The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag

Page created by Yolanda Ryan
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
Bu l l
       e t i n                  January 2018

Your Local Community Magazine
  Covering Burton, Bransgore, Winkton & Burley
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
                           Welcome to
                      The Bulletin

                                           Welcome to the Bulletin!
                                      January! A time to think about getting in
                                      shape and losing those extra pounds from too
                                      much turkey and over indulgence, if this is
                                      you, and I’m sure it’s not, page 12 might have
                                      the answer!
                                      If your body still resembles that of an Adonis
                                      after Christmas however then maybe you
                                      have other things to consider, like where to go
                                      for your next holiday. All those of you who
                                      worship the sun may be pleased to know that
                                      you can get sunshine all year round by
                                      choosing the right destination and Sally on
                                      page 44 will suggest 12 countries, one for
                                      each month of the year where you can top up

      Maggie’s Makes                  your tan. Whatever sort of holiday you prefer
                                      it might be worth considering reading the
                                      article on page 24 before checking flights and
                                      accommodation on the internet.          Travel
                                      Agents do still exist so maybe leave it up to
     6.   Puzzles                     the experts – and yes they can even save you
     8.   Short Story                 money!
                                            I wish you a very happy and healthy
    12.   New Year...New You                             New Year!
    14.   Managing Chilblains                                    Best Wishes, Julie
    18.   Bishop Rock Lighthouse                  Editor: Julie Smith
    24.   Do Travel Agents Exist?             Telephone 01425 270100
    36.   Create a Beautiful Garden
    38.   King’s Cake—Gluten Free              Cover Photo Courtesy of
                                                      John Clarke
    44.   12 Destinations to Visit
    48.   Craft Page                       Printed by Warwick Printing Co
    52.   Bransgore in Business
                                       Disclaimer: Whilst every care has been taken to
    54.   Ageing is a Disease          ensure that data in this publication is accurate,
                                       the publisher cannot accept any liability to any
    58.   Lighthouse Museum            party for loss or damage caused by errors or
                                       omissions resulting from negligence , accident or
    62.   Burton Scouts Newsletter     any other cause.
    63.   Puzzle Solutions             The Mudeford Mag does not officially endorse
                                       any advertising material included within this
                                       publication. No part of this publication may be
                                       produced, stored in any retrieval systems or
                                       transmitted in any form, without prior permission
                                       of the publisher.
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
Find us on Old Wareham Road, Poole Dorset, BH12 4QN

  or call 01202 738 777 to find out more!
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
•New builds •Extensions
      •Loft/garage conversions
   •Bespoke Orangeries •Roofing
  •Driveways •Patios •Garden walls

      •We give our clients complete piece of mind with our fully
             detailed quotes and full schedule of works.
   •Any extra works are agreed before undertaken and price agreed.
       •Full payment plans in place before any work is started.
         •We are completely transparent in everything we do.

        With over 20 years experience in building,
                Full project management

        Local family business based in Ringwood
             For free advice and quotes call:
Neil on: 07540 307372 or Mark on: 07570 188915
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
Hand of Friendship
        Story by Mark Laming
I t’s really odd when you think you
  know the person who lives next
door to you and then something
                                             rather than be
                                             involved in
                                             another argument,
                                             I gave in and
like this happens.                           pretended the tool
                                             was indeed his.
I’d been good friends with John              When I retrieved the
for at least twenty years, but last          saw from the garage,
                                             John’s eyes lit up,
summer I stopped having any                  ‘That’s the one. Now if
contact after a disagreement.                you ever want to borrow it,
                                             just let me know, only don’t keep it so
I’d lent him my super sharp saw              long next time. ’As I was showing him
and he hung onto it for ages and             out he said, ‘You don’t have a chisel I can
                                             borrow? ’Ignoring his request I asked,
eventually I plucked up courage to           ‘What DIY are you doing?’To my amaze-
ask for it back.                             ment he replied, ‘An ark, what else would
And then, a year later out of the blue       I be building with the floods on the way?
he appeared at my door and acted as if       The end of the world is almost with us;
nothing had previously occurred.             it’s been in all the papers. You need to get
John’s next statement left me angry and a move on and build a boat or you’ll be
confused. He waved his finger at me and washed away.’
said, ‘You know that saw I lent you last     I thought to myself, ‘Oh, not him as well.
year Martin, can I have it back?’            I recalled the recent news when a num-
I was enraged as it was my saw, and I        ber of prominent scientists claimed the
think if I looked hard enough I could even massively shrinking ice cap was melting
lay my hands on the receipt.                 away at an alarming rate. We were paying
‘But you didn’t lend it to me John; it was the ultimate price for ignoring the threat
the other way round. What colour is the      of global warming and now the floods
handle on your saw?                          were going to cover the Earth. Panic was
‘Red.’                                       building as news broke that a leaked
I sighed and thoughts raced around my        document from Downing Street stated
mind, ‘Oh, God, this was going to be         that the threat was at the highest alert.
difficult as my one is red. He really thinks Two weeks was all it would take for rising
it’s his.’                                   seas to reach the UK. I was firm in my
I don’t know what came over me, but          mind that this wasn’t going to happen,
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
but John was the first person to tell me      almighty roaring sound. I rushed to the
he was building an ark. Next he’d say he’d    kitchen window and was shocked to see
changed his name to Noah; the man was         my front garden was awash and it looked
off his head.                                 like the water was rising at an incredible
The next morning I looked out of my           rate.
front window to see an enormous lorry         I had to get upstairs. Horrible thoughts of
blocking the street. Huge amounts of          people being washed away spun through
                timber were being unloaded    my head. What a fool I’d been ignoring
                   onto John’s large front    the warnings.
                   garden. Later on I heard   Then my eyes were drawn to a boat that
                   the sound of sawing and    had become wedged against the wall of
                   hammering and went out     the house opposite. It was hellishly full of
                  to see John beavering       people packed on the upper deck. It was
                away on some lengths of       raining hard but I could see my
wood. He was securing them with long          neighbour John who was waving madly
nails and joining the lengths into a shape    at me. ‘Martin, you should have borrowed
that resembled a boat’s hull.                 my saw and built a boat.’
I joked, ‘Is this your ark?                   My heart sank when I saw his ark turn to
Where are the animals?’                       leave the area to sail towards some other
 ‘Very funny Martin. I’m saving myself and    houses to rescue more people. Why had I
others from the floods.’                      been so sarcastic and unbelieving? John
I laughed, ‘There will be no floods, no       was leaving me to fend for myself. The
need for an ark. Anyway, are you going to     water was almost as high as my first floor.
get it finished by Friday week?’              I moved away from the window and sank
‘John nodded his head, ‘I’ll be ready; more   heavily down into an armchair. I thought
than I can say for you.’                      about trying to get onto the roof of the
                    ~~~~~                     house. Possibly I would have a better
I began to worry that there might be          chance up there.
some truth in the stories. The                Then I heard an immense crashing sound
government had enforced a media               to the front of my house. I ran to the
blackout, so I was now getting really         window and to my surprise there was the
scared. Friday was supposed to be the         ark and John encouraging me to climb
end of the world, but how could they be       aboard saying,
sure? Why not Wednesday or Thursday?          ‘You didn’t think I’d go without you, did
With no news, broadband or mobile             you?’
signals, it was obvious the country was in    As I stood on the wet deck I was relieved
meltdown. We had no idea if the waters        to see many of the people in our area had
were already wiping out other coun-           been saved. John’s hand of friendship
tries. People in our town were leaving        was something I would remember for the
their homes possibly to seek out higher       rest of my life.
ground.                                       John was definitely the kindest man in
I wondered if I’d done the right thing        town and he had certainly reinvented
staying put. Then to my horror I heard an     the ark.
The - Your Local Community Magazine - January 2018 - The Mudeford Mag
with Dixon Stewart
Solicitors of Bransgore
Thank you for your enquiries              act on her behalf in relation to her        leaving out your youngest daughter.
this month. It is always good to hear     property and financial affairs. Since       However in the event of your death
from you. Here are just some of the       October 2007 people have also               your youngest daughter is entitled
matters that have been                    been able to make a lasting power of        to make a claim against your estate.
concerning you:                           attorney in relation to their health. If    Merely because she is entitled to
                                          your mother were to make a lasting          make a claim does not mean that
I have been separated from my             power of attorney in relation to her        she would be successful.
husband for 3 years after 20              health then it could only be used           The court would have to decide what
years of marriage. We have no             by her attorney if she lost mental          was reasonable financial provision
children and no financial matters         capacity. It is a good idea to have a       for your daughter if she were to
to resolve but he will not agree to       lasting power of attorney in relation       make a claim after your death and
a divorce. What can I do?                 to health as it means that if you           they could decide that nothing was
                                          lose mental capacity the person or          reasonable financial provision.
Unfortunately in England the only         persons you trust to make health
way you can have a “no fault              decisions on your behalf have the           If you do make a new Will then
divorce” is after living apart for        necessary authority.                        also make a side letter that clearly
two years with the consent of both                                                    explains why you have not benefitted
parties to the marriage or after living   I have been estranged from my               her and why you want your other
apart for five years without consent.     youngest daughter who is now                children to inherit. Make it clear
I am afraid that if your husband will     29 years old for 11 years.                  in the side letter that you have
not consent to a divorce then you         Although I have tried to have               attempted reconciliation with your
will have to wait a further two years     contact with her she has                    daughter but that this has
to issue divorce proceedings unless       returned any cards or letters               been rejected.
you wish to divorce on the basis of       that I have sent her unopened. I
unreasonable behaviour, adultery          have 2 other children with whom             Remember that if you other
or desertion.                             I have a good relationship. I feel          2 children have a relationship with
                                          I should change my will to benefit          their sister this relationship may be
My mother made an enduring                these 2 children and leave out              affected if you leave your daughter
power of attorney many years              my youngest daughter. Will this             out of your Will.
ago. She is now 87 years of age           cause a problem when I die?
and is in relatively good health.
Should she also make a lasting            I am sorry that you have no contact
power of attorney in relation to          with your youngest daughter this
her health and welfare?                   must be upsetting. In England we
                                          have testamentary freedom in that
The enduring power of attorney will       we can leave our estate to exactly
enable your mother’s attorneys to         whom we wish. You can make a Will

       Jocelyn Jewiss                                                                Paul Moores                                          

                                                                                     01425 673994
“Shoot for the sta
    iming high and getting                   looked at the impact of target setting, and
                                             found that the more ambitious the target,
    support is the key to                    the more weight people lose – regardless
success. Slimming World                      of their starting weight.
                                             In 2015, 58% of women and 68% of men
Consultants, Lorraine                        were overweight or obese and these
Nutland (Burton) and                         figures are increasing year on year. Millions
                                             of people are expected to set themselves
Rachel Sands (Bransgore),                    the target of losing weight this January.
are Urging people to start a                 Your local Slimming World group is the
                                             best place to get motivational support
weight loss programme this                   along with care and camaraderie to learn
January and to have faith                    to make simple, healthy changes to lose
                                             weight and keep it off.
in aiming for their ideal                    Lorraine and Rachel agree “No dream is out
weight, after a study found                  of reach at Slimming World. Whether it’s to
                                             lose ten pounds or ten stone, fit into a size
that people who set                          12 dress or a suit you’ve grown out of, run
ambitious targets lose                       around with the kids or run a 10k race –
                                             together, with the members of the Burton
almost twice as much                         and Bransgore Slimming World groups we
weight in 12 months.                         can help to get you there!
                                             We never tell members what they should
‘Last year the Burton group lost 4192.5lbs   weigh, and so all new members chose
and the Bransgore group lost 4173lbs.        their own target weight when they join.
To give that some perspective a small        Howe ever much you’d love to lose, we know
hatchback like a Ford fiesta weighs about    how much more motivating it is when
2570lb, so they have over three Ford Fies-   you’re aiming for a weight you dream to
tas between them! How amazing is that?’      be rather than a weight you’re told you
We are preparing for a busy January, for     should be or think is easily achievable –
many this New Year’s resolution is to make   and now we have the research to prove it!”
it the one that they achieve their dream
weight. The latest research conducted        “We know what it’s like to struggle with
by Slimming World shows that people          your weight and, have lost weight as
shouldn’t feel limited by past weight loss   Slimming World members ourselves, we
attempts and should instead aim high for     also understand what a huge difference
the weight they would love to be, and get    understanding how slimmers feel and
the support they need to achieve it. The     offeriing the right kind of support can
national study of 24,457 people with a BMI   make to your chances of achieving your
(body mass index) in the obese category      weight loss goals.”
ars this January!”
 “It’s our dream to see our members              meals just by making small changes to the
 achieve their dreams. In group, members         way they are cooked and prepared. Many
 set targets, share recipes, challenges and      also find they have so much more energy,
 solutions and celebrate success together,       and become much more active by starting
 which is so important to a successful jour-     small and finding something fun – wheth-
 ney. It’s all about support, care, encourage-   er it’s walking the kids to school, a dance
 ment and fun – and at Slimming Worrld we        class or washing the car – it all
 firmly believe that’s why we regularly see      absolutely counts!”
 members achieve their weight loss dreams
 too. In group they learn that slimming          To find out more contact
 down doesn’t have to mean giving up any         Lorraine on 01202 474890
 of their favourite foods, and in fact they
 can fill up on healthy, hearty, deliciou
                                                 or Rachel on 07875 604850
Travel Agents                                                         properly researching a holiday.
                                                                      With the amount of conflict-
                                                                      ing information available
                                                                      online, it’s easy to quickly get

- Do they still exist?                                                overwhelmed and confused.
                                                                      Many times, the questions
                                                                      perplexing travellers are one

            By Justin Pearson                                         that agents can answer right
                                                                      off the top of our heads thanks
                                                                      to our years of experience. If
Surely every one                   on the specific needs and          you have detailed questions
                                   requests of our clients. If we     or need to plan a complicated
books their cruise                 know of a better cabin or ex-      itinerary, we do all the work for
                                   perience that will enhance our     you. We can make the interna-
or holiday online                  client’s holiday, we’ll suggest    tional phone calls to get your
now? Here’s my                     it. We just want our clients to    questions answered. We know
                                   make the best informed deci-       who and how to contact in
guide to what Trav-                sions to get the most value for    order to get the job done,
                                   their holiday money.               saving you hours of frustration.
el Agents actually
can do for you.                    Travel Agents Match                Travel Agents Have Rates
                                   Online Prices - Some people        That You Don’t - Travel
                                   just enjoy planning their own      agents do get group prices,
Travel Agents are “All             holidays. These are probably       travel agent specials and com-
Inclusive” - Hotels, package       the same people who like           missions, that customers will
companies and cruise lines all     putting together IKEA furni-       never find online themselves.
include travel agent commis-       ture. No matter, make yourself     This feature alone will save you
sions in their published prices.   happy find your best price and     money.
If you do all the work yourself    email us all the details. Your     Beyond pricing, good travel
online, they “pocket” the dif-     travel agent will either be able   agents have the buying power
ference. Using the services of a   to match it or tell you what to    to get extras like money to
travel agent means you get the     expect or even a scam. I even      spend onboard and
customer service you deserve.      had clients who will make          discounted car parking rates.
You won’t be spending hours        their own reservations directly
on the internet, hanging on        with a cruise line then call and   Travel Agents save you
the phone on hold for eternity     transfer their booking to our      printing everything - At
or wasting any precious time       agency. It’s a win-win. They get   my agency we also print
wondering and worrying.            and do exactly what they want      clients booking confirmations
And with many Tour operators/      while having us do all the fol-    and ALL boarding cards, tick-
cruise line customers call on      low up, and make suggestions       ets and luggage labels. Not
0843/0844 numbers costing          to enhance their enjoyment,        everyone has a printer at
up to 7p per minute... call us     like offering shore excursions     home and wants to navigate
on 023 8098 3000 or even           at up to 60% cheaper than          the cruise lines complicated
better email or come in.           the cruise lines. Customers        Personalised systems so we do
                                   booking through some online        it for them!
Travel Agents are not              sites also get charged up to
pushy - Any good travel            4% extra for using credit cards,   Travel Agents under-
agent knows it’s not about         when you book through us we        stand the fine print - Most
making the sale, it’s about        charge no more than 2% for         people don’t bother reading
creating happy clients. Happy      ALL credit cards American          any of the fine print terms
clients become fans of your        Express included and no            and conditions of their travel
company, come back to you          charge for debit cards             documents until it’s too late.
every year and recommend                                              This is what catches them out
your company to others. Most       Travel Agents Save You             and costs them
travel agents rejoice when we      Time - Time is our most            money and frustration in the
can save our clients money         precious commodity and yet         longer term. Even if people do
with a great deal. We make         so many people are willing to      stop to read it, they fully
our recommendations based          waste it. HOURS can be spent       understand all the implica-
tions. Travel Agents are well      up more than the cheaper fare.       usually be required 90 days
versed in these rules, terms       A good travel agent knows            prior to your departure. This
and conditions. We can help        certain fares are available. This    means your travel agent can
navigate and protect your          is just one of many examples         set up a monthly payment
family and investment.             that “trips” up online travel        plan that could save you
                                   shoppers and may explain so          hundreds on credit card
Travel Agents Have                 many of the unnecessary rants        interest.
Contacts - Our combined 50         on travel review websites.
years of experience in the                                              I suppose you could say
travel industry means we           Travel Agents Offer                  I’m biased on this but we
know exactly who to speak          Affordable Payment                   do this job because we are
to in order to make special        Plans - Online booking
requests for our clients.          require deposit and sometime         passionate about what we
This could mean things like        full payment at the time you         do and we offer an exclusive
restaurant reservations, name      confirm your
changes, medical or special                                             Concierge service like no
                                   reservations. This means you
requests . These relationships     could be paying huge credit          other. We love cruising, we
have proved priceless in emer-     card interest fees that will add     love travelling and we
gency situations.                  to the total cost of your            expect good service which is
                                   holiday in the long run. If
Travel Agents Prevent              you plan ahead and use a             why  it’s imperative that our
Hassle - Most DIY travel           travel agent, you will only          guests receive great prices
people don’t realise if there is   be required to pay a deposit
a HUGE difference between          to confirm your booking. Final and service that’s second
great value and the cheapest       payment for your trip will           to none.
price. For example, you may
pay a                                    If you would like more advice on cruising please call us on:-
really low price for your
family’s cruise and then find
                                                      0238 098 3000
                                                          or visit our website at:-
that other options were
available, that gave you your
dining time upfront and and                                   or email us at:-
money to spend onboard that
when added together made                The QE2 mile, 160 High Street, Southampton, SO14 2BT
Christchurch and New Forest

         For more details please email us at: or call: 01202 483000

We are a family run business with             gym or saving your commute to work
traditional values, and we take               with a garden office, our buildings will
                                              transform the way you use your garden.
great pride in our craftsmanship
and service. Formerly Broomhill               Our range varies from conservatories
Garden Buildings, we have recently            to summerhouses, and offices to
updated our brand to reflect our               sheds - and with a lot of our product
our love of the coast and being by            range being completely bespoke the
the water.                                    opportunities really are endless.

                                              For most of our product ranges we
                                              have examples on display at our site at
A garden building is not just about the       Stewarts Garden Centre in Christchurch
building itself, but how it can transform     - pop in and say hi, there is always
your space and give you your own slice        someone on hand happy to help you.
of outdoor living. Whether you are            If you would prefer us to come to you
enjoying the sunset from your glass           don’t hesitate to get in touch, as we can
canopy, exercising in your own personal       also offer a no obligation site survey.
C O N S E R VAT O R I E S • O F F I C E S • L O G C A B I N S • S U M M E R H O U S E S • S H E D S • G R E E N H O U S E S • C A R P O R T S


                                                                                  At Coastal Garden Buildings we offer
                                                                                   an extensive range of buildings in all
                                                                                styles and sizes. A lovely garden building
                                                                                   big or small will enhance your living
                                                                                  throughout the whole year, providing
                                                                                practical solutions and creating beautiful
                                                                                 environments. Whether its work, rest,
                                                                                    storage, entertaining or just simply
                                                                                   somewhere to relax, then we have a
                                                                                         garden building for you.

           Outdoor living,
          Come and visit our show site with
           over 70 buildings on display at
           Stewarts Garden Centre.
    Lyndhurst Road, Christchurch. BH23 4SA

  0 1 4 2 5 2 7 4 0 0 0 • W W W. B R O O M H I L LG A R D E N B U I L D I N G S .C O.U K                              
January                                     This month your garden could need protecting from frosts, gale-force winds and
                                            heavy rain. Check stakes, ties, fleeces and other supports for damage and consider
                                            moving plants to sunnier positions to maximize light.

Essential jobs this month
        Knock any fallen snow from trees and
1.      shrubs to prevent their branches snapping
        under the weight

2.      Aerate the lawn taking care not to stand on
        waterlogged areas

                                                              1                                 2
3.      Chit early potatoes

4.      Put out food and water regularly for
        hungry birds
        Keep plants in containers protected from
5.      frost and check weekly to see whether they
        need watering

6.      Start forcing rhubarb
                                                              3                                 4
Other jobs to consider
 - Recycle your Christmas tree by shredding it for mulch
 - Ventilate the greenhouse on sunny days
 - Dig over any vacant plots that have not been dug already
 - Repair and re-shape lawn edges
 - Inspect stored tubers of Dahlia, Begonia and Canna for
   rots or drying out
 - Prune apple and pear trees
 - Prepare a polythene shelter for outdoor peaches and        5                                 6
   nectarines, to protect them from peach leaf curl

All equipment, seeds and essentials needed for the above jobs can be found
in store, ask any member of staff for assistance. Follow us:          /StewartsGardenCentres     @StewartsGardenC     /StewartsGardenCentres
Create a Beautiful
                                                              Over the coming
                                                           months I will be
                                                        writing a series of
                                                    articles on how to make e
                                the most of your garden beginning with
                                ‘How to get started ‘. This will be followe ed
                                up with dealing with the heavier aspects
                                of Hard Landscaping; then getting the
                                best from your plants throughout the
                                seasons; I’ll take a look at some Stunnin   ng
                                Garden Features and finally advise on

G    ardens can give a great
     deal of pleasure whether
its just sitting and enjoying
                                looking after it with my free Guide to
                                Garden Maintenance
                                But, first of all, you need to decide on
                                what style of garden you
the outdoor space in the        prefer, for example, you can create a low
summer, viewing from your       maintenance gravel garden, such as a
                                Mediterranean or ‘coastal’ style without a
living room window in the       lawn and fewer plants or the traditional
winter or the more active       style with lawns, summer flowering bor-
hobby of cultivating stunning   ders, trellis archways and a patio.
                                Check out the internet and magazines to
flower borders and growing      give you some ideas and make a list of
vegetables to eat.              likes and dislikes.
How to get started
l You will need some basic             and sets as this will affect where you
measurements of the garden area,       position certain plants and the best
which can be carried out with either   sun traps for relaxing and evening
a tape measure, pacing it out (each    barbeques.
stride being about 3’) or counting     l You can now start drawing your
standard fence panels which are 6’     ideas or use cut out shapes to move
l Draw up your plan on a sheet of      around making sure they are
plain or graph paper with the basic    roughly to scale
dimensions showing fixed elements      l List the plants you like and the
that will not change i.e. the house,   hard landscaping materials you need
the boundary fence or hedge,           such as paving, decking, gravel.
sheds, trees etc.                      l Don’t forget to total up the costs
l Work out where the sun rises         and you are ready to go!
If all this sounds a bit daunting then just
     give me a call for a free consultation
                                          Colin Knapman
                              01425 655038
              Speccial Offer to all
                Reeaders of
  h Mudeford
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               01202 904295 - 07772 914668
12 Months 12 Sunny
Destinations To Visit
      In 2018
T   he sun is
    always shining
somewhere, so
you’ll never have
trouble finding a
destination to visit
if you’re looking
for some sun. Here
I reveal one top
sunny destination
for each month in
2018…                           climate all year, but March       June: Algarve
                                is a great time to visit. Enjoy   With average temperatures
January : Dubai                 heat of around 25°C while         of 21°C, the Algarve in June
Glorious winter sun awaits      chilling on the beaches of        provides fun for all the
in glittering Dubai, with av-   Boa Visa, with its vast tracts    family.
erage temperatures of 24°C.     of golden sands.                  July: Corfu
Relax on prize shores like      April: Cancun                     Expect temperatures of up
Jumeirah Beach, which with      Head to Cancun, one of            to 31°C if you visit Corfu in
camel rides and the world’s     the world’s biggest beach         July, along with exciting
largest inflatable water park   resorts, in April where           attractions. Chill in the sun
is ideal for kids.              29°C heat awaits. Relax           outside quaint cafes in
February: Phuket                on the golden shores of           Corfu Town while sampling
Beach haven Phuket is an        Playa Delfines, or take your      treats like baklava. Visit the
ideal February destination,     kids to swim in the gentle        mythical Palaiokastritsa vil-
with 28°C heat. While away      Caribbean currents of Playa       lage, known for its golden
the hours on the iconic         Tortugas.                         beaches and monasteries.
Karon Beach, a popular          May: Cuba                         August: Majorca
snorkelling spot with vast      Cuba is a must-visit destina-     Come to Majorca in August,
tracts of golden sands.         tion for sun-seekers in May,      when temperatures hover
March: Cape Verde               when temperatures hover           at 25°C, and prepare for a
Cape Verde has a pleasant       around 26°C.                      fabulous break.
I am extremely proud to
                                                             announce the Travel
                                                             Counsellors have won the
                                                             Customer Focus Award at
                                                             the prestigious National
                                                             Business Awards 2017,
                                                             which recognise and re-
                                                             ward excellence across the
                                                             UK. The Customer Focus
                                                             Award aims to recognise
                                                             companies that strive
                                                             to innovate in customer
                                                             experience. Caring for our
                                                             customers is at the heart
                                                             of everything we do, which
                                                             was recognised by the
                                                             judging panel who award-
                                                             ed us for our dedication to
September:                        If you would like          going above and beyond,
Sao Paulo                                                    and for the personalised
Jet off for a long-haul break        help with your          touch that our Travel Coun-
to Sao Paolo during Sep-
                                                             sellors add to everything
tember and be greeted by             travel plans in         they do for their clients.
mid-20°C heat. Bask in the
sun while walking along Ibi-       2018 please get           Travel Counsellors are
                                                             there to support, to tailor
rapuera Park, a vast green
space with cultural sites                 in touch!          the perfect holiday for
like the Japanese pavilion         T: 01202 375150           each one of their custom-
                                           E: sally.pullen   ers, providing total peace
which houses artefacts
                             of mind before, during and
including Samurai clothes.
                                                             after their holiday.
October: Marrakech
Marrakech enjoys heat of
roughly 21°C in October, so
it’s the perfect time to visit.
November: Barbados
Relax in temperatures of
up to 29°C, while seeing
everything Barbados has to
December: Sydney
Sydney is popular at Christ-
mas, with temperatures
of around 26°C. Celebrate
Christmas in style with a
barbie on the famed Bondi
Beach, a top surfing spot,
before attending the leg-
endary New Year’s party at
Sydney Harbour.
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  Including Fascias, Soffits & Cladding
Ageing is a Disease
I s there a better
  way to celebrate
the start of 2018
than to raise
awareness of the
fact we can slow
down our ageing
process by eating
Not being a scientist myself,
I am heavily reliant on my
treasured book “How Not
to Die” by Michael Gregor
M.D, the founder of Nutri-      Personally, I do not see         biochemist Earl Stadtman The book was     ageing as a disease as such,     quoted the title of this
given to me by my oldest        but if the process can be        article. He says that “the hu-
son, now a vegan for one        slowed down, and the signs       man lifespan simply reflects
year. Adam has benefitted       of ageing be minimised,          the level of free radical
so much from the advice         I will happily change my         damage that accumulates
of the research by Michael      lifestyle to a larger extent –   in cells. When enough dam-
Greger, and so have I – ad-     how about you?                   age accumulates, cells can’t
mittedly more slowly.           The American revered             survive properly anymore
                                                                 and they just give up”. This
                                                                 concept first came to light
                                                                 in 1972 and is known as
                                                                 mitochondrial theory of
                                                                 ageing. The idea is that free
                                                                 radical damage our cell’s
                                                                 power source and leads to
                                                                 loss of cellular energy and
                                                                 function over time. Think
                                                                 of charging your phone
                                                                 battery over and over each
                                                                 time; its capacity gets less
                                                                 and less.
                                                                 So why are free radicals so
                                                                 damaging to our body?
                                                                 They steal electrons from
                                                                 your cells and begin to
                                                                 spread like wildfire through
researchers from the globe
                                                                have found with most
                                                                antioxidant power. The
                                                                simple rule is that on
                                                                average, plant foods con-
                                                                tain sixty four times more
                                                                antioxidants than animal
                                                                  I wish you much fun
the years if your body          systems break down as we          flooding your body
does not have enough            get older. Michael Gregor
antioxidants to keep them       says that, basically, we are       with antioxidants
in check. Antioxidants          in theory rusting!                helping to ward off
are intimately involved in      To prevent free radical dam-       strokes and other
the prevention of cellular      age, the body has a defence
damage – the common             squad called antioxidants.      age-related diseases –
pathway for cancer, ageing      Antioxidants are molecules      plus, you will look and
and a variety of diseases.      which can safely interact             feel radiant.
The scientific community        with free radicals and ter-
has begun to unveil some        minate the chain reaction        Lis Horwich recent
of the mysteries surround-      before vital molecules are          host of Highcliffe
ing this topic: only the tip    damaged. We can slow            Positive Living Group
of the iceberg so far; much     down this oxidant process
more research is needed         by eating foods containing       and Highcliffe Death
and it is paramount we all      lots of antioxidants. Instead         Café. She is a
keep our knowledge up-to-       of replying on supplements      workshop leader and
date.                           or animal foods, look into
Free radicals are mole-         the three thousand foods,              speaker on
cules that can be unstable      beverages, herbs and spices          holistic topics.
and out of control. Once
formed, these highly
reactive radicals can start a
chain reaction – like dom-
inoes. Their chief danger
comes from the damage a
superoxide, a high-energy
electron, can do. Cells may
function poorly or die if
this occurs, which is what
essentially causes ageing.
Ageing and disease have
been thought of as the ox-
idation of the body. These
brown age spots on the
back of your hands are just
oxidised fat under the skin.
Oxidative stress is thought
to be why we get wrinkles,
why we lose some of our
memory and why our organ
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