The Interna0onal School of Treviso - 2019-20 Parents' Handbook - The International School Treviso

Page created by Javier Oconnor

  The Interna0onal School of Treviso
                     2019-20 Parents’ Handbook

            IOT.18                                                                    Rev. Doc. n° 0 Feb. 2019

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                 Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy   Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144        Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.           Email: | Pec:

                                           MISSION STATEMENT

The Interna*onal School of Treviso is commi4ed to providing their students with the highest
educa*onal standards of the interna*onal educa*on scenario.

At The Interna*onal School of Treviso, we aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young
people who will ac*vely help create a more peaceful and harmonious world, through intercultural
understanding and respect.

Our whole-student pedagogical approach ensures the full expression and development of our
students’ skills and peculiari*es, recognising them as unique and valuable individuals in an ongoing
challenging world. The tolerant, mul*cultural, ethical and safe environment supports the
interna*onal mindset of our learning community on a daily basis.

   • IST– The Interna0onal School of Treviso
     •    IBO – Interna0onal Baccalaureate Organiza0on
     •    PYP – Primary Years Programme
     •    MYP – Middle Years Programme
     •    DP – Diploma Programme
     •    ATL – Approaches to Learning
     •    ICT – Informa0on Classroom Technology
     •    PHE – Physical and Health Educa0on
     •    PSPE – Physical Social and Personal Educa0on
     •    EAL – English as Addi0onal Language

    • Head of School:
    • School Director:
    • PYP Co-ordinator:
    • Head of the Early Years:
    • Segreteria: -
    • Kindergarten:
    • Transi0on:
    • Grade 1:
    • Grade 2:
    • PYP Italian (Gd. 2 /6):

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                              Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy                Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144                     Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                        Email: | Pec:


Academic year 2019-20 starts on 4th September 2019 and finishes on 24th June 2020. The final
scholas0c calendar will be communicated before school resumes in September.

Parents who own an Apple device (iPhone, iPad or MacBook) could receive the school calendar via
iCloud; request is to be made via the office. Each class 0metable is to be found on ManageBac.


Please refer to the extended “Whole School Behaviour and Sanc*ons Policy” of the ISTreviso,
provided on a separate document.


    School *metable

     •    It is important that your child aaends each day in order to benefit from his/her lessons;

     •    Classes begin at 9:00 a.m. The school will open at 8:30am. NO student is to be dropped off
          earlier than 8:30am as the school can not take responsibility in looking afer the child;

     •    Recess, see “ISB Outdoor Play Policy”;
     •    School finishes at 3:30 p.m.

    Kindergarten - Transi*on (drop off)

     •    Children in Early Years classes can be dropped off from 8:30am. Parents are allowed to
          accompany their child to the classroom and assist with the organisa0on of personal
          belongings. Specific details in regard to the induc0on into school life, will be emailed to
          parents before the start of the school year.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                         Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy           Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144                Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                   Email: | Pec:

          Grade 1/6 students (drop off)

     •    Children can be dropped off from 8:30am and must enter via the main entrance. Parents
          must drop off students at the designated “drop off point” they are not allowed to accompany
          students onto the school premises including the hall, classrooms or locker area. Each morning
          a staff member will be present to supervise and ensure that students enter the school

    ANernoon pick-up - Exit

Students who have permission to go home early should collect all of their personal belongings and
report to the office. The student will wait for their parent outside the school office. Once the parent
arrives, they must sign out their child;

Parents are not allowed to go into the classrooms or into the playground to collect students during
the school day;

If your child goes home with anyone who is not included in the legal parental register, this has to be
duly communicated via email to the school office and to the class teacher. Under no circumstances,
students will leave school, unless with your wriaen authorisa0on. Verbal messages won’t be taken
into considera0on, as void of legal value.


PYP: all absences must be communicated to the class teacher via ManageBac.

     Early exit / late arrival

PYP: The ISTreviso is a full-0me school, from Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. 0ll 3:30 p.m.
Parents are not given any possibility to choose which subject their child can aaend among the
compulsory ones. One students are enrolled at the ISTreviso, they must aaend the whole educa0onal

PYP: students are not allowed to a different 0metable (e.g. leave at 3.15 p.m. on Mondays to aaend a
sport course). Any interrupted lesson is disrup0ve for the whole community.

PYP: only in case of occasional commitments (family, sport, medical), students may leave earlier, at
1:00 pm or during lunch *me (not at 2:15 - 3:00…)

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                       Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy         Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144              Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                 Email: | Pec:

PYP: students who have been absent for over 35 days, may fail the following Grade. Decision will be
made by pedagogical team of the ISTreviso.

     Special permissions

PYP: parents who may need to agree upon a different school calendar, must send wriaen request to
the School Director and PYP Coordinator. Wriaen reply will be sent accordingly.

PYP: parents who may need to agree upon a different 0metable, because of addi0onal academic
commitments (e.g. conservatory), real sports career or medical therapies, must send wriaen request
to the School Director and PYP Coordinator. Wriaen reply will be sent accordingly.

In the interest of the students themselves and of the school community, we trust in your
understanding and collabora0on. Our secretary is not authorized to grant different provisions.



All students are to wear the appropriate uniform whenever they are in the care of IST staff members
or on their way to and from school. Please ensure that ALL SCHOOL UNIFORM is clearly named and
labeled. If an item of school uniform is lost, please check the lost property shelves. Abandoned un-
labeled items will be donated at the end of the school year.

     Out of uniform

Where the regula0ons are infringed:

      •       The child is asked by the Classroom teacher to remedy the situa0on;

      •       If the situa0on persists a email is to be sent home, informing the parent of the problem and
              reques0ng a remedy;

      •       If no ac0on is taken or explana0on given a further Email is sent home, signed by the School,
              reques0ng the parent to keep the child at home un0l the situa0on is remedied.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                           Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy             Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144                  Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                     Email: | Pec:

    Lockers and Supplies

       •    All Early Years students need an extra change of clothing in his/her locker (detailed list will
            be provided by the Head of the E.Y. department);

     •     Hats, coats, shoes, and backpacks are stored there;

     •     Kindergarten students have special needs that should be discussed with their teacher;

     •     The list of the sta0onery and didac0c material needed at school, will be emailed before the
           beginning of the academic year. The related purchase is at the expense of the parents.
           Addi0onal items could be requested during the year.


     Between parents and teachers

Communica0on between the parent and teacher is vital. At ISTreviso, we resolve to assist the parent
in keeping lines of communica0on open. Therefore, we offer a number of ways to stay in touch:

           •    Teachers are available for appointment mee0ngs once a week. Please, remember that
                mee0ngs must not take more than 15mins. Bookings via ManageBac;

           •    Parent-Teacher mee0ngs are scheduled twice per year, at the end of term 1 and 3, when
                student progress reports are distributed and porpolios are viewed. Please, remember
                that mee0ngs must not take more than 15mins. Bookings via ManageBac.

     Between parents and the office

Our secretary fulfils many tasks and her 0me is valuable. In order to allow more efficiency and 0me
towards his/her role and responsibili0es, parents are asked to adhere to the following procedures:

• Contact can only be made via phone call between 8:30 – 9:30a.m. in the morning and in the
  afernoon between 1:30 – 2:00 p.m.;

• Emails can be stent at any 0me;

• In real emergency situa0ons parents may contact the school at any 0me.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                          Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy            Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144                 Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                    Email: | Pec:

          Between the School Director - PYP Coordinator

The School Director will directly meet parents for financial or contractual maaers or in case of serious
The PYP Coordinator will directly meet parents for curriculum or disciplinary maaers.

If parents request a mee0ng with one of them, an appointment must be made via the secretary.
Unscheduled personal visits to the school office are not encouraged.


The use of iPad and MacBook Apps, videos, webcasts, and internet-based educa0onal websites and
equipment is an important supplement to our instruc0on and fulfils Informa0on Classroom
Technology (ICT) requirements as part of our school’s commitment to technology integra0on. Our
teachers exercise professional judgment when choosing to use these resources, and parents are
rou0nely informed about what their students are viewing.

Teachers will advise parents throughout the year of iPad and MacBook applica0ons to be privately
downloaded. These applica0ons will be required to support classroom-learning ac0vi0es.
Applica*ons or contents downloaded for personal use, are the parents’ responsibility.


Menu lists are provided throughout the school year and published. Religious or other dietary
restric0ons should be noted when a student is enrolled, allowing adjustments to be made. The
related medical prescrip0on is requested.
Parents are in charge of their child’s snack; we encourage light and healthy ones, hence no fried or
pre-packed unhealthy snacks.


No food for sharing is allowed within the school facili0es.


Informa0on are available at the office.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                       Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy         Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144              Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                 Email: | Pec:

11) CHILD SICK_Policy

     Child Sick Policy:

Children should not be brought to school if they are displaying signs of illness. High fever is not
always present when a child is unwell and as such should not be the main indicator of a child’s health.
If parents do bring children to school and staff feel that they are unfit for school, parents / carers /
emergency contacts will be contacted and requested to come and collect their child and requested
not to return their child to school un0l symptom free.

ISTreviso understands the needs of working parents and does not aim to exclude children from school
unnecessarily. However, the decision of school is final when reques0ng that a child is collected for
illness or infec0on. Decisions will take into account the needs of child and those of the other children
and staff in school.
Children with infec*ous or contagious diseases will not be permiced to acend school. If staff
suspects that a child has an infec0ous or contagious disease they will request that parents / carers
consult a doctor before returning the child to school and the school may seek advice from the school

Should a child become ill whilst at school, a member of staff will contact the parents / carers /
emergency contact. While awai0ng the arrival of parents, the staff will ensure the comfort of the
child, taking appropriate ac0on, which would include seeking medical advice if necessary. If the child
is in danger, the staff will seek medical advice immediately.

Coughs and colds do not normally require the child to be absent from school but this depends on the
severity and how the child is able to cope with the school rou0ne. A child who is clearly unwell
won’t take part to the school day.
Children who are not well enough to par0cipate in physical educa0on lessons (except due to a
mobility limita0on, such as a broken limb) are not considered well enough to be at school.

If head lice is detected parents / carers / emergency contacts will be contacted and requested to
come and collect their child. The child should not return to school within 24 hours of the appropriate
treatment being administered. The whole school community will be no0fied that there is a case of
head lice in the class.

A child who has sickness or diarrhea whilst at school (or at home) should be collected immediately
and kept absent from school for 48 hours following the last bout of sickness or diarrhea. For example,
if a child has sickness or diarrhea on Monday they should not be back at school un0l Wednesday.
This 48 hour rule is essen0al in order to protect other children and staff from contrac0ng a bug.

To prevent the spread of conjunc*vi*s, suspected cases will be reported immediately to parents who
will be requested to take their child from school to seek medical advice. When treatment ceases, the
child may return to school.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                       Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy         Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144              Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                 Email: | Pec:

If a child is away for more than 5 days a medical cer0ficate should be presented upon their return to
school, sta0ng why they have been sick.

     Medicines at school

Medicines of any kind cannot be kept, nor dispensed by ISTreviso Staff; if a student requires
medica0on at school, he can either administer it himself with wriaen consent from a parent or his
parent is allowed to come to school for the administra0on.

ISTreviso staff can only provide assistance in case of life-saving medicines

Field trips are an exci0ng part of school life and are fundamental for suppor0ng the units of inquiry,
therefore we encourage all students to take part to them. Parents will be informed well in advance
when field trips are scheduled, and permission forms will be required to be signed. Under no
circumstances will a child be taken from the school premises without wricen parental consent.
Field trip fees are non-refundable.


Progress and end-of-term reports will be uploaded on ManageBac as private documents to be

Class homework for elementary students is given on Mondays and uploaded on ManageBac, to be
printed at home. Deadlines for elementary students can change according to the Grade. On some
occasion, Italian homework could be assigned for the following day in prepara0on for the next lesson.


The following are guidelines for 0me spent at homework. Different children will complete the same
homework at different lengths of 0me. Time spent will vary from day to day and also from the
beginning to the end of the school year. It is important to remember that it is the quality and not the
quan0ty of homework that maaers.
ISTreviso believes in the value of homework for consolida0ng skills learned at school and as a
forma0ve contribu0on to good work habits, independent research and personal organiza0on.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                       Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy         Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144              Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                 Email: | Pec:

     •    Elementary Division (Grade 1 - 3) – 20 minutes per day plus reading;
     •    Elementary Division (Grade 4 - 5) – 35 minutes per day plus reading;
     •    Elementary Division (Grade 6) – 45 minutes per day plus reading. The exhibi0on project will
          require extra work.

14) PTA – Parent - Teacher Associa*on

The purpose of the PTA is to provide a structure through which the parents/guardians of children
aaending ISTreviso can cooperate together for the best possible educa0on and welfare of their
The PTA encourages posi0ve and construc0ve communica0on between school and families,
organizing and suppor0ng ac0vi0es that enhance family par0cipa0on in school life are examples of
PTA ac0vi0es.

The PTA bylaws is posted on ManageBac.


Parental involvement is always welcomed and very appreciated at ISTreviso. Here are just some of the
ways that parents can help:

     •    Share curriculum-related pictures and souvenirs from a personal or family trip;
     •    Read to students during Read Together Week;
     •    Arrange for curriculum-related speakers, exhibits, demonstra0ons;
     •    Share a special talent, interest, or hobby;
     •    Give a class presenta0on about your job;
     •    Help decorate before a special event;
     •    Donate books to the library;
     •    Organize a school fundraiser;
     •    Mentor a Grade 6 student with their exhibi0on.


•    Teachers cannot arrange to home-tutor for pay a child currently enrolled at the ISTreviso;

•    The school provides assistance for students during study club;

•    EAL lessons (English as Addi0onal Language), or any other subject, are at the expense of the
     family, according to the IST rate table. EAL is compulsory as of Grade 3, for new students, unless
     they are English mother tongue or come from another interna0onal school. The annual related
     cost is € 2.000,00 per child.

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                        Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy          Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144               Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                  Email: | Pec:


No end-of-the-year exam is expected throughout all the PYP. Students may switch from an IB to
school to an Italian one at any 0me, prior siqng the na0onal exam “esame di idoneità”; this must be
requested and organized by the student’s family as independent candidate.

During the year of Grade 6, the school will offer a free maths course held in Italian; this will be
0metabled once a week, from 3:30 p.m. 0ll 4:20 p.m. at the ISTreviso’s facili0es. Italian students, who
mean to sit the “esame di idoneità per la scuola primaria di secondo grado”, are encouraged to aaend
at leat 90% of the course. No mee0ngs with extracurricular teachers are available.

18) RE-ENROLMENTS 2020-21


Re-enrolment applica0ons will be possibile from Tuesday 7th January up to Friday 14th February


All fees will be communicated in January 2021.


All school policies are available on ManageBac.

                                                                                  The School Administra0on

San Biagio di Callalta, February 2019

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                        Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy          Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144               Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.                  Email: | Pec:

Subject: Acknowledgement and acceptance of the regula*on of The Interna*onal School of Treviso
“2019-20 Parents’ Handbook”

I…………………………………………………………..…………………, born in……………………………….., on…………….. and
the parent/ guardian of …………………………..…..…………, aaending Grade…………….. for the scholas0c
year 2016-17 at the Interna0onal School of Treviso, declare I have read the above wriaen regula0ons
– “20119-20 Parents Handbook” – as well as to comply with it as fully acceptance of the document.


I………………………………………………………………………….……, born in……………………………….., on…………….. and
the parent/ guardian of ………………………………………………, aaending Grade…………….. for the scholas0c
year 20119-20 at the Interna0onal School of Treviso, also declare I have carefully read and formally
accept the hereunder condi0ons:

     1) School Calendar
     2) Whole School Behaviour and Sanc0ons Policy
     3) Daily Rou0ne
     4) Aaendances
     5) School Uniform and Personal Belongings
     18) 2020-21 Re-enrolments

SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………

San Biagio di Callalta, …………………………

            IOT.18                                                                        Rev. Doc. n° 0 Feb. 2019

The Interna*onal School of Treviso
Sede Legale
Interna'onal School S.r.l.                     Sede Opera*va
Via Boccaccio 96, 35128 - Padova - Italy       Via Milano 1, 31048 San Biagio di Callalta - Treviso - Italy
C.F./P.Iva 02115850279 | REA 387144            Tel: +39 049 807 34 62 - Fax: 199 161 911
Capitale Sociale 20.000,00 i. v.               Email: | Pec:
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