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SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, October 5, 2021 9:00 A.M. Meeting held by teleconference pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order N-15-21 and the Twenty-Fourth Supplement to Mayoral Proclamation Declaring the Existence of a Local Emergency LONDON N. BREED, MAYOR COMMISSIONERS LARRY MAZZOLA President ELEANOR JOHNS Vice President EVERETT A. HEWLETT, JR. JANE NATOLI MALCOLM YEUNG IVAR C. SATERO Airport Director KANTRICE OGLETREE Commission Secretary SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94128
Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of Tuesday, October 5, 2021 CALENDAR AGENDA TITLE RESOLUTION PAGE SECTION ITEM NUMBER A. CALL TO ORDER: ..................................................................................... 4 B. ROLL CALL: ............................................................................................... 4 C. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: ........................................................................ 4 Regular meeting of September 21, 2021. ................. 4 D. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only): ............................................... 4 E. SPECIAL ITEMS: ....................................................................................... 5 1. Adopt Findings Under New State Urgency Legislation to Allow Continued Remote Meetings During the COVID-19 Emergency 5 . .................................................................................. 5 F. ITEMS INITIATED BY COMMISSIONERS (Discussion Only): .................. 6 G. ACTION ITEMS RELATED TO ADMINISTRATION, OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................... 6 2. Approval of Revised Lease Specifications and Authorization to Accept Proposals for the Terminal 3 West Casual Dining & Bar Lease, a Small Business Enterprise Set-Aside ........................... 6 . .................................................................................. 6 3. Determination to Proceed with the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Contract No. 11439.61, Construction Services for the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project ............................................................................... 9 . .................................................................................. 9 H. CONSENT CALENDAR OF ROUTINE ADMINISTATIVE MATTERS ...... 10 4. Approval of Modification No. 4 to Contract No. 50016 for Hardware Purchase, Software License, Integration, Support, and Maintenance of the Physical Security Information Management and Video Management Systems Cognyte Software, LP, formerly Verint Security Intelligence, Inc. $1,300,000......................................... 10 . ................................................................................ 10 Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 2
5. Approval of Modification No. 2 to Lease No. GS-09P-LCA03395 with the United States of America to Extend the Lease Term and Increase the Annual Rent for Offices Occupied by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation $665,489 ................................................................ 10 . ................................................................................ 10 6. Exercise of the Second and Final 1-Year Option to Extend the Term of the Terminal 3 East Bookstore Lease No. 15-0085 Books, Inc. .................................................................................. 10 . ................................................................................ 10 7. Approval of the Continued Holdover of the Cellular Phone Rental Kiosk Lease No. 13-0049 Triptel, Inc. ....................................... 11 . ................................................................................ 11 8. Approval of Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 50237.01 Consenting to Assignment of the Contract Upon the Acquisition of PFM Asset Management LLC by U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. .. 11 ................................................................................. 11 I. NEW BUSINESS:..................................................................................... 11 J. CORRESPONDENCE:............................................................................. 13 K. CLOSED SESSION: ................................................................................ 13 L. ADJOURNMENT: ..................................................................................... 13 Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 3
Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of Tuesday, October 5, 2021 A. CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Airport Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. via teleconference. B. ROLL CALL: Present: Hon. Larry Mazzola, President Hon. Eleanor Johns, Vice President Hon. Everett A. Hewlett, Jr. Hon. Jane Natoli Hon. Malcolm Yeung C. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of September 21, 2021 were adopted unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Johns and a second by Commissioner Yeung. Regular meeting of September 21, 2021. There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment. D. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only): Airport Director Ivar Satero gave an update on the following: COVID-19 Recovery to Resilience Update: The most notable update is the Advisory Bulle- tin to all Commission and onsite employees, including contractors and lessees, that proof of vaccination is required. Deadlines were included to enforce and monitor vaccinations across all airport employees. The Airport has received great support from the airlines and service providers. Four hundred thirty-one companies have responded to the Airport’s first reporting deadline of October 1st. Of the reported employees, 77% have been vaccinated. Three percent are partially vaccinated. A small number of employees have been exempted due to religious freedoms. They will go through a review process. Nineteen percent are cur- rently unresolved, and Staff expect them to become vaccinated or exempted as the Airport continues to receive monthly updates. There is a November deadline for the next report, and fines will start to kick in in December. However, the Airport is seeing great compliance and cooperation from the airlines and service providers. COVID-19 cases at the Airport are also starting to decline like the rest of the region. Competitive Selection Process Communications Policy: Item 3 is subject to the Restricted Communications Period. Item 2 was identified at a previous meeting. It begins when the RFP/RFQ is published and ends when the Commission awards the contract or otherwise terminates the competitive process. No airport officer, employee, or any other individual Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 4
with any role in the competitive process may communicate with a proposer, potential pro- poser, or representative. The policy exempts all communications that would normally occur between staff and interested parties. Report on other recent San Francisco International Airport activities, events, and an- nouncements: Staff completed construction and anticipate full reopening of 28-L this after- noon. The team has done a wonderful job getting the work done expeditiously and with very little impact to airport operations. President Mazzola asked for an update on the meeting with employees on Thursday, Sep- tember 23rd. Director Satero responded that 400 attendees were at the meeting. There were a lot of great questions, mainly about the schedule for implementation. Staff assured everyone that the Airport doesn’t intend to issue fines to the extent that it can possibly avoid it. Labor has been fully supportive of the Airport’s approach and bulletin. President Mazzola asked who will review the exemption requests. Director Satero said the company will review using the guidelines that have been established and will report to the Airport. There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment. E. SPECIAL ITEMS: Item No. 1 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a sec- ond by Commissioner Johns. 1. Adopt Findings Under New State Urgency Legislation to Allow Continued Re- mote Meetings During the COVID-19 Emergency Resolution adopting findings under new State urgency legislation to allow remote meetings during the COVID-19 emergency; continuing remote meetings for the next 30 days; and directing the Commission Secretary to agendize a similar resolution at a Commission meeting within 30 days. Cathy Widener, Acting Chief External Affairs Officer presented on the item to adopt findings allowing the San Francisco Airport Commission to continue to meet remotely while the City and County of San Francisco’s suspension of the Charter prohibition on remote meetings remains in place. The Governor’s pandemic order on remote meetings expired last Thursday, September 30th, but State Legislation allows boards and commissions to hold remote meetings under certain conditions, including making findings and renewing those findings every 30 days. The findings include: (1) the board or commission has considered the circumstances of the state of emergency; and (2a) the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of members to meet safely in person, or Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 5
(2b) state or local officials continue to impose or recommend measures to promote social distancing. Staff understand that every City and County of San Francisco Board, Committee, and Commission will adopt similar policies to continue meeting remotely as the Mayor’s order prohibits boards and commissions from going back until at least November 1st. In February 2020, Mayor Breed declared a local pandemic emer- gency, and on March 6, 2020, the City’s Health Officer declared a local health emer- gency; both declarations remain in effect today. In March 2020, the Mayor issued an order suspending the local Charter prohibition on remote meetings and issued a separate prohibition on boards and commissions from meeting in person. This order also remains in effect. The Mayor’s office has indicated that it intends to keep these orders in place until at least November 1, 2021. The City’s current Health Orders and recommended protocols support the proposed findings. These health orders will be assessed every 30 days and similar resolutions may appear on future Airport Commission agendas to adopt findings to support remote meetings, as determined by the City and County of San Francisco. There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment. F. ITEMS INITIATED BY COMMISSIONERS (Discussion Only): There were no items initiated by Commissioners. G. ACTION ITEMS RELATED TO ADMINISTRATION, OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE Item No. 2 was amended to include Artisan Pizza under American Cuisine and to remove it as a separate concept upon a motion by Commissioner Yeung and a second by Commissioner Hewlett. The item was voted unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Johns and a second by Commissioner Hewlett. 2. Approval of Revised Lease Specifications and Authorization to Accept Pro- posals for the Terminal 3 West Casual Dining & Bar Lease, a Small Business Enterprise Set-Aside Resolution approving the revised lease specifications and authorizing Staff to accept proposals for the Terminal 3 West Casual Dining & Bar Lease, a Small Business Enterprise Set-Aside. Cheryl Nashir presented on the item to change a few business terms and accept proposals for the Terminal 3 West Casual Dining and Bar Lease, a Small Business Enterprise Set-Aside (SBE). In August, Staff issued an RFP for a casual dining and bar lease in a space formerly occupied by Gordon Biersch in the part of Terminal 3 called Terminal 3 West. This RFP was different than any the Airport has done before in three distinct ways. First, proposers must be Small Business Enterprises and can- not have previously operated in an airport. Second, this lease has a short base term - three years with three 1-year options. Typical food and beverage lease terms are 10-12 years. This term is short because Staff don’t know when the Terminal 3 West Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 6
Renovation Project will restart and wanted to maintain flexibility. The third distinction with this lease is the lower capital investment requirement. Typically, the standard minimum capital expenditure requirement is $1000 per square foot for design and construction. For this lease, it is $150 per square foot which reflects the shorter term. Fortunately, the space is in good condition and a lesser renovation can be satisfac- tory. Staff held an Informational Conference and accepted questions throughout a com- ment period. There are three changes they are recommending to the originally pub- lished business terms. They are: 1. A request was made to lower the Minimum Sales Qualifications. The Airport al- ways includes in its Minimum Qualifications a requirement to have operated or managed a certain sized, like-business during three of the last five years. Here, the Airport is requiring that the proposer have operated a restaurant earning at least $750,000 annually for three of the last five years. Rather than drop the dol- lar amount, Staff recommend allowing the proposers to qualify over a longer pe- riod – three of the last seven years. This reflects that sales activity over the last almost two years now has likely been abnormal due to the pandemic. 2. A request was made to add artisan pizza to the list of concepts that are allowa- ble. Presently, Staff have specified a Mexican, American, or Poke concept. They recommend allowing artisan pizza as an approved concept. The nearest pizza location in Terminal 3 is not that close and it is more of a fast food/quick serve operation. Artisan pizza could be a nice addition for the Airport. 3. Finally, it was requested that the Airport lengthen the construction period from 90 to 120 days. Staff recommend approving this. A few attendees asked that the Airport delete its requirement that proposers be new entrants to airport concessions. Staff are not recommending approval of this. Setting up this lease as they have, for SBEs and new entrants, is in sync with the Airport’s desire to expand opportunities to those groups. Staff are excited to try this new en- deavor. With Commission approval, Staff would like to make these changes and ac- cept proposals. The current schedule has Staff coming back to the Commission to seek award of the lease in December. Vice President Johns said the proposed changes are worth adding, and she is glad they are doing this new concept. Commissioner Yeung asked about the addition of “artisan pizza” and if it could be covered under “American dining.” He does not want people to think that the Airport has a concessionaire in mind. Ms. Nashir responded that Staff never have anyone in mind. One of the attendees at the informational conference asked specifically about the category. Staff decided to say yes because it didn’t hurt the neighboring concessions, and it might increase competition. There is an independent panel that makes the decision of who is chosen. Director Satero responded that artisan pizza can be allowed under American fare instead of calling it out specifically. Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 7
Commissioner Yeung said he’s appreciative of the amendment and supportive of everything else. President Mazzola said he’s receiving phone calls and letters that tenant improve- ment construction jobs aren’t being paid prevailing rates. He asked if the RFPs re- quire abiding by the area’s standard for billing rates. Ms. Nashir responded that there is a Labor Harmony clause in all the leases. When someone proposes, they must certify that they have read, understood, and are following the Labor Harmony Policy. President Mazzola asked for clarification on the Policy. Ms. Nashir re- sponded that it ensures operations at the Airport are not interrupted by anything the tenant does related to labor. President Mazzola asked if it includes prevailing rates. Ms. Nashir responded that a common situation is if a tenant tries to have a non-un- ionized contractor or sub-contractor. President Mazzola asked for further clarifica- tion. Ms. Nashir responded that Staff hold preconstruction meetings discussing la- bor harmony, visit the construction sites, and respond to any reports of non-union- ized workers. President Mazzola said he will forward the letters he has received to Ms. Nashir and Bill Wong. Commissioner Yeung asked to confirm that they’re voting on the item with the “arti- san pizza” category removed. President Mazzola thought he and Ms. Nashir had reached an understanding. Commissioner Yeung thought Director Satero had agreed to re-release the RFP with the original categories of dining facilities intact – American dining, Mexican, and Poke. Director Satero asked Ms. Nashir if Staff responding to the question about artisan pizza with the answer that it is allowed under American fare is adequate. Ms. Nashir confirmed. Vice President Johns said the written agenda includes the referral to pizza. Commissioner Hewlett said it should be eliminated via motion. President Mazzola suggested an amendment. Commissioner Yeung made a motion to remove the reference of artisan pizza from the resolution and include it under American dining rather than a separate category. Julie Veit, General Counsel confirmed this would be an acceptable procedure. Commissioner Hewlett seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously. There were no further questions from the Commissioners. The following constituents provided public comment in advance of the meeting and will be included in the meeting record: Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg, submitted public comments stating his objection to Item 2. Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 8
There was no further public comment. Item No. 3 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Johns and a second by Commissioner Hewlett. 3. Determination to Proceed with the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Contract No. 11439.61, Construction Services for the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project Resolution determining to proceed with the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project and authorizing the Director to advertise for bids for Contract No. 11439.61, Con- struction Services for the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tunnel Project. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the Project for the pur- poses of CEQA, pursuant to Section 31.04(h) of the San Francisco Administrative Code. Geoff Neumayr, Chief Development Officer presented on the item to approve the scope, budget and schedule and authorization for a call for bids for Construction Services for the New Methane Gas Leak Detection System in the Central Utility Tun- nel Project. As part of the Terminal 1 Program, a new 8” natural gas line was in- stalled in the Central Utility Tunnel that starts at Courtyard G. Since this install, con- cern has risen because of the increased risk for gas leaks within an enclosed space in utility tunnels where natural gas lines are installed. To address this, this project will install a new natural gas leak detection system and isolation shutoff valve at the main meter at this location near Courtyard G. Two alternates will also be included with the above scope. The first alternate will include extending the leak detection system from Terminal 1 to Boarding Area C. The second alternate will include, at the same location, a shutoff valve similar to what is in the base scope. The Project’s es- timated construction cost for the base scope is between $1.45 million and $1.7 million. The two alternates’ estimated construction cost would add an additional $1 million to $1.5 million, for a total estimated cost between $2.4 million to $3 million. The estimated Contract duration is 388 consecutive calendar days. Following receipt of the bids, staff will return to the Commission to recommend award of this contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the base scope and any alternates that are within the project budget. The City’s Contract Monitoring Division approved a Local Business Enterprise subcontracting participation requirement of 20% for this Con- tract. There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment. Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 9
H. CONSENT CALENDAR OF ROUTINE ADMINISTATIVE MATTERS The Consent Calendar, Item Nos. 4 through 8, was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a second by Commissioner Johns. 4. Approval of Modification No. 4 to Contract No. 50016 for Hardware Purchase, Software License, Integration, Support, and Maintenance of the Physical Se- curity Information Management and Video Management Systems Cognyte Software, LP, formerly Verint Security Intelligence, Inc. $1,300,000 Resolution approving Modification No. 4 to Contract No. 50016 with Cogntye Software, LP (formerly Verint Security Intelligence, Inc.) for hardware purchase, software license, integration, support, and maintenance of the Physical Security Information Management and Video Management Systems; extending the Contract through June 30, 2023; and increasing the Contract amount by $1,300,000 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of $2,730,000. 5. Approval of Modification No. 2 to Lease No. GS-09P-LCA03395 with the United States of America to Extend the Lease Term and Increase the Annual Rent for Offices Occupied by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation $665,489 Resolution approving Modification No. 2 to Lease No. GS-09P-LCA03395 with the United States of America to extend the term of the Lease by three years; increasing the annual rent to $665,489 for offices occupied by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investi- gation; and directing the Commission Secretary to forward Lease Modification No. 2 to the Board of Supervisors for approval. President Mazzola asked why the item will be going to the Board of Supervisors for approval. Director Satero responded that it is a lease modification which all go to the Board. President Mazzola asked if there was a price threshold. Director Satero responded that there is for professional service contracts related to construction. Leases go to the Board. Julie Veit clarified that there is a threshold of revenue over $1 million for revenue contracts over the total period. 6. Exercise of the Second and Final 1-Year Option to Extend the Term of the Terminal 3 East Bookstore Lease No. 15-0085 Books, Inc. Resolution exercising the second and final 1-year option to extend the term of the Terminal 3 East Bookstore Lease No. 15-0085 with Books, Inc. through November 17, 2022. Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 10
7. Approval of the Continued Holdover of the Cellular Phone Rental Kiosk Lease No. 13-0049 Triptel, Inc. Resolution approving the continued holdover of the Cellular Phone Rental Kiosk Lease No. 13-0049 with Triptel, Inc. beyond 12 months. 8. Approval of Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 50237.01 Consenting to Assign- ment of the Contract Upon the Acquisition of PFM Asset Management LLC by U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, Inc. Resolution approving Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 50237.01 consenting to assignment of the Contract upon the acquisition of PFM Asset Management LLC by U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, lnc. There were no further questions from the Commissioners. The following constituents provided public comment in advance of the meeting and will be included in the meeting record: Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg, submitted public comments stating his objection Consent Items 6 and 7. There was no further public comment. I. NEW BUSINESS: The following constituents provided public comment in advance of the meeting and will be included in the meeting record: Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg, submitted public comment titled “Director Poor Example/Failed Sunshine Request/Objection to "G"; H6; H7.” The following constituents provided public comment under New Business: Gil Sharabi, Airport Express, expressed concern about the elimination of shared ride van zones and the new permit. Staff are expected to come back, and the logistics make it nearly impossible to provide shared ride service. The company has been providing air- port shuttle shared rides since 1979 and removing the permit effectively kills the shared ride business in the City. The reasons for doing so – congestion and lack of demand – are not accurate. Demand is low because of COVID-19. Also, their business helps re- duce congestion because it combines people in an eco-friendly way that takes cars off the road. The amount of space they take up at the Airport in signage is minimal, espe- cially in comparison to other ground transportation providers. International travel is also about to open, which is a big part of their business. Many of them are tourists that stay at hotels in the City, which have been working with them for over 40 years. Hotels Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 11
choose to use them to provide an efficient service. They will not be able to provide ser- vice because it’s not economical to provide it from the City to the Airport and not be able to provide it back. The new permit makes it impossible for guests to find them. They have thousands of reservations, and it will be impossible to board them in an efficient and economical way. Someone at the Airport responded that there are less providers so there is no need for the zone. However, less providers do not necessarily mean less de- mand. The reason demand is down is strictly due to COVID. There are questions with the permit, and they only have 30 days to act. President Mazzola asked if Landside Operations has responded. Director Satero said there have been conversations. A written response is forthcoming. The Airport’s per- spective is that the demand isn’t there, and the service belongs in the courtyard, which is readily accessible. It doesn’t seem to warrant a full commercial zone on the curb. President Mazzola responded that he hopes that the Airport will communicate its con- cerns. An employee from Covenant Aviation Security wanted to bring a public safety concern to the Commissioners’ attention. Covenant has decided to remove one of the 15-minute breaks that had been provided since the contract was awarded. This creates a signifi- cant risk to the traveling public. Employees work a 10-hour shift and can end up working five hours without a break, which causes fatigue and creates poor judgement or lapses in focus. If he worked 60 additional seconds, he would be legally entitled to the break. Covenant is continuously understaffed, which is why the additional break was taken away after 15 years. A Union Rep at Covenant Aviation Security commented on the removal of the third break from the 10-hour shift. It puts the traveling public at risk. When members are tired, they are more likely to miss a prohibited item or forget to do a critical step that could put passengers at danger. Over 600 employees signed a petition to meet with their union and to bring back the third break. The company has postponed a meeting with the Un- ion. The employees are asking the Commission to reach out to the company and have them bring back the third break and meet with the Union. An employee with Covenant Aviation Security wanted to bring awareness to the current issue that screeners are facing at SFO. The company has provided those who work 10 hours or more a 15-minute break, a 30-minute lunch, and two more 15-minute breaks. Since removing the third break, screeners have been more exhausted, mentally and physically. They are less motivated to be at work and possibly more easily distracted. To keep the travelling public safe, the screeners must be well-rested, clear-headed, and motivated to be at work. The third break provides that. Vice President Johns asked how Covenant was able to take away the third break if it was part of their initial contract. Director Satero responded that it was not an obligation under the original contract. The company is experiencing staffing shortages and are re- viewing their contracts. Vice President Johns asked about the reason for the staffing shortages. Director Satero said it’s due to recruitment issues. Vice President Johns asked if the Airport is in conversation with Covenant about this issue. Director Satero confirmed, adding that the Airport wants to ensure that safety is not compromised. Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 12
President Mazzola asked why it isn’t considered a benefit. Director Satero said Staff will follow-up and report back. There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no additional public com- ment. J. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no discussion by the Commission. K. CLOSED SESSION: There are no planned agenda items for a Closed Session for the current meeting. L. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further calendared business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 A.M. (Original signed by: Kantrice Ogletree) Kantrice Ogletree Airport Commission Secretary Minutes, October 5, 2021, Page 13
From: Wufoo To: Airport Commission Secretary (AIR) Subject: Online Public Comment Form [#44] Date: Monday, October 4, 2021 4:46:09 PM This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources. Name shawn oleary Organization Diversified Metal Mfg Address 3727 Metro Drive Ste D Stockton, ca 95215 Phone Number (209) 857-9033 Email Diversifiedmetal@aol.com Meeting Date Tuesday, October 5, 2021 Calendar Item No. OR Subject Director Poor Example/Failed Sunshine Request/Objection to "G"; H6;H7; Comments Diversified was not surprised, or shocked to see the meeting on Tarmac, and all personnel in safety equipment; except your beloved Airport Director? He was neither, wearing a safety vest, or safety hard hat, while addressing Annual Emergency Safety and Security Exersize. It had the appearance of "Do as your Airport Director tells you to do, not as he does". It was a irresponsible display of a perceived superiority over Airport Employees. Your Airport Director can not be seen as a subordinate in Safety Gear, as Supreme Management. He is a product of the Airport Commission! I have previously stated he should be terminated. My reasons include allowing Security to steal Trade Tools and Materials for eight months at Federal Express. He allowed Security on Duty; guarding highest level Building to Tarmac Boundries, while not functionally alert in little cabana; tearing down Security K wall fencing, security shack, and protections at Federal Express Building. What Airport reduces safety and security of the public, and aviation? SFO!!! This is the incompetent Airport Director the Commission allows to remain in charge. Diversified was provided false lease information in Sunshine Request, which SFO later Acknowledged. SFO allowed Diversified to be financially leveraged on Airport Property Improvements. Those tangible improvements remain in place, and have not been paid for. Diversified asked no further Leases be made with Federal Express, and an immediate eviction for violations of Airport Safety Requirements. As you can see by example, Safety is second to Airport Director suit and tie attire. SFO Management refuses to comply with Sunshine Request to disclose amounts and recipients of Concessionaire Relief Package of recent Covid Relief. Diversified has asked no less than ten times, and SFO is hiding in secret amounts in grants to concessionaires. YOU REFUSE TO DISCLOSE AMOUNTS, AND RECIPIENTS!!! Diversified objects to Item G2, as previous debts owed to Diversified have not been paid. Diversified objects to item H6, as previous debts owed to Diversified have not been paid. I also do not see process by which replacement Commissioner was selected, or notified significant disputes remain with present Commission, and the perceived "YES" person to approvals without comment or question. In conclusion, your Airport Director can be seen on multiple social media platforms not
complying with Safety Regulations, and he should be terminated as incompetent, and Sunshine Request Refusal is an indication Airport Commission is hiding in secret Covid Grant Allocations to Concessionaires. This will be forwarded to Media, and in Injunction with San Francisco Superior Court to disclose Public Information, and terminate lease for your favorite Cargo Tenant previously mentioned, for safety and security violations to the public, and aviation by operating a "Frat House" with approval of Airport Director, and Airport Commission.
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