Talent Engagement Trends for 2019 - SPECIAL REPORT - Llorente & Cuenca

Page created by Katherine Espinoza
Talent Engagement Trends for 2019 - SPECIAL REPORT - Llorente & Cuenca

                                                                                                                                SPECIAL REPORT

                                                                                            Talent Engagement
                                                                                                Trends for 2019
                                                                                                                                    Madrid, January 2019

    Barcelona • Bogota • Buenos Aires • Havana • Lima • Lisbon • Madrid • Mexico City • Miami • New York City • Panama City • Quito • Rio de Janeiro • Sao Paulo
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Talent Engagement Trends for 2019 - SPECIAL REPORT - Llorente & Cuenca

                                                                      “When choosing between two paths,
                                                              ask yourself which one has a heart. One who
INTRODUCTION                                                  chooses the way of the heart is never wrong”
                                                                                                           Popol Vuh
8.   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE                       What makes a company have a heart? What really makes a company
ACTIONABLE RECOMMENDATIONS                         an irresistible place to go, and its offers hard to turn down? How can
AUTHORS                                            it become the choice for the most passionate professionals who wish
                                                   to achieve great goals?

                                                   Years go by, and workforce engagement remains one of the main
                                                   concerns for 78 % of companies worldwide1. We know that we’re
                                                   doing something wrong, but don't know exactly what. It’s been
                                                   proven that a committed workforce works harder, completes
                                                   tasks effectively, generates extra profit and is more innovative.
                                                   Additionally, it boosts companies’ value five times more on the stock
                                                   market when compared to those with non-engaged professionals2. So
                                                   why is this still a pending issue?


Talent Engagement Trends for 2019 - SPECIAL REPORT - Llorente & Cuenca

                            This may be due to a difficulty in                  issue: it’s the key to the success
                            defining what talent engagement                     for companies… Yet only 13 %
                            is and knowing exactly what                         of the world's workforce feels
                            we’re talking about when we                         committed to their company3.
                            refer to it. Usually, we confuse
                            this idea with satisfaction (one                    Another added difficulty is the
                            can be satisfied but work at                        speed at which changes and
                            another company for a few more                      innovations occur in factors that
                            dollars) or happiness (something                    directly influence engagement
                            more internal that does not                         management.
“Engagement is a sincere    necessarily result in a benefit
emotional bond between      for companies). Engagement                          The following report includes the
                            is much more than that: it is a                     key factors we believe should be
   a professional and the   sincere emotional bond between                      monitored closely in 2019. We hope
  company he works for”     a professional and the company                      that it serves as an inspiration to
                            he works for (primarily, company                    all professionals who, like us, wish
                            purpose and objectives). Even if                    to ensure the personal fulfilment
                            we were to talk about emotions,                     of our employees through their
                            this is more than a sentimental                     professional activities.



                                                                        PEOPLE ANALYTICS
                                                                        the need for permanent

                              Talent analytics will be one                     focusing on these types of
                              of the elements that affects                     practices when it comes to
                              personnel management and                         talent. Companies should worry
                              employee expectation the most.                   less about their annual (or bi-
“Companies should worry
                                                                               annual) employee survey, and
   less about their annual    On one hand, analytics could                     more about the current state
  (or bi-annual) employee     be framed within the context                     of their workforce. Continuous
  survey, and more about      of big data: using it as a tool to               measurement allows managers
                              obtain insights and applying                     to have a movie instead of still
 the current state of their   those statistics to Human                        photos, and gives them time to
               workforce”     Resource issues that can                         make decisions before it’s too
                              affect productivity, and even                    late.
                              professionals’ development.
                              On the other hand, there’s                       Reference 1: How people
                              the practice of obtaining                        analytics reinvented employee
                              continuous feedback from                         engagement surveys at google
                              workers to know and influence                    performance review
                              the main indicators of employee
                              engagement.                                      Reference 2: People Analytics
                                                                               here with avengeance
                              Like in any aspect of business,
                              what cannot be measured                          Reference 3: Viewpoint
                              cannot be managed. It is                         people analytics shifts from
                              especially important to start                    engagement to productivity

                              Reference 1: https://blog.impraise.com/360-feedback/howpeople-analytics-

                              Reference 2: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshbersin/2017/12/16/people-analytics-here-with-a-

                              Reference 3: https://www.shrm.org/Pages/Custom404.aspx?requestUrl=https://www.shrm.


                                                                        GIG ECONOMY
                                                                        the urgency of reinforcing
                                                                        culture in a “job-hopping”
                                                                        work environment.

                        The Gig Economy can be defined                      individuals. First, there must
      “A world where    as the economy of temporary                         be a satisfactory professional
      companies and     work or economy of work for                         relationship for both parties,
                        specific projects. It is a challenge                especially regarding terms
 professionals relate   for corporate culture because                       and conditions. Companies
only on demand does     the relationship between                            should then focus on providing
    not seem too far-   professionals and companies                         a more fulfilling employee
                        will become more and more brief                     experience to shape their culture
  fetched nowadays”     and subject to specific projects                    and compensate the limited
                        only. In this sense, getting these                  interaction that talent will have
                        so-called “rootless” professionals                  with the organization.
                        to feel attached to a company
                        and aligned to certain values                       Transparency in communication,
                        when doing their job is a critical                  information on relevant news,
                        challenge.                                          participation in decisions or
                                                                            even involving employees in the
                        It is likely that Uberization4                      co-creation of company culture
                        (used to describe the latest                        are some of the things that
                        technological revolutions) will be                  will help rootless professionals
                        applied to the field of talent and                  feel an emotional connection
                        company-talent relationships.                       with the projects in which they
                        A world where companies and                         collaborate.
                        professionals relate only on
                        demand does not seem too far-                       Reference 1: En camino hacia la
                        fetched nowadays.                                   "uberización" español

                        However, this requires we                           Reference 2: Employee
                        address a series of challenges                      Engagement in the Gig Economy
                        and conditioning factors that
                        will become essential for the war                   Reference 3: Strategies for
                        for talent to conclude positively                   employee engagement in gig
                        for both organizations and                          economy


                        Reference 1: https://www.elmundo.es/economia/macroeconomia/2017/09/28/59cbfa48ca474166278b4

                        Reference 2: http://cirrus-connect.com/employee-engagement-in-thegig-economy-2/

                        Reference 3: https://www.digitalistmag.com/future-ofwork/2017/02/03/strategies-foremployee-engage-


                                                                              to promote and make diversity
                                                                              visible as a recruitment tool.

                          We are convinced that, not long                         form of intuitive thinking is
                          from now, diversity will go from                        corroborated in a study cited by
                          being a differential factor to a                        Harvard Business Review5, in its
                          given characteristic, just like                         article “How Diversity Can Drive
                          transparency.                                           Innovation:”

                          Talent already assumes a                                "Employees of firms with 2-D
                          company must be diverse, beyond                         diversity [inherent and acquired]
                          ethical and moral reasons, for                          are 45 % likelier to report a
     “Difference is not   competitiveness and efficiency in                       growth in market share over the
something to avoid, but   the market. It is an increasingly                       previous year and 70 % likelier to
 something to pursue: a   pressing social demand to which                         report that the firm captured a
                          companies, as well as social actors                     new market.”
competitive advantage”    of maximum relevance, must
                          respond. In addition, a diverse                         Difference is not something to
                          company is a more creative and                          avoid, but something to pursue: a
                          solvent company. Showcasing                             competitive advantage.
                          that various positive effects of
                          a diverse workforce creates a                           Reference 1: How diversity
                          powerful magnet for talent.                             and inclusion drives employee
                          Diversity, in addition to being
                          desirable from an ethical point                         Reference 2: Next step for
                          of view (after all, the company                         employer brand development
                          should reflect society), has a
                          positive impact on companies                            Reference 3: Employer branding
                          innovation capacity. This                               diversity issues


                          Reference 1: https://www.diversityinc.com/diversitymanagement/how-diversityand-inclusion-drives-

                          Reference 2: https://www.humanresourcestoday.com/2017/diversity/employer-branding/?openarticle-

                          Reference 3: https://www.launchpadrecruits.com/insightarticles/employer-brandingdiversity-issues


                                                                                         the convenience of providing flexible
                                                                                         training solutions to empower and
                                                                                         guarantee personalized careers.

                                                  New methods of training are               be at any given time (without the
                                                  shifting towards a model of               need to embark on cumbersome
“Undoubtedly, questions                           hyper-specialized microcontent            training processes).
            that affect the                       and moving away from traditional
 relationship with talent                         schemes. Professionals, faced with        The ideal solution would be a two-
                                                  increasingly varied, challenging          way model: a top-down system
 are the same challenges
                                                  and changing projects, need access        of regulated training that solves
        in terms of talent                        to a radically different training         the gap with respect to company
  training: technological                         methodology: a system focused on          needs, and a flexible bottom-up
     disruption, artificial                       pragmatism and personalization,           training in which talent itself
                                                  allowing them to grow rapidly,            determines which areas it wishes
 intelligence, augmented                          improve their performance and             to strengthen and in what way.
       and virtual reality,                       increase their employability.
    collaborative tools….”                        Mircolearning seems to be the             Of course, these models must
                                                  dominant trend in this field, as          be instruments with high added
                                                  well as a catalyst for boosting           value and custimozability
                                                  engagement and retention.                 -maximizing the effectiveness of
                                                                                            the content offered to employees.
                                                  Undoubtedly, questions that affect        In the context of an increasingly
                                                  the relationship with talent are the      reduced attention environment
                                                  same challenges in terms of talent        and increasingly customizable
                                                  training: technological disruption,       experiences, microlearning seems
                                                  artificial intelligence, augmented        to be one of the ways to promote
                                                  and virtual reality, collaborative        desired employee engagement
                                                  tools…. But what will truly be            rates.
                                                  an advancement that alters the
                                                  world of training and professional        Reference 1: 10 Reasons Why You
                                                  development for the better?               Need Microlearning In 2017

     https://www.udemy.com/                       What is certain, is that this             Reference 2: Microlearning,
 Reference 1: https://elearningindustry.com/10-   type of training (through, for            employee engagement and
 reasons-need-microlearning-in-2017               example, platforms such as                performance
 Reference 2: https://elearningindustry.com/      Udemy6) makes it easier for a
 microlearning-employeeengagement-and-            professional to take charge of            Reference 3: Ways microlearning
                                                  their development, and gives them         boost employee engagement
 Reference 3: https://blog.atrivity.com/5-ways-
                                                  the ability to personalize their
                                                  professional careers to a large           Reference 4: Answers to What
 Reference 4: https://www.tlnt.com/answers-
 to-what-youve-been-wondering-about-              extent - progressively growing            You’ve Been Wondering About
 microlearning/                                   toward wherever he/she wants to           Microlearning


                                                                              EMPLOYEE ADVOCACY
                                                                              activating professionals to become
                                                                              reputation builders and brand
  “Companies must take
care of their employees
 and empower and turn      Employee advocacy initiatives                          Employee advocacy projects
                           are those that make professionals                      can generate uncertainty
 them into protagonists    act as ambassadors for their                           and are sometimes deemed
in the construction of a   companies through social media                         as too ambitious for some
        company brand”     and other means. Company                               companies. These can always
                           employees are the most credible                        be undertaken progressively;
                           actors to talk to regarding what                       starting off with reduced scope
                           is going on internally. Because                        pilot tests, backing them with an
                           of the current scenario where                          interesting and enticing story,
                           social media offers platforms of                       supporting with ad hoc training
                           unlimited reach, worrying about                        and including a good strategic
                           what employees feel, think and                         incentive to guarantee the
                           say, is a trend impossible to ignore.                  desired results.

                           Companies must take care of                            For more information on how
                           how and what they share with                           to tackle such an initiative,
                           their employees to improve their                       we recommend reading the
                           employer brand. In this sense, the                     publication "The 10 golden rules
                           goal should be not only to inform                      of Employee Engagement."7
                           and treat them well, but also to
                           empower and turn them into                             Reference 1: Top 2018 PR trend
                           protagonists in the construction                       growth employee advocacy
                           of a company brand.
                                                                                  Reference 2: State employee
                           Although almost all companies                          advocacy 2017 survey
                           agree that this is an issue of
                           unequivocal importance and                             Reference 3: Employee advocacy
                           palpable urgency, few are clear on                     and the valueadd to your
                           how to begin dealing with it.                          employer brand


                           Reference 1: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-2018-pr-trendgrowth-employee-advocacycaroline-

                           Reference 2: https://instituteforpr.org/state-employeeadvocacy-2017-survey-jemconsulting/

                           Reference 3: https://workology.com/employee-advocacy-and-the-valueadd-to-your-employer-brand/


                                                                               EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE
                                                                               the need to enhance all talent’s
                                                                               interactions with the company

                              More and more companies                               of adventure, one that lives up to
                              are becoming aware of how                             their expectations, and look for
                              important it is to take care of                       companies that focus on them
                              their talent in order to take care                    and offer them an attractive
                              of their business.                                    experience.
     “Millennials demand
                              Employee Experience means                             In fact, we believe this concept
experience: they want to      going one step further in the                         could be even more significant if
  live a life of adventure,   conception of engagement                              we evolve from “The Employee
one that lives up to their    policies. It involves taking care                     Experience” to “The Talent
                              of each of the interactions that                      Experience” - including talent
             expectations”    a professional has with your                          that is not yet in the company
                              company—from the moment                               (generating an experience for
                              they arrive, to the moment they                       candidates) and talent that is no
                              leave; designing their experience                     longer working (taking care of
                              with the same care with which                         the alumni experience).
                              Customer Experiences are
                              designed.                                             Reference 1: Four Key HR trends
                                                                                    to watch in 2018 Forbes
                              The key factors involving this
                              aspect would be professional                          Reference 2: The employee
                              growth opportunities, team                            experience: Culture, engagement
                              relationships, company                                and beyond. Deloitte
                              culture, work environment and
                              recognition. Millennials demand                       Reference 3: 2018 Will Be the Year
                              experience: they want to live a life                  of Employee Experience Forbes

                              Reference 1: https://www.forbes.com/sites/cheetung/2017/12/19/four-key-hr-trends-to-watch-in-

                              Reference 2: https://www2.deloitte.com/insights/us/en/focus/human-capital-trends/2017/improving-the-

                              Reference 3: https://www.forbes.com/sites/deniselyohn/2018/01/02/2018-will-be-the-year-of-employee-


                                                                          “glass doors” as a main attraction
                                                                          and retention tool

                             In recent years, more and more                      The companies most sought
                             companies have been required to                     after by professionals have,
                             be transparent with the public                      for years, been installing "glass
                             and their employees.                                doors." Transparently showing
                                                                                 day-to-day operations is one
   “It is not necessary to   In an era in which access to                        of the most powerful tools for
                             information and communication                       attracting talent. This type of
‘have’ transparency, nor     is immediate, employees expect to                   attitude is most effective in
  to act in a transparent    be informed directly and clearly of                 generating a sensation of "being
      way. It is necessary   everything that happens within                      part of a club" that talent wants
                             the company.                                        to join.
      to ‘be’ transparent”
                             We are convinced that it is not                     Exhibiting the day-to-day life of a
                             necessary to "have" transparency,                   committed, complex, supportive,
                             nor to act in a transparent way. It is              cheerful, nonconformist,
                             necessary to "be" transparent. One                  demanding, meticulous,
                             of the best ways of attracting and                  ambitious and humble team
                             retaining talent in the company is                  that overcomes problems can be
                             through trust, an element generated                 more attractive than other more
                             through open communication (both                    complex, expensive and artificial
                             internally and externally).                         initiatives.

                             The benefits of a transparency                      Reference 1: The revolution of the
                             policy are clear: a company                         glass doors. LL&C
                             that communicates and relates
                             transparency to its talent will                     Reference 2: Why business
                             generate a desirable culture.                       transparency is Key for employee
                             Professionals will develop in                       engagement. Gthppy
                             an environment in which they
                             are not afraid to express their                     Reference 3: How transparency
                             opinions and give their best.                       became a top priority for
                             This is fundamental to achieve                      Businesses, and why should we
                             commitment and loyalty to talent.                   care. Entrepreneur

                             Reference 1: https://www.desarrollando-ideas.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2018/09/DI_Articu-

                             Reference 2: https://gethppy.com/company-culture/business-transparency-is-key

                             Reference 3: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295739


                                                               la implementación de soluciones que
                                                               permiten centrarse en el valor añadido

                              If we Google the phrase “AI and       following are a few interesting
     “Yes, automation will    the future,” the first results        trends about the 2030 workplace
              destroy jobs,   returned by the autocomplete          (to give a decade as an example):
                              function of the search engine
         but it also means    are related to “work” and similar     •   The future workplace
the incorporation of new      concepts. Artificial intelligence,        will not be digital, it will
       roles and functions    robotics and automation, which            be humanistic: digital
                              are already a reality, will be more       transformation is a
         that do not exist”   important than anything else in           cultural process, and the
                              the workplace. There are many             technological future will not
                              reasons for this, but the one             surpass human creativity.
                              feeding public debate the most is         In an environment in which
                              the impact it will have on layoffs        technology is becoming
                              in the future.                            commoditized, the future of
                                                                        the workplace depends on
                              The greatest impact in terms              the recovery of humanism
                              of job destruction did not                and the enhancement of
                              come from AI, but from the                skills (such as creativity or
                              2008 economic crisis, meaning             communication), which until
                              that neither pre-crisis                   now have been reduced to
                              employment volumes or quality             very specific roles, sectors
                              of employment were ever                   and professions.
                              recovered. In this context, AI is
                              only adding to the perfect storm.     •   Companies that foster
                                                                        a healthy Employee
                              Yes, automation will destroy              Experience will achieve
                              jobs, but it also means the               loyalty: Although most
                              incorporation of new roles and            of us are members of
                              functions that do not exist.              more than one bank, we
                              Said roles are most likely to             tend to feel closer to one
                              be filled by members of more              specific company, usually
                              technologically prepared                  because of the Customer
                              generations (mainly centennials           Experience they provide
                              and alphas).                              (for example, through apps).
                                                                        The same will happen in
                              There is no doubt that AI will            the future. Organizations
                              be a revolution when it comes             will have to bid on the best
                              to Employee Experience. The               talent (the best, actually)


     and focus on successfully                       Reference 4: Strategy and
     engaging employees to                           corporate fnance: our insights
     foster loyalty. Hereafter, it
     will be necessary to equate                     Reference 5: Future of work. How
     Employee Experience to                          using artificial intellingence
     Customer Experience.                            creates a best in class employee
Reference 1: Making Artificial
Intelligence A Force For Positive                    Reference 6: The employee
Change In The Workplace Forbes                       experience is the future of work.
                                                     10 hr trends.
Reference 2: Five AI Trends that
will Shape the Workplace in 2018                     Reference 7: Will jobs exist in
Adenin Technologies                                  2050

Reference 3: How Artificial
Intelligence is changing the
workplace BBC

Reference 1: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemckendrick/2018/02/20/making-artificial-intelligence-a-

Reference 2: https://www.adenin.com/blog/2017/11/09/five-ai-trends-that-will-shape-the-workplace-

Reference 3: http://www.bbc.com/storyworks/specials/how-artificial-intelligence-is-changing-the-

Reference 4: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-

Reference 5: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeannemeister/2018/04/10/future-of-work-how-using-artifi-

Reference 6: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeannemeister/2017/01/05/the-employee-experience-is-the-

Reference 7: https://www.theguardian.com/careers/2016/oct/13/will-jobs-exist-in-2050


                                    ACTIONABLE                                    companies’ ability to attract
                                    RECOMMENDATIONS                               talent.

                                    These are just a few of the                   To conclude, here are some
                                    many issues that will influence               brief, easily actionable
                                    the immediate future of talent                recommendations, each linked to
                                    engagement management and                     one of the trends described:

                                                        PEOPLE ANALYTICS

“Organizations will have
                                                        Consider obtaining as much data as you can from your professionals to
                                                        make informed decisions and have a dashboard that gives valid clues
                                                        and suggestions.
 to bid on the best talent
  (the best, actually) and
                                                          GIG ECONOMY
    focus on successfully                                 The more professionals who work for you part-time, the more effort
                                                          you should put into projects that strengthen company culture.
     engaging employees
         to foster loyalty”

                                                          Enjoy and promote the diversity of your company. Make it an element of
                                                          pride of belonging and use it as an employer branding claim.

                                                          Use microlearning as a tool for professionals to personalize their
                                                          learning and consequently develop a more unique career.

                                                          EMPLOYEE ADVOCACY
                                                          Start an employee advocacy pilot program with a small group
                                                          of professionals you can train, then start building a reputation
                                                          and employer brand through the most credible and authentic
                                                          spokespersons in the company.

                                                          EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE
                                                          Analyze all points of contact that talent has with your company
                                                          (from knowledge to outcomes) and reflect on which interactions are
                                                          susceptible to improvements.

                                                        Avoid treating transparency as a taboo; be open with your employees.
                                                        Externally, give professionals a voice and allow them to tell the world
                                                        what your company’s day-to-day life is like.

                                                        ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
                                                        Consider creating a bot or a virtual assistant8 to speed up the
                                                        management of repetitive and cumbersome procedures to free certain
                                                        professionals from tasks of little added value, allowing them to focus
                                                        on activities of greater impact.


                Luis González is Director of the Talent Engagement Area at
                LLORENTE & CUENCA. With over 20 years of professional
                experience, Gonzalez is an expert in crisis communications,
                restructurings, insolvencies and media relations; with
                specializations in the infrastructure, real estate, food, health and
                industrial sectors. Previously, he was a director for LLORENTE &
CUENCA’s operations in Chile (2014-2016) and Portugal (2012). Before joining the
company, he was an editor at Diario Médico, editor-in-chief of local TV channels
Teletoledo and TV Guadalajara, and press officer and director of expansion for
Tactics Europe, an advertising agency. He is a journalist with a degree in information
sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and is a visiting professor for
various strategic communications master’s degree courses.


                Jon Pérez is Senior Consultant of the Talent Engagement Area at
                LLORENTE & CUENCA. Perez earned a journalism degree from
                the University of Navarra and holds a master’s degree in political
                and institutional communications from the University of Navarra
                and George Washington University. He has more than 10 years
                of communications experience, mainly in the legal sector, where
he worked in corporate, online, internal and crisis communications. He is also
specialized in employer branding and employee engagement projects.


GROUP MANAGEMENT                     SPAIN AND PORTUGAL                    UNITED STATES                           ANDEAN REGION

José Antonio Llorente                Luisa García                          Erich de la Fuente                      Luis Miguel Peña
Founding Partner and Chairman        Partner and Managing Director         Partner and Chairman                    Partner and Regional Managing
jallorente@llorenteycuenca.com       lgarcia@llorenteycuenca.com           edelafuente@llorenteycuenca.com         Director
Enrique González                     Arturo Pinedo                         Mike Fernandez
Partner and CFO                      Partner and Managing Director         CEO                                     Bogota
egonzalez@llorenteycuenca.com        apinedo@llorenteycuenca.com           mikefernandez@llorenteycuenca.com
                                                                                                                   María Esteve
Adolfo Corujo                        Barcelona                             Gerard Guiu                             Partner and Managing Director
Partner and Chief Strategy Officer                                         Director of International Business      mesteve@llorenteycuenca.com
acorujo@llorenteycuenca.com          María Cura                            Development
                                     Partner and Managing Director         gguiu@llorenteycuenca.com               Av. Calle 82 # 9-65 Piso 4
Goyo Panadero                        mcura@llorenteycuenca.com                                                     Bogotá D.C. – Colombia
Partner and Chief Talent and                                               Miami                                   Tel: +57 1 7438000
Innovation Officer                   Óscar Iniesta
gpanadero@llorenteycuenca.com        Partner and Managing Director         600 Brickell Avenue                     Lima
                                     of Arenalia                           Suite 2020
Carmen Gómez Menor                   oiniesta@llorenteycuenca.com          Miami, FL 33131                         Luis Miguel Peña
Corporate Director                                                         T​el​. +1 786 590 1000                  lmpena@llorenteycuenca.com
cgomez@llorenteycuenca.com           Muntaner, 240-242, 1º-1ª
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Legal & Compliance Director          Tel. Arenalia +34 660 201 020         277 Park Avenue, 39th Floor             Tel: +51 1 2229491
jpocana@llorenteycuenca.com                                                New York, NY 10172
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MANAGEMENT - AMERICAS                Joan Navarro                                                                  Carlos Llanos
                                     Partner and Vice President            NORTH REGION                            Managing Director
Alejandro Romero                     of Public Affairs                                                             cllanos@llorenteycuenca.com
Partner and CEO Americas             jnavarro@llorenteycuenca.com          Javier Rosado
aromero@llorenteycuenca.com                                                Partner and Regional Managing           Avda. 12 de Octubre N24-528 y
                                     Amalio Moratalla                      Director                                Cordero – Edificio World Trade
José Luis Di Girolamo                Partner and Senior Director           jrosado@llorenteycuenca.com             Center – Torre B - piso 11
Partner and CFO Americas             of Sport and Business Strategy                                                Tel. +593 2 2565820
jldgirolamo@llorenteycuenca.com      amoratalla@llorenteycuenca.com        Havana
Antonieta Mendoza de López           Iván Pino                             Joan Navarro                            SOUTH REGION
Vice President of Advocacy LatAm     Partner and Senior Director           jnavarro@llorenteycuenca.com
amendozalopez@llorenteycuenca.com    of Digital                                                                    Juan Carlos Gozzer
                                     ipino@llorenteycuenca.com             Mexico City                             Regional Managing Director
                                     Ana Folgueira                         Juan Arteaga
                                     Managing Director of Impossible       Managing Director                       Buenos Aires
                                     Tellers                               jarteaga@llorenteycuenca.com
                                     ana@impossibletellers.com                                                     Mariano Vila
                                                                           Rogelio Blanco                          Managing Director
                                     Lagasca, 88 - planta 3                Managing Director                       mvila@llorenteycuenca.com
                                     28001 Madrid                          rblanco@llorenteycuenca.com
                                     Tel. +34 91 563 77 22                                                         Av. Corrientes 222, piso 8. C1043AAP
                                                                           Av. Paseo de la Reforma 412, Piso 14,   Tel: +54 11 5556 0700
                                     Lisbon                                Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
                                                                           CP 06600, Ciudad de México              Santiago de Chile
                                     Tiago Vidal                           Tel: +52 55 5257 1084
                                     Partner and Managing Director                                                 Constanza Téllez
                                     tvidal@llorenteycuenca.com            Panama City                             Managing Director
                                     Avenida da Liberdade nº225, 5º Esq.   Manuel Domínguez
                                     1250-142 Lisboa                       Managing Director                       Magdalena 140, Oficina 1801.
                                     Tel: + 351 21 923 97 00               psolanilla@llorenteycuenca.com          Las Condes.
                                                                                                                   Tel. +56 22 207 32 00
                                                                           Sortis Business Tower, piso 9
                                                                           Calle 57, Obarrio - Panamá              Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
                                                                           Tel. +507 206 5200
                                                                                                                   Cleber Martins
                                                                           Santo Domingo                           Managing Director
                                                                           Iban Campo
                                                                           Managing Director                       Rua Oscar Freire, 379, Cj 111,
                                                                           icampo@llorenteycuenca.com              Cerqueira César SP - 01426-001
                                                                                                                   Tel. +55 11 3060 3390
                                                                           Av. Abraham Lincoln 1069
                                                                           Torre Ejecutiva Sonora, planta 7        Ladeira da Glória, 26
                                                                           Tel. +1 809 6161975                     Estúdio 244 e 246 - Glória
                                                                                                                   Rio de Janeiro - RJ
                                                                                                                   Tel. +55 21 3797 6400
Developing Ideas by LLORENTE & CUENCA is a hub
for ideas, analysis and trends. It is a product of the
changing macroeconomic and social environment we
live in, in which communication keeps moving forward
at a fast pace.

Developing Ideas is a combination of global
partnerships and knowledge exchange that identifies,
defines and communicates new information paradigms
from an independent perspective. Developing Ideas
is a constant flow of ideas, foreseeing new times for
information and management.

Because reality is neither black nor white,
Developing Ideas exists.


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