MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...

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MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion

The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity
in Weathering the Storm of Competition
for the Meat Case

March 2, 2022
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Today’s Presenters & Panel
Objective: Actionable Ideas to Capitalize on Winning the Consumer & Weathering the Competitive Storm

                 Jonna Parker             John Crowder            Heather DeLuca
                        IRI                     JBS             Associated Wholesale
               Principal / Team Lead,    Head of Marketing,           Grocers
                    Fresh Foods                Beef              VP, Meat & Seafood

                                                                 © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   2
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Four Themes,
  More Meals at Home    Accelerated         Less Trips, But More Missions
                        During 2020,
New Ways of Shopping
                       Expect to Have       Fierce Competition for Fresh

                                        © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   3
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Let’s Face It, the Last Two
                                                                Years’ Storm Brought Tailwinds
                                                                for the Meat Industry

                                                                                              average meals made in the home
                                                                                              January 2022 – was 77%+ for 26 periods

                                                                                              2021 Sales – flat from 2020
                                                                                              and +45% more than 2016

                                                                                              is spent across the store when meat is in
                                                                                              the basket – 118% higher than when not

                                                                                              of U.S. households bought meat in 2021
                                                                                              and made 50.4 trips annually to buy meat

Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   4
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Meat Grew By Leveraging
its Super Power… Assortment

In 2021, Americans bought an average
of 42 different cuts or kinds in the
meat department
Compared to pre-pandemic, Americans buy
more meat, more often and in more varieties.
Bacon had the highest share of shoppers’
wallets but only at 23% of all meat spend.
Go-to common cuts represent a lower share
of sales in 2021, with declining sales growth:
  • Ground Beef (-4.6%, flat volume)
  • Pork Loin (-4.3%, volume –9.5%)
  • Chicken Breast (-1.7%, volume -4.9%)

                            Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                                                           © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   5
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Meat Growth Driven by Key Trends – Strengthened in 2021

                       Premium                              Exploration                                 Convenience                                           Wellness
                         Bacon*                                Lamb                                 Beef Ingredient Cuts                                     Organic
                      (2.4%, -8.4%)                        (9.4%, 1.2%)                                (5.6%, -0.7%)                                      (3.3%, 2.0%)
                        Beef Loin*                           Beef Offal                              Cooking Meal Kits                                    Antibiotic Free
                      (4.0%, -8.6%)                       (18.8%, 16.6%)                              (37.6%, 32.5%)                                      (1.3%, -4.4%)
                          Prime                                                                      Prepared Entrees
                     (22.4%, 11.4%)                                                                    (11.7%, 6.3%)
                          Wagyu                                                                           Chicken
                    (78.8%, 188.2%)                                                                   Ingredient Cuts
                        Beef Ribs                                                                      (14.8%, 0.4%)
                      (16.7%, 3.4%)
                      *highest absolute
                       $ growth vs. YA

In Fresh Meat, UPC / Pre-Packaged Meat Gained 1% Share Point, Driven by Third-Party Brands
                  In Processed Meat, Private Label Fared Well (3.8%, -3.5%)

                                          Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / (Dollar % Change, Volume % Change)
                                                                                                © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   6
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
While All are Increasing Meat Spending,
More Americans Are HEAVY Meat Buyers Than Ever Before

                             • 4.2MM more households spent $600+/year in in 2021 and drove
                               $22.7 B total - $7.5B more in 2021 than in 2020
                             • Heavy Meat Shoppers are Heavy Grocery Food Buyers in general,
                               with meat as the trip anchor
                                 – $97.86 vs. $50.86 when meat is not in the basket
                                 – 40 more grocery store trips annually than the average American HH
                                 – Spend $5,944 annually on all food and beverages – 78% more than
                                   the average shopper
                             • Heavy Meat Buyers are valuable and traditional family demographics:
                                 – Head of Household born between 1946-1980 (Gen X or Boomers)
                                 – 3 to 5+ people in the home, 2x more likely to have children ages 12+
                                 – HH income over $70k and be either White or African American
                             • Multiple Departments win when Meat is in the Heavy Buyers’ basket as
                               they seek meal solutions:
                                 – Dairy Natural / Processed Cheese, Spaghetti Sauce, Frozen
                                   Vegetables, Frozen Potatoes, Gravy and Sauce Mixes, Frozen
                                   Processed Poultry, and Shelf-Stable Vegetables

                                                    Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                       © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   7
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Don’t Forget About Light Buyers Though
There are 63M Light (>$300 annually) Meat Buying U.S. Households vs. Only 23M Heavy ($600+) Buyers

Light Buyers Are Important Too, Amounting to $9B for the Department
• Frequency is the difference, with 14 trips annually to buy meat
  vs. 51 for Heavy buyers
• $73 when meat is in the basket - double than without meat – so still
  more engaged in the store
• Increased their spending in Fresh Meat in the past year, but in Chicken
  and Turkey - declined in Beef
• Demographics very different than Heavy Meat Buyers
    – 1 to 2 person households, less likely to have children present
    – Gen Z and Younger Millennials (born before 1990)

Some Younger Millennials Are Already Heavy Meat Buyers
and More Valuable Than Their Predecessors
• Heavy Young Millennials spend $19.86 vs. Heavy Gen X at $19.52
• 3 less trips per year, but spend more when they do ($104.52 vs. $102.80)

                                                                       Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                          © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   8
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
All in All,              Annual Dollar and Volume (lb) Sales for Meat
 the Past Five                       Department - Multi-Outlet

  Years Have                                                                               $82.4B              $82.3B

    Shown              $67.2B                $68.B                 $69.2B

Growth for Meat

     3%                                                                          21.8B                   20.3B
                  19.6B            19.6B                  19.6B
More Pounds and
  More Dollars
  than in 2017
                                             Volume Sales                  Dollar Sales

                      Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021
                                      © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.     9
MORE THAN "MEATS" THE EYE - IRI Fresh Foods Panel Discussion The Numbers, Impact and Opportunity in Weathering the Storm of Competition for the ...
Forecasted: a Storm of Change
As 2022 Dawns, Many Headwinds Are Brewing:


   Channel Shifting

   Digital Divide

   A New Generation

   Selling Solutions, Not Silos

                                             © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   10
January 2022: Shoppers Are
Concerned About Prices, Out of Stocks

     of shoppers are concerned
     about food cost inflation

     Perceive the cost of groceries and household
     items to be higher now, vs. last year

     Cited beef and pork as noticeably higher
     prices – more than any other grocery item
     (Chicken / Turkey was #3 – 66%)

     Said they will make no shopping changes
     due to higher prices – but for how long?

                                             Source: IRI Shopper Survey January 2022
                   © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   11
In Actuality, Beef and Pork Are Not the Highest Increases in the Store –
Fresh Poultry and Processed Meat Do Not Even Make the Top 10
Top 25 Edible Categories, Price per Volume % Change vs. YA / Latest 12 WE 01-23-2022

                  23.0% 22.7%
                                                             20.8% 20.4%
                                                                                            18.8% 18.6%
                                                                                                                                  17.7% 17.4% 17.3%
                                                                                                                                                    16.5% 16.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                               15.3% 15.0% 14.9% 14.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       14.2% 13.9% 13.6% 13.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               13.3% 13.2% 13.1% 13.0% 12.6%


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Baby Food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cracker Kits

                                                                                                                                                       Frozen Poultry


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Meat Cheese
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Center Store
                                                                                             Fresh Fin Fish


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Frozen Processed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Italian Sauce
                                                             Fresh Produce Party

                                                                                                                                   Breakfast Sausage
                                                                                                              Fresh Tropical &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Processed Chicken


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Frozen Meat
                   Shortening & Oil

                                                                                                                                                                        Deli Trays

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SS Spaghetti /
  Powdered Milk


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FZ Meat / Poultry /
                                        Perimeter Pastry /

                                                                    Trays & Gifts

                                                                                                                Specialty Fruit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Fresh Citrus Fruit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Salty Snacks
                                                                                                                                                                                     Dry Fruit Snacks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sports Drinks
                                      Danish/Coffee Cakes

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Seafood Alternatives
                                                                                                                                                                                                *only includes items with >$10M in Sales                    Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, MULO, 12 weeks ending 01-23-2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.                                                             12
When Prices Started to Rise, Meat Promotions Were Cut Back,
But Discounts Are Still Happening, Just Off Higher Base Prices
Total U.S., Multi-Outlet Meat Department 12 Month Period Ending January 2022

 16.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                        3.00
                                                                                                                                                                            14.1%            14.4%
                                                                      1.88                                             12.2%                                                                                  2.00
                                                                                                                                        11.6%             11.7%
                                                                                                         10.1%                                                                                                1.00
 10.0%                                                  0.82
                                                                                                                                                                                   0.39                0.45
  8.0%                                    0.07                                                                                                                                                                0.00
                                                                                            6.8%                                                                  -0.26
           6.2%              -0.48
  6.0%                                                                                                                                          -0.90                                                         -1.00
                -1.28 4.2%           4.5%
  4.0%                                             3.1%                        2.8%
                                                                                   -2.01                                       -1.96                                                                          -2.00
  2.0%                                                                                                        -2.41
 -2.0%                                                          -0.8%                                                                                                                                         -4.00
          4 Weeks      4 Weeks      4 Weeks       4 Weeks       4 Weeks       4 Weeks      4 Weeks      4 Weeks       4 Weeks          4 Weeks          4 Weeks           4 Weeks           4 Weeks
         Ending 02-   Ending 03-   Ending 04-    Ending 05-    Ending 06-    Ending 07-   Ending 08-   Ending 09-    Ending 10-       Ending 10-       Ending 11-        Ending 12-        Ending 01-
           21-21        21-21        18-21         16-21         13-21         11-21        08-21        05-21         03-21            31-21            28-21             26-21             23-22

                                       Price per Volume % Change vs YA                        Weighted Average % Price Reduction Change vs YA

                                                                                                                 Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 1-23-22
                                                                                                                              © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.      13
Meats With the Highest Price Increase Didn’t All Experience Volume Declines;
Shoppers’ Seeking Solutions and Priorities Matter Sometimes More than Price
Meat Subcategories with Greater than $100M Sales and +10% Higher Price Per Pound vs YA


                                                                                  4.0%                   3.4%                                                              3.1%
                                   1.5%                                                                                                               2.4%
                                                                           0.4%                                                   0.9%

                                                           -1.1%                                                        -1.8%

                                                                                         -8.4%                                                                 -8.4%

                                                    CHICKEN                                                                                                                   BEEF                TURKEY
                                  BEEF RIBEYE                      INGREDIENT     BEEF LOIN       BEEF RIBS     LAMB LOIN         PORK RIBS              BACON
                                                     WINGS                                                                                                                   SIRLOIN              BREAST
Dollar Sales % Change vs YA            1.5%             13.1%        14.7%          4.0%            16.7%         10.5%               0.9%                 2.4%                 3.1%                  -11.1%
Volume Sales % Change vs YA           -12.5%            -1.1%         0.4%          -8.4%            3.4%          -1.8%              -9.8%                -8.4%               -7.3%                  -20.0%
Price per Volume % Change vs YA       16.1%             14.4%        14.3%          13.6%           12.9%         12.5%               11.9%               11.8%                11.2%                  11.1%
      Meat Department average price change 2021 is 7%
                                                            Dollar Sales % Change vs YA          Volume Sales % Change vs YA

                                                                                                                Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 1-23-22
                                                                                                                             © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.       14
Meat Marketing Can
 Be More Than Price                              The Dance
                                              Affordability and
Consumers will spend on more
expensive items if they:                      Premiumization
 • provide a value to their families (e.g.,     is Important
   larger size to feed many)
                                                 to Monitor
 • reward themselves or impress others
 • trust the product attributes or brand
 • perceive it is cheaper than                Shoppers Seek
   alternatives in store or out-of-the-         MEALS, Not
                                                Just MEATS

                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   15
Throughout the Store, There Are More
                Choices Than Ever in Meat and Making Meals

                                   % Meat Buying HHs Also Buying                                      Dollar Sales % Change vs. YA

                Cooking Meal Kits                             Seafood Dept.                              Frozen Meat                               Frozen Poultry

                  6.9                 33.6                 57.6                  6.7                 56.4                  -1.1                  47.4                   -4.8

                                                                                                                                              Deli Prepared Foods
              Frozen Proc. Poultry                          Frozen Seafood                         Frozen Meals Aisle                            & Meals Aisle

                 58.1                 13.2                 72.9                  2.0                 93.7                   4.3                  95.1                   23.0

Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.     16
Meat is a
 Part of the
 the Store

Competition         The Meat Department                                                                    Basket with Steak vs. Average Basket
                 is the Anchor of the Store
as Much as                                                                                                                                               vs.
               More than 60% of Meat Department Baskets
Cooperation     Include both Fresh and Processed Meat
                                                                                                            Items likely to be in the basket with Steak
                Items likely to be in the basket with Meat                                                    include Fresh Fin Fish, Bacon, Root Veg,
                include Frozen Meats, Meals, Deli Prepared                                                 Deli Specialty Cheese, Deli Service Lunchmeat,
                Meals, Entertaining Options & Deli Cheese,                                                  Fresh Cooking Vegetables, Fresh Stone Fruit,
                Frozen Fruits & Vegetables, Frozen Snacks                                                            Fresh Salads/Leafy Greens

                   Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                                                  © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   17
Baskets with Frozen or Refrigerated Meat
And Then There’s Meat Alternatives:                                                                    Alternatives Are More Likely to Also Include
                                                                                                         Chicken, Turkey and/or Dinner Sausage
                                                                                                                                                                       % HH
            Business in 2021                                                                                                                           % HH
                                                                                                                                                                                         $ Sales
                                                                                                                                                                                        % Change
                                                                                                                                                      Buying          vs. YA             vs. YA
                                                                                                       Refrigerated Meat / Poultry                      10.8              0.8             8.9
                                                                                                             Seafood Alternatives
                                                                                                           Frozen Meat / Poultry /                      15.4              0.5             -0.4
                                                                                                             Seafood Alternatives
                                                                                                          Total Meat Alternatives                       18.6              0.9             2.8

                                                                                                     Total U.S. /
                                                                                                     All Outlets
                                                                                                        / Meat                                                     36.9%
                                                                                                      $ Share

                Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.     18
Meat Alternative Buyers Are Meat Buyers

                            • Households Who Buy Meat Alternatives Are Still Buying Meat
                               – More adventurous in cuts and kinds than average US household
                               – Decreasing beef and chicken spending year over year
                               – Increasing pork, veal, lamb and exotic spending
                            • 6.5MM First-Time Meat Alt Buyers in 2021 Also Spent $150MM
                              More than in 2021 on Fresh Meat
                               – Establishing households and more at-home meal making routines
                               – New meat alternative buyers are also increasing produce salads
                                 and leafy greens, frozen processed poultry and fresh finfish
                            • The 7.2MM Retained Meat Alternative Buyers are $3.4B Worth in
                              Fresh Meat – $1MM More in 2021 than 2020
                               – A “Light” meat department buyer but increasing spending on
                                 chicken, bacon and frozen processed poultry
                               – Upped their Fresh Seafood spending $100MM more than last year

Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Market Advantage, TUS MULO, Latest 52 WE 12-26-2021 / IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, TUS All Outlets, Latest 52 Weeks Ending 12-26-2021
                                                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   19
Shoppers are Changing What Meats They Buy –
But, Increasingly, WHERE They Want to Buy Them
Dept-Meat with FW / RW Combined | $ Sales and Share of Channels;
CY 2019-2021, L4W vs. YA / Total U.S. – All Outlets
   $42.7B                $49.9B                 $47.5B
             0.3%                  0.3%                             0.3%
             0.7%                  1.9%                              2.2%
    8.0%     2.5%          7.5%    2.0%
                                                 7.4%                1.9%

    11.0%                 12.3%                 12.4%

    19.2%                 19.1%                 20.1%

                                                                                 Total US - Dollar
                                                                                 Total US - Internet
                                                                                 Health and Specialty
    44.2%                 42.9%                 42.3%                            Discount Grocery
                                                                                 Total US - Club
                                                                                 Mass & Supercenter
                                                                                 Traditional Grocery

     2019                  2020                   2021

                                               **Note: $ share sorted based on 2021, $ share calculated to Total U.S. - All Outlets / Source: Integrated Fresh Panel CY 2019-2021
                                                                                                             © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   20
The Digital Revolution is Changing How We Shop and Get Inspired for Everything,
Including Meat, and Could Mean New Ways to Entice Shoppers Beyond Price

                                                   Online Shopping                                                     Inspiration
                                                      (includes delivery,                                   Inspiration Also Happens
                                                  curbside, in-store pick-up)                                 Online – Especially for
                                                                                                               Younger Consumers
                                             Online shoppers are more likely to
                                              be younger and more affluent
                                                (e.g., the Light Meat Buyer)                                40% of Gen Z and 37%
                                              14% of HHs shopped online the                             of Millennials have discovered
                                                                                                            a new favorite product
                                              last time they bought groceries                                 through social media
                                              31% plan to shop online at least a
                                             little for groceries in the next 4 wks
                                             17% of incomes $100k

               While the Majority of Meat Still is Bought in Store, Digital Can Help
    Bridge the Divide Between Generations, Create Inspiration and Drive Value Beyond Price

                                                                     Source: IRI Shopper Survey January 2022 and IRI Media Study, Oct 2021
                                                                         © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   21
Shopping for Meat Online is Still Emerging – But Already Vital for Staples

     Brick and Mortar Retailer’s Online Point-of-Sale Reveals Cooking Basics Are Popular

                   Common,              Similar to
Chicken is       Versatile Cuts        price, items
                   Fare Best         where shoppers
                    Online               want to
                                     premium-ize (or
                  Share of Sales      impress) fare
of all online                        better in-store:
                 Online   In-Store
meat sales
                 Chicken Breast         Beef Loin
currently –       24       17           Pork Ribs
 10 points        Ground Beef          Beef Ribeye
higher than       23       19         Chicken Legs
  in-store       Ground Turkey       Whole Bird Turkey
                   6        3         Pork Shoulder

                                                             © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   22
is Changing

 Shifts Are

 2021 Share    Gen Z       Millennials      Gen X                           Boomers                          Seniors / Retirees

  of Dollars                             Total Edible
 and Change
   vs. 2019     0.6%        25.5%           31.3%                              34.2%                                       8.4%
               +0.2 pts.    +0.2 pts.      +0.5 pts.                          +0.2 pts.                                  -1.2 pts.

                                         Fresh Meat
                0.7%        24.6%           32.3%                              34.7%                                       7.8%
               +0.3 pts.    -0.9 pts.      +1.0 pts.                          +0.6 pts.                                  -1.0 pts.

                                                         Source: IRI Integrated Fresh Panel, All Outlets, L52 WE 12/26/2021
                                                        © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   23
Gen Z             Millennials           Gen X                        Boomers                          Seniors / Retirees

Quick & Easy         Easy Dinner        Wellness Quick                Premium                                   Quality, But
Multicultural        Alternatives        Family Meals                Holiday Cuts                              Conventional

 Ingredient Cuts      Organic / ABF        Grass-Fed /                   Wagyu                               Select Grade
Beef & Pork Ribs         Poultry         Organic / ABF               Turkey Whole /                             Angus
   Offal / Exotic   Meat Alternatives     Family Packs                    Ham                              Conventional Meats
  Frozen Meats          Meal Kits        Ground Protein               Beef Ribeye
                     Ingredient Cuts     Chicken Breast

                                                              Source: IRi Integrated Shopper Loyalty, Food Outlets, 2021
                                                     © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   24
Generational Shifts Also Driving
Less Impact of Price Promotions

Consumers Have Changed;
So Should Our Meat Department Strategies

• The Meat Department Has Less Volume on Promotion Than
  Ever Before – and Less Lift
• Younger Consumers are Less Driven to Switch Stores for
  Meat than Their Predecessors
   – Seniors and Boomers buy more than 31% on a price
     discount – and increasing
   – Millennials and Gen Z buy less than 28% – and declining

                                                               © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   25
As We Shift Past the Circular – Retailers are Creatively Drawing Consumers
in With Different Ways to Spark Excitement and Inspiration with Meat

                                                      © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   26
Even Though Ads Are Changing Though – Displays Really Aren’t
These Retailers Are Thought of as “Different” in Meat by Our Industry – Can you Tell Who’s Who?

                                                                     © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   27
More Than “Meats” The Eye - What Got Us Here Won’t Get Us There
        Inflation Pressure is Real- Shoppers Perceiving the Worst
        With constantly shifting market dynamics it’s more important than ever to understand
        marketing meat is more than price

                              Preparing for the Next Generation
                              With triple more households Light than Heavy Meat buyers – engaging younger
                              consumers in new and different ways is the key to future success

                                        Solutions Not Silos
                                        Cooking fatigue is real. Meet consumers where they are at with solutions to the
                                        meal and occasions to create excitement and engagement for years to come

                                        The Future is Bright
                                        Meat has versatility, relevance, choice and differentiation possible – the true
                                        anchor of the store. How will you stand out to connect differently in 2023?

                                                                              © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   28
Meet Our Panelists:
  DISCUSSION           Changing the Meat Industry

 Key Learnings

Rays of Sunshine

  the Storm

Forecast for the   John Crowder                   Heather DeLuca
 Period Ahead             JBS                  Associated Wholesale
                   Head of Marketing,                Grocers
                         Beef                     VP, Meat & Seafood

                                        © 2022 Information Resources Inc. (IRI). Confidential and Proprietary.   29
& answers

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