CERTIFIED LOVER BOY' - Sept. 21,2021 Vol. 34, Issue 6 - Townnews

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CERTIFIED LOVER BOY' - Sept. 21,2021 Vol. 34, Issue 6 - Townnews
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CERTIFIED LOVER BOY' - Sept. 21,2021 Vol. 34, Issue 6 - Townnews
                                                      April Carte
                                                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                        Tyler Trudeau COMMUNITY EDITOR
                                        Madison Dobrzenski NEWS EDITOR
                                             Hiral Patel OPINION EDITOR
                                               Emily Kottak A&C EDITOR
                                            Bradley Cole SPORTS EDITOR                    PAGE 3 Honoring founder’s day on 75th anniversary
                                               Max Young COPY EDITOR
                                          Niyathi Sulkunte PHOTO EDITOR
                                                                                          PAGE 4 April 30 memorial to break ground in 2022
                                             María Solano VIDEO EDITOR
                                          Brandon Mitchell LAYOUT EDITOR
                                                 ASSISTANT EDITORS
                                                Jessica Ceballos NEWS
                                                 Isaac Naylor OPINION
                                                    Jake Pierce A&C
                                                                                          PAGE 5 Oppressive & unconstitutional
                                                 Bryson Foster SPORTS
                                                Isabella Perryman COPY
                                               Elizabeth McGuire VIDEO
                                                Sunnya Hadavi LAYOUT
                                                Zoya Zalevskiy LAYOUT
                                                                                          PAGE 6 Alumni spotlight: Jason Schultz
                                                CONTRIBUTING STAFF
                                             Kathryn Caudill, Niti Panchal,
                                              Sam Perry, Gabie Stanfield,                 PAGE 7 Road woes
                                              Gabe Lapalombella, Vinny
    NINER TIMES                                Vaccaro, Drew Fitzgerald
                                                                                          PAGE 8 Getting to know Ryan Ashburn
                                                     COVER DESIGN
                                                    Brandon Mitchell
                                                     COVER PHOTO                          ARTS & CULTURE
                                                Album cover courtesy of
     UPTOWN                                        Republic Records

      AUDIO                                     Norm graphic courtesy                     PAGE 10 Interview with director Jonah Feingold
                                                  of UNC Charlotte
                                               MARKETING DIRECTOR
                                                                                          PAGE 12 Album review: ‘Certified Lover Boy’
                                                     Megan Reid

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                                                                                                        SPONSORED BY AMERICAN CAMPUS
2     SEP. 21, 2021        NINERTIMES              PRODUCTION
           Photo by Niyathi Sulkunte
CERTIFIED LOVER BOY' - Sept. 21,2021 Vol. 34, Issue 6 - Townnews

          75TH ANNIVERSARY
        Chancellor’s installation ceremony postponed, Founder’s Day still to be recognized on Sept. 23
by Madison Dobrzenski
News Editor

   On Sept. 1, Chancellor Gaber     and Hope Vibes. Other events        briefly worked in Washington in     someone built for you, or is it        of Charlotte Center, became
sent an email to UNC Charlotte      include a drop-in event at          the Naval Ordnance Laboratory,      more important to be a part of         president after the institution’s
students, faculty and staff         the Popp-Martin Student             studying mine detection reports     building something yourself?’”         conversion to “Charlotte
announcing the cancellation         Union from 1 - 2:30 p.m.,           in 1945. In 1946, in her role as    After contemplating his place at       College” and served as acting
of her installment ceremony         with Chancellor Gaber, Vice         director of the Charlotte Center,   UNC Charlotte, he decided to           chancellor during the college’s
scheduled for Thursday, Sept.       Chancellor for Student Affairs      she realized that the Charlotte     stay and work with his friends         transition to the “four-year,
23, the 75th anniversary of         Kevin Bailey, SGA, as well as a     area did not have a higher          to better the university and           state-supported UNC Charlotte
the University’s founding.          “Conversation with Chancellor       education facility for returning    himself. He was student body           in 1965 that we see today.”
Thursday is still being marked      Gaber” via Zoom at 6p.m..           war veterans and high school        president and helped bring the            To learn more about Bonnie
as Founder’s Day and there will        Founder of UNC Charlotte         graduates who lived in the          Student Activities Center/Dale         Cone, visit bonniecone.uncc.
be no classes.                         Regarding Founder’s Day,         Charlotte area.                     F. Halton to fruition.                 edu.
   According to Buffie Stephens,    below is some information              In a page entitled                  Cone held the title of director
director of media relations and     about UNC Charlotte’s founder,      “Remembering Bonnie Cone
issue management, the Office        Bonnie Cone.                        on Founders Day,” published
of University Events in the            The Cone Center website          by Inside UNC Charlotte on
Division of Advancement, who        says that Bonnie Cone, also         Sept. 23, 2020, alumni recalled
planned the event, canceled         popularly known as “Miss            memories of Cone.
the Chancellor’s installation.      Bonnie,” was born in Lodge,            Ellison Clary, ‘68, met Cone
However, they will continue         S.C. She was the youngest of        at Garinger High School, where
to lead planning for the            four children born to Addie         Cone spoke at an assembly,
rescheduled installation.           Harter and Charles Jefferson        asking, “How many of you have
   The decision to reschedule       Cone. Three of the four             not committed to a college?”
the installation was considered     children entered the teaching       When people raised their
carefully, as Covid-19 cases        profession, as well as three of     hands, Cone said, “I hope
continue to rise. “Since we are     the grandchildren.                  you will come to Charlotte
still experiencing significant         Cone founded UNC                 College. And, if you do, we
community spread, welcoming         Charlotte on Sept. 23, 1946. She    will be part of the statewide
guests from across the state        was passionate about education      university system by the time
and country is not advisable        and inspired students not to        you graduate.”
at this time. There is nothing      give up on their hopes of getting      After contemplating the
more important than the well-       an education. According to the      choice to attend college, Clary
being of our community,” said       Cone Center website, some of        applied and was accepted. “It
Stephens.                           the students inspired were many     was 1963, and tuition was $125
   Although the installation        Charlotte businessmen who call      per semester,” said Clary. When
ceremony was canceled, there        themselves “Bonnie’s Boys” and      he graduated in 1968, Charlotte
will be events for Founder’s Day.   tell stories about Cone, “talking   College had become UNC
   Stephens highlighted a           them out of dropping out when       Charlotte, the fourth campus in
community service event at 2        the hours seemed long, and the      the statewide university system.
-3 p.m. at the Hauser Pavilion      way ahead looked bleak.”               Mike Wilson, ‘93, was a first-
to assemble and deliver care           In 1943, according to the        generation college student with
packages to local community         Cone Center website, Cone           a scholarship to the university.
members, including Niner            was teaching in the Navy V-12       “She said to me, ‘Mr. Wilson,
University Elementary, Care         program at Duke University          is it more important to you
Ring, Crisis Assistance Ministry    during World War II. Cone           to be a part of something that                 Photo of Bonnie Cone, photo courtesy of UNC Charlotte

                                                                                                                         NINERTIMES.COM                       SEP. 21, 2021        3
CERTIFIED LOVER BOY' - Sept. 21,2021 Vol. 34, Issue 6 - Townnews
                       GROUND IN 2022

                     Construction for the April 30 ‘Constellation Garden’ is set to begin next year
by Kathryn Caudill                                                                                                                                                    Photo courtesy of Niner
Staff Writer                                                                                                                                                             Nation Remembers

  In Jan. 2020, Emeritus Chancellor Dubois accepted              and Susan Hatchell Landscape Architecture as the              two students whose lives were taken as a result of the
the Niner Nation Remembrance Commission’s                        finalists of many local and national submissions.             shooting, those injured and all members of the UNC
recommendations for the memorial to honor the tragic             The finalists and design plans for the memorial were          Charlotte community who were impacted.
events of April 30, 2019. This communal and interactive          announced on April 30, 2020, during the Day of                   The commission consulted the families of both Parlier
memorial begins April 30, 2022 in Belk Plaza between             Remembrance on campus.                                        and Howell regarding the design and message of the
the ellipse fountain and the Kennedy Building.                      The memorial itself is called a “constellation garden,”    memorial to best honor their lives.
  The Niner Nation Remembrance Commission, a jury                and it will have moveable lighting elements. The lights          Muller describes the project as “sensitive and poetic.
of design and advisors, is overseeing construction. The          will be an abstraction of the stars from the night sky        It speaks to tragedy, allows for reflection, remembrance,
dean of arts and architecture, Brook Muller, facilitated         from April 30, 2019. The stars from that night were           and coming to terms.”
the commission.                                                  hemispherically mapped and placed as lights on the               Muller hopes that the structure will bring
  Muller spoke with the Niner Times to provide an                structure to achieve this.                                    “contemplation and reflection” to those who view it for
update on the construction and design of this powerful              The structure is also interactive, meaning that touching   years to come.
memorial.                                                        the structure will activate it, allowing for the lights          During the events of April 30, Muller was in Oregon,
  Currently, the design team members are in the                  to change. The more people who touch it, the more             where he was the director of an environmental
schematic design phase and are meeting every other               dynamic the lights will be. The memorial will also have       sustainability program; however, he was “CC’d” on
week. The commission ensures that as the project                 concrete and stone benches for observers to sit and           numerous emails about UNC Charlotte and the events
develops and the budget is met, the power behind the             contemplate both the events of that day and the future.       taking place.
memorial is not lost and remains pure.                           These design choices were intentionally chosen and will          “I could see how caring this community was,” said
  “It’s becoming more and more real,” said Muller.               work to create a message.                                     Muller.
  The project utilizes an array of different field specialists      “The memorial is a dialogue where the lights represent        Even though it is only his third year at UNC Charlotte,
working to create an interactive art feature with a budget       the celestial, starry heavens, while the concrete and stone   Muller said that “It is truly an honor to play a role in
of $2,000,000.                                                   represent grounding,” said Muller.                            the realization of the project that will be an enduring,
  “We have a good team that is sensitive,” said Muller.             There will be a plant palette surrounding the memorial     beautiful landscape for years and years.”
“We have landscapers, architects and an art studio               that will be “symbolic of hope, anguish, sadness and             The memorial will break ground on the third
working together.”                                               resilience,” said Muller.                                     anniversary, April 30, 2022, and the completion date is
  The commission selected TEN X TEN Landscape                       This story, told through the design, will work to          not yet confirmed.
Architecture and Urbanism, Hypersonic Collaborative              honor the lives of Reid Parlier and Riley Howell, the

  4     SEP. 21, 2021        NINERTIMES

by Niti Panchal
                  How abortion bans will impact the reproductive rights
                  of women in Texas and possibly other red states

   On Sept. 1, 2021, the United States
Supreme court shocked the nation
                                              before six weeks is unusual and often not
                                              the case for most women. The pregnancy
                                                                                                  Graphic by Zoya Zalevskiy
                                                                                                               Asst. Layout

after failing to block a Texas bill that      is generally found out at seven weeks,
bans abortions after the six-week mark.       according to the American Pregnancy
The new law, Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB8),       Association. Should a woman realize she
is highly challenged by public health         is pregnant before six weeks, receiving
officials and organizations dedicated to      abortion services in Texas is extremely
protecting female health. One question        difficult. Health information provider
that is going around is: how is this new      Healthline says that there is a 24-hour
bill going to affect the well-being and       wait period after an initial consultation
access to healthcare in the future.           and sonogram before receiving an
   The seven million Texas women had          abortion. This gap, combined with the          to redraw the
their reproductive rights, and right to       limited number of clinics that provide         congressional districts for
privacy stripped away. This law forces        this service in Texas, makes accessing         the next decade. How the Supreme Court
women to carry through unwanted               abortions before the six-week deadline         rules on these new lines will determine
pregnancies, or the Texas government          almost impossible.                             whether or not conservative lawmakers
will punish them for getting abortions.          This law not only stripped away the         in North Carolina can mirror Texas and
   The bill refers to the abortion cut-off    rights of women in the clinic but also         pass a similar ban.
as the moment doctors detect a ‘fetal         in public too. Instead of state officials         And it will not be difficult to pass this
heartbeat’ in the uterus. This goes against   facilitating the bill’s enforcement, Texas     law. Republicans only need a couple
medical knowledge. According to Live          is encouraging the public to take part.        more seats from the upcoming 2022
Science, the embryo has no organs at six      According to CBS News, a $10,000               election to gain supermajority. This
weeks, and its “fetal heartbeat” refers to    bounty incentive is given to public            would allow them to override a veto by         time being, SB8 may push
electrical pulses shared between cells. The   citizens as part of private lawsuits to        North Carolina’s Democratic Governor           other red states to pass similar
new definition ensures that the embryo        report any individuals they believe            Roy Cooper, who has blocked abortion           laws in the event of Texas winning the
is seen as a viable fetus; however, most      in having been involved in aiding an           restrictions in recent years.                  lawsuit.
miscarriages happen at the first 13 weeks     abortion. This bounty puts women                  Fortunately, the Justice Department            The repressive law is simply an abuse of
of pregnancy.                                 and others at risk of being constantly         and Attorney General Merrick Garland           power and will disproportionately affect
   Through Roe vs Wade, the Supreme           monitored as strangers are allowed to          filed a federal lawsuit against the state of   women of color, single mothers and poor
Court and Congress determined that a          have a say in their lives and their choices.   Texas, claiming SB8 was enacted “in open       women. They will be forced to look into
viable pregnancy has been reached at             This leads us to the question: how does     defiance of the Constitution.” According       child care and struggle to work. It also
22 weeks as the risk for a miscarriage        this law affect abortion laws in North         to NPR, Garland mentioned how the              risks the quality of life that these women
significantly decreases by then. SB8 rolled   Carolina as a fellow red state? Although       law deputizes private citizens “to serve       will experience, as they do not have the
back one of the most important aspects        abortions are currently legal, anti-           as bounty hunters authorized to recover        means to look after their children as red-
of Roe vs Wade, thus removing its status      abortion lawmakers agree with SB8.             at least $10,000 per claim for individuals     state support is minimal.
as precedent.                                    This Supreme Court ruling came              who facilitate a women’s exercise of her
   Additionally, identifying a pregnancy      out at a time when North Carolina’s            constitutional rights.” However, for the
                                              Republican-led state legislature prepared


                                                                                                                              NINERTIMES.COM                    SEP. 21, 2021        5

                         JASON SCHULTZ
                                                                                                                                                        THE CHARLOTTE
                                                                                                                                                        ALUM IS THRIVING
                                                                                                                                                        IN THE NASCAR
                                                                                                                                                        MEDIA WORLD
by Bradley Cole                                                                                                                 Jason Schultz, a 2019 graduate of Charlotte, works as a producer
Sports Editor                                                                                                                             with Dirty Mo Media. Photo courtesy of Jason Schultz.

   When Jason Schultz watched a                                                                                                               Schultz kept working his way up with
NASCAR race for the first time at                                                                                                             Dirty Mo Media. Once he graduated in
a young age, he was hooked.                                                                                                                   December of 2019, he joined the company
   He happened to watch a race with his                                                                                                       as a full-time producer and videographer.
father on a random Sunday afternoon, and                                                                                                         Schultz’s duties with Dirty Mo include
since then, he hasn’t missed many races.                                                                                                      producing one of the company’s most
   All these years later, the UNC Charlotte                                                                                                   established podcasts, “Door Bumper
alum has already achieved a lifelong dream                                                                                                    Clear,” a weekly podcast hosted by Casey
only two years out of college: working                                                                                                        Boat and NASCAR spotters TJ Majors,
in the NASCAR media space. Schultz is                                                                                                         Freddie Kraft and Brett Griffin. He has
currently a content producer/videographer                                                                                                     also produced episodes of “The Dale Jr.
for Dirty Mo Media, an original content                                                                                                       Download,” a podcast hosted by Dale Jr.
company created by one of motorsports’                                                                                                        and Mike Davis that brings in a new guest
most popular figures in Dale Earnhardt Jr.                                                                                                    from the motorsports world every week.
   “I started watching NASCAR in 2005,”                                                                                                          Even though he is only two years
said Schultz about finding his fandom                                                                                                         removed from graduating, Schultz has
for the sport. “I just remember my dad                                                                                                        achieved many dreams he’s been chasing
was watching, and I just happened to                                                                                                          since he first fell in love with NASCAR.
sit down and watch. I don’t remember             NASCAR season started. On the site,           social updates for the tournament.                “I think it was a master plan that
missing a race, technically, since.”             Schultz wrote previews, recaps and gave         Before heading to the Queen City for         was influenced by putting in the work,
                                                 opinions on the sport. The blog ended up      college, Schultz covered a race at Dover       networking, building the skills and getting
               A love for media                  getting up to 100,000 views and gave him      International Speedway in 2016, as             the experiences,” said Schultz. “I was able
   Not long after starting to watch the sport,   more opportunities in the journalism world.   Drive For Autism sponsored the race.           to present to Mike Davis and Dirty Mo
Schultz started to love the media side. As         “I started writing articles just for fun      There, he was able to connect with           that I was graduating college and that I
an early user of Twitter, he was able to see     but also because I enjoyed being a part       Mike Davis, the managing director of           would love to start full-time work. It was
media members cover the sport around             of the conversation about the sport           the Dale. Jr brand, and co-founder of          never a guarantee that would happen.
the country. Even though he wasn’t yet a         through social media,” said Schultz.          Dirty Mo Media with Dale Jr.. At their         That was always the dream, but it turned
teenager, Schultz already had a good idea                                                      meeting in a Media Center, Schultz made        into a master plan, and it worked out.”
of what career path he wanted to pursue.                       Finding his place               Davis aware of his interest in potentially        Although Schultz never set a plan,
   “Not many 11-12-year-olds think                  After covering the sport from              working with Dirty Mo Media.                   he knew he wanted to stand out
about what career path you’re gonna              the journalist’s perspective, Schultz           “The biggest thing was coming to             and do something different in the
take, but I thought it would be awesome          started to venture into other areas.          Charlotte and networking,” said Schultz.       media space for the sport he loves.
to go to the track and be interested in          In high school, a new goal emerged:           “Showing my willingness to work.”              And with Dirty Mo Media, he has
NASCAR but do it for a career,” said             working in the PR side of NASCAR.               In just his second semester at Charlotte,    found his place to do just that.
Schultz. “That was always the idea.                 Thanks to his prior work online            Schultz earned an internship with                 “I always had the creative mindset of
If I could combine those two things,             throughout the years, Schultz built a         Charlotte Motor Speedway, working with         ‘be different...be unique.’ That’s why I love
that would be the ultimate dream.”               credible network of connections. One of       the communications team. In that same          what Dirty Mo Media does. It’s different
   Instead of waiting around to grow up          his most important ways of connecting         semester, he started freelancing with Dirty    content. It’s not the same old boring
and get a degree to work in the sport,           with people in the sports was working with    Mo Radio, working on the “JR Motorsports       NASCAR talk. It’s vibrant, compelling,
Schultz took matters into his own hands.         the annual Drive for Autism Celebrity         Up Front” and “Fast Lane Family” podcasts.     unique and interesting,” said Schultz.
He created his first racing website titled       Golf Tournament, where he provided              After working through two internships,       “It means a lot to look back and see all
“Turn4RacingNew.com” before the 2012                                                                                                          the hard work pay off,” said Schultz.

  6    SEP. 21, 2021         NINERTIMES
by Sam Perry                                                                                               Charlotte’s Jalar Holley goes for a tackle during Charlotte’s 9-20 loss at Georgia State.
Staff Writer                                                                                                                                    Photo courtesy of Charlotte athletics/Sam Roberts.

  On Saturday, Sep. 18, the Charlotte 49er   drive. That started with a 33-yard pass       Panthers marched for 66 yards scoring               run by Jamyest Williams, taking a 20-9 lead.
football team traveled to Atlanta and took   from the Panthers’ Darren Grainger to         on a 28-yard touchdown pass from                      Charlotte couldn’t answer back and fell
on the Georgia State Panthers at Center      Ja’Cyais Credle. They scored on the next      Grainger to Credle. But when kicking                20-9 after turning the ball over on downs.
Parc Stadium, losing 9-20. This was the      play with a 35-yard touchdown pass from       the extra point, Charlotte could
Niners’ first loss, moving them to 2-1 on    Grainger to Jamari Thrash. Tying the game     block to keep the score to 13-9.                                      Takeaways
the season, while this was also the first    7-7 with four minutes left in the half.          The Niners on the next drive drove down            ‘The Panther’s offensive game
win of the year for the Panthers to 1-2.                                                   the field for 63 yards in five minutes, but         plan was executed flawlessly.’
  “Missed an opportunity. Humbled,                            Second Half                  a costly fumble forced by Georgia State’s             The Niners this season have had issues
frustrated, but not deterred. The response     After a four-minute scoreless possession    Blake Carrol changed possession. The                stopping the run, so Georgia State focused
for what happened tonight is going to        from the 49ers, the Panthers on the           third quarter ended with the Panthers               on running the ball early, forcing the Niners
be the most important part,” said Head       offensive side had bad luck with the ball     having possession leading 13-9.                     to sell out against the run, which opened
coach Will Healy after the game.” “Credit    getting snapped past the quarterback, where      The Panthers opened up the fourth                up the passing game for the Panthers.
to them for making it hard on us.”           he had to run into the end zone to recover    quarter driving down the field and were             Nineteen of Georgia State’s first 24 plays
  This was Charlotte’s first challenge       the ball. The 49ers were credited with the    getting ready to put the Niners away. Still,        were running plays which was why the
on the road, and it looked like the team     safety, giving them a 9-7 advantage.          Alexander came up big again, getting                next drive after that, they were able to
missed the home crowd’s energy in              The next drive becomes                      another takeaway with an interception.              score on two 30+ yard passing plays.
the first two games of the season.           the turning point.                               Charlotte’s offense couldn’t get points            “We thought one of the keys to the
  “You get thrown adversity. That’s            Charlotte got to 4th and 1 and called a     on the board on their next drive.                   game was gonna be stopping the run,”
when you show your true character. It’s      rushing play that ran to the side and was        Georgia State capitalized on this with           said Healy. “The one-on-one 50/50 balls
easy to be happy go lucky whenever you       stopped instead of calling a play where       a 13 play 92-yard touchdown drive that              were just as important. We gotta make
are winning. But now let’s see your real     you are moving forward the whole time.        lasted for seven and a half minutes. The            some plays on the ball in the air.”
character when you’re in the loss column,”     After the turnover on downs, the            Panthers scored on a 13-yard touchdown                ‘Jon Alexander and Markees
said quarterback Chris Reynolds.                                                                                                               Watts shine for the defense.’
                                                                                                                                                 Alexander was all over the field on
                  First Half                                                                                                                   defense for the Niners, with the chase
   The first quarter of the game was a                                                                                                         down forced fumble and the interception
more defensive battle, with both teams                                                                                                         preventing two touchdown drives for the
having two drives that all ended in punts.                                                                                                     Panthers. Watts had a huge sack on the
   Georgia State opened up the second                                                                                                          opening drive which forced the Panthers
quarter with a 13-yard run and looked                                                                                                          to punt. Alexander had six total tackles,
like they might have figured it out. But                                                                                                       one interception, and one forced fumble.
on the next play, Panthers running back                                                                                                        Watts had 13 tackles and one sack,
Destin Coates had a breakaway run                                                                                                              which resulted in a loss of four yards.
with nobody between him and the end
zone. But Charlotte’s defensive back Jon                                                                                                                       What’s Next?
Alexander was able to chase him down                                                                                                             “We’ve been tested, we’ve had some
and force a fumble after he ran for 64                                                                                                         highs, we’ve had some lows. Unfortunately,
yards getting the Niners possession.                                                                                                           tonight is one of the lows. But I think
   That fumble opened up a touchdown                                                                                                           we will find out a lot about this football
drive for the Niners that featured back-                                                                                                       team by how we respond,” said Healy.
to-back fourth-down conversions. That                                                                                                            Charlotte comes back to Jerry Richardson
ended with a 36-yard touchdown pass from                                                                                                       Stadium to host Middle Tennessee on
Chris Reynolds to Elijah Spencer, getting                                                                                                      Friday, Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m. that game will
the Niners on the board first leading 7-0.                                                                                                     be televised on the CBS Sports Network.
   A few drives later, Georgia State
answered back on a two-play 68-yard

                                                                                                                             NINERTIMES.COM                           SEP. 21, 2021            7
                                  RYAN ASHBURN
                                  THE NINER TIMES SITS DOWN WITH THE NEW
                                  CHARLOTTE HEAD WOMEN’S GOLF COACH RYAN
                                  ASHBURN FOR A Q&A
                                  by Gabie Stanfield                                             Ryan Ashburn Charlotte head shot.
                                  Intern                                                       Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Athletics.

   Head women’s golf coach Ryan                of things I learned in my first      relationships I saw with everyone joking
Ashburn’s debut season here at Charlotte       year there pretty much checked       around, I was like, “that’s something that I
is quickly approaching. In April, Ashburn      me in and made me so excited.        really want to be a part of.” Everyone spoke
joined the team as the head coach after        I just like helping people and       so freely to each other; there was no “this
spending her last three seasons coaching       seeing them get better.              person is up here, and this person is down
at UAB. After the cancellation of last            GS: What made you choose          here,” and because of that environment,
season due to Covid-19, the anticipation       Charlotte, and what sort of          I knew that I could potentially be
for this season has been building.             things about our golf program        successful here and that these people
   Ashburn started her time as an assistant    spoke to you initially?              were going to help me along the way.
coach at Campbell in 2014. Following              RA: My parents grew up in            GS: With this being your first season
this stint, she became an assistant coach      Virginia, but my family lives in     here at Charlotte, what will you use from
at Baylor and eventually traveled to UAB       Virginia and North Carolina.         your past success with UAB this season?
to become the head coach. Ashburn              I spent a little bit of time up         RA: I think it goes back to the
led UAB to two tournament titles in            here when I was younger, so I        relationship aspect. I love getting to know
her second season as their coach.              was kind of familiar with the        people and deep diving and figuring out
   Ashburn shows a glimpse into how            area of Charlotte. The school        who they are and what makes them tick,
she and the team are feeling about             itself is what made me choose        and this year it’s pretty unique. We have
this new era for Charlotte golf.               Charlotte. It’s got a good history   six transfers. We have a whole new team,
   Gabie Stanfield: What was it                of academics and sports,             and I am sure people will realize that we’ve
about coaching that lured you in?              and while the women’s golf           all only known each other for about two
   Ryan Ashburn: I never thought of            program didn’t have a very long      to three weeks, but I feel like this team has
being a coach, to be quite honest. When        history, the history it did have     been here for four years. The way that they
I played down at Stetson University, I         was good, and they produce           have clicked, I just haven’t seen anything
wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do after     success here. When I set foot        like it. There are only six people, but there
college, and someone said to me, “you          on campus, I was amazed by           are no outliers; they love spending time
know Campbell has this great opportunity,      all of the buildings and the         together, which can be uncommon with
there’s an assistant position open and I       campus itself, even though it        small teams. Getting to know more about
think you should go and try it out.” It was    was a little eerie because when      them, about their game, bettering them
weird coaching people who I just played        I came to my interview. It was       not only as an athlete but as a people,
against about three months prior, but the      during Covid, and there wasn’t       and giving them the tools they need to
relationship aspect [of coaching] is what      a single person walking around       be successful are things I plan to do.
kind of kept me. I had the opportunity to      campus. But the atmosphere in           GS: Having a team filled with
assist with the men’s team, so the number      the athletic department and the      such young players, how are you

  8    SEP. 21, 2021       NINERTIMES
New golf coach Ryan Ashburn while at UAB.
                                    Photo courtesy of UAB.

expecting them to step up?                      place, and I love exploring. Still, the
   RA: The cool thing is while there may        people in this state, I feel like you can’t
not be one specific leader yet, they’ve         beat that southern hospitality where
all encouraged each other. I think we’ve        everyone’s willing to help. I’ve also been
realized we’re all in the same boat, not only   able to see more of my friends and
them but myself and Ellen [Secor] as well.      family in the last three months than I
We’re all figuring things out together. I       have in the last three or four years.
don’t know as far as expectations go for this      GS: What has been your favorite part
first tournament; I will see what happens.      about the city of Charlotte so far?
   GS: After a two-year hiatus that has            RA: Definitely the food in the city.
led to anticipation building, what are          Everything revolves around food.
your expectations for this season?                 GS: What impact or legacy do you
   RA: With our strength of schedule, I         hope to have on the girls on the team
have pretty high expectations. We’re playing    and the team’s history as a whole?
against the top power five teams in the            RA: As successful as the team was
country in every tournament. While some         before I got here, they took an individual
people see that as intimidation, it’s vital     to regionals and not a team. They were
for us and our ranking system works. But        trending in that direction, but because of
this team is good enough, and just from         outside entities, they never got there, so
what I’ve seen in practice and qualifying,      that is kind of our first goal this year. We
they’re more than capable of competing          know we’re good enough to make it to the
with some of these best teams in the            postseason. As far as the team goes, when
country. So I have high expectations, and       they leave, I want people to say this is the
we, as a team, expect a lot from ourselves.     best four years, or however many years,
   GS: After being away from North              that they spent here. I want them to have
Carolina, where you began your coaching         learned a lot and be prepared for when
career, you missed the number one thing?        they go out into the world—whether that
   RA: I would definitely say the people.       involves pursuing golf or other aspects.
North Carolina is obviously a very scenic

                                                                                               NINERTIMES.COM   SEP. 21, 2021   9



                                                                                                                                                                            of PN
                                                                                                                                                                ic cou
Director Jonah Feingold sat down with the Niner Times to discuss his film making process
by Gabe Lapalombella
Staff Writer

This year has given me the opportunity           like your photo memories popping up
to cover an array of film festivals. From        and being like “Hey, remember that time
Sundance to SXSW to Fantasia, I’ve had           you were with your ex from five years
the privilege to review a variety of films.      ago? Really happy on this bridge in San
Having recently covered this year’s Tribeca      Francisco?” I’m like, what is this phone
International Film Festival, I had the chance    doing? What is the role of this? Why are
to see one film that stuck out to me. As         you telling me this? With the app “Meet
soon as the credits rolled on “Dating & New      Cute,” we did two things. One was, we
York,” the newest romantic comedy from           had to kind of put on our programmer
IFC Films, I was eager to talk to the talent     hats and say, what does a dating app look
behind it. To coincide with its theatrical and   like? And how does it work? And big
streaming release, I had the chance to sit       shoutouts to my editor, Hannah Park,
down with Director Jonah Feingold and talk       and my graphics designer, Gustavo Rosa,
about this very special movie.                   who really helped craft the way this app
Gabe Lapalombella: What were some                moved and the rules of the app, which is
of the films that inspired you to write this     much much harder than anyone thinks to
story?                                           do. But the second thing we wanted to do
Jonah Feingold: I would say the main films       was interfere with the romantic life of the
on the more mainstream side are “When            character. Hey, did you talk to this person
Harry Met Sally,” “You’ve Got Mail’’ and,        yet? How are you feeling about them? It
on the more obscure side, movies like “L.A.      was a way to sort of having the audience
story” and “Modern Romance,” which is an         check-in with our characters’ emotions in
Albert Brooks film. As well as even more         a really modern way, basically replacing
obscure 1950s MGM era type movies like           the scenes wherein a typical rom-com
“His Girl Friday” and there’s a little bit of    you’d have a scene where the protagonist
“Pulp Fiction” too. There’s even a little bit    talks with her friend and asks “how’s it
of classical Disney in there. So it’s sort of    going with that guy?” It’s the app being
a hodge-podge mix, which was all in the          like, do you have feelings for this person
execution of the movie.                          still? And if so, where do your allegiances
GL: What was that process like of making         lie with them?
a dating app, “Meet Cute,” your third main       GL:Can you talk about what the process
character in the story?                          is like to come up with those different
JF: We wanted to have a magical app              subversive choices for characters?
because sometimes your phone and your            JF: That’s a great question. For something
apps do feel magical, and there’s nothing        like the plant shop scene, the idea was       Photo of Jonah Feingold, photo courtesy of Jonah Feingold

  10 SEP. 21, 2021           NINERTIMES
to subvert expectations. What       destined to do. Them together       GL: What do you hope that us          want them to just have a good
are the tropes of those classics?   seemed like a couple that you       Millennial and GenZ audiences         time. I am all about escapist
And then to your point, what        believe would try to date, but      or even older audiences take          cinema. My favorite movies
is the overall meta point of        maybe probably wouldn’t work        away from the story?                  are “Pirates of the Caribbean,”
those scenes? So I don’t want       out. That’s sort of the impetus     JF: I hope that people get a          “Night The Museum” and even
to spoil that scene, but in the     for their discovery and their       glimpse into the complicated          “Men in Black,” these movies
plant shop something unique         chemistry and they’re very          world of modern dating, but           that you can just turn on and
happens when Wendy runs             different actors too. Jaboukie      they also are not scared. The         lose yourself in because of the
into her ex, something slightly     comes from comedy and               idea is that there’s all that         blocking and the score and the
magical. What is the correlation    Francesca was classically trained   minutiae things that happen,          world that you create. I hope
between what we experienced         and Jabuokie was a former film      and the point is we all go            people just enjoy themselves
in real life and what actually      school student. We always joked     through it. We all go through         and they can escape whatever
happens in romcoms? You             on set that two years prior, he     the doubt of if we’re ever going      reality, if they’re trying to escape
know, one of the funny things is    was a PA on an indie movie, on      to find the one, or should            for those 91 minutes. And At
I don’t know, we’ve all had exes    a student film and Francesca        we send that text or missing          least hope it makes them a
before, but like, we always joke    was doing a play at NYU. So it      somebody and, you know,               happier person or instills some
to each other, oh my God, that      was kind of a perfect dichotomy     looking at someone’s Instagram        element of optimism into their
person looks exactly like me,       that just had a vibe and an         and yearning for them. And I          life.
or they’re just dating me in a      energy that we got really lucky     want people to know that that’s
different form. Well, what does     that it worked out.                 normal to think about, but I also
that look like on camera? And
I think to subvert the genre,
it’s understanding the trope in
and out, and then being able
to break that role down. It’s
kinda like what they say about
GL: Can you talk a little bit
about how you found your
cast, particularly Francesca and
JF: I didn’t discover Jaboukie,
but I was introduced to him
through his one single scene
in a movie called “Someone
Great” and I thought he was
incredible. It’s on Netflix, but
he has one scene. He steals the
scene and steals the movie in
my opinion. Obviously, I mean,
Brittany Snow is a dear friend.
I love her in that film as well,
but Jaboukie just stuck out to
me. I was like, who is this? He’s
so interesting to watch and I
really just wanted to work with
him. Then I found out about
Jaboukie, one of the biggest
people on Twitter, and I’d been
off Twitter for many years so I
decided to go check him out.
JF: Francesca, similarly I had
seen in “Stranger Things”
season three, and she had
totally stolen that role. She
had this presence as a sort of
a supporting character, but a
supporting character where she
just shined through. I thought                               Photo of Jonah Feingold, photo courtesy of Jonah Feingold
there was so much more she’s

                                                                                                                                      NINERTIMES.COM   SEP. 21, 2021   11
                                   How does Drake’s newest studio album hold up to its competition?
by Vinny Vaccaro                                                                                                                                                 Graphics courtesy of
Intern                                                                                                                                                             Republic Records

   In the wake of reinvigorated      somewhat generic but exciting      “Pipe Down” and “Fountains.”        something unique, they were         and kept me banging my head
long-time feuds with Kanye           introduction, as it jumps right    Outside of these notable songs,     implemented way too late to         in enjoyment. I got lost in the
West and the release of his          into the music with a catchy       I enjoyed much of the rest of the   catch listeners’ attention. These   many exciting sounds that
respective album, “Donda,”           track called “Champagne            album, especially its variety in    moments only accounted for a        “CLB” provided, and there were
Drake has come out with a            Poetry.” I was fascinated by       styles.                             small portion of this album as      not many songs that I disliked
new album of his own entitled        this track’s “broken” style,          With all the good in this        a whole, so these issues were       in a significant way, which is
“Certified Lover Boy” or “CLB”       for lack of a better term, as      album, there is some bad,           more like minor inconveniences      something I cannot say about
for short. The two albums were       it has inconsistent cutoffs        although not nearly as much as      rather than complete experience     “Donda.”
released almost simultaneously.      and repeats almost like an         in “Donda.” My least favorite       killers.                              All in all, I am happy that the
Each is created by well-known        imitation of a record scratch.     song in this album was “TSU”          “Certified Lover Boy”             fan bases of both Kanye West
artists who have been on bad         However, the rest of the song      because of its ridiculous and       provided me with a great            and Drake got new material
terms for over a decade. As a        got me in the mood to continue     sluggish introduction. It not       experience that I do not            from their idols. I hope that
result, there has been much          listening to the album. This       only felt very cringy to listen     regret partaking in. In terms       peaceful discussion between the
debate and discussion about          was a great introduction, which    to but also completely took me      of emotion and meaning, the         two fan bases will be the key to
these albums and which is            unfortunately cannot be said       out of the experience since it      feelings I got from “CLB” and       fully grasp the meanings, shapes
better. I have heard these           about “Donda,” so Kanye has        came immediately after “Way         “Donda” were entirely different     and colors that both albums
discussions quite a few times,       already been one-upped in that     2 Sexy,” which was much more        but good in their own ways.         display. There is plenty of good
so to settle this, I will review     department. As for the rest of     groovy and upbeat. Outside of       “Donda” was very touching,          to say about both albums, but
“CLB” in a similar way to            the tracklist, I think there are   that, there were a few tracks I     primarily because of its purpose    in terms of the raw content
how I reviewed “Donda,” to           many more solid songs, with        did not like, namely “In The        as a tribute to Kanye West’s late   of each, I think “CLB” comes
offer my perspective on a new        much less of the mediocre          Bible,” “Knife Talk,” “7 a.m.       mother, and a lot of the songs      out on top in terms of quality,
album once again, and give my        padding that plagued “Donda,”      on Bridle Path” and “Race My        themselves were good. Still,        production and a large selection
personal opinion on the debates      which is a plus in my book. My     Mind.” These tracks were not        there were too many mediocre        of tracks that are actually worth
as to which one is better.           favorite tracks on this album      bad per se, but they did not        tracks that overshadowed the        everyone’s time.
   When I first gave “CLB” a         were “Papi’s Home,” “Love          have anything special going for     good parts. “CLB” to me had a
listen, I was impressed with its     All,” “Way 2 Sexy,” “N 2 Deep,”    them, and when they did have        much more consistent quality


  12 SEP. 21, 2021         NINERTIMES
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