MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog

Page created by Willie Pope
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog
One Click All-in-One Sales and Marketing Solution

          The Easy made Catalogue

 Create a relevant link to your contacts
        and Manage its content
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog
Hosting, creation and gathering of heterogeneous
  multi-media content, organizable by topic into
 catalog, update, broadcast and manage it easily
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog
MobiSlide Project
Who we are

 David Levy and Louis Salfati asked ??? to join the team,
 each in their roles
                               David LEVY

   Louis SALFATI                 CEO and Product            ???
            CTO                                              CMO and Business
                               • Founder and CEO of JLD
  • Creator of Mobile            Informatique                  developer
    applications : ZILEXPO     • 25 years of professional    • Founder and CEO
    and ZILMON                   experience in mobile        • 20 years of professional
  • 30 years of professional     applications                  experience in
    experience in                developement and              management consulting
    specifications and           deployment
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog

 Case 1
    Alain supplies flowers for religious holidays, life events,
     offices and luxury stores
    Until now, Alain was relying on a generic digital and
     paper catalogs to communicate with his clients
    He got feedback that his catalog was very confusing and
     cumbersome to use
    How would you appreciate a Christian funeral wreath
     offer when you were looking for a Bat-Mitzva center
     piece bouquet ?
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog

 Case 2
    Laetitia is a freelance industrial designer. She designs an
     extremely wide variety of products for very different
     types of clients
    Producing targeted digital catalogs and presentations
     turns out to be very expensive, time-consuming to keep
    …Very often ending up to the garbage bin
    How would you appreciate a fine wine and tobacco
     collection when you were only wanted to pick within an
     oriental art collection ?
MobiSlide by Create a relevant link to your contacts and Manage its content - Mobislide The Easy Made Catalog

      And they are many more SMB real-life cases
                     like those…
Use cases
So many channels to use to communicate…

       How do you communicate currently with your contacts
 ?     around your products and services?
 « I send a weekly         « I have developed
   Newsletter by           an Application …»
      email…»                                              « I put pictures on
                                                              my Facebook
                      Everyday I make the same frozen
                      presentation to all my customers
« I’ve created a
  website …»
                     « I send SMS for                     « My sales
                            flash                  representatives provide
                      discounts… »                  the yearly Catalog …»

 Let’s stop wasting customers’
 time with unfocused general
      sales and marketing
MobiSlide            And this is what we are

 What if there were a solution that could generate:

    Easily, cheaply and in less than 1 minute any
     number of digital custom made catalogs to the
     exact customer’s expectations

    Without any computer or marketing skills
MobiSlide catalog

  Eden Fine Art Gallery   Arnaud & Louis Coiffure
Our catalog
What are we challenging with Mobislide?

 Produce targeted catalogs in minutes for any format (web, app, links)
  and any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop) with
  distribution and usage tracking per user
 Publish, share and update in one simple click to any channel (email,
  blog, social medias, website)
 Have an user-friendly interface to update information and manage the
  target audience without any computer skill
 Limit the communications costs
 Works off-line with automatic updates synchronization when back to

             Create a relevant link with your contacts and manage it!
Our catalog
  Create a relevant link to your contact…

  1. Create and
  select items        Documents               Medias         Social networks   Links / websites

2. Group items in
  « Slides » and
 generate your
    « Catalog »     Apply your style                                                    Catalog

                                                 Mail
                    Select                       Whatsapp
3. Share it with    your
 your contacts                                   SMS
                    slides             Link      …
Our catalog
 …and manage it

1. Select new or
 updated items      Updates the prices        Add a video       Integrate a       Update your
                                                                 shortcut           address

 2. Add them in
the appropriate
slide or create a
    new one          Change your style

                                         Your catalog is
3. Generate your                         automatically updated
   new catalog                           when your contact connect
                                         to it and you will know it
                                 Your contacts always read the latest version of your content
We are creating a new media with

  MobiSlide Studio
MobiSlide Studio :
              Welcome to Live Catalogs

 Intended to all users
 No computer skills necessary
 No more complexity to designing catalogs with standard software
  tools or Websites Builders
 Produce targeted catalogs in minutes for any format (web, app, links)
  and any device (smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop) with
  distribution and usage tracking per user
 Works off-line with automatic updates synchronization when back to
 Publish, share and update with one simple click to any channel (email,
  blog, social medias, website)

             And your MobiSlide catalog starts its life


     Classic catalogs turning immediately obsolete as soon as
   published: static digital (pdf, ppt, word, …) and paper catalogs
Regular use case
… and the complexity of social media
Regular use cases
… with pros and cons (1/2)
   Channel                       Pros                                  Cons
   Website       •   Large audience (worldwide)   •   Information Density
                 •   Branding                     •   Time and update costs
                 •   SEO strategy                 •   Date of last update
                                                  •   Untargeted communication
                                                  •   Need a good internet connection
                                                  •   competitive risk (when the reader uses a
                                                      search engine)
                                                  •   The information is not confidential
                                                  •   Very expensive SEO even with a good name
 Application     •   Direct relationship          •   The user needs to download it (and therefore
                 •   Branding                         search and find the application among x
                                                      millions apps in the store)
                                                  •   Storage space on the phone
                                                  •   Time and update costs
                                                  •   Developments in x support and x stores
                                                      (Android and Apple smartphone / tablet / pc /
 Business card   •   Customization                •   Little information available
                 •   Paper contact                •   Static
                 •   Cost                         •   Manually enter information on their phone /
                                                  •   No access to social networks
Regular use case
… with pros and cons (2/2)
   Channel                        Pros                           Cons
 Paper Catalog    •   User friendly         •   No videos
                  •   No need of internet   •   No updates
                                            •   Distribution and Inventory Management
                                            •   Too much information, not filterable
                                            •   Cost
     Email        •   Fast                  •   Attachment Size
                  •   Cheap                 •   No customer interest feedback
                                            •   Static / no update / reminder
Facebook Page     •   Easy administration   •   No hierarchical information
                  •   User-friendly         •   No customer targeting
                                            •   Competitor advertising
                                            •   Thousand of similar businesses, impossible to
                                                find the rightpage

     Files        •   Fast                  •   No update
 Word, EXCEL,     •   Quickly created       •   Only a digital version of the paper option
Powerpoint, PDF                             •   Complex to modify and to udpdate
                                            •   Very heavy to transfer by Email
                                            •   Even with wetransfer or equivalent, shows
                                                competition’s ads

    MobiSlide Studio: Video Demo
                                                      Market Validation

 Web development and SEO: highest digital priority for SMBs: 33%
 Social media management, content marketing, loyalty marketing,
  reputation management, mobile presence and other channels
  were still cited: 31%
 Even with these good intentions, 47% of SMBs feel they do not
  have enough expertise and 43% do not have enough time
 How many SMB websites have been updated in the last 3 years?

MobiSlide                   Market Potential

 In most western countries, it is given that SMBs account for
  more than 50% of the total businesses in number
 In other countries, this figure is much larger
 SMBs have in common that they still find it difficult to fully
  adopt the digital revolution because of the cost, the
  necessary skills needed and the time they lack. But not
  moving in just means that they are going to die
 MobiSlide is to change this situation with MobiSlide Studio
MobiSlide                                                                  Market Potential
 Focus on France : potentially 1,76 million of customers
                                                    Size by number of employees                                  Total       companies with 10
                                  0        1à9       10 à 49    50 à 199    200 à         500 à 1999 2 000                    to 249 employees
                                                                             499                       or more
Field : France (except Mayotte before 1er january 2012),
Source : Insee, Sirene, REE (Répertoire des Entreprises et des Établissements).
Manufacturing, mining         143 482       80 851       27 953          6 082    1 513          607      119      260 607               34 546
and other industries

dont manufacturing               117 342    75 741       26 208          5 722    1 399          557      107      227 076               32 402
Construction                     339 666   163 270       25 460          2 027      293          119       28      530 863               27 580
wholesale and retail trade,      695 145   378 194       60 399          8 464    1 464          551      147    1 144 364               69 386
transport, accommodation
and food

whose :
trade ; automobile and           498 183   238 438       35 825          5 190     956           350        90     779 032               41 356
motorcycle repairs

Transportation and                60 913    26 132        8 907          2 071     397           140        35      98 595               11 127
accommodation and food           136 049   113 624       15 667          1 203     111            61        22     266 737               16 903
Information and                  111 694    24 379        5 682          1 127     257           126        25     143 290                6 896
financial and insurance           96 880    37 405        3 628            601     204           198        71     138 987                4 299
real estate activities           144 692    29 652        2 254            475     107            39         3     177 222                2 769
Professional, scientific and     516 348   138 646       25 924          4 050     794           332        77     686 171               30 240
technical services and
administrative and
support activities

Education, human health          454 836    66 287       12 111          3 605     471           202        20     537 532               15 883
and social work
Other service activities         239 626    67 258        4 955            592      62            27         3     312 523                5 574
Total                          2 742 369   985 942     168 366         27 023     5 165        2 201      493    3 931 559             197 173
Market Potential
Focus on France : medical sector
                                                                do not many liberal or mixed physicians (1)
                                 Number of doctors
General practictioners (GPs)                         102 299                      68 503
Specialists                                           121 272                     61 503
medical specialties                                    69 172                     35 295
  Whose :
  anesthesiology resuscitation                         11 278                     4 486
  diagnostic radiology and                             8 736                      6 449
  pediatrics                                           8 007                       3 134
  cardiology                                           6 996                       4 929
  Dermatology and Venereology                          4 003                       3 351
  gastroenterology hepatology                          3 692                       2 169
    pneumonology                                      3 009                        1 265
    rheumatology                                      2 624                        1 805
   internal Medicine                                   2 437                        401
    neurology                                         2 470                         877
surgical specialties                                 26 709                       18 382
    whose :
    ophthalmology                                      5 927                       5 106
    obstetric gynecology                               4 724                       2 822
   general surgery                                     3 610                       1 504
    Otorhinolaryngology                                3 076                       2 324
    orthopedic surgery and                             3 241                       2 418
Medical Biology                                        2 975                       1 179
Psychiatry                                             15 171                     6 547
Occupational Medicine                                  5 524                        69
Public health                                           1 721                        31
Total Physicians                                     223 571                     130 006
MobiSlide        Market Potential

European Market
Worldwide Market
Conquer the market
 Let’s start your customer conquest !

                    Mobislide          Mobiways        SEO strategy    « Tupperware »
                                      MarketPlace                          strategy

Target          Existing and       Mobislide users    Classic web      Regional
                potential                             prospects        prospects
Description     • Share your link • Embed the         • Set up an      • Develop a
                • Customize         Mobiways            SEO strategy     network of
                  information       MarketPlace         to syndicate     ambassadors
                • Update your       with                your content   • Follow
                  content           georeferencing      on the web       performance
                                    (eg: leboncoin)     (google ads)   • Pay them

         Adapt your strategy to your target
MobiSlide                                     Business Model

1.    Start: a free limited version (1 user, 20 items, 5 slides, 3 catalogs and 100
      catalog downloads)
2.    Basic: $30/month/user (100 items, 10 slides, 30 catalogs and 1000 catalog
      downloads or 100 MB storage and 1 GB of catalog downloads)
3.    Professional: $100/month/user (200 items, 20 slides, unlimited catalogs,
      10.000 catalog downloads and 20 GB of catalog downloads, 1h online
4.    Enterprise: Contact Us
5.    Custom-made: $100/hr. Let our Professional Services help you

 1 Marketplace: photographers, designers, copywriters, integrators (10% of
MobiSlide                                 Market Adoption

  Achievements in three weeks:
    2 hours per day dedicated to sales
    20 customers
    3 paying customers
  Today without commercial we have about 50 customers in
   very different businesses
    Hair dresser, designer, surgery, dietitian, furniture
     manufacturer, art gallery, Flyers for sport event, landscape
     architect, pastry cook, movies producer, Business card,
     trombinoscope, accountant activities, Restaurant ambiance &
     menu, Jewelery designer, …
MobiSlide                            RoadMap

   Marketplace for designers, photographers and
   Sales orders directly from catalogs
   Sharable content repository
   API: for software partners
   SEO from within the catalogs (public only)
   Strategic partnerships with marketplaces like
    Groupon, Ebay, Estsy…
MobiSlide                              The market competitors
 3 types of competitors:

                                    Websites   Wix, Weebly,
                                    builders   Muse, …


    Elastic, Snappii,
    Now in Store,         SaaS                                Wordpress,
    Catalog              Catalog                       CMS    Joomla,
                        Managers                              Drupal…
    Machines, flipb,
MobiSlide                    Competitive advantages

    Upload once, use many times
    Easy to Use
    Automatic catalog synchronization
    Online and Offline
MobiSlide                              Development Roadmap

 We have currently 50 customers and 5 paying customers
 Current                     Market               Analytic
 version                    conquest              version

 • Share your link   • Marketplace for          • Sales orders directly
 • Adapt information   designers,                 from catalogs
 • Update your         photographers and        • API : for software
   content             integrators                partners
                     • Sharable content
                     • SEO from within the
                       catalogs (public only)
                     • Strategic partnerships
                       with marketplaces like
                       groupon, ebay, etsy…
                     • App version
MobiSlide                                      Fund Raising
                                              Financial Roadmap
                                              And what we need
 To date the project has raised:
   350K$: Founders
   150K$: Angels
 Next Round Targeted: 1.5M$
     Invest in a site designer
     Invest in a development team to add functionalities
     Invest in a commercial team
     Invest in marketing resources
     Invest in social networking ( Facebook, Twitter, ...)
     Need a mentor for the go to market
     Need a system engineer to ensure scalability
     Optimize network data sharing
     Prepare for the next round of investment: international development
Resource needs
    MobiSlide                                               Computing and development

   CEO
   Computing & development
     Product scalability : 5000 users  x Millions users
     Infrastructure scalability
     1 Lead developer
     4 Web developer (New fonctionalities, optimization, …)
     Network administrator
     Storage specialist, server HD manager
     Security specialist
     2 Application developers

   Design
     Designer to create templates for different kind of businesses (Achitects, Designers, Doctors, Bakers,
        hairdressers, …)
       1 Designer for Mobislide studio
       2 Designers for the catalog

   Technical
     Technical call center
     Help Desk,
Resources needs
    MobiSlide                                                       Sales, Marketing & Acounting

   Sales & Marketing
     Marketing Director
     Social Network specialist
     Brand marketing specialist

       Sales Director, 4 Sales Reps for different kind of business
       2 Sales Reps to present our model
       2 indirect Account Managers for indirect sales
       2 commercials director for indirect sales (Tupperware sales for students and housewives)

       Comfortable and very nice office to have a place like Apple Store for APP stores
       Space for costumers who don’t want to use by themself digital working

       Sales call center

   Lawyers and accounting
     CFO
     Lawyer for partnerships

   Consulting
     Mentoring in business development
     For the next BP
MobiSlide                                           6 steps of Mobislide life cycle

                Integrate
                Put together
                Create
                Broadcast and follow
                Manage
                Maintain

Create a relevant link with your contacts and manage it
Some use cases of Mobislide

                Business cards which are always updated and easy to use
                Business cards with limited catalog to explain what you do
                Specific catalog for each type of customers
                Temporary flyer for movies, theater, events, …
                Brochures for sales reps allowing them to select what to show to users.
                Medical and surgery catalog replacing their paper book (Automatic merging of double
                 pictures like Before/After pictures)
                Multilingual multi-media menu for restaurants with business card and all the relevant
                Company, administration, association, address book ... with details and contact
                 informations of all the members
                Showcase catalogue for different kinds of activities (florist, designer, architect, ...)
                Marketing tool for art galery, … with the possibility of sending the customer selection
                 with the shop’s business card
                And much more…

Create a relevant link with your contacts and manage it
MobiSlide                MobiSlide Studio

  Long Life to Your Ever Living Catalogs
Mobislide offer

Development and                                                                                                         Objectives to achieve
   production                                      Mobislide Développement
                                                                                                                           Automatisation of
 Mobislide Studio                                                                                                          acquisition of new
                                  Platform of common composants (« framework »)                                              customers on
Photos and elements                                                                                                        Mobislide platform
integration                                               Mobislide                                                          and customers
Gather these           A platform to create visit cards, catalogs on internet. Gather your content                             accounts
elements in slides.    (files, photos, texts, videos, etc.). Send unlimited number of responsive                              management
Gather these slides    customized catalogs, propositions, estimates, synchronises when connected
in catalogs

Catalog usable on
main devices (PC,                                                                              Market
Mac, IOS, Android,                    Tracking
                                                                      Multi Interfaçage        Place       Multi -
…).                                                 Commercialisation                                    language
                         Editor                                                  Module for
                                                                                            For services                   Application for
                                      Module for                                communicati
Highly tunable by         Improve      tracking
                                                   Module for Emailling, E-                      and     Module for      acquisition of photos,
                                                                                   on with
user.                       user       catalogs    SMS, SEO, … to acquire                     products   managing          videos, texts …,
                                                                                  external     between
                         interface,    sendings         new customers.                                   multilingual
                                                                                 softwares customers of catalog and
                           catalog     and thirs   Selling stats to suppliers                                             Application allowing
                        design, its                                               and with  the platform Mobislide
                                       using by        on some markets
                                                                                                                         storing large data in a
                       responsivity   customers                                               and offer    studio
                                                                                  networks    suppliers.
                            to all

 Platform of catalog                                                                                                      On various computer
                        Operating system (Servers, Datawharehouse, SQL, HTML, Application, …)
       création                                                                                                                supports

                                                           Existing       product      Product to
                                        Legend             product         to do        develop
MobiSlide                               3 main objectives to grow up
               Core market:                                            Sector with a high stake in information
        Visit card & digital catalog                                   transfer: Promotional flyers, promotional catalog
                                                                                      management, etc.)

                      1                                                                       2
 Increase the turnover and market shares                          Adapt digital market solutions to sectors with similar
 on first 5 markets (hairdressers, surgeons                                                issues:
   and plastic surgeons, restaurant, real                        • industrialize technology (*) to offer solutions at more
                 estate, art)                                       competitive prices and in shorter delays than plus
• Increase the turnover generated per                           • offer tailored solutions from know-how learned on this
customer, with new complementary strong                                                technology (*)
vlaue-added services for customers: SEO,
graphical template, connection to existing
solutions, data transfer to other social
networks, catalog sending to new
customers, …                                                                                  3
• Increase market shares on existing
product range (Mobislide catalog) on PME                         Build partnerships with IT services, editors, content
pourly equipped on operationnal markting                       makers to market MOBISLIDE platform: sell applications
solutions (about 40% of marketplace)                           on many supports, improve data acquisitiona, connect to
• Increase sales in Europe                                                   other back office softwares

(*) packaged owned platform Mobislide, specific for ONLINE/OFFLINE multi-support catalogs
Indicative business plan summary

                                   Technical and commercial development
                                                (17 months)
                                                                          Staff 30

                     Phase 1
            2018                Result >0 from
                                 january 2019

                                 Commercial expansion France (7 months)
                                                                          Staff 49

                     Phase 2

                                         Commercial expansion Europe
                                                                          Staff 62
            April                                and development

                                            of new Mobislide products
                                                       Financial project
                                                          Sales forecast

   The model is based on a strong growth (+30% per year) of digital marketing solution rental and a
    very strong recurrence part , that is almost 24% on first year until 40%
        At N+4 , our society goal is to commercialize our Mobislide catalog on 5 markets in new domains of mobile marketing. Market
         should show a very sustained growth on these mobile technologies (+100% per year in volume from N+1 and 30% next years)
        In the long term, these products should perform more than 25% in sales volume and more than 30% of turnover, remaining
         being realized by performances and material sales.
        After first selling year, we expect that commercials will perform an average of 20 sales per month , dispatched as : 50% in volume
         for SMB solutions at 30€ per month, 25% of sales for solutions at 50€, 15% for solutions at 100€ , 5% for solutions group at
         1000€ or more , and 5% for solution SMB with material.
        Each sale generate an average turnover of 1,64 K€ for a 80% margin and an annual support of 390 €

   Our expectations are « conservative » : sales forecast inside confined to Europe, without indirect
    sales potential (not francophone Europe, partnerships with manufacturers, phone opérators …), Off
    turnover generated by consulting services and complementary training for existing customers
   Furthermore , regarding Mobislide potential, and its adaptability to a great number of domains, in
    case of an increase in competitivity or decrease in profitability in any domain, we will be able to
    redirect very quickly our offers and our commercial strength to more favourable domains or
Financial project
MobiSlide                                 Sales forecast

     More than 25% of turnover of « repeat business » bound to annual support
                                                                                         Financial project
                                                                                          Amount needs

       Maximal need of funding should be less than 1,6 M€
For launching costs, we expect outside contribution for growth capital, in the form of share capital, corporate bonds, current
account feeding (with a theorical division equal to a 1/3 of each one need).

    (*) customer paiment delay is set to 2 months, 1 month for IT suppliers , and 15 days for other suppliers.
                                    Assets of Mobislide for success

    Markets Very favourable to Mobislide offer increase
        Sustained needs for digital marketing , a limited competition
        Mobile catalog solutions for customers, fitting to each profile offering quick growth perspectives

    A technology and a know-how , experienced on mobile marketing solutions
    Modular technology totally designed to be generic and quick fitting to many subjects of digital marketing
      Know-how capitalized in development sector on mains computer supports (Android tablets, IPAD, Iphone,
        Android phone, PC, Mac, …), mobile technology , ahead of competitors
        Product designed on an uniq version, implemented at all customers , allows a reactive, easy and economic
        Total control of source code

    Management
        David, graduate of MIAGE and DESS in operational research, founder and director of JLD informatique since
         1994, has developped technologies of acounting softwares and mobile applications on Pocket PC, and is
         credited with an experience of 20 years in ERP and mobile business market. Thes last 2 years, I interviewed and
         presented MOBISLIDE catalog to dozens of people in very various domains, wich helped me to validate the
         concept, customers expectations and the sales pitch.

        Louis graduate of ENSTA conception developpement of program in many domains. Professional experience in
         development of mobile application.
                                             Key factors for success

   speed of the process of development plan is an essential condition essentielle to be within the first
    actors in mobility market
       Market of visit cards will really take off since users have smartphones connected to WEBAPP.
       Customers already express needs and are accustomed to this kind of tool
       Risk of quick obsolescence of technology in case of a delayed go-to-market

   Extend partnerships to publish more widely and more quickly

   Prepare a version 100% stand-alone which can be sold without human action

   Reach as quickly possible critical size to be able to grow externaly

   Keep competitive advantage and stay reactive to market needs
       Get resources to keep its competitive advantage
       Quickly react to be on identified niches

    After second fiscal year (27 months), the company should have built and stabilized a various
     and profitable revenue on several european markets: édition and publishing of professionnal
     softwares from an owned platform, install and accompanying services, software maintenance,
     material trading.

    With reasonable sales assumptions, the activity will provide a quick return on investment:
                       Taxable result for years 1+2+3 : +1,3 M€, 1+2+3+4 : +4 M€
                       Net income N+1 : +550 K€, N+2 : +1,620 M€

    Limited risks because of know-how acquired for 3 years and strong growth potential in mobile
     marketing business
    Project achievement is based on commercial, technical and first of all financial partnership
Exec Summary

             > The company
              > The team
              > The project
              > Why it will work
              > Its advantages
              > The main risks and how to minimize them
              > What is expected from the reader

Create a relevant link with your contacts and manage it
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