Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all

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Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all
Meet Microsoft’s
                                                       New Man at the Helm...

                                               Satya Nadella

Ten essential books that all   Professional advice on how to   Why Work is Lonely at the
MBA students should read       Overcome the Midday Slump       top of the command chain


                    The MBA

             To YOU
          Alexandra Skinner speaks to Christine Clarke at European University’s Barcelona campus

          The European University Mission                        European University’s primary goal is to bring        Full-time, Part-time
          European University is a group of private           the American education model to Europe by                or Online MBA?
          business schools with headquarters in               relating classroom theory to professional skills. The    There are many considerations concerning
          Switzerland. It operates campuses located in        courses are taught in English using the case study       this dilemma, not least of which are time,
          Switzerland (Geneva and Montreux), Spain            method and project work to prevent business theory       cost and location. Given the current
          (Barcelona) and Germany (Munich).                   from remaining abstract and incomprehensible.            economic situation, professionals in full-
             Over the past 40 years, European University      The school’s secondary goal is to internationalise its   time employment really should look into
          has developed a business education process that     programmes by providing a unique environment.            non-traditional options; combining work
          delivers high-quality teaching, a competitive       An international perspective is guaranteed by the        obligations with MBA requirements can be
          learning environment and a network of several       composition of the faculty and student body.             demanding, but it is manageable through
          campuses in different countries. European              European University’s mission is to contribute        part-time and e-learning options. Many
          University also has agreements signed with a        to the global community by providing                     institutions, such as European University,
          variety of universities and colleges worldwide      comprehensive, in-depth international business           specifically offer their MBA course outside
          and, in this way, achieves a global campus reach.   education to an inspired, culturally diverse             of the normal work timetable to facilitate
          A principle goal of European University is to       student body, who are prepared to effectively            professionals in combining their work and
          internationalise its programmes. This broad         deal with current business issues.                       study obligations.
          network encourages students to participate                                                                      The question of online or in-classroom
          in inter-campus exchanges in the following          Flexibility is Key                                       learning is complex, and depends greatly on
          countries, among others: Spain, Switzerland,        Each major includes a set of five specialist             the professional’s best study habits. Some
          Germany, UK, Austria, Syria, Kazakhstan,            courses addressing key management issues in the          individuals prefer a looser arrangement,
          Malaysia, China, Russia, Taiwan and Singapore.      specialty area. The majors complement the 70             and are internally motivated and at ease
             European University offers the traditional       per cent core business courses to give a rounded,        with technology; others perform better
          programmes of Bachelor and Master of                specialist management experience.                        with direct group interaction and a more
          Business Administration (BBA & MBA), with
          the choice of specialising in 10 different majors    Study modes                The MBA is offered as a full-time programme to be completed in one
          at undergraduate level and 12 at MBA level                                      academic year. A part-time option is also available.
          in a wide range of specialties; for example,         Delivery modes             Students may choose to follow a classroom-based programme or follow
          Communication and Public Relations,                                             an online blended MBA.
          Information Systems Management, Wealth               Electives                  Students have a wide range of majors that they may follow:
          Management and Finance-Banking & Corporate                                      International Business  Communication & PR  International
          Finance, among others. All programmes share                                     Marketing  Global Banking & Finance  Leisure & Tourism
                                                                                          Entrepreneurship  Leadership  E-Business  Sports Management
          common core management programmes (70-72                                        Human Resources  Design Management  Reputation Management
          per cent common core). The master’s programme
          is also offered online.                              Price                      The cost of the MBA programme is €19,100, including registration fee.

                                                                                                                                      European University MBA Overview
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Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all

                                                               ALUMNI PERSPECTIVE
                                                                      The jet descended toward Zurich through a
                                                                      heavy cloud cover. My thoughts were elsewhere,
                                                                floating on the different wings of fatigue and pride
                                                                and no doubt fueled by the quality Bordeaux swishing
                                                                around the glass in my hand. A new fifty-million-dollar private Airbus
                                                                was on the last leg of a delivery and I was the sole passenger aboard,
                                                                tended to by the immaculately presented crew; soft jazz music building
                                                                to a crescendo as we flared to land.
                                                                  Finding myself as project leader, with full power of attorney and
                                                                responsibility, to bring together to deadline this complex commercial,
                                                                legal and financial transaction is a fitting testament to the power of a
                                                                quality MBA to change the direction of a life and open new opportunities.
                                                                Perhaps this was a crowning moment for a career that has given me the
                                                                opportunity to lead the EMEAA team and create a multibillion-dollar
                                                                business for a major airframe manufacturer in the executive jet sector.
                                                                  In 1995, I chose to undertake the European University Executive
                                                                MBA, partially because the executive option enabled me to continue
                                                                my full-time job as an engineering project manager and partially
                                                                because the other students would also be mature and from different
                                                                cultural and business backgrounds. The interaction and flow of ideas
                                                                from the teaching staff and my fellow students opened my eyes to the
                                                                vast array of business opportunities and functions beyond my own
                                                                technical discipline. The opportunity to learn about the entire business
                                                                process was enriching, and to get under the skin of the commercial and
                                                                financial transactions was fascinating. The rigorous academic structure
                                                                backed by real-world expertise and the advice of the teaching staff was
                                                                an unexpected bonus.
                                                                  Was the MBA useful? Absolutely! I gained confidence across a variety of
                                                                disciplines I would not otherwise have encountered. This in turn enabled
                Combining work                                  me to obtain commercial management positions from which I was able
              obligations with                                  to direct my career into the competitive but highly rewarding executive
                                                                aviation arena, and how I found myself one stormy night the sole
             MBA requirements                                   passenger aboard a luxury airliner experiencing life as few ever get the
             can be demanding,                                  chance. Thanks, European University!

            but it is manageable                                Neil Patton, BSc (Hons.), CEng, MBA – Independent Consultant for
           through part-time and                                Corporate & Private Aviation, Paris. European University EMBA, Geneva and
                                                                Montreux graduate, 1997.
           e-learning options.

          disciplined timetable. This dilemma also            The Online MBA                                      ensure campus-based faculty are also delivering
          needs to address the question of location;          The European University Online MBA is an            the online programme, and that students are
          some professionals would need to relocate           alternative option for prospective professionals,   also procuring the same prescribed textbooks
          (with the extra incurred expense) to follow         transfer students and other individuals who         and materials. These policies bring closer
          their preferred on-site course.                     have neither the time nor the ability to be         conformity to a programme already operating
             The real driver, taking into account the         geographically present in our campus locations.     in tandem, and also allow for a blended
          practical issues mentioned above, should            However, the programme does not cannibalise         programme experience.
          be programme quality, derived from course           on the alternative choice for students who wish        While the relationships that are established on
          content, faculty and services.                      to engage in the full campus life and experience.   campus are not realised in a virtual environment,
             Blended learning is a reality at European           To ensure equivalence, the European              the European University Online MBA creates a
          University; all programmes have an element of       University Online MBA programme                     sense of community through continual forum
          independent learning though computer-based          standardises its academic content with that of      dialogues, enhanced with webinars and visual
          tasks. If we take blended learning to mean a        the Montreux, Geneva, Munich and Barcelona          features, and complemented with an on-campus
          combination of delivery modes, then this is also    campuses, so that the programmes and majors         week for final exams, where networking and
          an option; a student could follow certain courses   offered, course syllabi, and exam timetable         industrial visits serve to cement relations in this
          in the classroom and others online.                 run concurrently. A primary objective is to         blended learning programme.

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                    Like so many other graduates that have just
                    completed a university education, I was absolutely
             sure I would never go back to school again when I
             received my Ph.D. from St Andrews University in 2005.
             The programme I undertook at the time was highly technical and involved the
             synthesis of novel fluoro-organic substances; a challenging project that kept
             me chained to the laboratory bench for the best part of three years. Certainly
             studying an MBA at European University was far from my mind at that time.
               Exceptional for an accomplished organic chemist, I started my professional
             career in the area of technical marketing. Being responsible for the
             commercial development of a class of novel fluorinating agents targeting the
             pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals industry, I widely enjoyed my new role. I
             loved the flexibility and independence of the work schedule; the constant travel
             and connecting to new customers around the globe; and, last but not least, the
             success that came along with the project. Over the years, however, pursuing
             the marketing strategy and growing the business became a less-important
             objective, as our company established a leading position within a consolidated
             market environment. Step by step, and perhaps unintentionally, I grew into
             a much more commercial role, assuming direct responsibility in the product
             management and eventually sales areas. Once again, I welcomed the challenge
             of exploring a new world, quite remote from scientific norms and standards
             that had composed the basis of my work thus far. Certainly it was then when I
             started looking for options to feed my ever-growing thirst for business-related
             knowledge and education, even though I had many experienced colleagues at
             my side supporting me in my new position at the company.
               The Online MBA programme at European University convinced me
             it would offer the best option for achieving both my professional and
             personal objectives. Not only did it provide tremendous flexibility and
             convenience through online meetings and conferences, held from virtually
             any location across the globe; but it also offered students the chance
             to meet international staff and peers personally through pre-scheduled
             modules across the university’s various European campuses.
               The European University programme offers participants the unique
             possibility of combining the online programme with on-campus semesters;
             this is perhaps critical for students who have doubts about the quality of
             online teaching at large. Although direct contact and time with teaching
             personnel is certainly less abundant and self-study perhaps plays a more
             important role in coping with the challenges of the course, contact with
             peers and the dynamics of team-building seem to be stronger compared
             to conventional forms of teaching. Perhaps surprisingly, the teaching
             quality was always at an exceptionally high standard and for me personally,
             an important factor in staying with the online programme the full three            Hands-on Teaching
             semesters required to complete the European University MBA programme.              European University’s faculty is made
               In retrospect, I am very happy to have chosen European University for            up primarily of academically qualified,
             this important step in my professional career; not only because of the             internationally experienced adjunct members,
             convenience it provided in combining my studies with a challenging                 the majority of whom are working in their
             daily workload at my company, but also due to the incredible variety and           professional fields, thus ensuring not only a
             quality of the course content at any time. Last but not least, I would like        theoretical approach, but hands-on pragmatism
             to express special thanks to former programme manager, Dr Guillermo De             and extensive business experience.
             Haro, who managed the programme with exceptional determination and                    Real-world is a must, not an option. As
             professionalism, and in organizing many inspiring industrial visits and            faculty members are active professionally,
             enjoyable on-campus weeks in Barcelona, Geneva and Munich, made this               they are abreast of trends and innovations
             programme a truly international MBA.                                               within their specialist area and are able to
                                                                                                enrich their courses with up-to-date practical
             Dr Martin Schüler – European University Online MBA in International                examples and chair discussions effectively.
             Business graduate.                                                                 Faculty are also vital for input into curricula
                                                                                                and programme issues.

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                                                            STUDENT PERSPECTIVE
                                                                     In 2013, while working for the World Health
                                                                     Organization in Geneva, I joined the European
                                                             University’s online MBA programme in International
                                                             Business. I wanted to develop a better knowledge of
                                                             business processes, improve my leadership skills and further develop my
                                                             network around the globe. In my work, centered around portfolio and policy
                                                             management in infectious diseases of poverty research, it is important to
                                                             master both technical skills and those related to management and finance.
                                                             Ever since I joined (I am currently in my second term), I have felt the support
                                                             of my organization, which is important considering I am employed full-time.
                                                               Before joining, I scanned various offers; I found that taking courses
                                                             individually did not possess the same value as taking a full degree.
                                                             Fortunately, the European University offers the OMBA, which is a
                                                             combination of “live” distance learning and on-site experience.
                                                               Some of the most exciting moments of the first term happened during
                                                             these site visits. We were given the opportunity to visit a state-of-the art
                                                             facility of a worldwide famous manufacturer and understand first-hand
                                                             their business model, as well as have discussions with some of their senior
                                                             managers. We also received some very interesting insights from the head
                                                             of one of the most prestigious banks in Switzerland.
                                                               I must say that probably the most enriching encounter I had during the
                                                             first term was discovering the vast range of expertise and backgrounds
                                                             my colleagues had, and the chance I had to learn from their experience
                                                             and stories. Our group brings together students from all the continents
                                                             – literally, other than Antarctica – who have worked in different
                                                             environments (public, private, government, U.N.), which contributes to
                                                             a pretty broad perspective when we work in teams and interact during
                                                             webinars. Studying an online degree, scattered around the world, we learn
                                                             how to work in virtual teams with innovative communication tools, which
                                                             makes teamwork and learning more effective and efficient.
                                                               If I was to give advice to someone considering an online degree, it
                                                             would be to carefully assess their availability because, even though it is
                  We are training                            an online degree, it requires a great deal of focus, effort and time. The
             our students to face                            programme thus far has been both rewarding and demanding.

             business challenges;                            Dr Michael Mihut – World Health Organization. Portfolio Management
              it is our duty to be                           Officer, The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
                                                             Diseases. Current European University Online MBA Student.
                role models.

          The European Campus Network                      international, competitors are international; a   and reflect on input from all stakeholders; our
          European University is located in key cities     global perspective is a basis for understanding   board of advisors, our alumni and students,
          throughout Europe: Barcelona, Spain; Geneva      industry and market dynamics. The reasons         our faculty members – our communities.
          and Montreux, Switzerland; and Munich,           for a global perspective are numerous, not        Constant monitoring of our environment and
          Germany. Students have the opportunity to        least the need to understand people and to        understanding industry needs are essential and
          seamlessly transfer between campuses at the      understand different perspectives, which          reviewing and updating programme content
          end of any term to enhance their international   is why European University ensures an             and delivery styles is vital. We are training our
          experience. They may also consider studying a    international background in its student           students to face business challenges; it is our
          term at one of EU’s partner universities.        body, faculty and staff.                          duty to be role models.
             Alumni feedback indicates that it is,
          indeed, the international, practical working     Stakeholder ROI
          environment and transfer opportunities           Ensuring that we rise to market challenges
          which give them a competitive advantage in       and continue to meet student demands goes
          the workplace.                                   across industries and organisations; to be
                                                                                                               Ø Professor Christine Clarke is Dean of the
             A global perspective is not an option,        continually aware of our environment and plan       European University Barcelona campus.
          but an imperative. Value chains tend to be       ahead. In practical terms, it means we listen

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Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all Satya Nadella Meet Microsoft's New Man at the Helm - Ten essential books that all
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