Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600

Page created by Marie Hodges
Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
4-10 July 2021
Crewed & Double Handed

                    Pre-NOTICE OF RACE
Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
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                             The Hellenic Offshore Racing Club (HORC) is pleased to announce the
                             organization of the “AEGEAN 600”, a non-stop race of 600 nm in the
                             Aegean Sea, giving the opportunity to all participants to sail in the sea
                             which is considered to be the cradle of the western civilization. Our
                             ambition is to include this race in the international 600 nm classic
                             offshore races.

                             The HORC has organized, during its 60 years’ operation, many interna-
                             tional sailing events, most notably the Aegean Rally (now being in its
                             58th edition), the 1982 ½ ton, 1984 ¼ ton, 1989 ¾ ton, 2008 ORCi
                             World Championships, and many other international events in various
                             categories of Offshore Racing.

                             AEGEAN 600 will be held from July 4-10 2021. Xenios Zeus, the
                             ancient Greek god of hospitality, promises to provide to all crews excep-
                             tional hospitality and a good organization.

                             We look forward to host you in Greece in July 2021 in the first
                             edition of AEGEAN 600.
                                                                          Ioannis Maragkoudakis
                                                      Commodore of Hellenic Offshore Racing Club

Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
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Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600

                                                                              4.    ADVERTIZING
    PRE-NOTICE OF RACE                                                        Advertising is permitted in accordance with World Sailing Regulation
                                                                              20. Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and/or
                                                                              supplied by the organizing authority.
    4-10 July 2021
                                                                              5.    ELIGIBILITY
    Crewed & Double Handed                                                    The Event is open to offshore boats with:
                                                                              5.1   IRC or ORC Rating Certificate, with LOA (as stated in the rating
                                                                                    certificate) not less than 8.0 meters. Each boat can participate
    1.    ORGANIZING AUTHORITY                                                      in more than one Class.
                                                                              5.2 Class certificate such as but not limited to:
    The Hellenic Offshore Racing Club is organizing the AEGEAN 600
    Yacht Race, which will be held from Wednesday June 30 to Satuday                o   Dehler 30 One Design
    July 10, 2021.                                                                  o   Mini 6.50
                                                                                    o   L30 One Design Class
    2.    VENUE & COURSE                                                            o   Class 40
                                                                                    o   Figaro II and III
    The event will be sailed in the waters of the South Aegean Sea.
                                                                                    The following classes also can enter the Event:
    COURSE START (Sounio) – Milos isl. to port – Gate at Santorini
    Caldera – Kassos, Karpathos and Rhodos islands to port – Kandelousa             Olympic aspirant offshore sailors, existing or newly formed
    to starboard – Kos to port, Kalolimnos to starboard, Farmakonissi,              classes of boats such as but not limited to Dehler 30OD,
    Agathonissi and Patmos islands to port – Gate at Mykonos and Dilos              SunFast 3300, J 99, L30OD, etc., that aim to be included in the
    strait – Kea isl. to port – FINISH (Sounio).                                    WS list of boats that might be selected for the mixed gender
                                                                                    offshore sailing event in the 2024 Olympic Games are strongly
    The length of the course is approximately 605 nautical miles Non-Stop.
                                                                                    encouraged to include AEGEAN 600 into their training/event
    Alternative courses for the Double Handed Class may be scheduled.               list as the weather and length profile of AEGEAN 600 matches
                                                                                    perfectly the Marseille’s outlook.
                                                                              5.3 Multihull Class - Multihulls with MULTI 2000 rating certificate
    3.    RULES
                                                                                  with LOA (as stated in the rating certificate) not less than 9 meters.
    The event will be governed by the following rules as they are in force    5.4 X-YACHTS class (with a valid ORC certificate). A minimum of
    in June 2021:                                                                 seven boats is required for this class to be formed.
    3.1   WORLD SAILING Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2021 – 2024.            5.5 Double Handed Class (with a valid ORC Double Handed
    3.2 WORLD SAILING Equipment Rules of Sailing (ERS) 2021 – 2024.               certificate or IRC Short Handed) for boats sailed by two people
    3.3 IRC Rule 2021, parts A, B and C.                                          only within the ORC or IRC Class.
    3.4 IMS Rule 2021                                                               Automatic or wind-vane steering is permitted (changes IRC
                                                                                    Rule 15 and RRS 52).
    3.5 ORC Rating Systems 2021 - Rules for ORC International & ORC Club
                                                                              5.6 Boats must have a current and valid rating certificate for the
    3.6 MULTI 2021 Rule for multihulls.
                                                                                  Classes they enter for and must comply in all respects with that
    3.7   The rules and regulations for any one design class for which            rating certificate.
          there is an eligible boat entered in the race.
                                                                              5.7   The Entrant, Owner or Charterer of a participating boat shall
    3.8 WORLD SAILING Offshore Special Regulations 2020 – 2021.                     hold current adequate marine legal liability insurance cover
        The Event is classified as Category 3 with liferaft (OSR                    with respect to the boat, valid when racing and will ensure that
        4.20 Category 2). Please note that according to WS OSR                      all crew members are aware of the importance of effecting
        2020-2021 AIS Transponder (OSR 3.29.13) is manda-                           appropriate personal insurance.
        tory. Personal AIS use is strongly recommended, however
                                                                              5.8 All Crew members, with a minimum age of 14 years, shall meet
        it is mandatory for double handed class.
                                                                                  the requirements of WS Regulation 19 - Eligibility Code with
    3.9   VHF devices must be able to communicate in channels                     only the Person in Charge being required to comply with 19.6.
          16, 72 and 77.
                                                                              5.9 The Person in Charge of each participating boat shall be a
    3.10 Automatic and wind-vane devices for steering may be carried              member of a yacht club affiliated with its National Authority.
         but not used, except for Double-Handed Class. This amends IRC
                                                                              5.10 The Person in Charge of each participating boat shall ensure that
         Rule 15 and RRS 52.
                                                                                   there is adequate knowledge and experience among his crew to
    3.11 Between the official times from sunset to sunrise, the Interna-           take part in the AEGEAN 600 offshore race. The Person in
         tional Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) replaces           Charge and at least half the members of the crew shall have
         RRS, Part 2 Right of Way Rules.                                           previously taken part in an offshore race of extended duration.
    3.12 This Notice of Race (NOR), the Sailing Instructions (SI) and their   5.11 The Person in Charge of an entry in the Double Handed Class,
         amendments.                                                               shall ensure that he and his crew have adequate knowledge
    3.13 Any changes to RRS will be specifically mentioned in the SI.              and experience to sail such a race double handed and that the
    3.14 In case of contradiction, the Sailing Instructions shall prevail.         boat is suitably set up for double handed racing.
    3.15 The Greek government and Sports authorities regulations and          5.12 As required by OSR 6.05.3 at least one crew member of the
         guidelines regarding the prevention and treatment of Covid-19             crew should be familiar with First Aid procedures, hypothermia,
         cases, as and if they apply during the event.                             drowning, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and relevant

Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
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      communications systems.                                          7.2   Late entries may be submitted after May 1, 2021 and before May
5.13 Where there are only two crew members, at least one                     30, and they shall be obliged to pay the late entry fee. Entries
     shall have undertaken training within the five years                    submitted after June 1, 2021, may be accepted at the discretion
     before the start of the race in OSR 6.02 Training Topics.               of the Organizing Authority. A boat that has entered in time for
                                                                             one Class, may at the discretion of the Organizing Authority, be
5.14 More details regarding the qualification of skippers and crew
                                                                             accepted to enter an additional Class after May 27, and may be
     members will be available in the Notice of Race.
                                                                             required to pay 25% of the specified late entry fee.
                                                                       7.3   An Entry may be cancelled by advising the Organizing
6.    CLASSES AND DIVISIONS                                                  Authority. Cancellations made before April 1 will be eligible for
                                                                             a full refund of the race entry fee. Cancellations made after this
6.1   The formation of any of the classes (except the X-Yachts class         date will be eligible for a refund of 50% of the race entry fee.
      which is formed as in 5.4 of this NoR) and divisions is at the         No refund will be given if an Entrant fails to notify the
      discretion of the Organizing Authority and subject to a                Organizing Authority of cancellation after June 15, 2021.
      minimum of four entries for the classes and seven entries for
      the divisions. However, should there be less than four entries   7.4   The nationality of the entry shall be that country of which the
      in a particular class, the Organizing Authority reserves the           Person in Charge is a citizen and shall be declared at the entry.
      right to include these entries within another class or, at the
      discretion of the Organizing Authority, a class may be formed
      with less than four entries. Prospective participants in
      particular classes are encouraged to promote their class by
      arranging group entries to ensure the minimum number
      required to form a class.
6.2 The Organizing Authority reserves the right to accept entries
    or classes that are not listed above. The entry lists with the
    classes and divisions will be available after the registration.

7.1   An application for entry should be made not later than April
      30, 2021, by using the online entry form posted on the Event

Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600

    8.    SCHEDULE OF EVENTS                                                     9.      ENTRY FEE
    The schedule is as follows:                                                  The following fees shall be paid to participate in the AEGEAN 600.
    Friday April 30, 2021                                                        Entrants who are members of the Hellenic Offshore Racing Club are
    20:00          Entry submission deadline                                     eligible for a 20% discount on the base entry fee.
                                                                                 No fee will be paid for Double Handed Class boats with mixed crew.
    Sunday, June 27, 2021
    10:00         Free berthing commences at Olympic Marine
                                                                                 		                       HULL LENGTH         BASE ENTRY FEE
    Wednesday, June 30 to Friday 2 July 2021
    10:00 – 18:00 Registration & Inspections                                     Up to                         14,00 m                 € 600 €
                                                                                 		                     14,01 – 19,00 m                € 850 €
    Sunday, July 4, 2021
    14:00 *       Start AEGEAN 600 at Cape Sounion                               		                     19,01 – 24,00 m               € 1.100 €
                                                                                 		                  24,00 – 30,50 m                  € 1.500 €
    Saturday, July 10, 2021
    14:00          Expiration of Race Time Limit                                 		                  30,51 – 40,00 m                 € 2,000 €
                                                                                      		                      >40,00 m                € 55/m €
    Monday, July 11, 2021
    14:00         Free berthing period expires at Olympic Marine
                                                                                 Additional Class fee              € 100 €
    * The Race Committee may start simultaneously one or more classes.
                                                                                 Additional Fee for late entry     € 200€
    More information regarding briefings, social events etc, will be available
    in the Notice of Race and the official website
                                                                                 10. SCORING
                                                                                 10.1 IRC boats: corrected time by TCC.
                                                                                 10.2 ORC boats: corrected time using Time on Time for Offshore
                                                                                 10.3 Multihull boats: corrected time using the MULTI TCF.
                                                                                 10.4 Double Handed boats: corrected time using the ORC Double
                                                                                      Handed Time on Time (ORC boats) and IRC Short Handed Time
                                                                                      on Time (IRC boats).

Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600
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10.5 One Design Classes: on real time arrival.                                   filmed television and other reproduction of him/her (television,
10.6 X-Yachts Class: corrected time using Time on Time for Offshore              press and internet) during the period of the regatta and after.
     courses.                                                              14.3 Competitors and crew members’ name, voice, image, likeness,
                                                                                and biographical material may also be used or reproduced in
                                                                                any way known.
The Time Limit for all boats expires on Saturday July 10 at 14:00hrs. No
further finishers will be recorded after this time. This changes RRS 35.
                                                                           15. DECISION TO RACE & DISCLAIMER
                                                                           15.1 By making an application for entry in the race, the Entrant of
                                                                                a boat acknowledges that the various terms of this Notice of
12. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS                                                        Race including any amendments thereto, as well as all the rules
The Sailing Instructions will be published online and sent to the en-           and regulations referred to in paragraph 1 of this Notice of
trants by email at the end of June 2021.                                        Race and in the Sailing Instructions shall be complied with.
                                                                                Specific attention is drawn to RRS Fundamental Rule 4, which
                                                                                states: «The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in
13. INTERNATIONAL JURY                                                          a race or to continue racing is hers alone», and to WS Offshore
                                                                                Special Regulation 1.02.1 which states «The safety of a yacht
In accordance with RRS 70.5, an International Jury will be appointed,           and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the
the decisions of which shall be final.                                          Person in Charge».
                                                                           15.2 All participants of the AEGEAN 600 agree to comply with the
14. MEDIA RELEASES AND IMAGE RIGHTS WAIVER                                      WORLD SAILING RRS 2021-2024, the Sailing Instructions and
                                                                                the Notice of Race.
14.1 The Organizing Authority may require the installation at no           15.3 All participants accept full responsibility for the sailing ability of
     cost for the entrants, of on-board video cameras and/or                    their boat, their rigging, their crew and their safety equipment.
     tracking device.
                                                                           15.4 All participants also agree to undertake in full all responsibility
14.2 By participating in the AEGEAN 600, all competitors and crew               for possible damage to third parties of their belongings, them-
     members automatically grant at no cost to the Organizing                   selves or their belongings at shore or at sea in consequence to
     Authority and the Sponsor of the event, the unrestricted right             their participation in the race, excluding from any liability
     and permission in perpetuity, to make, use and show, at                    HORC, the Organizing Committee, the Race Committee, the
     their own discretion, any motion pictures and live, taped or               Technical Committee, the International Jury, the CMO, the

Pre-NOTICE OF RACE - 4-10 July 2021 Crewed & Double Handed - AEGEAN 600

       sponsor and any member involved with the race under any             17. CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS
       capacity and agree in full to be held liable for the conduct and
       attire of their crew, their representatives and their guests.       17.1 The following charts are recommended:
 15.5 H.O.R.C., the Organizing Committee, the International Jury, the       		British Admiralty Charts: No 1038, 1091, 1095, 1099, 1056,
      Race Committee, the Technical Committee, the CMO, the Spon-             1041, 1541
      sor and any other person involved in the organization of the               Hellenic Navy Hydrographic Service Charts: No 4, 41, 42, 44, 45
      AEGEAN 600, cannot be held liable for any physical or material       17.2 The following publication is recommended:
      damage, injury or death or any other unforeseen circumstance,
                                                                                 British Admiralty Pilot Book no. 48
      before, during or after the race. At registration, all crew
      members from each boat will be asked to sign a relevant decla-
      ration accepting this disclaimer of liability.                       18. BERTHING & BOAT YARD SERVICES
 15.6 The safety and management of the boat, including Third Party
      Liability insurance, is the sole responsibility of the Owner/        18.1 For boats participating in the AEGEAN 600, the Organizing
      charterer/skipper who must make certain that the boat is                  Authority will provide berthing at no additional cost from
      absolutely seaworthy and is sailed, by experienced and ade-               Sunday, June 27, 2021 to Monday July 12, 2021, in Olympic
      quate, in numbers, crew in good physical condition, able to               Marine, Lavrio.
      confront extreme weather conditions.                                 18.2 Olympic Marine will provide special rates for all its services to
 15.7 The Owner/charterer/skipper must reassure the good condition              all entrants that wish to arrive earlier and / or leave later than
      of the hull, the rigging and all boat’s equipment.                        the above free berthing period. Interested competitors may
                                                                                contact the Organizing Authority for further information.
 15.8 He must also reassure that all safety equipment is adequately
      maintained, and the crew knows where it is kept and how to use it.
 15.9 We draw your attention to the fundamental rule R.R.S. 4, Part I      19. POSITION TRACKING SYSTEM
      of the International Sailing Regulations of WORLD SAILING
                                                                           19.1 All boats participating in the AEGEAN 600 may be required to
      “Decision to participate in a race”.
                                                                                allow the installation of a tracking beacon on their boats. The
                                                                                Organizing Authority may use the information received from
 16. INSURANCE                                                                  the system for media coverage of the race as well as for
                                                                                technical and safety purposes. Participants shall be responsi-
 All the participating boats to the AEGEAN 600, have the responsibil-           ble for the beacon while on board and shall return it to the Race
 ity to hold a current and valid Third part Liability insurance covering        Office after the race. On registration, participants will be
 eventual damage to persons, or property or marine pollution.                   required to give a credit card number from which account the

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      Organizing Authority may charge the sum of € 900 if the bea-        21.6 The Greek Tourism Trophy will be awarded to the first foreign
      con is not returned.                                                     boat to finish the race.
19.2 The unit is self-sufficient, with no external connections or         21.7 The Cape Sounion Trophy will be awarded to the first Greek
     peripherals, does not interfere with other electronic devices,            entry to finish the race with the majority of crew being Greek.
     does not use the boat’s batteries and does not generate any          21.8 The Thisseas Story Trophy will be awarded to the winner of the
     magnetic fields.                                                          Double Handed Class with the most participants.
19.3 Any boat that hinders in anyway the operation of the beacon          21.9 The Aegean Sun Trophy will be awarded to the first ORC Greek
     may be penalized or disqualified in this race. (RRS 76.1).                winner.
                                                                          21.10 Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third winners in
20. TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATION AND YACHT CHARTER                                     each division.
                                                                          21.11Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third winners in
Information about travel and accommodation as well a complete list             the X-YACHTS Class.
of boats available for charter will soon be available on the event web-
site. Contact the Organizing Authority at:
                                                                          22. FURTHER INFORMATION
21. TROPHIES AND PRIZES                                                   For further information please contact:
21.1 The AEGEAN 600 Trophy will be awarded to the Overall IRC winner.     Hellenic Offshore Racing Club - Secretariat
                                                                          3, Akti Ath. Dilaveri -Mikrolimano, Piraeus 185 33 Greece
21.2 The Poseidon Trophy will be awarded to the Overall ORC winner.
                                                                          Tel.: (+30 210) 4122357, 4122352, 4113201
21.3 Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third winners        Mob./WhatsApp: (+30 210) 6932708404
     in a class if the number of entries is seven or more boats, to the   Fax: (+30 210) 4227038
     first and second winners if there are five or six boats in the
     class and to the first winner if the number of entries is four or    Email:
     less boats in the class.
21.4 The Aegean Blue Trophy will be awarded to the first monohull
     that will finish the race and set the race course time record.
                                                                                                    The AEGEAN 600
21.5 The Aegean Magic Trophy will be awarded to the first multihull                               Organizing Committee
     that will finish the race and set a race course time record lower
     that the monohull time record.


                            UNDER THE AUSPICES



                            OFFICIAL CHARTERERS

Organized by

                     Contact Information
Akti Athinas Dilaveri 3, Mikrolimano, 18533 Piraeus, Attica GREECE
   Tel: +30 210 4123357, Mob/WhatsApp: +30 6932708404
                         Skype: AEGEAN600
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