Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle

Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
Volume 31, No. 1                                                              NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen                              30 January 2015

                                                                                                                                      Photo by John Parker, the Boeing Company
 First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
 Boeing Technicians recently completed digital cockpit upgrades to the first NATO E-3A AWACS under a joint Air Force and Alliance engineering and development project.
 The Diminishing Manufacturing Sources Replacement of Avionics for Global Operations and Navigation (DRAGON) program replaces the E-3A’s analog cockpit with
 digital displays, new identification friend or foe, and upgraded weather radar. The U.S. Air Force and NATO are cooperating on the development stage of the program, but
 plan to issue separate production contracts. The first Alliance aircraft arrived for upgrades in Seattle, Wash., in August 2013, making its first post-upgrade flight Dec.
 31, 2014. The aircraft is expected to be redelivered in 2016, and fleet-wide upgrades to be completed by 2018.

Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes
  On Jan. 14, 2015, the Component          page on March 28, 2012, the number          members who like to share
was proud to reach “like” nr. 5000 on      of likes grew steadily.                     newsworthy stories or nice pictures
Facebook. A great achievement. Since                                                   to be published. If you have a story
the birth of the Component Facebook          The Facebook page was designed            which you think might be useful for
                                           to meet the current demands of              our page let us know by calling ext.
                                           communicating with our audience.            2476 or email us
                                           Not only people from outside the
                                           Component follow our activities                Don’t forget to
                                           through Facebook. Also our own              like us and share
                                           people use this social media app            our posts with your
                                           to keep informed about all events,          family and friends!
                                           exercises and other interesting stuff
                                           going on at their home base.

                                             The Facebook page is run by the             https://www.face-
                                           Public Affairs Office, but also depends
                                           on the input from all Component             Component
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 3

YOU are the best part of the E-3A Component
   The best part of any day I have in           was just another day for me but for               regarding our NATO Civilian workforce             implemented until the End State
the Component is the time I spend               Mrs. Monika Bauer it was her 60th                 based on the Initial State Peacetime              Peacetime Establishment – or
visiting you in your duty sections.             Birthday. I couldn’t believe it – here it         Establishment – or ISPE. Once the                 ESPE - for the E-3A Component it
During my tenure as the Component               was her 60th birthday – and she was               ISPE is approved by the Military                  is approved by the North Atlantic
Commander I have never been                     spending it at the Component!                     Committee, the E-3A Component will                Council – a decision not expected
accused of being shy about visiting                                                               implement the Civilian Reorganization             until July 2015.
an office or a work section to hear                                                               System (CRS) to start the actions
what you have to say about our                                                                    needed to adjust the overall size of our            I certainly appreciate walking
operation. I always leave impressed;                                                              NATO Civilian workforce to roughly                around the Component to see your
your professionalism, knowledge and                                                               500 personnel.                                    professionalism, perseverance
dedication to the E-3A Component                                                                                                                    and PRIDE in our mission. I fully
is a role-model example for NATO.                                                                    Our A-1 staff has discussed the                recognize the tensions created when
Be certain, people like YOU make the                                                              CRS process in several forums. In                 an operational organization, fully
E-3A Component something special                                                                  addition, A1CP has hosted several                 committed to an ongoing NATO
indeed.                                                                                           walk-in forums to discuss the CRS                 operational mission, is asked to
                                                                                                  with each employee. Many NATO                     change. I am always ready to listen
  Recently, I had the privilege of                                                                Headquarters have successfully                    to your input and ideas on how we
presenting a retirement certificate to                                                            reorganized following a similar                   can be more effective as we shape
Mr. Heinrich Zupansic. Mr. Zupansic                                                               process to include our own                        our one-of-a-kind organization to
has worked in the Component since                                                                 Component, which just completed a                 be reliable and relevant in the
1982 – that’s almost 33 years of                                                                  four-year long reorganization in 2013.            year 2030.
service to our organization. Most of                                                              I respect your candor in providing
you probably saw Heinrich in action                                                               me the honest feedback when
as he stood the watch at the gates to              Happy Birthday Monika!                         communication about the future
MOB GK as an elite member of the                                                                  is lacking. All of you deserve the
Civil Guard. What a unique story                  Be certain, every member of our                 best answers to enable you to make
of service to NATO and the E-3A                 Component is important and each of                informed decisions for the future.
Component.                                      YOU play an important role in making
                                                our mission possible. However, in                   It is important to note, no
 Last November, I took my bi-                   2015 the E-3A Component leadership                personnel action regarding our                    Maj
monthly trip to the barber shop. It             team will make some tough decisions               NATO Civilian workforce will be

  Mr. Zupansic retires
  after 33 years of service
  By Ger Brugel                                   a beloved member of the Civil Guard
                                                  especially in the Bravo-Flight where
    After 33 years of service at the              he worked his entire carrier. All this
  Component Mr. Zupansic is leaving               time he accomplished his assigned                Maj.Gen. Andrew M. Mueller
  our organization in February 2015.              and voluntary (October Fest,                     presents retirement certificate
                                                  Children’s Festival, a.s.o) work in a            to Mr. Heinrich Zupansic.
   He started at the Component on                 more than satisfactionary manner
  Nov. 2, 1982. Over all the years he is          also noticed by his superiors.                   Courtesy photo

                                                                Commander                         own and do not necessarily reflect the official views of, or endorsement by, the North Atlantic
                                                         Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Mueller              Treaty Organization. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or
                                                                                                  supplements, does not constitute an endorsement by NATO of the products or services advertised.
                                                            Chief, Public Affairs                 Submissions are due seven days before publication and may be edited for style and space.
Volume 31, No. 1           30 January 2015                  Maj. Johannes Glowka                  Email articles and classified advertisements to
                                                                      Editor                      For paid advertisements call Hub Durlinger Media at +31 (0)46 4529292, cellphone +31 (0)6 5472
NATO Skywatch is an authorized, unofficial               Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria           6473, or Houx Digiprint at +31 (0)46 4582111,
commercial enterprise newspaper published
under exclusive written agreement with the NAEW&CF E-3A Component by HOUX DIGIPRINT,              Articles may be reproduced after permission has been obtained from the editor, provided mention
Arendstraat 3, 6135 KT Sittard, +31 (0)46 4582111. Opinions expressed by contributors are their   is made of NATO Skywatch. To read the NATO Skywatch online visit
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
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Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 5

Operation Nikolaus: Training Wing brings holiday cheer to local children
By Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria           ‘NATO Express’ train for a tour of
                                            the base, which ended at the Flight
  Children from the local community         Simulator. After a short introduction
around NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen,         and demonstration, each child was
Germany, spent the day with E-3A            allowed to perform AWACS takeoffs,
Component’s Training Wing on                landings and aerial refueling in the
Dec. 18, 2014. The visit was part           high tech simulator. “They weren’t
of Operation Nikolaus, or OPN, a            always successfully, but they had a lot
tradition which started in the 1980s        of fun,” said Captain Müller.
to bring a little bit of fun and holiday
cheer to children from orphanages             After a stop at the Air National
and child care facilities near the base.    Guard to see a KC-135 up-close and a
                                            visit with the Fire Brigade, the children
  “It has been a busy year for the          headed to the Rotodome for lunch.
E-3A Component,” explained Capt.            Then, it was off for the next part of
Dirk Müller. “We accomplished a             their visit -- a trip to the air traffic
lot of missions and operations, but         control tower and the flight line.
Operation Nikolaus is one that is
extra special.”                               “Since everyone had received flight         Next, the children got to witness          “The Training Wing felt blessed to
                                            deck instruction in the simulator, a        a demonstration by the Civil Guard        have the opportunity to meet these
  This year, 15 children from the           tour of a real AWACS aircraft was           and their specially trained working       wonderful children and enjoy the
Caritas Heimverbund Kreis Heinsberg         essential,” said Captain Müller. “They      dogs. However, the highlight of the       day with them” said Lt. Col. Thorsten
arrived at the base this morning            had an hour-long opportunity to             day was yet to come. Back at the          Hinrichsen. “We’d also like to express
and received a warm welcome from            explore the plane. They checked out         Training Wing, the children attended      our thanks to everyone who donated,
Lt. Col. Federico Merola and other          the seats, flight deck, crew bunks,         a Christmas party with festive            contributed or helped set up to
members of the Training Wing.               oxygen masks and everything in              decorations and refreshments.             make a dream come true for these
                                            between. They did so with great                                                       children. We look forward to hosting
  Full of laughter and excitement           enthusiasm and, the entire time, the          After a while, Santa, Lt. Olaf          ‘Operation Nikolaus’ again next year.”
for the day, the children, ranging          smiles on their faces grew bigger           Kleinhans, entered the room and,
in age from 6 to 14, hopped on the          and bigger.”                                thanks to good coordination with the
                                                                                        care-givers, he was able to follow the
  Photos by Staff Sgt. Stephanie Barheier                                               German tradition of praising each
                                                                                        child individually but also by pointing
                                                                                        out aspects for improvement in the
                                                                                        coming year. Santa also handed out
                                                                                        presents, which were selected from
                                                                                        each child’s own wish list.

                                                                                          Before the group left, Col.
                                                                                        Arturo Di Martino, the Operations
                                                                                        and Training Wing commander,
                                                                                        presented a check to Caritas
                                                                                        Heimverbund Kreis Heinsberg, for
                                                                                        1,300 euros. The director of the
                                                                                        orphanage said the money would
                                                                                        go toward improving the children’s
                                                                                        computer lab.

                                                                                        Please, Mister Postman look and see…
                       In Memoriam                                                        By Theo Collijn                         Component. These postmen never
                                                                                                                                  fail in their professionalism and good
                                                                                          Base Administrative Services            humour, regardless of extremes of
     Short before                                                                       Section serves as the central point       weather or delays during heightened
   Christmas the                                                                        of ingress and egress for the E-3A        security at the Main Gate.
   Component received                                                                   Component. Each working day,
   the sad news that                                                                    about 200 letters and 25 parcels            Last December, the Base Support
   Colonel (Ret.) Ger                                                                   are delivered directly to its Central     Division’s Administrative Services
   Fehrenbach passed                                                                    Registry in building 5 from where         Section expressed appreciation to
   away on Dec. 19, 2014                                                                the majority of items are further         the designated postmen who
   after a short illness.                                                               distributed within the Component.         deliver the mail and parcels daily
                                                                                                                                  to the E-3A Component. They were
     Colonel Fehrenbach                                                                   Mail carriers such as Deutsche Post,    each presented with a small gift,
   was former E-3A                                                                      UPS, GLS and DHL have specially           paid for from Building 5’s coffee/
   Component Deputy                                                                     designated staff to deliver mail to the   soda fund.
   Commander and Chief
   of Staff.

     He served at the
   Component from
   January 1994 to
   July 1997when he
   retired from the Royal
   Netherlands Air Force.

                                                                                                                                            Photos by Visual Media Services
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
Cosima’s Lodge
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Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 7

The Component’s library finds a new home
By Maureen Geraets-Head                      selection of magazines, and a
                                             special kids-corner for the younger
  You probably noticed the MWA               bookworms. At the professional
Library logo on Building 71 posted           coffee machine you can select your
on the right side to the entrance.           coffee for a small fee. Also a copy-
Last December, the base library              machine is available to customers.
moved from the far corner of the
base to a more lively part, close to           A team of five works part-time at
the Rotodome dining facility and             the library: Mrs. Emma Champagne,
the NATEX grocery store.                     Mrs. Maud Hendriks, Mrs. Jean Jahn,
                                             Mrs. Ursula Seidel and Mr. Heiner
   The MWA base library’s new                Hoben, all eager to assist the library
location is spacious, bright and offers      customers.
a lot of extras. Rows of bookshelves
displaying books in nine different              Mrs. Ursula Seidel says, “This new,
languages ranging from fiction               more centralized location is such
to cookbooks, from to travel to              an improvement. We have new
children books and an audio-visual           customers visiting us now, who
DVD collection are available. Base           didn’t know that the base had a
personnel and their dependants can           library.”                                Library personnel Mrs. Emma Champagne (left, pink shirt) rearranges travel books
sign out books or DVDs showing                                                        while Mrs. Ursula Seidel and Jean Jahn (right) categorize the returned books.
their MWA card.                                “Each month, we order new books
                                             that are on the bestsellers list. With     Book donations are always               to meet library standards. The
  Within the library there is also a         a 200 Euro monthly budget, we are        welcome but not all books will be         new opening hours are: Monday
section with six internet computers,         able to buy these new books,” Mrs.       accepted. They have to be in mint         and Friday 1200-1500, Tuesday,
a sitting area with a wide-range             Emma Champagne explains.                 condition and should be current           Wednesday, Thursday 1200-1700.

                                                                                                                                                  Photos by Hay Jansen

Opening of library on Jan. 26 by Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Mueller and Mr. Heiner Hoben.    The new sitting area with magazines and a coffee machine.

The Parliamentary Commissioner for the
German Armed Forces: Hellmut Königshaus
By Maj. J.G. Glowka                          Commissioner directly, without going     Ombudsman of the armed forces             Commissioner acts as the ombudsman
                                             through official channels.                 Every member of the armed               of the Bundeswehr. He has to report
  Hellmut Königshaus, the eleventh                                                    forces has the right to contact the       to the Bundestag on the results of his
Parliamentary Commissioner for               Working on behalf of the                 Commissioner directly. Thus the           work at least once per year.
the Armed Forces, is visiting the            Bundestag
German contingent at NATO Air Base              The Parliamentary Commissioner         Mr. Königshaus
Geilenkirchen on a regular base.             for the Armed Forces is the               takes a closer look
                                             ombudsman of the members of the           inside the E-3A.
Direct contact to the                        armed forces and at the same time
Commissioner                                 he is tasked to assist the Bundestag
   The Parliamentary Commissioner            in exercising control over the armed
for the Armed Forces is appointed            forces. He occupies a special position
to assist the Bundestag in exercising        within the parliamentary system - he
parliamentary control over the armed         is neither a Member of the Bundestag
forces. His primary task is to investigate   nor a civil servant. He takes action
possible violations of the basic rights      upon instruction from the Bundestag
of members of the armed forces or            or the Defence Committee. The
of the principles of Innere Führung          Commissioner can also take action
(leadership and civic education) and         on his own initiative when there
to report to the Bundestag on the            are indications of a violation of the
condition of the Bundeswehr.                 basic rights of a member of the
                                             armed forces or of the principles of
  Every member of the armed                  Innere Führung (leadership and civic                Photo by
forces has the right to contact the          education).                                         Visual Media Services
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
8 NATO Skywatch 30 January 2015

 By Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria      would not otherwise obtain at             In addition to the experience         personnel and crew chiefs
                                        NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen during      gained by the aircrew, the              worked continuously to ensure
   NATO AWACS took part in a live,      a maritime simulation where it          Component was also able to attain       the Component was able to meet
 scenario-driven tactical exercise      is sometimes difficult to simulate      more training for the flight deck       exercise and mission requirements.
 with the U.S. Navy from Jan. 16 to     numerous external agencies.”            during COMPTUEX. The flight
 Jan. 28, 2015.                                                                 deck accomplished more pattern            “The daily flying schedule was an
                                          Operating out of Naval Air Station    work after completing a sortie as       added burden but we concentrated
   For 12 days, two aircraft and        Norfolk, Va., Component aircrew         well as other qualifications that       our efforts to ensure Ops always
 more than 70 personnel from the        members executed several naval          are more difficult to achieve at the    had one jet ready to fly and another
 E-3A Component participated            missions off the eastern coast of       main operating base. One specific       on standby,” said Chief Master Sgt.
 in the Composite Training Unit         the United States to include surface    maneuver the pilots practiced was       Rudi Slot, the deployed logistics
 Exercise, commonly referred to         search control, maritime air control,   retrograding, which is turning the      officer.
 as COMPTUEX 2015, to improve           sector air defense control and          jet away from an enemy aircraft
 maritime integration by conducting     maritime strike.                        and descending quickly to create          Another key to the Component’s
 various maritime missions with                                                 extra distance from the threat.         overall success at COMPTUEX
 units from the U.S. Navy, Air Force,     “Any exercise where the                                                       was the liaison officers (LNOs).
 Army and Marine Corps.                 Component can train with any              “Some of this training is difficult   Three U.S. Navy officers from the
                                        military from any country only          to conduct in Europe because of         Component translated navy terms
   “This exercise has provided the      enhances the capabilities of the        the restricted air space,” explained    and procedures to the Component’s
 Component with valuable insight        E-3A,” Major Quick explained. “By       Maj. Gunther Drews, pilot. “By          Air Force personnel.
 into U.S. naval operations beginning   participating in the COMPTUEX, the      completing this training here, the
 with the mission planning process      E-3A aircrews have learned how to       Component had an added benefit
 through execution and debrief,”        coordinate missions with the U.S.       of reducing the amount of noise
 said Maj. Marie Quick, the             Navy and execute operations to          created at Geilenkirchen.”
 deployment commander. “The             support their fleet. The experience
 Component aircrew members              gained here better prepares the           Of course, the whole exercise
 supporting this exercise have          E-3A for any future operations with     was dependent on the work done
 received real-world training they      the U.S. Navy.”                         behind the scenes. Maintenance
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 9

  Also, the Component had an Air
Force member on board the USS
Theodore Roosevelt to ensure the
U.S. Navy employed the E-3A in the
“best way possible” to support the
maritime mission.

  “These officers have expertly
demonstrated the most effective way
to conduct missions with the U.S.
Navy,” Major Quick said. “Without
our LNOs, the E-3A missions would
not have gone as smoothly as they
did throughout the COMPTUEX.”
Component Facebook reaches 5000 likes - First Upgraded NATO AWACS flies above Seattle
10 NATO Skywatch 30 January 2015

Turkish Night at the ISC
By Rebecca Hendrickx                     rice, bread and salad. Needless to
                                         say, it was delicious, without any
  On Jan. 15, 2015, our Turkish ladies   leftover food to be seen. Towards
from the International Spouses’          the end of the meal, the first of the
Club hosted a spectacular evening        raffle prizes were presented. With a
complete with delicious food,            table full of prizes and lots of tickets
traditional Turkish folk dancing and     sold, the ladies waited anxiously for
much more.                               their numbers to be called. Spread
                                         throughout the night, the prospect of
  When the doors opened at 1800,         winning a raffle prize held everyone
spouses from all nations of NATO         attention and excitement.                  men only, who, wearing daggers           dance! With music blaring, spouses
Air Base Geilenkirchen descended                                                    and insignia, showed their warrior       and the Turkish dancers danced
on the E-3A club ready to experience        Once the food had been                  might full of leaping into the air,      their hearts out with a multitude of
a unique night from our Turkish          consumed and the dishes cleared,           fighting style moves and impressive      different music.
members.                                 it was time for the entertainment.         footwork. Showing our appreciation
                                         Entertaining us for the evening was        and awe for the dancers, after each        Congratulations and very well done
  With a truly amazing turnout           a truly spectacular performance            performance, a deafening applause        to our Turkish spouses for hosting
with about 160 people, there was         of traditional Turkish folk dancing.       resounded around the room with           a truly unique, spectacular and all
not an empty seat to be seen. Once       Dressed in traditional Turkish             standing ovations and cheers for a       around fun night! Thank you to the
our members and guests had taken         outfits, the men and women danced          truly spectacular performance.           amazing workers of the E-3A Club
their seats, it was time to rise for     full of passion and pride for their                                                 for their continued and unfailing
announcements and the playing of         homeland. Performing multiple                After the dancing, it was time         hard work who make our events run
the national anthem.                     dances, the routines offered us a          for coffee and dessert, with             smoothly.
                                         glimpse into different regions of          spouses making a beeline for the
  The excitement rose when it was        Turkey where dancing is used to tell       mouthwatering baklava, cake and            Next month, our Italian ladies
time for food, where we were treated     stories. The final performance from        other delicious treats. With the final   will be hosting their event on
to traditional Turkish Doner meat,       the dancers was performed by the           raffle prizes announced it was time to   Thursday, February 26.’ Join us for
                                                                                                                             a night of traditional Italian cuisine,
  Photos by Turkish NSU                                                                                                      entertainment and fun. Doors open
                                                                                                                             at the E-3A Club at 1800 starting
                                                                                                                             promptly at 1900 with the national
                                                                                                                             anthem. Childcare is 4€ per child if
                                                                                                                             you RSVP by Tuesday, February 24,
                                                                                                                             turning up on the night without
                                                                                                                             having RSVP’d will cost 8€ per child.
                                                                                                                             We look forward to seeing you all

                                                                                                                               For more information about
                                                                                                                             events or membership, please do not
                                                                                                                             hesitate to contact us at iscofgk@
                                                                                                                    or find us on Facebook
                                                                                                                             by searching: ISC. Keep an eye out
                                                                                                                             on our Facebook page for coming
                                                                                                                             craft events, open to everyone
                                                                                                                             (membership not required).

Civilian Staff Association hosts New Year reception,
recognizing colleagues
By CSA Committee                         outcome is to be expected by end
                                         of January.
  The Civilian Staff Association (CSA)
hosted a New Year reception for            Col. Moerland presented two staff
NATO civilian employees stationed at     members with an E‑3A Component
NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen.             Certificate of Appreciation who
                                         recently achieved 25 years of service.
  In the afternoon of Jan. 21, 2015,
about 100 colleagues from various          Mr. Frits Boskma joined the
working areas joined the CSA             E-3A Component Logistics Wing,
Committee for a toast to 2015.           Electronics Maintenance Squadron,
                                         on Feb. 1, 1989 as a Junior Computer
  Colonel René Moerland, Deputy          Systems Maintenance Specialist. On
Component Commander addressed            Aug 1, 1990 his post was converted
the attendees wishing them a             to Senior Technician. In May 2001, he
good New Year and reflected on           was temporarily reassigned to the PILS      Photo by Wiel Borghans
2014 which was a busy year for           Project Office where he continued
the Component with the Ukraine           to perform his duties until returning      Certificates for 25 years of service with NATO were presented to Mr. Frank
reassurance missions, the runway         back to the EMS Mission Computing          Mondschein and Mr. Frits Boskma by Col. Moerland. They also received an engraved
restoration project, the redeployment    Systems Maintenance Shop in August         three-dimensional AWACS glass cube from Mr. Guy Vandebeek, CSA Chairman.
from Afghanistan and the reparations     2005, where he works to date.
for the upcoming Force Review.                                                      Oct. 16, 1989 as a Junior Computer       1991 he was selected for the post
The latter being of special interest       Mr. Frank Mondschein joined the          Systems Maintenance Specialist. On       of Principal Technician (Mission
to all civilian personnel is currently   E-3A Component Logistics Wing,             Oct. 16, 1990 his post was converted     Computing Systems), where he
for review with the nations and an       Electronics Maintenance Squadron, on       to Senior Technician. On Oct. 1,         works to date.
30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 11

Utah Air National Guard
takes media up in the air
Text and photos Capt. André Bongers
  Air-to-air refuelling is one of the most fascinating aspects of aviation one
can think of. Flying high above the earth getting two massive jets so close
together and finally making contact, receiving fuel through a boom is unique.
The Component is proud to have the Air National Guard at our side to provide
us with the training needed for the E-3A flight crews. The Air National Guard
(ANG) units rotate with a frequency of two weeks. This means that every ANG
unit from the U.S. has the opportunity to come over to Geilenkirchen for their
and our training. This January the UTAH ANG showed up at Geilenkirchen.
This unit is also the homebase of our ANG liaison officer Lt.Col Mark Pehrson.
  Because media wants to have the complete picture about AWACS
operations, an air-to-air-refuelling flight is often asked. The UTAH ANG was a
proven concept during their previous deployment to Geilenkirchen. This tour
at Geilenkirchen they, once again, where more than happy to welcome media
on board. Unfortunately the weather didn’t turn really good so some flights
were cancelled, but still the media who flew with ANG was more than happy.
These flights were also a nice opportunity for PAO to take some shots of this
remarkable event high in the skies.
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30 January 2015 NATO Skywatch 13

Maintenance makes the mission happen
Text and photos by                        would be cancelled,” said Chief Master      and our aircrew is gaining valuable           U.S. Navy,” said Maj. Marie Quick, the
 Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria           Sgt. Rudi Slot, the deployed logistics      experience while training with the            exercise’s deployment commander.
                                          officer. “We do our part, so they can
  Two E-3As left NATO Air Base            do theirs.” Both issues created unique
                                                                                        Maintainers use special U.S.
Geilenkirchen, Germany, on Jan. 12,       challenges for the Component but the
                                                                                        equipment to have a closer look
2015, destined for Norfolk, Va., so the   deployed maintenance crew worked
                                                                                        at the rotodome.
E-3A Component could participate in       relentlessly to get both aircraft fully
COMPTUEX, or Composite Training           mission capable and on station for the
Unit Exercise.                            start of the exercise. One specific issue
                                          was the need for a rare part that the
   This live, scenario-driven tactical    maintenance crew didn’t have readily
exercise replicates conditions            available.
in a forward theatre and gives
the Component an opportunity                “The deployed team had to
to conduct effective maritime             reach back to Geilenkirchen to get
integration with the U.S. Navy and        the window shipped to Norfolk,”
U.S. Air Force. However, it was almost    said Staff Sgt. Amelia Granados,
a lost opportunity for the NATO           the supply liaison. “We received
AWACS. During the trans-Atlantic          exceptional support from the
flight, one jet was diverted to Langley   Component’s supply squadron.”
Air Force Base, Va., due to weather
and the other landed in Norfolk with        Chief Slot added these jets require
a cracked window.                         detailed maintenance on a daily basis
                                          even when they are deployed from
  “If it wasn’t for maintenance, the      the main operating base. In addition,
jets would just be sitting on the ramp    the daily flying schedule is an added
broken and the operational mission        burden for the crew chiefs.

                                            “It is tough at times due to the
                                          limited equipment and manpower
                                          we have while deployed,” he
                                          explained. “We just have to buckled
                                          down and concentrate our efforts to
                                          ensure the jets are mission ready.”

                                             Thanks to the effort of all
                                          maintainers, crew chiefs and support
                                          personnel, both NATO AWACS
                                          aircraft were up and running by
                                          Jan. 16 to meet the demands and
                                          objectives of COMPTUEX.

                                            “With their hard work and
                                          dedication, the Component has
 Chief Master Sgt. Rudi Slot .            been able to utilize this opportunity

Component, Tri-border community makes donation to local animal shelter
By Staff Sgt. R. Michael Longoria         and I wanted to give back to the            and Becky Gobernatz and “Benny” as              For more information about
                                          community I live in,” she explained.        well as everybody else who helped             the shelter, visit http://limburg.
  Spearheaded by the efforts of                                                       out with this project and donated    or https://
Melissa Busta, the wife of a NATO            In addition to the money raised,         money or presents.                  
AWACS pilot, the E-3A Component           Mrs. Busta gathered 100’s of dog/cat
and Tri-border communities made           treats, 55 kilograms (kg) of cat litter,
a sizable donation to a local animal      105 kg of dog food, 30 kg of cat food,
shelter.                                  five large boxes of dog toys, a large
                                          box of cat toys, two cat beds, four dog
  Mrs. Busta raised 1,500 euros and       beds, five small animal carriers, four
gathered four car loads of items for      cat trees/scratching post, and eight
the Dierenbescherming Limburg.            boxes full of blankets and towels.
“We are completely overwhelmed
by the generosity of the members            “When Melissa brought the
of the community from the bases in        presents, we were so surprised to
Schinnen, Brunssum and the NATO           see all the stuff,” Mr. Hilhorst said.
Air Base,” said Arjen Hilhorst.           “Melissa brought dog and cat food,
                                          nice toys, lovely warm blankets,
  “Melissa asked the members of           scratching posts and a check with a
the military community to make a          beautiful amount.”
donation for our pets as a Christmas-
present and they did!”                      While the majority of the credit
                                          goes to Mrs. Busta, she and the
  Mrs. Busta put up collection boxes      shelter want to send a special thank
and stood outside at various locations    you to the Tri-border girl scout troop
in the freezing cold to collect items     #28 from the AFNorth International
for the shelter. “I just love animals     School, Camilla Davis and “Nashy”,          Mrs. Busta presents cheque to Mr. Hilhorst.                            Courtesy photo
14 NATO Skywatch 30 January 2015

                                         MWA INFORMATION
                                                      Visit the Services Branch WSS Web Page for the
                                                     latest program information and upcoming events.

                                           Upcoming Events & IYA Activities
                                                   (Open to all US and NATO identification card holders)
                                         Points of contact: IYA Events: Mrs Neuhalfen, ext. 4954; Sports
                                         Events: Mr Stelten, ext. 4920; Food Services: Mr Peeters, ext. 4990.

IMPORTANT NOTICES!                                                                 A1.2 - Advanced Beginners, Schritte plus 2
                                                                                   Mon & Wed, 1030 - 1200, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109,
E-3A Club CLOSED                                                                   starting 2 February 2015.
05-17 Feb due to build up/tear down of two large carnival events.                  Mon & Wed, 1730 - 1900, instructor: Manuela Gerstenecker, Room 118,
26 & 27 Feb due to Special Functions.                                              beginning with Schritte plus 1, Lesson 6, starting 26 January 2015.

Rotodome CLOSED                                                                    A2.1 – Pre-Intermediate, Schritte plus 3
12 Feb as of 1330 hrs due to Altweiber Carnival Celebration.                       Tue & Thu, 0900 - 1030, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109,
Normal breakfast and lunch service.                                                starting 3 February 2015.

Pizza at Rotodome                                                                  A2.2 – Intermediate, Schritte plus 4, Lesson 12
As of 03 Feb: Pizza Special at the Rotodome.                                       Mon & Wed, 0900 – 1030, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109,
Weekly change of seasonal pizzas. No pizza service on Tuesdays.                    starting 2 February 2015.

International Library                                                              IYA Music Lessons - piano, trumpet and vocals under the experienced and
International Library has changed its location to Bldg 71 (former NATEX            certified instruction of Mrs. Hilde Ubben (Conservatorium Maastricht):
Casual Mode).                                                                      lessons are one-on-one, in English or German. Cost is € 20 for 45 minutes.
New Opening Hours: Mon & Fri: 1200-1500 hrs.                                       One trial lesson available.
Tues, Wed. & Thurs: 1200-1700 hrs.                                                 Further information at x 4955 or call Hilde Ubben at 0031 683773384,
05 Feb: Indoor Soccer Tournament
1130-1400 hrs, New Gym. Deadline Registration: 03 Feb. Register by contacting      Wanted: Teachers for IYA Dance Classes
the Sports Department: Email or call tel.ext. 4946           The IYA is looking for instructors for Ballet, Tap Dance and/or Jazz Dance
                                                                                   classes. If you are interested, or if you would like to offer an additional course,
06 Feb: MWA Carnival Dinner Dance Night                                            please call x 4955 or 0049 2451 63 4955.
Full entertainment programme starting as of 1800 hrs. Tickets cost: Euro 40
(MWA Card holders can purchase up to 2 tickets for Euro 35 each). Carnival
Dress is highly desirable. Call Mr Schumm, ext. 2477 or Mr Peeters, ext. 4990
to reserve your tickets!

12 Feb: “Altweiberfest” Celebration at the E-3A Club                                                New Location :
Thursday, 12 Feb in Building 50 (E-3A Club). Open from 1400-2330 hrs.
Snacks available from 1400 to 2200 hrs. No entrance fee. For your
                                                                                                      E-3A Club
entertainment: DJ Patrick will play Carnival and dance music. At 1511 hrs: visit
by the international Karnevalsverein Teveren. A shuttle bus from the club to
                                                                                                              Carnival Party
Geilenkirchen (train station), Teveren, Gillrath and Niederheid areas will be
available starting at 1700 hrs.
25 Feb: Table Tennis Tournament
1100-1300 hrs, New Gym. Deadline Registration: 20 Feb. Register for an event
by contacting the Sports Department: Email or call tel.                       MWA is organizing the Altweiberfest
ext. 4946                                                                                                       2015 on:
26 Feb: Volleyball Tournament                                                                       Thursday, 12 February
1300-1500 hrs, New Gym. Deadline Registration: 23 Feb. Register for an event
by contacting the Sports Department: Email or call tel.
ext. 4946                                                                                                            E-3A Club
                                                                                                             will be open from 14.00 to
27 Feb: Bavarian Breakfast at the Rotodome                                                                             23.30 hrs
                                                                                                            Snacks available from 14.00
Volkshochschul German Language Courses for Adults                                                                    to 22.00 hrs
Classes are held in Bldg 141. The basic price for intensive courses (twice a
week) is € 108 for 30 mornings/evenings. The basic price for standard courses
(once a week) is € 54 for 15 evenings. Fees apply to courses with 10 or more                           For your                            At 15.11 hrs,
participants.                                                                                      entertainment :                          visit of the
If between 6 and 9 students wish to participate in a course, it may be held for                    DJ Patrick will                         international
a higher fee per person. Register in class. Further information at x 4955 or                      play Carnival and                          Teveren !
0049 2451 63 4955.                                                                                       dance music.

The following courses are offered:                                                                                   A shuttle bus from the club
                                                                                                                       to Geilenkirchen (train
A1.1 - Beginners, Schritte plus 1                                                                                    station), Teveren , Gillrath
Tue & Thu, 1030 - 1200, instructor: Meral Alkan-Oncu, Room 109,                                                       and Niederheid area will
starting 3 February 2015.                                                                                              be available starting at
Mon, 1900 - 2030, instructor: Manuela Gerstenecker, Room 118,                                                                 17.00 hrs
starting 26 January 2015.
Photography Workshop with Dennis Owens
                      14th & 15th March 2015

          !     Have a nice camera and want to know how to use it to it’s fullest? Let’s take your photography to the next level and beyond
          with this information filled two-day photography workshop lead by Event and Studio Photographer Mr. Dennis Owens.

          !        Subjects covered during this workshop will be…
                   * Know your Camera
                   * Really Understanding the Basics of Photography
          !        * Proper Exposure
                   * Creative Exposure
          !        * Rules of Composition
          !        * Creatively Breaking the Rules of Composition
                   * Creative White Balance
                   * The Histogram, why is it important
          !        * Use of Flash
          !        * Use of Multiple Flashes
          !        * Low Light Photography Techniques
          !        * Creating Time Lapse
          !        * Creating Hyper Lapse
          !        * File Management of your Photos
          !        * Editing your Photos in Lightroom
          !        * and much more…

          !    For information about this workshop and to reserve a seat please contact Mr. Dennis Owens at or
          0175 360-4353 to sign up. Price for this two-day (16 Hour) workshop will be EUR125.00. Schedule will be 09:00-17:00
          Saturday and Sunday the 14th and 15th of March 2015 at Kirchstr. 14 52511 Teveren, the Canadian Legion.

          !    What to bring… Please bring your own lunch, camera, owner’s manual for your camera, something to take notes with and
          an appetite to take your photography to the next level!

Friday, January 16, 15

sales team
looks                                                                                            (l. to r.w):
forward                                                                                          Achim Käfferlein,
                                                                                                 Martin Deffur,
to your                                                                                          Michael Wittwer,
visit:                                                                                           Gerd Caron,
                                                                                                 Lothar Herfs,
                                                                                                 Marcel Oellers,
                                                                                                 Markus Weber,
                                                                                                 Alfred Deffur,
                                                                                                 Michael Marx.

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Financing example:
+ Hauspreis
    Dealers’ price is                                        15.379,00 ¤
+ Überführung/Kfz-Brief-Gebühr
    overcrossing / registration document                         597,99 ¤
- Anzahlung
    down payment 18,71    %
                      18,71%                                   2.990,00 ¤
= Nettodarlehnsbetrag
    net amount of loan                                       12.986,99 ¤
+ Zinsen
    interest rate                                                814,07 ¤
+ Bearbeitungsgebühr
    administration fee                                           454,54 ¤
= Darlehnssumme
    amount of loan                                           14.255,60 ¤
    Contract period: 36 months
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+ Nominalzins:
    Nominal interest rate                                    p. a. 2,41 %
   Annual percentage
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             Jahreszins                                          3,90 % Landstr. 48-50, 52511 Geilenkirchen
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     monthly ratesRaten:                                       149,00 ¤ Telefon: 02451-987011
   Ending rate with
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