Page created by Bradley Williams
                                                        VOLUME 7
                                                         ISSUE #3

For more information check the SCA website


                       CL              S
                   G                       T



                      AR         TNER
              G OLD P

Cov2                         Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020
                                                    I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of SCA to thank all the state and club
PO Box 42, Helensvale, Qld, 4212                    office bearers, committees and volunteers that have worked so hard this year to
                                                    keep your shooting ranges open. Your efforts have allowed members to shoot and
                                                    feel safe by embracing the Covid-19 protocols for community sport. This year has
                                                    seen all but one major event cancelled, Steve Chilton the National Target Director
                                                    and his team of State Target Directors have had to make many tough decisions
CONTENTS                                            throughout the year. Their decision on the national team 2020/21 is included in the
                                                    article Australian Team on page 2, the executive thank them for their efforts, in all
Rules Corner                                 1-2   cases I believe the outcomes they have arrived at are correct. International Travel
                                                    including New Zealand is very much an unknown for 2021 with the vaccine roll out
SCA National Team                              2   for Australia some time away it appears very unlikely we will be attending any events
                                                    outside of Australia, this will become clearer around March or April.
State News                                          The AGM for SCA was postponed in line with government covid exemptions, the
                                                    meeting is now scheduled for 23rd January 2021 and will be in Sydney this year as
  New South Wales                          4-16    NSW have shown over the last period of time they are less likely to impose covid
                                                    shutdowns or restrictions that would be an impost on running the AGM. SCA will be
  Queensland                              17-19
                                                    looking for a new Treasurer in 2021, Kathy Cain will not be standing for the position.
  Tasmania                                   22    SCA would like to thank Kathy for the fantastic job she has done over the last 6 years
                                                    we cannot understate the professionalism Kathy has embedded in the association,
  Victoria                               23-25     Kathy will be very hard to replace. A position description has been provided to all
                                                    state bodies, this outlines the requirements of the role.
  Western Australia                      26-28
                                                    National events 2021 have been listed and posted, the decision was made in
  South Australia                        30-36     consultation with States and host clubs to roll 2020 events into 2021 this will give
                                                    the hosting clubs the opportunity to recoup some of the expenses incurred in 2020.
                                                    Nominations will not open until January 2021 with the first event being the Grand
Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. accepts no          Prix which is at Rocky Gully South Australia 27-28th March.
responsibility for the accuracy of the material
placed in this newsletter. The opinions expressed   It has been a privilege to serve as the National President of our great association
in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the   in what has been a challenging year at times, I hope I have provided the direction
opinion of the Sporting Clays Australia Assoc.      required and look forward to seeing you at one of the major events next year.
governing body.
                                                    Stay safe and have a great Christmas and New Year.
Printed + designed by
                                                    Greg Dawes,
                                                    SCA President

08 8326 3889
www.inkonpaper.com.au                               SCA RULES CORNER
                                                    There have been a few questions raised regarding No Target rules and how they are scored and
                                                    it may be time for a reminder. I know most are aware but some have been questioned on how to
                                                    score targets if there is a problem, if one or both are a no target, or with a gun malfunction. The
OFFICE BEARERS 2020                                 rules are available on the SCA Website for instant review & it is not necessary to have a hard
                                                    copy as most people have mobile phone access these days. A small issue if the Club does not
President – Greg Dawes                              have mobile access, with this we cannot assist.

Vice President – Anthony Panetta                    Website information link -

Treasurer – Kathy Cain                              www.sportingclaysaustralia.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/sca-sporting-rules_
Secretary – Glen Rider
                                                    CHAPTER 6 - TARGET REFEREEING 6.1
National Target Director – Steve Chilton
                                                    Referees make their decisions alone.
H&H Director – vacant
                                                    6.2 Squad shooters are not entitled to intervene or express their opinions on target rulings.
National Coaching Director – Mike Gates              6.3 The target is called “one”: When it has been launched and the shooter has fired at it in
National Team Manager – Wendel Litchfield           accordance with article 3.1 and at least one piece is visibly shot off or it is completely or
                                                    partially destroyed. This also applies to flash targets. Sporting Rules – November 2019 Page 7
Disability Officer – Vacant
                                                    6.4 The target is called “zero”: If the shooter fails to fire at the target without any valid reason
Public Officer – Greg Dawes                         (Rafale or simultaneous double zero & zero). If the shooter fires but the target is not hit and no
                                                    piece visibly comes off or only particles of dust are visible (smoking targets or target dust). If
SCA Representatives to FITASC
                                                    the shooter, in the case of a gun malfunction, opens the gun him/herself or touches the safety
Ray McFarlane – Oceania Vice President              catch before the referee has checked the gun. If there is a second malfunction of the gun or
                                                    ammunition during the same round.
Glen Rider – Sporting – Commission Parcours
de Chasse
Board members to Shooting Australia Greg
Dawes  andClays
  Sporting GlenAustralia
                Rider Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                         1
6.5 “NO TARGET”                                                                                    6.5.2 «NO TARGET» due to the target (see table in the SCA rules for the
                                                                                                   following cases):
6.5.1 “NO TARGET” due to a weapon or ammunition malfunction the table
below applies in the case of the first incident in the same round. The                             • if a broken target is thrown;
shooter receives a warning for the first incident and the target is called
“NO TARGET”. After the first incident, all targets not shot at for the same                        • if the target is not thrown from the correct trap;
reasons as the first incident are counted as “zero”.                                               • if two targets are launched from traps on the same shooting stand;
                                                                                                   • if the target is not of the correct colour, size or type;
 Defect                 Type                              Action                                   • if the trajectory is ruled incorrect by the referee;
                        At a single target                > target to be repeated
                                                                                                   • if the target is thrown more than three seconds after the referee’s
 Two Shots at the
                        At the first target of a double
                                                          > double to be repeated    command;
                        on report
 same time (double
 discharge)             At a simultaneous double          > double to be repeated    • if the shooter has not called for the target;
                        At a rafale double                > double to be repeated    • if the referee rules that the shooter has clearly been disturbed;
                        At a single target                > target to be repeated    • if the referee is unable to give a ruling on the target.

 Malfunction with the At a double on report               > double to be repeated    Also be reminded that in a Double on report, until the score on the first
 first shot
                      At a simultaneous double            > double to be repeated    target is established you cannot score the second target. Why? I can hear
                                                                                                   some ask? well this may assist.
                        At a rafale double                > double to be repeated
                                                                                                   The first target in a Double is released on call. The shooter engages,
                                                          > target to be repeated
                                                                                                   breaks (or misses) & the second target is released on the sound of the shot.
                                                          the target can be broken only with the
                        At a single target                                                         The shooter engages this second target & hits (or misses). The referee
                                                          second shot and is counted zero if
                                                          broken with the first shot.              then indicates after reflection, that the first target was a “no bird”. In this
 Malfunction with the                                                                              instance there can be no score recorded on the second target.
                                                          > double to be repeated.
 second shot          At a double on report
                                                          Result of the first shot noted.          In this instance the call would have to be “no score recorded on either
                        At a simultaneous double          > double to be repeated    target”, repeat both targets again with the score to be recorded on these
                                                                                                   new targets (Hit or miss). This is why it is very important for any referee to
                        At a rafale double                > double to be repeated    make sure they call “No birds” instantly as a delayed call could result in a
                                                                                                   detriment, or benefit, to one competitor or another.

     Footnote – Be very careful when using the above rule on “no bird for the first
     target after both Targets have been shot at”. It is not very pretty to see this rule
     called & give an advantage to a friend, more so when a competitor has missed
     both targets. It does happen & it is not a good look when your peers see this
     happen. Rules are there to apply equality & fairness to all in our sport.

Sporting Clays Australia National Team to FITASC World Championships                               The SCA National Target Director (Steve Chilton) sent out communication
– Hungary 2021                                                                                     to all State Target Directors to resolve the issue of not only the 2020 Team,
                                                                                                   but the selection of the 2021 Team. Many scenarios were discussed & the
Well, the year 2020 cannot go to the post fast enough. Under the Covid-19                          only fair & amicable solution that came out of the round table discussion
issues, with focus on it’s effects for us in Australia regarding our sport                         was to accept that the 2020 selected team to be representative for the
for this year.                                                                                     SCA National 2021 Team for Hungary.
There have been a few issues to address regarding the SCA National                                 This decision was not taken lightly, but under the selection regulations we
Team for 2020 & following on into 2021. As we are all aware, the Covid-19                          have in place these are the only competitors to have completed a selection
outbreak caused the world to lock down & all International travel was                              process that allows any selection to be made. The only issue we have is
stopped. This issue came in to play after the FITASC 2020 Australian                               with one Junior (Daniel Falco) who unfortunately by his age limit will be over
Grand Prix had been completed. This event was the final competition to                             21 during 2021 and puts him out of the Junior category. The third Junior will
select our National Team to attend the FITASC 2020 World Championships                             have to be selected from those next on the list of 2020 able competitors.
destined for the USA. Unfortunately, with the World going into lock down
our team selected were unable to travel or compete.                                                The 2021 National team to represent SCA & Australia at the World FITASC
                                                                                                   Championship - Hungary
The knock-on effect of the Covid-19 shut down also had problems in
Australia with the cancellation of the SCA Nationals and many of our                               Open - Chris Brown - Anthony Panetta - Matthew Libbis - Cameron Kivinen
State Team selections. As most members are aware our team for 2021
would be selected from the 2020 State qualifier Competitions, 2020 SCA                             Senior - John Younger - Colin Johns - John Leach
National Titles & the 2021 FITASC Grand Prix. Most States had problems                             Veteran - Colin McPherson - Edward McGee - Warwick Cumberland
completing their designated State qualifier competitions in 2020.
                                                                                                   Ladies - Emalene Munro - Shannon Palfreeman - Gaye Shale
SCA 2020 Sporting Nationals in Brisbane had to be cancelled. This
caused a negative strike rate out of two of the three selection processes                          Junior - Xavier Russell - Benjamin Studham – 3rd member ???
which would make it impossible to select a team under our present                                  That said, any travel in 2021 will be subject to any applicable constraints
structure for 2021. It would also be extremely unfair on our 2020 team                             laid down by respective Governments & any travel restrictions still in
that had put so much effort into making the 2020 team. There were many                             place. Hopefully this is not the case and we are all able to travel freely in
new faces in the 2020 team & we can only imagine the disappointment,                               2021.
that through no fault of anyone in our sport, their achievement was not
allowed travel through to fruition & for them to be able to represent SCA
& Australia at the 2020 USA World Championships.

2                                                                                                                                   Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020
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      Rockhampton                                                              Emerald
      359 Yaamba Rd, Park Avenue, QLD, 4701                                    21 Clermont St, Emerald, QLD, 4720
      Ph: (07) 4926 5544                                                       Ph: (07) 4987 5177
Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                                                  3

Since the last edition things have improved with the Covid
                                                                                                        SCNSW TEAM FOR 2020
situation. In August and September although we were managing
to run club shoots in NSW the State program was hamstrung with             Open                 Senior                   Lady              Junior
serious limitations being applied to “interzone” competitions and          Bart Brighenti
2-day shoots were not permitted.                                                                Stephen Payne            Emalene Munroe    Jack Roth
                                                                           (State Champion)

At the beginning of October these restraints were eased, and we            Warren Thorpe
were back in business, although rapidly running out of time. With
                                                                           Brian McClelland
3 Selection shoots completed earlier in the year and six required,
plus the State Championships it appeared we not going to able to           Darren Sasse
get the program across the line.
With some wheeling and dealing and                                        The other shoot that we managed to squeeze in was the SCNSW
lots of work from the committee behind                                    Old Style Fitasc Championship in Sydney on the last weekend in
the scenes it was decided to run a                                        October. The event was booked out weeks in advance. Thanks
selection shoot at Mudgee in October                                      to Paul and his team for their efforts a great couple of days even
and a combined selection shoot / State                                    with the hail.
championship at Dubbo on the 14th and
                                                                          Next years State Calendar has been formalised and we are
15th of November. Thanks to Mudgee and
                                                                          looking forward to an uninterrupted year of shooting in 2021
Dubbo for their help with these shoots.
                                                                          (touch wood.)
Dubbo especially as the shoot was hosted
mid harvest which really stretched the                                    Stay safe and stay well
resources and membership of the club.
                                                                          Andrew Fairfield-Smith
The result however was worth the
                                                                          President SCNSW
struggle. The NSW state team may not have a nationals to attend
but am glad that we made the effort to finish off the program.

Dubbo Field & Game hosted the NSW State Championships on
                                                                                                           SCNSW TEAM RESULTS 2020
Sunday 15th November 2020.
                                                                                          HIGH GUN           Bart Brighenti                     93
Coming off the State Selection #5 shoot the day before, range                             AA Grade 1st       Daniel Baskerville                 86
setter Peter Kay thought he would up the stakes. He tweaked,                              2nd                Doug Osbourne                      85
twisted, turned the traps and a new range was delivered. The                              3rd                Brian McClelland                   79
temperature picked up and there were a few shooters that started                          A Grade 1st        Frank Araco                        84
to struggle with the heat. But everyone still put those shells in their                   2nd                John Koolbanis                     83+8
barrels and had a crack to see if they could take home the sash and                       3rd                Warren Thorpe                      83+7
the bragging rights because unfortunately the state team could                            B Grade 1st        Craig McPherson                    74

go no further. Over the weekend Dubbo played host to shooters                             2nd                George Roth                        73

from nine other clubs, which in amongst all that is happening in the                      3rd                Willy Wright                       72
                                                                                          C grade 1st        Guy Lynch                          60
country was great to see so many travel to our little neck of the
                                                                                          2nd                Frederick Hoolihan                 56
woods.                                                                                    3rd                Petra Deadman                      51
Thank you goes to Clay Busting Photos for all her hard work over                          Senior 1st         Stephen Payne                      86
                                                                                          2nd                John Collier                       81
the weekend making us shooters look good!                                                 3rd                Peter Kay                          75
Make sure you check them out.                                                             Veteran 1st        John Sidoti                        77
                                                                                          2nd                Max Holland                        76
Adrian Hayes Memorial Overall went to Mudgee.                                             3rd                Ross Christian                     75
                                                                                          Masters 1st        Alec Ceccato                       76
                                                                                          2nd                Maxwell Kavanagh                   69
                                                                                          3rd                Sven Krollpfeiffer                 68
                                                                                          Lady 1st           Emalene Munro                      84
                                                                                          2nd                Melissa Phillips                   61+9
                                                                                          3rd                Mellissa Bourke                    61+6
                                                                                          Junior 1st         Jack Roth                          81
                                                                                          2nd                Taijh Bridge                       59
                                                                                          Sub Junior 1st     Nicholas Brighenti                 42
                                                                                          2nd                Ryan McPherson                     32+1
                                                                                          3rd                Charlie North                      32

4                                                                                                            Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020
“We  are in the busines
                                                     “We are in the business s
                                                      to           customers
                                                        to            clays”
                                                                                          Clay & Hunt is an
                                                                     Clay & Hunt established by Socrates
                                                                  Clay &Australian
                                                                 PilipasidisHunt     estab
                                                                                 (Sox)    and  family
                                                                                             lished           owned
                                                                                                        by Socra
                                                                                                 his partner            tes
                                                               Pilipa sidis
                                                                Birgan covers(Sox)     and
                                                                            and operated
                                                                                     all clay histarget
                                                                                                             er Renae
                                                              Birgan covers all clay target disciplines.
                                                                      As an Australian bringing
                                                                                          family owned    shooters
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                                                                   As an Austral
                                                                 business        the
                                                                            bringing    finest
                                                                                  ian family
                                                                                       shootersowned clay
                                                                                                   the  fiand   target
                                                                                                           nestoperat     ed
                                                                                                                 Clay Target
                                                               business bringin  g  shoote  rs the
                                                                           shooting brands fromfinest         Claythe
                                                                                                       all over     Target
                                                                        shootin g brands brands              from
                                                                                            from all over the world.
                                                                Sox  & Renae havetitles
                                                                                            over Australian
                                                                    Sox & Renae have multiple         the world.      & World
                                                                  Championship        multipl   e Austral
                                                                                           across           ian &disciplines
                                                                                                     multiple       World
                                                               Championship     titles across
                                                                           and provide    their multipl
                                                                                                 customers e discipl
                                                                                                                        all the
                                                                       and  Our
                                                                            provide  products
                                                                                      their  custom   ersare
                                                                       experience and knowledge of performingwithtried,
                                                                                                                   all  the at
                                                                   experience and knowledge of the      perform     ing
                                                                                                              highest     at
                                                                                    tested and proven,
                                                                                                    the highest level.
                                                                                      Clay      reliability
                                                                                            & Hunt    products are   and  tried,
                                                                                 Clay  &   Hunt   produc    ts are   tried,
                                                                                    tested and proven with reliability
                                                                               tested   and proven with
                                                                                  and performance         being
                                                                                                               reliabil  ity
                                                                                                                  the focus.
                                                                             and performance being    ourthe    focus
                                                                                                                   focus. .
                                                                         Apart from having an extensive showroom
                                                                     Apart frominhaving
                                                                         based             an extensi
                                                                                     Melbourne,    you ve canshowro    om
                                                                                                                also access
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                                                                                  seeing you around
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  Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                           5

ASC will probably have completed our last calendar shoots for 2020    Thanks to our sponsors for 2020, in a year when every business
by the time you read this and what a year it has been for everyone.   suffered our sponsors stood firm and supported our sport so
We started the year literally on fire in NSW Sydney and also held     thanks to Gary from Safari Firearms, John from Horsley Park Gun
some great shoots with growing numbers then boom - Covid hit.         Shop, SCNSW and all our stand sponsors.
Luckily for our members Sydney’s lockdown was the first to be
                                                                      We have a packed calendar for 2021 already with a Sate Selection
lifted and we were able to get straight back into shooting. Special
                                                                      in May and the Old Style again later in the year along with shooting
thanks to Allan for his work deciphering the COVID-19 guidelines
                                                                      almost every weekend.
and getting us back underway so quickly. Bloody amazing all the
members followed the guidelines and they were just happy to get       I hope everyone has a great Christmas and new year and we see
out and shoot some clays. So, thanks everyone.                        you all at Australian Sporting Clays Sydney next year.
We did miss our May selection but that’s life there’s always next     ASC Sydney has had the privilege to have Mr Nick Malanos as a
year.                                                                 member for many years yet due to a long and tough fight with
                                                                      illness Nick has been taken from us. We would like to thank Nick’s
As with all clubs we could not have made it through 2020 with
                                                                      friends and family for letting us have so much of his time at our
out our dedicated committee members who still kept on working
                                                                      club doing what he loved, being with his mates , having a laugh and
through the shutdown. Special thanks to Allan, Tom and the rest of
                                                                      busting some clays. RIP Nick Malanos.
the range crew who keep on working all year servicing equipment,
cleaning stands making new trap signs (Colin) and anything else       Regards
that need doing not knowing when or if we would open again. Our
                                                                      ASC President
office and canteen also got smashed when shooting resumed, with
big numbers every shoot since the restart so thanks Barb, Dana
and Tony.
We did manage to hold our old style FITASC championship in the last
weekend of September, this event was sold out in weeks showing
the pre-noms system is the way to go. It was that successful we       Paul Smidt
even added an extra shooter to each squad! (That won’t happen
next year) so get in quick in 2021.                                   19/11/20

                                                                                 SYDNEY BRANCH NEW SOUTH WALES FIELD & GAME
                                                                                               ABN 48 003 336 338
                                                                                       T/A AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CLAYS
                                                                                                ABN 52 215 921 861
                                                                                               CLUB NO 405898173
                                                                                        PO BOX 118 LEPPINGTON NSW 2179
     Andrew Fairfield-Smith
     with Bart Brighenti

6                                                                                                Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020

Sunday 18th October saw the annual Pink Shoot hosted by the             Secret Stand winner - Peter Kay
Wyanna Partnership. Each year shooters from all round don their
                                                                        Best Dressed Award - donated by Amelia Murray which was a
pink to raise awareness and much needed funds for the McGrath
                                                                        patchwork quilt that she had made herself just for the shoot was
                                                                        judged by Glenn McGrath & Amelia went to
Glenn McGrath made the trek out to the range, speaking about the
                                                                        1st Mel Phillips (because she shot in a tutu & cape)
insight of the McGrath Foundation, talking with everyone along
with signing quite a few autographs.                                    2nd Brett Hall.
Paula, Ken, Chris and Tony and their band of merry helpers set an       There was an auction held for donated goods by Auctioneer
awesome range. Some say a challenging one but all targets were          Extraordinaire Brett Hall and his lovely assistant Glen Bloink,
out there to be hit. The “Get in the box rabbit” had a few shooters     items included fans, market umbrella, tent, 10 x bales of freshly
picking up their gun swing speed still only to watch that rascally      baled oaten hay, 15kg of Hasko honey.
rabbit keep on rolling!
                                                                        Thank you all that helped set up, pack up, keep the range running
With $3390 being raised by donations, raffles, auction and fines,       throughout the day, ran the office, donated, bought tickets,
this money will be put to great use by the McGrath Foundation to        bought auction items and for turning up to make the day what it
help fund much needed resources for those affected by breast            was - Bloody Brilliant!
                                                                        So mark your diaries now for next year and start thinking of your
On the day there was a sea of pink spread out over the range with       outfits. Because next year we want to see A LOT more pink!
shooters sporting a spot of pink, with some a whole lot more! I think
a few wives wardrobes got raided.

   HIGH GUN            Charlie North                     87
   A Grade 1st         Chris Everett                     81
   2nd                 Stephen Cooper                    77
   3rd                 Lance North                       76+1
   B Grade 1st         Adam Carmichael                   82
   2nd                 Craig McPherson                   76
   3rd                 Nick Ridley                       68+9
   C grade 1st         Gregory Jones                     77
   2nd                 Robert Purvis                     67+1
   3rd                 Jeff Hall                         67
   Seniors 1st         Peter Kay                         83
   2nd                 Craig Field                       79
   3rd                 Neil Donaldson                    76
   Veteran 1st         John Sidoti                       75
                                                                                                              High Gun Charlie North with Glenn McGrath
   2nd                 Laurie Redfern                    74
   3rd                 Mark Liersch                      64
   Masters 1st         Denis Coaker                      65+1
   2nd                 Les Townsend                      65
   3rd                 Robert Glasson                    56
   Ladies 1st          Helen Overton                     74
   2nd                 Melinda McGrath                   67
   3rd                 Mel Phillips                      64
   Sub Juniors 1st     Ryan McPherson                    64
   2nd                 Aliza Purvis                      60
                                                                                                                                Sub Juniors with Glenn
   3rd                 Kody McGrath                      58+12

                                                                          Mischief Makers                                      Ladies of the Range 2020
Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                 7

  Saturday 14th November brought the Cooma state selection shoot
                                                                                      WNSW STATE SELECTION SHOOT
  to Dubbo and what a great day it was. Luckily the storm hit the day
  before, so it was sun shining and sun screen everywhere. There
                                                                                          DUBBO FIELD & GAM
  were several shooters camping which was great to see and all were     HIGH GUN         Doug Osbourne                               93+12
  social distancing.                                                    AA Grade 1st     Daniel Baskerville                          93+2
  Range setter Peter Kay and his band of helpers put out some great     2nd              Bart Brighenti                              90+1
  targets. There was an arrangement on offer and something to suit      3rd              Steven Atkins                               90
  everyone. Mind you a few shooters thought he needed to be told        A Grade 1st      Warren Thorpe                               86
  where the spring was on one particular trap, it seemed a little bit   2nd              Darren Sasse                                84
                                                                        3rd              Jason Solomons                              82+10
  All shooters that attended had a brilliant day, but it’s always       B Grade 1st      Willy Wright                                86
  fantastic when you are shooting! Especially when we had five 25
                                                                        2nd              George Roth                                 83
  Break Badges awarded. Doug Osbourne, Steven Atkins, Darren
  Sasse, Chris Barrowman & Daniel Baskerville – Congrats to you all.    3rd              Graeme Angove                               82
                                                                        C grade 1st      Frederick Hoolihan                          62
  Rotary club from Narromine catered for all that were there and
                                                                        2nd              Guy Lynch                                   58
  apparently had special ‘dog on a stick’ that made you shoot better!
                                                                        3rd              Peter Tomasi                                50
  I must of missed out on them.
                                                                        Senior 1st       Stephen Payne                               87
  Thank you to all that assisted on the day.                            2nd              John Collier                                86
  The Adrian Hayes went to Mudgee team with 339                         3rd              Kevin Haskins                               84
                                                                        Veteran 1st      Ross Christian                              83
                                                                        2nd              John Sidoti                                 80
                                                                        3rd              Max Holland                                 79
                                                                        Masters 1st      Alec Ceccato                                80
                                                                        2nd              Maxwell Kavanagh                            71
                                                                        3rd              Sven Krollpfeiffer                          63
                                                                        Lady 1st         Emalene Munro                               78
                                                                        2nd              Andrea Barrowman                            77
                                                                        3rd              Melissa Phillips                            68
                                                                        Junior 1st       Jack Roth                                   88
                                                                        2nd              Taijh Bridge                                74
                                                                        Sub Junior 1st   Charlie North                               41
                                                                        2nd              Nicholas Brighenti                          38
                                                                        3rd              Jake McPherson                              35

State Champion Bart Brighenti                                                                                             NSW State Team 2020

  8                                                                                             Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020


Sunday the 20th September saw the home leg of the Coomagui
Challenge shot. The Coomagui cup is an interclub event between
Cooma Sporting Clays and Bermagui Sporting Clays. 100 targets
are shot at the Cooma range, with a further 100 at Bermagui the
following weekend.
Two great ranges gave a wide variety of targets for participants.
Although the rain threatened, it mostly held off and cleared out
High gun for the day was Brian McClelland with 92. Craig Fields and
Brian were neck and neck for the day with only 3 targets in the 3rd
round between them. Well done Brian.
A big thankyou to Mick Hedger for not only scoring 2nd for Cooma
in B grade, but for sponsorship for the day from the Hedger family’s
Snowy Plain Merino Stud.                                                        The day started with challenging conditions which saw the start
A rabbit challenge was also shot. 32 rabbit targets were available              time delayed by an hour. Targets were difficult to see through the
to shoot over the course of the day. The winner for the day was                 fog, however this did not seem to worry some competitors. As
Mario Magin with 31 out of the 32 shot. His score was 2 clear of the            the morning progressed, things cleared to a beautiful sunny day.
field and a standout winner. Congratulation Mario                               49 shooters gave it a go with a great spread across all grades.
The return leg saw Bermagui claw back their 3-target deficit and                Top billing went to Darren Redman.
take the 2020 Coomagui cup. Well done guys and onto next year.                  The last couple of shoots have seen a big increase in new
After an absence of several years, October saw the return of the                shooters with half a dozen sub juniors battling out the category.
Death Valley Challenge. Poor weather and hosting the Sporting                   With Juniors come parents, things are looking good for a great
Clays Australia Nationals had seen us shelved the popular picnic                2021.
day event. The idea being we take advantage of the beautiful                    Merry Christmas all and hoping for a big 2021 shooting year.
Spring weather in the high country, moving the office and kitchen
out to a rarely shot part of the range.                                         Luke Kilborn.

                                                      COOMA SPORTING CLAYS RESULTS
            High Gun             Ladies            AA Grade           A Grade          B Grade         C Grade         Sub Jnrs

            Darren Redman        Jan Redman        Brian McClelland   John Sankey      Adam Mower      Rodger Sands    Jack Poucher

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                     9
The Cooma
                                       38th year!

Easter Classic
             G C L AY S
                                   Cooma Sporting Clays invites you to


                                   Four days of Sporting Clays Shooting 2nd – 5th April 2021
                          S . W.


   Event 1                                   Event 2†                            Event 3                      Event 4
   Easter Friday                             Saturday                            Sat 3 April –                Monday
   2 April 2021                              3 April 2021                        Sun 4 April 2021             5 April 2021

   State 20 Gauge                            NSW State Selection                 Cooma Easter Classic         State Side by Side
   Championship                              and Adrian Hayes                    Sponsored by Cooma           Championship
   Sponsored by                              Memorial Teams Shoot                Ex-Services Club and         Sponsored by
   Perazzi Australia                         Sponsored by                        Safari Firearms              Territory Firearms
   75 targets                                Sporting Clays NSW                  200 Targets                  75 Targets
                                             100 targets
                                              Held in conjunction with Event 3

   Local competitors, male and female, up against the best clay target
   shooters in NSW and Australia. A great family sports event – carried out
   under tightest safety conditions. Food and drink available.

                                                 Win a Miroku MK70                             All entrants and visitors are eligible
                                                                                               to purchase a $20 ticket in the
                                                 Sporter 12 gauge                              raffle for a Miroku MK70 Sporter
                                                                                               12 gauge firearm sponsored by
                                                 firearm sponsored by                          Safari Firearms Sydney. The ticket
                                                                                               will be drawn at the Sunday night
                                                 Safari Firearms                               presentation.

       10                                                                                          Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020
Event 1
10.00 am Friday 2 April 2021
20 Gauge State Championship
Sponsored by Perazzi Australia
75 targets. Sashes for H/G & 1st in all grades and categories. Plus 12
gauge graded AA, A, B, C only. Nominations: 20 Gauge $55, 12 Gauge $50.

Event 2 †
9.00 am Saturday 3 April 2021
NSW State Selection and Adrian Hayes Memorial
Teams Shoot
Sponsored by Sporting Clays NSW
100 Target Sporting Clay Shoot. Run in conjunction with Event 3 and
includes the Adrian Hayes Memorial Teams Shoot. Sashes for H/G & 1st all
grades & categories. Nomination fees are covered by fees for Event 3, or $60
for all grades and $50 for juniors who enter Event 2 only.
  Held in conjunction with Event 3                                             Range location
                                                                               25 km from Cooma on the road to Lake Eucumbene. See the map...

Event 3                                                                        Accommodation
9.00 am Saturday 3 April & Sunday 4 April 2021                                 Nebula Motel
Cooma Easter Classic                                                           Phone 02 6452 4133
Sponsored by Cooma Ex-Services Club and Safari Firearms                        info@nebulacooma.com
200 Targets – 100 targets per day.
Sashes for H/G & 1st all grades & categories. Nominations (includes       Alpine Country Motel
commemorative badge): Open Grades $140, Vets and Ladies $130, Juniors Phone 02 6452 4537
and Sub-juniors $100. (Fees also cover entry in the State Selection Shoot alpineangler@ozemail.com.au
on Saturday.)
                                                                               Cooma Motor Lodge
                                                                               Phone 1800 688 299

                                                                               Cooma Bunkhouse
                                                                               (Budget accommodation)
                                                                               Phone 02 64522983
Event 4                                                                        www.bunkhousemotel.com.au
9.00 am Monday 5 April 2021                                                    Buckenderra Holiday Village
State Side by Side Championship                                                Phone 02 6453 7242
Sponsored by Territory Firearms                                                www.buckenderra.com.au
75 targets. Sashes for H/G & 1st all grades & categories. In conjunction
with this event the Cooma Springing Teal Challenge Trophy will be
awarded for SxS entrants only. Plus Under/Over graded AA, A, B, C only.        Cartridges
Nominations: SxS $55, U/O $50.                                                 20 g and 12 g cartridges will be for sale at the Clubhouse.

Cooma Sporting Clays reserves the right to alter this
                                                                               Early nominations discount
program without prior notice.                                                  Pre-nominations received 30 days prior to Easter are eligible for
                                                                               discount on nominations. See website for details and forms, www.

                                                                               For further information
  NSW Tri Gun State Championship                                               Andrew Fairfield-Smith 0413 013 689, fairs@fairidge.com
  Based on accumulated scores of the three disciplines                         Adam Mower 0410 507 279, zadski@bigpond.net.au
  (20g, O/U and SxS) on the Friday, Saturday and Monday.                       www.coomafieldandgame.org

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                   11

24TH & 25TH OCTOBER 2020
On Saturday 24th October our branch hosted a NSW 100 target
selection event on behalf of Broken Hill branch. This all came
about due to the 4x virus. Broken Hill branch who had been keen
to host this event earlier in the year had to postpone due to border
closures etc. Sunday’s 100 target event would be the FIOCCHI
CHAMPIONSHIP but more on that later.
As rain had been forecasted all weekend our club members were
more than happy as over 90 shooters nominated to shoot in the
testing conditions. As Mudgee accommodation was once again             indeed although it was alright in the office. FIOCCHI and TSA
mostly all booked plenty of campers were keen to brave the wet         OUTDOORS were the main sponsors for this 100 target event. All
conditions. NSW vice president Steve Atkins had no trouble             shooting pads had been made easier for the day with most scores
handling the targets. He shot 90/100 to take out the high gun but      reflecting the change. High gun was won by Steve Payne 94/100.
then he learnt to shoot at our club. Only two clubs were represented
for the ADRIAN HAYES trophy. Mudgee (S Payne, R Christian, J Roth      Members would like to thank all sponsors who helped make this
& S King) took out first place followed by Shoalhaven. Results from    shoot such a success. (Fiocchi, TSA outdoors, Michael McNabb,
Saturday as follows—                                                   Horsley Park Gun Shop & NSW sporting clays)
The weather took a turn for the worse on Sunday with a big             The clubs next big event will our annual CHRISTMAS SHOOT
temperature drop. Most uncomfortable shooting conditions               which will take place on the 12th & 13th of DECEMBER.

       MUDGEE SPORTING CLAYS RESULTS 2020                                     MUDGEE SPORTING CLAYS RESULTS 2020
 HIGH GUN         Steve Atkins                         90/100           HIGH GUN         Steve Payne                                   94/100
 AA Grade 1st     Bart Brighenti                       89               AA Grade 1st     Dan Baskerville / Steve Atkins                92
 2nd              Dan Baskerville                      85               2nd              Bart Brighenti                                86
 3rd              Matt Webster                         82               A Grade 1st      Brian McClelland                              87
 A Grade 1st      Darren Sasse                         77               2nd              Dave Mills                                    86
 2nd              Leo Pezzano                          76               3rd              Warren Thorpe                                 85
 3rd              Frank Araco                          74               B Grade 1st      Dave Douglas                                  83
 B Grade 1st      Ken Fleming                          74               2nd              Ian Stewart                                   82
 2nd              George Roth                          71               3rd              Ken Fleming                                   81
 3rd              Craig McPherson                      69               C grade 1st      Mick Quinlan                                  77
 C grade 1st      Mick Quinlan                         75               2nd              Jeff Merrick                                  76
 2nd              Fred Hoolihan                        62               3rd              Fred Hoolihan                                 75
 3rd              Jeff Merrick                         55               Senior 1st       Jake Guzelian                                 77
 Senior 1st       Steve Payne                          81               2nd              Steve Tydd                                    76
 2nd              Peter Kay                            73               3rd              Wombat Haskins                                67
 3rd              Wombat Haskins                       71               Veteran 1st      Ross Christian                                84
 Veteran 1st      Ross Christian                       68               2nd              Tony Annechini                                54
 2nd              John Sidoti                          60               Masters 1st      Alec Ceccato                                  76
 3rd              Tony Annecchini                      53               2nd              Sven Kroll                                    69
 Masters 1st      Alec Ceccato                         79               Lady 1st         Emma Munro                                    81
 2nd              Sven Kroll                           47               2nd              Kimberly Atkins                               67
 Lady 1st         Emma Munro                           71               3rd              Gemma Dunn                                    64
 2nd              Kimberly Atkins                      61               Junior 1st       Jack Roth                                     91
 3rd              Andrea Barrowman                     60               2nd              Ta Bridge                                     52
 Junior 1st       Jack Roth                            81               Sub Junior 1st   Nick Brighenti                                89
 2nd              Ta Bridge                            36               2nd              Charlie North                                 86
 Sub Junior 1st   Nick Brighenti                       34               3rd              Jake McPherson                                80
 2nd              Ryan McPherson                       33
 3rd              Jack Atkins                          32

12                                                                                                  Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020

By “Shellshocked”

On 1 November the Broken Hill Field and            rounds to ensure plenty of variety. The                Information for any event at Broken Hill is
Game Association conducted a 75 Target             targets were not overly difficult and the              available from
Simulated Field Graded Championship. The           best shooters in all grades shot particularly
                                                                                                          Association President
shoot was sponsored by Dustin Stephens             good totals. So good in fact that the
and Sumtin Electrical who very generously          handicapper may have to have a close look              Rod Weaver - 0407 187 498
provided an excellent range of prizes              at quite a few scores.
for the winning shooters. The weather
                                                   Also working hard was Mal McEvoy who
was warm and sunny, sunscreen and fly                                                                     Cassie McEvoy - 0437 237 955.
                                                   found himself to be the lone ranger in the
spray were a requirement, but conditions
                                                   nominations office, but did a great job
were just about perfect for shooting clay
                                                   to keep the nominations and the scores
targets. Organisers were pleased with a
                                                   happening efficiently and quickly.
good attendance of 26 shooters.
                                                   The best score off the gun was an excellent
The championship was also an opportunity
                                                   total of 66 shot by Clay Johnston. Clay
for shooters to compete for the Ian West
                                                   started extremely well with a perfect 25
Memorial Trophy, a significant and sought
                                                   in his first round. His scores fell off a little
after award on our calendar of shoots. Ian
                                                   after that but he shot very consistently and
was a very popular and highly regarded
                                                   won the High Gun prize and the Ian West
member of the Field and Game Association
                                                   Memorial trophy with just a single shot up
and the presentation of his Trophy gives all
                                                   his sleeve at the finish.
members time to pause and reflect upon
the significant contribution made by Ian, by       Clay Johnston’s High Gun win meant that
Garry Rawson, Rex Carroll, Les Birrell, and        he was also the winner in A Grade with his
by others who are unfortunately no longer          score of 66. Rod Weaver had one of his best
with us.                                           shoots for some time and he shot a very
                                                   good total of 63 and was an easy winner
The range was set by Josh, Richard, Ashy
                                                   in B Grade. Gary Meehan has had some                          Grade winners of the 75 Target Sumtin Electrical
and Clay who did an excellent job to build a                                                                     Championship, left to right, Rod Weaver (B Grade),
                                                   good results in C Grade and he shot a very
very good selection of targets into a single                                                                     Clay Johnston (High Gun and A Grade) and Gary
                                                   competitive total of 57 to win the first place                Meehan (C Grade).
range layout that was shot three times to
                                                   prize quite comfortably at the finish.
make up the competition. Shooting stand
and trap locations were changed between

On Saturday 5 September the Broken Hill            consistently and with a middle round score                         ANDREW ASHWOOD 75TGT
Field and Game Association conducted               of 24/25 finished comfortably clear of the                             SHOOT RESULTS
a 75 target Simulated Field Graded                 field for a very well deserved High Gun
                                                                                                           High Gun                 Josh Edgecumbe         64
Championship shoot. The shoot was                  medal.
                                                                                                           A Grade          1st:    Ricky Jones            61
sponsored by Andrew Ashwood and Ashden
                                                   The first place prize in A Grade was won by                              2nd:    Rod Weaver             60
Hall, two very keen and hardworking
                                                   Ricky Jones who shot extremely quickly,                                  3rd:    Josh Holmes            60
members, who very generously provided
                                                   and accurately, for a very good second                  B Grade          1st:    Adrian Locke           60
an excellent range of prizes for the winning
                                                   place off the gun total of 61. Adrian Locke                              2nd:    Wayne Haskard          54
shooters. The day was sunny and quite
                                                   has been knocking on the door of a B                                     3rd:    Richard Murphy         52
warm with barely any breeze to disturb
                                                   Grade win for some time, having finished                C Grade          1st:    Michael Ward           59
the targets. Organisers were pleased with
                                                   in second place for the last four shoots in
an attendance of 18 shooters given the                                                                                      2nd:    Malcolm McEvoy         57
                                                   a row. This time he shot really well for an
coronavirus restrictions that we all have to                                                                                3rd:    Tyson Baillie          52
                                                   equal third place off the gun total of 60 and
work with.                                                                                                 Juniors          1st:    Ashden Hall            57
                                                   won the first place B Grade prize very easily
The range was set by Richard, Bob and Tim          at the finish.
who set a compact range of five stations
                                                   Michael Ward shot very consistently and
that was shot three times to make up the
                                                   very well for a score of 59 which won him
competition. The targets were very well
                                                   the first place prize in C Grade. Ashden
set and probably a few points easier than
                                                   Hall continued a good run of scores in the
average which made for very enjoyable
                                                   Junior Grade with a very good total of 57 to
shooting. The best shooters recorded
                                                   win the first place prize.
some very impressive totals, and at the end
of the day it may be the handicapper who
comes away the big winner.
The best score off the gun was an excellent                        Grade winners of the Andrew Ashwood and Ashden Hall 75
total of 64 that was shot by B Grade                               target Simulated Field Graded Championship (left to right),
shooter Josh Edgecumbe. Josh shot very                             Ashden Hall (Juniors), Josh Edgecumbe (High Gun), Michael
                                                                   Ward (C Grade) and Adrian Locke (B Grade).

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                                13

By “Shellshocked”

On Sunday 23 August, after a couple of postponements due to           despite a slow finish, shot well enough for a score of 58 and a
COVID-19 restrictions and then some very welcome but untimely         comfortable win.
wet weather, the Broken Hill Field and Game Association
                                                                      Richard Murphy was best of the B Graders and won the first
conducted the Silver City Steel 75 target Simulated Field Graded
                                                                      place prize with a good score of 55, although the extra couple
Championship. The day was cool but clear and sunny and a very
                                                                      of chocolates might have put a bigger smile on his face. But the
mild breeze didn’t bother the targets at all. Organisers were
                                                                      standout score for the shoot was probably the 56 shot by Peter
pleased with an attendance of 15 shooters given the short notice
                                                                      Hoare for third place off the gun and a very easy first place finish
for the shoot.
                                                                      in C Grade.
The shoot was sponsored by Steve and Josh Holmes from Silver
                                                                      Ashden Hall was the lone ranger in the Junior Grade but a deserving
City Steel who very generously provided an excellent range of
                                                                      winner of the first place prize with consistent shooting and a good
sashes, medals and prizes for the winning shooters. Steve and
                                                                      score of 47.
Josh have been good members and strong supporters of Broken
Hill Field and Game for many years and continuing sponsorship
from Silver City Steel is greatly appreciated by the club and our                            SILVER CITY STEEL
members.                                                                                      SHOOT RESULTS
The range was set by Josh and Josh and Ashy and Richard who                  High Gun                       Josh Holmes               59
did an excellent job to present a very good variety of targets. The
                                                                             A Grade            1st:        Andrew Ashwood            58
compact range of five stations was shot three times to make up
the competition.                                                                                2nd:        Kym Files                 51
                                                                                                3rd:        Rod Weaver                48
The targets did not appear to be too difficult but the scores were
                                                                             B Grade            1st:        Richard Murphy            55
maybe a tad below average and the best shooters in B Grade and C
Grade were right up there with the A Graders.                                                   2nd:        Adrian Locke              49
                                                                                                3rd:        Josh Edgecumbe            47
The best score off the gun was a very good total of 59 shot by Josh
Holmes, that very important one shot good enough to win the High             C Grade            1st:        Peter Hoare               56
Gun sash. Given the contribution that Josh made for the shoot this                              2nd:        Gary Meehan               52
was a very well deserved and popular win, one to take home for                                  3rd:        Bob Tweedie               47
dad.                                                                         Juniors            1st:        Ashden Hall               47
The first place prize in A Grade was won by Andrew Ashwood who,

                                                                                 Grade winners of the Silver City Steel 75 target Simulated
                                                                                 Field Graded Championship (left to right), Ashden Hall
                                                                                 (Juniors), Andrew Ashwood (A Grade), Josh Holmes (High
                                                                                 Gun), Peter Hoare (C Grade) and Richard Murphy (B Grade).

14                                                                                                    Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020
Call 1300 733 6788

  ECO TARGETS 13.75c each incl GST
  All same Price, Standard and Exotic
    Container Discounts Available

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                         15


Today we take the opportunity to thank our      May 2nd………Grump’s Challenge.                      August 22nd……..Big Bird Challenge.
much valued 2021 volunteers and sponsors
                                                Grumpy, as he is affectionately known             Nev & Shirl Brady, just two magnificent
Country Club Manager , and all round            (we don’t know why), likes to remain              people, love em to bits……. (Guess who
good bloke, (even though he does barrack        anonymous and we are more than happy to           writes this ?)
for Collingwood),Robbie Beuzeville, and         agree to his wishes, as he has been a long
                                                                                                  September 26th……..Drakos Bros
the board of the Bermagui Country Club          time friend and sponsor and his on going
                                                                                                  Construction & 777 Supermarket.
,are proud sponsors of our club, and we         generosity much appreciated by the club.
urge all local and visiting shooters to         Thanks mate.                                      Rhonda & Jimmy Drakos, have been
call into the club and take advantage of                                                          members of the club for many, many
                                                May 30th……….Far South Coast Excavations.
their world class golf course, first class                                                        years and both run successful businesses
dining facilities, cold beer and friendly bar   Warren and Vicki Marshall were                    in town. We urge all our members and
staff……. “Tellem Nev sent ya”…... (you’ll       instrumental in getting Bermagui’s Surf           visitors, to call into the 777 Supermarket
probably get kicked out).                       Life Saving Club up to being one of the           situated on the way into town, have a yarn
                                                best L.S.C. in the state, but after many          to Rhonda and her pleasant staff and do
January 3rd …… Mario and Barbie Magrin
                                                years of dedication, and hard work, they          their shopping. While if you are looking to
Muz and Barb are long time Committee            needed a break and decided to take up             build a new house, or renovate an old one,
members, and sponsors of the club, as well      clay target shooting. Knowing the value           please get in contact with Jimmy, for a first
as dedicated workers. Muzz is our resident      of sponsorships, Warren and Vicki were            class job and price. Thanks team Drakos.
Vice President and “go to man “, when we        only too happy to put their hands in their
                                                                                                  October 24th……….Battue & Looper
have any electrical problems, as well as the    pockets, to support our great little club.
sweet smiling face you see when you line        Thanks gang.
up to pay your noms . Barb also helps out in                                                      Phil & Shelly Craig are well known
the office, and is one of our friendly raffle                                                     throughout the Gun Clubs of Australia,
ticket sellers on shoot days. Thanks for all     AND REMEMBER …A GUN                              having shot at many/most of them, during
your support gang.
                                                CLUB WITHOUT VOLUNTEERS                           their constant travels. They have both
                                                                                                  served on the clubs committee and still
January 24th……..Gary Georgiou and Safari
Firearms.                                           AND SPONSORS...                               help out whenever they can. Phil is our
                                                                                                  regular handyman, who is the builder of
Father and son team, Gary and George                  IS A PADDOCK!                               all our magnificent bush furniture, he is
Georgiou, used to be regulars at the club                                                         also our resident trap mechanic and both
back in the early days, before marriage         June27th…….Bermagui Bait & Tackle.                Phil and Shelly derive much pleasure
and family commitments took over (as they                                                         in keeping our flower garden up and
do), so Gary and his lovely wife Desi and       Scott & Lisa Bradley have been great              going.
kids are only able to make the occasional       sponsors of all sports in the Bega Valley
                                                since opening their business many years           November 28th……….Christmas Shoot.
visit to B.S.C.. But their ongoing support
and sponsorship to our club (and many           ago. Although neither of them shoot, they         Santa is another member of the club who
other clubs), is very much appreciated.         are more than happy to sponsor our club,          prefers to remain anonymous and while this
Please support Gary and Safari Firearms         for which we are truly grateful.                  is probably one of the worst kept secrets
whenever you can.                               So, for the best fishing supplies, fish           at the club, we thank Mr. & Mrs. Claus, for
                                                catching knowledge, cheapest fuel and             not only their generous sponsorship, but
February 28th …..Bush Challenge
                                                best bacon & egg rolls in town, we urge           also their hard work behind the scenes and
Our only Side X Side and Under and Over         everyone of our members and visitors to           in many other facets of the clubs running.
event for the year, is proudly sponsored        call in and have a yarn with Scott and Lisa.      Thanks again to both of you.
by two of our veteran members, in Bruce         Ideally situated just opposite the main           To finish off, I would like to thank our hard
Arthurson and Ken Buckley. In their spare       bridge boat ramp.                                 working committee, office staff, B.B.Q.
time both gentlemen are tied up with
                                                July 25th………Neil Rouse Memorial Shoot.            ladies, members and guests, for all their
vintage cars and speedway. Ken is also the
                                                                                                  magnificent work throughout the year and
proprietor of the South Durras Caravan          Rousie, a life member of the club, was one        let’s hope 2021 is much better than the
Park, while Bruce relishes the chance to        of our founding members, who worked               HORROR year that was, 2020.
get out on his motorbike and think he’s 18      tirelessly for the club in its formative years.
again. Thanks Fellas.                                                                             A special mention to N.S.W. State President
                                                Club secretary, noms secretary, set up/           Andrew Fairfield -Smith and his board, for
March 28th………Dave Cook & Mark Rabbe             pack up crew member, dunny cleaner, you           the compassion and expertise shown, in
Memorial Shoot.                                 name it, Rooster did it. Great bloke and          some very trying times for our club in 2020.
Dave Cook and Mark Rabbe were both loyal,       great mate.
                                                                                                  And remember A GUN CLUB WITHOUT
hard working members of our club and            Patrick & Tatia Jubb, proudly support and         VOLUNTEERS AND SPONSORS
were taken from us way too early.               sponsor the Neil Rouse memorial shoot, for        IS A PADDOCK!
Family and friends of these two great           which the club is forever grateful. Patrick is
                                                our current Club Armourer, Club Treasurer         Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, from
fellas, join together each year to support
                                                and computer whiz kid. Thanks gang.               all at Bermagui Sporting Clays.
the memorial shoot. Thanks again gang.

16                                                                                                    Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020

As the year comes to a close, we would like to thank all the                         •    A State Calendar has been completed & will be posted out with
Queensland members who have shared the year 2020 & all it had to                          your membership renewals. Thanks to all Clubs for coming
give. It was a very trying time with the loss of some of our members.                     back to allow us to sign off & for Aaron Knowles for the final
Hopefully 2021 will allow us all to move forward.                                         printed copy. Thanks to Dean & Aaron for chasing up many new
                                                                                          advertisers to the Calendar
After Ashley Meads passing, QSCA had a vacuum to fill for a
Treasurer & Secretary. Thanks to two of our members they stood                       •    Cherrabah Sporting Clays are on the move closer in to Warwick
up & helped the State to move forward - Dean Crouch ( Treasurer)                          town. This will help attract new members & make it easier for
& Aaron Knowles (Secretary). Many thanks Gents we could not                               visitors to their new range. Along with the move, they are also
operate without your valuable assistance.                                                 changing their name to Southern Downs Sporting Clays. The
                                                                                          2021 State Titles will be held on this new ground. More news
 The QSCA held its Annual Conference meeting on Saturday 7th
                                                                                          will be advised once they are up & running.
November with all Clubs in attendance which was very welcoming.
Many positives came out of the meeting. In Brief -                                   •    New QSCA Website & New QSCA Branding Logo has been
                                                                                          created & applied
•    QSCA Membership fees will not Increase for 2021.

STATE TITLES                                Hosted by Childers Sporting Clays

With all the Covid-19 issues going on                      Club President - Rowhan McLaren -
around the country, how lucky were we                      and all the helpers - A full report with
in Queensland to still be able to compete                  names in the next edition of the SCA
at events & to also have the State Titles                  Magazine
Hosted by Childers Sporting Clays. The                     To review the Final scores, go to the
Club excelled in the application with a great              SCA Live Scores page -
variety of targets. The Competition ran to
time & we finished with plenty of daylight                 www.scalivescores.com.au/Home/
for the travelling shooters to get home                    EventResults/810/-1/2
well before dark. Although the weather
threatened to unleash apart from a few
showers we remained fairly dry. The rain                                                                   QSCA 2020 STATE TITLES – 150 TARGETS
held off until the last round with a few
heavy drops, but the Rain God smiled on us
                                                                                                               High Gun     Daniel Davis               134/150
& left us alone until the closing ceremony
                                                                                                  AA           1st          Tobin, Peter               132
when the heavens opened up.
                                                                                                               2nd          Knowles, Aaron             129
Congratulations to the new QSCA State                                                                          3rd          Lillis, Paul               128
Champion for 2020 - Daniel Davis, well                                                            A            1st          Graham, Glen               132
done you shot the weekend well Daniel                                                                          2nd          Aird, Nicholas             123
& deserved the Win. Thanks also to our                                                                         3rd          Clifford, Joseph           121
Selection Series Sponsor - Outdoor                                                                B            1st          Crouch, Dean               119
Trading Company (OTC) & QSCA in assisting                                                                      2nd          Davies, Clinton            114
to provide the Trophies.                                                                                       3rd          Lewis, Stead               105

To the other podium placers well done &                                                           C            1st          Nicholls, Benjamin         100

thanks to all the Competitors that came                                                                        2nd          Paulsen, Sean              96 (+7)
                                                                                                               3rd          Long, Nicholas             96 (+6)
& made this event the success it was.
                                                                                                  Ladies       1st          Shannon Palfreeman         109
Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves as
                                                                                                               2nd          Rider, Karen               97
this is a great Club                                                                                           3rd          Groundwater, Lyndall       92
A big round of applause to Childers                                                               Senior       1st          Gigante, Enzo              126
                                                                                                               2nd          Rider, Glen                122
Sporting Clays for providing a great finish
                                                                                                               3rd          Davis, Robert              119
to the QSCA Sporting Calendar for 2020.
                                                                                                  Veteran      1st          Groundwater, Darryl        127
A great Club under the direction of their
                                                                                                               2nd          Whiting, Max               122
                                                                                                               3rd          Vitale, Vinnie             119
                                                                                                  Junior       1st          Hall, Damon                112
                      State Champion 2020 . Daniel Davis                                                       2nd          Lillis, Harrison           111
                                                                                                               3rd          Christensen, Christopher   105­

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                                              17

     BRISBANE                                                                            BRISBANE SPORTING CLAYS
                                                                                                        HIGH GUN

     SPORTING CLAYS                                                               Jason Pole

                                                                                  Paul Lillis
                                                                                                        AA Grade

                                                                                  Aaron Knowles                                131
     It has been a busy period for Brisbane Sporting Clays.                       Reece Cain                                   127
     We continue to hold our monthly shoots with regular numbers in                                     A Grade
     attendance.                                                                  Steve Blake                                  118
                                                                                  Chris Chapman                                114
     We also held our first Octoberfest shoot. This shoot was run in place of
                                                                                  Matthew Collingwood                          113
     the cancelled 2020 Nationals. The shoot was 150 targets over 6 layouts
                                                                                                        B Grade
     with prizes for all grades and an additional drawn score prize of a brand
                                                                                  James Christensen                            118
     new Miroku shotgun. The shoot ran with no issues with 94 shooters in
                                                                                  Clinton Davies                               115
     attendance throughout the two days. The weather gods were nice to
                                                                                  Michael Lucas                                114
     us and provided two great days for shooting.                                                       C Grade
     At the conclusion of shooting, Jason Pole was High Gun (134/150). The        Frank Petrakis                               92
     winner of the drawn score after a four way shoot off was BSC member          Scott Marty                                  90
                                                                                  Stede Lewis                                  88
     Glen Graham.
     Throughout the competition, we saw four 25s shot by Jason Pole,              Aaron Goodchild                              122
     Darryl Groundwater, Aaron Goodchild and Peter Tobin                          Michael Birgan                               120
                                                                                  Enzo Gigante                                 118
     A huge thank you must go to our event Sponsors OSA for their continued                             Veteran
     support and to Frank Petrakis for the supply of the wine for prize           Darryl Groundwater                           130
     winners.                                                                     Kris Dowie                                   116
                                                                                  Richard Nutt                                 100
     The club also recently received approval from Council for the use of our
     new clubroom and steps are being taken for fit out to enable members
                                                                                  Bob Ross                                     91
     and visitors to relax and enjoy the facilities pre and post round.
                                                                                  John Floquet                                 90
     Ongoing ground maintenance continues at the club with a trap                 Ian Clisdell                                 78
     revitalisation program and additional remote machines in the process                                Ladies
     of being supplied.                                                           Shannon Palfreeman                           101
                                                                                  Maree Birgan                                 95
     BSC has also seen a continued increase in our Corporate and new
                                                                                  Lyndall Groundwater                          85
     shooter bookings post COVD-19. This increase has kept the club busy
     introducing non shooters to Sporting Clays.
                                                                                  Christopher Christensen                      107
     Looking ahead, the club will be hosting its yearly boxing day “King of the   Harrison Lillis                              100
     Quarry” shoot on the 26th December.                                          Jack Davis                                   45

                                                                                                            Thank you to Frank Petrakis, Sponsors
                                                                                                            OSA for their continued support

Jason Pole was High Gun (134/150)

 BSC member Glen Graham

                                                                                                            Jason Pole, Darryl Groundwater, Aaron
                                                                                                            Goodchild and Peter Tobin

     18                                                                                     Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020


Well after two days of severe storm weather conditions the
Competition day turned out as well as any perfect Queensland day,
blue skies & sunshine.
Thanks goes out to our Event sponsors - Outdoor Trading Company &
QSCA for providing the event trophies.
The event was changed from 75 targets to 100 targets, with changes
made on the two grounds set up with movement to target trajectories
& menus between the 50 target sets.
                                                                               2020 COMPAK STATE TITLES - 100 TARGET
Results & photos of the grounds & the podium placings.
Full results to be seen on the SCA Live Score Site -
                                                                          High Gun           Tobin, Peter               93/100
                                                                          AA         1st     Knowles, Aaron             92
Well done to Redcliffe City Clay Target Club on a well-run event.
                                                                                     2nd     Chambellant, Brett         86
With the passing of Ashley Mead the State medals have been lost. We                  3rd     Davis, Daniel              79
will reorder & will have new medals struck. We will make sure these are
provided to the podium placings for both this event & the State Titles.   A          1st     Graham, Glen               88
Please be patient while we are going through the manufacturing                       2nd     Blake, Steve               88
stage & when we have received from the manufacturer these will be
                                                                                     3rd     Palfreeman, James          82
distributed to all.
                                                                          B          1st     Mazzarotto, Olindo         79
That wraps up the QSCA State shoots for this year & in fact 2020.
Enjoy your Club Christmas shoots, stay Safe & healthy over the                       2nd     Orr, Nicholas              77
Christmas/New Year break & see you all again in 2021 for another                     3rd     Blackwell, Aaron           75
competition packed year.                                                  C          1st     Reynolds, Scott            75
                                                                                     2nd     McKiernan, Daniel          67
Glen Rider                                                                           3rd     Groves, Mark               58

QSCA President                                                            Ladies     1st     Shannon Palfreeman         82
                                                                                     2nd     Zhang, Jess Lilei          67
                                                                                     3rd     Rider, Karen               65
                                                                          Senior     1st     Goodchild, Aaron           85
                                                                                     2nd     Marshall, Lance            84
                                                                                     3rd     McKenzie, Allan            81
                                                                          Veteran    1st     Dowie, Chris               80
                                                                                     2nd     Waldron, Ian               80
                                                                                     3rd     Law, Carl                  76
                                                                          Junior     1st     Christensen, Christopher   112

Sporting Clays Australia Assoc. - December 2020                                                                                 19
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