs of CBD                              Organic Plant Propagation                        Kudzu Freeform Basketry
Franny Tacy                                  Thomas Leonard                                   Nancy Basket
FELLOWSHIP HALL                              WALL 412                                         WALL 415
CBD receptors are found throughout              Explore the reproduction of your                 Make beautiful use of this prolific
the entire body including brain,                favorite medicinal herbs, trees, and             weed! Split mature kudzu vines,
organs, connective tissues, glands,             other plants through this hands-on               prepare fibers, and weave a unique,
and immune cells. This incredible               workshop. Learn seed saving including            elegant, and useful basket. Go home
Endocannabinoid System serves as a              harvesting, processing, and storing              with more knowledge about different
bridgeway between the body and the              as well as cloning through vegetative            ways to use this fast-growing invasive
mind. Learn about the CBD Business              propagation.                                     and a basket of your own.
from seed to sale.

Beekeeping Basics: Natural Products
With Honey
Oxx Simeina
WALL 422
Learn the basics of keeping a colony
of bees without the use of pesticides.
Discuss the most delicious byproducts
of the honeybees and learn to process
them into products at home. Lipbalm
product demonstrations.

                                                     HALF-DAY WORKSHOPS: PM
These workshops require advance registration and cost an additional $10 to cover materials fees. To register, go to the registration table in
the Chambers Gymnasium.

Growing Soils with Vermicompost                 Herbal Products 101: Oils & Teas
Rhonda Sherman                                  Noelle Joy
WALL 422                                        FELLOWSHIP HALL
Learn how to recycle food scraps,               Explore the basics of making herbal
garden waste, and carbon into food              infused oils and herbal teas. We’ll
for worms that makes nutritious                 cover how to get started, which
vermicompost. It will make your soil            methods are best to use for which
healthy and maximize production!                herbs, and formulating your own
Learn about worm bins, production               products. Take home a handcrafted
methods, and the benefits to soil and           salve and herbal tea.
                                                Living with Fermentation: A
Growing Tropical Perennials in                  Comprehensive Exploration
Appalachia                                      Marissa Percoco
Chris Smith                                     WALL 415
WALL 412                                        Historical preservation through
Tropical perennials are stunning plants         fermentation from around the world,
with limited pests and diseases, offer          including jun, kombucha, kvass, kraut,
a diverse diet for a changing climate,          kim chi, kefirs, sodas, meads, sour
and can be grown locally. Learn                 dough, and more. Explore techniques
open-field practices and culinary               and tricks to create nutritious, delicious
applications for taro, arrowroot, yacon,        fermented delights in your own kitchen
turmeric, ginger, water chestnut, sweet         using seasonal and local foods.
potato, ube, and cassava.

                                     2020 Exhibitors

                                     Buchi Kombucha
                                     Carolina Farm Credit
                                     Cecilia's Kitchen
                                     Clean Water Labs
                                     Dirtcraft Organics
                                     Doug Elliott
                                     Dr Bronner's
                                     Eagle Feather Farm
                          BUILDING   Edible Asheville
                           BRIDGES   Energy Cost-share Assistance Program
                                     Fedco Seeds
                                     Firestorm Cafe & Books
                                     French Broad Food Co-op
                                     Fun Frolic Farm
                                     Gypsy Queen Cuisine
                                     Indigenous Environmental Network
                                     Kenkashi Microbes
                                     Kudzu Kabin Designs
                                     Living Web Farm
                                     Mushroom Mountain
                                     NC Ginseng Association
                                     Notorious Coffee
                                     Organic Growers School
                                     Peace & Harmony Farm
                                     Pfleger Pfarms
                                     Pure Fire Foods
                                     Purple Mountain Organics
                                     RD & S Farm
                                     Reems Creek Nursery
                                     Southeastern Seed & Plant Exchange
                                     Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
                                     Sow True Seed
                                     Useful Plants Nursery
                                     Well Seasoned Table
                                     Wild Abundance and Firefly Gathering
                                     Zink Outdoor Power Equipment
                                9:00–10:30                 11:00–12:30                  2:00–3:30                      4:00–5:30
                                                      Co-operative Farming         The Root Causes of             Sowing the Seeds of
 COMMUNITY FOOD             Farming While Black
                                                            Models                       Hunger                      Racial Equity
     DAY 201                  Leah Penniman
                                                        Kimberly Hunter            J. Brewer & A. Stone            Natilee McGruder
     COOKING                                                                                                       Food Preservation:
                               Mead Making           Local Cherokee Cuisine       Food of the Diaspora
 FERGUSON MATH &                                                                                                        Canning
                              Marissa Percoco           Tyson Sampson                Georie Bryant
    SCIENCE 135                                                                                                      Kaleb Wallace
                          Traditional Foods of the                               Woodslore & Wildwoods
   EARTH SKILLS                                       Invasive Ethnobotany                                             Primal Play
                                  Cherokee                                              Wisdom
     DAY 202                                             Lauren Bacchus                                            Elijah Strongheart
                                Mary Crowe                                            Doug Elliott
                          Sustainable Agriculture        Intergenerational          Black Farmers:
FARMING: BEGINNING                                                                                            Smart Tools, Healthy Body
                                    101                     Mentorship            The New Generation
     WALL 302                                                                                                     Nazirahk Amen
                              Lucas Howerter            F. Bell & D.J. Baker       Kendrick Ransome
FARMING: EXPERIENCED               Blight Resistant Tomato Varieties                        Organic No-Till Techniques
      DAY 304                  Inga Meadows Panel: M. Ashwill, T. Elmore        Shawn Jadrnicek Panel: C. Johnson, R. Hendrick, R. Klein
GARDENING: BEGINNING           Gardening 101             The Whole Okra            10 Easy Vegetables              The Seed Garden
 BELK AUDITORIUM               Krista Fayette              Chris Smith                 Clint DeWitt                  Pam Dawling
GARDENING: EXPERIENCED                    Forest Gardening                                     Cultural Growing Techniques
      WALL 414                    Jeanine Davis Panel: Osker Brown              Ta'rin'ii Shanaii Panel: S. Seldin, T. Sampson, Z. Sabb-Hubb
                          Growing & Selling Herbal
       HERBS                                               Adaptogens               Hemp Production             Grief & Trauma Support
      WALL 418                                        E. Brantley & A. Wright        Michael Lewis                    Kelbi Morris
                              P. Kyritsi Howell
  HOMESTEADING               Homesteading 101             Food Storage            Digital Homesteading              Grain Production
    WALL 220                 Angelica Watkins             Ashleigh Hillen           Jason Contreras                  Mark Dempsey

     LIVESTOCK                Raising Bacon           Livestock Learning M.         All About Minerals         Sustainable Meat Rabbits
       DAY 303                Rhyne Cureton               Leigh & Panel                Greg Stewart                 Sarah Hopton

   MUSHROOMS                Mushroom ID Basics        Medicinal Mushrooms            Fungi in the Soil          Fermenting with Fungi
    WALL 202                   Tradd Cotter              Cornelia Cho                  Leif Olson                  Erica Gunnison
                                                       Permaculture Land                Perennial
  PERMACULTURE               Permaculture 101                                                                     Phyco-Permaculture
                                                          Assessment               Permaculture Plants
     WALL 413                 Michael Brown                                                                        W. Padilla-Brown
                                                         Luke Costlow                  Laura Ruby
                              Husbandry &                                                                      Production, Processing &
      POULTRY                                          Predator Protection       Hentopia: DIY Chickens
                              Management                                                                             Marketing
      DAY 204                                              Tim Burke                 Frank Hyman
                            Meagan Coneybeer                                                                         Tyler Case
        SOILS                   Soils 101                No Till Methods          Fertility Management               Soil Food Web
       DAY 301                Mark Dempsey               Cedar Johnson                  Robin Kloot                   Troy Hinke
                           Making Maple Syrup in                                     Forest Farming
SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY                                    Forest Planning                                              Growing Fruit
                                the South                                              Enterprises
      DAY 205                                          Mary Vann Johnston                                         A. Goodheart Brown
                             W. & M. Waldeck                                          Jeanine Davis
                                                                                 Regenerative Farming
SUSTAINABLE LIVING              Tiny Homes                DIY Solar 101                                             Water Resilience
     WALL 219                 Jeramy Stauffer            Keenan Phillips                                            John H. Nelson
                                                                                 M. Stuart & Z. Friedman
   THINKING BIG            Stewardship Dowsing          Growing Out Loud              Rural Justice                Climate Advocacy
     DAY 305                   Lee Barnes                  Rashid Nuri              Charlie Thompson             S. Rausch & A. Wright
                                      SATURDAY AM 9:00-12:30                                   SATURDAY PM 2:00-5:30
      HALF DAY                            The ABCs of CBD                                   Herbal Products 101: Oils & Teas
    WORKSHOPS                     Franny Tacy - FELLOWSHIP HALL                             Noelle Joy - FELLOWSHIP HALL
    Meet In Listed          Beekeeping Basics: Natural Products with Honey                 Growing Soils with Vermicompost
 Classroom; Outdoor                    Oxx Simenia - WALL 422                                 Rhonda Sherman - WALL 422
Locations In The Lion's               Organic Plant Propagation                        Growing Tropical Perennials in Appalachia
 Eye Quad Or Outside                 Thomas Leonard - WALL 412                                   Chris Smith - WALL 412
     Of Day Hall                      Kudzu Freeform Basketry                    Living with Fermentation: A Comprehensive Exploration
                                      Nancy Basket - WALL 415                                  Marissa Percoco - WALL 415
                                9:00–10:30                 11:00–12:30                   2:00–3:30                     4:00–5:30
                            Community Gardens         Co-operative Farming           The Root Causes              Sowing the Seeds of
                                 for Good                   Models                       of Hunger                   Racial Equity
     DAY 201
                               Isa Whitaker             Kimberly Hunter            J. Brewer & A. Stone            Natilee McGruder
     COOKING                                                                                                       Food Preservation:
                               Mead Making            Local Cherokee Cuisine       Food of the Diaspora
 FERGUSON MATH &                                                                                                        Canning
                              Marissa Percoco            Tyson Sampson                Georie Bryant
    SCIENCE 135                                                                                                      Kaleb Wallace
                          Traditional Foods of the                               Woodslore & Wildwoods
   EARTH SKILLS                                       Invasive Ethnobotany                                              Primal Play
                                  Cherokee                                              Wisdom
     DAY 202                                             Lauren Bacchus                                             Elijah Strongheart
                                Mary Crowe                                            Doug Elliott
                          Sustainable Agriculture       Intergenerational           Black Farmers:                Smart Tools, Healthy
                                    101                     Mentorship            The New Generation                     Body
     WALL 302
                              Lucas Howerter            F. Bell & D.J. Baker       Kendrick Ransome                 Nazirahk Amen
FARMING: EXPERIENCED         Designing a Small Farm For Financial Success         Advanced Enterprise Development & Strategizing
      DAY 304                 Elliot Seldner Panel: E. Chender, L. Howerter      N. DelCogliano & K. Hunter Panel: C. Coulter, H. Whitesides
GARDENING: BEGINNING           Gardening 101             The Whole Okra          10 Easy Vegetables Clint           The Seed Garden
 BELK AUDITORIUM               Krista Fayette              Chris Smith                    DeWitt                      Pam Dawling
GARDENING: EXPERIENCED               Growing Sweet Potatoes                                  Grow Great Vegetables in NC
      WALL 414                Pam Dawling Panel: Annie Louise Perkinson                      Ira Wallace Panel: Cindy Trisler
                          Growing & Selling Herbal
       HERBS                                                Adaptogens               Hemp Production            Grief & Trauma Support
      WALL 418                                         E. Brantley & A. Wright        Michael Lewis                   Kelbi Morris
                              P. Kyritsi Howell
  HOMESTEADING               Homesteading 101             Food Storage            Digital Homesteading              Grain Production
    WALL 220                  Angelica Watkins            Ashleigh Hillen            Jason Contreras                 Mark Dempsey
                                                      Livestock Learning M.                                            Sustainable
     LIVESTOCK                 Raising Bacon                                        All About Minerals
                                                              Leigh                                                   Meat Rabbits
       DAY 303                 Rhyne Cureton                                           Greg Stewart
                                                             & Panel                                                  Sarah Hopton
   MUSHROOMS                Mushroom ID Basics        Medicinal Mushrooms             Fungi in the Soil          Fermenting with Fungi
    WALL 202                   Tradd Cotter              Cornelia Cho                    Leif Olson                 Erica Gunnison
                                                        Permaculture Land               Perennial
  PERMACULTURE               Permaculture 101                                                                     Phyco-Permaculture
                                                           Assessment              Permaculture Plants
     WALL 413                 Michael Brown                                                                        W. Padilla-Brown
                                                          Luke Costlow                 Laura Ruby
                              Husbandry &                                                                        Production, Processing
      POULTRY                                        Predator Protection Tim      Hentopia: DIY Chickens
                              Management                                                                              & Marketing
      DAY 204                                                 Burke                   Frank Hyman
                            Meagan Coneybeer                                                                          Tyler Case
        SOILS                   Soils 101                No Till Methods           Fertility Management              Soil Food Web
       DAY 301                Mark Dempsey               Cedar Johnson                   Robin Kloot                   Troy Hinke
                           Making Maple Syrup in                                      Forest Farming
SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY                                    Forest Planning                                              Growing Fruit
                                the South                                               Enterprises
      DAY 205                                          Mary Vann Johnston                                         A. Goodheart Brown
                             W. & M. Waldeck                                           Jeanine Davis
                                                          Solar Power for         Regenerative Farming
SUSTAINABLE LIVING              Tiny Homes                                                                          Water Resilience
                                                           Home & Farm                   Funding
     WALL 219                 Jeramy Stauffer                                                                       John H. Nelson
                                                          Chavo Krenek            M. Stuart & Z. Friedman
   THINKING BIG            Stewardship Dowsing        Healing the Matriarch            Rural Justice               Climate Advocacy
     DAY 305                   Lee Barnes               Zaire Sabb-Hubb              Charlie Thompson             S. Rausch & A. Wright
                                        SUNDAY AM 9:00-12:30                                     SUNDAY PM 2:00-5:30
      HALF DAY                            The ABCs of CBD                                   Herbal Products 101: Oils & Teas
    WORKSHOPS                     Franny Tacy - FELLOWSHIP HALL                             Noelle Joy - FELLOWSHIP HALL
    Meet In Listed          Beekeeping Basics: Natural Products with Honey                 Growing Soils with Vermicompost
 Classroom; Outdoor                    Oxx Simenia - WALL 422                                 Rhonda Sherman - WALL 422
Locations In The Lion's               Organic Plant Propagation                        Growing Tropical Perennials in Appalachia
 Eye Quad Or Outside                 Thomas Leonard - WALL 412                                   Chris Smith - WALL 412
     Of Day Hall                      Kudzu Freeform Basketry                    Living with Fermentation: A Comprehensive Exploration
                                      Nancy Basket - WALL 415                                  Marissa Percoco - WALL 415
18 | 2020 SPRING CONFERENCE                                    ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG


                              Saturday & Sunday, September 4-5, 2020 • 9:30-4:30
                                                Warren Wilson College
                                     701 Warren Wilson Rd, Swannanoa, NC 28778
                                   The Harvest Conference is an educational event that offers
                               affordable classes on organic growing and sustainable living.
                                A small selection of 1-day workshops taught by outstanding
                              guest speakers, Each day-long workshop is independent. Take
                                 a workshop with any instructor on Friday and/or Saturday;
                                      receive a discount for registering for both days.
ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG                                                                                      2020 SPRING CONFERENCE | 19

Instructor Bios
Ali Stone                                                                 Ashleigh Hillen
Root Cause Farm                                                           HOMESTEADING: Food Storage
COMMUNITY FOOD: The Root Causes of Hunger                                 Ashleigh Hillen works in outdoor survival, agriculture, and
Ali Stone is Program Manager at Root Cause Farm and a student             seed sovereignty. Her goal is to empower others through the
at OHSU pursuing an MS in Food Systems and Society. She                   practices of self sufficiency and home food preservation that were
brings leadership experience in community garden development,             passed down through generations of her family. She has a BS in
teaching, project management, and food access advocacy. She is            Environmental Management and Policy with a Minor in Economics
interested in food access using an abundance mindset and asset            from UNCA.
based model.
                                                                          Carol Coulter
                                                                          Heritage Homestead Goat Dairy
Andrew Goodheart Brown
                                                                          FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Advanced Enterprise
Urban Orchardist
                                                                          Development & Strategizing (Panel, Sunday Only)
SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY: Growing Fruit Organically
                                                                          Carol Coulter has 20 years experience in nonprofit
Andrew Goodheart Brown, a 40 year resident of WNC and
                                                                          management and recently retired from Blue Ridge Women in
a passionate home orchardist with over 46 varieties grown
                                                                          Agriculture’s Director position. In 2009 she and her husband
ecologically. Andrew is an international consultant in small scale
                                                                          opened a licensed goat dairy, making and selling cheese,
sustainable agriculture projects, an endangered species observer,
                                                                          fudge, and caramel. She teaches Farm Business Management
field biologist, naturalist, permaculturist, gourmet natural food cook,
                                                                          and Grant Writing at Appalachian State University.
educator, gardener and beekeeper.
                                                                          Cedar Johnson
Angelica Watkins                                                          Goldfinch Gardens
HOMESTEADING: Homesteading 101                                            FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Organic No-Till Techniques
Angelica Watkins is a wife, mother of four children, homeschooler,        (Panel, Saturday Only) & SOILS: No-Till Methods
and homesteader. She has lived in WNC for eight years. In addition        Cedar Johnson has been involved in sustainable farming for over
to raising her family, she has been raising ducks, goats, tending a       20 years. She and her family run Goldfinch Gardens, a small,
garden, and cooking healthy, wholesome meals while learning old           sustainable farm in Yancey county where they sell a wide variety of
world skills and juggling daily life.                                     vegetables to restaurants and through an online CSA. She studied
                                                                          ecological agriculture at The Evergreen State College.
Asher Wright
                                                                          Charlie Thompson
Hickory Nut Gap Farm
                                                                          Duke University
THINKING BIG: Climate Advocacy & Resilient Farming
                                                                          THINKING BIG: Rural Justice
Asher Wright is the Farm Director at Hickory Nut Gap Farm. His
                                                                          Charlie Thompson teaches, writes, and makes films about rural
love for farming began at Warren Wilson College 15 years ago
                                                                          justice, is Professor of the Practice of Cultural Anthropology and
where he graduated with a B.A. in Environmental Studies and
                                                                          Documentary Studies at Duke University, and the author of ""Going
worked as a farm manager. He has an M.S. in Animal Science from
                                                                          Over Home: A Search for Rural Justice in an Unsettled Land.” He’s
Clemson University.
                                                                          a native of Southwest Virginia and a former organic farmer.
20 | 2020 SPRING CONFERENCE                                                                                  ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG

Chavo Krenek                                                           D.J. Baker
Sugar Hollow Solar, Inc.                                               Esculent
SUSTAINABLE LIVING: Solar Power for Home & Farm (Sunday                FARMING - BEGINNING: Intergenerational Mentorship
Only)                                                                  D.J. Baker is an advocate for small and local food businesses, an
Chavo Krenek is the Director of Operations and Managing Partner        activist for justice, and a student and teacher of nutrition, health,
with Sugar Hollow Solar, a local full-service solar installation       agriculture, and food. D.J. is inspired to help everyday people
company. His degree is in Appropriate Technology from                  striving to cultivate a new culture and health in their homes and
Appalachian State University, and has worked in solar for the past     communities.
4 years.
                                                                       Doug Elliott
Chris Smith                                                            Possum Productions
Utopian Seed Project                                                   EARTH SKILLS: Woodslore & Wildwoods Wisdom
GARDENING - BEGINNING: The Whole Okra & HALF DAY                       Doug Elliott is a naturalist, herbalist, storyteller, basket maker,
WORKSHOPS: Growing Tropical Perennials in Appalachia                   backcountry guide, philosopher, and harmonica wizard. He has
Chris Smith is executive director of Utopian Seed Project, a crop-     broad, practical, scientific and cultural knowledge of the area's
trialing non-profit celebrating food. He serves on the boards of The   many useful wild plants and interesting critters. He has authored
People’s Seed and Sow True Seed. His book, The Whole Okra,             five books, and a number of award winning recordings, and is seen
was published in June 2019. He's passionate about sustainable          on PBS-TV.
food systems, heritage seed saving, and surviving the apocalypse.
                                                                       Eileen Brantley & Amy Wright
Cindy Trisler                                                          Herb Girls Athens
Mudluscious Garden                                                     HERBS: Adaptogens
GARDENING - EXPERIENCED: Growing Great Vegetables in                   Amy Wright & Eileen Brantley work together in their new business,
NC (Sunday ONLY)                                                       Herb Girls Athens; their mission is to reconnect their community
Cindy raised three children on a homestead in the Midwest              with healing foods and herbal medicine by providing nutritional
without running water or plumbing. She now resides in Madison          therapy consults, education, and high-quality, handcrafted herbal
County, NC on a small homestead called Mudluscious Pottery             products.
and Farm. There she runs an Air BnB, cooks everything from
scratch, tends the gardens including chickens and mushrooms,           Elijah Strongheart
and provides wonderful products weekly to customers.                   EARTH SKILLS: Primal Play
                                                                       Elijah Strongheart is adept in many movement modalities and
Clint DeWitt                                                           philosophies, as well as being a Human Development student
Kanuga Conferences, Inc.                                               and avid earthskills practitioner. He has 10+ years experience
GARDENING - BEGINNING: 10 Easy Vegetables                              guiding youth and adults in wilderness settings, and among
Clint DeWitt serves as the Environmental Projects Manager at           other things is a Yoga Teacher, rock climber, highliner, sculptor,
Kanuga Conference Center in Hendersonville. His duties include         poet, arborist, bibliophile, and whitewater paddler.
the planning and care of a one-acre educational garden that
demonstrates organic and beyond organic practices for students         Elliot Seldner
and guests from across the southeast while providing fresh, local      Fair Share Farm, LLC
food for the conference center dining hall.                            FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Designing a Small Farm For
                                                                       Financial Success (Sunday Only)
Cornelia Cho                                                           Elliot Seldner runs Fair Share Farm, LLC in Pfafftown, NC, with wife
Mushroom Club of Georgia                                               Emma Hendel. The four-season farm serves customers in Winston-
MUSHROOMS: Medicinal Mushrooms                                         Salem, Greensboro and Charlotte with a mission is to make the world
Cornelia Cho is a practicing pediatrician, mushroom club president,    a little better by growing great food and feeding a lot of people.
educator and life-long explorer of the many paths to healing. She
loves growing, preserving, fermenting, foraging, and cooking food      Erica Gunnison
as well as finding waste solutions, reclaiming traditional foodways    MUSHROOMS: Fermenting with Fungi
and advocating food justice.                                           Erica Gunnison is a community organizer working with
                                                                       Whippoorwill Festival, Amazon Mycorenewal Project, Radical
                                                                       Mycology Convergence, Organic Growers School, and Firefly
                                                                       Gathering. She is drawn to the intersection of natural and human
                                                                       communities with a focus on sharing skills designed to empower
                                                                       individuals, build collective culture, and create a harmonious
                                                                       shared Earth.
ORGANICGROWERSSCHOOL.ORG                                                                                       2020 SPRING CONFERENCE | 21

Evan Chender                                                              Holly Whitesides
The Culinary Gardener                                                     Against the Grain
FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Designing a Small Farm For                         FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Advanced Enterprise
Financial Success (Sunday Only)                                           Development & Strategizing (Sunday Only)
Evan Chender, a farmer and former chef, runs The Culinary                 Holly Whitesides and her family have been farming Biodynamically
Gardener, a one-acre intensive vegetable farm in Weaverville, NC.         since 2013 on 35 acres near Boone, NC. They raise certified
He grows over 200 varieties of crops per year and markets directly        BIodynamic and Organic vegetables, as well as Animal Welfare
to restaurants in Asheville and Atlanta.                                  Approved and pastured beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and goat. Holly is
                                                                          committed to regenerative agriculture that heals people and the soil.
Felicia Bell
RD & S Farm, LLC                                                          Inga Meadows
FARMING - BEGINNING: Intergenerational Mentorship                         North Carolina State University
Felicia Bell is an Agriculture Specialist at NCAT, an African             FARMING - EXPERIENCED: Blight Resistant Tomato Varieties
American farmer, born into a farming family, and co-owner of Eritaj       (Saturday Only)
Cookery, a restorative food cafe and education hub in Jackson,            Inga Meadows is the Extension Vegetable Pathologist for WNC
MS. Bell has over 30 years of experience working with heritage            where she provides disease management recommendations
breed animals on various grazing methods.                                 for growers and conducts research for cultural and chemical
                                                                          management of vegetable diseases. Inga served as the
Frank Hyman                                                               ornamental and tree pathology researcher at Clemson University
POULTRY: Hentopia, DIY Chickens                                           and has taught plant disease diagnosis for agriculturalists
Frank Hyman is a writer, carpenter, stone mason and welder with           worldwide.
40 years construction experience with farms, gardens, houses,
coops and treehouses. He’s been an organic farmer, an IPM scout
and a Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor. His articles
appear in Chickens, Community Chickens.com, Paleo and Hobby

Franny Tacy
Franny's Farmacy
Franny Tacy is the owner of Franny's Farm and Franny's Farmacy, a
vertically-integrated hemp business with growers, manufacturing,
distribution, multiple dispensaries across the US. She was the
first female farmer in NC to plant hemp. She strongly promotes
comprehensive hemp education, collaborative systems, and her
“Women in Hemp” non-profit.

Georie Bryant
COOKING: Food of the Diaspora
Georie Bryant is a cultural historian and chef from Durham, NC.
His work focuses on connecting the complicated cultural histories
of food and agriculture with the realities of injustice and inequality.
Through his cooking and the work of his company SymBodied,
Georie seeks to help individuals reconnect to their indigenous
roots in a way which fosters a healthy self-awareness, something
he believes is key to addressing the problems of today.

Greg Stewart
LIVESTOCK: All About Minerals
Greg Stewart is the President of the World Shepherd Project and
owner and principal at Southern Veterinary Services in GA since
1988. His 33 year career has focused on small ruminants—deer,
elk, sheep, and goats—in ten states.
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