EU Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis: Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery - Trans ...

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EU Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis: Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery - Trans ...
EU Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
     Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and Resilient
                                           Nuno Gama de Oliveira Pinto*

                                                                             shock was far more severe than initially
                                                                             Given the unprecedented scale and multi-
The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes an                                         faceted nature of the COVID-19 crisis,
unprecedented challenge with very severe                                     comparisons with previous ones, including the
socio-economic        consequences.     The                                  2008-2009 financial crisis, have significant
magnitude of the response must match the                                     limitations. The second pandemic has thrust
scale of the crisis, prevented a more                                        Europe back into economic crisis.
devastating     outcome.     Risks   remain                                  The COVID-19 recession is singular in many
significant and are rising as a second wave                                  respects and is likely to be the deepest one in
of infections is intensifying. The recovery                                  advanced economies since the Second World
from this crisis will be uneven and partial.                                 War and the first output contraction in
Given the considerable uncertainty, policies                                 emerging and developing economies in at
must stay resolutely supportive to sustain                                   least the past six decades.
the recovery.
                                                                             The pandemic highlights the urgent need for
                                                                             health and economic policy action, including
Introduction                                                                 global    cooperation,     to cushion     its
                                                                             consequences,         protect    vulnerable
                                                                             populations, and strengthen countries’
In the space of just a few months, the COVID-
                                                                             capacities to prevent and deal with similar
19 pandemic swept across the world
                                                                             events in the future.
restricting the movement of millions of
people, impacting lives and jobs, disrupting                                 A resilient and balanced recovery of Europe
international supply chains, and bringing                                    will remain critical for the world to return to
global economies to a halt. The economic                                     the trajectory of sustainable development.
                                                                             Europe plays a pivotal role in fostering global

* Nuno Gama de Oliveira Pinto is a University Professor and Senior Researcher (Center for International Studies – CEI-IUL; Portuguese
Institute of International Relations – IPRI). All the opinions expressed in this briefing are the sole view of the author, and do not represent
the position of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations nor of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA).
EU Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis: Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery - Trans ...
Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
           TEPSA Briefs – January 2021                       Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and
                                                                     Resilient Recovery
growth and development. Europe accounts                  financial markets using its high credit rating,
for 33 % of global imports and nearly 60 % of            which should secure low borrowing costs.
bilateral and multilateral development
assistance. A severe recession in Europe will            The Commission’s plan envisaged that EUR
reverberate throughout the rest of the world,            500 billion would be distributed in grants,
undermining sustainable development efforts              however EU leaders cut the level of grants to
not only in Europe but also in Africa, Latin             EUR 390 billion (and reduced the proposed
America and South Asia.                                  budget to EUR 1.074 trillion) at their summit
                                                         on 17-21 July 2020. The funds will be used to
A Deeper Recession                                       reach the EU’s objectives of climate neutrality
                                                         and digital transformation, to offer social and
In July 2020 the President of the European               employment support as well as to reinforce
Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, delivered              the EU’s role as a global player.
a speech in the European Parliament (EP)
plenary at the debate on the presentation of
the programme of the German Presidency of                The EU economy will experience a deep and
the Council of the European Union (EU).                  longer recession due to the coronavirus pandemic,
Emphasizing the unprecedented situation                  despite the preventative response and efforts
Europe is currently facing, she said: “We have           made at both EU and national levels.
entered the worst recession since the Great
Depression. This crisis is deeper and broader
than the one ten years ago”.
                                                         With the launch of the European Green Deal
The EU economy will experience a deep and                in December 2019, the EU made a bold
longer recession due to the coronavirus                  statement to become the global leader in
pandemic, despite the preventative response              green      technologies    and     economic
and efforts made at both EU and national                 sustainability. The European Green Deal is
levels:                                                  now the growth strategy of Europe. The
                                                         investments supported by the EU recovery
                                                         package and budget will be fully in line with
                                                         its objectives to have a climate-neutral
                                                         economy. In the near term, however, the
                                                         COVID-19induced economic contraction may
                                                         depress Europe’s efforts to promote green
                                                         growth and reduce carbon footprints.
                                                         The Commission’s Autumn Forecast projects
                                                         that the EU economy will contract by 7.4% in
                                                         2020 before recovering with growth of 4.1%
                                                         in 2021 and 3% in 2022. The euro area
Figure 1 - Economic Forecast Figures (Source: European   economy will contract by 7.8% in 2020 before
Commission)                                              growing 4.2% in 2021 and 3% in 2022. It’s now
                                                         expected to take at least two years for the
On 27 May 2020, the European Commission                  European economy to come close to its pre-
presented in the EP a EUR 750 billion                    pandemic level.
economic stimulus plan that, along with a
revised proposal for the EU's 2021-2027                  On The Road To Recovery?
budget, should help mitigate the shock from
the coronavirus pandemic.                                Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia are holding
Under the proposal, the European                         the Presidency of the European Council in
Commission would borrow the money on the                 succession from July 1, 2020, through to
                                                         December 31, 2021.
EU Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis: Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery - Trans ...
Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
         TEPSA Briefs – January 2021                   Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and
                                                               Resilient Recovery
A Trio Council Presidency was officially                  special emphasis on small and
introduced in 2007/2008, after the signing of             medium-sized enterprises. At the
the Lisbon Treaty, when Germany, Portugal                 same time, there will be a further
and Slovenia also worked together as the first            deepening of Economic and Monetary
trio. As early as 1981 Council Presidency                 Union;
countries began forming informal groups of            •   The European Green Deal will be
three to ensure the greatest possible                     supported with investments in all
continuity. The following is a brief outline of           regions to create a climate-neutral
the most important topics in the joint                    and green Europe. In the field of
German,      Portuguese      and     Slovenian            foreign policy, European values will be
programme for the period until the end of                 promoted further on an international
2021:                                                     level, the enlargement process
                                                          towards the Western Balkans will be
    •   Efforts will centre on promoting
                                                          continued and cooperation with
        cooperation and consensus about                   Africa strengthened;
        overcoming          the     coronavirus       •   European defence policy will be
        pandemic. This includes combating                 another focus area. Following the
        COVID-19,        strengthening       the          Maastricht Treaty, which established
        necessary structures to be better able            the Common Foreign and Security
        to respond to crises of this kind in the          Policy in 1993, the Franco-British
        future, and promoting a recovery of               Summit in Saint-Malo laid the
        the community from the economic                   foundations for a European defence
        effects of the crisis;
                                                          and security policy in 1998. The
    •   The Multiannual Financial Framework               European Security and Defence Policy
        of the Union for 2021-2027 will also              was created the following year with a
        be adjusted to meet these                         view to developing the European
        requirements.          The    countries           Union’s role in managing international
        undertake to maintain a fair and                  crises       through      humanitarian,
        social Europe while simultaneously                evacuation,        peacekeeping    and
        promoting European interests and                  intervention tasks (also known as
        values worldwide. These include                   Petersberg tasks). The overarching
        human rights, equality and corporate
                                                          priorities have already been defined
        social responsibility;
                                                          in the EU Global Strategy. EU member
    •   The digital transformation of Europe              states now aim to specify how these
        will be fostered in a way that respects           priorities can be implemented and
        human rights and protects citizens.               will jointly decide which capabilities
        Specifically named areas for digital              the EU should – and should not –
        progress are education, research,                 provide with respect to crisis
        finance and health;                               management, enabling and enhancing
    •   The trio programme aims to develop                partners and protecting the Union
        permanent and crisis-proof solutions              and its citizens. At the same time, the
        in the area of migration. At the same             Strategic Compass as the new security
        time, measures against illegal                    policy document must be based on a
        migration and human trafficking are
                                                          broad political consensus and a strong
        to be strengthened and action taken               political will to act.
        against the causes of migration and
        displacement. With regard to               Portugal’s Presidency of the EU from January
        economic policy, the focus will be on      to June 2021 comes at a crucial time. Under
        further promoting a fair European          the motto “Together for a stronger, more
        Single Market;                             equitable and more sustainable Europe”,
    •   The industrial competitiveness of the      Portugal takes over its fourth Presidency of
        Union will be strengthened with            the Council of the European Union, after
Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
          TEPSA Briefs – January 2021                   Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and
                                                                Resilient Recovery
those of 1992, 2000 and 2007, in which it           made more robust so that they can deal
concluded important European agreements             better with worker dislocation and retraining
and helped open Europe to Africa. The               needs arising from automation and
priorities of the fourth Portuguese Presidency      technological change.
will be:
                                                    The COVID-19 pandemic, lockdown measures,
    •   To promote Europe's recovery,               and ensuing economic recession had a
        leveraged by the climate and digital        disproportionate impact on people living on
        transitions;                                low incomes or in poverty. The EU eased rules
    •   To implement the Social Pillar of the       to make funds available to member states to
        European Union as a key element for         mitigate the effects, but unemployment, food
        ensuring a fair and inclusive climate       insecurity, and unequal access to distance
        and digital transition;                     learning exacerbated existing inequalities.
    •   To strengthen Europe’s strategic
        autonomy keeping it open to the             It will be critical for countries not to withdraw
        world.                                      support prematurely, and importantly, to
                                                    continue to target the measures in a way that
                                                    helps the most vulnerable.
With the Environment, Digital Transition, the
Social Dimension, Resilience and Global             For these reasons, it has been maintained that
Europe as major themes, the focus of the            economic and monetary union will make it
Portuguese Presidency will be Social Europe         more necessary to strengthen economic and
and, externally, the EU-India Summit and, as a      social cohesion policies and in particular will
key topic, the relationship between the EU          create the need for substantial increases in
and Africa.                                         the EU budgetary resources to be channeled
                                                    into these policies.
Conclusion                                          History shows that countries that invest in the
                                                    recovery, rather than tightening too much too
Europe is facing an unprecedented crisis and        fast, not only enjoy a faster recovery, but are
EU leaders must address the serious dangers         also able to reduce debt faster. A deep
of the economic recession. The COVID-19             recession, for example, will depress Europe’s
pandemic has created a health and economic          demand for goods and services from the rest
crisis without modern parallel. The road to         of the world, putting at risk millions of export
recovery is long and winding. To deal with the      sector jobs in developing countries that rely
crisis satisfactorily, the criteria of the recent   heavily on sending their products to the
past hardly apply.                                  European market. During the global financial
The scale of this unprecedented economic            crisis in 2009, imports of the 28 EU members
shock, the enormous uncertainty it entails and      fell by 11 %, which depressed exports and
the persistence of the pandemic stand in the        growth of many developing countries.
way of a complete and rapid recovery. The           A speedy, resilient and balanced recovery of
European Action Plan for the Social Economy,        Europe from the crisis will be critical not only
that the European Commission has                    for maintaining European solidarity, but also
announced for 2021, constitutes a unique            for ensuring that the continent can quickly
opportunity to put social economy at the            resume its pivotal role in global trade, official
heart of the efforts to restore sustainable         development assistance, foreign direct
growth and social cohesion in Europe.               investment and remittances, and the world
This is also the time to design reforms that        returns to the trajectory of sustainable
boost productivity growth and policies that         development.
help transform the economy, to reap the
benefits of digitalization and mitigate climate
change. Social systems can be improved and
Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
         TEPSA Briefs – January 2021                     Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and
                                                                 Resilient Recovery


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Economic Policy Under the Pandemic Crisis:
  TEPSA Briefs – January 2021               Key Dimensions for a Sustainable and
                                                    Resilient Recovery

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                                        The European Commission support for the
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