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                                  YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWSPAPER
                                  Vol. 27, No. 36        Nov 12 - 18, 2022            12 pages Free Circulation
OFFICE : 2498 2244, 73056 30727                     WEBSITE :                        EMAIL :

                                                                                              There are lots of cats inside Nageswara Rao Park
                                                                                              in Luz. Earlier this week, after a session of rain in
                                                                                              the morning, the cats came out and had some fun
                                                                                              in the sunshine.

                                                                                              l Photo: Madhan Kumar
2                                                                            MYLAPORE TIMES                                   Nov 12 - 18, 2022

   NOOKS                                                                      CHECK THIS
n SERVICING CYCLES                                                       TALK ON TEXTILES
Contact: Akbar Basha                                                     AT TEMPLES
Address: 59/21,                                                              On Nov. 13, 4.15 pm.
Bazaar Road,                                                             At Arkay Centre, Luz.
                                                                             Sacred Textiles is
Phones: 9176740199,
9094487864                                                               the theme of a talk to be
Timings: All days 8 am                                                   presented by Madhush-
to 9 pm                                                                  udhanan Kaliselvan and
This 40-year-old shop                                                    Sreemathy Mohan.
undertakes servicing                                                         Textiles represent
of all types of cycles,                                                  traditions that are used in
ranging from the basic                                                   temples and in day-to-day
model to mountain                                                        life. The talk looks at the
terrain bikes (MTB),
                                                                         history of such textiles and
single-speed bicycles,
hybrid cycles with gears                                                 shows samples too.
and so on. The owner
generally manages to                                                                                    TALK ON
procure any type of                                                                                     ‘MAVERICKS OF
spare required for a                                                                                    MYLAPORE’
The speciality of this shop is that it offers door-to-door delivery of                                      On Nov. 15, 6.15 pm. At
the cycles to be serviced.                                                                              Arkay Centre, Luz.
This offer is exclusive to customers residing in Mylapore area.                                             Madhuradhwani presents
The cycle will be picked up and delivered to the doorstep when                                          Vaaniyin Vamsam 06 - a talk
it is ready. Another related service that the shop owner, Akbar                                         on ‘The Two Balachanders.
Basha, offers is facilitating the sale of used cycles.                                                  Mavericks of Mylapore’. Talk is
                                                                                                        by writer-historian Venkatesh
                                                                                                        Ramakrishnan. Open to all.
By V. Soundararani

   SHARE details of your area’s Nook that may be useful to                                              MUSIC BY
   all. Mail 3 lines -                                                            DIFFERENTLY ABLED
                                                                                                            This concert is by differ-
                                                                                                        ently-abled teens. Trained
                                                                                                        by Prabha Gurumurthy. They
                                                                                                        have been trained in semi-
                                                                                                        classical and vintage film
                                                                                                        music over the recent past
                                                                                                        months. At the Nov.14 evening
                                                                                                        show, there are solo and group
                                                                                                        concerts, the teens assisted by
                                                                                                        a few veteran musicians.
                                                                                                            At Dakshinamurthy Hall,
                                                                                                        P. S. School campus,
                                                                                                        Mylapore. Open to all.

                                                                                                        NETLON SCREEN

                                                                         TV Highest Cash                v   Velcro type
                                                                         l CTV’s LCD’s LED’s l A/c      v   Door type
                                                                         l Hi-Music System l Fridge     v   Sliding type
                                                                         l Laptops l Computers          v   New and Rework
                                                                         l Batteries l Invertors            Carpentry works (24x7)
                                                                                Any Condition
                                                                                                         K. SUNDARA VADIVELU
                                                                              Sri Annai Electronics     8122577148, 7449150789
                                                                          98411 78134
                                                                          98411 77134                              MYLAPORE
                                                                                                            Editorial & Publishing Office:
                                                                                                        77, C. P. Ramaswamy Rd., Alwarpet, Chennai -18
                                                                                                                    Phone: 2498 2244 (Office),
                                                                                                                        7305630727 (Edit)
                                                                                                         Email IDs : (Adverts)

                                                                                                        Editor & Publisher    - Vincent D’Souza
                                                                                                        Sub Editor            - Kanaka Cadambi
                                                                                                        Editorial Contributor - S. Prabhu
                                                                                                        Internet Design, Input		- C. Parameshvaran
                                                                                                        Photographer          - M. Madhan Kumar
                                                                                                        Designer              - S. Prema
                                                                                                        Advertising Executive - R. Kathiravan
                                                                                                        Manager               - M. Shanthi
                                                                                                        Office Asst.          - D. Mohammed Abdullah

                                                                                                        Mylapore Times is published every Saturday,
                                                                                                        is given free in the Mylapore area and has a
                                                                                                                 circulation of 25,000 copies.
                                                                                                        Readers are recommended to make
                                                                                                        appropriate enquires before entering into
                                                                                                        dealings with advertisers who advertise in

                                                                                                        this publication.
                                                                                                        The Editor and Publisher does not vouch any

                                                                                                        claims made by advertisers and hence shall not
                                                                                                        be held liable for any adverse consequences.

 Advertise in this newspaper’s CLASSIFIEDS. Mail Advert to -
                                                                                                        Mylapore Times is not responsible for any
                                                                                                        unsolicited materials received at its office.
Nov 12 - 18, 2022                                                   MYLAPORE TIMES                                3
                                                                                           MYLAPORE TIMES
                                                                                     E- MAIL ID FOR ADVERTISING

Fans of MSV enjoy vintage music
and stories on his life
Book on his interviews released
By Our Edit Team

    Fans of celebrated music director M S Viswanathan (MSV)
are a huge community and a keen one at that.
    Some 1000 plus of them were at Kumari Raja Muthiah
Arangham in MRC Nagar on a cloudy Sunday evening, to be
at the launch of a book on MSV, based on a series of interviews
he gave Ananda Vikatan magazine. The book is titled Naan
Oru Rasigan.
Photo: Baskar Seshadri               The fans, mostly people
                                 in their 60s and 70s, enjoyed
                                  some memorable MSV film
                                  songs presented by a music
                                  troupe of seasoned musicians.
                                  Many were seen recording
                                  the show on their mobiles
                                  and keenly listening to the
                                   anchor precede the songs with
                                       And when some leading
                                   lights of the film world came
                                   on stage to release the book,
                                    at which many members of
                                    MSV’s family which is based
                                    off San Thome High Road
                                    were also present, the fans
                                    sat up to listen keenly to
                                     each speaker’s stories on
                            MSV’s son, Prakash set the ball roll-
ing with a great story – of how the music director had hailed
a taxi outside AVM Studios one evening and later at home
realised to his shock that his favourite harmonium, which has
always been with him through his career, was missing.
    Calls went out to search for the instrument but it could not
be located. They then called well-known PR agent Film News
Anandan to not only put out a press report in Dina Thanthi
newspaper but also released an advert on the ‘missing’ harmo-
nium. MSV was not only upset but did not sleep nor eat a mor-
sel. Only 36 hours later did they get a call from a taxi driver
who said he had taken MSV home, had rushed to Madras from
his hometown, had checked the taxi and located the harmo-
nium. Vani Jayaram, P Susheela, K Bhagyaraj, Deva, Padma
Subramaniam and Y G Mahendran were among the people
who spoke, sharing their personal anecdotes on MSV.
    The event was hosted by Mellisai Mannar Fans Associa-
tion. Proceeds from the sale of this book are to be donated to
the Viswanathan-Kannadasan Trust.
    Call 96009 53535 to get copies of this book.
MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                     Nov 12 - 18, 2022

  VINCENT’s JOTTINGS                                                                 LETTERS FROM READERS
                                                                                                 Letters to the Editor must carry the complete postal address of the correspondent.
By VINCENT D’ SOUZA                                                                                                        Mail to -

     Sabha hopping is part of our neighbourhood beat. And it
gives us some insight into the city’s social and cultural world.                  Tribute to ‘rare books’
     For certain, Sabha halls are the refuge of many senior                       collector
citizens who have grown up on classical music and religious                           I read about the passing
discourse. These spaces are like community hubs where seniors                     away of Govindaraju of
can spend time usefully or
                                                                                  R. A. Puram, who sold ‘rare’
just let time pass.
     Take the Bharatiya Vidya
                                                                                  books. I bought an entire set of
Bhavan in Mylapore. This is a                                                     Economic and Political Weekly
place that hosts programmes                                                       (EPW) from him when I began
almost throughout the year -                                                      my Ph.D. in public policy in
music and dance, discourses                                                       1999. He had a wonderful and
and theatre, talks and reli-                                                      eclectic collection of books.
gious events.                                                                                  - Radha Vasudevan
     It is a convenient place
for a bunch of seniors to head
to every other evening. They
start with a cup of coffee,
                                                                                  Bottleneck on                                         Appreciation for Ward Councillor
chat with friends they meet at                                                    Dr. Ranga Road                                           l The councillor of Ward No.126, Amirda
street corners and settle down                                                        There is a fruit juice stall located at           Varshni collated useful contacts needed by
in the comfy seats at the Bhavan. Some continue their light con-                  the west end of Dr. Ranga Road, near                  people during the monsoon and shared them
versations here, in the back rows. Some can take in the music or                  the C P Ramaswamy Road junction.                      online. Appreciate this.
dance for less than an hour and move out and a few others stay                                                                                                          - Muthaiyan T.
                                                                                  Their customers park their bikes at this
till the end of the show.
                                                                                  corner and cause traffic jams and chaos
     Any Sabha team member will tell you that a majority of its
                                                                                  here.                                                    l I am a resident of Ward No.126 ward and
members are seniors. This community enjoys an evening out for
a concert by S. Sowmya or Bharat Sundar or a play by Bombay                           The traffic police must talk to the               councillor Amirda sharing all useful phone
Gnanam.                                                                           shop owner and arrange to address this                numbers of officials is an excellent effort.
     I was at Narada Gana Sabha’s hall in Alwarpet last weekend;                  serious issue.                                                                    - Shanti Ramkumar
veteran artiste Kathadi Ramamurthy and his team was launch-                                                      - Harieesh
ing a new play titled ‘Jugalbandhi’. Light stuff ran through the
play which was laced with messages on the state of our senior
                                                                                                                                        Abandoned vehicle on
                                                                                  On Ratni Bai’s family                                 Norton Street
citizens, on Homes for seniors, dementia and adoption.
     It was the ‘dementia’ part that got me questioning as the                       It was interesting to read about
play moved into its second half - Ramamurthy, the key man on                      Ratni Bai’s 100th birthday. Her family
stage, starts off shown as someone suffering from dementia as                     was in Bazaar Road, Mylapore, where
he ages; but he sails into a riot of naughty, tricky and clever situ-             they had a choultry named Ratna
ations where the rest seem to treat the character as a crazy man                  Mahal.
and the audience laughs at his ‘antics’.                                             The late Kamaraj used to visit that
     I don’t think the dementia part was worked out well. I fear it
                                                                                  house regularly. The Congress Working
was a ploy to  create the laughs. So I called up the writer-direc-
tor S. L. Nanu, the next day and chatted with him. Nanu heard
                                                                                  Committee used to meet here.
me out, appreciated the points I made - on how he seemed to                                          - K R Jambunathan
have slipped on the focus on dementia and the way he treated
this issue in this  play, welcomed the feedback and promised to                   Appreciation for ex-MLA
discuss this with his theatre team.                                                   During his tenure as MLA of the
     At our newspaper, we too get feedback on the words or
                                                                                  Mylapore constituency, R. Natraj had
phrases applied to persons with disabilities or mental illnesses.
‘Deaf’ / hearing impaired, for example. We respect the educa-                     worked tirelessly to ensure that drains
tion.                                                                             around the Mylapore temple tank and                       This vehicle is seen parked on the pavement
     I was glad Nanu heard me out and hopefully, his team will                    the Chitrakulam tank were repaired and                in Norton Second Cross Street, Mandaveli for
debate how they must handle the more serious underlying is-                       the rainwater flowed freely into the two              the past 10 days. It is obstructing the free
sues, light Tamil plays they present on stage.                                    tanks.                                                movement of vehicles and children are unable to
     And we, as the audience, must go beyond the Nalla irukku                         He was an efficient MLA and took                  play outside. Will the authorities do something
Nalla irukku... or ‘Sooooper show’ remarks.                                       care of his constituency properly.                    about this?
                                                                                                          - Ranjit Balan                                                      - Natarajan

                         Postcrossing is an                                             isty places. Postcrossers
                                                                                        love to get cards that are
                                                                                                                            For example, I was searching for a set of BBC
                                                                                                                       World Service se-tenant theme stamps for over

                         interesting hobby
                                                                                        very local in theme and        ten years. I kept at it and recently, a generous
                                                                                        make. But you can also         Postcrosser from the UK, after seeing my profile,
                                                                                        design and print your own      sent that valuable postage stamp to me.
                                                                                        signature cards on themes           Postcrossing activity led me to be a moderator
                                                                                        - like beaches, lighthouses,   for INDIA x WORLD forum and I have been made
                         By JAISAKTHIVEL T.                                             Nature . . .                   an ambassador for promoting this lovely hobby
                                                                                             You have to affix Rs.15   among the youth.
      How many of us know about Postcrossing in                                         postage stamps (preferably          Postcrossers of Chennai will meet this Sat-
  this digital age?                                            use commemorative stamps, which are avail-              urday ( Nov.12) in Nageswara Rao Park in
      It is an interesting hobby which has given me            able at local Philatelic Bureau) for this airmail       Luz to chat about our hobby and collection and
  many friends throughout the world. For those                 postcard. You may affix Rs.6 stamps for domestic        make new friends. We will also release two post-
  who are interested in writing picture postcards,             mails. Yes, the postage is cheap!                       cards related to Mahatma Gandhi’s maiden visit
  then you must register on the www.postcrossing.                 I am keenly interested in Postcrossing be-           to All India Radio, in Delhi. November 12 was the
  com website like me. Once you register with your             cause, basically I am a DXer, collecting QSL cards      day when Gandhi visited the AIR studios, and the
  postal address and detail your profile, the host             from International Radio Stations. Many stations        day is now celebrated as Public Service Broadcast-
  will give you the addresses of five international            who closed down their Short Wave (SW) radio             ing Day.
  friends.                                                     operations, stopped sending the QSL cards. So, I
      After getting the addresses, you read their              moved to Postcrossing.
  profile, and send the picture postcard, which they              I am also a philatelist and I collect postage
                                                                                                                     l Jaisakthivel holds a PhD in community radio and is a faculty member
  like to collect.                                             stamps on radio themes. In this, I have got a lot of at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of
      Now, the simplest way to get picture postcards           valuable radio-related stamps and postcards from Madras. His other interests are Ham Radio (VU3UOM), numismatics and
  is to buy these at book/gift shops and at tour-              Postcrossing friends.                                  podcasting.
Nov 12 - 18, 2022                                                           MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                               5

                                                                                                         Muted birthday party celebrations
                                                                                                         for Kamal Haasan at party office
                                                                                                         Actor-politician Kamal Haasan celebrated his birthday on No-
                                                                                                         vember 7 but the annual celebrations by his fans at the door
                                                                                                         of his office on Eldams Road, Alwarpet were very muted.
                                                                                                         There was a colourful pandal erected at the office gate and
                                                                                                         lots of flags of Makkal Needhi Maiam (MNM), the political
                                                                                                         party founded and run by Kamal Haasan were fixed on to
                                                                                                         central medians on the road.
                                                                                                         A few fans gathered outside the office gates from time to
                                                                                                         time and then dispersed.

                                                                                                                     Eco friendly Crochet
    R. A. Puram’s senior resident,                    Ladies Club, R A Puram. Her brother K. M.                      Market Bags & other
S. A. Govindaraju, well known for being a
                           collector and seller of
                                                      Sundaram said she was deeply involved in the
                                                      activities of this club.
                                                                                                                        Crochet items.
                           choice old books, docu-        The current secretary of club said: “We                        Contact: 9962732551
                           ments and clippings,       cannot forget her caring, warm manner, her
                           passed away in late Oc-    commitment and dedication to work when she
                           tober, after a prolonged   held the posts of secretary and treasurer of our
                           illness. He was 86.        club over the decades.”                                     ce
                               He studied law and         She was married to Sekar, chartered ac-             Pla
                           went on to be a legal      countant, and the family lived in Trustpakkam
                           consultant to small and    South for over three decades.
                           big companies, mostly          She leaves behind her husband and son.
working from his house on R. A. Puram’s 2nd           Contact no.: 9952010252
Main Road, close to Billroth Hospital.
    This house was owned by Govindaraju’s                 A fourth generation resident of Abirama-
father, a doctor – Audhinarayana Raju.                puram, advocate N. Maninarayanan, 86
    Govindaraju’s son, S. G. Mahesh says his                                  years old, passed away
grandfather used to buy and preserve books,                                   on October 27.
mostly Penguin publications, and that his                                         He was the son of
father followed in those steps and expanded                                   Dr Natesan, grandson
his collection.                                                               of Raosahib Narayana
    Govindaraju used to collate and collect                                   Iyer and great-grand-
clippings and pages from newspapers which                                     son of Chidambara.
carried either landmark news and features or                                       He was a practic-
photo features and unique advertisements.                                     ing advocate of the
He collected a variety of books, on all                                       Madras High Court. In
subjects.                                             his distinguished career spanning more than
    His son says Govindaraju gave up his ac-          50 years, he held several positions including
tive consulting work in 1988 and converted            secretary and librarian of the Advocates’
the garage in the apartment block ( the house         Association for many terms.
had been sold to developers some years ear-               He was selected to serve as a junior to
lier) into his Rare Books nook.                       Justice M. M. Ismail, former Chief Justice,
    Visitors to the nook were people who were         whom he considered his guru. He co-founded
also collectors of all kinds and Govindaraju          and served as the associate editor of Tamil-
could easily ferret stuff they were looking           nad Law Notes Journal. In that capacity, he
for. He also took part in events on Madras            authored and published various law books.
and heritage, showcasing some of his theme                He was also a passionate social worker
collections – one being on English adverts            and an active leader and member of Lions
released in local newspapers through the early        Club and Kalyan Nagar Association.
1900s.                                                Along with his wife, Vasantha Maninarayanan,
    He began to sell his collection in recent         he led several charitable activities and
years, and most of it, after he fell sick last        community projects. Among all his endeav-
year. Only little is left in the nook now.            ours, the most notable and one that was close
    His family can be reached at 50, Sai Dur-         to his heart was his campaign to raise funds
bar, 2nd Main, R. A. Puram. Ph: 7299554110.           and co-ordinated donations of dhotis and
                                                      sarees every year to inmates of various old-age
  Kalpagam Sekar, longtime resident of                homes on the occasion of Deepavali, his                              January 5 - 8, 2023
Mandavelipakkam and R A Puram passed                  family said.
                   away on November 5.                    He was an alumnus of P. S. High School,                      INVITATION TO
                   She was 62.                        A. M. Jain College and Madura College.                 MYLAPORE’s MUSIC, DANCE TEACHERS
                       She worked for                     He is survived by his wife, Vasantha, sons         The Festival schedules 4/5 short music / dance programmes
                   some years in Indian               and daughter-in-laws, Chidambarakumar and              at the top of the daily events held on the main stage at
                   Express newspaper,                 Gayatri, Srinath and Jayashree, Venkatesh and          Sannidhi Street, open air. If you have a group of teens
                   Chennai in its adver-              Meenakshi, and grandchildren.                          who can present 15min. performances at the January 2023
                   tisement department.                   Contact address – Anugraha, 22/1, First            festival - semi-classical, folk - talk to us now.
                       She was a mem-                 Street Abiramapuram. E-mail: manisrinath@              Mail a note to -
                   ber of the Srinivasa     
6                                                                      MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                    Nov 12 - 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                         Book on
                                                                                                                                         P. Susheela’s
                                                                                                                                         songs released
                                                                                                                                         By Our Edit Team

                                                                                                                                             ‘Unheard Melodies of South
                                                                                                                                         Indian Nightingale’ is the title
                                                                                                                                         of a book which was released
                                                                                                                                         on Nov.10 at Arkay Centre,
                                                                                                                                         Luz. It has been authored by
                                                                                                                                         R. Vijayaraghavan. These are
                                                                                                                                         songs said to have been re-
                                                                                                                                         corded but not used in the films
                                                                                                                                         they were meant for, and her
                                                                                                                                         songs less known to the public.
                                                                                                                                             The famed playback singer
                                                                                                                                         was present at this event host-
                                                                                                                                         ed by the A M Rajah and Jikki
                                                                                                                                         Fans group and J B Cultural
                                                                                                                                             Yesteryear artistes, Ra-

Chennai Metro: new traffic diversions
                                                                                                                                         jashree and Sacchu were also

do not affect flow of cars, bikes,                                                                                                       Civic body’s
                                                                                                                                         health units
in Alwarpet, Abiramapuram                                                                                                                move out
By Our Edit Team
                                                                                                                                         to offer services
                                                                                                                                         By Our Staff Reporter
    Traffic diversions on TTK Road and on C. P. Ramaswamy
Road have, on Day One of a working week, not been unduly                                                                                     Local units of Chennai
worrying motorists. These were effected last weekend for                                                                                 Corporation’s health depart-
Chennai Metro work.                                                                                                                      ment have been a busy lot
    The traffic flow bottleneck though is witnessed in the morn-                                                                         since the civic body raised its
ing on Desika Road where a large line of cars and vans were                                                                              field actions after the monsoon
parked on both sides of the road, some owned by local residents                                                                          broke out.
and many belonging to people who visit local hospitals and                                                                                   Teams moved into areas
stores / offices.                                                                                                                        which are thickly populated
    Elsewhere, the morning peak hour traffic movement                                                                                    like Pattinapakkam and its
seemed smooth, aided by some police manning key junctions                                                                                environs to set up camps and
and the road signs.                                                                                                                      offer check ups.
                                                                                                                                             One such camp was located
    To facilitate Chennai Metro work in Alwarpet, since last            C. P. Ramaswamy Road, from St Mary’s Road junction to
                                                                                                                                         inside a small Christian prayer
Saturday morning, traffic moving from the Hotel Crowne Plaza        the Alwarpet flyover point is also barricaded.
                                                                                                                                         hall in Srinivasapuram last
side towards Alwarpet traffic signal junction, has been diverted        So vehicles moving north from the Billroth Hospitals side,       weekend.
into Bharathidasan Road, into Seethammal Colony and can             will have to take diversions at the Hammedia store / St Mary’s           The local zonal teams have
join TTK Road at the junction.                                      Road junction; they can either head west towards TTK Road or         been asked to keep an eye on
    Thus, the TTK Road section from McDonalds restaurant /          head east into Abiramapuram zone.                                    problems that are set off dur-
C. V. Raman Road end to near Ethiraja Kalyana Mantapam                  Residents and shop owners and staff who reside or work in        ing this rain season – dengue,
has been blocked for Metro work.                                    the ‘cut off’ section of the main road are allowed access.           Madras eye and fevers.

 Two councillors share monsoon time
 utility contacts with residents
                                                                   By Our Edit Team                                   the Health Officer, TANGEDCO engineers and
                                                                                                                      Urbaser staff of the area.
                                                                       Two local area councillors - Amirda Varshini       The first set of people who received this list
                                                                   who is from the Congress party and represents      said this was timely and could come in handy
                                                                   Ward 126 (covers Mandavelipakkam, some             during an emergency situation this monsoon
                                                                   parts of San Thome) and Geetha Murali who          season.
                                                                   represents Ward 171 - have created a monsoon           Councillor Geetha Murali who represents
                                                                   time useful contacts listing and shared it on      Ward 171 also made this effort. Some local area
                                                                   local area WhatsApp groups.                        civic activists joined hands to compile the list.
                                                                        Amirda Varshini says she sent out the list
                                                                   of contacts to the heads of local associations,    n HAS YOUR WARD COUNCILLOR
                                                                   RWAs and others in the area.                       done something like this? Is the WhatsApp
 Amirda Varshini                 Geetha Murali                         The exhaustive list includes the contacts of   group useful ? Tell us.
Nov 12 - 18, 2022                                                   MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                            7
                                                                                                                                                  Photo: S. Prabhu

Some main road in tatters,
SWDs cleared again help drain water
By Our Edit Team
    As the monsoon gets
stronger, many roads and
streets are getting bat-
tered in the Mylapore
    The whole of P. S. Siv-
aswami Salai is in a mess
- one section dug up for
TANGEDCO cable-laying
work that has not been
followed up and the other                                                                        Madhava Perumal Temple:
section, leading to
Royapettah High Road, in
                                                                                                 grand end to Pey Azhvaar utsavam
tatters.                                                                                         By S. Prabhu
    Elsewhere, the east
side of St. Mary’s Road                                                                              Notwithstanding the heavy rains that lashed Mylapore
and the section of R. K.                                            GCC work has been            last Thursday evening and the consequent cancellation of
Mutt Road from the Man-                                             that of the cleaning         the Mangala Giri street procession, the 10-day Pey Azhvaar
daveli Post Office point                                            of drains once more,         avathara utsavam witnessed a grand finale at the Madhava
to the Mandaveli MTC                                                during a break in the        Perumal Temple.
terminus point is breaking                                          rain, all along major            Early in the evening, 23-year-old Ashwin Bhattar, who
                                                                    roads and streets.           has received the official appointment from the HR & CE,
away every day, with lay-
                                                                                                 showcased his alankaram skills with a beautiful decoration of
ers torn off in some parts                                          Muck was cleared and
                                                                                                 Mylapore’s Vaishnavite saint poet on the occasion of Aippasi
and deep potholes and                                               dumped into bags to          Sathayam, Pey Azhvaar’s birth anniversary.
craters all around.                                                 be cleared.                      Shortly after 7.30 pm, the regular Prabhandham members
    There were no signs of                                              This will facilitate     of the temple were joined by several members from Par-
civic workers using waste                                           easy flow of rainwater.      thasarathy Temple, Thiruvallikeni, who weathered the rain to
material to fill in the                                             In many areas,               make it to the final evening of the utsavam.
potholes on the busy                                                flooding has not                 For over two hours, the members, in a devotional render-
R. K. Mutt Road and                                                 occured because of the       ing, presented the sacred verses of Pey Azhvaar, the final
                                                                    new drains and               canto of Nam Azhvaar’s Tiruvaimozhi and ended with the 108
St. Mary’s Road.
                                                                                                 verses in praise on Ramanuja.
    The positive acts of the                                        pre-monsoon checks.
                                                                                                     The clock ticked over to 10 pm when one came to the high
                                                                                                 point of the birth anniversary celebrations.
                                                                                                     In recognition of this contribution and in celebration of

Statues of two personalities in spotlight
                                                                                                 his birthday, Pey Azhvaar was anointed with Parivattam and
                                                                                                 the sacred flower garlands that had come in from six different
                                                                                                 Divya Desams across Tamil Nadu specifically for this occasion
                                                                                                 – Thiru Maliruncholai (Madurai), Thiru Kadal Mallai (Mahab-
                                                                                                 alipuram), Thiru Ninravur, Therazhundur (Mayiladuthurai),
                                                                                                 Thiru Koshtiyur and Thiruvallikeni.
                                                                                                     The utsavam ended at 10.30 pm with the distribution of a
                                                                                                 wide variety of sweet offerings, Chakkarai pongal and puli-
                                                                                                 yodharai to the devotees who had stayed back late into the
                                                                                                 evening to celebrate Mylapore’s Azhvaar.
                                                                                                     A special mention must be made of the Prabhandham
                                                                                                 members of the Madhava Perumal Koil, who, unmindful of
                                                                                                 the monsoon rain, turned up in good numbers every day of the
                                                                                                 utsavam and recited the entire 4000 sacred verses over the
                                                                                                 last ten days.


   The statues of two prominent people          main road.
came into the spotlight in the neighbourhood
                                                    Closeby, opposite the MGR-Janaki College
                                                for Women, the statue of actor Sivaji Gane-
                                                                                                    We now have 6 video stories ONLINE -
   The life-size statue of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar   san was moved from inside the Memorial                 made by Children. On Children.
was formally unveiled by chief minister         mantapam here to alongside the outer wall,
M. K. Stalin on a recent rainy morning in the   and well lit. This now gives the statue some
front yard of the Dr. Ambedkar Mantapam         prominence - it faces the main road.                                 l Watch them -
on D. G. S. Dinakaran Road in R. A. Puram.          This is the statue that was first unveiled
Also at this event, was the leader of the       on the Marina beach road, near Gandhi
VCK party, Thol. Thirumalvalavan.               statue and had to be moved out due to a
   The statue is visible to people on the       legal issue.
8                                                                                                          MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                                                     Nov 12 - 18, 2022

REAL ESTATE                                                                                           l  ADYAR, Bhaktavatsalam Nagar, 3851 sq.ft.                                l   MYLAPORE Flat 1110 sqft, 2BHK, 2bath              l  R.A.PURAM, MRC Nagar, 1700sft, 3
l WANTED 2,3 and 4 BHK Flats, Individual                                                              with old house, South facing, 40 feet road,                                attached, First floor, Lift, East facing, UDS         bedroom, bath attached, wood work, lift, CCP,
House, Plots in and around R.A. Puram,                                                                Rate 8.5 crore. Thiruvanmiyur, 4600 sq.ft.,                                430sqft, approved, 9 years old, car parking,          swimming pool, gym, play area, 2cr. Charles
Alwarpet, Abiramapuram, Mylapore,                                                                     old house with 7 BHK, South West corner,                                   1.32cr. Ct: 9962230984                                realty: 9884239783, 9444117669
Mandaveli, MRC Nagar. Ct: 9092688899                                                                  33 feet road, Rs. 7 crore. Adyar, 1 ground,                                l ADYAR & Thiruvanmiyur, off L B Road, 2              l ALWARPET Posh , Flat - 2400sft, 3BHK,
                                                                                                      South West corner, Rs. 5.25 crore. Ramesh:                                 BHK & 3 BHK, 806 sq ft to 1222 sq ft. CCP &           2 car parks, new, high end specifications,
                                                                                                      9841210075                                                                 lift. Greenwich Constructions: 7200055755,            4.75Crs. Negotiable. Ct: 9841537047
                                                                                                      l MYLAPORE, 2 & 3 BHK flats, lift, car                                     7200066977                                            l R A PURAM, 1800 sq.ft., front 20’ breadth
                                                                                                      park, work in progress, brokers excuse. Ph:                                l ALWARPET CIT Colony 2100 sqft, 3BHK                 90’, g+1, Rs. 4.10 crore negotiable.
                                                                                                      9884438888                                                                 Flat, 2CC, 3.60cr, Luz Avenue, 3BHK, 2200             Passage 1000 sq.ft., g+1, Rs. 1.55 crore.
                                                                                                      l C P. RAMASWAMI Road, ind. house,                                         sqft, 2CCP, 3.20cr. Narendran: 9841571836             Ph: 9789921678
                                                                                                      land 2061, built up area 3300 sqft, g+2                                    l MYLAPORE Flat 675sqft, 2BHK, 2 bath,                l ADYAR, Karpagam Gardens, 1820 sq.ft.,
                                                                                                      6.6cr. Mylapore near Vidya Mandir school,                                  Ground floor, East facing, UDS 300sqft,               new luxury flat one per floor, east facing, posh
                                                                                                      ind. house, land 2600 sqft, built up area                                  14 years old, approved, no car parking,               locality, Italian marble and high-end fittings,
                                                                                                      3600 sqft, 2car parking, 6.5cr. Mylapore -                                 64lakhs. 1500sqft, land with building, Sale.          3 BHK + study, 2 carparks, no brokerage,
                                                    l  MYLAPORE Kutchery Rd, only 4 flats             near Madaveethi g+2, ind house, land 650                                   Ct: 9962230984                                        18000/- sq ft negotiable. Contact 6374417562
                                                    available, CCP, Lift, Power backup Ct:            sqft, builtup area 1800 sq ft, 1.6cr. Rbn:                                 l F L AT R e s a l e a t T h i r u v a n m i y u r,   l ADYAR - close to Rajaji Bhavan, Besant
                                                    Raghavendra builders 9047398617                   9841279554                                                                 Appaswamy Builder, Gated Community Flat,              Nagar, 2 BHK, 750 sq.ft., 22 years, ground
                                                    l ALWARPET 1400sft, 3Bed, north facing, 22                                                                                   1400sft, 3BHK, 3Bath, 3rd floor, lift, 1CCP,          floor, brokers excuse, Rs. 55 lakhs negotiable.
                                                    years, Lift, 1CCP, 1.65cr. Agent: 9884410908.                                                                                Powerbakup, Swimming pool, Gym, 24hrs                 Owner: 9498091269
                                                    l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, 3rd Trust Cross
                                                                                                                                                                                 security. Call Reality Homes: 9962126962              l NEW Flat Mandaveli, 2 BHK flat, ground
                                                    Street (near Chaitanya School), 510 Sft.,                                                                                    l MANDAVELI 3BHK flat, 2025 sq ft,                    floor, 2nd floor, 820 sq.ft., UDS 280 sq.ft., East
                                                    1BHK Flat, 2nd Floor. Brokers Please Excuse.                                                                                 UDS 800sqft, 1st floor, near Ragamalika               facing, bike parking, just Rs. 11000/-. Contact:
                                                    Contact: 6382584590, 9444056748.                                                                                             Apartment, 2 cover car parking, 3.15cr.               9444246434, 7402377509
                                                    l 420 sq flat, UDS 200, Ground floor, 36
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mylapore near Vidya Mandir school, 3BHK
                                                    lakhs, New Street, Mylapore, Chennai                                                                                         flat, 1000 sq ft, no lift, unapproved, 60 lakhs.
                                                    600004. Ph: 9841033559                                                                                                       Rbn: 9841279554
REAL ESTATE BUYING                                  l MYLAPORE 735 sq.ft, 2 BHK, 1st floor, 20
l WANTED 700 sq.ft., to 1200 sq.ft., with           years old, wood work, pooja, service area,
building or without building in Mylapore,           near temples, CBSE schools, MRTS 60 Lakhs
Mandaveli, immediate settlement. Call:              negotiable, Brokers excuse. Ct: 9500013520
l WANTED 2 to 5 acres in Ponmar,
Kelambakkam, Padur, Melakattaiyur,
                                                    l ALWARPET, Mandaveli, Adyar, Guindy,
                                                    Nandanam, Single bedroom to 3 bedrooms,
                                                    old and brand new flats with all facilities for
                                                                                                                                                                                        HOW TO SEND
Kandigai, Vengadamangalam, Medavakkam,              sale, 70L to 2.50 cr. Agent Iyer: 9677017504.
Guduvancheri, Selaiyur, Tambaram,
South Chennai. Contact M. Subramanian
                                                    l FULLY furnished 2 BHK at R.K. Nagar,
                                                    1st cross street, 900 sqft, UDS 506 sqft,
                                                    Ground floor, South facing, CCP, Close to         l   INDEPENDENT House, sale at Adyar,
                                                    schools, Mandaveli MRTS and Park. Contact:        CBSE, Sankara School, land 1181sft, builtup

                                                                                                                                                                                              1. Mail it to -
                                                    98840 32003                                       2000sft, 4BHK, 3bath, 12year old, Rate
REAL ESTATE SELLING                                 l FLAT For sale Mylapore, 1 BHK,
                                                                                                      1.60cr. Nego Call Agent: 9962126962                                     
l   MANDAVELI R K Nagar 3 BHK flat, 1528            480sqft,UDS 162, 1 floor, South facing,           l ABHIRAMAPURAM Flat 1470 sqft, 3BHK,
SF, first floor, north facing, UDS 926 sf, 14       29 years old, price, 40 lakhs. Contact:           2bath, First floor, lift, South facing, Approved,
                                                                                                      UDS 580sqft, 24 years old, open car parking,
                                                                                                                                                                                           2. WhatsApp it to -
years old, lift, 1 covered car park, 2.25crores.    9841586130
Ph: 9884984545                                      l ABHIRAMAPURAM brand new flat, 1650
                                                                                                      1.60cr. Ct: 9962230984
l ABHIRAMAPURAM brand new apartment                 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 3 bath, 2 CCP, lift, 100% power    l FLAT for sale, 2BHK with car park,
1700 sft, 3 BHK, 3 bath, 2 CCP, lift, power
backup, east facing. Ph: 9841999945
                                                    backup, 100% Vaasthu, 1st floor, East facing.     apartment near Vivekananda College.
                                                                                                      Contact: 9884131913. Rajesh
                                                                                                                                                                                         3. For more info call -
                                                    Ph: 9840398626
l ABIRAMAPURAM 1300 sqft, 2 bedroom,                l VELACHERY land 5155 sq.ft., twin house,         l FLAT for sale at Mylapore near Sai Baba
2 bathroom, 1 floor, lift, 15 year old, UDS         2 x 2500 sq.ft. Ph: 8838075606                    temple, 4 BHK, 2005sft, UDS 900, without
                                                    l ABHIRAMAPURAM, 3BHK flat, 1216 sq.ft.,
                                                                                                      lift, 2nd floor, with car parking Rate 1.60cr.
700sqft, OCP 1.80cr. Ph: 9003186674
l MANDAVELI Ragamalika gated community              3rd floor, West facing, UDS 596 sq.ft., 9 years   Call: 9787670640                                                                          2498 2244
flat 3BHK + study room 1786 sf, 2 covered car       old, lift, 1 CCP, 1.80 crores, Brokers excuse.    l R.A. PURAM MRC Nagar gated community
park, 2 crores 50 lakhs. R.A.Puram 3 BHK flat,      Ph: 9840472692, 8939915899                        Flat, East facing, 1695 sft, 3BHK, 3bath,

                                                                                                                                                                                                  BOOKING CLOSES
1300 SF, 2nd floor, north facing, lift, 1 covered   l MANDAVELI, 2 BHK, 680 sq.ft., UDS 322
                                                                                                      Car park, Play Area, Swimming pool, Gym,
car park. Ct: 8939596955                            sq.ft., Hanu Reddy Realty 9940077883 /            15 year old, Rate 2Cr. Nego. Call Agent:

                                                                                                                                                                                                 THURSDAY EVENING
l GOPALAPURAM near DAV NPS school,                  7824868459                                        9962126962
1700 square feet, 6 years old, East facing,                                                           l INDIVIDUAL house, 800 sq.ft, land G+2
                                                    l ALWARPET, Desika Road, 3 BHK, 1768
UDS 650 square feet, first floor, car parking,      sq.ft., 1, 2nd floor, 2982 sq.ft., 4.5 BHK, 3rd   floors, 5 BHK, 14th Trust Cross Street,
lift, 2.60 cross negotiable. 3 BHK, Contact:        floor, CCP, lift, power backup, new flat. Ph:     Mandavelipakkam 1.6 cr. Negotiable. Brokers
9840398626                                          8078999999                                        excuse. Ct: 9444934057

    Home Needs / Services
CIVIL WORK                                          l SRI BALAJI water proofing services,                                                                                        FURNITURE                                             l S. S. PACKERS Movers: shifting, R.
                                                    terrace water proofing, house painting,                                                                                                                                            A. Puram, Abhiramapuram, Mandaveli,
l   VIJAY Fencing work, Car parking shed,                                                                                                                                        l  ANY old type of recliner sofas & cushions,
                                                    civil work, cooling tiles work, weather                                                                                                                                            Royapettah, Teynampet, Alwarpet, Mylapore,
compound wall fencing work, terrace garden,                                                                                                                                      repairing at very moderate charges. K. N. S.
fencing work, entrance gate, alter work, Call:      proofing, pest control, weather proofing. Ph:                                                                                Rajan, No. 58, Peters Road, Chennai - 14.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       T T K Road, Adyar, Nandanam. All over
                                                    9551709746, 9884696614                                                                                                                                                             Chennai 24/7, best offers, minimum Rs.
8838684430.                                                                                                                                                                      Ph: 9381803956, 7667133233
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2900/-. Ph: 9710254930, 9710254910.
l PAINTING, Interiors, Tiles and Paver                                                                                                                                           l SOFASET - Rexine foam works; cover
blocks laying facilitating, Re-developement                                                                                                                                      stitching; cushions. Ph: 9840909981
projects, documentation services.A.K Iyer:
96770 17504, 99623 12504                                G.K. IYER SOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                            HOME SERVICES
l SELVA Sivalayaa - construction, water              ADVANCED WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS                                                                                            PACKERS & MOVERS                                      l  GENUINE Decors - mosquito net, Velcro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       type, Saint Gobain brand. S. S. Net - window
proofing, old building renovation, building          l WATERPROOFING - TERRACE,                                                                                                  l  MYLAI RAINBOW Packers & Movers -                   type open. Ph: 9840909981, 9597195357
construction plan approval, environmental                                                                                                                                        Local shifting minimum cost - all over India.
                                                       EXTERIOR WALL, TANKS, ETC
consultancy, building consultant. Ph:                                                                                                                                            Car transport also done. 100% safe, 0%
                                                     l BATHROOM WATERPROOFING
7708772670, 9487552200                                                                                                                                                           damage. Call 9600296873/9840020526.
                                                       NANO TECH - WITHOUT BREAKING                                                                                              Mail-
l SANDHYA Painting, Asian Paints material
labour, 26 years experience, distemper               l INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING                   COMPUTER                                                                   l MYLAPORE, Ajay Packers. Local shifting,
2.50 emulsion 3.00 (inside, outside) house,          l CERTIFIED AND AUTHORISED                       l  DOORSTEP, one time affordable, expertise                                minimum Rs. 4200/- and all over India,
flat, office (new, old building alterations,           APPLICATORS OF DR.FIXIT,                       smart service of any Laptop, Desktop.                                      AC, fan,1 geyser, water purifier, tube light -
tiles, mosaic, marble repolish, plumbing,              ASIAN, NIPPON & ZYDEX.                         Sathish available anytime just 10 digits far                               dismantling free, car carrier storage. Pls call:

                                                        9841346589, 9840692515
carpentry, Civil contractor S. Sudhakar, Ph:                                                          81240-37723. Satisfied clients only back-up                                7358170399 / 7299047508
9840929175, 9940645773.                                                                               for Sathish....   
Nov 12 - 18, 2022                                                                                           MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                                                9

ACCOMMODATION                                       l  MYLAPORE, C I T Colony, individual                                                                 l  NAGESWARA Park nearby, 1850 sq.ft.,              l MYLAPORE, Mandaveli, office space,
WANTED                                              house, single BHK + study room, 600 sq.ft.,                                                           3 bedroom, CCP, genset, Rs. 53000. R. A.            auditor, godown, 200 sq.ft., 350 sq.ft., 1000
l URGENT Requirement: Bank, MNC                     small family, car park, water 24hrs, Rs. 22000.                                                       Puram, brand new, 2500 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,           sq.ft., 1350 sq.ft., 2000 sq.ft., 3000 sq.ft.,
Company, 2, 3, 4,BHK flat and bungalows in          Ph: 9884274823, 9940333390                                                                            2 CCP, genset, Rs. 100000. Jeth Nager,              4000 sq.ft., 5500 sq.ft., 6000 sq.ft. Contact:
Alwarpet, R.A.Puram, Mylapore, Royapettah,          l MYLAPORE, Sivasamy Salai,                                                                           950 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, CCP, Rs. 24000. Ph:          8248729596, 9962132101
San Thome. Contact : 9884669866,                    independent house, 3 BHK, 1000 sq.ft., near                                                           9840736132, 9003621068                              l KAPALEESWARAR North Mada Street,
8248874653                                          Radhakrishnan Salai, 2nd floor, no lift, parking                                                      l 3 BHK, new flat, near Kapali Temple,              Next to ICICI bank, 250 sft shop, Rent 40000.
l MYLAPORE, Alwarpet, R. A. Puram,
                                                    outside. Ph: 9840258816, 6380780361                                                                   Luz, Vidya Mandir. Lift, CCP, Rs. 35K /             Ph: 9444656188
Mandaveli, Royapettah, 1, 2, 3 BHK flats,           l MYLAPORE prime location 3 BHK flat with                                                             Rs. 40K, 2 BHK, new flat, Rs. 20K / 18K.
bungalows, furnished, un-furnished, MNC             car park, Rent 35000. 2 BHK flat, excellent                                                           Rental flats in Mylapore, Mandaveli, R A
Bank, software. Owner contact: 9841350607           view Rs. 32000. Smart Finders: 9884878741,                                                            Puram, Abiramapuram. Ph: 9841427924 /               RENTAL LEASE
                                                    9840433741                                                                                            8072203977.                                         l SAN THOME, 900 + 1100 sq.ft., 2 BHK,
                                                    l MYLAPORE, near Kapaleeswarar Koil,                                                                  l ALWARPET, C. P. Ramaswamy Road.                   GF, 2 wheeler park. Contact: 7200043983
Alwarpet, Mylapore, Mandaveli, T. Nagar,
Nandanam, Gopalapuram, two, three                   3 BHK, Rs. 35000. 2 BHK, Rs. 25000, Rs.                                                               1550 sq.ft., 3 bedroom apartment with car           l R. A. PURAM Govindasamy Nager, 1BR
bedroom flat, house, bungalows, commercial.         22000, Rs. 20000, Rs. 18000, Rs. 16000.                                                               parking, lift, security, Rs. 40,000/-. S. John -    house, 500sqt, lease 7 lakhs. 2BR house,
                                                    Mandaveli, 3 BHK, Rs. 30000. 2 BHK, Rs.                                                               9444360000, 9710360000
Owners contact: 8778123038                                                                              l   R.A.PURAM near sangeetha hotel, deluxe                                                            700sqt, 11 lakhs. lease 3 years (near
                                                    28000, Rs. 25000, Rs. 20000, Rs. 18000.             flat, 1600sft, 3 bedroom, 1st floor with lift,    l 1200 SQ.FT., 2 BHK Flat available for lease       Sangeetha hotel). Ph: 9445515157
                                                    Abhiramapuram, Rs. 25000, Rs. 20000, Rs.            CCP, genset, for veg. Rent - 42K, good            at Devanathan Street, Mandaveli. Office.
RENTAL                                              18500. Ramachandran 9941430994                      location. Call Charles Realty: 9884239783,        For vegetarian family. Call: 63804 64199
l  R. A. PURAM MRC Nagar, near Chettinad                                                                9444117669                                        l 700 SQ.FT., 1 BHK, 1st floor, R A Puram,          RENTAL RESIDENTIAL
school - 3 BHK, 1800 SF, multistorey flat, 2nd            FOR RENT                                      l MYLAPORE, Apparsamy Koil Street, North
                                                                                                                                                          2nd Main Road, for veg only, Rent 20000/-.          l  HOUSE for rent at Mylapore, Nachiappa
floor, south facing, lift, power backup, Gym,                                                           Mylapore, 2 BHK, 650sqft, Independent             Ph:8754577935. No Broker. Call After 11am.          Street, 2 portions, hall, kitchen, separate toilet
play area, party hall, swimming pool, 1 car             INDEPENDENT                                     House, First floor, Rent 16K. 1 BHK, 400sqft,     l R A PURAM, Jeth Nagar, Mandaveli,                 & bathroom, Rs. 6000, for veg., small family.
park, Rent 65000. Ct: 9884984545.                                                                       Second floor, Rent 10K. Ready occupation,         3 BHK, 1550 sq.ft., 1 CCP, 1st floor, near          Contact: 9840343244
l FOR rent fully renovated flat at Sivaswamy
                                                           HOUSE                                        Contact: 9944400688.                              Mandaveli bus stand, railway station, Billroth      l MYLAPORE, Alamelumangapuram, 1100
Salai, Mylapore. 3bedrom, 1st floor with lift,             1 BHK, First Floor                           l OPP to Nageswara Rao Park, 1280 Sqft,
                                                                                                                                                          Hospital.  Ph: 9940612241, 9940614910.              sq.ft., 1st floor, 2 BHK, study, modular kitchen,
24/7 water, for vegetarians, corporate bank,                                                            3BHK 2nd Fl – 35K, Ind house, no lift, East       l MANDAVELI, near St. Mary’s Road, 2 BHK            furnished, CCP, lift, water, vegetarians, Rent
employees. Rent 30000. Contact owner:                           750 sq.ft.,                             facing, CCP, Residential, Commercial. Ph:         for rent, 1000 sq.ft., 1 covered parking, for veg   32K pm, small family, bachelors excuse,
9840074595                                              Preferred Vegetarian only                       7358578840                                        only. Ph: 98404 49896                               inspection 12 noon 1 pm. Ph: 24934451,
l INDEPENDENT house, 1st floor, 2 BHK                      Greenways Road                               l ALWARPET near Crowne Plaza, 4BHK                l MYLAPORE, C I T Colony, first floor house,        9444222454
available for immediate possession, rent                                                                Flat, 2900 sqft, ser room, 2CCP, R.A.Puram.       1800 sq.ft., two BHK, fully furnished with          l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, Periyapalli Street,
21000 (27/14 , School View Road, 1st Lane,               Rent 20K (Negotiable)                          Brand new 3BHK Flat, 2300 sqft, 2CCP.             balcony, terrace, pooja, security, features         independent house, ground floor, 900 sq.ft., 2
RK nagar, Mandaveli) for further details.                                                                                                                 etc., for vegetarians. Telephone 9094341951         BHK, semi furnished, East facing, Rent 30K.
Contact owner: 9677151129                               Contact:    9840376395                          Narendran: 9841571836
                                                                                                        l MYLAPORE - Opposite Thirumayilai
                                                                                                                                                          / 9600085976                                        Owner: 9444771154
                                                                                                        MRTS, GF, Duplex flat, 975sqft, East              l 1 BHK, first floor, Rent 16,000/- pm, South       l MANDAVELI, Norton Road, 2 BHK flat, Rs.

    ALWARPET                                        l MYLAPORE, Nadu Street, 2 BHK,
                                                    1st floor, 715 sq.ft., no broker, no car park.
                                                                                                        facing, furnished, 3BHK, 2B&T, Rent 34K.
                                                                                                        For veg / nonveg, Brokers excuse. Ct:
                                                                                                                                                          Chitrakulam Street, Mylapore, newly painted,
                                                                                                                                                          residential locality, for veg. Scooter parking.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              30K. Mylapore, near Vivekananda College, 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                              BHK flat, Rs. 30K. 2 BHK, fully furnished, Rs.
       for rent                                     Ph: 9444412519                                      9444180242,9444451218                             Ph: 9581071162                                      30K. 2 BHK house, Rs. 17K, bachelors also.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ph: 9841350607
  3 BHK, 1300 sq.ft.,                               l 2 BHK flat for rent at TTK Road, near             l OPP to Nageswara Rao Park, 1280 Sqft,           l MYLAPORE, 1 bedroom, Rs. 11000,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              l MYLAPORE, two bedroom, first floor, Rs.
      First floor,                                  Music Academy, Rs. 20,000/-per month                1st Floor, 3BHK, Ind House, 4CCP, East            15000. Alwarpet, 2 bedroom, Rs.
                                                    (excluding maintenance). Contact Mr. N              Facing - Commercial, Residential = 42K.           20000, 30000. Mandaveli, 3 bedroom,                 18000 and single bedroom, 3rd floor, no lift.
                                                                                                        Ph:7358578840                                     1500 sq.ft., lift, car parking, 1st floor, Rs.      Owner: 9884001366, 9962907666
    2 AC available                                  Sriram – 9551255579
                                                                                                                                                          45000. Abhirampuram, 3 bedroom, 2000                l MANDAVELI, near railway station, bus
                                                    l NORTON Road, 1700 sq.ft., 3 BHK, Rs.              l POES Garden, Posh 2650sft, 3BHK, 2
 covered car parking                                50000. Karpagam Avenue, 1200 sq.ft., 2              living rooms, maid’s room, 3rd floor, 2 covered   sq.ft., Rs. 50000. 3000 sq.ft., 5 bedroom,          stand, single room, bath attached, 3rd floor,
                                                                                                        car parks, Vaasthu 100%, Power back up,           Rs. 90000, office, godown. Ph: 8667066894,          no cooking, Rent 6500. Contact: 9710019973
   Rent 40K Nego.                                   BHK, Rs. 28000. R. K. Nagar, 1300 sq.ft., 2
                                                                                                        1.25Lcs. Negotiable.Ct: 9841537047                9382323877.
                                                    BHK, Rs. 35000. C. V. Raman Road, 1650
    Contact9789809181                               sq.ft., 3 BHK, Rs. 50000. Ph: 8015184176,           l MYLAPORE, off Kutchery Road, 1100
                                                    9884214816                                          sq.ft., 1st floor, 3 bed apartment, lift,
         9841627092                                                                                                                                       RENTAL COMMERCIAL
                                                    l R. A. PURAM, 2 bedroom, ground floor,             covered car parking, Rs. 30,000. S. John -
                                                    1500 sq.ft., Rs. 30000, 1st floor, 2 bedroom.       9444360000, 9710360000                            l ALWARPET, Mookambika Complex, 220
l   SINGLE bedroom, 700 sft, available for          1000 sq.ft., Rs. 26000, veg, Ph: 9841188817                                                           sq.ft., office space, 1st floor, lift, ready to
                                                                                                        l MANDAVELI, near P. S. Senior, 1200
rent at Gokul Flats, RK Mutt Road. Contact:                                                                                                               occupy. Contact: 9445868003
                                                    l MYLAPORE, 3 BHK, ground floor, 1800               sq.ft., 2 bedroom, GF, carpark, Rs. 29K,
9842209356                                          sq.ft., covered car parking, veg only, Rent         1400 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 1st floor, car park,      l FIRST Floor, 450 sq.ft., Alwarpet, T T K
l MYLAPORE near Chitrakulam Arisikaran              35000, immediate occupation. Contact:               Rs. 32K. Swami Iyer Reality: 98840 84762          Road, near Thanga Vinayaga Koil, for any
Street, 1100sqft, 2bedroom, 2 bathroom,             8248729596, 9962132101                              / 9840225811                                      commercial purpose. Ph: 7695969337
1 balcony, 2nd floor (no lift), 5 year old
                                                    l MYLAPORE, Mandaveli, San Thome flat,
apartment, west facing, 1 covered car park,
                                                    house, Rs. 10500, Rs. 12000, Rs. 15000, Rs.
for vegetations. Rent Rs. 27000. Kannan

                                                    20000, Rs. 25000, Rs. 30000, Rs. 35000, Rs.
Agent: 9942888231
                                                    40000, Rs. 50000, Rs. 60000, bachelors. Ph:
l R.A.PURAM near Sangeetha hotel 3 BHK,
                                                    8248729596, 9962132101
1600 sf, 2nd floor, north facing, lift, 1 covered

                                                    l MANDAVELI, near St. Johns, 2 bedroom,
car park, Rent 45 000. Ph: 9444268171
                                                    1000 sq.ft., first floor, car park, Rs. 27000,
l MANDAVELI Thiruvengadam St.,
                                                    2 bedroom, 1100 sq.ft., lift, CCP, North
Ragamalika gated community flat, 1 BHK,             facing, Rs. 32000, near P. S. School, 2
540 SF, 3rd floor, East facing, Rent 24000.
                                                    bedroom, 1100 sq.ft., lft, CCP, Rs. 33000.
Ph: 8939936055
                                                    Ph: 9841630593
l MYLAPORE 1057 Sq ft, 2BHK flat with
                                                    l ABHIRAMAPURAM, 1300 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 3
lift and CCP, South Mada Street, opp.
                                                    AC, inverter, Rs. 35000. R. A. Puram, 1000
Kapaleeswarar temple. Brokers excuse,
                                                    sq.ft., 2 BHK, CP, lift, Rs. 26000. Mandaveli,
Contact: 9841157817
l FOR rental 1800 sqft, 4 BHK house in
                                                    1300 sq.ft., 3 BHK, CP, Rs. 30000. 1000 sq.ft.,
                                                    2 BHK, CP, Rs. 28000. 900 sq.ft., 2 BHK, Rs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       l CATTAMARAM /
Seethamma Colony - with car park. Contact:
                                                    23000, 700 sq.ft., Rs. 18000. 680 sq.ft., Rs.
                                                    15000. Ph: 9841983231
l MYLAPORE In Luz, Posh 5 BHK bunglow,
                                                    l R.A.PURAM brand new 2500 sq, 3
4 CCP, AC’s, Rs 1.85L. p.m. Call: 9962501416
                                                    bedroom, 5AC, 100000 rent, CCP, Genset,
l 2 BHK first floor, 800 sqft, semi furnished       North facing, C P Ramaswamy Road, 1650sq,
flat for rent near Harishree Vidyalaya school,      3 bedroom, Jaith nagar, 950sq, 2 bedroom,
vegetarians only. Ct: 9952951269       
                                                                                                                         l T-SHIRT / Rs.350*
                                                    24000, CCP. Ct: 9840736132, 9003621068
l MYLAPORE, near Karaneeswarar koil -
                                                    l MYLAPORE CIT Colony, 1000sq flat, 1st
Rakkiyappan Street, 1st floor, 3 bedroom,           floor, rent, covered car park, lift, Rent: 35000.
1400 sq.ft., wood work, car parking, lift, pure     Ph: 9884464769, 9884064767
veg, Rent 40000. Contact: 9940415778
l MYLAPORE, 1400 sq.ft., 1st floor, 3 BHK,
                                                    l ALWARPET 1400sft, 3BHK flat, Rent
                                                    40K. Luz - 1800sft, 2BHK house, Rent 48K.
                                                                                                             * Prices at counter sale
lift, car park, Rs. 35000. Mandaveli, Norton
                                                    Woodwork, car park, 1st floor, no lift, only               at MYLAPORE TIMES
Road, 2 BHK, 3rd floor, 1100 sq.ft., Rs. 30000,
                                                    vegetarian family. Ct: 9840588336
veg only, lift, car park. Ph: 9380063177
                                                    l CHITRAKULAM near Sivaswamy Kalalaya                      Courier / packing charges extra.
l LUZ Park, first floor, Rs. 22K. Mylapore,
                                                    School, 1350sq, 3 bedroom, CCP, 35000.
Rs. 25K, 30K. Mandaveli, near Chaitanya
                                                    Norton Rd, 1000sq, 2 bedroom, 30000,
School, 2 BHK, Rs. 25K. T T K Road, Rs.
15K, 18K. Mayur Realtors: 9940051164,               CCP, 950sq, 2 bedroom, OCP, 26000. Ct:                   l CALL 73056 30727
9566291287                                          9840736132,9003621068
10                                                                                                      MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                                   Nov 12 - 18, 2022

Jobs                                                                                                                                               Education
                                                                                                                                     ▲                                                                                               ▲
JOB VACANCIES                                                                                      l  DESIGNER required with highly                CLASSES                                          l 15Yrs EXPERIENCED Art teacher invites
                                                                                                   competent and strong experience in design                                                        students of all ages for learning online
l WANTED Admin Assistant (Female) for                                                                                                                                                               contemporary art in various mediums.
MDB Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd., Royapettah.                                                        softwares like Illustrator, Canva, Photoshop,
                                                                                                   CorelDraw. Basic video and website editing                                                       Contact: 8903520467
Call: 9790805737.
                                                                                                   is also required in Mylapore. Send profile to
l WANTED part time Office Staff - to do
                                                                                                   - or call
outdoor and office work at Mylapore Times.
                                                                                                   us at 8148143737.
Mornings / evenings. Good payment. Call                                                                                                                                                             l SPECIAL Coaching - 10th, 11th and
24982244 - 11 am to 5pm.                                                                                                                                                                            12th State Board examinations 2023
l LOOKING for a candidate for part time
opportunity in Mylapore. Age limit: 30 to 65
                                                                                                              CANDO                                                                                 (Ccommerce group). Also Home Tuitions
                                                                                                                                                                                                    undertaken. Ph: 9884103853
years. Minimum qualification: 12th. Contact:
                                                                                                         Job Opportunity for
6381971199                                                                                                PwD Resources
                                                                                                         Role: Production -
                                                                                                          Beeswax Wraps
                                                                                                       (Training will be provided)

                                               l  WANTED staff Nurse / Housekeeper for                                                                                                                                                ▲
                                               clinic in Mylapore. Pls contact 9940033240               Education: Graduates,
                                               / 04443521874                                                 Diploma, 12th
                                               l WANTED Office Boy in Kasturibai Ngr,                   Office Location - Adyar
                                               Adyar. Male, SSLC/+2, 20 to 30 Yrs. Ct. Hanu
                                                                                                              Write to us at                       BUYING                                           MUSIC AND DANCE
                                               Reddy Realty 7824868459
                                               l WANTED Accounts Executive for a
                                                                                              to know more                     l  OLD AC, TV, washing machine, fridge,          l SIVAN Arts Academy offers classes in
                                                                                                                                                   battery, computer, electronic things, wooden     vocal, veenai, violin, mridangam, keyboard,
                                               professional firm - Pvt Ltd in Mylapore, B.Com
                                                                                                                                                   items, paper, iron, steel, aluminium, wires,     guitar, mandolin and Bharathanatyam.
                                               with training in Tally with at least two years
                                                                                                                                                   carpet box, any old items: Buying. Ph:           For more details contact Kalaimamani
                                               experience familiar with TDS, PF and GST
                                                                                                                                                   9710254930, 9710254910                           Dr. Rukmini Ramani. Ph: 9840348638,
                                               returns may apply to
                                               l WANTED M/F for Xerox and Scanning
                                               work in an office in Mylapore, candidates 10th                                                      CATERING
l  REQD. Male staff for Advocate’s office:     pass / fail, 12th pass / fail, below 35 years may
                                                                                                                                                   l  SRINIVASA Catering, Homely pure               GARDENING
                                               apply. Contact: 6382958437
fresh graduate, age 20 to 25 years in                                                                                                              vegetarian, Brahmin food prepared and            l  DO YOU have empty space at home?
and around Mylapore. Send resume               l WANTED - Mylapore - Front office
                                                                                                                                                   delivered by Brahmin at your doorstep.           Vriksha Industries will help you connect to
to                   staff, Sup. For guest house. M/F, D/N shift
                                                                                                                                                   Breakfast, lunch, dinner and for all occasions   wellness and nature. We specialize in terrace
l REQUIRE candidates with teaching skills
                                               , part time / full time. Ph: 044-24613701,
                                                                                                                                                   also Contact Kalpana mami: 9940466381            gardening & indoor gardening, manufacting
for direct coaching of students after school   7200009527
                                                                                                                                                   l SMR Home Food - veg - lunch & dinner,          vermicompost panchakavyam; we also do
hours. Classes 6 -10. All subjects. Contact    l WANTED Assistant Instructor in Mylapore,                                                                                                           maintenance in competitive price. Contact:
                                                                                                                                                   South Indian, North Indian free home delivery.
immediately: 6380531136.                       strong in Maths / reading aptitude with                                                                                                              9840343244
                                                                                                                                                   Ph: 9025020842
                                               excellent communication skills, Ability to gel

                                               with children. Ph: 9962987952 / 9841145289
                                                                                                                                                   CHANGE OF NAME                                   SALE
      Job Opportunity for                                                                                                                          l I, RITA Amalamary wife of Gerard, born on      l DINING Table 6 chairs Rs. 30K, elanpro
                                                                                                                                                   31 January, 1967, residing in 40, Dooming        200L deep freeze, Rs. 10K, black Leatherite
      PwD Resources                                                                                                                                Street, San Thome, Chennai 600 004. Shall        2 seater, recliner Rs. 20K, Samsung 400L,
           Role:                                                                                                                                   henceforth be known as Rita Gerard.              DD fridge Rs. 14K, microwave Rs. 7K. Ph:
    Bidding Team - RFQ                                                                                                                                                                              9962569601

    Education: Graduates
      Office Location -                                                                                                                                                                             SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                                                    l SUMP & Tank mechanised cleaning
           Adyar                                                                                                                                                                                    service. STCS: 9941267777, 9841966600
         Write to us at to know more

     Krea is looking for
                                                                                                                  Do you want
    Project Executives
      Freshers - Any UG                                                                                           the key News & Info
      (Pharma preferred)
    Role: Internet Research,
     Calling and Reporting
                                                                                                                  on Mylapore every weekend?
     Walk in Interview on
     16th November 2022                                                                                           On your handphone?
          at 10.30 a.m.
    Krea eKnowledge Pvt. Ltd.                                                                                    SUBSCRIBE to MYLAPORE TIMES

                                                                                                                                   TELEGRAM service.
      No. 5, Fifth Main Road,
     Kasturba Nagar, Adyar,
        Chennai - 600020

                                                                                                                                              It is free. Useful. Easy.
                                                                                                                                               Use this URL / QR code
Nov 12 - 18, 2022                                                   MYLAPORE TIMES             11

Two senior Carnatic music artistes who are known the world over, percussionist Vikku
Vinayakram and violinist Nagai Muralidharan, were honoured at an event held on Oct. 31
at Raga Sudha Hall, Luz.
Despite the steady rain thanks to the onset of the monsoon, there was a sizeable
attendance for this event which was hosted by the Ramani Academy of Flute to remem-
ber late N. Ramani, the well-known flutist, on his 89th birth anniversary.
Arts promoter V. V. Sundaram presented plaques to the senior artistes as a mark
of honour.

Chennai Metro: some shops on
mosque campus to be demolished
                                                                  lies at the rear of this
                                                                  mosque to be taken on
                                                                  rent and used as a
                                                                  godown and a parking lot.
                                                                      The mosque leaders
                                                                  have been told by senior
                                                                  officials of Chennai Metro
                                                                  that the old mosque will
                                                                  not be affected when un-
                                                                  derground work is carried
                                                                  out and if there are some
                                                                  cracks, the affected walls
                                                                  would be repaired.
                                                                      A large portion of the
                                                                  TN Police Quarters
                                                                  opposite the mosque has
                                                                  been taken over some
                                                                  time ago.
                                                                      Shopkeepers in this
By Our Edit Team                    Eight shops who pay rent      area expect major
                                to the Board via the mosque       disruptions between the
    A row of shops that         will be demolished, this area     Arundel Street and
hug the Jumma Masjid on         being set aside for the entry/    mosque section once
Kutchery Road, Mylapore         exit section of the Metro         work starts on the Metro
are making way for Chennai      station.                          station.
Metro project, for the under-       Says Nazurullah Khan,
ground rail line that starts    secretary of the mosque
from the Light House and        committee, “Talks have been
runs west – to Luz, Alwar-      going on for some years now
pet and further westwards.      and we had no go but to
    An area of about 800 plus   part with this portion of the
sq. feet is to be accquired     mosque land.” A compensa-
for the Metro work and the      tion of over Rs.4 crore will be
final round of discussions      paid by Metro to the Board,
are on between the Waqf         going by workings arrived at
Board, which manages all        recently.
such properties, and Chen-          Chennai Metro has also
nai Metro.                      asked for a large space that
Regd. with Registrar of Newspapers of India 65779/95

12                                                                        MYLAPORE TIMES                                                                                   Nov 12 - 18, 2022

 School’s A-Day
 Dances, sport-based
 displays, short plays and
 a medley of music-dance
 made the colourful Annual
 Day celebrations of Rosary
 Matric Girls School at its
 campus in San Thome held
 last week.

New play starring ‘Kathadi’ Ramamurthy                                                                       Sri Kapali Temple:
is light, shares social messages                                                                             48-day Veda Parayanam
                                                                                                             from Nov. 17
                                                                                                             By S. Prabhu

                                                                                                                As part of the Karthigai celebrations and continuing the
                                                                                                             old tradition, a 48-day Veda Parayanam will start at 7 pm
                                                                                                             on Thursday (Nov 17) at the Sri Kapaleeswarar Temple.
                                                                                                                Vedic members will recite the Vedas every evening for
                                                                                                             an hour from 7 pm, till December 26.
                                                                                                                Sri Venkata Ganapathy Ganapadigal told Mylapore
                                                                                                             Times that he has sent out a message to all the Vedic pun-
                                                                                                             dits on this event and expects a sizeable participation in
                                                                                                             the ‘Mandala’ parayanam.

   Tamil plays that star the veteran actor         laughs, some of course from the staple Tam-
Kathadi Ramamurthy are clean fun with              il stage lines you can expect at any play.
some social messages thrown in.                        The pace was good, so in less than
   S. L. Nanu, who has written and direct-         90 minutes, the audience had a good time,
ed Stage Creations’ new play Jugalbandhi           going by their response all through. But the
had its premiere at Narada Gana Sabha in           treatment of the dementia issue in the play
Alwarpet on Saturday evening, to a decent          was not taken seriously.
audience on an evening when it did not                 Kathadi Ramamurthy was in his ele-
rain. This was a Kartik Fine Arts event.           ments, punching his lines, some light, some
   Messages on dementia, senior citizens,          serious with ease.
homes for seniors and child adoption laced             This play was staged last Sunday eve-
this new play but it had lots of moments of        ning at R. R. Sabha.

Staff at restaurant electrocuted                                               MYLAPORE
By Our Edit Team

   A kitchen staff at Palmshore restaurant died after he
was electrocuted late last Sunday. Police at Foreshore                     NUMBERS
Estate station said that the young man died inside while
washing vessels and investigation is on.
   This popular restaurant, which enjoys full house on
                                                                        73056 30727 /
weekends, has remained closed for some days.
                                                                          2498 2244
                   Published and owned by Vincent D’Souza. Publishing address - 16, 7th Cross St., Sastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 20. Editor : Vincent D’Souza
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