Canvas LMS Minimum Requirements 2018/19

Page created by Nelson Alexander
Canvas LMS Minimum Requirements 2018/19

The LMS Minimum Requirements propose a progression from baseline (2017/18) to Enrichment (2018/19) and Transformation
(2019/20) whereby the Transformation stage is student centred and student owned (including students as partners, co-
designers, co-producers and co-researchers). This approach aligns with the (draft) Education Strategy.
This was approved by the LMS Programme Steering Group on 18 June 2018.

Modules / module refers to the Canvas content tool called Modules with a module being a unit within Modules.
“Module” refers to an ARU module within a course/degree programme.
“Modules” are referred to as courses in Canvas.
“Course” refers to an ARU course.

             Purpose                  Information on Tool             Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                       Enrichment 2018/19
Entry point to the “module” on      Page [this may be the Syllabus    ESSENTIAL                                    ESSENTIAL                               ESSENTIAL
Canvas comprises introductory       or other tools] set as landing    1. Provide essential “module”                1. Provide essential “module”           1. Video introduction / tour
information and supports students   page and pre-populated text            information ( a) and b) automatically       information (Module Leader              of Canvas course – where
to engage with their module,        (template). The scaffold text          provisioned in module title):               / Tutor Information (contact            everything is (using Personal
its assessment and associated       must be edited, or replaced, by        a. “Module” title & code                    details))                               Capture or similar screen
pedagogies.                         the module leader. This is the          b. Semester/Trimester and year of      2. Update template text                     capture tools tool)
                                    first page students see when               delivery                            3. Announcements pinned to
Note: Recording is subject to       they access a “module”            Module Leader / Tutor Information                Homepage (please see section
hardware and software provision     via Canvas.                       (contact details)                                on Announcements)
including thin client and virtual                                     2. Edit template text                        4. If there is a change to (the items
desktop.                                                              3. Either update or change the “module”          on) the Homepage, the course
                                                                         homepage after two weeks from the             team / course leader needs to
                                                                         start of the “module” (e.g. videos and        be consulted.
                                                                         “module” homepage information) to
                                                                         reflect progress through “module”         DESIRABLE
                                                                         and maintain interest.                    1. Video introduction (Tutor
                                                                      4. Announcements pinned to                       introduction using the Canvas
                                                                         Homepage (please refer to section on          tool)
                                                                         Announcements)                            2. Video introduction / tour
                                                                                                                       of Canvas course – where
                                                                      DESIRABLE                                        everything is (using Personal
                                                                      1. Create a video introduction to                Capture or similar screen
                                                                          the module                                   capture tools) (Essential for
                                                                                                                       distance learning)
Modules (Content)
        Purpose                Information on Tool              Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                        Enrichment 2018/19
The Modules functionality      Modules tool which uses          ESSENTIAL                               ESSENTIAL                                          ESSENTIAL
provides a space to create     modular units (called            1. Edit the “module” guide and          1. Edit / Update the “module” information and      1. Edit / Update the “module”
“module” content in a          module) consisting of                complete with the information           complete with the information relevant to          information and complete with
modular sequential format      different elements (Pages,           relevant to this delivery.              this delivery.                                     the information relevant to this
allowing selective release     Assignments, Discussions,        2. Provide examples of previous         2. Provide examples of previous assessment             delivery
if required.                   Quizzes, Internal and External       assessment *.                           (Exemptions need to be approved by the         2. Provide examples of previous
                               Links etc.). Selective release                                               course leader or the DLT).                         assessment (Exemptions need to
“Module”-specific sections     can be set to one tool /         DESIRABLE                                                                                      be approved by the DLT).
of the Module Information      element within a “module”        1. Provide additional/supportive        DESIRABLE                                          3. Provide assessment information
will be set up as the first    and learners can be required         assessment information as a short   1. Provide assessment information as a short           as a short video (see Assignment
Module within the Modules to work through a sequence                video (see Assignment)                  video (see Assignment)                         4. Include an assignment-specific
tool with different templated of activities.                                                            2. Include an assignment- specific discussion          discussion board for ongoing
pages that need to be                                                                                       board for ongoing support and clarification.       support and clarification.
completed with the specific Note: It is advisable to                                                    3. Add information / guidance specific to          5. Add information / guidance
information for this delivery. seek support to use tool                                                     the “module” / “course” /community site            specific to the module /
                               appropriately.                                                               e.g. employability, sustainability, student        “course” /community site e.g.
*Note: When using student                                                                                   community, co- and extracurricular                 employability, sustainability,
assessment as samples,                                                                                      opportunities.                                     student community, co- and
written permission must be                                                                                                                                     extracurricular opportunities
collected, and identifiers
removed from the work.
Modules (Content) continued
         Purpose                 Information on Tool            Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                          Enrichment 2018/19
The modules can be               Within the Modules tool you    ESSENTIAL                                ESSENTIAL                                             ESSENTIAL
organised as required e.g.       can organise your content      1. Create the relevant weekly or         1. Create the relevant weekly or topic-based          as in Enrichment 18/19 plus
Week 1, 2, 3, etc. or Topic A,   in weeks, topic units called       topic-based modules for your             modules / units for your delivery.                1. Design activities for students
Topic B, etc.                    modules in Canvas.                 delivery with a student engaging     2. Create a clear content structure e.g. pre-              to collaborate and become
                                                                    activity and resources per week or       , during and post class activities, and                co- producers, designers and
Note: Content structure                                             topic. Within academic discretion        resources which engage students. Within                researchers.
can be designed in different                                        content may include presentations        academic discretion content may include           2. Produce and comment on
ways for students to access                                         slides, notes, handouts, images,         presentations slides, notes, handouts,                 resources including video
and navigate (e.g. separate                                         videos and recordings (lecture or        images, videos and recordings (lecture or         3. Extending student learning
modules per content unit or                                         personal capture or other media),        personal capture or other media), and clear            through additional activities
one module for all content                                          and clear activity instructions          activity instructions                                  and resources (including co-
units in the Modules tools                                      2. Uploaded content needs to             3. Use a consistent format for activities (activity        curricular)
or using linked up (web)                                            comply with copyright                    templates)                                        DESIRABLE
Pages which are located                                         3. Make lecture / seminar materials      4. Uploaded content needs to comply with              1. Organise content in nested
in Modules (website                                                 available to students before the         copyright regulations.                                 pathways.
approach). It is up to the                                          teaching takes place.                5. Make core learning materials and resources
academic judgement of                                                                                        available to students before the teaching
module leaders which                                                                                         takes place (see Accessibility). Update
approach is taken but the                                                                                    materials following teaching as necessary.
approach needs to be
agreed across a course                                                                                   DESIRABLE
team to ensure consistency.                                                                              1. Use selective release (prerequisites) to
                                                                                                              scaffold learning where appropriate
                                                                                                         Extend student learning through additional
                                                                                                         activities and resources.
Accessibility and Inclusion
             Purpose                      Information on Tool         Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                    Enrichment 2018/19
Provide all uploaded materials and      Use the Rich Text Editor in   ESSENTIAL                                 ESSENTIAL                              ESSENTIAL
resources created within Canvas in      Canvas to produce and tag     1. Agree a consistent style across        1. Agree a consistent style across     As Enrichment 2018/9 plus
an accessible format using agreed       accessible content.               “modules” in a “course” (style sheet)     “modules” in a “course” (style     1. Involve students in re- designing
ARU accessibility guidelines and                                          • Use Headings in the Rich Text           sheet)                                 / customising materials to cater
templates                                                                    Editor to structure your content.      • Use Headings in the                  for the purposes of their learning
                                                                          • Labeltables (summary, header            • Rich Text Editor to structure        community
*1) Note: Consult the list of ‘mobile                                        row, etc.)                                your content.                   2. Enable students to work in an
approved’ tools and functionalities                                       • Include an ALT tag with images          • Labeltables (summary,                environment inclusive of diverse
such as quizzes, pages, Canvas video                                  2. As far as possible content needs to           header row, etc.)                   individuals e.g. discussions,
etc. Technical issues relating to                                         be available off and online (e.g. by      • Include an ALT tag with              group activities (e.g. a “module”
Apps use need to be identified and                                        providing downloadable versions or           images.                             group might be divided into
addressed.                                                                a print-to-PDF option)                2. Upload/create content to ensure         learning sets using the group
                                                                      3. Content needs to be designed with          students get material in advance       tool and different activities set for
*2) Note: Providing notes and                                             access through the mobile apps in         according to inclusive materials       different groups)
transcripts with video / audio                                            mind. *1                                  policy.
recording will depend on the
availability of appropriate software                                  DESIRABLE                                DESIRABLE
to support this delivery.                                             1. Provide notes or transcripts with     1. Content needs to be designed
                                                                          videos / audio recordings you            with access through the mobile
                                                                          produce *2                               apps in mind.
                                                                                                               2. Provide notes or transcripts with
                                                                                                                   videos / audio recordings you
            Purpose                      Information on Tool               Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                    Enrichment 2018/19
The Assignments tool is pre-           Assignments is a tool in Canvas     ESSENTIAL                                 ESSENTIAL                              ESSENTIAL
populated with scaffolding text        which provides a way of setting     1. Edit the pre-populated scaffolding     1. Provide multi-modal assessment      1. Student assessment activity will
for formative and summative            up and managing formative               text for formative and summative          information to students - e.g. a       be fed by live ASTRA data (to
assessment and an Assessment           and summative assessments.              assessment and add your own               combination of text, graphic or        ensure timeliness and currency),
for Learning Group (for formative      You can provide information             assessment description and                video format.                          and the student e-Assessment
assessments you may use)               about a specific assessment,            marking information.                  2. Use ARU’s Assessment Protocol           process will be managed through
                                       define release and access dates,                                                  to inform assessment design.           Canvas to provide a unified,
*Note: The Outcomes, Rubrics and       grading criteria, summative         DESIRABLE                                 3. Continue to use Canvas                  streamlined student experience
Learning Mastery functionalities       (contributory) or formative (non-   1. Provide assessment information as          assignments with ‘no               2. Use ARU’s Assessment Protocol
need to be piloted and evaluated       contributory) assessment, etc.          video                                     submission’ (as Turnitin               to inform assessment design
before wider implementation to         It is connected to the Calendar     2. Use the assessment submission              Grademark stand alone will         3. Involve students in developing
avoid risks in relation to assessments tool (where the assignments             features of Canvas for formative          continue for 18/19), however,          assessment criteria (assessment
and certification. *                   are signposted), the Gradebook          assessment. (Ensure that                  available assessment data at           literacy), designing formative
                                       (which keeps a record of                assignment is muted when writing          Element level will be populated        assessments, design and be
                                       students’ performance on                feedback)                                 from ASTRA. Academics will             involved in self – and peer
                                       different assignments) and the      (Note: Do not use the Outcomes tool for       need to manually ‘edit’ the            assessment.
                                       Outcomes tool (which links to       2017/18).                                     element and components where
                                       outcomes, marking criteria                                                        they exist to add assignment       DESIRABLE
                                       and rubrics)                        DESIRABLE                                     description and instructions.      1. Micro-credentialing of skills,
                                                                           1. Use ARU’s Assessment Protocol          4. Early formative assessments             co- and extracurricular activities
                                                                               (         activities (early warning              (badges / capstone badges).
                                                                               learning-and-teaching/good-               indicator) via use of available    2. Explore and develop usage of
                                                                               teaching-practice-and-innovation/         assessment tools (e.g. Canvas          Outcomes and Learning Mastery
                                                                               assessment -and- feedback/                Quiz, Poll Everywhere).                tools – dependent upon upscaled
                                                                               assessment-protocol) to inform                                                   implementation of Rubrics.*
                                                                               assessment design.                    DESIRABLE
                                                                                                                     1. Low stakes summative
                                                                                                                         assessment pilots using Canvas
                                                                                                                         Quizzes (or its successor
                                                                                                                         Quizzes.Next), as agreed with
                                                                                                                         LMS Steering Group.
Support and Scaffolding: Announcements and Calendar, Discussion and Inbox
Note: A strategic approach to effective communication across the different Canvas communication tools (Announcements, Inbox, Discussion, Email and related
Notifications) should be adopted at module, course and community level.

Announcements and Calendar
        Purpose                    Information on Tool             Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                      Enrichment 2018/19
Tool to communicate             Announcement tool pinned to        ESSENTIAL                                ESSENTIAL                                    ESSENTIAL
updates, assessment news,       Homepage (set at the latest two    1. Set up a welcome announcement         1. Set up a welcome announcement             1. Enrich announcements with
and other essential “module”    announcements). These are          2. Continue to use the announcement      2. Continue to use the announcement              media and link announcements
information. This should be     pushed to mobile devices as            tool throughout the “module”             tool throughout the module                   to other elements within Canvas
used instead of cohort emails   notifications and therefore need   3. Use announcements instead of non-     3. Use announcements instead of non-         2. Scaffold progress through
concerning essential “module”   to be managed when these are           confidential email                       confidential email                           “module” (message what comes
information.                    sent. All announcements are                                                 4. Scaffold progress through “module”            up, what to do, deadlines)
                                stored in the module for future    DESIRABLE                                    (message what comes up, what to do,      3. Add external links to
                                student and staff reference. It    1. Enrich announcements with                 deadlines). Announcements can be             announcements
                                should be noted that students          images, and multimedia.                  written at the start of the module and   4. Group announcements by group
                                can control how they receive                                                    time-released relating to core dates.        leader / student (managed)
                                announcements and they can                                                  5. Enrich announcements with images,             announcements
                                turn features off                                                               multimedia and intra- Canvas links.      5. Use Calendars to scaffold
                                                                                                                                                             progress within “module” and
                                                                                                            DESIRABLE                                        schedule office hours.
                                                                                                            1. Enrich announcements with media
                                                                                                            2. Add external links to announcements       DESIRABLE
                                                                                                            3. Announce events, other resources >        1. Link to social media (e.g. blogs,
                                                                                                                extending learning                           Twitter, Facebook) specific to this
                                                                                                            4. Use Calendars to scaffold/pace                module
                                                                                                                progress within module, send             2. Announce events, other
                                                                                                                reminders and schedule office hours.         resources > extending learning

            Purpose                     Information on Tool              Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                    Enrichment 2018/19
Targeted one-to-one and group         The Inbox tool is a means for     It was recommended not to use the         DESIRABLE                              Messages tailored to specific groups
communication which can support       one-to-one and targeted group     Inbox tool.                               Messages tailored to specific groups   of students and
specific groups and communities.      communication.                                                              of students.                           Community level communication

                                                                                                                  (Community site level
Discussions (see also: Collaboration and Communication)
        Purpose                   Information on Tool                Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                          Enrichment 2018/19
Discussion forums provide       The Discussions tool is a            DESIRABLE                                   DESIRABLE                                        Move towards Collaboration
an opportunity for students     container for all the discussion     1. Set up an ‘Ask the Tutor’ Forum          1. Ask the tutor? Change to Ask a question
to engage asynchronously        forums you may use in your               as a pinned discussion including            (both tutors and students can respond)
in threaded posts. Forums       “course”. You can pin discussions        an invitation (post) for students to        - needs a “course” level communication
can be set up for students      to the top of the list to prioritise     post questions relevant to other            agreement (context dependent/
to ‘Like’ each other’s posts,   them.                                    students (this needs to work and            rationale / learning outcomes)
prioritise posts by Likes and                                            be facilitated alongside email for      2. Use discussions to encourage student
peer assessment as well as                                               questions specific to individual            engagement e.g. for pre-learning and
to enable students to create                                             students as well as the social              post lesson clarification. (* resource
their own discussions.                                                   media platforms used as part of a           permitting).
                                                                         “module”).                              3. Support assessment using a discussion.

Collaboration and Communication
         Purpose                  Information on Tool               Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                        Enrichment 2018/19
Provide students with           Canvas has a number of             DESIRABLE                                    ESSENTIAL                                    ESSENTIAL
opportunity and a space to      collaboration tools available at   One method of group collaboration is         Tutor led and scaffolded collaborations      Enrichment 2018-19 and
work together                   course and course group level.     used for each module. (The choice of         e.g. group work for assignment               Student led collaborations e.g. project
                                The Group space (under             collaboration method is at the discretion    purposes; discussions; building a sense      work; sharing ideas
                                People) provides a Canvas          of the module leader)                        of community                                 1. Students as co-producers
                                learning space with different      Every module in a course uses the same       This can be an in-class activity or pre or   2. Student organised group / peer work
                                tools for students to              collaboration method.                        post session activity.                            and collaborating in group activities
                                communicate and collaborate:                                                    Examples of activities:                      3. Group roles are self- assigned
                                (a) Asynchronously e.g.                                                               • Collaborate on document / wiki       Examples of activities:
                                Shared Files, Announcements,                                                            tasks;                                    • Collaborate on document / wiki
                                (Wiki), Pages (Canvas Groups)                                                         • Collaborate on media tasks;                 tasks;
                                Discussions                                                                           • Group roles assigned by tutor             • Collaborate on media tasks;
                                (b) Synchronously, e.g. Office                                                          (and rotating);                           • Students design discussion
                                365, Skype for Business,                                                              • Audio / video / text conferencing;          questions / tasks and facilitating
                                Canvas chat                                                                           • Student collaborative activities            discussions;
                                (c) Through Webinars e.g. Big                                                           in Canvas groups; e-portfolio >           • Group roles assigned by students
                                Blue Button, Adobe Connect.                                                             student commenting on each                  (and rotating);
                                (d) And the e-portfolio tool on                                                         other’s evidence and reflections;         • Audio / video / text conferencing;
                                its own.                                                                              • Class group-work and outputs              • e-portfolio > student commenting
                                                                                                                        uploaded into Canvas.                       on each other’s evidence and
                                                                                                                                                                  • Student collaborative activities in
                                                                                                                                                                    Canvas groups;
                                                                                                                                                                  • Class group-work and outputs
                                                                                                                                                                    uploaded into Canvas.
Reading List (Talis)
           Purpose                  Information on Tool                Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                     Enrichment 2018/19
Provide students with links to    This tool is linked into Canvas on   ESSENTIAL                                  ESSENTIAL                               ESSENTIAL
“module” reading and resources    the left-hand navigation. You can    Set up the digital “module” reading list   as 2017/8                               as 2018/9
                                  also integrate links to specific     on ReadingLists@Anglia                     Align reading list to “module”          DESIRABLE
                                  sections of the reading list (e.g.                                              structure i.e. pre, during and post     Respond to discussions/questions
                                  Week 1 Reading) in pages in          DESIRABLE                                  teaching session, and link content to   based on reading.
                                  your modules.                        Revise the digital “module” reading        resources in the reading list.
                                                                       list to correspond to the LMS Course
                                                                       structure on Modules (Content), e.g.
                                                                       readings by week; topic etc.

Profile Page
           Purpose                  Information on Tool                Baseline/Threshold 2017/18                     Enrichment 2018/19
Provide students with a picture,      Profile page under People        ESSENTIAL                                  REMOVE FROM REQUIREMENTS                REMOVE FROM REQUIREMENTS AND
contact details and a short biography REMOVE FROM REQUIREMENTS         Add module leader and tutor contact        AND REPLACE WITH INFO                   REPLACE WITH INFO ON HOMEPAGE
of the module leader / tutor          AND REPLACE WITH INFO            details                                    ON HOMEPAGE
                                      ON HOMEPAGE
                                                                       1. Add a picture (where appropriate
                                                                           and if not automatically
                                                                       2. Add a short staff biography
                                                                       3. Add links to professional profiles
                                                                           e.g. ARU profile, LinkedIn
You can also read