"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de

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"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
Amt für Soziale

(Munich City Pass)
What is the “München-Pass”
(Munich City Pass)?
Who can benefit?
Where can I get it?

                               Wir sind München
                      für ein soziales Miteinander
"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
What is the “München-Pass”
(Munich City Pass)?                                 3

Who can benefit?                                    3

Which facilities allow for such benefits?           4
 > Münchner Verkehrsverbund (MVV)                   4
 > Swimming pools                                   5
 > Sports venues and associations                   6
 > Museums, schools, buildings                      6
 > Various facilities                               7

What is „KulturRaum München“?                       8

Discount at the Munich Symphony Orchestra           8

Where can I purchase tickets?                       8

Where do you book an energy consultation?           9

What is „Medikamentenhilfe
München“ (Munich medical help)?                    10

Covering the cost of “Verhütungsmittel”
(contraceptives)                                   10

Discount on account maintenance fees
at the “Stadtsparkasse”                            10

Where can I get it?                                11

Offices of the “Amt für Soziale Sicherung“
(Office for Social Security) and the “Jobcenter”
(Job centre)in the “Sozialbürgerhäuser”
(social housing) are listed here:                  12

Offices of the “Amt für Wohnen und Migration”
(Office for Housing and Migration)                 14

Which documentation is required?                   15
"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
What is the “München-Pass”
(Munich City Pass)?
The “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) offers the
citizens of Munich who are registered as living there a
variety of benefits in the use of urban and non-urban

Who can benefit?
> Those receiving on-going “Hilfe zum Lebensunter-
   halt” (state support) and “Grundsicherung” (SGB XII)
   (financial maintenance).
> Those receiving “Arbeitslosengeld II” (SGB II)
   (unemployment benefits II).
> Those receiving benefits under the “Asylbewerberleis-
   tungsgesetz” (AsylbLG) (Asylum Seekers Benefits Act).
> Those receiving “Wohngeld” (housing allowance)
   or “Kinderzuschlag” (child maintenance) and their
   family members.
>		Low-income individuals whose income does not
   exceed the required amount under laws that are
   applicable to them (except au pairs, apprentices and
   students). The “Bedarfssatz” (level of need) is
   typically based on the “Regelsatz” (standard rate) or
   regular benefit received, plus any “Mehrbedarf”
   (additional needs) and the “Kosten der Unterkunft”
   (costs of the accommodation). In addition, the limit
   applied to allocated amounts must not be exceeded.
> Individuals below the Munich poverty risk threshold
   (net income per month) that applies to them, such as:
  ■  One-person household                      EUR 1,350
  ■  Two-person household                      EUR 2,025
  ■  Family with 1 child under 14 years of age EUR 2,430
  ■  Family with 1 child over 14 years of age EUR 2,700
   (except au pairs, apprentices, students). In addition,
   the threshold value of those assets to be used may
   not be exceeded.
> Those participating in a voluntary social or ecological
   year, or volunteers in the context of the “Bundesfrei-
   willigendienst” (Federal National Service programme).

A separate “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) shall
be issued for the applicant and each eligible family
member. All benefits can only be claimed upon presen-
tation of a valid “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass).
"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
Which facilities allow for
    such benefits?

    Münchner Verkehrsverbund (MVV)
    > The “IsarCard S” is valid in the selected zones
    > Discounted day passes for the urban ring: up
      to 15 day passes as single or group day passes or up
      to 20 children‘s day passes monthly

The “IsarCard S” and the day passes are non-
transferable. The return, refund or exchange of passes
is not possible. When travelling with the MVV, you
must always have your own “München-Pass”
(Munich City Pass) (that is, all persons) with you
in addition to the ticket (“IsarCard S” or day ticket)
(and also when using group / child day passes)
and show it to the inspection staff upon request. If
you do not have the “München-Pass” (Munich City
Pass) with you, you will be required to pay 60 euros
(increased transport fee)!

"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
Swimming pools
Indoor swimming pools
> Volksbad, Rosenheimer Str. 1
> Nordbad, Schleißheimer Str. 142
> Südbad, Valleystr. 37
> Hallenbad Giesing-Harlaching, Klausener Str. 22
> Hallenbad Forstenrieder Park, Stäblistr. 27b
> Olympia-Schwimmhalle

Outdoor swimming pools
> Maria Einsiedel, Zentralländstr. 28
> Ungererbad, Traubestr. 3
> Schyrenbad, Claude-Lorrain-Str. 24
> Georgenschwaige, Belgradstr. 195
> Prinzregentenbad, Prinzregentenstr. 80

Indoor and outdoor swimming pools
> Westbad, Weinbergerstr. 11
> Michaelibad, Heinrich-Wieland-Str. 24
> Cosima-Wellenbad, Cosimastr. 5
> Dantebad, Postillonstr. 17

"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
Sports venues and associations
    > Free use of district sports facilities
    > Various sports clubs (upon request)

Admission price discounts at skating rinks
(from October):
> Kunsteisbahn West, Agnes-Bernauer-Str. 241
> Eisbahn im Prinzregentenstadion,
   Prinzregentenstr. 80
> 400 m Eisschnellaufbahn im Ostpark,
   Staudingerstr. 17
> Eissportstadion am Olympiaturm

    Museums, schools, buildings
> Rathausturm, Marienplatz 8
> Deutsches Museum, Museumsinsel 1
> Münchner Stadtmuseum, St.-Jakobs-Platz 1
  (Permanent exhibition: admission free)
> Museum Villa Stuck, Prinzregentenstr. 60
> Jüdisches Museum München, St.-Jakobs-Platz 16
> Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Luisenstr. 33
> Course fees at the “Münchner Volkshochschule”
  (Munich Adult Education Centre)
> Münchner Bildungswerk, Dachauer Str. 5
> 10 % discount on tutoring services Tutoring:
  Nachilfe-Team.net (www.nachhilfe-team.net or

"München-Pass" (Munich City Pass) - What is the "München-Pass" (Munich City Pass)? Who can benefit? Where can I get it? - muenchen.de
Various facilities (Facility addresses)
> Bavaria Filmstadt, Bavariafilmplatz 7,
  82031 Geiselgasteig (www.filmstadt.de)
> Computerschule FiData, Tulbeckstr. 22
> FrauenGesundheitsZentrum, Grimmstr. 1
> Gärtnerplatztheater, Gärtnerplatz 3
> Jazzclub Unterfahrt, Einsteinstr. 42
> Kinderkunsthaus, Römerstr. 21
> Kindernotfalltraining 50 %
> Munich’s Theatre for Children, Dachauer Str. 46
  (only Monday to Friday)
> Münchner Volkstheater, Brienner Str. 50
> Olympiapark, Spiridon-Louis-Ring
  (Discounts on stadium guided tour prices and
  entrance to the tower)
> Schülercolleg Häberle (incl. IT College,
  Deutschcolleg, Sprachcolleg), Zieblandstr. 25
> Silver-Surfer Computer-Treff 50 Plus, Tulbeckstr. 22
> The Bavarian State Theater and the Bavarian Theatre
  Academy August Everding
> Municipal libraries
> Municipal theatres
> Theatiner Film, Theatinerstr. 32
> Tierpark Hellabrunn (www.hellabrunn.de)
> TIMERIDE GmbH (www.timeride.de/muenchen/)
> VINTY‘S München, Landsberger Str. 14
> Volkssternwarte München e.V., Rosenheimer Str. 145 h7
What is „KulturRaum München“?
    Those in possession of the “München-Pass”
    (Munich City Pass) can obtain free tickets to
    cultural events (including theatres, concerts,
    cabaret, cinema) from the association „KulturRaum
    München e.V.“. Further information is available
online at www.kulturraum-muenchen.de.
Here, you can find the flyer by clicking on the
keywords „KulturGast“ or „KulturKinder“
available for download.

    Discount at the
    Munich Symphony Orchestra
    The “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) entitles
    the holder to a discount on subscriptions and single
    concert tickets of 25 percent (for single concert
    tickets including advance booking and system fees).
    Subscriptions or individual concert tickets can
    be purchased directly from the Munich Symphony
    Münchner Symphoniker, Schornstr. 13, 81669
    Munich Telephone: 089 441196-26, monday to friday,
    9 am to 1 pm, fax: 089 441196-24
    Email: tickets@muenchner-symphoniker.de
    Online: www.muenchner-symphoniker.de

    Where can I purchase tickets?
    The admission passes or tickets are available at the
    facilities listed above which you would like to visit. The
    “IsarCard S” is available at all MVV points of sale (in
    particular ticket machines). You can only buy the MVV
    day passes during the opening hours of the following
    benefits offices: „Kassen der Sozialbürgerhäuser“
    (Social Housing Fund), or the „Amt für Woh­nen und
    Migration“ (Office for Housing and Migration).

Where do you book
an energy consultation?
“Stadtwerke München” (Munich Municipal Works),
in cooperation with the Social Services Department,
offers free energy advice for low-income households.
Holders of the “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass)
will be given free advice on how to save energy in
their homes.
Further information is available on the
SWM website (www.swm.de) and on the
hotline number 089 2361-2361
(monday to friday 9 am to 12.30 pm).

What is „Medikamentenhilfe
     München“ (Munich medical help)?
     Holders of the “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass)
     can receive discounts on their medication. For
     more information, you can download the flyer at
     www.muenchen.de, keyword „Medikamentenhilfe“.

     Covering the cost of “Verhütungs-
     mittel” (contraceptives)
     We will refund your costs incurred for contraceptives
     of up to 100 euros. If you require more expensive
     contraceptives, we will issue a declaration of
     cost acceptance as soon as the necessary verification
     is available. You can download the “Verhütungs-
     mittel “(„Contraceptives“) flyer by visiting

     Discount on account maintenance
     fees at the “Stadtsparkasse”
     Holders of the “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass)
     are entitled to a discount of 3 euros from the
     “Stadtsparkasse” for their current account, subject
     to certain conditions. The discount applies from the
     month of application for twelve months and can
     then be renewed regularly on submission of the
     “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass).
     The “Stadtsparkasse” will be happy to advise you
     on this and other, potentially cheaper account
     management options in all branches.

Where can I get it?
Those receiving on-going “Hilfe zum Le­bensunterhalt”
(state support) and “Grundsicherung” (SGB XII)
(financial maintenance) can obtain their “München-
Pass” (Munich City Pass) from their responsible
point of contact. Those receiving
“Arbeitslosengeld II” (unemployment benefits II),
“Wohngeld” (housing allowance) or “Kinderzuschlag”
(child maintenance) as well as participants in a
voluntary social or ecological year and volunteers
within the framework of the “Bundesfreiwilligen­
dienst” (National Service Programme) will receive
the “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) by visiting
the „Processing of Voluntary Services“ department
at their respective council offices. Those receiving
benefits under the “Asyl-bewerberleistungsge­setz”
(Asylum Seekers Benefits Act) will receive the
“München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) from their
respective department at the “Amt für Wohnen und
Migration” (Office for Housing and Migration).
Homeless persons entitled to benefits will receive
the “München-Pass” (Munich City Pass) from the
“Zentrale Wohnungslosenhilfe des Amts für Wohnen
und Migration” (Head Office for Homeless Aid at
the Office for Housing and Migration).

Offices of the “Amt für Soziale
     Sicherung“ (Office for Social Security)
     and the “Jobcenter” (Job centre)
     in the “Sozialbürgerhäuser”
     (social housing) are listed here:
     Office hours: by phone appointment only
     (Addresses for “Sozialbürgerhäuser” –
     social housing)

     Sozialbürgerhaus Berg am Laim,
     Trudering, Riem
     Streitfeldstr. 23
     81673 München
     Tel. 089 233-96833
     Berg-am-Laim, Trudering, Riem

     Sozialbürgerhaus Orleansplatz
     Orleansplatz 11
     81667 München
     Tel. 089 233-96833
     Au, Haidhausen, Bogenhausen

     Sozialbürgerhaus Giesing – Harlaching
     Werner-Schlierf-Str. 9
     81539 München
     Tel. 089 233-96833
     Obergiesing, Untergiesing, Harlaching

     Sozialbürgerhaus Pasing
     Landsberger Str. 486
     81241 München
     Tel. 089 233-96833
     Pasing, Obermenzing, Aubing, Lochhausen,
     Langwied, Allach, Untermenzing

     Sozialbürgerhaus Laim – Schwanthalerhöhe
     Hansastr. 2
     80686 München
     Tel. 089 233-96801
     Schwanthalerhöhe, Laim

Sozialbürgerhaus Süd
Schertlinstr. 2
81379 München
Tel. 089 233-96800
Thalkirchen, Obersendling, Forstenried,
Fürstenried, Solln, Hadern

Sozialbürgerhaus Mitte
Schwanthalerstr. 62
80336 München
Tel. 089 233-96833
Altstadt, Lehel, Ludwigsvorstadt,
Isarvorstadt, Maxvorstadt

Sozialbürgerhaus Ramersdorf – Perlach
Thomas-Dehler-Str. 16
81737 München
Tel. 089 233-96812
Ramersdorf, Perlach

Sozialbürgerhaus Neuhausen – Moosach
Ehrenbreitsteinerstr. 24
80993 München
Tel. 089 233-96802
Neuhausen, Nymphenburg, Moosach

Sozialbürgerhaus Schwabing – Freimann
Heidemannstr. 170
80939 München
Tel. 089 233-96833
Schwabing-West, Schwabing, Freimann

Sozialbürgerhaus Nord
Knorrstr. 101-103
80807 München
Tel. 089 233-96833
Milbertshofen, Am Hart, Feldmoching, Hasenbergl

Sozialbürgerhaus Sendling – Westpark
Meindlstr. 20
81373 München
Tel. 089 233-96809
Sendling, Sendling/Westpark

Hilfe zur Lebensführung und Grundsicherung in
     Einrichtungen, Kriegsopferfürsorge
     St.-Martin-Str. 53
     81669 München
     Tel. 089 233-68319 und 089 233-68443

     Offices of the “Amt für Wohnen
     und Migration” (Office for Housing
     and Migration)

     Zentrale Wohnungslosenhilfe
     Franziskanerstr. 6 - 8
     81669 München
     Tel. 089 233-40105
     For homeless people across the whole city

     Wirtschaftliche Flüchtlingshilfen
     Werinherstr. 89, Haus 34
     81541 München
     Tel. 089 233-48806
     For beneficiaries under the „Leistungen
     nach dem Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz“
     (Asylum Seekers Benefits Act)

Which documentation is required?
For everyone: an identity document and a
photo of the applicant and for each eligible family

If you are already receiving “Sozialhilfe oder Grund-
sicherung im Alter und bei Erwerbsminderung”
(social benefits or old-age and reduced earning
security) or “Leistungen nach dem Asylbewerber-
leistungsgesetz” (benefits under the Asylum
Seekers Benefits Act), no further documents are

For those receiving “Arbeitslosengeld II”
(unemployment benefits II): notification from
the job centre.

For those receiving “Wohngeld und Kin­derzuschlag”
(housing allowance and child maintenance)
notification from the “Amt für Wohnen und Migration”
(Office for Housing and Migration) or notification from
the “Kindergeldkasse” (Child Benefit Office).

For persons with low income and assets:
Proof of income / assets, tenancy agreements.

For those participating in a voluntary social or
ecological year and the “Bundesfreiwilli­gendienst”
(Federal National Service Programme): ID card
or contract.


Landeshauptstadt München
Amt für Soziale Sicherung
Sankt-Martin-Str. 53
81669 München

Photo credit:
Cover picture: mapics - fotolia
Page 4: lagom - fotolia
Page 5: Dr. Jan Kobel
Page 6: Deutsches Museum
Page 7: Tierpark Hellabrunn
Page 9: SZ-Designs - fotolia
Page 11: gettyimages

Layout: Fa-Ro Marketing GmbH
Print: City Hall (Stadtkanzlei)
As of: 08 / 2021
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