Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington

Page created by Alberto Mcdaniel
Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program

     Family Guide

Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
Table of Contents
                                             Girl Scout                               Important Dates							 2
                                                                                      Health & Safety							 4
                                             Cookie Program                           What is the Girl Scout Cookie Program
                                                                                      Safety First								 5

                                             January 7 - March 13                     Parents and Caregivers						 5
                                                                                      Troop Transfer Deadline						 5
                                                                                      Meet the Cookies							 6
                                                                                      Ways to Participate						 8
                                                                                      Why Participate							 9
Key Dates                                                                             Where the Money Goes						                9
                                                                                      What She Will Learn						10
December - January: Troops hold planning meetings.                                    Entrepreneurship & Badges					11
January 7: Digital Cookie orders begins (online).                                     Launching Digital Cookie						12
January 7: In-person order taking begins (initial order).                             Top Ways Families Can Support Girls				  13
January 17: Deadline for troop transfers in eBudde.                                   Online Selling Resources						14
January 23: Presales end; families submit initial orders to TPM.                      Girl Scout and Caregiver Checklist				   16
February 10-18: Delivery/pick up of initial order cookies.                            Recognitions							17
February 18: Booth sales begin.                                                       Goal Tracker								18
February 25: 50 percent of girls’ initial order deposit due to the council account.   Door Hanger								19
March 6: Girl delivery order placement ends.
March 13: Cookie program ends.
March 14: Money due to troops from girls.                                             Media Contact and Potential Media Opportunities
March 15: Final recognitions entered and submitted by troops in eBudde by midnight.   Cookie season is a very public-facing time for our organization, and media coverage and interest
                                                                                      increases. Media outlets may have questions for articles or segments on the news, or may even
                                                                                      want to feature a girl/troop. What great opportunities! No matter the circumstance, if the media
                                                                                      contacts a parent/caregiver or Girl Scout volunteer, we ask that they please contact GSOSW
                                                                                      Communications staff right away so we can work together to provide clear, consistent, timely
                                                                                      information that promotes the Girl Scout brand.

                                                                                      If you are contacted by media: Please respond in a friendly and polite manner using a phrase
                                                                                      like, “Thank you for calling! I’m not the right person to speak to, but let me get some information
                                                                                      from you.” Then, please gather the following information:

                                                                                      •   Date and time of inquiry
                                                                                      •   Editor/journalist/reporter’s name
                                                                                      •   Media outlet (e.g., KTVL, OPB, Oregonian, Statesman Journal, etc.)
                                                                                      •   Email address
                                                                                      •   Phone number/s
                                                                                      •   Deadline
    Questions? Contact your troop product manager (TPM)!                              •   Issue/story premise/topic and key questions (if they will offer them)

    Name: 													                                                               Once you’ve gathered this information, please thank them and let them know, “Girl Scouts of
                                                                                      Oregon and Southwest Washington Communications staff will get back to you soon.” Then,
    Phone: 													                                                              please email (marked “High Importance”, with “media/
                                                                                      time-sensitive in the Subject) right away and make sure that one of the Communications team
    Email: 													                                                              members confirms receipt. Thank you for collecting this information to help ensure our media
                                                                                      communications are clear, consistent and promote the Girl Scout brand!
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Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
Safety First!
Health and Safety                                                                                          Girls must:
                                                                                                           •   Have adult supervision at all times and never enter a customer’s house.
                                                                                                           •   Girls can sell cookies on walkabouts and at booth sales only until 8 p.m.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information                                                             •   Use first names only (provide adult contact information if a customer asks).
Girl Scouts Together is your one-stop-shop for all of the information you need to conduct safe,
                                                                                                           •   Take the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge at before
successful Girl Scout programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage you to review
                                                                                                               engaging in any online activities.
Girl Scouts Together with your family and Girl Scout troop to understand Girl Scouts of Oregon
                                                                                                           •   Partner with adults. Adults must accompany Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies and Juniors when
and Southwest Washington’s guidelines and determine your family’s and troop’s preferences. It is
                                                                                                               they are taking orders, selling or delivering product. Girls grades 6-12 must be supervised by
important to note that no troop/group or individual is required to meet in person or participate
                                                                                                               an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone. Adults should be present at a
in the product programs.
                                                                                                               cookie booth in any public place at all times.
                                                                                                           •   Never enter the home or vehicle of a person when selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling
For the most up-to-date version of Girl Scouts Together, visit
                                                                                                               to people in vehicles or going into alleys.
                                                                                                           •   Always follow safe pedestrian practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking
Please be mindful that this is an ever-changing environment and the Product Program
                                                                                                               along roadways. Be aware of traffic when unloading product and passengers from vehicles.
department may need to provide additional guidelines in the moment if necessary.
                                                                                                           •   Always use the buddy system. It’s not just safe, it’s more fun!

                                                                                                           Parents and Caregivers
Girl Scout Cookie Program
                                                                                                           You have the right to:
                                                                                                           •   Determine how many cookies you are willing to accept responsibility for.
                                                                                                           •   Sell at a level that is comfortable for you and your Girl Scout, regardless of the troop
•       The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world.            recommendation or goal.
        When girls participate in the cookie program, they build essential skills as they begin to think   •   Decide whether or not to participate. Participation in a product program is entirely voluntary.
        like entrepreneurs, help their troop earn proceeds to fund their Girl Scout adventures, and            Girls and families should not feel required, obligated or pressured to participate.
        earn personal recognitions.
                                                                                                           You are responsible for:

How Do I Participate?                                                                                      •
                                                                                                               All cookies received and signed for. Cookies cannot be returned.
                                                                                                               All customer payments collected, until turned in to the TPM.
All girls must be registered Girl Scouts for the 2022 membership year with a signed 2022 Cookie            •   Signing for and obtaining a receipt for each exchange of money/product between you and the
Product Program Permission & Pledge.                                                                           troop product manger.
                                                                                                           •   Following through on girl delivery purchases accepted through Digital Cookie.
•       Attend your troop family cookie meeting and pick up materials from your TPM.
•       Learn about the five skills, cookie-related badges and the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin.         Adults should:
•       Review the cookie recognitions and work together with your Girl Scout to set a realistic goal.     •   Safeguard all money collected immediately.
•       Work with your TPM to decide how you will participate:                                             •   Submit payments to the troop within five to seven days of receipt. Do not send money with
        • In-person                                                                                            your Girl Scout
        • Digitally Online Only                                                                            •   Never deposit Girl Scout Cookie money into personal accounts.
        • Both                                                                                             •   Ensure payment is not exchanged until the customer has cookies in hand.
•       Review Girl Scout and Caregiver Checklist.
                                                                                                           Troop Transfer Deadline
                                                                                                           Girls wishing to transfer from one troop to another or in/out of Girl Scout Juliette status must
                                                                                                           do so by January 17, 2022. Once the initial order is placed with a troop, any sales a girl had or
                                                                                                           receives will stay with the original troop. This means proceeds earned based on their sales will
                                                                                                           also stay with the original troop. Girls are permitted to move troops, but sales and proceeds
                                                                                                           cannot move with them. Girls who wish to move or transfer should not be discouraged from
                                                                                                           doing so by a troop or other volunteer in an effort to retain the proceeds linked to that girl’s

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Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
Core Flavors are $5.00
                  S’mores and Toffee-tastic’s are $6.00 per package.

Due to higher production costs for S’mores and Toffee-tastic’s they are considered specialty
  cookies. Specialty cookies will be ordered along with all flavors with the Initial Order.
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Family Guide 2022 Girl Scout Cookie Program - Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington
The Many Ways to Participate                                                                            Why Participate?
Discuss with your girl which participation options are best for her! It might be all of the             The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the primary source of funding for troops to power their Girl
ways listed below, or just the ones that fit her skill level, interest and availability. Look at the    Scout experience. The proceeds earned during the cookie program stay within the troop as a
Entrepreneurial Progression chart on Page 11 and strategize which areas your girl would like to         whole, and the girls in the troop should take the lead, together, in deciding how these funds are
see growth this season. Be sure to follow the Approved Selling Methods listed on Page 14, and           used. When girls have an active role in setting up a troop budget, voting on activities they want
remember that adult supervision is required at all times for all of these selling options!              to do, and beyond, they are more confident and develop skills to last a lifetime. Girls also have
                                                                                                        the opportunity to earn a variety of recognitions through participation in the cookie program.
Initial Order/Order Card/Door-to-Door: January 7 - 23
                                                                                                        Whether she’s interested in earning a session at her favorite Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest
The tradition of in-person order taking lives on! Troops or individual girls with an accompanying
                                                                                                        Washington overnight camp or this year’s plush mascot, there’s something for every girl!
adult may walk about in any residential neighborhood within the council boundaries of Girl
Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Girls can collect pre-sales to deliver later. A girl
can go door to door after depot day, if a girl doesn’t have cookies on hand for a customer—their
order can be taken to deliver later. If the family isn’t sure how much inventory to check out from
the troop product manager, collect orders first and only request cookies needed to fulfill existing                               100% of Proceeds Stay Local!

Friends-and-Family Sales: January 7 - March 13
Asking friends and family to purchase Girl Scout Cookies is a great way to start! If this is a
girl’s first time selling—or if they don’t have much free time because of school, sports or other
activities—this might be the only participation option they needs to reach their goals.

Digital Cookie: January 7 - March 13
This option is a great choice for girls who have busy schedules and want to leverage technology
to reach their customers. Girls email a link for their Digital Cookie web page to family and friends
who can choose to have orders shipped direct or, for local customers, we offer girl delivery. This
allows nearby friends and family to order and pay online, but the girl delivers those cookies in
person! Digital Cookie customers can also donate cookies online to Meals on Wheels People via
Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington’s Gift of Caring program.

Walkabouts: February 18 - March 13
Girls can walk door-to-door selling cookies in residential areas. Walkabouts are a great add-
on when girls are out delivering their pre-ordered cookies, or if your troop has just a few more
packages to sell to reach their goal. This option enables girls to learn important people skills
when selling to customers they don’t already know.                                                      The $5 and $6 prices mean more funds to provide Girl Scout programs in STEM, the outdoors,
                                                                                                        life skills, and entrepreneurship; improvements to local Girl Scout properties including camps;
Standabouts: February 18 - March 13                                                                     learning opportunities for volunteers and so much more.
Lemonade-style stands are held in front of homes on private property. This option works well
for busy families, allowing them to find opportunities within their own schedule and giving girls       Troop Proceeds
real control over their selling environment. Girls can truly get creative with their set up and sales   Troops earn proceeds to support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience for girls, including service
pitch! An adult must always be present for safety and supervision.                                      projects within their communities and other troop activities. Troops earn a minimum of $.95
                                                                                                        per package sold. If the troop has a per girl average (PGA) of 270 boxes sold or higher, they earn
Booth sales: February 18 - March 13                                                                     an additional $.05 per package sold. *Note: Juliettes earn at different rates, refer to Page__ or the
This is the number one way cookie customers see girls participating in the program. Usually a           Juliette manual.
group activity, booth sales require a lot of adult involvement and support. Remember that booth
sales are a privilege granted to Girl Scouts by private commercial locations (grocery stores, banks,    Girl Recognitions
etc.). Service units set up these booths for troop use and TPMs will select locations and times         Each girl participating can earn their own recognitions and Girl Scout Cookie Program Credits
that work for their troop. Please check with your troop before approaching a business as a booth        (can be used for Girl Scout programs and activities). For more information about individual girl
partner. Remember the booth site rule of thumb: If a girl cannot enter an establishment, they are       recognitions, refer to Page 17 for more details.
not allowed to sell cookies in front of that establishment.
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What She Will Learn
5 Skills for Girls
The Girl Scout Cookie Program is much more than just cookies! The cookie program helps
girls learn five skills that are essential to leadership, success, and life. Girls gain these skills by
working with others, setting goals, and interacting directly with their cookie customers! It’s
about the experience of running her very own cookie business, gaining five essential skills, and
learning to think like an entrepreneur.

1.   Goal Setting: Girls learn how to set goals and create a plan to reach them.
2.   Decision Making: Girls learn to think critically and solve problems.
3.   People Skills: Girls find their voice and build confidence through customer interactions.
4.   Business Ethics: Girls Develop positive values such as honesty and integrity.
5.   Money Management: Girls learn to create a budget to spend money responsibly.

Encourage girls to explore
their interests and learn new
skills through Girl Scout
Entrepreneurship Learning
Being an entrepreneur doesn’t happen in just one step, but thankfully Girl Scouts has you
covered. In addition to the guidance given within the Girl Scout Cookie Program, there are
additional Financial Literacy badges that work naturally with the cookie program. As Daisies
learn how to count money, Brownies get to know their customers or Juniors learn how to make
a good impression with the cookie program. When a girl works towards these goals with their
caregiver or guardian, they are on their way to earning the Cookie Family Entrepreneur Pins as
well! Troops can use the link
html to see criteria for these badges. All badges can be earned individually by a girl or together
as a troop. Below are just a few examples. Of badges and family pins that can be earned.

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Launching Her Digital Cookie Site                                                                       Top Ways Families Can Support Girls
Who: Girl Scouts, with support from their parent/caregiver.                                             As a parent or caregiver, your encouragement and guidance are essential to your Girl Scout’s
                                                                                                        positive and safe cookie program experience. Thank you for taking the time to familiarize
What: Watch your Girl Scout build her online marketing skills as she sets up her very own Digital       yourself with the guidelines and standards listed in this guide.
Cookie website. She can send out her personal website link to family and friends via email to
increase her sales through online orders. Digital Cookie will allow customers to shop from your         •   Tailor your cookie experience. We understand how busy you are! Talk with your troop leader
Girl Scout’s website and ship directly to them.                                                             and troop product manager (TPM) to determine the best participation level for your family.
                                                                                                            Only want to participate in Digital Cookie? That’s OK!
When: January 7 - March 13, 2022, girls can share their personal link for customers to place
orders. Customers will have three options at the time of their purchase:                                •   Attend and actively participate in a family information meeting with your Girl Scout’s troop
                                                                                                            product manager (TPM).
1. Order cookies and pay to ship them directly to their home. These cookies are shipped by Girl
   Scouts and do not come from the girl’s personal inventory.                                           •   Sign the 2022 Cookie Product Program Permission & Pledge.
2. Order cookies for girl delivery, to be fulfilled by girls in February 2022, after depot day. These
   cookies come from the girl’s personal inventory.                                                     •   Review this Family Guide and check with your TPM on how your Girl Scout’s contribution to
3. Donate cookies online to Gift of Caring.                                                                 troop funds will be tracked.

                                                                                                        •   Have a goal-setting discussion with your girl reviewing the recognitions available,
                                                                                                            determining what actions are needed from the girl and what support is needed form the
                                                                                                            adult to reach those goals.
Four Easy Steps Crush Those Cookie Goals!                                                               •   Support your Girl Scout by teaching them how to manage the money from their cookie
                                                                                                            business, fostering lifelong financial literacy skills.
1. Register: Check your email for your link from Digital Cookie starting in mid-December. Do not
   forget to check your junk, spam, and promotion folders!
                                                                                                        •   Encourage your Girl Scout as they dive into gaining people skills through their cookie
2. Set Up Her Site: Help your Girl Scout set up her sales goal, share her cookie story, and upload
                                                                                                            business. This is a fantastic early introduction to developing healthy relationships and
   a fun picture or video. Then she is ready to save, review, and publish! (Parents/caregivers
                                                                                                            conflict-resolution skills that they can use for the rest of their lives.
   must approve before the site can be published.)
3. Invite Customers: Girl Scouts and their parent/caregiver can manage her cookie customer
                                                                                                        •   Set a good example as your Girl Scout develops business ethics. Reinforce the positive values
   list and easily send ready-to-use emails inviting friends & family to support her cookie goal.
                                                                                                            which will continue to empower them in their future.
   Parents/caregivers can also promote her personalized link on their personal social media
   with friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.
                                                                                                        •   Take care to honor deadlines to submit orders and payments to your troop. The Important
4. Track Your Goal: She can see how close she is to reaching her goal by tracking the number
                                                                                                            Dates section of this guide on Page 2 lists due dates, however your troop may set alternate
   of boxes sold and orders placed, as well as sales by delivery type and cookie variety. You can
                                                                                                            dates to meet the needs of the troop and volunteers.
   even include offline sales to see total progress!
                                                                                                        •   Maintain communication with the troop product manager (to pick up cookies, to turn money
All girl-delivery orders must be approved by the parent/caregiver within 3 days of the order in             in, to ask questions and respond to their inquiries).
Digital Cookie. Customers should be contacted regarding delivery arrangements. These orders
should be delivered as soon as possible. Once cookies delivered the parent/caregiver should             •   Be diligent in obtaining a receipt signed by both parties each and every time you receive
mark the order complete in Digital Cookie.                                                                  cookies or turn in money. Please retain these for your records should a discrepancy come up.

                                                                                                        •   Support your girl’s troop as much as possible during the cookie program. It takes a lot of
                                                                                                            time and dedication by our volunteers to support this program. Please help where you can
      My Login                   Username: 								                                                         from coordinating booths, to running a meeting during the busy season. Every little bit helps
                                                                                                            sustain this amazing learning experience for girls.
      Information                Password:

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Online Selling Resources                                                                                           Private
                                                                                                                                               Public Social Business
                                                                                                                                               Media         or School
                                                                                                                                                                          Paid Online
                                                                                                                   Media         Fliers                      Websites,                        (Facebook
                                                                                                                                                             Social Media                     Marketplace,
Online Safety                                                                                                                                                Accounts,                        eBay, Amazon,
The safety of Girl Scouts is important to us, even and especially online. Girl Scouts should never                                                           etc.                             etc.)
post identifying information (full names, phone numbers, addresses etc.) online.
                                                                                                        Sharing    Yes           Yes           Yes            Yes            No               No
Promoting vs. Selling                                                                                   Links
Girl Scout product programs intentionally put girls in the driver’s seat to ensure they get the
                                                                                                        Sharing    Yes           Yes           Yes            Yes            No               No
most from this entrepreneurial experience, girls do the selling, not adults. Adults can support
girls by promoting their participation, rather than doing the selling for them. This is a subtle but
important difference:
                                                                                                        Sharing    Yes           Yes           Yes            Yes            No               No
•    Promoting: “Olivia is selling Girl Scout cookies! To find out more, visit her sales website … or   Cookie
     let us know if you are interested so Olivia can reach out.”                                        Finder
•    Selling: “Hello! Olivia is selling cookies! Put your order in the comments and I’ll get back to    GSOSW      Yes           Yes           Yes            Yes            Yes              No
     you with the totals.”
                                                                                                        Green Approved. Yellow - Approved but be aware that once posted, the link is searchable by
Digital Cookie                                                                                          anyone and could potentially appear anywhere on the internet. Red Not Approved.
Digital Cookie is the only approved online selling platform from which members of Girl Scouts           Private Social Media
of Oregon and Southwest Washington may sell Girl Scout Cookies. A girl can build their own              This includes any personal Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, etc. account, communicating with
virtual storefront though Digital Cookie, giving them the ability to send personalized messages         private friends/connections or groups.
and video to potential customers by making a sales pitch. The sale is processed online, cookies
can be shipped directly to customers or customers can choose to have the girl deliver the               Door Hangers/Fliers
cookies they order. Digital Cookie was built to help girls practice the five skills of the Girl Scout   Girl Scouts can share/distribute their Digital Cookie link at front doors in their community using
Cookie Program—goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business              fliers. Fliers cannot have identifying information (full names, phone numbers, addresses, etc.). A
ethics—while protecting girls’ safety online. Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington is         Digital Cookie link, QR code and troop number and/or girl first names can be included.
contractually committed to use Digital Cookie our only online platform.
                                                                                                        Public Social Media
                                                                                                        This includes any public groups on Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, etc., where information is
Facebook/Instagram/Nextdoor or Other                                                                    shared publicly outside of private friends/connections.
Personal social media accounts with appropriate privacy settings are recommended when
sharing a Digital Cookie link or similar information with social media contacts. Public sites can       Business or School Websites, Social Media Accounts, etc.
be used to share Digital Cookie links, but be aware that once posted, the link is searchable by         If a business or school is willing to post a girl or troop link, or promote the Girl Scout Cookie
anyone and could potentially appear anywhere on the internet. Regardless of how information             Finder via their website or social media accounts, this is permitted.
is posted, families will need to closely manage girl delivery requests through Digital Cookie
(approve/not approve) to identify customers they are comfortable delivering to and notifying            Paid Online Advertising
those who would need to pick an alternative delivery option. Using social media as a marketing          GSOSW conducts paid advertising on behalf of all Girl Scouts in our council directing customers
tool is allowed, but not to sell cookies or take orders for cookies. It is important that all online    to the Cookie Finder. Members are not permitted to conduct their own paid online product
cookie sales are managed by a Girl Scout and are conducted through Digital Cookie.                      program advertising.

                                                                                                        eCommerce Outlets
                                                                                                        Not allowed. Examples of prohibited sites include, but are not limited to, Facebook Marketplace,
                                                                                                        eBay, Craigslist, Amazon and others. These eCommerce outlets are not licensed by Girl Scouts of
                                                                                                        the USA (GSUSA) to sell Girl Scout Cookies. GSUSA strongly cautions against purchases of Girl
                                                                                                        Scout Cookies found for sale online at sites like these. The freshness or integrity of these cookies
                                                                                                        cannot be guaranteed (in many instances, these cookie are actually expired), and purchasing
                                                                                                        cookies in this way does not support Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program.
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Girl Scout and Caregiver Checklist                                                                 Recognitions
Follow This Checklist to Ensure a Successful Cookie Season!                                        Girls and troops receive recognitions for the sales they’ve received throughout the program
                                                                                                   as acknowledgment of their hard work. There are troop proceeds which are used towards the
Pre-Sale                                                                                           troop experience. Troop proceeds belong to the troop and do not belong to an individual. Troop
• Register your Girl Scout for the 2021-2022 membership year.                                      funds should be used towards all girl members regardless of their sales levels. Girls then receive
• Attend your troop family cookie meeting and pick up materials from your TPM.                     individual recognitions as a way to congratulate their individual efforts. To see pictures of
• Learn about the five skills, cookie-related badges and the Cookie Entrepreneur Family pin.       recognitions see order card or go to
• Review the cookie recognitions and work together with your Girl Scout to set a realistic goal.   •   The council reserves the right to replace any item with an item of equal or lesser value.
                                                                                                   •   All recognitions are subject to minimums and availability.
Starting Inventory/Delivery                                                                        •   For more details, review the Recognitions page on our website. Girls and families should
• Guide her to set practical and useful goals to determine how many packages of cookies to             review this information before girls make their sales goal decisions.
   order for your initial order. Ask your TPM for help if you have any questions. Remember, you    •   Some sales levels offer more than one recognition option. Girls are able to select only one of
   can always get more cookies later.                                                                  those items per level.
• Girls can earn initial order recognitions if eligibility is met by troop.                        •   If a selection isn’t made for a girl, the physical item will be defaulted and this cannot be
• Send emails to friends, family, and more through Digital Cookie beginning January 7, 2022.           changed.

Coach Your Girl Scout                                                                              Troop PGA Initial Order Recognition
• Listen to her practice her sales pitch. Pretend to be a potential customer and ask her           Troops who have an initial order per girl average (PGA) of 270 packages will receive a hip pouch
  questions.                                                                                       and mountains bracelet for each girl participating and two volunteer patches—one each for the
• Review cookie materials together.                                                                troop leader and TPM.
• Be a role model for business ethics and safety rules.
• Have fun with her!                                                                               Super Seller Patch
                                                                                                   Any girl that sells 1000+ packages of cookies will not only receive their recognitions at that level
Goal Setter                                                                                        but will also earn the Super Seller patch.
• Start selling door-to-door with order cards on January 7, 2022.
• Contact your TPM to order/pick up more cookies for any girl-delivered orders taken after         Digital Cookie Sales
  depot day.                                                                                       There are three levels of recognition for selling cookies through the Digital Cookie platform.
• Be sure to sign and keep a copy of your receipts!                                                These sales can come from online shipped, donated or girl delivery.
• Money is collected only when cookies are delivered, not before. This does not apply to orders    • 25 packages of cookies will earn a Cookie Techie Patch.
  placed through Digital Cookie.                                                                   • 150 packages will earn a Samoas bracelet.
• Turn money in frequently to your TPM. They will let you know specific dates for your troop.      • 225 packages will earn a docking station.
  Be sure to sign and retain your receipt!
• Volunteer to work at troop cookie booths and/or set up your own My Sale booth.                   Gift of Caring Patch (GOC)
• Help your Girl Scout reach her goals by supporting her during cookie delivery and booth          When a girl has sold 30 packages of GOC cookies they will earn a GOC patch. This applies to
  sales.                                                                                           both in-person and online sales.
• Be sure to log in to Digital Cookie and check for new orders. Remember that orders for girl
  delivery should be approved within three days of the order and delivered within days to          Cookie Program Credits
  ensure the best customer service experience possible.                                            If a girl chooses Cookie Program Credits over a physical recognition, that card will be mailed
                                                                                                   directly to the girl’s household and is for their personal Girl Scout pathway. Families should
Wrap Up                                                                                            review the information in their My GS account to ensure the proper mailing address is on file.
• Work with your TPM to pick up a booth sale if you still have remaining inventory to sell.        Recognitions are cumulative, so girls can choose a physical recognition at the 100 package level,
• Turn in all cookie payments to your TPM.                                                         and then choose Cookie Program Credits at the 160 package level. Cookie Program Credits are
• Double check that there are no outstanding deliveries needed in Digital Cookie.                  for a girl to use within Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Cookie Program Credits
• Let the TPM know your Girl Scout’s recognition choices.                                          expire September 15, 2023.

After the Sale                                                                                     Adventure Pass
Celebrate with your Girl Scout and her troop!                                                      Functions similar to Cookie Program Credits but is used only towards overnight camp, day
                                                                                                   camp, troop travel and Girl Scout Destinations. Cards will be mailed to each girl individually.

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It’s Girl Scout                                                                                          Find out more at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It’s Girl Scout                                                                                          Find out more at

                                                                                                     Cookie                                                                                                                                               Cookie
        Goal Tracker
                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                                                                                                                                                                                                            adventurefuls                            TM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 adventurefuls                            TM

                                                                                                     Time!                                                                                                                                                Time!
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Brownie-inspired cookies with                                                                                                                        Brownie-inspired cookies with
                                                                                                                                                                                                               caramel flavored crème                                                                                                                               caramel flavored crème

                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                                                                                                           Contactless                                                                                           lemon-ups                   ®                  Contactless                                                                                           lemon-ups                   ®

                                                                                                            Delivery                                                                                                                                             Delivery
                                                                                                            Available                                                                                            Crispy lemon cookies                            Available                                                                                            Crispy lemon cookies

                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                                                                                       My                                                                                                                           trefoils                                                                                                                                             trefoils
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ®                                                                                                                                                    ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Traditional                                                                                                                                          Traditional

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shortbread cookies                                                                                                                                   shortbread cookies

                                                        number of pkgs.
                                                                                      Goal                                                                                                                   $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  do-si-dos                                                                                                                                            do-si-dos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Get your favorites delivered!
                                      number of pkgs.                                                Get your favorites delivered!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Peanut butter                                                                                                                                        Peanut butter

                                            80%                                                                                                                                                                    sandwich cookies                                                                                                                                     sandwich cookies

                                                                                                     Girl Scout:                    First Name Only                     Troop #:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      made with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    natural flavors                       Girl Scout:                    First Name Only                     Troop #:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           made with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         natural flavors

                                                                                                     My goal is:                                                                                                                                          My goal is:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                                                                                   number of pkgs.   To order:                                                                                                                                            To order:
                    number of pkgs.

                    70%                        number of pkgs.
                                                                                     100%                            List ways customers
                                                                                                                                                                              Digital Cookie®
                                                                                                                                                                               QR code here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   samoas            ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          List ways customers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Digital Cookie®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    QR code here
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        samoas            ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chewy and rich–chocolaty,
                                                                                                                can order from you*                                                                          Chewy and rich–chocolaty,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               coconut, and caramel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     can order from you*                                                                            coconut, and caramel

                                               60%                                                   Delivery:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  $       /pkg

                                                                                                                List ways customers can get their order**                                                                                                            List ways customers can get their order**

                                                                                                          You donate cookies,                                                                                    tagalongs               ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               You donate cookies,                                                                                    tagalongs               ®

                                                                                                                                                                                  t                                                                                                                                          Girl Scou t
                                                                                                          and I’ll deliver them!                                        Girl Scou                                Peanut butter patties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and I’ll deliver them!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Peanut butter patties

                                                 number of pkgs.                                                                                                         Cookies ®                                                                                                                                            Cookies ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                             $                                                                                                                                                    $       /pkg

              50% number of pkgs.
                                                                                                                     List your chosen                                                                                                                                     List your chosen
                                                 40%                                                                   organization                                                                                                                                         organization

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 thin mints                  ®                                                                                                                        thin mints                  ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Crisp, chocolaty                                                                                                                                     Crisp, chocolaty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and minty!                                                                                                                                           and minty!
                                                                                                     All of our cookies have:                                                                                                                             All of our cookies have:
                                                                                                     NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup                                                                                                                          NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup
                                                                                                     NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)                                                                                                                NO Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs)
                                                                                                     Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving                                                                        $       /pkg                                 Zero Grams Trans Fat per Serving                                                                        $       /pkg

        10% number of pkgs.                                      number of pkgs.

                                      number of pkgs.               30%                                                                                                              RSPO-1106186

                                                                                                                                                     TREE                                                                                                                  SOY   WHEAT   MILK   PEANUTS           EGG
                                                                                                                      SOY   WHEAT   MILK   PEANUTS           EGG                                                                                                                                          NUTS
                                                                                                     Adventurefuls    ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        See nutrition information                                                          Adventurefuls    ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        See nutrition information
                                                                                                     Lemon-Ups        ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        for total fat and saturated                girl scout                              Lemon-Ups        ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        for total fat and saturated                girl scout
                                                                                                                                                                       fat content in Thin Mints,
                                                                                                                                                                       Samoas and Tagalongs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  s’mores            ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fat content in Thin Mints,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Samoas and Tagalongs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       s’mores            ®

                                                                                                     Samoas                                           ˜*                                                                                                  Samoas           ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜*      ˜
                                                                                                                      ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜               ˜
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Chocolate, marshmallowy,                                                                                                                             Chocolate, marshmallowy,
                                                                                                     Tagalongs        ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        Refer to your cookie package                                                       Tagalongs        ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        Refer to your cookie package
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 graham cookies                           Thin Mints                                                                                                  graham cookies
                                                                                                     Thin Mints       ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        for the most current cookie                                                                         ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        for the most current cookie
                                                                                                     Girl Scout                                                                                                    made with                              Girl Scout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            information. To learn more,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        made with
                                                                                                     S’mores          ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        information. To learn more,                                                        S’mores          ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 natural flavors                                                                                                                                      natural flavors
                                                                                                     Toffee-tastic    ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        visit                                                           Toffee-tastic    ˜      ˜       ˜        ˜       ˜       ˜        visit
                                                                                                      CONTAINS                                                                                                                                             CONTAINS
                                                                                                      MANUFACTURED IN A SHARED FACILITY WITH                          *Made with Coconut.                                                                  MANUFACTURED IN A SHARED FACILITY WITH                          *Made with Coconut.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             $       /pkg                                                                                                                                         $       /pkg

                  How high can you climb?
                                                                                                     The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, are owned by                                                            The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, are owned by
                                                                                                     Girl Scouts of the USA. The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks                                                      Girl Scouts of the USA. The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks
                                                                                                     are owned by Ferequity Inc., an affiliate of Ferrero Int’l, S.A. ®, ™ & © 2021 Ferequity Inc. 063021                                                 are owned by Ferequity Inc., an affiliate of Ferrero Int’l, S.A. ®, ™ & © 2021 Ferequity Inc. 063021

     Write your personal cookie package goal in the space                                                                                                                                                    toffee-tastic                       ®                                                                                                                toffee-tastic                       ®

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rich, buttery                                                                                                                                        Rich, buttery

     above 100%. Include your smaller goals along the way.                                                                                                                                                          toffee cookies                                                                                                                                       toffee cookies

      (Adults can help if you need it.) Color in each area as                                        * Example Order Options: Parent or guardian's email and/or phone and/or your Digital Cookie® link.                                                   * Example Order Options: Parent or guardian's email and/or phone and/or your Digital Cookie® link.
                                                                                                     ** Example Delivery Options: Contactless drop-off, pick-up and/or shipped via Digital Cookie®.                                                       ** Example Delivery Options: Contactless drop-off, pick-up and/or shipped via Digital Cookie®.
                 you make your way to the top!                                                       Before interacting with customers, girls and adults should review the safety guidelines on
                                                                                            and any guidelines provided by their local Council. Be sure to review your council’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Before interacting with customers, girls and adults should review the safety guidelines on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and any guidelines provided by their local Council. Be sure to review your council’s
                                                                                                     guidelines on delivery methods. Cut carefully along the lines. Ask an adult for help if needed.                                                      guidelines on delivery methods. Cut carefully along the lines. Ask an adult for help if needed.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                19
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