Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper

Page created by Charlotte Duncan
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
Vereeniging & Midvaal

                                             Waarby ingelyf: Vaalster
                                               3 AUGUST - 6 AUGUST 2021                  TEL: (016) 454-0859 | FAX: (086) 541-1503
                                             Gratis Verspreiding/Free Distribution: Midvaal, Vereeniging.

  Midvaal demolishes illegal
   houses in Elandsfontein

                                                                                                                                              MLM said it has a zero tolerance for
                                                                                                                                              illegal housing projects that take advantage of
                                                                                                                                              vulnerable people in need of housing. Photos:

                                                    Midvaal Local
                                                             Local Municipality
                                                                    Municipality recently
                                                                                  recently demolis-
                                                    hed illegally
                                                        illegally built
                                                                  built houses
                                                                        houses in
                                                                               in Elandsfontein.
Moleboheng Chaha                                                                                                                                          and risks associated with this develop-
MIDVAAL. - Midvaal Local Municipality                                                                                                                     ment, the Municipality followed the
(MLM) has demolished illegally built                                                                                                                      correct litigation processes and successful-
houses on Portion 116 of the Farm                                                                                                                         ly obtained an order from the Court to
Elandsfontein 334 IQ by Ntha Property                                                                                                                     demolish the illegal housing structures on
Developers.                                                                                                                                               site.”
   With the help of their attorneys, MLM                                                                                                                     MLM says it has a zero tolerance
was able to obtain a court order granting                                                                                                                 towards illegal housing developments that
permission to carry out demolitions at the                                                                                                                take advantage of vulnerable people in
illegal housing development in February                                                                                                                   need of housing.
this year.                                                                                                                                                   “These developers do not want to
   Since July last year, MLM has been                                                                                                                     follow due processes that ensures the
constantly informing residents about an                                                                                                                   safety of occupiers, availability of infra-
illegal housing development which is                                                                                                                      structure and confirmation of structural
taking place on Portion 116 of the Farm                                                                                                                   suitability of the buildings for occupation
Elandsfontein.                                   Development and Planning MMC Lynda                         Developers, was requested by the Munici-      by the Municipality.
   MLM further warned residents against        Parsonson says: “MLM has over the past                       pality to cease all construction activities      “Members of the public are urged to
making any purchases of such properties        two years informed and warned members                        and comply with the necessary Town            always confirm the status of any suspici-
that did not comply with the Municipali-       of the public about an illegal housing                       Planning and Building Control develop-        ous housing developments with the
ty’s Town Planning and Building Control        development. The developer of this illegal                   ment processes but failed to do so.           municipality prior to purchasing, so that
processes.                                     housing development, Ntha Property                             “Due to the non-compliance, illegality      they do not fall prey to these developers.”
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
2                                                                                                   STER NORTH                                                                                      3 August - 6 August 2021

Deur Raadsheer Phil C. Pretorius -                 positiewe aanwendings, byvoorbeeld sosiale                  verskille in opinies en interpretasies. U sal                      besluite in mens se lewe moet deeglike
DA-Hoofsweep, Midvaal Plaaslike                    leer, modellering, informasie disseminasie                  die novelle Lord of the Flies (1954) deur                          gefundeerde navorsing gedoen word onder
Munisipaliteit                                     en vermaak. Die feit dat sekere mense                       Nobelpryswenner William Golding onthou                             geloofwaardige bronne om ‘n geldigheid en
   Die wêreld is in konflik oor ‘n inenting.       sosiale media aanwend om ongeldige                          van skool voorgeskrewe werke en die films                          betroubare gevolgtrekking of voorspelling
Vaksine of inenting of “jab” as u verkies.         mediese raad, fyngeredigeerde propaganda-                   deur Peter Brook (1963) en Harry Hook                              te kan maak. Sosiale media, jou gunsteling
Ek sien vriende wat mekaar aanvat en               video’s en -foto’s, asook blatante liegstories              (1990). Temas wat die funksionering van                            populêre tydskrif, Wikipedia en jou buur-
slegsê oor die onderwerp. Ek sien vriende          te skep en te versprei is egter ‘n hartseer                 beskawings asook magsbeheptheid, indivi-                           man is nie geldig en betroubaar nie. Nie
en familie wat verhoudinge opbreek oor             uitvloeisel van goeie intensies deur die                    dualiteit en vryheid van spraak aanspreek,                         omdat ek so sê nie, maar omrede eeuelange
opinies m.b.t. die inentings. Ons ken teen         skeppers van sosiale media. Met ‘n basiese                  kom wyd in die werke voor. Dit fokus in                            wetenskaplike navorsingsmetodiek dit
die tyd die benamings “keyboard warrior”           begrip van kommunikasie kan ek met                          ‘n groot mate op die konsep van GROEPS-                            bewys het. Ek wil dus vir ons gemeenskap
en “online troll” vir persone wat uitgespro-       redelike outoriteit (let wel nie ABSOLUTE                   DINK. Die idee van groepsdink is dat lede                          vra om verdraagsaam te wees en met
ke op sosiale media selfs familie aanvat en        outoriteit nie) praat van propaganda,                       van ‘n groep, vir welke rede ook al, nie                           respek en nederigheid met mense in
goedsmoeds opmerkings en beledigings               oorreding en assimilasie.                                   hulle eie opinies vorm of kommunikeer nie,                         verhoudings te tree, al is dit vir ‘n drie-
uitdeel.                                              Hierdie fopnuus (fake news) kan lewens                   maar eerder die van die leier of die een                           woordplasing op Facebook. Almal rondom
   Weer eens is dit ‘n handjievol mense wat        eis. Ek is nie hier om my uit te spreek oor                 wat die hardste skreeu aanhang. Dit kan                            ons veg oorloë waarvan ons niks weet nie.
deur sulke aksies negatiewe opmerkings             die effektiwiteit van die inenting nie (want                wees dat daar nie begrip is vir die feite nie                         Trotse Midvaal Groete, Phil.
maak en sosiale media se naam versleg. As          dit sal skynheilig wees) maar bloot om                      of selfs dat daar groepsdruk is en dat vrees                          Web: www.midvaal.gov.za
akademikus is ek op ‘n missie om mense             basiese feite uit te lig. Dit bly elke persoon              ‘n rol speel. Wat sosiale media en die                                Facebook: Midvaal Local Municipality
bewus te maak dat die media as geheel ‘n           se reg om self te besluit of hy/sy die                      inenting betref het ek die mees absurde                            en Midvaal News Network
meer positiewe as negatiewe uitwerking             inenting wil kry of nie. Dit is egter                       plasings en teorieë oor die inentings al                              Tel: 0861 643 8225
het. Vir dieselfde rede het sosiale media          menslike natuur om mekaar aan te vat oor                    raakgeloop. Soos met enige belangrike                                 MyMidvaal App

    Two suspects arrested for carjacking
    Moleboheng Chaha                               then approached by three unknown African                    front, as he was getting cold.                                     stopped it. He relayed what had transpi-
    DE DEUR. - The police have arrested            males who asked to hire his Bakkie to                          “While on the way, the man pointed at                           red and the police immediately gave
    two suspects for carjacking while a third      fetch wooden poles and deliver them to                      the victim with a firearm and gave a                               chase to the vehicle. “Members were
    suspect got away on foot.                      Lenasia. “They all came to an agreement                     firearm to the other suspect that was sitting                      able to apprehend the suspects at Fine
       The suspects are alleged to have            and two suspects sat at the back of the                     with them in the front, forcing him to                             Town Taxi Rank in Ennerdale. A toy
    tricked a victim who transports goods by       bakkie and one in front to give directions.                 drive. The suspects took his cell phone and                        gun was found in the car.” Anyone who
    asking him to assist them.                     While on the way, one of the suspects from                  wallet and dropped him at a veld near                              might have information on the wherea-
       Police spokesperson Maria Letsele           the back asked the owner to stop on the                     Walkerville. The victim asked for a lift to                        bouts of the third suspect, can call
    says: “The complainant was working at          side of the road to make a call.”                           report the incident. They passed his bakkie                        Sergeant Nkosana Maphekola on 082
    the Flea Market in De Deur. He was                Thereafter the suspect asked to sit in the               on the way. “He saw a police vehicle and                           822 7601.

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Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
3 August - 6 August 2021                                                                               STER NORTH                                                                                       3

  Fire sweeps through 4 000
  hectares at Suikerbosrand
Christiaan Cloete
A fire swept through about 4 000 hecta-
res at Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve
   Friends of Suikerbosrand, a group
dedicated to protecting and publicizing
the reserve in partnership with the
Gauteng department of agriculture and
rural development, reports that while
uncontrolled fires have the potential to
destroy lives and infrastructure, some of
the area was ready for ecological bur-
   Highveld sour grassland benefits from
burning every 3-5 years as it quickly
loses its nutritional value for animals.
   The reserve is currently open for
   Members of the public are urged not to
smoke in the veld or discard cigarette
butts, so as to avoid uncontrolled fires
within the reserve.
   Smoke or fires within the reserve can
be reported on the numbers (011) 439
6400 and 074 836 1721..

The fire destroyed about 4 000 hectares
of vegetation. Luckily the area was
ready for ecological burning. Photo:
Friends of Suikerbosrand Facebook
Group/Johnny Smith.

   Rainwater harvesting to be used as water source
   SEDIBENG. - With the Spring Season          millions of litres of clean water.                                may be used for multiple purposes,           rainwater from their roofs and to store
   a few months away, Rand Water urges            “Some of the activities include washing                        including irrigation, washing, cooking and   it for later use.
   customers to consider rainwater             cars and pavements with hosepipes,                                drinking.”                                      “The scarcity of raw water has
   harvesting as an additional source of       filling swimming pools, watering their                               The organisation says however, water      prompted Rand Water to continually
   water.                                      lawn and gardens.”                                                for cooking and drinking must first be       urge consumers to use water sparingly
      The organisation is said to experien-       According to Rand Water, these leisure                         treated, thus, boiled before it can be       as demand exceeds the supply. Some
   ces high water consumption from             activities always lead to high water                              consumed. South Africa is the 30th water     of the advantages of rainwater harves-
   Spring leading up to the end of the         consumption at critical times.                                    scarce country in the world. With the        ting include the reduction in the
   Summer season. Spokesperson Justice            “Rainwater harvesting has been practi-                         changes in global climate conditions,        demand for municipal water supply,
   Mohale says: “During this period, most      ced for centuries around the world as                             water tanks have become a popular            therefore, leading to the low water
   people are engaged in outdoor activi-       consumers collected and stored rainwater                          option for a large rainwater harvesting.     bills. It may also prevent the storm
   ties that may lead to wastage of            in large containers and ponds. Rainwater                          Water tanks allow users to collect           water runoff into a property.”

                                                  ‘n Man is dood toe sy voertuig gerol en in
                                                  die veld te lande gekom het. Foto: Verskaf

dood toe
voertuig                                                                                                                                          THAT
                                                                                                                                                 GROWS YOUR
VEREENIGING. - ‘n Man is Woensdagog-
gend, 28 Julie dood toe hy op die R54 beheer
oor sy voertuig verloor en dit gerol het.
   Volgens Russel Meiring, ‘n woordvoerder
                                                                                                                     MAJOR BED
                                                                                                                      @ FACTORY LOW
                                                                                                                       PRICES DIRECT
                                                                                                                      TO THE PUBLIC!!!
                                                                                                                                                 Call to advertise
vir ER24, het nooddienswerkers die voertuig

                                                WINTER SPECIAL!
omstreeks 08:00 ‘n entjie van die pad af in
die veld aangetref.
   “Daar was ‘n man in die voertuig en nood-
dienswerkers het gou vasgestel dat hy reeds     BAMBOO PILLOW TOP
                                                                                                                                                  in this space
aan veelvuldige beserings beswyk het,” sê
                                                       DOUBLE / QUEEN                                     NOW ONLY                                      Call:
                                                                                                       R3 699!!!
Meiring. Hy is op die toneel dood verklaar.

                                                            PLUS !!                                                                                 016 950 7000
                                                          GET 2 PILLOWS
                                                          AND 1 BLANKET
                                                    ABSOLUTELY FREE!

                                                                    +                                              PROMOTION ENDS
                                                                                                               31 AUGUST 2021
                                               WE NOW         Headboards, Pedestals, Storage bases, Storage boxes, Bunk beds, Sleeper
                                                ALSO           couches, Lounge suites, Chest of drawers, Wardrobes, Wingback chairs,
                                               STOCK:             Pillows, Mattress & pillow protectors - All @Factory low prices!
                                                RAND VAAL: C/R BATOLIET & LAWA STS,                 DE DEUR: 17 MAIN RD (R82 – OLD
                                                         HENLEY OFFRAMP                               VEREENIGING RD) NEXT TO
                                                 NEXT TO R59 HIGHWAY 079 153 3452                   FRED’S HARDWARE 071 134 7309
                                               *Prices, specials, material and colours on products are subject to change without prior notice*
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
4                                                                                  STER NORTH                                                              3 August - 6 August 2021

Members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) recently recovered items alleged to have been looted during nationwide
unrest. Photos: Lazarus Dithagiso

Police confiscate looted goods
Lazarus Dithagiso                            at the Thabong Mall.
SEBOKENG. - Many of the residents of            Those who were not home during the
the Boiketlong squatter camp who partici-    raid, told Ster North that important items
pated in recent looting, are using poverty   were taken from their homes in their
and unemployment as an excuse for their      absence.
actions.                                        Tshidi Lisbeth Dlamini, mother of two,
   This comes as the South African Police    said she is a Born-again Christian. “I will
Service (SAPS) and the South African         never put fingers on someone else’s
National Defence Force (SANDF) recently      belongings without permission. I am going
embarked on a campaign to retreive stolen    to lay charges against both the Comman-
property from homes of residents of          ders of the police and the army.”
Boiketlong.                                     Her neighbour known as Molelekeng,
   Some residents complained that the        said the chain and lock of her burglar
police and soldiers forced their way onto    gate had been cut off.
their property, using bolt cutters to           “Even money that I had hidden under
remove chains.                               my bed is gone. It is back to square one
   Complaints were also raised of police     for some of us,” she said. Mandla Modise
acting without search warrants.              (45) also complained that money she had
   A legal expert told Ster North however,   hidden in a sofa is gone after the police
that the process of obtaining a search       had raided her home.
warrant would have taken up too much            She is among many people whose
time where it was of the utmost importan-    belongings were taken after they could not
ce to retreive the stolen goods as soon as   show receipts for it. Many residents were
possible.                                    linked to acts of looting after items were
   Codenamed Operation Buisa, the            seen being loaded in to their vehicles,
operation saw the police confiscating most   which included double cab bakkies and
of the items reported to have been stolen    BMW’s.                                        Police load property suspected to have been stolen into a truck. Photo: Lazaru Dithagiso.

    Residents warned against fake
    housing allocation messages
     Moleboheng Chaha
     MIDVAAL. - The Midvaal Local
     Municipality (MLM) has issued a
     warning to residents about fake
     messages doing the rounds
     regarding Savanna City housing
        This is after the municipality
     was notified of a syndicate
     sending out messages to residents
     and beneficiaries informing them
     that they are approved as benefici-
     aries for the next housing allocati-
     ons at Savanna City.
        “These messages further indicate
     when the alleged beneficiaries
     should be on site to collect the
     keys to their houses.
        “The municipality will like to
     bring it to the attention of resi-
     dents that these messages are fake
     and misleading.”
        MLM further said that the
     syndicates are taking advantage of
     people in dire need of housing
     opportunities.“Residents who need
     to verify their Housing Subsidy
     Application status are urged to
     visit www.hssonline.gov.za and
     enter their ID number.”
                                             The Midvaal Local Municipality has warned residents about fake housing allocation messages at Savanna City.
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
3 August - 6Vaalweekblad,
             August 2021  12 Februarie - 14 Februarie 2020                                  News
                                                                                          STER NORTH                                                                               www.vaalweekblad.com


Die Vaal vries vas in ysige koue
Die Vaaldriehoek het die week van Maan-             Magda van den Berg het laat weet dat         perdestalle aan die buitewyke van Sasol-                          gebarste geisers en waterpype te kom
dag, 19 Julie sy laagste temperature tot         hulle op 23 Julie -8 grade op die hoewes        burg gemeet.                                                      vervang.
dusver hierdie winter aangeteken. Daar was       by Riversdal gemeet het. Deon Swart    van ChahaAdelle Gordon en talle ander inwoners
                                                                                  Moleboheng                                                                          Volgens die SA Weerdiens sou dit die
reeds vanaf Maandag ‘n byt in die lug, wat       Meyerton het om 07:06 Vrydagoggend       -9.5
                                                                                  Rust-ter-Vaal. van   die Vaaldriehoek
                                                                                                  - Tensions   are       rapporteer dat hul                        hele week nog koud bly met minimumtem-
toenemend kouer geword het.                      in Meyerton aangeteken.          mounting aftergeisers
                                                                                                   the collapse   of yet gebars het. ‘n Veree-
                                                                                                          en waterpype                                             perature van onder 0 grade, maar die
   Teen Vrydag was dit so koud dat die                                            another ceilingnigingse
                                                    Vanessa Pretorius het -11 in Vereeniging        in one of  the
                                                                                                            loodgieter het laat weet dat hy                        dagtemperature sou stelselmatig begin styg
                                                                                  classrooms at Rust-ter-Vaal
hele gebied gebibber het. Vaalweekbladle-        gemeet en Laurie Poolman -11.5 Secondary
                                                                                   in Parys. School,
                                                                                                 teen 10:00   Vrydagoggend
                                                                                                        which took
                                                                                                                              reeds versoeke                       totdat dit teen die Vrydag gedurende die
sers het talle foto’s ingestuur wat duidelik        Tussen Deneysville en Vereeniging,
                                                                                  place op       van agthours
                                                                                         during school     huisbewoners
                                                                                                                last      af gekry het om hul                      dag rondom 17 grade sou wees.
toon dat die kwik tot ver onder vriespunt        pad na Groenpunt, het die kwik tot   -13
gedaal het.                                      gedaal. Odette de Kock het ook -13Apparently,
                                                                                       by hul     this is not the only
                                                                                   problem experienced at the
                                                                                   school. Learners state that they
                                                                                   have to sit on tables or even sit
                                                                                   on the floor during classes as
                                                                                   there is not enough furniture.
                                                                                      “This is further proof on how
                                                                                   dangerous the building is for our
                                                                                   children. It is pure luck that the      Children have to make means to try study, as they are
                                                                                   collapse of the ceiling took place      affected by the lack of furniture in some of the classes at
                                                                                   during a lunch break, otherwise         Rust-ter-Vaal Secondary School.
                                                                                   the children could have been
                                                                                   injured,” says one parent. It is further reported that not only is the situation unpleasant for lear-
                                                                                   ners, but for educators as well. Several educators are even considering leaving the school because
                                                                                   of the current situation. “The Principal told us (the parents) that he ordered the furniture last year.
                                                                                   We are shocked that our kids still don’t sit on chairs during classes”. Adding salt to the wound is
                                                           The collapsed           the slow progress of the building of the new school in the area. “At this point we are hesitant that
                                                           ceiling at              the deadline will be met, the project is progressing very slowly. It has been on a standstill nume-
                                                           Rust-ter- Vaal          rous times since the commencement.”
                                                           Secondary                  * No comment was received from the Gauteng Department of Education.

New ELM top official - in power or only in office?
Craig Kotze                                      Department did not respond to written           stream, ignited payment revolts in both      for Nkoane - or any Provincial deployee
Fear and confusion seem to be reigning at        requests for clarification on Nkoane.           suburb and township and left huge            for that matter - at top management level
Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) after             “If Nkoane is still there in any capacity,   municipal debts and unauthorised contracts. could only undermine a new Municipal
the appointment of a new Municipal               it means ratepayers and customers of               Despite his dismal performance, ELM       Manager and ignite a vicious power
Manager - at a salary of almost R2 million       Emfuleni are paying two people a huge           councillors voted twice to extend his        struggle.
per year - without any formal clarification      salary to do the same job or functions.         contract last year and Nkoane was accused       Split reporting lines and payroll confu-
on the role of his predecessor who still         Even if this happens for only a month it is     of meddling in party politics and influ-     sion are seen as the Provincial Govern-
seems Labuschagne
Karen   to be in place het
                        at the
                            dié municipality.
                                koue toneel in   entirelyStols
                                                 Freda    unacceptable,”  said GTCoC
                                                               van Arconpark           CEO,in
                                                                                se voëlbad       ence-peddling to get his contract extended,  ment’s manner of “divide and misrule”,
   At the heart
Kragbron         of a power struggle now
            vasgevang.                           Klippies
                                                 die       Kritzinger.
                                                     tuin het  ook gevries.                      accordingMarais
                                                                                                 Chanae     to political sources. was betower whilst
                                                                                                                   van Sasolburg                      escaping
                                                                                                                                               deur die         accountability
                                                                                                                                                         ystorinkies           at the same
                                                                                                                                                                      op die gras.
replicating again at the impoverished and           Kritzinger added that poor families             Lucky Leseane has been appointed as       time - and Nkoane is clearly seen as
dysfunctional ELM, is the role of former         living without electricity due to Nkoane’s      ELM Municipal Manager from 1 February        COGTA MEC Maile’s puppet and place-
acting Municipal Manager, Oupa Nkoane.           chaotic estimation-based billing system and     but Nkoane is apparently still managing      holder at ELM.
   The Golden Triangle Chamber of                who were cut off when they could not pay        things at the embattled municipality in         Nkoane’s incompetence and mismanage-
Commerce (GTCoC) has called on ELM               wildly inflated accounts, could live off one    both meetings and WhatsApp groups.           ment have severely set back ELM’s
and Gauteng Province to immediately              month of his salary for years.                     Executive Mayor, Gift Moerane, on 3       Financial Recovery Plan which is known
clarify Nkoane’s official role and position         “Yet there is absolutely no performance      February appointed Thabo Ndlovu as           to be a top priority for Mayor Moerane.
as well as to “fully support the legal and       from ELM or its top management thus             acting Municipal Manager until 16 Februa-       “The question now is whether Lucky
legitimate Municipal Manager, Mr Lucky           righteous anger is building at an alarming      ry, but no clarity has been forthcoming      Leseane is in power or merely in office as
Leseane in all respects”.                        rate throughout Emfuleni,” said Kritzinger.     from either Gauteng Province or ELM on       Municipal Manager. This situation needs to
   ELM has itself not responded to                  Nkoane is a provincial deployee - sent       whether Nkoane is staying on in any          clarified now, so that ELM as an institu-
Vaalweekblad’ request’s for clarification        three years ago to supposedly turn ELM          capacity.                                    tion does not have divided loyalties over
and the Provincial COGTA (Cooperative            around - but whose mismanagement has               Fears have been expressed in both         who is really in charge,” said one senior
Governance and Traditional Affairs)              destroyed the entire smart meter revenue        political and official circles that any role official.

                                                    Security largely in place for Vaal River
                                                    sewage pollution
                                                    Craig Kotze                                ERWAT, last year issued a tender for         controlled by the Department of Water
                                                 Security companies started work on            security relating to the Vaal River and      and Sanitation
                                                                                                                                      Die watervalletjie     (DWS). Nienaber se tuin was
                                                                                                                                                         in Marianne
                                                 protecting sewage infrastructure throug-      Emfuleni sewage pollution project, with         As much as R1,5 million will be
                                                                       Een van die baie spuitfonteine  wat deur die nag verys het. teen 11:30     steeds vasgevries.
                                                 hout Emfuleni, even before the SA             one criteria being public order capacity.    spent on security in February, according
                                                 Army withdrew its troops from the                As far as Vaalweekblad could              to the same budgetary projections - and
                                                 region at the end of last month.              establish, none of the three successful      it is expected the overall sewage
                                                    Two companies, Sakhile Ezweni              tenderers is a local Vaal-based company,     pollution project could last as long as
                                                 Group and Vast Protection Solutions,          but an ERWAT spokesperson was   WE Onot      three years.
                                                 commenced work on 21 January 2020.            available to comment.          THE BFFER        The Golden Triangle Chamber of
                                                    A third company, Zabalaza Security,           Both ERWAT and the National   PRICEEST    Commerce (GTCoC) has said it was
                                                 has not yet started, an ERWAT spoke-          Government promised to use local Vaal        vitally important that local companies
                                                 sperson confirmed this week.                  companies and labour wherever possible       and labour be used, wherever possible,
Noeline Venter het dié ysige wintertoneel in Vereeniging  geneem.
                                                    Security  for the project is seen as       and only use outside capacity if specific    from the Vaal as the sewage pollution
                                                 essential, as both criminals and disgrunt- skills were not available from the              project was also seen as the key to
                                                 led community members have been
                                                 sabotaging and vandalising municipal
                                                                                               region.                      or
                                                                                                  According to official documentation
                                                                                                                                            unlocking economic investment in the
                                                                                                                                            region. The SA Army was deployed in
                                                 infrastructure almost at will, and have       in Vaalweekblad’ possession, R6 million      December 2018 on both an engineering
                                                 already caused delays costing an              has been budgeted for security in the        and security mission at the project, but
                                                 estimated R79 million.                        official Project Budget for the current      was finally withdrawn at the end of
                                                    Wastewater specialist company              financial year, until end-March 2020 -       January 2020.

Só het Cornelia van der Bern se motorruit op die oggend van 23                                          @CashCrusadersSA   @Cash_Crusaders      cashcrusaders_sa

Julie gelyk.
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
6                                                                                          STER NORTH                                                            3 August - 6 August 2021

Taxi veers off road leaving
ten children injured
children were injured on
Wednesday morning, 28 July,
when the driver lost control
of the taxi, causing it to veer
off Bouwer Street in Sasol-
   According to ER24
spokesperson, Russel Mei-
ring, paramedics arrived on
the scene at 07:00 to find the
taxi on the side of the road.
   Meiring says several
children, aged between 3 and
9, were seen walking around
the scene.
   “Medics assessed the
patients and found that ten
had sustained minor injuries.
Fortunately, no serious
injuries or fatalities were
found. “The children were
treated and thereafter trans-
ported to a nearby hospital
for further care,” says
   Local authorities were on
the scene for further investi-
gations.                            Several children were injured when a taxi driver lost control and veered off Bouwer Street in Sasolburg. Photo: Supplied

    Some inmates refuse vaccination                                                                PAC welcomes postponement
    Lazarus Dithagiso
    VEREENIGING. Some inmates of the
                                                  inmates to save lives by taking the jab.
                                                     He told Ster North that he still feels
                                                                                                   of elections
    Groenpunt Correctional Service recently       good after having taken the jab two days         Lazarus Dithagiso
    refused to take the jab, arguing that “the    ago.                                             SEDIBENG. - The secretary general of
    vaccine is a thin disguise for the mark          The spokesperson of the Correctional          the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania
    of the beast, 666.”                           Services in Free State and Northern              (PAC), Appa Pooe, said his party
       While many inmates welcomed the            Cape, Josia Ramokoena, confirmed that            welcomes with open arms the recom-
    opportunity to get vaccinated, some had       inmates have the right to refuse the             mendation made by Justice Dikgang
    a mixed reaction. Others bluntly refused      vaccine.                                         Moseneke to the Electoral Commission
    to take a jab, some arguing that it went         According to him at least 90% of              (IEC) to postpone the Local Govern-
    against their religion and cultural belief.   inmates of Groenpunt had opted to take           ment Elections.
       Vaccination is done on a voluntary         the jab voluntarily.                                Moseneke recommends that the
    basis. It is however, highly recommen-           He said inmates are living in socially        elections scheduled for 27 October
    ded so that everybody can be protected.       distanced conditions to prevent the              2021 be postponed to February 2022.
       Hector Mdletye (46), a father of eight,    spread of COVI-19. “We are obliged to               Pooe said it would not be possible to
    from Emdeni, Soweto, is a Sangoma and         offer the same medical treatment to              hold free and fair elections while the
    believes that jab will “ultimately enable     everyone,” he said. “By the same token,          country is still under the COVID-19
    governments to monitor and track those        inmates are free to refuse vaccination           pandemic and experiencing the third
    who accept it.” “Together with my             according to their personal and individu-        wave of the virus.
    family, we are not accepting the jab,” he     al beliefs. The official vaccine rollout at         Current regulations do not make for
    told Ster North.                              Groenpunt commenced on 21 July. To               possible campaigning of political
       Some of the inmates said they were         date, a total of 638 people have already         parties and candidates contesting to be
    concerned about getting vaccinated after      been vaccinated with the J&J vaccine.            elected.                                   Secretary General of the Pan Africanist
    reading about the J&J vaccine causing            As of 26 July, over 4 081 inmates                The PAC support the postponement        Congress of Azania (PAC), Appa Pooe,
    blood clots in a small percentage of          had been vaccinated at 12 vaccination            of elections cognisant of the fact that    speaks about the recommendation ma-
    people who had received the jab on            sites in the region.                             communities are fed-up by current          de by the IEC.
    social media.                                    Rachel Phori, regional vaccination            public representatives, who are not
       Thabo Joseph Ralejoe (38) from             coordinator, says the process and                responsive, accountable and do not         refuse, sewer spillages and others.
    Thabong near Welkom, was one of               possible side-effects is thoroughly              provide much needed basic services.           “We humbly implore our communi-
    many inmates who were excited to              explained to inmates before administe-              Lambasting the ruling party, Pooe       ties that February is not too far. They
    received the jab. He encouraged others        ring the jab.                                    did not want to reserve anything for       would still be able to remove these
                                                                                                   anyone.                                    Councillors who have become demago-
                                                                                                      He adds that in most areas there is     gues without compassion for all
                                                                                                   no electricity and / or electricity        residents who are in dire need of basic
                                                                                                   supply.                                    services.” Let’s all register to vote and
                                                                                                      “The cut-offs are random, no            actually vote on the date to be determi-
                                                                                                   maintenance of roads, collection of        ned,” he concludes.

                                                                                                                                        Laerskool DF
                                                                                                                                        verwelkom ou
                                                                                                                                        gesig as nuwe
                                                                                                                                        VANDERBIJLPARK. - Mnr. Willem Botha,
                                                                                                                                        voormalige adjunkhoof van Laerskool Midvaal
                                                                                                                                        is met ingang 1 Augustus as nuwe hoof van
                                                                                                                                        Laerskool DF Malherbe aangestel. Hy is nie ‘n
    Thabiso Malefane (34), an inmate from Sharpeville, receives the Johnson and                                                         onbekende by DF Malherbe nie. Hy was van
    Johnson vaccine from Fekile Menzi, operations manager at Medium Section at                                                          2008-2017 departementshoof by die skool,
    Groenpunt Correctional Service. Photo: Lazarus Dithagiso                                                                            waarna hy later die pos as adjunkhoof by
                                                                                                                                        Laerskool Midvaal beklee het. Foto: Verskaf.
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
3 August - 6 August 2021                                                             STER NORTH                                                                                         7

 Ladies, it’s time to empower yourselves
VEREENIGING. - The local favourite             the need to help with this initiative.        the “training” by giving advice on precau-      Hertzog Road, Three Rivers, Vereeniging.
pub, Cow & Bull in Three Rivers, in               They would also like to get female         tions to be taken or maybe knowledge              To get involved or queries: cowand-
association with Skydda Tactical Security      business owners to get involved.              about healing in terms of someone who           bull2017@gmail.com or WhatsApp 083
have started a self-defence for women             “When we host an event, the idea is to     has gone through a traumatic event in the       395 6641.
initiative in an effort to empower women       have the students see the involvement of      past.
by providing the necessary tools and           others and also see the network that is          In the event of companies wanting to
knowledge needed to be able to protect
   They are looking for involvement of
                                               available to them for support,” they
                                                  Skydda has approached #POWA as well
                                                                                             join the initiative but you do not specialise
                                                                                             in any of these, yet still feels strongly
                                                                                             towards our initiative, any form of sponsor
                                                                                                                                               Enter your
other companies or organisations that
could assist with the fight against gender-
                                               as the Department of Social Development
                                               on the same initiative to have them
                                                                                             in terms of printing, promotion or fiscal
                                                                                             sponsor for us to build on this initiative
                                                                                                                                               little ones for
based violence.
   They need the expertise of lawyers,
                                               approved and join.
                                                  At this stage they are looking for
                                                                                             will be absolutely great.
                                                                                                The next training session is schedule for      Baby and
therapists, councillors, or anyone who feels   people/companies who can contribute with      28 August at Cow & Bull, 137 General
                                                                                                 Illustration photo
                                                                                                                                                 It’s time again for Vaalweekblad
                                                                                                                                                 and Ster’s annual Baby and
                                                                                                                                                 Toddler Competition!
                                                                                                                                                     Entries for this year’s compe-
                                                                                                                                                 tition are open and parents can
                                                                                                                                                 enter their little ones until 30
                                                                                                                                                     The age group that can be
                                                                                                                                                 entered is newborn babies to
                                                                                                                                                 toddlers up to 6 years old.
                                                                                                                                                     See this week’s edition of
                                                                                                                                                 Vaalweekblad for photos of the
                                                                                                                                                 first entrants! The sooner a
                                                                                                                                                 participant is entered, the sooner
                                                                                                                                                 his or her photo will appear in
                                                                                                                                                     Two ways to enter:
                                                                                                                                                     1). Participants can enter by
                                                                                                                                                 sending a photo of your boy or
                                                                                                                                                 girl to nickychillipic-
                                                                                                                                                 nic@gmail.com, or WhatsApp it
                                                                                                                                                 to 083 744 7711. The cost is
                                                                                                                                                 R80. Remember to provide your
                                                                                                                                                 child’s name, surname and age.
                                                                                                                                                 Bank details for the payment of
                                                                                                                                                 the R80 will be provided by
                                                                                                                                                     2). OR at a cost of R100,
                                                                                                                                                 parents can have a studio photo
                                                                                                                                                 taken by Chilli PicNic. Your
                                                                                                                                                 child will then automatically be
                                                                                                                                                 entered for the competition. The
                                                                                                                                                 studio photos will be taken
                                                                                                                                                 during August and September.
                                                                                                                                                     Each participant’s photo will
                                                                                                                                                 appear in the newspaper. Several
                                                                                                                                                 prizes are at stake for the overall

  The Vaal Wine Route is                                                                                                                         winner as well as for each
                                                                                                                                                 category winner.
                                                                                                                                                     * The sponsors of this year’s
                                                                                                                                                 Vaalweekblad and Star Baby
                                                                                                                                                 and Toddler Competition are

  back from 7 to 29 August!                                                                                                                      Chilli PicNic, IFM 102.2,
                                                                                                                                                 Autocare Carwash & Valet, 3
                                                                                                                                                 @ 1 at Die Palms Shopping
                                                                                                                                                 Center, River Square, Vaal
                                               August is Woman’s Month - is there          Pub that oozes fun and character; aboard              Mall, Stonehaven-on-Vaal and
      Photo: Chilli PicNic                     any better way to celebrate than to sip,    a luxurious Cruiser on Millionaire’s Mile;            Swimkids.
                                               savour and enjoy some of South              enjoy wine tasting with a delicious meal                  For more information on the
                                               Africa’s finest wines?                      or wine tasting with a bit of trying your             competition, please contact
                                                  The very popular Vaal Wine Route is      hand at Lady Luck.                                    Nicky on 083 744 7711.
                                               back offering weekend wine tastings            There are also optional extras to add to
                                               within the Three Rivers Vereeniging         your experience, such as food and wine
                                               and Vanderbijlpark areas. A dozen           pairing, special spa treatment packages,
                                               venues will showcase, uncork and pour       dining specials and more. Plan your own
                                               South Africa’s finest wines every           wine tasting route by taxi, self-drive or
                                               Saturday, Sunday and on the Public          via a river cruiser.
                                               Holiday on August 9.                           No entry fee or ticket required, simply
                                                  Wine lovers can enjoy tasting eight      pay the wine tasting fee at your chosen
                                               different wines for R50 - a very            venues. Demand for this annual event
                                               well-priced wine treat to beat the          should be high following the recent
                                               winter blues, considering that the fee      alcohol ban, be sure to call and make a
                                               for tasting wine in the Cape region is      table reservation for wine tasting as space
                                               priced much higher.                         is very limited.
                                                  The Vaal Wine Route is not only             The winter wine tasting experience
                                               ideal for experienced wine connois-         starts at 12:00 and ends at 18:00. The last
                                               seurs, but is a great experience for        table booking is at 17:00 as the wine
                                               those new to wine tasting. It is a          tasting experience is one hour. Full
                                               relaxed and pleasant well-priced winter     Covid-19 safety protocol are followed to
                                               outing, where anyone can learn to           ensure the safety of guests and the staff at
                                               appreciate the wonderful wines South        the venue. Wine tasting will be done at
                                               Africa boasts.                              individual tables with the appropriate
                                                  The different wine tasting venues are    social distancing of tables.
                                               so diverse and offer contrasting               Go to www.vaalwineroute.co.za for the
                                               experiences as do their wines. You can      full list of venues, their wines and the            Lolita Daniels was the lovely overall
                                               enjoy sipping wine at a classy hotel on     Vaal Wine Route map or contact The Vaal             winner in a previous year’s Baby and
                                               the Vaal River; in front of a roaring       River Wine Meander Association on                   Toddler Competition. Photo: Chilli
                                               fireplace in a cosy pub; in a quirky        info@vaalwineroute.co.za for more info.             PicNic
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
8                                                                                       STER NORTH                                                                             3 August - 6 August 2021

Truck found with stolen copper
to the value of R1.9 million
Moleboheng Chaha
DE DEUR. - Members of De Deur SAPS have
                                                                                                                                                Members of the De Deur SAPS recently
been applauded for their diligent work after
                                                                                                                                                found this truck with stolen copper to the
they recovered a trailer seized during a hijac-
                                                                                                                                                amount of R1.9 million.
king incident in Kroonstad.
   According to police spokesperson Constable
Maria Letsele, police were following a tip-off
from members of the community who complai-
ned about a suspicious truck at the corner of
Plantation and Apple Orchards on the R82 in
De Deur.
   “Members rushed to the scene and on arrival,
the truck and trailer were searched. The trailer
was found to have been hijacked in Kroonstad
with blue lights where hijackers pretended to be
Metro Police personnel. “On further investigati-
on, members found stolen copper worth R1.9
million loaded inside the truck. Two suspects
were arrested on the spot.”
   The Station Commander Colonel Lydia
Landingwe and the Visible Policing Commander
Lieutenant Colonel Cecelia Mokako applauded
members for their hard work and thanked the
community for standing up against crime.

    Pasop vir skelmstreek, sê die poskantoor
    Die poskantoor kry al meer navrae oor       is die afleweringsadres onleesbaar, terwyl    neem dit hom na ‘n bladsy wat betaling
    e-posboodskappe en teksboodskappe           ander boodskappe beweer dat die pakkie        versoek – of selfs besonderhede van die
    wat daarop gemik is om die ontvanger        net afgelewer kan word as geld oorbetaal      ontvanger se bankrekening versoek. Lede
    te mislei sodat hulle geld in ‘n misdadi-   word om die “doeane-aanslag” van die          van die publiek wat enige e-pos of SMS
    ger se rekening inbetaal.                   pakkie te betaal.                             van dié aard ontvang, moet dit dadelik
       Die jongste SMS-boodskap sluit selfs        Die e-pos en teksboodskappe lyk almal      uitvee
    die naam van die persoon in wat die         effens verskillend, maar hulle het almal ‘n      Onthou die poskantoor vra nooit betaling
    boodskap ontvang. Volgens die boodskap      skakel en sou die ontvanger daarop klik,      vir ‘n pakkie voor die kliënt dit ontvang
                                                                                                 nie. Indien daar invoerbelasting op ‘n
                                                                                                 pakkie van ‘n ander land is, betaal die
                                                                                                 kliënt as hulle die pakkie by die poskan-
                                                                                                 toor se toonbank ontvang.
                                                                                                    Die poskantoor versoek nooit ‘n kliënt
                                                                                                 se bankrekeningnommer nie. Die
                                                                                                 spoornommer op die vals boodskappe
                                                                                                 werk ook nie as jy dit op die poskantoor
                                                                                                 se internetblad invoer nie.
                                                                                                    Die poskantoor stuur wel vir kliënte
                                                                                                 ‘n SMS of papierstrokie as daar vir hulle
                                                                                                 ‘n pakkie by die plaaslike poskantoor
                                                                                                 wag. Vir misdaad wat met die poskan-
                                                                                                 toor verband hou, skakel 0800 020 070.

                                                                                                                                OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER

                                                                                                                                        NOTICE OF ADDENDUM

                                                                                               BID 8/2/3/81 (2021-2022): FOR R6 725 000 (SIX MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE
                                                                                               THOUSAND RAND) INSTALMENT SALE AGREEMENT/S FOR PURCHASING VARIOUS VEHICLES,
                                                                                               PLANT AND EQUIPMENT FOR MIDVAAL LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AS PER THE 2021/2022 CAPITAL
                                                                                               BUDGET &

                                                                                               BID 8/2/3/82 (2021-2022): FOR R18 600 000 (EIGHTEEN MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND RAND)
                                                                                               LONG TERM LOAN TO FINANCE VARIOUS INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS FOR MIDVAAL LOCAL
                                                                                               MUNICIPALITY AS PER THE 2021/2022 CAPITAL BUDGET

                                                                                               Midvaal Local Municipality has taken note that bidders may have a challenge with the timeframes for the
                                                                                               submission of the above-mentioned bids due to their nature and complexity.

                                                                                               In the interest of being fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective, Midvaal Local
                                                                                               Municipality is extending the closing date for submissions.

                                                                                               The closing date of the bid has been extended from the 04th of August 2021 to the 20th of August 2021.

                                                                                               The closing times have been changed to 11h00 for bid 8/2/3/81 & 12h00 for bid 8/2/3/82, respectively.

                                                                                               Please Note:

                                                                                                     1.     This addendum bears no impact on functionality evaluation as the allocation of points remains
                                                                                                            the same.

                                                                                               For any other queries relating to the above bid/s, please contact the SCM office at (016) 360 7630/
                                                                                               5873/ 7572.

                                                                                                          ORIGINAL SIGNED

                                                                                               MRS N S MHLANGA                                  MN 3045                   DATE: 28 JULY 2021
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
10   STER NORTH   3 August - 6 August 2021
Midvaal demolishes illegal houses in Elandsfontein - vaalweekblad ePaper
3 August - 6 August 2021                                                                STER NORTH                                                                                                11

  Mediclinic weighs in on the use of
  Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19
While some studies have claimed that            sufficient proof of its efficacy.               out of three patients presenting for COVID-       COVID-19 nor prophylactic medication.
Ivermectin prevented progression to severe         The South African Health Products            19 related care at Mediclinic Midstream           Vaccination, along with regular sanitizing,
disease or assisted in the recovery of          Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) in a              during the third wave have been exposed to        the wearing of a mask, avoiding closed
COVID-19 patients, Mediclinic said in a         statement issued on 9 April reiterated that     Ivermectin as they believed it would              spaces with poor ventilation and social
statement issued recently that there is         to date there is insufficient evidence on the   prevent them from contracting COVID-19            distancing, are the only measures to reduce
currently still insufficient clinical data to   efficacy of Ivermectin for the prevention or    or from progression to severe disease.            the risk of infection by the coronavirus,”
recommend that use of Ivermectin for the        treatment of COVID-19. SAHPRA has               Although some of the recorded side-effects        states Dr Taban. Mediclinic says it supports
prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19.           apprroved Ivermectin for compassionate use      observed from the use of Ivermectin               Dr Taban in his commitment to provide the
   The private hospital group said it is        under the regulations of Section 21 and         include deranged liver function tests,            best possible care for patients and believe
therefore not recommended in evidence-ba-       individual doctors may apply for permission     post-mortems were not performed on his            that this must be done within the specific
sed guidelines but rather in a research         should they wish to follow treatment            deceased patients who were using Ivermec-         regulated environment that governs our
setting untill such a time as there is          protocol. Dr Emmanuel Taban observed that       tin. “At this stage, there is no cure for         industry.

                                                                                                                         Prospective tenderers are invited to tender for the following:

                                                                                                                         NWU TR100/2021VC – SUPPLY OF STUDENT
                                                                                                                         HOUSING TO THE NORTH-WEST UNIVERSITY,
                                                                                                                         VANDERBIJLPARK CAMPUS

                                                                                                                         Tender documents can be obtained from the undermentioned person.

                                                                                                                         Closing date:                 Tuesday, 24 August 2021
                                                                                                                         Closing time:                 23:59
                                                                                                                         Tender submission:            Electronically via link on the
                                                                                                                                                       tender documents
                                                                                                                         Contact details:              frikkie.herbst@nwu.ac.za

                                                                                                                         The University reserves the right to accept any tender,
                                                                                                                         irrespective of price, or no tender at all.

There is currently still insufficient clinical data to recommend that use of Ivermectin for the prophylaxis
or treatment of COVID-19. Illustration photo
12                                                                                    STER NORTH                                                               3 August - 6 August 2021

Lynca Meats, Harvestfresh Farms
and Midvaal donate food parcels
Moleboheng Chaha
MEYERTON. - Midvaal Local Municipa-
lity through the office of the Executive
Mayor, Bongani Baloyi, together with
Harvestfresh Farms and Lynca Meats
have once again touched lives.
   This is after they went out for their
monthly food parcel donations at the
Kanguru Institute For The Disabled.
   Kanguru accommodates 32 disabled
children together with a crèche that
educates both disabled and abled children
from surrounding communities.
   The initiative which recently saw
residents of Bloekomspoort receiving
parcels is bringing a positive change to
   “The food parcel recipients were elated
as they received their fresh packs of
vegetables as well as packets of meat.
   “This has become a monthly collabora-
tion that yields positive results within
Midvaal communities during these trying

The partnership between Midvaal Local
Municipality, Lynca Meats and Harvest-
fresh Farms is making a positive impact
in the community.

     Ceramic Industries gives back to Ulusha
     Moleboheng Chaha                          part of Mandela Month celebrations in        by the public. Centre Manager Mmone             potential.
     VEREENIGING. - Ceramic Industries         conjunction with the Department of           Sebotsa says: “The centre is also home             “Ceramic Industries was approached
     recently put wide smiles on young         Sport, Arts and Culture.                     to RESA academy founded in 1998. Its            for sponsorship and gladly came on
     faces after it helped refurbish the         Ulusha is a sport, arts and culture        main goal is to offer the best sport            board and has been assisting the
     Ulusha Elite Sport Centre in Vereeni-     centre with sport facilities including       programs to young talented sportsmen            Centre with renovations and upgrades
     ging. The initiative was carried out as   many other facilities that can be utilised   and women to help them reach their full         of the facility. It has brought in their
                                                                                                                                            partners to donate materials needed for
                                                                                                                                            these upgrades.”
                                               Ceramic Industries recently helped                                                              The initiative which was carried out
                                               refurbish the Ulusha Elite Sport                                                             will benefit about 52 boys who are
                                               Centre in Vereeniging.                                                                       housed at the Centre.
                                                                                                                                               In addition to the refurbishment of
                                                                                                                                            the premises, Ceramic industries also
                                                                                                                                            donated new bedding and mattresses
                                                                                                                                            for the boys.”
                                                                                                                                               Sebotsa said that this contribution
                                                                                                                                            by Ceramic Industries would have a
                                                                                                                                            positive impact on the boys and the
                                                                                                                                            centre, adding that it was helping to
                                                                                                                                            build towards the vision.
                                                                                                                                               “Thank you for seeing the potential
                                                                                                                                            in what we are building and establis-
                                                                                                                                            hing, for recognising our hard work
                                                                                                                                            and edifying on it to make it better
                                                                                                                                            and supporting this big vision and
                                                                                                                                            dream we have.”
                                                                                                                                               Talking about Mandela Day, Sebotsa
                                                                                                                                            said that it means inspiring, bringing
                                                                                                                                            unity and creating hope where there
                                                                                                                                            was once despair.

 Settlement in R499 million smart meter court case?
Craig Kotze                                    million.                                     matter, but it is not known if this has yet     meters instead of expanding the smart
ELM council now wants to settle with              It is understood that since the recent    been done.                                      meter programme, which allowed account-
former smart meter service provider            ELM council resolution to explore possible      DA Councillor Edward von Bodenstein          holders to monitor their accounts and thus
BXCSA on the record R499 million default       settlement, that ELM Executive Mayor Gift    has said legal fees alone had cost ELM R6       exercise control.
High Court judgment awarded against the        Moerane has been tasked with engaging        million.                                           “Now almost everything ELM bills on
municipality - and almost two years after      with BXCSA on the matter.                       Neither Mayor Moerane or a BXCSA             water and electricity can be considered an
the short-sighted contract termination            ELM Council also resolved to remove       spokeswoman were prepared to comment.           estimate thumb-suck and should really be
caused revenue losses beyond another R500      the attorneys representing ELM on the           The Golden Triangle Chamber of               seen as theft,” said GTCoC CEO Klippies
                                                                                            Commerce (GTCoC) has warmly welcomed            Kritzinger.
                                                                                            seeking a settlement with BXCSA on the             ELM suffered catastrophic revenue losses
                                                                                            default judgment, which has resulted in a       after then Municipal Manager Oupa Nkoane
                                                                                            swathe of bank account attachments and          and CFO Andile Dyakala summarily
                                                                                            seizures by BXCSA.                              terminated the smart meter contract in mid
                                                                                               “It is high time to find a settlement        2019 - but only after forcing up to 200
                                                                                            because ELM has clearly acted in bad faith      quality job losses and infrastructure closure
                                                                                            since the beginning of this sorry legal saga    due to non-payment over a long period.
                                                                                            - first ELM pretended the contract was          Nkoane and Dykala had no contingency
                                                                                            illegal when it was only irregular and          plans in place after the termination and the
                                                                                            despite a recommendation by the Auditor-        entire smart meter programme dissolved
                                                                                            General to regularise they did not regulari-    into chaos and an orgy of meter bridging
                                                                                            ze.                                             leading to even further revenue losses.
                                                                                               “The whole matter was manipulated only          ELM’s application to have the original
                                                                                            to get the friends of certain people in place   R499 million default judgment rescinded is
                                                                                            to come and install backward pre-paid           still on the court roll.
3 August - 6 August 2021                                                           STER NORTH                                                                                           9

Ons en die voëls om ons
Deur Hansie Bekker van Feathers               paar groot happe gevat. Binnekort sal die    en op die grond gesien. Die koue het sy
Voëlklub in Parys:                            Rooikophoutkapper ook sy deel kom haal       tol op die plante in ons tuine geëis en dit
   Ons is aan die einde van nog ‘n maand      en dan natuurlik ook die Rooioogtiptolle     het ook die voëls geaffekteer. Die aalwyn-
en steeds kan Feathers Voëlklub nie           die Gariepglasogies en partykeer selfs die   en vuurpylblomme het doodgeryp en dit
byeenkom nie. Dit is reeds byna agtien        Geelbeklyster en natuurlik ook die           het veroorsaak dat ons nie onlangs die
maande sedert ons laaste byeenkoms,           Gevlekte Muisvoëls. Dit bly interessant      Swart- en Witpenssuikerbekkies hier by        Die Gariepglasogie. Foto: Verskaf
maar ons is steeds vol vertroue dat hierdie   om te sien hoe die seisoene ook die voëls    ons gesien het nie. ‘n Gevriesde waterbak
pandemie onder beheer sal kom en dat          affekteer.                                   skep ook probleme.                            ons ook al ry, dophou en geniet. Hou aan
dinge sal verander. Intussen geniet ons          Van die klomp Rooikopvinkies wat             Ek het ‘n Glasogie gesien pik-pik aan      daarmee en binnekort kan ons dalk weer
steeds die voëls – al is dit ook sommer       gereeld kom eet het, het net ‘n paar         die ys en nadat ek water op die ys gegooi     bymekaar kom en mekaar se foto’s geniet.
net hier om ons. Nadat hulle lank nie in      oorgebly. Ander het ander weivelde gekry,    het, dink die duiwe sommer dadelik dit is        Vir inligting oor Feathers Voëlklub kan
vrugte wat ons uitgesit het belang gestel     maar die verskillende mossies en duiwe       badtyd. Hulle is gewis nie so bang vir die    Hansie Bekker (056) 811 4754 / 082 820
het nie, verdwyn die vrugte nou vinnig.       kom soek maar steeds ‘n bietjie kos. Party   koue en koue water soos ons nie. Ons kan      4306 en Peter Killian, 083 625 8100
Ek het pas ‘n groot groen appel uitgesit      mense voer meer en in die omgewing het       mekaar nie by die voëlklub sien nie, maar     geskakel word. Ons sal ook probeer om
en die Kuifkophoutkapper het reeds ‘n         ek sowat 50 Rooiborsduifies op die dakke     ons kan steeds die voëls om ons en waar       jul navrae oor die voëls te beantwoord.

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