Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy

Page created by Alfred Hubbard
Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy
Natural &
 Organic Products
   Europe 2023
     Discover excellent
 organic products from Italy

London - ExCel 16th - 17th April
     Italian Pavilion Stand Q40
Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                            NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                         L’ICE-Agenzia per la promozione                  ITA - Italian Trade Agency is the
                                         all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione            Governmental agency that supports
                                         delle imprese italiane è l’organismo             the business development of our
                                         attraverso cui il Governo favorisce              companies abroad and promotes the
                                         il consolidamento e lo sviluppo                  attraction of foreign investment in Italy.
                                         economico-commerciale delle nostre
                                         imprese sui mercati esteri. Agisce,              With a motivated and modern
                                         inoltre, quale soggetto incaricato               organization and a widespread network
                                         di promuovere l’attrazione degli                 of overseas offices, ITA provides
                                         investimenti esteri in Italia.                   information, assistance, consulting,
                                                                                          promotion and training to Italian
                                         Con una organizzazione dinamica                  small and medium-sized businesses.
                                         motivata e moderna e una diffusa rete            Using the most modern multi-channel
                                         di uffici all’estero, l’ICE svolge attività di   promotion and communication tools,
                                         informazione, assistenza, consulenza,            it acts to assert the excellence of
                                         promozione e formazione alle piccole             Made in Italy in the world.
                                         e medie imprese italiane. Grazie
                                         all’utilizzo dei più moderni strumenti
                                         di promozione e di comunicazione
                                         multicanale, agisce per affermare le
                                         eccellenze del Made in Italy nel mondo.

                                                                                    Italian Trade Agency         @ITAtradeagency

                                                          ITA - Italian Trade Agency          @itatradeagency

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Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                   NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                                                        EXHIBITOR LIST & CATEGORY PRESENTED
                                                                        STAND Q40/

                                                                        A • BACHET •    Savoury Snacks; Bakery Products                                                      6
                  AMBROSIAE [ Q40R ]                                    B • ACETAIA PRAMARZONI MORENA FARM •                    Condiments                                   7
                  ANTICO MOLINO ROSSO [ Q40D ]
                  AZIENDA AGRICOLA LA SISILE [ Q40C ]                   C • AZIENDA AGRICOLA LA SISILE •             Cheeses                                                 8
                  BACHET [ Q40/A ]
                  BONTASANA [ Q40P ]
                                                                        D • ANTICO MOLINO ROSSO •             Bakery Products; Flours                                        9
                  BUONONATURALE [ Q40H ]
                  CERRETO ORGANIC [ Q40N ]
                  GIAS [ Q40F ]                                         E • PASTA DI LIGURIA •        Pasta                                                                 10
                  IOBOSCOVIVO [ Q40Q ]                                  F • GIAS •   Frozen Foods & Meals                                                                   11
                  MOLINO SIMA [ Q40G ]
                  NUTFRUIT ITALIA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA [ Q40S ]             G • MOLINO SIMA •      Flours                                                                       12
                  PASTA DI LIGURIA [ Q40E ]

                                                                        H • BUONONATURALE •           Rice; Preserves; Pasta; Sauces                                        13
             Q40 / H                                          Q40 / G
             Q40 / M                                          Q40 / F   M • GINO GIROLOMONI COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA •                      Pasta                               14

             Q40 / N                                          Q40 / E   N • CERRETO ORGANIC •           Pulses; Grains; Nuts; Herbs & Spices; Soups; Ready Meals            15

             Q40 / P                                          Q40 / D
                                                                        P • BONTASANA •       Pasta                                                                         16

             Q40 / Q                                          Q40 / C
                                                                        Q • IOBOSCOVIVO •      Sweet & Savoury Snacks; Pasta; Rice; Couscous; Shiitake & Dressings          17
             Q40 / R                                          Q40 / B
                                                                        R • AMBROSIAE •                                                                                     18
             Q40 / S                                          Q40 / A                        Snacks; Bakery Products; Granola; Porridge

                                                                        S • NUTFRUIT ITALIA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA •                 Nuts                                         19

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Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                    NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                            STAND Q40/A                                                                           STAND Q40/B

                                               +390376809787                                                                         Strada Castelnuovo Rangone 231/1,
                                               Via Umberto I 15, Monzambano,                                                         Modena, EMILIA-ROMAGNA,
                                               LOMBARDIA, MN, 46040, Italy                                                           MO, 41126, Italy

                                            Contact person:
                                                                                        ACETAIA PRAMARZONI                        Contact person:
BACHET                                      Andrea Beghini                              MORENA FARM                               Fabio Lusetti

Products presented:                                                                     Products presented:
Savoury Line: Grissoni, Schiacciatine, different flavours of Crispread.                 Organic Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Organic condiment with Balsamic Vinegar of
Sweet Line: Cakes with dried fruits (almond and hazelnut), Pies with Italian jam,       Modena, Organic cream with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Organic white vinegar
Panettone and Colombe.                                                                  (Trebbiano) and Organic Red Vinegar (Lambrusco), Organic grape juice of Trebbiano
                                                                                        or Lambrusco.

Company profile:                                                                        Company profile:

Our bakery has a long family tradition,     our products from being nutritious and      Organic farm with 45.000 espalier vines   The production site is equipped with
in fact it was born in 1923. Artisan        natural. The knowledge has been handed      of Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes in      the best technology, with the utmost
production has always been our main         down for three generations: continuity      15 hectares dedicated to the production   respect for the environment, both for
characteristic and we have resisted any     and quality are therefore guaranteed.       of Organic Balsamic Vinegar of Modena     the management of the vineyard and for
innovation that would have prevented        Certifications: BioAgricert, IFS            PGI and its compounds and grape juice.    the production of raw materials and the
                                                                                                                                  aging of the product.

6                                                                              BACHET   ACETAIA PRAMARZONI MORENA FARM                                                         7
Natural & Organic Products Europe 2023 - Discover excellent organic products from Italy
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                            NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                           STAND Q40/C                                                                                    STAND Q40/D

                                              Via S. Antonio, 36, Talmassons (UD),                                                           +39 340 92 40 757
                                              Friuli-Venezia Giulia,                                                                         Via Bovolino 1, Buttapietra,
                                              UD, 33030, Italy                                                                               Veneto, VR, 37060, Italy
AZIENDA AGRICOLA                           Contact person:
                                                                                            ANTICO MOLINO                                 Contact person:
LA SISILE                                  Graziano Zanello                                 ROSSO                                         Deborah Virgilio

Products presented:                                                                         Products presented:
PDO organic Montasio cheese, organic Latteria cheese, organic ‘Frico’.                      Organic almond Mandordoro pastry; organic spelt Cantucci Biscuits; organic oat
                                                                                            Avenadoro biscuits; organic gluten free flours for pizza, bread, pasta, pastry;
                                                                                            organic protein flours for pizza, pancake, sweets.

Company profile:                                                                            Company profile:

Friulian Organic Dairy is the brand        sources. From our traditional                    Antico Molino Rosso is a company              Two modern plants and the historic Mill
with which the organic farm “La Sisile”    craftsmanship, we have invested in the           dedicated to organic products, based          where everyday we check and analyse
distributes its certified ORGANIC          use of new equipment. From 2014 the              in Verona, Italy. Since 1993 we produce       the supply chain. During our production
cheeses and HAY MILK. Our daily            farm ‘La Sisile’ started the conversion          organic stone ground flours, Italian          process we use energy from renewable
commitment is to produce quality           process to become an organic farm,               selected cereals, for the retail and   sources and 100% recyclable packaging.
dairy products, in Turrida di Sedegliano   obtaining the BIO certification in 2016,         ca. channels. We produce organic protein
(Udine), using only the organic raw        an important step towards sustainability         flours, organic gluten free flours, organic   Eight certifications: ICEA, FSSC22000,
milk of our cows and selected and          and good agriculture. In 2019 it was the         wholemeal nutraceutical pastries for          IFS, SGS, CSQA, BIODIVERSITY FRIEND,
guaranteed raw materials. We offer         first company in the Friuli Venezia Giulia       the body, mind and environment. Fine          FDA, USDA. Our mission is to offer a
quality and genuine products obtained      region to obtain the TSG-certification           pastries produced with our excellent          healthy product, organic, wholemeal,
through ecologically sustainable           ‘Traditional Specialty Guaranteed’ for its       organic flours: the very best organic         lactose-free, vitamin and fibre rich,
production processes and the use           hay milk.                                        wheats and only Italian ingredients.          delicious, of the highest quality.
of energy produced from renewable

8                                                              AZIENDA AGRICOLA LA SISILE   ANTICO MOLINO ROSSO                                                                        9
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                            NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                              STAND Q40/E                                                                               STAND Q40/F

                                                 +39010938433                                                                                 +3909845247244
                                                 Via Milite Ignoto, 58, Montoggio,                                                            Via Nazionale SNC, Mongrassano,
                                                 Liguria, GE, 16026, Italy                                                                    Calabria, CS, 87040, Italy

                                              Contact person:                                                                           Contact person:
PASTA DI LIGURIA                              Harriet Metcalf                                GIAS                                       Gianluca Morrone

Products presented:                                                                          Products presented:
Bronze-extruded, vegan, classic Italian and regional speciality ambient pasta                Frozen vegetables, ready meals, pizza, salads.
products: including Trofiette, Trenette, Fregola, Bucatini, Lasagne, Spinach
Taglierini and Chestnut pasta.

Company profile:                                                                             Company profile:

Pasta di Liguria is an authentic Italian,     of organic specialty ambient pasta both        GIAS SRL has been operating in the         programmes for its domestic and
regional specialty pasta selection made       branded and private label in a variety         production and sale of frozen food for     international customers. By continuously
by the Minaglia family from their BRC         of packaging options. Their unique             more than 50 years. It supplies Retail,    investing in R&D and with the right mix
and IFS certified facility, Pastificio Alta   selection is made with 100% Italian            Food service and Industry channels,        of innovation and tradition, GIAS can
Valle Scrivia in the Ligurian Appenine        ingredients and groups together some of        offering its customers a wide range of     consistently bring to the market tasty
mountains in Italy. From their state of       the most iconic and unique pasta types         high quality Italian products such as      and healthy products focused on new
the art facility they maintain age-old        that Italy has to offer.                       ready meals, soups, vegetables and         market requests. All the products are
artisan techniques to produce a variety                                                      gluten free baked products like crusts     free of preservatives, artificial flavours
                                                                                             and pizzas. The company is particularly    and artificial colours and quality and
                                                                                             oriented towards Private Label, with a     traceability are guaranteed by directly
                                                                                             strong focus on developing customized      following the horticultural supply chain.

10                                                                        PASTA DI LIGURIA   GIAS                                                                                     11
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                            NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                            STAND Q40/G                                                                                   STAND Q40/H

                                                Via circonvallazione, 2,                                                                     +390825968088
                                                Argenta (Ferrara), Emilia-Romagna,                                                           Via P. Rossi 5, Montemiletto,
                                                FE, 44011, Italy                                                                             Campania, AV, 83038, Italy

                                            Contact person:                                                                               Contact person:
MOLINO SIMA                                 Caterina Callegari                             BUONONATURALE                                  Viviana De Santis

Products presented:                                                                        Products presented:
Organic soft, durum, spelt flour. Gluten free flours. Legume flours.                       Rice, risottos, preserves, pasta, sauces, pestos, creams, etc.

Company profile:                                                                           Company profile:

MOLINO SIMA is the first and major          label for the major industries, organic        Considering the growing need for a safe        various levels: business decisions aimed
Italian 100 % biodedicated milling plant    distributors and retail chains specialized     and sustainable lifestyle, buononaturale       at preserving the natural element of
and the main producer of organic soft       in bio products distribution, both in Italy    responds by piecing together stories           the ingredients; the reformulation of
wheat flour, spelt flour, dicoccum, durum   and overseas.                                  from Italy’s healthy agricultural tradition.   classic Italian recipes to meet modern
wheat and gluten free flours.                                                              With a focus that can be summed up             consumers’ expectations by offering
                                            Thanks to our packaging flexibility (bulk,     as wellbeing achieved by eating well,          them historical flavours that are,
MOLINO SIMA is a large farmer               big bag, 25kg bags,5kg bags up to 1kg          the buononaturale range includes many          however, easy to recreate or without
cooperative, which today has become         paper bags) we are now leaders in this         of the Italian food specialities that the      animal derivatives; the promotion of the
one of the biggest in Italy. We also        field, providing the biggest distribution      modern consumer loves.                         craftsmanship behind the most distinctive
belong to the Giulio Bellini agricultural   of organic products in Italy and in                                                           parts of certain production processes.
cooperative. Production of biological       foreign countries.                             The innovation underlying the
flours with our brand and private                                                          buononaturale brand is expressed on

12                                                                           MOLINO SIMA   BUONONATURALE                                                                              13
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                          NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                           STAND Q40/M                                                                                  STAND Q40/N

                                              Via Strada delle Valli 21,                                                                    +390522475811
GINO GIROLOMONI                               Isola del Piano, Marche,                                                                      Via Verdi, 15, Gattatico,
                                              PU, 61030, Italy                                                                              Emilia-Romagna, RE, 42043, Italy
COOPERATIVA                                Contact person:                                                                              Contact person:
AGRICOLA                                   Sergio Moretti                                   CERRETO ORGANIC                             Massimo Cangiotti

Products presented:                                                                         Products presented:
Organic Pasta - Organic Food.                                                               Organic legumes, grains, seeds, herbs and spices, soups, ready to cook meals,
                                                                                            quick meals, precooked grains and legumes, nuts, seaweed.

Company profile:                                                                            Company profile:

Girolomoni’s organic pasta history         sustainable paper packaging and the              Our story began in 1976 in Emilia Romagna, the heart of the Italian Food Valley. In
begins in 1971 with Gino Girolomoni, a     eco-friendly lifestyle.                          the 1990s Cerreto Organic started its production and large-scale retail distribution
pioneer of organic farming and founder                                                      of herbs, seeds, legumes, and more, establishing itself over the years as one of the
of the farmers Co-op, that today counts    We produce organic durum wheat                   leading companies in the field of agri-food production. Today Cerreto Organic has
300 organic farmers and a turnover of      semolina pasta and pasta with ancient            established itself as a pioneer in the field of certified organic food, thanks to the
18 million €. Girolomoni’s uniqueness      grains: emmer wheat, Cappelli and                distribution of innovative products and its customer service. Our mission is to offer
is the control of the whole production     Khorasan. All pasta recipes are available        a complete range for Organic Lovers with the taste of homemade food and the
chain by the farmers, growing their own    under our own brand or under private             ability to guarantee a controlled selection.
organic wheat, grinding it in their mill   labels. We are IFS (Higher Level) and
and transforming into delicious pasta in   Kosher certified. Since January 2023
their pasta factory. Prime raw materials   we are a member of the WFTO, which
and a slow drying process are the key      guarantees the fair practices of our full
ingredients for a pasta that is good for   supply chain.
people and for the planet, thanks to the

14                                                   GINO GIROLOMONI COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA   CERRETO                                                                                 15
NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                        NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                            STAND Q40/P                                                                               STAND Q40/Q

                                               +39 348 3611396                                                                            +390331964785
                                               Via Aurelio Saffi 21, Milano,                                                              Via Sempione 26H, Vergiate,
                                               Lombardia, MI, 20123, Italy                                                                Lombardia, VA, 21029, Italy

                                            Contact person:                                                                           Contact person:
BONTASANA                                   Adriano Aletti                                 IOBOSCOVIVO                                Silvia Bertesago

Products presented:                                                                        Products presented:
High Quality always “Al Dente” Pasta. 100% Sorghum and 100% White Corn.                    Shiitake mushrooms, snacks and ready to use mushrooms-based inspired. Vegan,
Organic, Gluten Free, Vegan, Plastic Free, Kosher and Halal.                               Gluten free, Lactose free, Allergens free, Protein, Clean Label, Rich in Vitamin D,
                                                                                           certified ISO 22000, ISO 14001 and Organic.

Company profile:                                                                           Company profile:

High-Quality always “Al Dente” Italian      Most of all, Bontasana is delicious            Thanks to the vast “know-how” of the       compared to others that are commonly
pasta that is also gluten free, organic,    and always al Dente. Bontasana is for          mycologic area, IoBoscoVivo decided        traded. Today IoBoscoVivo offers a
vegan, plastic free, certified Kosher and   all pasta lovers. Bontasana’s mission          to enhance its scientific research and     range of more than 50 food products
Halal and all its ingredients are OGM       is to offer the pleasure of pasta to           to create healthy food with medicinal      with medicinal mushrooms, divided into
free certified.                             everybody, while ensuring the wellbeing        mushrooms, above all Shiitake              3 lines based on different lifestyles from
                                            of people, respect of the environment          mushrooms. Due to our exclusive            Breakfast to Dinner ( Savoury & Sweet
Bontasana is a new and revolutionary        and wellbeing of animals. Bontasana’s          method of cultivation, our Shiitake is     snacks; Savoury & sweet ready to use,
dry pasta made from 100% white corn         range includes one item with White Corn        the only one that contains more than       Pasta, Pizza and much more).
and 100% sorghum.                           and Spirulina and one with White Corn          300 times the amount of Vitamin D
                                            and Turmeric.

16                                                                             BONTASANA   IOBOSCOVIVO                                                                            17
the überfood

NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023                                                                                                        NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS EUROPE 2023

                                            STAND Q40/R                                                                               STAND Q40/S


          AMBROSIAE                            Via del Lavoro, 19,                                                                       +390865493005
               the überfood                    Centobuchi di Monteprandone,
                                               Marche, AP, 63076, Italy
                                                                                                                                         Via Palatucci, 6, Isernia, Molise,
                                                                                                                                         IS, 86170, Italy
                                                                                         NUTFRUIT ITALIA

                                            Contact person:                                                                           Contact person:
AMBROSIAE                                   Andrea Fazzini                               SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA                            Claudio Papa

Products presented:                                                                      Products presented:
Organic raw bars, organic granola, organic porridge, organic pancakes.                   Organic almonds.

Company profile:                                                                         Company profile:

Ambrosiae is a young Italian company        to preserve the nutrients that they are      Nutfruit put itself forward as a reference   All our greatest achievements are the
that produces breakfast cereals and         naturally rich in. Ambrosiae is also a       point in the creation of a vertical          result of teamwork. The success of our
snacks. Their products are made with        benefit company: an innovative and           production chain of almonds, which           company comes from the collaboration
natural, plant-based, organic, gluten-      virtuous formula that confirms its           enriches the production processes            and commitment of many people, from
free and delicious ingredients. They        commitment for a positive impact on          already established in the Italian           those who select the best seedlings,
are produced in an innovative way,          society and the environment.                 territory. Our core business is organic      to those who cultivate them with care,
without cooking, as gently as possible                                                   almond production, and we also produce       to those who transform our almonds
                                                                                         traditional agricultural products with       making them unique products.
                                                                                         high quality standards.

18                                                                           AMBROSIAE   NUTFRUIT ITALIA SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA                                                        19

NOTES                                    NOTES

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T +44 (0)20 7292 3910                       @ITA London Italian Trade Agency    @italondon_
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