How to Win the Deception / Counter-deception Arms Race? - Simon Henderson April 2021 Version 1.0 2021 Simon Henderson

Page created by Valerie Chavez
How to Win the
Deception / Counter-
deception Arms Race?
Simon Henderson
April 2021
Version 1.0
© 2021 Simon Henderson

Deception By Design
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

How to Win the Deception/                                   2003). And while law enforcement did eventually
                                                            catch up with Marcus, he was never convicted.
Counter-deception Arms
Race?                                                       The Savannah Move involves placing a $5000
                                                            chip under a small stack of $5 chips on one of
                                                            the 2:1 column bets. The stack slants slightly
Simon Henderson
                                                            towards the dealer so that they cannot see the
April 2021
                                                            $5000 chip located on the bottom of the pile. If the
                                                            ball lands on a winning number, then the player
Acknowledgements                                            enthusiastically claims the win. Replaying the
                                                            moments leading up to the win on CCTV reveals no
Cover photo of adult reed warbler feeding cuckoo
                                                            cheating, as the play is entirely legitimate and no
chick, by Per Harald Olsen (edited). CC BY-SA 3.0
                                                            cheating has occurred.

Introduction                                                However, if the ball lands on a losing number,
                                                            the player will act as if intoxicated and clumsily
        “Creativity may well be the last legal unfair
                                                            make a show of removing their losing chips from
        competitive advantage we can take to run
                                                            the table (an illegal action known as pinching or
        over the competition.”
                                                            dragging). When the dealer demands that the player
                                                            returns their chips to the table, the player covertly
        Dave Trott, Advertiser, and author of
                                                            exchanges the $5000 chip for a $5 chip before
        Predatory Thinking: A Masterclass in
                                                            replacing the stack on the table. The exchange
        Out-Thinking the Competition (Trott,
                                                            tends to pass undetected by the dealer as their
                                                            attention is naturally directed towards the winning
                                                            areas of the table (that need to be monitored for
Usually, people cheat in casinos to win. In the early
                                                            pastposting). So far as the dealer is concerned, the
1990s, Richard Marcus literally turned the tables on
                                                            replaced stack appears to correspond exactly with
Roulette by only cheating when he had already lost.
                                                            the original stack, even when reviewed on CCTV.
                                                            By only cheating when he lost, Marcus turned the
One of Roulette’s cardinal rules is that players are
                                                            casino’s process for detecting deception against
forbidden from placing chips onto the table after
                                                            them. The very surveillance system designed
the dealer has called “no more bets” ahead of the
                                                            to protect the casino from cheating was now
ball dropping from the wheel rim into the rotor.
                                                            protecting the cheats.
Late bets, known as pastposting, involve sneaking
additional chips onto a known winning number and
                                                            The revelation of the Savannah Move, designed to
are illegal.
                                                            defeat technology, spurred the development of a
                                                            vast array of new technologies that now invisibly
In the 1980s, casinos replaced aerial walkways and
                                                            monitor, track, record, profile, and anticipate
one-way mirrored roofs with eye-in-the-sky security
                                                            players’ behaviours, and flag automatically any
cameras installed in the ceiling above each table.
                                                            suspected cheating. As a consequence, the
The ability to record games and replay the moments
                                                            Savannah Move no longer works. Radio Frequency
leading up to a big win revolutionised casino
                                                            Identification (RFID) chips inside the gaming chips
security and put an end to many forms of cheating,
                                                            now enable casinos to know:
including pastposting. However, the introduction
of anti-cheating technologies inadvertently pushed               • The amount of money in play on a table.
cheating in a new direction. A direction that
                                                                 • How and when chips flow between the
targeted the primary remaining vulnerability in
                                                                   table, the cage, and the casino’s safe.
casino security — human sensemaking.
                                                                 • How and when chips are cashed-out by
In the early 1990s, Richard Marcus, a prolific casino              players.
cheat (who later became a gaming protection
                                                                 • Where and when players leave the casino
consultant) developed a deceptive play known as
                                                                   with uncashed chips.
The Savannah Move. From 1995-2000, Marcus and
his team used the move on Roulette tables across            Of course, this battle between cheaters and casinos
the United States, stealing more than $5M. Casinos          only continues to escalate, and cheaters are now
only became aware of the move when Marcus                   developing approaches to decode, clone, and
exposed it in his book American Roulette (Marcus,           exploit casinos’ RFID systems.                                   1                                  © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

This adversarial competition embodies a range                   • Developers of malware versus developers
of interesting processes that we will now explore                 of anti-malware systems.
                                                                • Viruses versus vaccine developers.

Competing Innovation Cycles                                     • Deep-fake generators versus deep-fake
                                                                  detection systems.
Nature evolves through competition, and survival
                                                                • Bank robbers versus bank security system
of the fittest often equates to survival of the most
deceptive. In any competition, the ability to fool
your adversaries creates competitive advantage                  • Moths (that have evolved to generate
that increases dramatically your chances of                       disruptive ultrasonic clicks) versus bats
survival. And for the targets of deception, survival              (that use ultrasonic echolocation to detect
depends upon the evolution of reciprocal counter-                 and hunt their prey).
deception capabilities.
                                                                • Traders versus financial regulators.
In many arenas where actors seek to establish                   • Bot developers versus identity
superiority over their adversaries, similar                       authentication designers.
cyclical behaviours play out repeatedly. The first
                                                                • Advertisers versus trading standards
competitor develops or discovers the means
to gain an advantage over their rivals. When a
second competitor becomes aware of this, they will              • Art forgers versus art authenticators.
respond by:
                                                                • Magicians versus exposers on YouTube.
     • Copying or matching the first competitor’s
                                                                • Parasites (Serratia Marcescens) versus
       source of advantage.
                                                                  fruit flies (Drosophila) that, when infected,
     • Developing a countermeasure that negates                   recombine their DNA during mating to
       the first competitor’s advantage.                          prevent future parasites from targeting their
     • Changing the conditions upon which the
       first competitor’s advantage depends —                   • Aircraft stealth designers versus radar
       for example, by successfully appealing                     designers.
       to a higher authority to have the first
                                                                • Smugglers versus customs officers.
       competitor’s new advantage ruled illegal.
                                                                • Etc.
     • Buying-out and acquiring the first
       competitor’s advantage.                             Deceptive arms races can be found in a wide
                                                           variety of different competitive environments.
     • Developing their own competitive
                                                           Note that these races are all asymmetric — one
       advantage that outweighs the first
                                                           side tries to deceive the other, while the other side
       competitor’s advantage.
                                                           tries to avoid being deceived. As Richard Dawkins
The first competitor will respond by developing            (Dawkins, 1996) has noted, asymmetric arms races
a counter to the countermeasure, or by creating            tend to create more complex adversarial systems:
an alternative means to gain further advantage.
Often, these arms races have no finish line,                       “Cheetahs are trying to eat gazelles.
and the escalatory cycle only stops when one                       Gazelles are not trying to eat cheetahs, they
competitor exhausts their money, resources, time,                  are trying to avoid being eaten by cheetahs.
or motivation, and no longer has the capacity to                   From an evolutionary point of view
compete.                                                           asymmetric arms races are more interesting,
                                                                   since they are more likely to generate highly
Survival therefore depends upon who can adapt                      complex weapons systems.”
most rapidly, innovate most effectively, and make
the greatest leaps ahead of the competition.                       Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker:
Successful deception creates a step change                         Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals
in competitive advantage, so it is perhaps not                     a Universe Without Design. (Dawkins,
surprising that a deception/counter-deception arms                 1996, p.185).
race arises naturally in many adversarial settings.
For example, consider:                                     In this article, I will detail examples of the
                                                           deception/counter-deception arms in sport, the
                                                           military, and nature. I will then draw together                                  2                                  © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

emergent lessons about how deception can be                  jersey. Other players would run at the opposition
used to gain and sustain competitive advantage in            while miming carrying the ball, enabling the real
other settings.                                              ball carrier (who appeared to be empty-handed)
                                                             to run down the field unopposed. At the time, the
Deception in Sport                                           rulebook did not explicitly identify this tactic as
                                                             illegal. However, officials soon ruled that the play
Sport is a rich source for studying the deception/           was unsportsmanlike and made it illegal.
counter-deception arms race, as individuals, teams,
and organisations seek continuously to develop               For a game against Harvard University, Warner
techniques, tactics, and technologies to beat the            ‘inverted’ the hidden-ball strategy by sewing leather
competition and win. Sport is heavily characterised          football-shaped patches onto the front of his
by mimesis (social copying and emulation) and any            players’ jerseys. Every team member who held their
innovation is soon recognised and replicated by              hands in front of their torso appeared to be carrying
the competition. This soon erodes the advantage              the ball, making it impossible for the opposition to
and, ultimately, levels the playing field. Often, the        identify the real ball carrier. Once again, officials
bodies governing a sport may update the sport’s              soon ruled this strategy illegal. However, Harvard
rules to recognise and standardise the innovation            retaliated in their next game against Carlisle by
as a formal part of the sport. Or they may declare           painting their football the maroon colour of their
that the advantage is illegal, and ban its use. These        jerseys, thereby achieving the same advantage in
kinds of development occur regularly in American             an entirely different way (a fundamental concept
Football.                                                    in deception theory). Both plays ultimately forced
                                                             further updates to the rules.
In the game of American Football, before each
phase of play, each team will routinely gather               Another of Warner’s plays occurred just before
into a tight circle known as a huddle to plan their          the snap (the moment when the Center at the line
strategy and motivate each other. The huddle                 of scrimmage passes the ball backwards to the
originated in 1894 at Gallaudet University in                Quarterback). Before the ball had been passed,
Washington DC, among deaf and hard-of-hearing                the Wide Receiver (whose job is to catch the ball
students. Gallaudet quarterback Paul Hubbard                 thrown by the Quarterback) would casually walk
became concerned that the opposition could                   to the sideline as if injured or seeking clarification
anticipate his plays by observing him using sign             from his team. Once off the field of play, he
language to communicate his instructions to his              would start running down the sideline towards
team. To counter this, Hubbard began forming a               the opposition’s end zone. On receiving the ball
huddle to block the opposition from seeing his               from the Center, the Quarterback would throw
communications. The huddle turned out to provide             it towards the opposition’s end zone, where the
the same advantage to hearing teams seeking                  Wide Receiver would run back onto the pitch and
discretion in their spoken instructions, and the             catch it unopposed for a touchdown. Once again,
huddle soon became adopted and standardised                  authorities soon rules this strategy illegal.
across all teams.
                                                             A wide variety of other forms of deception occur
In the early 1900s, Glenn ‘Pop’ Warner, was the              within American Football. Deception is now an
coach for the Carlisle Indians, the football team of         inherent and legal part of the game, with special
the Carlisle Indian Industrial School (for more on           teams, special plays, and an ever-evolving set of
this controversial school, see Fear-Segal & Rose,            innovative and highly deceptive tactics used to gain
2016; and Satterlee, 2002). Warner is today famous           advantage. Plays such as the Statue of Liberty,
for developing a series of innovative trick plays that       the Fumblerooski, the Bouncerooski, and the Flea
generated significant competitive advantage for his          Flicker, together with a variety of false punts and
team. His tactics led Carlisle to become a national          spikes, are now intrinsic to every team’s playbook.
football powerhouse, and they regularly competed
against and beat other major programs, including             Some cases of deception clearly run counter to
the Ivy League schools (Jenkins, 2008).                      the game’s defined rules and constitute cheating.
                                                             Examples include Deflategate (Seifert, 2020)
Warner’s plays tested the boundaries of the                  that involved covertly under-inflating footballs
sport’s rules and exploited gaps, loopholes, and             to make them easier to grip and throw, and
ambiguities. In 1903, he developed a hidden ball             Spygate (Dockterman, 2020) that involved secretly
trick play where the Quarterback, under cover of             videotaping opposing teams’ coaching signals and
misdirection, would tuck the ball into a hidden              surreptitiously stealing their play sheets from the
pocket sewn under his own or another player’s                locker room.                                    3                                    © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

Another class of deception sits in the fuzzy grey            The introduction of military aircraft and the advent
zone between legality and illegality, such as a              of aerial surveillance soon foiled these early
recent play that used an optical illusion of yellow          inflatables. Their key vulnerability was their lack of
vertical lines displayed on a scoreboard located             tread mark impressions, indicating that a vehicle
behind the home team’s posts (Fox Sports, 2020).             had not been driven to its current location. In
The illusion made it difficult for the opposition’s          response, forces began to use real tracked vehicles
kicker to pick out and aim for the actual post from          (such as bulldozers) to create track impressions,
among the illusory posts. Sports teams now invest            and would place inflatables at the ends of a track.
effort studying this fuzzy boundary. For example,            Wheeled dummy tanks also began to tow devices
international Rugby Union teams have recently                that could leave simulated tracks. And some
begun hiring referees to interpret the sport’s rules         vehicles were ‘half-tracks’ with wheels at the front
to identify new threats and opportunities (Rugby             and a track at the rear. Often, additional visual
Onslaught, 2021).                                            indicators would suggest that the formation was
                                                             fully functional, such as scattering real artillery
Most of the forms of deception discussed here, plus          shells around the encampment. Simulated radio
a wide variety of others, occur to a greater or lesser       traffic and the sound of manoeuvring vehicles
extent in almost every sport. And every sport’s              added further fidelity.
governing rulebook therefore requires continuous
updates in the face of teams’ crafty innovations.            As sensing capabilities became more sophisticated,
                                                             dummy tanks had to increase their fidelity
Let us now turn our attention to a different form of         commensurately. New thermal imaging capabilities
adversarial deception/counter-deception cycle that           could easily discriminate dummies from real tanks
plays out in military warfare.                               due to the lack of heat signatures from engines and
                                                             mufflers, exhaust systems, and human operators.
Deception in Warfare                                         In response, dummies began to incorporate heat
                                                             sources to simulate the thermal properties of real
The military has used dummy tanks for over                   vehicles.
one hundred years. Dummies enable a force to
portray presence in a location where real forces             Modern dummy tanks now have sophisticated
do not exist. A real unit might deploy dummies to            signatures for acoustics, radar, weapon systems,
bolster its perceived size. Dummies can misdirect            and communications (including frequency hopping
an opposing force, seducing their attention and              and encryption), etc. Social media and other
occupying valuable thinking time. They can also act          online platforms and capabilities can fabricate
as decoys or bait, increasing survival by drawing            evidence supporting a unit’s deployment. And
fire and luring enemy artillery into exposing their          some platforms even use real armour and can
location.                                                    take fire from the enemy while appearing to remain
                                                             operational. As Inflatech CEO Vojtech Fresser
Real and dummy military tanks debuted                        notes:
simultaneously around 1916 on the Western
Front in World War I. Both British and German                        “If the enemy fires a $70,000 Javelin
forces used wooden frameworks covered with                           [antitank missile] at a $30,000 dummy tank,
hessian to simulate real tanks. These simulations                    then we are the winners.”
were crude, cumbersome, and extremely heavy,
requiring horses to tow them into position. Lack of                  Inflatech CEO, Vojtech Fresser (Chapple,
manoeuvrability reduced significantly their agility                  2019)
and responsiveness and constrained their illusory
potential.                                                   To defend against these capabilities, adversaries
                                                             can now deploy hyperspectral radar to not only
By 1939 and the start of World War II, military              detect present features, but also their materials,
technology had advanced considerably. Allied and             gases, and other spectral signatures. Satellite
Axis forces made extensive use of inflatable rubber          differential interferometry can compare before
tanks that were easy to transport (they could, for           and after analyses of terrain to enable post-hoc
example, be transported on the back of a real                detection and analysis of vehicle movements.
tank). Engineers created and wrapped modular                 Artificial Intelligence (AI) can assist with data
shell frameworks around non-armoured vehicles                analysis, using sophisticated pattern matching to
to simulate the appearance of real tanks. Similar            better discriminate real vehicles from dummies
systems could also wrap a tank to make it resemble           (deceivers consequently also use AI to assess
a truck.                                                     the credibility of their dummies). And future                                    4                                   © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

developments point to robotic, remotely controlled,           incubates the egg and then raises the cuckoo’s
and autonomous dummies that can credibly move                 chick. A critical challenge for the cuckoo, however,
in formation and coordinate their activities.                 is that the warbler will reject and destroy any egg
                                                              that it does not recognise as its own, either by
Despite this arms race being driven by the                    smashing it or tipping it out of the nest.
escalation of technological sophistication, it is
worth noting that even primitive dummies can still            To reduce the probability of rejection, different
prove highly effective. In 1999, during Operation             species of cuckoos have developed an ability to lay
Allied Force, the Serbian military employed various           eggs with three different forms of deceptive design.
cheap yet highly effective tactical deception                 The first egg design is generic and can therefore be
techniques to disrupt NATO’s bombing campaign.                interpreted as belonging to a wide range of other
The Serbs fooled Coalition aircraft into attacking            potential species. The second egg design is cryptic
plywood and canvas targets, using fires to simulate           and coloured to match a nest’s visual appearance,
thermal signatures and trays of water that would              thereby making it difficult for the host to perceive
heat up in the sun like metal (Schmitt, 1999). False          the egg when it is present in the nest. The third
bridges constructed from scrap metal provided                 type of egg design mimics accurately the look of
protection for real bridges. Telephone poles and              the host’s eggs. Eggs that most closely resemble
old truck wheels became fake artillery pieces. Milk           the visual appearance of the host’s eggs tend to
crates simulated anti-aircraft missile launchers. And         integrate most successfully. In addition to visual
wooden MiG-29 aircraft decoys sat alongside real              appearance, several species of cuckoo have also
fighter aircraft to frustrate accurate aerial targeting       evolved eggs that have thicker shells, making them
(RTO Task Group SCI-131/RTG-028, 2008). Official              more difficult for a host to destroy (Davies, 2011).
figures vary, but estimates suggest that NATO
bombing destroyed just ninety-three Serb tanks out            Responding to the cuckoo’s ability to mimic
of around six hundred and destroyed one hundred               their egg design, warblers have had to evolve
and fifty-three armoured personnel carriers out of            increasingly complex and distinct egg designs that
an estimated six hundred (Norton-Taylor, 2000).               make them harder to ‘copy’ via natural selection
                                                              (see Stoddard et al., 2014; Stoddard & Stevens,
As we shall see next, similar cyclic and escalatory           2010). Responding to these enhanced signatures
deception/counter-deception arms races also play-             (that are themselves countermeasures), if a cuckoo
out in non-technological, non-human settings.                 identifies that a host has detected and destroyed
                                                              its egg, it will attack and destroy the host nest
Deception in Nature                                           in revenge (Chakra et al., 2014). This action
                                                              discourages future egg rejection by the host.
The deception/counter-deception arms race plays
out across many parts of the animal kingdom.                  As a recognised invasive egg is likely to be rejected
Many studies have documented the ever-escalating              by a host, any lone egg will stand out clearly. The
battleground between brood parasites (animals                 cuckoo therefore needs to lay its egg among a
that trick other species into raising their young) and        clutch of newly laid host eggs. If, however, the
their target hosts. These battles involve two or more         cuckoo’s laying cycle is out of phase with that of
non-interbreeding populations that act as agents of           the host (i.e., the nest already contains eggs that
natural selection for each other — a process known            are close to hatching), then the cuckoo will eat the
as coevolution.                                               host’s eggs, forcing it to modify its cycle and start
                                                              another round of laying. Warblers can also identify
The study of deception-driven coevolution in birds            when one egg has been added to its clutch, so the
has revealed many insights about:                             cuckoo will usually eject one of the host’s eggs
                                                              before laying its own.
     • How instructions for adaptation become
       encoded into DNA (genomics).
                                                              Responding to the threat posed by cuckoos, many
     • How animals collect information about each             warblers have developed strategies that make
       other (sensory ecology).                               it harder for the cuckoo to locate and exploit a
                                                              possible target nest (see Yang, Wang, Liang &
     • How animals make sense of each other and
                                                              Møller, 2017). For example, the host may build
       generate action (cognition).
                                                              nests further from branches where cuckoos can
The battle between cuckoos and reed warblers                  perch to observe nest locations. They may also
involves a vast range of deception and counter-               build cryptic nests that blend more effectively into
deception behaviours. The cuckoo tries covertly to            surrounding branches and foliage, making it harder
lay its egg in a warbler’s nest, so that the warbler          to locate. Some hosts build decoy nests, that cause                                     5                                  © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

the cuckoo to lay its egg in an unattended, non-             beaks. This display causes the parent host to bring
functional nest. Some hosts have even evolved                the chick three times the quantity of food (Tanaka &
non-cyclic and unpredictable egg-laying patterns             Ueda, 2005).
to generate additional disruption to the cuckoo’s
cycles. Responding to these strategies, cuckoos              The deception/counter-deception arms race that
have become significantly more adept at locating,            occurs in cuckoos’ coevolution with their hosts is
discriminating, monitoring and timing their invasion         highly adversarial and, in evolutionary terms, very
of a host nest (Davies, 2011).                               rapid. Competitive and environmental pressures
                                                             have brought about changes in avian morphology,
Another practical challenge for the female cuckoo            colouration, and behaviour over the course of mere
is how to get her egg into a host’s nest in the face         decades (Bosse et al., 2017; Cattau et al., 2018;
of a forceful defence. Defences can be further               Chung, 2017; Giraudeau et al., 2014; Grant, 2003).
amplified by hosts building their nests close to             Entirely new bird species have even evolved over
each other so that adult birds can team up from              these short timescales (Lamichhaney et al., 2018).
across multiple nests to mob an invading female
cuckoo. A further defensive strategy is to build fully       It is essential to recognise that the offensive and
enclosed nests with narrow entryways that prevent            defensive innovations in the deception used by
the cuckoo (which is significantly larger than the           cuckoos and their competitors are not intentional
warbler) from entering the nest. In response, several        and have not been ‘designed’. Rather, the sneakiest
cuckoo species have evolved to become physically             forms of deception have conferred the strongest
smaller so that they can fit through the narrow              evolutionary fitness. Those birds that can deceive
passageways (Davies, 2011).                                  effectively tend to survive long enough to reproduce
                                                             and pass on their observable characteristics and
To counter these defensive measures, male                    behaviours to their offspring.
cuckoos will simulate a nearby nest invasion
to lure defenders away from their nests while                The three domains described in this article all
the female invades unopposed. Many cuckoo                    exhibit highly similar deception/counter-deception
species have also evolved markings that imitate              adversarial and escalatory cycles. Given the close
a hawk’s appearance (for example, having barred              coupling between competitors and the rapidity with
underparts), and they can also mimic a hawk’s calls          which advantage can be gained and then lost, how
to scare-away defenders. As a further measure,               might a competitor create a more significant and
some cuckoos can imitate the calls of other birds’           sustained advantage over their adversaries?
to misdirect host defenders towards defending
against an incorrectly perceived enemy. In this way,
the host becomes tied-up defending against birds
                                                             Protecting and Sustaining
from a different species that are not even invading          Competitive Advantage
(York & Davies, 2017).
                                                             Deception is a potent means to gain advantage
                                                             over competitors. However, a variety of forces
If a cuckoo’s egg survives through to hatching, a
                                                             act to erode this advantage, including mimesis by
host of new challenges emerge for the chick. The
                                                             competitors, competitors developing neutralising
most significant challenge is that, in comparison to
                                                             countermeasures, or a ruling that makes the
the adult host bird, the cuckoo chick is enormous.
                                                             advantage illegal. These actions result in a
At fourteen days old, a common cuckoo chick is
                                                             rebalancing of the playing field across competitors.
about three times the size of an adult reed warbler,
                                                             Note that the only responses that establish a new
and it requires significantly more food to survive
                                                             lead for a competitor are to generate their own,
than one of the host’s chicks would receive. The
                                                             more significant, competitive advantage, or for
chick therefore rapidly begins to monopolise any
                                                             them to buy-out and acquire the advantage for
food that the adult brings, most commonly, by
throwing any of the host’s surviving chicks out of
the nest.
                                                             How might a competitor use deception to protect
                                                             a new source of competitive advantage? Potential
Cuckoo chicks have also developed several
                                                             approaches include: hiding the source, disguising
strategies to persuade the hosts to bring additional
                                                             it, or misdirecting competitors’ attention away
food. This includes emitting a rapid begging call
                                                             from the source via the presentation (or planting)
that simulates the sound of a whole brood of host
                                                             of a more conspicuous, plausible, yet entirely false
chicks. And the horsfield’s hawk cuckoo chick has
                                                             source of advantage, etc.
even evolved bright yellow patches under its wings
that can be displayed to simulate two extra gaping                                    6                                  © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?
Competitor’s Response               Without Deception                      With Deception
Copies your advantage.              Advantage is neutralised.              Competitor copies false source of
                                    Parity is re-established.              advantage. Advantage is retained.

Develops a countermeasure that      Advantage is neutralised.              Competitor neutralises false
neutralises your advantage.         Parity is re-established               source of advantage. Advantage is
Appeals for your advantage to be    Advantage is neutralised.              Competitor reports false source of
ruled illegal.                      Parity is re-established               advantage. Advantage is retained.
Develops more significant           Advantage switches to competitor.      Advantage is lost.
competitive advantage
Buys-out and acquires your          Advantage switches to competitor.      Advantage is lost.
                   Table 1 - Impact of using deception to protect a new competitive advantage

Table 1 presents the impact of using deception to                  “I don’t know if it’s possible to put a
protect a new competitive advantage.                               mechanism or a sort of gear inside. Perhaps
                                                                   there is a mechanism inside [the wheels]
Various examples of employing deception to                         that increases inertia to gain or retain
misdirect a competitor away from a real source of                  speed. Perhaps I am fantasising.”
competitive advantage occurred during the London
2012 Olympics. Great Britain’s Track Cycling Team                  Fotheringham (2012)
was astoundingly successful at the competition,
winning gold in seven out of the ten cycling events.       The row only intensified when the British Cycling
In two of the three remaining events, Great Britain        Performance Director, Dave Brailsford, told a
won a silver and a bronze respectively.                    French newspaper that the wheels were, indeed,
The team employed many novel, influential, and
deceptive strategies. For example, after every race,               “I told them we had some special wheels
technicians would remove the wheels from the                       because we had made them specially
team bikes and secure them in unique zip-up wheel                  round. The French seemed to have taken
bags. The British were the only team to do this, and               it seriously, but I was joking. They are the
the action led multiple competitors to suspect that                same wheels as everyone else. There is
the team was somehow using specially modified                      nothing special about them.”
wheels. Isabelle Gautheron, the French Cycling
Performance Director, stated in a contemporary                     Davenport & Dominiczak (2012)
                                                           Brailsford later stated that:
        “We’re asking a lot of questions. How have
        they gained so many tenths of a second                     “The real secret to our success is peaking
        per lap in the space of a few months? And                  at the right time, talented athletes,
        even seconds in the pursuit?… They cover                   commitment and … brilliant coaching.”
        up their wheels a lot. The ones on the
        bikes they use in competition are placed                   Davenport & Dominiczak (2012)
        under covers as soon as they finish. Unlike
        frames, wheels don’t have to be ratified by        This action served to expend competitors’ energies
        the UCI. Are they really Mavic [a French           on a fruitless quest to uncover secrets that did not
        manufacturer’s] wheels?”                           exist. It stole attention away from the real source
                                                           of British Cycling’s success. And the strategy also
        Cycling News (2012)                                disrupted and undermined competitors’ focus and
                                                           concentration on delivering their best possible
Speaking about the issue to the website Rue 89,            performance during the competition.
Gautheron further speculated:
                                                           What core lessons emerge then from these different
                                                           studies of the deception/counter-deception arms
                                                           race?                                  7                                   © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

Emergent Lessons                                                   competitor’s away from the true source of
                                                                   their competitive advantage.
The gambling, sports, military and animal case
studies discussed in this article exemplify only a              4. Repurpose your competition’s innovation
small subset of the environments in which these                    to work against them. A competitor that
kinds of races occur. Nonetheless, the examples                    gains a new source of advantage will likely
reveal a host of important lessons for gaining,                    recognise when another competitor tries to
sustaining, and countering competitive advantage.                  use that advantage against them. However,
For example:                                                       by using the same principle differently, you
                                                                   can gain back the advantage. What are
     1. Use psychology to defeat technology.
                                                                   the principles underlying your competitor’s
        When competing against a technologically
                                                                   new advantage? How else, where else,
        superior adversary, turn their reliance upon
                                                                   and when else could you apply these
        that technology to your advantage through
                                                                   principles? See: Princeton University
        the use of sneaky psychology. What does
                                                                   painting the football to match their jerseys,
        the technology do for the user? What does
                                                                   as opposed to making their jerseys match
        it report? What does it enable the user to
                                                                   the football.
        see? What is the user expecting to see?
        What would set, and not set, the user’s
                                                                5. Mine the margins of the ruleset for
        alarm bells ringing? See: Richard Marcus’s
                                                                   new threats and opportunities. Explore,
        strategy of only cheating when he lost, to
                                                                   understand, and probe the margins of
        defeat the casino’s reliance on eye-in-the-
                                                                   the rules that determine and govern
        sky technologies.
                                                                   legality. Identify gaps in specificity, ill-
                                                                   defined boundaries, and previously
     2. Use simple, economical means
                                                                   unrecognised opportunities that rely on
        to simulate credible complexity.
                                                                   interpretation. What is the entirety of the
        Understand the fidelity required to portray
                                                                   rules? What are the boundaries? What is
        convincing falsehood and seek to imitate
                                                                   not specified? What is ambiguous or open
        this degree of fidelity using more frugal
                                                                   to interpretation? See: Carlisle’s Receiver
        means. What are the indicators that the
                                                                   running off the field of play, down the
        competitor is expecting to see? How
                                                                   sidelines, and then back onto the field of
        can cheap, alternative means simulate
                                                                   play to score a touchdown.
        these indicators? See: Serbian decoys
        constructed from garbage successfully
                                                                6. Decelerate and disrupt competitors’
        fooling technologically superior NATO
                                                                   agility. To slow the rate of your competitors’
        forces. And the horsfield hawk cuckoo
                                                                   responses to your innovation, build unique
        chick’s yellow patches under its wings
                                                                   and novel components into your innovation
        credibly simulating additional gaping beaks,
                                                                   that are difficult for the competition to
        thereby enabling it to acquire more food.
                                                                   replicate. Consider forcing the competition
                                                                   to restart their response cycle. What would
     3. Use deception to protect and sustain
                                                                   make your innovation harder to copy? What
        new competitive advantage. Block your
                                                                   would force a restart of your competitor’s
        competitors from observing the true source
                                                                   innovation cycle? See: The warbler making
        of your edge. Misdirect them away from
                                                                   the entrance to its nest too small for the
        it. Allow competitors to speculate about,
                                                                   cuckoo, the warbler’s evolution of a more
        or to discover, a false source of your
                                                                   complex egg pattern, and the cuckoo’s
        advantage. What is a plausible alternative
                                                                   destruction of the warbler’s eggs to force it
        source of your advantage? How can you
                                                                   to restart its egg laying cycle.
        make it look like you are trying to protect
        this? How can you hide your real source?
                                                           The case studies presented here contain a wealth
        How can you make your false source more
                                                           of additional lessons for achieving and sustaining
        compelling than your real source? See:
                                                           advantage in adversarial settings. Further lessons
        Great Britain’s cycling team hiding their
                                                           can be learned by studying other domains where
        bike wheels between races to misdirect
                                                           similar deceptive arms races also play out.                                  8                                  © 2021 Simon Henderson
How to Win the Deception/Counter-deception Arms Race?

Summary                                                          Chung, E. (2017). Birds Can Evolve So Fast That
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from the domains of gambling, sports, warfare,                        science/evolution-kite-finches-1.4421594
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strategies used to win in adversarial deception/                 Cycling News. (2012). Doubts raised over Great
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                                                                        24/02/2021 from https://www.cyclingnews.
The strategies discussed here barely scratch the                        com/news/doubts-raised-over-great-
surface. However, by studying examples from                             britains-magic-wheels/
different domains it becomes feasible to identify
generic and transferable principles that could be                Davenport, J., & Dominiczak, P. (2012). London
used to gain new forms of competitive advantage in                    2012 Olympics: Bike chief’s joke about
other settings.                                                       roundness of our wheels fuels French
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Deception By Design   11                             © 2021 Simon Henderson
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