Miami Masters Swim Meet 2022 - The 94.1 FM Community Radio 9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022

Page created by Ryan Robertson
Miami Masters Swim Meet 2022 - The 94.1 FM Community Radio 9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022
The 94.1 FM Community Radio
    Miami Masters
   Swim Meet 2022
            Miami Aquatic Centre
    80 Pacific Avenue, Miami, Gold Coast

   9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022
Miami Masters Swim Meet 2022 - The 94.1 FM Community Radio 9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022
Date: 12 February 2022                      Meet Director: Ed Anderson                  Meet entry fee: $30
Venue: Miami Aquatic Centre                 Email:            BBQ: $2
Warm up: 8.45am Start time: 9.30am                                                      New: 6 x 50m MIXED ALL-AGE RELAY
Entries Close: 1 February 2022              MSQ Sanction Number: Q2/22                  Enter: Quick Entry

                                                Program of Events
                           Limit of 5 Individual events. Maximum of 2 Postal. No Limit on relay entries.

Event                                       Distance                                     Stroke
POSTALS - completed between 1 January
and 1 February 2022 in a Long Course pool
1.                                          1500m                                        Breaststroke
2.                                          1500m                                        Backstroke
3.                                          1500m                                        Freestyle
4.                                          800m                                         Breaststroke
5.                                          800m                                         Backstroke
6.                                          800m                                         Butterfly
7.                                          800m                                         Freestyle
8.                                          400m                                         Breaststroke
9.                                          400m                                         Backstroke
10.                                         400m                                         Butterfly
11.                                         400m                                         Freestyle

12.                                         100m                                         Butterfly
13.                                         100m                                         Breaststroke
14.                                         50m                                          Freestyle
15.                                         200m                                         Backstroke
16.                                         100m                                         Freestyle
17.                                         50m                                          Butterfly
18.                                         200m                                         Individual Medley
19.                                         6 x 50m                                      All-Age Mixed (3M + 3F) Freestyle Relay
20.                                         200m                                         Breaststroke
21.                                         200m                                         Butterfly
22.                                         50m                                          Backstroke
23.                                         200m                                         Freestyle
24.                                         100m                                         Backstroke
25.                                         50m                                          Breaststroke
26.                                         4 x 50m                                      Women’s Freestyle Relay
27.                                         4 x 50m                                      Men’s Freestyle Relay
28.                                         4 x 50m                                      Mixed Medley Relay
Miami Masters Swim Meet 2022 - The 94.1 FM Community Radio 9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022
Meet Details
Welcome and Introduction                                          submit a time for each event entered, preferably your
Welcome to the first Queensland masters swim meet of 2022.        personal best from the previous two (2) years. Entering ‘no
Miami Masters prides itself on being focused on fun, fitness,     time’ (NT) is not permitted for this event. If you do not have
and friendship. We hope you enjoy our program of                  an official time for an event you should enter an estimate of
competitive swimming and then join us for fun and friendship      what you will achieve, or a time recorded in training.
at the BBQ immediately after the meet finishes where awards
will be presented.                                                Relays
                                                                  Relays will be contested at this meet. There will be 4 x 50m
Eligibility                                                       freestyle relays for men and women, a 4 x 50m mixed medley
This preparation meet is open to Masters Swimming                 relay, as well as a 6 x 50m freestyle All-Ages Relay. The All-
Queensland (MSQ) registered swimmers, and swimmers                Ages Relay must have 3 women and 3 men that must come
registered with other Masters Swimming Australia (MSA)            from each of the age-groups 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 59-59, 60-
affiliated clubs. International swimmers who are current          69, and 70+. The All-Ages Relay will NOT count towards club
members of their national Masters Swimming Federation may         point totals.
also compete.
Guest swimmers are not permitted to enter this meet.              Multi Class events
MSA/MSQ membership is available via the website.                  Multi Class swimmer are always welcome, however there will
                                                                  be no separate Multi Class events conducted at this meet.
Age as at the 31 December 2022. Minimum age is 18 years at        Entry fees
Day 1 of competition.                                             All entrants must pay the nomination fee online as directed by
                                                                  Quick Entry. A swimmer may enter five (5) individual events
Entries                                                           including a maximum of two (2) postal swims. Entry fee is $30.
                                                                  There is no limit on the number of relay events an individual
Entries are to be submitted via Quick Entry located on the
                                                                  can swim in. Please enter and swim within your physical limits.
MSQ website. Entries will open 1 January 2022. The closing
date for individual entries is 1 February 2022.
Interstate and International Masters members are invited to       Entry List and Timeline
register an account and enter directly. International swimmers    The Entry List will be available on the MSQ meet event page
and teams must supply proof of their current membership.          on 3 February 2022. All competitors must check their entries
Entries will be processed as quickly as possible and contact      thoroughly and submit discrepancies to the MSQ Director of
made if further information is required.                          Recording by midnight 5 February 2022. Program information
                                                                  for this meet will be published on or before 7 February 2022.

Conduct of events
Events 1-11 are to be swum as Postal events. Individuals must     Late entries
post their times at the time of entry AND the Club Captain        No late entries will be accepted.
must submit the certified postal swim forms to the Meet
Director prior to the commencement of the meet.
                                                                  Postal Swims
Heats will be swum from fastest to slowest. The fastest
                                                                  Postal entries (Events 1 – 11 inclusive) are to be submitted via
seeded heat will be heat 1 of each event. All events will be
                                                                  Quick Entry located on the MSQ website. Postal swims shall be
conducted as timed finals. Starts will be ‘over the top’ where
                                                                  completed between 1 January and 1 February 2022 in a Long
possible. All 10 lanes of the competition pool will be used for
                                                                  Course pool. Entrants can complete one or two postal events
the meet.
                                                                  and – if two – they can be at the same distance (800m or
Qualifying times                                                  Important: Swimmers will need to complete their postal
There are no qualifying times required currently. You must        swims before entering the meet and enter their actual postal
Miami Masters Swim Meet 2022 - The 94.1 FM Community Radio 9.30am Saturday 12 February 2022
Meet Details
times. There is no way to edit these later, so you need to        No printed programs will be available. Programs will be
make sure they are accurate before entering in Quick Entry.       available on the MSQ event page to download and print.
Postal swims will not be uploaded to the national results         Programs made available before the day of competition will
portal with the pool results. If swimmers want these included     be draft and are subject to change without notice. Final
for e1000, their club recorder will need to enter these as        programs for the day will be posted at the venue prior to
usual.                                                            competition, and made available online. This will allow for re-
                                                                  seeding of events, or heat and lane allocation changes on the
Relays                                                            day of competition if required. All changes will be reflected
Club captains must complete relay nominations by 5 February       immediately in the Meet Mobile application and swimmers in
2022. Clubs may enter multiple teams per age group for all        attendance will be notified by announcement prior to the start
relays. Any changes to relay composition shall be only            of the affected event(s).
accepted if due to illness or nonattendance and advised to the
Meet Recorder before the start of the Meet. Swimmers must
                                                                  Warm-up start time
enter at least one individual event to be eligible to swim in a
                                                                  Warm-up will commence in the main pool at 8.45AM. The
relay team. All relays must consist of members or second
                                                                  competition pool will close at 9.15AM with competition
claim members of the same club. All teams are eligible to
                                                                  starting at 9.30AM. Lanes will be allocated in the adjacent 50m
score points.
                                                                  pool the duration of the meet for warm-up and swim down.

                                                                  Self Marshaling
All MSQ/MSA meet guidelines, by-laws and rules, and FINA
                                                                  All swimmers will be required to self-marshal. Swimmers and
swim rules apply. By nominating to participate in this swim
                                                                  officials are to be physically distanced and minimise contact
meet, all swimmers thereby authorise the Meet
                                                                  with surfaces. People who are not swimming or officiating
Director/MSQ/Miami Masters/Miami Aquatic Centre to take
                                                                  should not be near the starting end of the pool during the
whatever action is deemed necessary in the event of an
emergency, and persons involved accept responsibility for any
and all costs arising from such action.                              No clothing or gear is to be taken to the blocks – if
                                                                      essential items are required they can be left in a storage
COVID-Safe Meet Information                                           zone near/in the marshaling area.
                                                                     Swimmers are responsible for knowing the event, heat,
To comply with Queensland Government regulations for the
                                                                      and lane they are competing in, and for being aware of
running of COVID-Safe Events, all nominees must confirm they
                                                                      what event/heat is currently in the water. The Meet
agree to the below:
                                                                      Announcer will be calling the heat number in the water
     COVID-19 Terms and Conditions
                                                                      after the start of every heat, and regularly reminding how
     Meet Information for Attendees
                                                                      many heats there are in total for the current event.
The Miami Aquatic Centre has a COVID safe plan with which            An entrant who fails to report to the Marshaling area
all venue users (competitors and spectators) must comply. The         prior to their heat being called to the blocks may be
arrangements are subject to change at short notice. Updates           deemed withdrawn.
will be posted to the Miami Aquatic Centre website and
                                                                     No more than four (4) heats of swimmers are permitted in
Facebook. By nominating for this Swim Meet, you are
                                                                      the marshaling area including behind the blocks:
accepting the venue management’s conditions of use that               o     50m events - 4 heats prior to the heat in the water
apply at the time of the Meet.                                        o     100m events - 4 heats prior to the heat in the water
                                                                      o     200m events - 3 heats prior to the heat in the water
MSQ will continually reassess meet details due to the evolving
COVID-19 situation to ensure that swimmers’ well-being is the
highest priority.
                                                                  Printed result sheets will be posted up in a central location
                                                                  near the recording tent and marshalling area. Live results will
Tickets and programs                                              be made available for this meet. The Meet Mobile application
Entry to this meet is free for spectators – no tickets are        will be operating and can be downloaded to your chosen
required.                                                         device(s). Results will be posted to the MSA Portal, a full range
Meet Details
of results and statistics will be posted on the MSQ website             swimwear. An additional item of swimwear may not be
meet event page in the days following the meet.                         worn under another while competing.
Competition results for men and women will be separated and        •    At the conclusion of warm-up periods, swimmers must
then divided into age groups as follows:                                leave the competition pool promptly when requested.
                                                                   •    Swimmers should keep clear of timekeepers moving to
Individual events: 18-24 and then in 5-year groups, i.e. 25-29,
                                                                        the blocks to collect times. Use care and discretion when
30-34, 35-39, etc.
                                                                        preparing for your start prior to the previous heat
Relays: 72-119, 120-159, 160-199, 200-239, 240-279, 280-319,
                                                                        completion, i.e. adjusting your block’s kick position.
320-359 and 360-399.
                                                                   •    Starts will be ‘over the top’. Competitors will remain in
                                                                        their respective lanes until the next heat is started. Move
Records                                                                 quickly to the lane rope away from the wall once you
World records will not be recognised at this event. Any MSQ             have completed your heat.
member may break Queensland records. Any MSA member                •    When asked to clear the pool lanes 0-4 will exit via the
may break their respective state and national records. World            side at lane 0, and lanes 5–9 exiting via the side at lane 9.
Top Ten performances will be recognised.                           •    Protests must be made in writing on the official form and
                                                                        submitted to the Meet Director within a half hour of
                                                                        posting the provisional results. A protest carries a fee of
Meet awards and presentation function                                   $10 which is refunded if the protest is upheld. The fee
Immediately after the conclusion of the meet, competitors               must be paid when collecting the protest form.
and supporters are welcome to join us for a BBQ and drinks.        •    MSQ notes that the information provided is correct at
Prizes will be awarded to age group winners with the top                the time of publishing, however, is subject to change.
three place getters awarded certificates. At this time the club
with the highest average points total will be awarded with a       Miami Aquatic Centre Parking (80 Pacific Avenue, Miami)
prize. Two $100 cash prizes (Thanks to McGaw Consulting
                                                                   Turn off Pacific Avenue into Precinct Drive (Sonia Street) to
Architectural Specification Writing) will also be awarded to the
                                                                   park. Parking is FREE. There are a limited number of parks
swimmers of any age or gender who swim closest to their 50
                                                                   immediately adjacent to the pool off Precinct Drive. However,
Free and 50 Fly nominated times. A raffle and range of
                                                                   to the west of the pool and on the right of Precinct Drive
random draw prizes will also be awarded.
                                                                   (Sonia Street) is the Burleigh Bears Junior Rugby League
Please indicate your intention to attend with meet entry.          Football Club that has a lot of free parking.

Photo release                                                      Venue
All attendees at this meet agree that they may be                  There is limited shade available at the venue. Limited shade
photographed or videoed by MSQ’s approved photographer             tents will be provided by the Miami Masters Swim Club and
and that the material may be used by MSQ at its discretion.        the Miami Aquatic Centre. Clubs are welcome to bring their
                                                                   own shade. You will be directed on arrival where is
Other information                                                  appropriate. You will need to BYO chairs.
•    Members from all clubs maybe called on to assist with         No glass is to be brought on site.
     timekeeping throughout the meet.                              The Miami Aquatic Centre will remain open to the public
•    Swimmers must comply with signage on pool deck                during the swim meet. Please respect other patrons as they
     regarding the use of the warm-up and swim-down lanes.         utilise the other 50m pool, indoor 25m pool and amenities.
     Diving will not be permitted unless the signage indicates     Food such as tea, coffee, cold drinks, and snacks will be
     otherwise.                                                    available for sale from the Miami Aquatic Centre canteen
•    Pool deck access is limited to marshaling for events, the     throughout the event. Miami Masters Swim Club will host a
     officials and technical staff. Please do not stand in front   BBQ and drinks immediately after the last event and in the
     of the recording area or interrupt the recording officials.   grassed area adjacent to the competition pool.
•    Paddles and watches are not permitted to be worn
     during the meet, including warm-up and swim-down.
•    Swimmers must wear only one pair of Fina approved
Meet Details
Severe Weather Policy                                               Contacts
Masters Swimming Queensland recognises the dangers of               Meet Director ..............................
extreme weather and the need to ensure that all staff and           Administrator MSQ ..........
users of the facilities take the correct precautions in the event
                                                                    Director of Recording ..
of extreme weather.
                                                                    MSQ website ....................
Extreme weather includes unexpected, unusual, severe, or
                                                                    Meet Entry ................................................................ Quick Entry
unseasonal weather that may pose a safety risk to users
including rain, drought, wind, flood, storms, dust, hail, and
extreme temperature.                                                Important dates
If the meet is affected by extreme weather, a mandatory             Entries open…………………………………………………..…1 January 2022
safety suspension of events will be imposed. This may require       Individual closing date ...................................... 1 February 2022
a shortened event format which will be determined by the
                                                                    Entry list available ............................................ 3 February 2022
Meet Director and venue staff. No refund of entry fees will
occur under such circumstances.                                     Relay closing date ............................................. 5 February 2022
                                                                    Entry list finalised ............................................. 5 February 2022

First aid                                                           Draft timeline available .................................... 7 February 2022

Pool lifeguarding and patrols will be carried out during the        Swim Meet ..................................................... 12 February 2022
meet by Miami Aquatic Centre Pool Staff. Any accident or
injury should immediately be brought to their attention and to
the attention of the Meet Director.

Thank you to our Sponsors
   The 94.1 FM Community Radio
   Chempro Chemists
   Club Active
   Hutchinson Builders
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