Molly Irene Flynn soprano

Page created by Brandon Beck
Molly Irene Flynn
 Recital in partial fulfillment of the
  Bachelor of Music degree, 2023
    Student of Michael Meraw

      Marie-Elise Boyer, piano
        Charles Iner, lute

       Saturday, April 8, 2023
             8:00 p.m.
            Brown Hall


Johannes Brahms         O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück
Franz Schubert          Ganymed
Richard Strauss         Wiegenlied

Ottorino Respighi       from Deità silvane
(1879–1936)                 II. Musica in Horto
                            IV. Acqua

Vincenzo Bellini        from Composizioni da Camera
(1801–1835)                 L’abbandono

Francis Poulenc         Cinq poèmes de Max Jacob
(1899–1963)                 Chanson Bretonne
                            La petite servante
                            Souric et Mouric
John Dowland                       Awake Sweet Love
(1563–1626)                        Can she excuse my wrongs

Robert Johnson                     Have you seen but a white lily grow?
                                        Charles Iner, lute

Hugo Wolf                          Ganymed from Goethe-Lieder

Johannes Brahms                    O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück

                   I am so incredibly grateful for my time at NEC,
                      and the people that made it so meaningful.

                     I would like to thank my wonderful family,
                         for always supporting my dreams,

                                my wonderful class,

                  and Professor Meraw for his wisdom and guidance.
O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück             Ah! If I but knew the way back

O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück,            Ah! if I but knew the way back,
Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!             The sweet way back to childhood’s land!
O warum sucht ich nach dem Glück           Ah! why did I seek my fortune
Und ließ der Mutter Hand?                  And let go my mother’s hand?

O wie mich sehnet auszuruhn,               Ah! how I long for utter rest,
Von keinem Streben aufgeweckt,             Immune from any striving,
Die müden Augen zuzutun,                   Long to close my weary eyes,
Von Liebe sanft bedeckt!                   Gently shrouded by love!

Und nichts zu forschen, nichts zu spähn,   And search for nothing, watch for nothing,
Und nur zu träumen leicht und lind,        Dream only light and gentle dreams,
Der Zeiten Wandel nicht zu sehn,           Not to see the times change,
Zum zweiten Mal ein Kind!                  To be a child a second time!

O zeig mir doch den Weg zurück,            Ah! show me that way back,
Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!             The sweet way back to childhoods’ land!
Vergebens such ich nach dem Glück –        I seek happiness in vain –
Ringsum ist öder Strand!                   Ringed round by barren shores

Klaus Groth                                Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The
                                           Book of Lieder (Faber) Provided via Oxford
                                           Lieder (

Ganymed                                    Ganymede

Wie im Morgenglanze                        How your glow envelops me
Du rings mich anglühst,                    in the morning radiance,
Frühling, Geliebter!                       spring, my beloved!
Mit tausendfacher Liebeswonne              With love’s thousandfold joy
Sich an mein Herz drängt                   the hallowed sensation
Deiner ewigen Wärme                        of your eternal warmth
Heilig Gefühl,                             floods my heart,
Unendliche Schöne!                         infinite beauty!
Dass ich dich fassen möcht’                O that I might clasp you
In diesen Arm!                             in my arms!

Ach, an deinem Busen                       Ah, on your breast
Lieg’ ich, schmachte,                      I lie languishing,
Und deine Blumen, dein Gras                and your flowers, your grass
Drängen sich an mein Herz.                 press close to my heart.
Du kühlst den brennenden                   You cool the burning
Durst meines Busens,                       thirst within my breast,
Lieblicher Morgenwind!                     sweet morning breeze,
Ruft drein die Nachtigall                  as the nightingale calls
Liebend mach mir aus dem Nebeltal.         tenderly to me from the misty valley.
Ich komm’, ich komme!                      I come, I come!
Wohin? Ach wohin?                          But whither? Ah, whither?

Hinauf! Hinauf strebt’s.                   Upwards! Strive upwards!
Es schweben die Wolken                     The clouds drift
Abwärts, die Wolken                        down, yielding
Neigen sich der sehnenden Liebe.           to yearning love,
Mir! Mir!                                  to me, to me!
In euerm Schosse                           In your lap,
Aufwärts!                                  upwards,
Umfangend umfangen!                        embracing and embraced!
Aufwärts an deinen Busen,                  Upwards to your bosom,
Alliebender Vater!                         all-loving Father!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe                 Translation © Richard Wigmore, author of
                                           Schubert: The Complete Song Texts, published
                                           by Schirmer Books, provided via Oxford Lieder

Wiegenlied                                 Cradle song

Träume, träume, du mein süßes Leben,       Dream, dream, my sweet, my life,
von dem Himmel, der die Blumen bringt.     of heaven that brings the flowers;
Blüten schimmern da, die beben             blossoms shimmer there, they live
von dem Lied, das deine Mutter singt.      from the song your mother sings.
Träume, träume, Knospe meiner Sorgen,      Dream, dream, bud born of my anxiety,
von dem Tage, da die Blume sproß;          of the day the flower unfolded;
von dem hellen Blütenmorgen,               of that morning bright with blossom,
da dein Seelchen sich der Welt erschloß.   when your soul opened to the world.
Träume, träume, Blüte meiner Liebe,        Dream, dream, blossom of my love,
von der stillen, von der heilgen Nacht,    of the silent, of the sacred night,
da die Blume seiner Liebe                  when the flower of his love
diese Welt zum Himmel mir gemacht.         made this world my heaven.

Richard Dehmel                             Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The
                                           Book of Lieder (Faber) Provided via Oxford
                                           Lieder (
Musica in Horto                             Garden Music

Uno squillo di cròtali clangenti            A blast of finger-cymbals clashing
Rompe in ritmo il silenzio dei roseti,      Punctuates the silence of the rose gardens,
Mentre in fondo agli aulenti orti segreti   While at the end of fragrant, secret orchards
Gorgheggia un flauto liquidi lamenti.       A flute pours out its liquid lamentation.
La melodia, con tintinnio d'argenti,        The melody, with silver cymbal-hissing
Par che a vicenda s'attristi e s'allieti,   Shifts between saddening and becoming
Ora luce di tremiti inquieti,               Now shining with flickering, flaring light,
Or diffondendo lunghe ombre dolenti:        Now casting long sorrowful shadows:
Cròtali arguti e canne variotocche!,        Ringing finger-cymbals and many-sounding
Una gioia di cantici inespressi             A joy of songs unexpressed
Per voi par che dai chiusi orti rampolli,   for you gushes forth from the orchards,
E in sommo dei rosai, che cingon molli      And at the top of the rosebushes, that weave
Ghirlande al cuor degli intimi recessi,     At the heart of the intimate nooks,
S'apron le rose come molli bocche!          The roses open like soft mouths!

Acqua                                       Water

Acqua, e tu ancora sul tuo flauto lene      Water, once again your mellow flute
Intonami un tuo canto variolungo,           Plays to me your varying song,
Di cui le note abbian l'odor del fungo,     Whose notes seem like the smell of
Del musco e dell'esiguo capelvenere,        Of moss and of sleek, silken maiden-hair,
Sì che per tutte le sottili vene,           So that along all the tiny streams
Onde irrighi la fresca solitudine,          That refresh the lonely places,
Il tuo riscintillio rida e sublùdii         Your sparkling presence laughs and ripples
Al gemmar delle musiche serene.             With the jewels of serene music.
Acqua, e, lungh'essi i calami volubili      Water, while along your banks the
                                                  whispering reeds
Movendo in gioco le cerulee dita,           Playfully wiggle their blue fingers,
Avvicenda più lunghe ombre alle luci,       Flickering longer shadows in the light,
Tu che con modi labii deduci                You wind your fleeting way, seeing
Sulla mia fronte intenta e sulla vita       On my brooding forehead and on each of the
Del verde fuggitive ombre di nubi.          The passing shadows of clouds.

Antonio Rubino                              Translation from Italian (Italiano) to English
                                            copyright © 2004 by Joshua Breitzer; reprinted
                                            with permission from the LiederNet Archive,
L’abbandono                    The Abandonment

Solitario zeffiretto,          Lonely breeze
a che movi i tuoi sospiri?     why do you sigh?
Il sospiro a me sol lice,      Sighs are meant for me alone
ché, dolente ed infelice,      for, grieving and unhappy,
chiamo [Dafne]1 che non ode    I call on Daphnis who does not hear
l'insoffribil mio martir.      my unbearable torment.

Langue invan la mammoletta     The sweet-smelling violet,
e la rosa e il gelsomino;      the rose and the jasmine
lunge son da lui che adoro,    languish in vain; I am far from him whom I
non conosco alcun ristoro      and I have no relief
se non viene a consolarmi      unless he comes and console me
col bel guardo cilestrino.     with his beautiful blue gaze.

Ape industre, che vagando      Industrious bee, who always flit
sempre vai di fior in fiore,   from flower to flower,
ascolta, ascolta.              listen, listen:

Se lo scorgi ov'ei dimora,     If you find him where he is,
di' che rieda a chi l'adora,   tell him to come back to the one who adores
come riedi tu nel seno         as you come back to the bosom of the roses
delle rose al primo albor.     at the first light of dawn.

Anonymous                      Translation from Italian (Italiano) to English
                               copyright © 2003 by Paolo Montanari; reprinted
                               with permission from the LiederNet Archive,
Chanson Bretonne                            Breton Song

J'ai perdu ma poulette                      I've lost my little hen,
Et j'ai perdu mon chat.                     and I've lost my cat.
Je cours à la poudrette                     I'll run to the trash heap
Si Dieu me les rendra.                      if God gives them back to me.

Je vais chez Jean le Coz                    I will go see Jean le Coz
Et chez Marie Maria.                        and Marie Maria.
Va-t'en voir chez Hérode                    You go see Herod.
Peut-être il le saura.                      Maybe he will know.

Passant devant la salle                     When I went by the room,
Toute la ville était là                     the whole town was there
À voir danser ma poule                      to see my hen dancing
Avec mon petit chat.                        with my little cat.

Tous les oiseaux champêtres                 All the birds of the fields
Sur les murs et sur les toits               were playing the trumpet on the walls
Jouaient de la trompette                    and the rooftops
Pour le banquet du roi.                     for the king's banquet.

Cimetière                                   Graveyard

Si mon marin vous le chassez,               If you send my sailor away
Au cimetière vous me mettrez,               you'll send me to my grave.
Rose blanche, rose blanche et rose rouge.   White rose, white rose and red.

Ma tombe, elle est comme un jardin,         My grave is like a garden,
Comme un jardin, rouge et blanche,          like a garden, red and white.
Le dimanche vous irez, rose blanche,        On Sunday you will go walking,
Vous irez vous promener,                    white rose, white rose
Rose blanche et blanc muguet,               and white lily of the valley.

Tante Yvonne à la Toussaint                 On All Saints' Day,
Une couronne en fer peint                   Aunt Yvonne carries
Elle apporte de son jardin                  into her garden a wreath
En fer peint avec des perles de satin,      of painted iron with satin beads,
Rose blanche et blanc muguet.               white rose and white lily of the valley.

Si Dieu veut me ressusciter                 If God wishes to bring me back to life,
Au Paradis je monterai, rose blanche,       I will go to Heaven, white rose,
Avec un nimbe doré,                         with a golden halo,
Rose blanche et blanc muguet.               white rose and white lily of the valley.
Si mon marin revenait,                           If my sailor returns,
Rose rouge et rose blanche,                      red rose and white,
Sur ma tombe il vient auprès,                    he will come to my grave,
Rose blanche et blanc muguet.                    white rose and white lily of the valley.

Souviens-toi de notre enfance, rose blanche,     Remember our childhood, white rose,
Quand nous jouions sur le quai,                  when we played on the wharf,
Rose blanche et blanc muguet.                    white rose and white lily of the valley.

La petite servante                               The little maidservant

Préservez-nous du feu et du tonnerre,            Preserve us from fire and lightning.
Le tonnerre court comme un oiseau,               Lightning runs like a bird.
Si c'est le Seigneur qui le conduit              If the Lord drives it,
Bénis soient les dégats.                         blessed be the damage.
Si c'est le diable qui le conduit                If the Devil drives it,
Faites-le partir au trot d'ici.                  drive him out of here at a trot.

Préservez-nous des dartres et des boutons,       Preserve us from sores and pimples,
de la peste et de la lèpre.                      plague and leprosy.
Si c'est pour ma pénitence que vous l'envoyez,   If you have sent them to me for a penance,
Seigneur, laissez-la moi, merci.                 Lord, leave them with me, thank you.
Si c'est le diable qui le conduit                If the Devil drives it,
Faites-le partir au trot d'ici.                  drive him out of here at a trot.

Goître, goître, sors de ton sac,                 Goiter, goiter, jump out of your bag,
sors de mon cou et da ma tête!                   leave my neck and my head!
Feu Saint Elme, danse de Saint Guy,              St. Elmo's fire, St. Vitus' dance,
Si c'est le Diable qui vous conduit              if it's the Devil who drives you,
mon Dieu faites le sortir d'ici.                 God, drive him away from here.

Faites que je grandisse vite                     Make me grow up fast
Et donnez-moi un bon mari                        and give me a good husband
qui ne soit pas trop ivrogne                     who isn't too much of a drunkard
et qui ne me batte pas tous les soirs.           and doesn't beat me every night.
Berceuse                                    Lullaby

Ton père est à la messe,                    Your father is at Mass,
Ta mère au cabaret,                         your mother at the cabaret.
Tu auras sur les fesses                     You'll have a spanking
Si tu vas encore crier.                     if you cry again.

Ma mère était pauvresse                     My mother was a poor woman,
Sur la lande à Auray                        on the plain of Auray,
Et moi je fais des crêpes                   and I make pancakes
En te berçant du pied.                      and rock you with my foot.

Si tu mourais du croup,                     If you died of the croup,
Coliques ou diarrhées                       colic or diarrhea,
Si tu mourais des croûtes                   if you died of the crust
Que tu as sur le nez,                       on your nose,

Je pêcherais des crevettes                  I would fish for shrimp
À l'heure de la marée                       when the tide came in.
Pour faire la soupe aux têtes:              You don't need hooks
Y a pas besoin de crochets.                 to make fishhead chowder.

Souric et Mouric                            Souric and Mouric

Souric et Mouric,                           Souric and Mouric,
Rat blanc, souris noire,                    white rat and black mouse,
Venus dans l'armoire                        came to the cupboard
Pour apprendre à l'araignée                 to teach the spider
À tisser sur le métier                      how to weave a beautiful sheet
Un beau drap de toile.                      of web on the loom.

Expédiez-le à Paris, à Quimper, à Nantes,   Send it to Paris, Quimper, Nantes -
C'est de bonne vente!                       it will sell well!
Mettez les sous de côté,                    Save your pennies
Vous achèterez un pré,                      and buy a field,
Des pommiers pour la saison                 with apple trees for the season
Et trois belles vaches,                     and three fine cows,
Un boeuf pour faire étalon.                 and a bull for stud.

Chantez, les rainettes,                     Sing, frogs,
Car voici la nuit qui vient,                for night is coming.
La nuit on les entend bien,                 We hear them clearly at night,
Crapauds et grenouilles,                    toads and frogs.
Écoutez, mon merle                          Listen, my merle
Et ma pie qui parle,                        and my talking magpie.
Écoutez, toute la journée,                  Listen all the day long,
Vous apprendrez à chanter.                  and you will learn to sing.

Max Jacobs                                  Translation from French (Français) to English
                                            copyright © 2004 by Faith J. Cormier; reprinted
                                            with permission from the LiederNet

Awake Sweet Love

Awake, sweet love! Thou art return'd,
My heart, which long in absence mourn'd,
Lives now in perfect joy.
Let love, which never absent dies,
Now live forever in her eyes,
Whence came my first annoy.

Only herself hath seemed fair,
She only I could love,
She only drove me to despair,
When she unkind did prove.
Despair did make me wish to die,
That I my joys might end,
She only which did make me fly,
My state may now amend.

If she esteem thee, now aught worth,
She will not grieve thy love henceforth,
Which so despair hath prov'd.
Despair hath proved now in me,
That love will not inconstant be,
Though long in vain I lov'd.

If she at last reward thy love,
And all thy harm repair,
Thy happiness will sweeter prove,
Rais'd up from deep despair.
And if that now thou welcome be
When though with her dost meet,
She, all the while, but play'd with thee,
To make thy joys more sweet.

Can she excuse my wrongs

Can she excuse my wrongs with Virtue’s cloak?
Shall I call her good when she proves unkind?
Are those clear fires which vanish into smoke?
Must I praise the leaves where no fruit I find?

No, no; where shadows do for bodies stand,
That may’st be abus’d if thy sight be dim.
Cold love is like to words written on sand,
Or to bubbles which on the water swim.

Wilt thou be thus abused still,
Seeing that she will right thee never?
If thou canst not o’ercome her will,
Thy love will be thus fruitless ever.

Was I so base, that I might not aspire
Unto those high joys which she holds from me?
As they are high, so high is my desire,
If she this deny, what can granted be?

If she will yield to that which reason is,
It is reason’s will that love should be just.
Dear, make me happy still by granting this,
Or cut off delays if that I die must.

Better a thousand times to die
Than for to love thus still tormented:
Dear, but remember it was I
Who for thy sake did die contented.


Have you seen but a white lily grow

Have you seen but a white Lily grow
before rude hands hath touch'd it;
Have you mark'd but the fall of the snow
before the Earth hath smucht it.
Have you felt the wool of Beaver,
Or Swans down ever;
or have smelt of the Bud of the Briar,
Or the Nard in the fire;
Or have tasted the Bag of the Bee;
O so white, O so soft, O so sweet, so sweet,
so sweet is she!
O so white, O so soft, O so sweet,
so sweet, so sweet is she!


Ganymed                              Ganymede

Wie im Morgenglanze                  How your glow envelops me
Du rings mich anglühst,              in the morning radiance,
Frühling, Geliebter!                 spring, my beloved!
Mit tausendfacher Liebeswonne        With love’s thousandfold joy
Sich an mein Herz drängt             the hallowed sensation
Deiner ewigen Wärme                  of your eternal warmth
Heilig Gefühl,                       floods my heart,
Unendliche Schöne!                   infinite beauty!
Dass ich dich fassen möcht’          O that I might clasp you
In diesen Arm!                       in my arms!

Ach, an deinem Busen                 Ah, on your breast
Lieg’ ich, schmachte,                I lie languishing,
Und deine Blumen, dein Gras          and your flowers, your grass
Drängen sich an mein Herz.           press close to my heart.
Du kühlst den brennenden             You cool the burning
Durst meines Busens,                 thirst within my breast,
Lieblicher Morgenwind!               sweet morning breeze,
Ruft drein die Nachtigall            as the nightingale calls
Liebend mach mir aus dem Nebeltal.   tenderly to me from the misty valley.
Ich komm’, ich komme!                I come, I come!
Wohin? Ach wohin?                    But whither? Ah, whither?

Hinauf! Hinauf strebt’s.             Upwards! Strive upwards!
Es schweben die Wolken               The clouds drift
Abwärts, die Wolken                  down, yielding
Neigen sich der sehnenden Liebe.     to yearning love,
Mir! Mir!                            to me, to me!
In euerm Schosse                     In your lap,
Aufwärts!                            upwards,
Umfangend umfangen!                  embracing and embraced!
Aufwärts an deinen Busen,            Upwards to your bosom,
Alliebender Vater!                   all-loving Father!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe           Translation © Richard Wigmore, author of
                                     Schubert: The Complete Song Texts, published
                                     by Schirmer Books, provided via Oxford Lieder
O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück             Ah! If I but knew the way back

O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück,            Ah! if I but knew the way back,
Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!             The sweet way back to childhood’s land!
O warum sucht ich nach dem Glück           Ah! why did I seek my fortune
Und ließ der Mutter Hand?                  And let go my mother’s hand?

O wie mich sehnet auszuruhn,               Ah! how I long for utter rest,
Von keinem Streben aufgeweckt,             Immune from any striving,
Die müden Augen zuzutun,                   Long to close my weary eyes,
Von Liebe sanft bedeckt!                   Gently shrouded by love!

Und nichts zu forschen, nichts zu spähn,   And search for nothing, watch for nothing,
Und nur zu träumen leicht und lind,        Dream only light and gentle dreams,
Der Zeiten Wandel nicht zu sehn,           Not to see the times change,
Zum zweiten Mal ein Kind!                  To be a child a second time!

O zeig mir doch den Weg zurück,            Ah! show me that way back,
Den lieben Weg zum Kinderland!             The sweet way back to childhoods’ land!
Vergebens such ich nach dem Glück –        I seek happiness in vain –
Ringsum ist öder Strand!                   Ringed round by barren shores

Klaus Groth                                Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The
                                           Book of Lieder (Faber) Provided via Oxford
                                           Lieder (
Upcoming Student Recitals at NEC
all programs subject to change
Visit for complete and updated concert information

Chihiro Asano, mezzo-soprano (GD)
Student of MaryAnn McCormick
Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Williams Hall

Adithya Muralidharan, cello (GD)
Student of Yeesun Kim
Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Pierce Hall

Yulia Price, violin (MM)
Student of Soovin Kim
Monday, April 10, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Keller Room

Yvonne Cox, harp (MM)
Student of Jessica Zhou
Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Williams Hall

Hyun Ji Lee, violin (MM)
Student of Donald Weilerstein
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Williams Hall

Wenhao Shou, piano (MM)
Student of Meng-Chieh Liu
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Burnes Hall

Ranfei Wang, piano (BM)
Student of Vivian Hornik Weilerstein
Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Pierce Hall

Jonathan Paik, jazz piano (BM)
Student of Jason Moran and Bruce Brubaker
Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Pierce Hall

Abisal Gergiev, piano (BM)
Student of Wha Kyung Byun
Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Williams Hall

Hyeokwoo Kweon, clarinet (BM)
Student of Thomas Martin
Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 8:00 p.m., Burnes Hall
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