Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford

Page created by Danielle Wood
Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
Minds in
 Alumni Weekend
     14–16 September 2018
Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
Important                     Brochure updates                              Family-friendly activities
                              Over the coming months we will be             This year we will be running a host of
information                   adding even more sessions to our
                              extensive programme, so this brochure
                                                                            family-friendly activities.
                                                                            These will be indicated in the brochure
                              only contains a portion of what is yet to
                                                                            with the      symbol.
                                                                            To make life easier, we will also be
                              The full programme will be available
                                                                            providing childcare facilities for children
                              when booking opens online on
                                                                            aged 8 months to 11 years old. Childcare
                              27 June 2018.
                                                                            facilities will be open from:
                              If you are booking online, you will be able
                                                                            9am-5.30pm Saturday
                              to make amendments to your Weekend
                              timetable via the dedicated booking           The crèche will be staffed by professional
                              website,           and DBS-checked carers. Please book
                              until 9 September 2018.                       your children in via the online booking
                              If you are booking via a paper booking
                              form, we will be happy to amend your
                              programme for you directly from               Filming and photography
                              our office. You can do this either by
                                                                            Filming and photography will be taking
                              phone +44(0)1865 288061 or email
                                                                            place throughout the weekend. This will
                                                                            then be used in promotional materials for
                                                                            the University, both in print and online.
                                                                            Please notify a member of staff if you do
                                                                            not wish to be photographed.
              © John Cairns
Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
Booking information

Your tickets                                    Cancellations and enquiries
Whether you would like to fill three days       If you have booked online and are
with talks, tours and tastings or attend just   no longer able to attend the Alumni
one lecture, our pricing structure offers       Weekend or a particular session, you
you complete flexibility.                       can amend your booking by logging
                                                back into our registration page at
— All lectures, panel discussions and tours
   are priced at £10 each.
                                                Alternatively please call +44(0)1865
— Activities and catered events are priced
                                                288061 or email alumniweekend@
                                       Refunds are available
— Under 16s are welcome to attend              when requested before 9 September
   sessions free of charge. They are not        2018.
   permitted to attend sessions where
   alcohol is served.

How to book
— Book online at
   Online booking is the easiest and quickest way to secure your preferred sessions.     Contents
                                                                                         Friday 14 September          6
— Or return the paper booking form by 7 September to the following address:
   Alumni Weekend, Alumni Office, University of Oxford, University Offices,              Saturday 15 September        12
   Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD, UK
                                                                                         Sunday 16 September          32
— We regret that we are unable to take bookings over the phone.
                                                                                         Accommodation and colleges   34
 lease note that in 2019 we will only send out hard copy brochures and paper booking
                                                                                         Map                          47
forms on request. If you wish to receive one please tick the relevant box on the paper
or online booking form.
Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
The Weekend                             About the Weekend                              On-the-day-tickets
                                            The central venue for the Weekend will         Although we would strongly encourage
                                            be the Mathematical Institute, where           you to book your tickets in advance,
                                            you'll find the Information Point, on-the-     sessions that still have spaces will also be
                                            day ticket sales, café, childcare facilities   available on the day. Alumni can purchase
                                            and Blackwell's bookstore. Note that the       these on a first-come-first-served basis
                                            café will not be open on Sunday.               by coming to the Information Point in the
                                                                                           foyer of the Mathematical Institute. A list
                                            The icons below are shown for venues
                                                                                           of available sessions will be posted in the
                                            where the following apply:
                                                                                           foyer from Friday afternoon and updated
                                                Hearing loop                               throughout the Weekend.
                                                Wheelchair access                          The Information Point will be open at the
                                                                                           following times:
                                                  ore than 15 minutes by foot from
                                                 the Mathematical Institute                2–5.30pm Friday
                                                                                           9am–5.30pm Saturday
                                            Please aim to arrive at your sessions
                                                                                           9am–3pm Sunday
                                            5–10 minutes in advance of the
                                            given start time. Latecomers will be
                                            permitted entry to sessions at staff           Stay connected during the
                                            discretion.                                    Alumni Weekend
                  © OU Images/ Rob Judges


Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
We have a great range of
offers and discounts available
exclusively for alumni.
These include discounts at a
range of local shops, cafés,
hotels and local attractions and
museums including, Blenheim
Palace, Ashmolean Museum
and the Botanic Gardens.
Your card also entitles you to
priviledged access to many
Oxford colleges.
For a full list of offers see:
Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
2–3.30pm                                      2.30–3.30pm

                                                          The parish of St Thomas                  Children and social policy in
         14 September                                the Martyr                                    Europe
                                                     Liz Woolley, tour guide and local             Professor Mary Daly, Professor of
                                                     historian                                     Sociology and Social Policy
                                                     Starts at the Outside Cafe 1071,              Barnett House, 32 Wellington Square,
                                                     Oxford Castle Yard, off New Road,             OX1 2ER
                                                     OX1 1AY. Tour will finish at Frideswide
                                                                                                   Join us for an opportunity to reflect
                                                     Square, OX1 1HR
                                                                                                   on the treatment of children in social
                                                     St Thomas' parish was first settled in        policy. Juxtaposing a child-centred and
                                                     Saxon times and later became the heart        a child-oriented policy paradigm, this
                                                     of the Oxford brewing industry, gaining a     talk seeks to take stock of recent policy
                                                     reputation as one of the liveliest parishes   developments in Europe and beyond, and
                                                     of the city. It is now being redeveloped as   assess our progress in developing child-
                                                     part of the West End Development. This        centred policies.
                                                     guided walk will give you a unique insight
                                                     into this fascinating parish, the people
                                                     who made it so rich both culturally and
                                                     socially, and the historic buildings which
                                                                                                   Refreshments following event until 4pm.
                                                     still survive.
                                                                                                   Free for Department of Sociology
                                                                                                   and Social Policy alumni. Contact the
                                                                                                   Department for discount booking details.
                        © OU Images/Botanic Garden

                                                     Tour repeated 12pm on Saturday.

Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
The promise and perils of                     Glorious shade                            Estate planning and tax in a
work in the gig economy                                                                 post-Brexit world
                                              Jenny Rose Carey (Lady Margaret
Professor Mark Graham, Professor              Hall, 1981), gardener, historian and      Nigel Roots, Head of Private Client
of Internet Geography, Professor              author                                    Service, Freeths LLP, Caroline
Jeremias Prassl (Corpus Christi,                                                        Reynolds, Legacies Officer, University
                                              Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
2004), Faculty of Law                                                                   of Oxford
                                              Road, OX2 6GG
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock                                                       Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
                                              Unsure how to make the most of the
Road, OX2 6GG                                                                           Road, OX2 6GG
                                              shady areas in your garden? Join Jenny
With millions of people around the            Rose Carey to learn how to choose the     Drop-in session to discuss inheritance
world now doing jobs sourced via digital      right plants for the shadiest corners     tax, the so-called 'voluntary tax'. The
platforms in the gig economy, the world       of your garden, as well as design and     speakers will answer questions such
of work as we know it is changing.            maintenance tips to make it successful.   as: what is the best way to make a
Workers in London, Lagos, and Los                                                       tax-efficient gift in your will to charity
Angeles can all escape their local labour                                               and limit your inheritance tax liability?
markets and compete for the same jobs.                                                  What is the UK resident nil rate band
This discussion examines some of the                                                    and who qualifies? Are pension funds for
opportunities of this changing world of                                                 retirement or inheritance tax saving?
work, but also some of its risks and costs,
and what we can do to bring about a
fairer world of work.

Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
2.30–3.30pm                                                                              4–5pm

                Bodleian Libraries                       'Blue stockings' and                     The potential of plasmas
                                                    'bonnets' at Oxford
         Tour guide, Bodleian Libraries                                                           Professor Tony Bell, FRS, Professor of
                                                    Felicity Tholstrup, tour guide                Physics
         Starts and finishes at the Proscholium
         (entrance to the Old Library), Catte       Meet at Brasenose College Lodge,              Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
         Street, OX1 3BG                            Radcliffe Square, OX1 4AJ                     Road, OX2 6GG
         Experience some of the University's        Marking the centenary of the first votes      From learning more about the highest
         most iconic locations. This guided         for women, this walk will focus on some       energy particles in the universe, to the
         tour will feature the most fascinating     impressive female students amongst the        potential of creating fusion energy,
         areas inside the Bodleain Libraries: the   first of those at Oxford University. Whilst   Professor Tony Bell, awarded the
         Divinity School, Convocation House,        supporting those who carried out acts of      Hoyle Prize of the Institute of Physics,
         Chancellor's Court, the world-famous       protest in the Suffrage campaign, these       the Eddington Medal of the Royal
         Duke Humfrey's Library and the Radcliffe   women quietly established a foothold in       Astronomical Society and the Alfven
         Camera.                                    a very male domain, which led to full OU      Prize of the European Physical Society,
                                                    status for women by 1920.                     will give an insight into his research on
                                                                                                  both the practicalities and theory of
                                                                                                  working with plasmas.
         Tour repeated 2pm on Sunday.                                                             £10
                                                    Tour repeated 1pm on Sunday.

Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
4–5.30pm                                                                                   4–6pm

            Champagne and fizz                    Folly Bridge and                         The mythology and
tasting                                      Grandpont                                     spirituality of the unicorn
Nick Gay, head tutor, Oxford Chelt           Liz Woolley, tour guide and local             Professor Paul S Fiddes (St Peter's,
Wine School                                  historian                                     1965), Professor of Systematic
                                                                                           Theology, University of Oxford and
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock            Starts at the Outside Cafe 1071,
                                                                                           Director of Research, Regent's Park
Road, OX2 6GG                                Oxford Castle Yard, off New Road,
                                                                                           College, Oxford
                                             OX1 1AY. Tour will finish at Frideswide
Is champagne still the best sparkling wine
                                             Square, OX1 1HR                               Regent's Park College, Pusey Street,
in the world? Come along to compare
                                                                                           OX1 2LB
superior fizz from all over the wine-        Grandpont is a Victorian suburb, but the
producing world. Tasting will include:       history of this area goes back to the early   This illustrated talk explores the
Prosecco DOCG, Cava Reserva, New             medieval period when it was the site of       iconography and mythology of the
World traditional method fizz, a top         the original oxen ford which gave the city    unicorn in medieval and Renaissance
English sparkler, a traditional champagne    its name. Later the area was home to          periods, and the current popularity of
and a vintage champagne.                     Oxford’s first waterworks, railway station    unicorns in all types of media. It surveys
                                             and football ground. Join this walking tour   the place of the unicorn in secular life
                                             and find out about the history of this        and spiritual practices of the Church,
                                             often overlooked part of Oxford.              explaining the enduring attraction of the

                                             Tour repeated 12.30pm on Sunday.

Meeting Minds in Oxford - Alumni Weekend 14-16 September 2018 - University of Oxford
4.30-7.30pm                                  6-8pm                                      7-9pm

         What’s new in experimental                   Welcome reception                                Astrophysics night
         psychology?                                                                             (including telescope tours)
                                                      Hosted by Professor Louise
         Professor Masud Husain (New,                 Richardson, FRSE, Vice-Chancellor          Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road,
         1981), Professor of Neurology and            of the University                          OX1 3RH
         Cognitive Neuroscience
                                                      The Oxford Foundry, 3-5 Hythe Bridge       We have planned a bigger and
         Meet at the Anna Watts Building              Street, OX1 2EW                            better experience this year for those
         entrance, Walton Street, OX2 6HG                                                        interested in learning what is going on
                                                      Join the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor
                                                                                                 in astrophysics. Your chance to chat,
         During this extended session you will        at our Welcome drinks reception in the
                                                                                                 interact and learn from our researchers,
         have the opportunity to learn all about      newly opened Oxford Foundry, the
                                                                                                 as well as a tour to the Philip Wetton
         the exciting new research being produced     University's first facility dedicated to
                                                                                                 telescope and, weather permitting
         by the Department. This will include:        supporting student-led innovation.
                                                                                                 (fingers crossed!), a chance to look at the
         a tour of the new Anna Watts Building
                                                      £15                                        night sky. Refreshments and finger food
         (the temporary home of Experimental
                                                                                                 will be served throughout the event.
         Psychology); a talk by Professor Masud
         Husain, giving an insight into his current                                              £10
         research; and a drinks reception, with the
         opportunity to meet current researchers.
                                                                                                 For those less able, please note that
                                                                                                 access to the telescope is via a small
                                                                                                 external, metal staircase. Please wear
                                                                                                 comfortable, warm shoes and clothing.
                                                                                                 Wheelchair access can be arranged in
                                                                                                 advance of the talk.
                                                                                                 Tour repeated 8-10pm on Friday.

17 – 27 SEPTEMBER 2019
Uncover 5,000 years of culture and history, alongside Professor James B Lewis, with this unique trip
  Visit the shimmering city of Seoul, South Korea’s economic powerhouse
  Tour the UNESCO-listed Changdeokgung Palace, Hwaseong Fortress and the atmospheric Bukchon Village
  Whilst in the region you will also have the opportunity to explore Hahoe Village, where centuries-old traditions
influenced by the teachings of Confucius are still alive

                  Discover more of our journeys:
9–10.30am                                     9.30–10.30am
                              Saturday       The Vice-Chancellor's Address                 The Oxford Analytica morning
                              15 September                                                 conference
                                             Professor Louise Richardson, AAAS,
                                             AcSS, FRSE, RIIA                              Panel chaired by Paul Maidment (St
                                                                                           Catherine's, 1970), Managing Editor,
                                             Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
                                                                                           Oxford Analytica
© Shaiith

                                             Road, OX2 6GG
                                                                                           Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
                                             The Vice-Chancellor will deliver an
                                                                                           Road, OX2 6GG
                                             update about the University and its
                                             plans for the future. This will be followed   Oxford Analytica draws on in-house
                                             by the opportunity to ask the Vice-           analysts, academics and practitioners
                                             Chancellor your questions.                    from around the world to provide clients
                                                                                           with expert and impartial assessments
                                             The session will conclude with the
                                                                                           of the most significant geopolitical and
                                             presentation of the Distinguished
                                                                                           macroeconomic events. The morning
                                             Friends of Oxford awards, which
                                                                                           conference weighs news of the day,
                                             recognise exceptional service to the
                                                                                           underlying developments, upcoming
                                             collegiate University.
                                                                                           events and forecasts to identify key
                                             FREE                                          issues or hot topics to be addressed.

            Explore Science!              Technology and finance: a                  and artificial intelligence stimulating
                                          panel discussion                           developments in the financial sector, both
Science Oxford
                                                                                     in ‘fintech’ and mainstream firms? What
                                          Panel chaired by Professor John
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock                                                    are the likely implications for financial
                                          Armour (Pembroke, 1991), Professor
Road, OX2 6GG                                                                        regulation?
                                          of Law and Finance, Oren Sussman,
Join the team from Science Oxford at      Reader in Finance, Alessandra              £10
these family-friendly sessions designed   Sollberger (St Edmund Hall, 2011),
to teach children about the wonders of    CEO, Evermore Health, TJ Saw (Exeter,
science, technology, engineering and      2012), Deployment Strategist, Palantir     Free for Faculty of Law alumni. Contact
mathematics.                              Technologies, Lisa Rabbe, Founder          the Faculty for discount booking details.
                                          and CEO, Stratosphere Advisors and
All children must be accompanied by an
                                          Stratosphere Analytics
                                          Lecture Theatre 2, St Cross Building, St
Adults £5
                                          Cross Road, OX1 3UL
Children FREE
                                          What impact are new and emerging
                                          technologies having on the way finance
Repeated 11am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm and        works? How are new tools like blockchain
4pm on Saturday.

9.30–10.30am                                  11–noon

                   Campion Hall                          The impact of China on the                People and places, Brexit and
                                                         wider world                               Britain: the importance of
           Professor Peter Davidson,
                                                                                                   immigration and empire
           Archivist, Campion Hall                       Panel chaired by the Rt Hon the Lord
                                                         Patten of Barnes, CH, PC (Balliol,        Professor Danny Dorling, Halford
           Meet at the lobby of Campion Hall,
                                                         1962), Chancellor of the University of    Mackinder Professor of Human
           Brewer Street, OX1 1QS
                                                         Oxford                                    Geography
           Campion Hall is the home of the Society
                                                         Mathematical Institute, Woodstock         School of Geography and the
           of Jesus in Oxford. Built by Sir Edwin
                                                         Road, OX2 6GG                             Environment, Oxford University Centre
           Lutyens in honour of Saint Edmund
                                                                                                   for the Environment, South Parks Road,
           Campion in 1936, the Hall is one of the       The Chancellor and distinguished panel
                                                                                                   OX1 3QY
           hidden jewels of the University. This tour    will discuss and debate the growing
           will allow alumni to view and discuss         influence of China in the wider market.   How important was the British Empire
           the artistic distinction of, and theology     They will explore China's influence       in shaping today’s map of ethnic identity
           behind a selection of religious and secular   across trade, politics and wider global   in Britain, and forming contemporary
           art and artefacts.                            economics and how this could affect the   attitudes to immigration, emigration
                                                         future of the Western world.              and Brexit? In this talk Danny Dorling
                                                                                                   suggests that Brexit, like the Suez Crisis
                                                                                                   before it, is part of the slow unravelling
                                                                                                   required for the countries of the UK to
           There is wheelchair access but some
                                                                                                   eventually become normal.
           areas of the Hall are not accessible to a     This lecture is sponsored by the Oxford
           wheelchair e.g. the Chapel                    Alumni Board.                             £10

                                                                                                   Free for Department of Geography
                                                                                                   alumni. Contact the Department for
                                                                                                   discount booking details.

Should women be protected                    The Osler Lecture: the ups and                     St Catherine's College
from religion?                               downs of bipolar disorder                    and its gardens
Dr Nazila Ghanea, Associate Professor        Professor Paul Harrison (Balliol,            Colette Lewis (Lincoln, 2012)
in International Human Rights Law            1979), Professor of Psychiatry and
                                                                                          Meet at St Catherine's College Lodge,
                                             Associate Head of Department and
Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square,                                                        Manor Road, OX1 3UJ
                                             Governing Body Fellow at Wolfson
                                                                                          St Catherine’s is considered to be the
                                             Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
Using a human rights law perspective,                                                     finest example in Europe of the work of
                                             Road, OX2 6GG
this lecture will examine whether human                                                   Danish architect Arne Jacobsen. Since
rights law offers protection from religion   Bipolar disorder is prominent in the media   its opening in 1962, the Grade I listed
as well as freedom of religion or belief.    but has been neglected in research. It       College has attracted visitors from
What about practices carried out in          remains a major source of morbidity and      all over the world who come to see
the name of religion or justified with       mortality. Professor Harrison will review    Jacobsen’s work, from the buildings to
reference to religion? What is to be done    developments in how bipolar disorder is      the furniture and even the cutlery.
in cases where women object, and in          being conceptualised, and discuss recent
circumstances where they are supportive      advances in understanding its causes and
of these practices?                          mechanisms.
£10                                          £10                                          Hearing loop in some parts of the College

                                             Free for Medical Sciences alumni. Please
                                             contact Oxford Medical Alumni for


                   Oxford benefactors                            Bodleian conservation                  Multidimensional poverty:
                                                                                                        from research to effective
           Alastair Lack (Univ, 1964), tour              Meet at the Information Desk in
                                                                                                        global and national social
           guide                                         Blackwell Hall, Weston Library, Broad
                                                         Street, OX1 3BG
           Meet at Balliol College Lodge, Broad
                                                                                                        Dr Sabina Alkire (Magdalen, 1991),
           Street, OX1 3BJ                               The Conservation and Collection Care
                                                                                                        Director, Oxford Poverty and Human
                                                         team works to preserve, stabilise and
           Nearly all college and University buildings                                                  Development Initiative, Dr Natalie
                                                         improve access to the Bodleian Libraries'
           in Oxford owe their presence to great                                                        Quinn (Balliol, 2003), Senior Research
                                                         collections. In this tour they will open the
           benefactors. Early benefactions from                                                         Officer, OPHI, Dr Usha Kanagaratnam
                                                         doors to their new workshop spaces in
           monarchs and bishops were followed                                                           (St Anthony's, 2008), Senior
                                                         the Weston Library. This will be a special
           over the centuries by John Radcliffe,                                                        Research Officer, OPHI
                                                         opportunity to go behind the scenes and
           Cecil Rhodes and a roll call of the famous
                                                         look at ongoing projects with the Book,        Seminar Room 1, Queen Elizabeth
           and wealthy. This walk by Alastair Lack
                                                         Paper and Preventive Conservators.             House, 3 Mansfield Road, OX1 3TB
           tells the story of philanthropy in Oxford.
                                                         £10                                            If we are to tackle poverty effectively,
                                                                                                        we have to have a clear understanding
                                                                                                        of what it is. Researchers in Oxford
                                                         Tour repeated 12.30pm on Saturday.             pioneered a new approach to poverty
           Tour repeated 11am on Sunday.
                                                                                                        measurement, which is now starting to
                                                                                                        transform the way many countries in the
                                                                                                        global South understand and address
                                                                                                        poverty in all its forms and dimensions.


Sappho to suffrage: women                    Insights into Oxford                        Does data have a gender?
who dared                                                                                The status of women in the
                                             Miles Young (New, 1973), Warden
                                                                                         age of algorithms
Professor Senia Paseta, Co-Director          of New College, Professor Anne
of Women in the Humanities                   Davies (Lincoln, 1992), Dean of             Professor Gina Neff, Senior Research
                                             the Law Faculty and Professor of Law        Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute, and
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
                                             and Public Policy, Dr Robert Easton         Associate Professor, Department of
Road, OX2 6GG
                                             (New, 1984), Pro-Vice-Chancellor,           Sociology
Celebrating the centenary of women's         Development and External Affairs
                                                                                         Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
suffrage, Professor Senia Paseta will
                                             Mathematical Institute, Woodstock           Road, OX2 6GG
discuss the particular history of suffrage
                                             Road, OX2 6GG
in Oxford, and give an exclusive insight                                                 Everyone knows that computer programs
into the background of her exhibition at     Representatives from a college,             are gender neutral. But are they? And
the Weston Library.                          department and central University will      how often does this unacknowledged
                                             discuss the challenges and successes for    prejudice incorporate serious bias into
                                             Oxford in recent years and how this could   data outcomes? Professor Gina Neff
                                             impact on the future of the University.     will argue that the challenge is not
                                                                                         necessarily to have more women in data
                                                                                         science, but to change the terms on
                                                                                         which we design data-driven decisions,
                                                                                         and include better ways for more diverse
                                                                                         teams to use them.


           Networking lunch with                    Harms in healthcare                               The doorway to wisdom: the
           Continuing Education                                                                       intersection of language and
                                                    Professor Carl Heneghan (New, 1994),
           Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square,       Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine,
           OX1 2JD                                  Dr Igho Onakpoya (Kellogg, 2014),                 Professor Jo-Anne Baird, Director
                                                    Research Fellow in Evidence Synthesis, Dr         of the Department of Education and
           Join Dr Nazila Ghanea, Dr Cezar
                                                    Elizabeth Spencer, Senior Research Fellow         St Anne's Fellow, Professor Victoria
           Ionescu and Professor Jonathan
                                                    in Epidemiology                                   Murphy, Professor of Applied
           Michie, Director of the Department for
                                                                                                      Linguistics and St Anne's Governing
           Continuing Education, at Rewley House    College Hub, Kellogg College, 60-62
                                                                                                      Body Fellow
           for a buffet lunch and the opportunity   Banbury Road, OX2 6PN
           to discuss today's lectures and the                                                        St Anne’s College, Woodstock Road,
                                                    Is medicine broken? Are patients and the public
           many engaging programmes available                                                         OX2 6HS
                                                    subjected to unnecessary harms? Is regulatory
           through Continuing Education at the
                                                    policy a driver of unnecessary harm?              The philosopher Roger Bacon is
           University of Oxford.
                                                                                                      attributed as saying, 'knowledge
                                                    Hosted by Kellogg College, join health
           £11                                                                                        of language is the doorway to
                                                    researchers from the Centre for Evidence-
                                                                                                      wisdom'. In this presentation we will
                                                    Based Medicine for a series of talks on hormone
                                                                                                      discuss research and evidence that
                                                    pregnancy tests, weight-loss drugs and
                                                                                                      illustrates how perceptive Bacon
                                                    mesh devices: drugs and devices that cause
                                                                                                      was in understanding the important
                                                    significant harm to patients and the public.
                                                                                                      relationship between knowledge of
                                                    £10                                               language and learning more generally.
                                                    Free for Department of Medical Science
                                                    and Kellogg College alumni. Contact Oxford
                                                    Medical Alumni or the College for discount
                                                    booking details.
Women in politics: within and                presentations by leading historians on            75 years of birds in Wytham
without the world of suffrage                how women have been involved in, and              Woods
through history - part one                   contributed to the political world at
                                                                                               Professor Ben Sheldon, Head of the
                                             different points in history. This first session
Dr Hannah Skoda (Wadham, 1999),                                                                Department of Zoology and Director of
                                             will cover the medieval and early modern
Fellow and Tutor in Medieval History,                                                          the Edward Grey Institute
                                             periods and will be followed by a general
Dr Hannah Smith, Tutorial Fellow and
                                             discussion.                                       Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
University Lecturer in Early Modern
                                                                                               Road, OX2 6GG
British History, Professor Jamie Belich      £10
(Nuffield, 1978), Beit Professor of                                                            This talk will explore the rich multitude
Imperial and Commonwealth History                                                              of research into bird behaviour and
                                             Free for Faculty of History alumni.               ecology that has been carried out in
Faculty of History, George Street,
                                             Contact the Faculty for discount booking          Wytham Woods, one of the best studied
Oxford, OX1 2RL
                                             details.                                          environments in the world.
The Faculty of History will be holding two
sessions on Saturday afternoon (part
two on p24) discussing women in politics
throughout history.
These sessions will be comprised of

2–2.30pm                                    2–3pm                                    2.30–3.30pm

                The Department of                                         Organ recital         Living with Leonardo
           Physics Beecroft Building
                                                       Benjamin Nicholas (Lincoln, 1995),       Professor Martin Kemp, Emeritus
           Department of Physics                       Reed Rubin Organist and Director of      Research Professor of the History of
                                                       Music, Merton College                    Art, Trinity College, Ross King, author
           Meet between University Parks and the
                                                                                                of Leonardo and the Last Supper
           Museum of Natural History, Parks Road,      Merton College Antechapel, Merton St,
           OX1 3PW                                     OX1 4JD                                  Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
                                                                                                Road, OX2 6GG
           Take a tour of the new Physics              Benjamin Nicholas, Reed Rubin Director
           building, meet old friends and take the     of Music at Merton, plays the famous     Join Professor Martin Kemp, world-
           opportunity to speak to the new Head of     Dobson Organ in Merton’s medieval        renowned da Vinci expert, in discussion
           Physics.                                    Chapel. The programme will include       with award-winning author, Ross King,
                                                       masterworks by JS Bach and Hubert.       to hear about his fifty-year journey with
           Coffee/tea and cakes will be available in
                                                                                                the artist’s work and his new book, Living
           the Common Room from 2-3.50pm)              £10
                                                                                                with Leonardo: Fifty Years of Sanity and
           £10                                                                                  Insanity in the Art World and Beyond.
           Tour repeated 3.00pm on Saturday.           Free for Merton alumni. Contact the      £10
                                                       College for discount booking details.
           Free for Department of Physics alumni.
           Contact the Department for discount
           booking details.

Mathematics: the next 100                Living in a quantum world                           Oxford in film
                                         Professor Vlatko Vedral, Professor of        Alastair Lack (Univ, 1964), tour
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock        Quantum Information Science                  guide
Road, OX2 6GG
                                         Mathematical Institute, Woodstock            Meet at Balliol College Lodge, Broad
We rely on mathematics to understand     Road, OX2 6GG                                Street, OX1 3BJ
our world, from its shapes and numbers
                                         Quantum mechanics is commonly said           Whether it's Harry Potter, the detective
to its climate, its security and even
                                         to be a theory of microscopic things.        world of Morse, Lewis and Endeavour,
our very selves. But what are the
                                         Most physicists, however, think it applies   a Bollywood movie, Shadowlands or
mathematical challenges of the future?
                                         to everything, no matter what the size.      Brideshead Revisited, the wonderful
Our expert panel will consider.
                                         Over the past few years experimentalists     mixture of skyline and college in Oxford
£10                                      have seen quantum effects in a growing       has proved a magnet to film makers the
                                         number of macroscopic systems,               world over. This walk by Alastair Lack
                                         including living organisms. Professor        visits some famous Oxford film locations.
                                         Vedral will explore how quantum
                                         mechanics can be used to help address
                                         the challenges facing humanity in the        Tour repeated 2.30pm on Sunday.
                                         21st century.


                 Settlers: genetics,                    Tracing patterns revealed by genetics,              Oxford's hidden carvings
           geography and the peopling of                archaeology and demography, this tour
                                                                                                     Felicity Tholstrup, tour guide
           Britain                                      tells the dynamic story of Britain’s ever-
                                                        changing population.                         Meet at the steps of the Clarendon
           Dr Claire Hann (Christ Church,
                                                                                                     Building, Broad Street, OX1 3AZ
           1998), Researcher, School of                 £10
           Geography and the Environment, Ellena                                                     The story behind some of the many
           Grillo, Oxford University Museum of                                                       carved faces, symbols and inscriptions on
           Natural History                              Tour 1: 2.30-3pm, Tour 2: 3-3.30pm.          Oxford walls, towers and gateways will be
                                                                                                     told. Marking ancient boundaries, historic
           Meet at the Information desk in Oxford       Free for Department of Geography
                                                                                                     events or great achievement, they are
           University Museum of Natural History,        alumni. Contact the Department for
                                                                                                     always imaginative, sometimes chilling,
           Parks Road, OX1 3PW                          discount booking details.
                                                                                                     often curious or amusing. They continue
           From the arrival of the earliest modern                                                   to be designed today to decorate the
           humans over 40,000 years ago to                                                           'dreaming spires' of Oxford.
           the population of the present day, the
           history of the people of Britain is one of
           movement, migration and settlement.
                                                                                                     Tour repeated 10am on Sunday.

Soft concepts vs hard facts:                 Alumni careers and the use of              The humility of faith and the
software models in the                       social media                               dignity of reason
social sciences
                                             Dr Mike Moss FRSC FRSA, Alumni             Rev Professor Wojciech Giertych
Dr Cezar Ionescu, Associate                  Careers Programme Manager, Careers         OP, Theologian of the Papal Household,
Professor of Data Science, Continuing        Service                                    Theology
                                             Careers Service, 56 Banbury Road, OX2      Blackfriars Hall, St Giles, OX1 3LY
Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square,           6PA
                                                                                        Rev Wojciech Giertych has been Papal
                                             Dr Mike Moss has been the only             Theologian since 2005, official adviser to
Our lives are increasingly influenced        dedicated alumni careers adviser in        the Pope, both Benedict XVI and Francis.
by software systems that no single           the UK for five years and has advised      A Dominican Friar born in London, he
person can fully understand; from            almost 4,000 Oxford alumni. Career         now advises at the highest levels of the
machine-learning frameworks 'in the          development is constantly changing;        Catholic Church and of his own Order,
cloud', to models of climate change or       recruiters are becoming more and more      and will offer insights drawn from his
financial risks, to self-driving cars. The   cautious and are looking for job-ready     considerable studies and experience.
challenge of ensuring the correctness        candidates. Whether your interest is
of these systems is what led to              practical or theoretical he can give you
building the foundations of the social       the latest perspective.
                                             FREE                                       Free for Blackfriars alumni. Contact the
£10                                                                                     College for discount booking details.


           In conversation with                             Merton's medieval                      Women in politics: within and
           Katty Kay                                  library                                      without the world of suffrage
                                                                                                   through history - part two
           Katty Kay (St Hilda's, 1984), BBC          Meet at: Merton College Lodge, Merton
           World News America Journalist              Street, OX1 4JD                              Dr Hannah Skoda (Wadham, 1999),
                                                                                                   Fellow and Tutor in Medieval History,
           Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St       Visit the oldest continuously functioning
                                                                                                   Dr Hannah Smith, Tutorial Fellow and
           Hilda's College, Cowley Place, OX4 1DY     library for university academics and
                                                                                                   University Lecturer in Early Modern
                                                      students in the world. Dating from 1373,
           In celebration of its 125th anniversary,                                                British History, Professor Jamie Belich
                                                      Merton’s medieval library has grown
           St Hilda's College delights in welcoming                                                (Nuffield, 1978), Beit Professor of
                                                      steadily over the centuries. The library’s
           Katty Kay, presenter of BBC World News                                                  Imperial and Commonwealth History
                                                      collections of manuscripts (in print and
           America and Beyond 100 Days.
                                                      electronic formats) reflect the changing     Faculty of History, George Street, OX1
           £10                                        academic requirements and interests of       2RL
                                                      Mertonians from the Middle Ages to the
                                                                                                   The Faculty of History will be holding two
                                                      present day.
                                                                                                   sessions on Saturday afternoon (part one
           Free for St Hilda's alumnae. Contact the
                                                      £10                                          on p19), discussing women in politics
           College for discount booking details.
                                                                                                   throughout history.
                                                                                                   This second session will look at the
                                                      Tour repeated 4pm on Saturday.
                                                                                                   modern period and global history, with
                                                                                                   a focus on New Zealand, and will be
                                                                                                   followed by a general discussion.

                                                                                                   Free for Faculty of History alumni.
                                                                                                   Contact the Faculty for discount booking
2.30–4pm                                     3.45–7.30pm

Politics in chaos: political                         Handpress printing                  What’s new in experimental
leadership in the modern                    at the Bodleian Library                      psychology?
                                            Richard Lawrence, Superintendent of          Professor David Clark (Lincoln,
Ed Balls (Keble, 1985), Former              the Bibiographical Press, Bodleian Library   1973), Professor and Chair of
Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer,                                                      Experimental Psychology, Professor
                                            Printing Workshop, Schola Musicae, Old
Sir Jonathan Phillips, Warden, Keble                                                     Charles Hulme (Oriel, 1973),
                                            Library, Catte Street, OX1 3BG
College                                                                                  William Golding Senior Research Fellow,
                                            Learn about the origins of printing and      Professor of Psychology and Education
O'Reilly Theatre, Keble College, Parks
                                            watch a demonstration of printing a
Road, OX1 3PG                                                                            Meet at the Anna Watts Building
                                            document by hand using metal type.
                                                                                         entrance, Walton Street, OX2 6HG
Former Shadow Chancellor of the             Participants will also get the chance to
Exchequer, Ed Balls, returns to Oxford to   use the Bodleian's historic presses to       During this extended session you will
share his experiences in government and     create a hand-printed item.                  have the opportunity to learn all about
to discuss the current state of political                                                the exciting new research being produced
leadership in conversation with Sir                                                      by the Department. This will include:
Jonathan Phillips.                          Activity repeated 11.30am on Sunday.         a tour of the new Anna Watts Building
                                                                                         (the temporary home of Experimental
                                                                                         Psychology); talks by Professor David
Free for Keble alumni. Contact the                                                       Clark and Professor Charles Hulme, giving
College for discount booking details.                                                    an insight into their current research; and
                                                                                         a drinks reception, with the opportunity
                                                                                         to meet current researchers.


           The NHS at 70: time for                        The century girls                           Creative industries within the
           retirement?                                                                                UK
                                                          Tessa Dunlop (St Hilda's, 1993),
           Panel chaired by Sir Andrew Dilnot             television presenter, radio broadcaster     Dame Hilary Boulding, DBE (St
           (St John's, 1978), Warden of Nuffield          and historian, Joyce Reynolds               Hilda's, 1975), President, Trinity
           College                                        (Somerville, 1937)                          College
           Mathematical Institute, Woodstock              Mathematical Institute, Woodstock           Mathematical Institute, Woodstock
           Road, OX2 6GG                                  Road, OX2 6GG                               Road, OX2 6GG
           In 2018, its 70th year, the NHS seems          How has being a woman in Britain            Dame Hilary Boulding's career has taken
           to be approaching a tipping point. Is it       changed over the last 100 years? Join       her from production at the BBC to
           time to finally let go of the ideal of high-   Tessa Dunlop, author of the bestseller      Director of Music at the Arts Council
           level free healthcare, or can the NHS          The Century Girls and Somerville alumna,    England, and Principal of the Royal Welsh
           be revived to enjoy vigorous health for        and classicist Joyce Reynolds, to explore   College of Music and Drama, back to
           another 70 years? Andrew Dilnot, author        the experiences of women who have           Oxford as President of Trinity College. In
           of the Dilnot Commission Report on             lived through the past 100 years of         this talk she will discuss her own journey
           Social Care, will lead a panel of healthcare   British history.                            through the British art world, as well as
           experts in a discussion of the future of                                                   the wider importance of the Arts within
           the NHS.                                                                                   British culture.
           £10                                                                                        £10

Physical activity in the                     Welcome talk by Head of                      Labs for 21st-century
changing urban landscape                     Physics                                      chemistry
Professor Stanley Ulijaszek, Professor       Professor Ian Shipsey, Head of               Dr Nick Green (Jesus 1976),
of Human Ecology, St Cross                   Physics Department                           Associate Head of Department
                                                                                          (Teaching), Dr Malcolm Stewart
Pauling Centre for Human Sciences, 58a       Beecroft Bulding, between University
                                                                                          (St Hugh’s), Director of Teaching
Banbury Road, OX2 6QS                        Parks and the Museum of Natural
                                                                                          Laboratories, Professor Mark Brouard
                                             History, Parks Road, OX1 3PW
The built environment is now the                                                          (Wadham 1978), Head of Chemistry
dominant form of living, and low levels of   Professor Ian Shipsey, welcomes you to
                                                                                          Chemistry Teaching Laboratory, South
physical activity associated with it have    the new Beecroft Building and will give an
                                                                                          Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS
important consequences for body weight       update on what’s new in the department
and chronic disease. This presentation       and his plans for the future.                Chemistry is the central science that can
examines relationships between physical                                                   revolutionise our lives in the future, from
activity and the built environment in the                                                 molecular medicine to sustainable energy.
age of expert systems and emerging                                                        Visit the new state-of-the-art teaching
smart cities discourses.                                                                  laboratories and hear how the next
                                             Free for Department of Physics alumni.
                                                                                          generation of scientists will be enabled
£10                                          Contact the Department for discount
                                                                                          to address the challenges of the 21st
                                             booking details.
Free for Department of Human Sciences                                                     century. This session will include a drinks
alumni. Contact the Department for                                                        reception.
discount booking details.

                                                                                          Free for Department of Chemistry
                                                                                          alumni. Contact the Department for
                                                                                          discount booking details.

4–5pm                                                                                       4–6pm

           Future of political Islam:                            The flora and fauna of                         Botanic Gardens
           developments in the Middle                        Magdalen College                          'Physic Gin'
           East post-Arab Spring
                                                             Daryl Green, College Librarian,           Professor Simon Hiscock
           Professor Masooda Bano (St                        Magdalen College                          (Worcester, 1982), Director, Oxford
           Antony's, 2002), William Golding                                                            Botanic Gardens, Tom Nicholson,
                                                             Old Library, Magdalen College, High
           Senior Research Fellow, Brasenose                                                           Founder, the Oxford Artisan Distillery
                                                             Street, Oxford, OX1 4AU
                                                                                                       University of Oxford Botanic Garden,
                                                             A guided view of the 'Flora and Fauna
           Seminar Room 2, Oxford Department of                                                        Rose Lane, OX1 4AZ
                                                             of Magdalen College' exhibition by
           International Development, 3 Mansfield
                                                             Magdalen Librarian, Daryl Green, in the   Enjoy a tasting of the University's new
           Road, Oxford, OX1 3TB
                                                             historic and atmospheric Old Library.     official gin, developed over three years
           The Arab Spring brought the Islamists                                                       in collaboration with Oxford Botanic
           to the forefront but only to be soon                                                        Garden. Hear about the process to
           ousted by the military or weakened due                                                      create the gin from the Oxford Artisan
           to civil war or internal strife. This talk will                                             Distillery's Founder, Tom Nicholson, and
           examine political developments across                                                       get an exclusive insight into the history
           the Middle East and Gulf to explore if we                                                   of the plants used from the Botanic
           are indeed witnessing the end of political                                                  Garden's Director, Professor Simon
           Islam, as some predict, or if we are to see                                                 Hiscock.
           its strong resurgence.

5–6pm                                       5–6.30pm                                     REPEATED SESSIONS
                                                                                         ON SATURDAY

Physics Department drinks                   Urban knowledge exchange:
reception                                   healthy places, smart cities?                11am-noon, 12.30-1.30pm,
                                                                                         2.30-3.30pm, 4-5pm
Professor Ian Shipsey, Head of              Dr David Howard (Mansfield, 1988),
Physics Department                          Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban                 Explore Science!
                                            Development, Kellogg, Dr Nigel Mehdi,        Repeated 9.30am on Saturday.
Beecroft Bulding, Between University
                                            Departmental Lecturer in Sustainable         See p13 for details
Parks and the Museum of Natural
                                            Urban Development, Kellogg, Dr Alexy
History, Parks Road, OX1 3PW                                                             12–1.30pm
                                            Karenowska (Magdalen, 2003),
Join us at our new building to enjoy a      Access Fellow, Magdalen                              The parish of St Thomas the
drinks and canapés reception. Catch up                                                   Martyr
                                            College Hub, Kellogg College, 60-62
with old friends and take the opportunity                                                Repeated 2pm on Friday. See p6 for
                                            Banbury Road, OX2 6PN
to learn what is new at the Department                                                   details
of Physics.                                 A lively, topical and provocative
                                            discussion on how to use emerging
                                            research technologies to shape our cities            Bodleian conservation
                                            and urban environments, and to improve       Repeated 11am on Saturday. See p16
                                            the everyday lives of residents. Core        for details
Free for Department of Physics alumni.
                                            areas, such as intelligent buildings, open
Contact the Department for discount                                                      3–3.30pm
                                            big data and designing in health, herald a
booking details.
                                            new era of urban knowledge exchange.                 The Department of Physics
                                                                                         Beecroft Building
                                                                                         Repeated 2pm on Saturday. See p20
                                                                                         for details
                                            Free for Kellogg alumni. Contact the         4–4.45pm
                                            College for discount booking details.
                                                                                                Merton's medieval library
                                                                                         Repeated 2.30pm on Saturday. See
                                                                                         p24 for details

           Join other alumni to learn more about the English novel, or discuss the ghost of the Spanish past in these lecture series
           designed to complement the Meeting Minds: Alumni Weekend in Oxford.
           What was and what is the (English) novel? From murder to Booker
             13 September and 14 September 2018 (£25)
           Crises of the past 100 years and their legacies
             17 September and 18 September 2018 (£25)
           Book online at
If you left a gift in your will, what brighter

future would you like to create?

‘I am Elle Tait. I applied to the uniq Summer School
 during my sixth form because I wanted to be sure that
 a law degree was for me.
At Oxford, I was fortunate enough to be supported
with a bursary during my undergraduate degree.
Most of my time as a law student was spent reading
and going to tutorials but there’s so much more to get
involved with, which the bursary allowed me to do.
My main passion was journalism and I became deputy
editor of the student newspaper.’

If you have made a provision for any part of the
University in your will, please let us know so that we have
an opportunity to thank you and invite you to events
of interest.
Please contact:
Caroline Reynolds, Legacies Officer
t: +44 (0)1865 611520

                                                                                Photo credit: John Cairns
9am–12.30pm                                  9am–4.45pm
     Sunday                                                Woods of wonder                               Into the Woods
     16 September                              Departments of Zoology and Plant             Earthwatch
                                                                                            Starts at the Mathematical Institute,
                                               Starts at the Mathematical Institute,        Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG. Meet in
                                               Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG. Meet in             the lobby at 9am to take the coach
                                               the lobby at 9am to take the coach to        to Wytham Woods. Session will end
                                               Wytham Woods. Session will end at            at 4.15pm, and the coach will then
                                               12pm, and the coach will then make           make various stops on the way back to
                                               various stops on the way back to             Oxford’s city centre. Includes lunch
                                               Oxford's city centre
                                                                                            Join experts from the environmental
                                               Wytham Woods has been owned by               charity Earthwatch to explore some
                                               the University of Oxford since 1942,         of the most urgent environmental
                                               and its exceptionally rich flora and fauna   sustainability issues and their relevance
                                               have been studied intensely since then.      to our society and economy, in the
                                               Explore the woods with researchers           inspiring natural surroundings of Wytham
                                               from the Departments of Zoology and          Woods.
                                               Plant Sciences to learn more about these
                                                                                            Includes lunch.
                                               world-leading studies.
                    © OU Images/Wytham Woods

11.30–12.30pm                              REPEATED SESSIONS ON SUNDAY

              St Hilda's                   10–11am                                 1–2pm
closing concert
                                                  Oxford's hidden carvings                 'Blue stockings' and 'bonnets'
Peter Sheppard, Violinist, Roderick        Repeated 2.30pm on Saturday.            at Oxford
Chadwick, Pianist                          See p22 for details                     Repeated 2.30pm on Friday.
                                                                                   See p8 for details
Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St       11am-noon
Hilda's College, Cowley Place, OX4 1DY                                             2pm–3pm
                                                  Oxford benefactors
Closing concert with Peter Sheppard        Repeated 11am on Saturday.                      Bodleian Libraries
(violin, viola) and Roderick Chadwick      See p16 for details                     Repeated 2.30pm on Friday.
(piano) featuring work by Honorary                                                 See p8 for details
Fellow Elizabeth Maconchy.
                                                       Handpress printing at the
                                           Bodleian Library                               Oxford in film
                                           Repeated 2.30pm on Saturday.            Repeated 2.30pm on Saturday.
                                           See p25 for details                     See p21 for details
Free for St Hilda's alumnae. Contact the
College for discount booking details.
                                                   Folly Bridge and Grandpont
                                           Repeated 4pm on Friday.
                                           See p9 for details


                                                                                    The Macdonald Randolph       The Marlborough Arms
                 Your Oxford Alumni Card can unlock discounts with a number of
                                                                                    Hotel                        26 Oxford Street, Woodstock,
                 hotels and colleges. The following hotels offer a 10% discount
                                                                                    Beaumont Street, Oxford,     OX20 1TS
                 on the best available rate for accommodation upon production
                                                                                    OX1 2LN
                 of your card, or you can claim 10% off the University Rooms                                     +44 (0)1993 811227
                 online service to book a room in a college.                        +44 (0)1865 256400           bookings@themarlborougharms.
                 If you do not already have an Oxford Alumni Card and want
                                                                                     our-hotels/macdonald-       www.themarlborougharms.
                 to enjoy the full range of benefits and offers available to you,
                 please apply for one at:
                                                                                                                 University Rooms
                                                                                                                 10% discount on accommodation
                                                                                                                 at selected colleges


                                                                                      ▲                                     ▲
                                                               All Souls College     1
                                                                                      ■   Balliol College                  2
A selection of colleges are hosting events, or offering        High Street, OX1 4AL       Broad Street, OX1 3BJ
accommodation, for all alumni during the Alumni Weekend
                                                                +44 (0)1865 279379        Saturday
(please look for the logo ) Many are also organising special
                                                                6pm 'Accountability in an age
events, or offering accommodation, for their
                                                                                            of Trump and a new global
own alumni. Please see below for booking details for college
                                                                                            populism?’, Dr Nadia Hilliard (St
events and accommodation.
                                                                                            Hilda's, 2007), Junior Research
Key                                                                                         Fellow in Politics, Balliol College.
                                                                                            Master's Dining Room
      Available to all alumni
                                                                                          7.45pm Drinks reception and
■ College location, see map on pages 46-7                                                   dinner in Hall for alumni
                                                                                             Accommodation: Single en
                                                                                              suite (£69.50), standard
                                                                                              rooms with shared bathrooms
                                                                                              (£55). Also available on
                                                                                              Thursday. Balliol alumni and
                                                                                              guests only
                                                                                          Jacqueline Gills
                                                                                            +44 (0)1865 277676
                                                                                          Development Office
                                                                                            +44(0)1865 277690


                                         ▲                                   ▲                                    ▲
           Blackfriars Hall             3
                                         ■      Brasenose College           4
                                                                             ■     Campion Hall                  5
                                                                                                                  ■      7.30pm Christ Church Annual
           St Giles’, OX1 3LY                   Radcliffe Square, OX1 4AJ          Brewer Street, OX1 1QS                Association Dinner.
                                                                                                                         All welcome. Tickets available
               he Priory Chapel is open
              T                                 Saturday                            +44 (0)1865 286100
                                                                                                                         through the Christ Church
              during the daytime all weekend.      4
                                                    pm 'Future of political
           Saturday                                Islam: developments in the
                                                                                                                  ▲    Sunday
              'The humility of faith and the      Middle East post-Arab Spring'   Christ Church                 6
                                                                                                                          8am Holy Communion
               dignity of reason'. Talk by         Professor Masooda Bano          St Aldate’s, OX1 1DP
                                                                                                                           9.45am Sung Matins and
               The Rev Professor Wojciech          (St Antony's, 2002), William
                                                                                   Friday                                   Sermon
               Giertych OP, Theologian of          Golding Senior Research
                                                                                       pm Evensong in Christ               11am Sung Eucharist
               the Papal Household, Theology       Fellow, Brasenose College
                                                                                      Church Cathedral                        6pm Evensong in Christ
               (p23)                               (p28)
                                                                                   Saturday                                     Church Cathedral
           7.30pm for 8pm Dinner in the         6pm Brasenose Society AGM
                                                                                      12-1pm Lecture given by Dr      Accommodation: for Old
            Refectory for Blackfriars alumni    7pm Drinks reception
                                                                                      Elizabeth Sandis (Worcester,      Members only. Contact the
            and Dominican Studium               7.30pm Annual dinner for
                                                                                      2002) (The Shakespeare            Development Office for the
           Sunday                                Brasenose alumni and guests in
                                                                                      Institute), introducing The       alumni discount code and book
               8am, 9.30am, 6.15pm Public       Hall (£50), black tie
                                                                                      Queen’s Arcadia and its           via the College website www.
                masses. Open to all.            Accommodation: Brasenose
                                                                                      historical context. Tickets
           Richard Brown                         alumni and guests only
                                                                                      available through the Christ      staying-christ-church
            Development Director                 (Saturday only, £35)
                                                                                      Church website                   Dr Anna Port
            +44 (0)1865 610208                  Alumni Relations and
                                                                                       2pm Shakespeare’s Globe         +44 (0)1865 286598
         Development Office
                                                                                         perform The Queen’s Arcadia
                   +44 (0)1865 287275
                                                                                      in the Hall. Tickets available
                                                                                      through the Christ Church
                                                                                        6pm Evensong in Christ
                                                                                      Church Cathedral

                             ▲                                                                                                          ▲
Corpus Christi College ■
                        7         Green Templeton                     Harris Manchester                    Hertford College            11
                                                               ▲                                      ▲
Merton Street, OX1 4JF            College                     9
                                                               ■      College                        10
                                                                                                      ■    Catte Street, OX1 3BW
                                  43 Woodstock Road, OX2              Mansfield Road, OX1 3TD
Sarah Salter                                                                                               Friday
 +44 (0)1865 276738                                                   Saturday                             Gaudy for matriculation years        Saturday                              9
                                                                         am–12pm The college               1986-1988.           There will be an evening drinks       chapel will be open                6.15pm Drinks reception in OB
                                   and canapés reception for GTC        1
                                                                         1am–12pm 'Celebrations            Quad
Exeter College              8
                             ■     alumni and guests. More details      and rejoicing': organ recital in   7.15pm Black tie dinner in Hall
Turl Street, OX1 3DP               to follow via email. If you have     the college chapel                 Accommodation: Limited B&B
                                   any questions, please contact:     Kay Webb                              accommodation is available in
                                  Sophie Schirmacher                   +44 (0)1865 618082                   College for those attending
7–10.30pm Gaudy for years
                                   +44 (0)1865 284556                        the dinner. Please contact the
 2010-2014. To book, please
                                               College for further information
                                  No parking available                                                     Hertford Development Office
Amelia Crosse
                                  Accommodation: GTC alumni                                                 +44 (0)1865 279428
 +44 (0)1865 279620
                                   and guests only. To book please                                
                                  Nick Martin                                                    
Accommodation: Exeter alumni
                                   +44 (0)1865 274795                                                       alumni
 only. To book, please contact:
Mihaela Groza
 +44 (0) 1865 279654


                                       ▲                                   ▲                                    ▲
           Jesus College              12
                                       ■     Keble College                13
                                                                           ■      Kellogg College              14
                                                                                                                ■      Accommodation: Luxury guest
           Turl Street, OX1 3DW              Parks Road, OX1 3PG                  Banbury Road, OX2 6PN                 rooms available for Kellogg
                                                                                                                        alumni and guests. Email
           Friday                            Saturday                             Saturday
           Gaudy for 1958, 1968, 1986        10.15am Welcome coffee               All Kellogg alumni and their
                                                                                                               or see www.kellogg.
            and 1993                         12.30-2.30pm Buffet Lunch             guests are invited to join us for
           Spare places at the dinner will    in Hall                              the alumni lecture and Gaudy
            be offered to Alumni Weekend        2
                                                 .30pm 'Politics in chaos:        dinner.
                                                                                                                       Alumni and Development Office
            attendees regardless of year.       political leadership in the           1
                                                                                       2.30-1.30pm ‘Harms in
                                                                                                                        +44 (0)1865 612020 or
           4pm Afternoon tea, the Bastion,      modern world', Ed Balls (Keble,       healthcare’ (p18)
            Ship Street Centre                  1985) in Conversation with        5.00-6.30pm ‘Urban knowledge
           5pm Principal’s talk, the Ship       Sir Jonathan Phillips (p25)        exchange: healthy places, smart
            Street Lecture Theatre           3.45pm Afternoon Tea                  cities?’ (p29)
           6.45pm Chapel service             6.15pm Evensong in Chapel            6.45pm for 7.15pm Drinks
           7.15pm Black tie dinner in Hall   7.15pm Drinks reception               reception followed by black
           9pm–12am Cash bar in the          8.00pm Gaudy dinner for years         tie Gaudy dinner. The after-
            Fourth Quad and Upper Senior      1985-1994 in Hall                    dinner speaker will be Bynum
            Common Room open                 Accommodation: Keble alumni           Tudor Fellow, Lord Bilimoria.
           Accommodation: Jesus alumni        and their guests only. To book,      For further details and to book,
            only                              please contact the Alumni and        see
           Rebecca Martin                     Development Office.                  alumni/alumni-events or
            +44 (0)1865 279695               Alumni and Development Office         email
       +44 (0)1865 272799                   uk

                                                                   ▲                                  ▲                                    ▲
                              ▲      Linacre College              16
                                                                   ■       Lincoln College           17
                                                                                                      ■      Magdalen College             18
Lady Margaret Hall           15
                                     St Cross Road, OX1 3JA               Turl Street, OX1 3DR               High Street, OX1 4AU
Norham Gardens, OX2 6QA
                                     Event for Linacre alumni and their   Saturday                           Friday
                                       guests:                            7pm for 7.30pm Lincoln Society        1 2pm–5.30 pm Light lunches
LMH Physics, Maths, Engineering
                                     Friday                                Dinner for Lincoln alumni and        and afternoon teas available in
 and Computer Science Reunion
                                     7.00pm drinks for 7.30pm              guests. Black tie. Tickets cost      Old Kitchen Bar (cash only)
10.30am-4.30pm Including
                                       dinner (two courses with            £45 (£37.50 for under 35s         Saturday
 academic sessions, drinks
                                       wine, coffee/tea). Followed        Accommodation: £46.96 for a           1 2pm–6.30pm College open
 reception and lunch
                                       by a piano recital. Booking         single room and £64.85 for a         to Oxford Alumni Card holders
Accommodation: B&B
                                       essential, cost tbc. For updated    double.                              1 2pm–5.30pm Light lunches
 availableFriday and Saturday,
                                       information, see                   Susan Davison                         and afternoon teas available in
 single en suite (£40), twin en
                                        +44 (0)1865 287421                   the Old Kitchen Bar (cash only)
 suite (£70). LMH alumni and
                                       uk/old-members-friends/       6.45pm for 7.30pm Dinner for
 guests only. Please book B&B
                                       old-members-friends-                     Magdalen alumni and guests
 using the following link: http://
                                       events                                                                Sunday
                                     or contact the Alumni Relations                                            1 2pm–5.30pm Light lunches
 accommodation and enter the
                                       Officer, Lisa Smårs.                                                     and afternoon teas available in
 promotional code ALUMNI18 to
                                     Regret no accommodation                                                    Old Kitchen Bar (cash only)
 show availability. Please contact
                                       available.                                                               Accommodation: www. for
                                     Limited parking, so please                                        
                                       contact Lisa Smårs to book a                                              magdalen/bb-room-
Development Office
                                       place.                                                                    reservation
 +44 (0)1865 274362
                                     Lisa Smårs                                                              Miriam Thiede
                                       +44 (0)1865 271673                                                     +44 (0)1865 276082


                                         ▲                                     ▲                                     ▲                                   ▲
           Mansfield College            19
                                         ■      Merton College                20
                                                                               ■       New College                  21
                                                                                                                     ■    Nuffield College              22
           Mansfield Road, OX1 3TF              Merton Street, OX1 4JD                 Holywell Street, OX1 3BN           New Road, OX1 1NF

           Saturday                             Saturday                               We regret that there will be no    Saturday
           Gaudy for 1987–1997.                 Gaudy for years 1972–1976                events.                             4pm The Warden, Sir Andrew
           Join us in College for a dinner to    (inclusive)                           Limited parking for those              Dilnot, will speak in a panel
             mark your time at Mansfield.          The college chapel will be open    attending the weekend.                 titled 'The NHS at 70: time for
             Partners and guests very               to all alumni                      Nathalie Wilks                         retirement?' (Mathematical
             welcome.                               2pm Organ recital given by          +44 (0) 1865 279509                  Institute, Woodstock Road)
           Find out more: www.                       Benjamin Nicholas (Lincoln,              (p26)
                  1995), Reed Rubin Organist                  7pm Drinks reception
             gaudy-1987-1997                         and Director of Music at            oldmembers                       7.30pm Alumni Weekend Dinner
           Accommodation: Open to                    Merton College (p20)                                                  in Hall
             Mansfield College alumni only           2.30pm and 4pm Tour of                                              Accommodation: there are a few
           Development Office                         Merton’s medieval library                                            rooms available in the College
             +44 (0) 1865 270998                      (p24)                                                                for Nuffield Alumni
              6pm The College Choir sing                                         To book, please contact:
                       Choral Evensong in the chapel                                      Monica Esposito-West
                                                Chelsea Chisholm                                                           +44 (0)1865 288691
                                                 +44 (0)1865 286298                                              

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