Midleton Rugby Football Club
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Midleton Rugby Football Club Midleton RFC Annual General Meeting 11th May 2021 Minutes of AGM held on the 13th of October 2020. 1.Presidents Welcome and Address President Con Walsh welcomed everyone to the postponed AGM. It has been a difficult year with advent of Covid 19. This year has touched the hearts of all involved with Midleton RFC of the great people that have passed away: Cormac Ryan, Dan Cotter, John McCarthy, Jim Eady, John Joe Lynch, Willie McCarthy, Pat Hickey and Pat Hurley We think of these great people and all of our Rugby friends who have gone before them. A minute’s reflection was observed in their memory. Special thanks to our Senior Team after a tricky season last year we are looking good for this season. The same can be said for our second team. To all the Coaching staff and Players many thanks Juveniles: We have some great players coming through it won’t be long until we have some super stars. Thanks to all the Coaches for the work and effort. Thanks to the parents and players for there help. Well done to Danny McCarthy for making the Irish panel. To our Committee for their commitment and hard work that makes our Club one of the best. Hoping the rest of the year and next brings us the very best of good luck in these trying times and that we will be able to sit down have a meal and a Pint in our Club House again. Thanks to all our Sponsors for their support. To all of you please take good care and keep safe. 2.Chairperson’s Address Chairperson George Jeffery welcomed everyone to the AGM. Delighted to be back for a third term. Thanks to all Coaches who contributed to teams at all age levels. A huge thank you to all the Sub Committees for their commitment and hard work. Thanks to our Sponsors for their help and generosity shown to the Club. Thanks to those who manned the gate every match – Rossa Williams & Ivor Smyth – sacrificed watching 1st halves of matches. Sponsorship – again thanks to all who sponsored pre-matches. Pleasure working with all the committee, everyone worked really well together. Townspark, Midleton, Co Cork
Midleton Rugby Football Club Looking forward to Greater things next year. 3.Treasurers Report Jason Boyle gave a comprehensive report on the Finance to the end of March. Showing a surplice of €39060 Cost is down by €1000 per month. Loan Account down to €43688 The update on the transfer to CLG Transfer of property from Midleton RFC as an association of persons to Midleton RFC CLG has been completed. Mortgage in the name of the Trustees of Midleton RFC has been discharged and replaced with a lesser unsecured loan for the remaining balance. This loan will be cleared in 2022. Charitable status is confirmed. New mortgage for the balance to be executed (proposed and passed at last year’s AGM) With excellent performance in each area in terms of fundraising coupled with a careful eye on costs has resulted in a positive balance on all bank accounts While current financial status is healthy, with the COVID-19 situation we are looking at losses in income from the bar, signs, golf, rental etc. This will prove to be a challenging year. Sports grant – 2 projects remaining for drawdown – lights and pitch fencing. To draw these down club needs to commit approx. €11.5k of own funds. Our thanks to the committee and others for support in 2019/20 4. Membership memberships for the club 2020/21 o Full - €120 o Friends of Midleton RFC - €300 (single membership) o Youth - €80 o Family - €150 (2 adults and 3 children under 18) o Player - €80 5. Rule10/Reg 6 Rule 10 motions in line with IRFU requirements Accounts have been presented for members for their approval Proposed player expenses for 2018/2019 season may be up to €20,000 and this is presented for the members approval (€20,000 is the maximum allowable under IRFU rules therefore this is the maximum sought from the membership) Townspark, Midleton, Co Cork
Midleton Rugby Football Club Regulation 6: Membership to approve the club will operate in line with the requirement “not to reward players” outside of payments for legitimate match day expenses. Proposed D. Kelleher seconded D. McCarthy 6. Covid To reopen the club, significant effort was required to put in place a return to rugby plan and risk analysis, along with online training for players, members, coaches and parents to on our plans and operations. We have now transitioned a lot of activities online: Membership at all levels can be paid via credit card on the website. Safety declarations are online. Contact tracing is online. We have COVID-19 Compliance officers at all levels, and without these volunteers we could not function on a day-to-day basis, so to them I extend the committees, and the clubs, thanks. 7..Rugby Report taken as read David Ryan outlined the season which had to be cut short due to Covid, just 13 games were played in the AIL winning just 5 of them. Our Seconds completed their League and finished 3rd. On 13th February tragedy struck and we lost Cormac Ryan he was a huge loss. Thanks to Bryan Morris, Keith Cocking and Tom Mulcahy and all the coaching staff for their help and hard work., also to Collett Cullinane and Dr Diarmuid Mulcahy for their help. 8.Lotto Taken as read I would like to thank my lotto committee Ivor Smyth, Frank Murphy, George Jeffery, Donal and Sheila Falvey and Jennifer Cashman for what has been a tough year. The loss of Jim Eady during the year was a great loss as he has been one of the driving forces of the Lotto over many Years. As the Pubs are closed the Lotto has been put on hold 9. Grounds taken as read. Graham Eady gave a full report on the Grounds and Premises. He thanked Mick Cashman, Niall McCarthy, Charlie Moore and Dave Ryan for all their help and especially in implementation the Lighting in the Cricket field. The Club also appreciate the good relationship we have with Midleton College and especially with Clive Seale. Townspark, Midleton, Co Cork
Midleton Rugby Football Club The work continues on the Pitches, Gym, Dressing Rooms and General Maintenance of the grounds. The Mini Area new lighting should commence during the year. Finally, I would like to Thank the Chairman and the general committee for their support and faith that they have had in me and my committee. 10.Bar Report taken as read. Niall McCarthy’s gave a comprehensive report. The heating problems had been worked on and it is hoped to replace the windows in the future as they are not fit for purpose. The Tiles have been replaced in front of the Bar. The Bar has been closed since March due to Covid with the exception of two events. He thanked the Chef Rory, Carol, Graham, Mike , Tracy and Jennifer for their help. Finally, He thanked, our President, Mr Con Walsh, Our Chairman, George Jeffery and all the committee as well as all the members for their help, support and advise during the year and I can only hope that we’ll all meet again soon and get back to cheering on all our teams on the pitches. 11. That the General Committee shall consist of the following Officer Positions for 2020/21 Proposer /Seconder 1) President Con Walsh Charlie Moore/ Anne Cunningham 2) Vice President Denis Kelleher Joe Murphy/Dave Ryan 3) Chairperson (Director) George Jeffery Jason Boyle/ Joe Murphy 4) Secretary (Director & Company Secretary) ? ? ? 5) Assistant Honorary Secretary Eoin McCarthy Niall McCarthy/Tracy McCarthy 6) Honorary Treasurer #1 (Joint Treasurer) (Director) Jason Boyle George Jeffery/Joe Murphy 7) Honorary Treasurer #2 (Joint Treasurer) (Director) Joe Murphy Jason Boyle /George Jeffery 8) Representative to the Munster Branch I.R.F.U. Dave Ryan Denis Kelleher/Dan McCarthy 9) Fixtures Secretary Dan McCarthy Denis Kelleher/ Dave Ryan 10) Public Relations Officer John Silke Dave Ryan/Jason Boyle 11) Directory of Rugby Dave Ryan Joe Murphy/Denis Kelleher 12) Social & Fundraising Chairperson ? ? ? 13) Juvenile Chairperson Bryan Morris Dave Ryan/ Jason Boyle Townspark, Midleton, Co Cork
Midleton Rugby Football Club 14) Bar & Hall Chairperson Niall McCarthy Eoin McCarthy/Denis Kelleher 15) Lotto Chairperson Tracy McCarthy Jennifer Cashman/Niall McCarthy 16) Grounds & Gym Chairperson Graham Eady Niall McCarthy/Dan McCarthy Townspark, Midleton, Co Cork
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