MEXICO Exporting to A guide for clients - Global Ambition

Page created by Richard Fleming
Exporting to

                                        Going Global
A guide for clients

• Home
• Mexico at a Glance
• Why Export to Mexico

                                       Going Global
• Get Ready to Do Business in Mexico
• Things to Consider
• Key Opportunities in Mexico
• Legal and Taxation Information
• Helping You Win in Mexico
• Contact Us
• References
The United Mexican States                      Mexico City
(Estados Unidos Mexicanos)                     (Ciudad de México or CDMX)                           127.6m1
Official Name                                  Capital                                              Population

                                                                                                                         Going Global
US$1.258tn2                  US$20,7033                            -0.3%4                           3.4%5
GDP 2017                     GDP Per Capita                        GDP Growth 2019                   Unemployment 2019
                             Current PPPs (2019):

US$461.4bn 5                 US$30.22bn6                           €86.3m7
Exports of goods in 2019     Mexican exports of services in 2010   Enterprise Ireland client exports 2020
Why Export
to Mexico
Mexico is formed by 32 states and is the              proximity to the rest of Latin America, Mexico     government is focused on developing Southern
second largest country in Latin America,              has developed into an important manufacturing      Mexico and planning several major infrastructure
after Brazil, in terms of population and              platform for the world. Mexican manufacturing      projects such as Maya Train, Dos Bocas Refinery
economy. Mexico ranks currently as                    plants are modern and large scale, requiring new   and the Dairy Basin of the South East (Cuenca
the 15th largest economy in the world                 and innovative production technologies, which      Lechera del Sureste).

                                                                                                                                                             Going Global
according to the World Bank8 and as                   are mainly imported.
                                                                                                         There is market potential for competitive
number 60, which is the highest ranked                Mexico is a very diverse country in terms of       suppliers in various sectors such as cleantech,
Latin American country, in the 2020                   income, development and geography and it           ICT, healthcare, retail, construction, logistics,
World Bank Ease of Doing Business                     is common to hear the term “there are many         machinery, oil & gas, offshore, forest, pulp and
study9. Mexico forms part of the OECD,                Mexicos”. This applies to many market segments     paper, automotive, agri industry, aerospace,
G-20 group and G-5 group.                             too; for instance, the consumer goods sector       mining, security and defence.
Mexico has been focused on free trade during          is divided into the low segment, the middle
                                                                                                         European and Irish products have a good
the past decades and the country has a vast           segment and the high or luxury segment. The
                                                                                                         reputation and are considered to be high quality
network of Free Trade Agreements, which cover         supermarket chains have developed different
                                                                                                         and innovative. Even though the USA is closer,
46 countries10. Along with an agreement with          store formats according to the customers’ socio-
                                                                                                         many European suppliers compete successfully in
the EU, a vital agreement is USMCA / T-MEC,           economic group and the location of the store,
                                                                                                         the Mexican market. Ireland has a positive image
an agreement between Mexico, the USA and              along with different product ranges and prices.
                                                                                                         in Mexico.
Canada, which replaced NAFTA in July 2020.            Mexico´s middle class is expanding, disposable
Some of the key changes from NAFTA involve            income increasing and access to credit becoming
regional content (which has an important impact       easier, and thus the middle and high segments
on the supply chain and process registration),        have significant purchasing power, comparable to
combating corruption, wages, environment and          European countries.
electronic commerce11.                                The main industrial and commercial areas are
Due to its free trade agreements and its privileged   located in the north and the centre, which
location with harbours on both the Pacific and        are more developed than the south. The main
Atlantic Oceans, a border spanning over 3,100 km      cities and business centres are Mexico City,
with the largest economy in the world and close       Guadalajara and Monterrey. The current
Get Ready to
Do Business in
Mexican business culture is similar to Southern
Europe. Mexicans are pleasant people within
business circles, but sometimes it takes time for
projects to progress as people tend to handle

                                                                                                                                                            Going Global
many projects simultaneously. The culture is                    Travelling and geography                              In light of global travel
hierarchical, with decisions being made from the
                                                                Mexico is a vast country covering 1,964 thousand      restrictions, we are advising all
top, and therefore it is necessary to identify the
                                                                sq. km, compared to Ireland´s 70.3 thousand sq.       clients to regularly review the
real decision makers. Following up frequently in
                                                                km. The most common ways of travelling are by         Government of Ireland advice at
a polite manner is fundamental to success.
                                                                car, airplane or long-distance bus, depending on, travel advice from
Being “educado” or having good manners is appreciated.          the distance. There is no passenger train system.     the Department of Foreign
People do not like to express negative aspects as directly                                                            Affairs, business continuity advice
                                                                Airlines such as Aeromexico, Interjet, Volaris and
as in Northern Europe and so it is important to listen          Viva Aerobus cover the main routes, often at low      from the Department of
carefully and learn to read between the lines. The dress        cost. Renting a car is easy but the toll highways     Enterprise, Trade and
code in Mexico City is formal; normally suite and a tie for     should be used, as the free roads are small, not      Employment and
men are expected. In smaller cities and especially on the       in good conditions and may have security issues.      the World Health Organisation
coast and the countryside the dress code is more relaxed.       The routes tend to be longer too. In general, it is   website.
                                                                not recommended to drive on any highways in
Business decisions are based on trust; coming to Mexico
                                                                isolated areas at dark.
just once or emailing is not enough. It is beneficial to have
a local partner and to maintain the same people in charge       In cities it is common to use taxis or travel apps.
of any projects in Mexico.                                      Metro or city buses are not convenient options
                                                                for foreign business travellers.
Get Ready to Do
Business in Mexico

                                                  ROUTES TO
                                                  Direct sales                                    Partnerships

                                                                                                                                                    Going Global
                                                  Depending on the product, some companies        There are many successful cases of joint
Language                                                                                          ventures between Mexican and foreign
                                                  sell directly; however, as business
Spanish is the official language but it’s worth   relationships are based on trust and knowing    companies.
noting that there are significant differences     the people involved, often it is not ideal.     Local company
between the Spanish spoken in Spain and           Mexicans are comfortable when they can
Mexican Spanish. Ideally, marketing materials     easily call someone with questions and orders   Establishing a local company is relatively easy
should be translated into Mexican Spanish.        in their time zone and language.                but incurs local costs. Usually only companies
English skills are improving and can be                                                           that already have clients in Mexico establish a
                                                  Distributors/agents                             local company.
considered good in many sectors, especially in
the high levels and in the main cities and        The most common way for foreign companies
northern border areas.                            to enter the market is to work with an
                                                  established and reputable local company or
                                                  person. Our advice is to work with the best,
                                                  not the first that approaches you.
Things to Consider

Market landscape                                       Target market                                            Market competition
The Mexican market is quite receptive in general       In Mexico, it is vital for Irish companies to identify   There is competition in Mexico in most industries,
to European products and Ireland has a good            their individual target market in terms of the           both international and local, and before entering the
reputation in the country. The EU/Mexico Trade         market segment and/or region. It is also important       market it is important to get a full understanding

                                                                                                                                                                         Going Global
Agreement in 2018 replaced the Global Agreement        to understand the purchasing process in Mexico           of your competitors’ activities. In some cases,
of 2000, and aims to build upon the good               and identify the decision makers and influencers.        there are reasons for the competition, such as
relationship between Mexico and Ireland.               Success in public tenders depends on finding             low-cost manual labour. Understanding how your
                                                       out, in detail, what the end user wants. Having a        competitors operate, and how they price their
                                                       local partner with an in-depth knowledge of the          goods/services is vital to streamline your own
                                                       tendering process increases the possibility for          offerings and be seen by potential clients as a viable
                                                       success.                                                 alternative.

Market trends
There is more demand for products and services
as the purchasing power of consumers and access
to credit increases. More women are entering the                                                                Market research resources
labour force, which has changed the food industry,     Market segmentation
as people are demanding more convenient products                                                                Often international business publications cover
                                                       If you are interested in entering the Mexican            the major news from Mexico and there are local
that are preferably functional, healthy and low
                                                       market, first conduct a market study and visit           publications too; however, many are available only
                                                       potential clients to get a full understanding of the     in Spanish. It is possible to obtain sales figures
Environmental protection and waste reduction are       different market segments and their potential and        for publicly traded companies, but for private
important values and companies have visible social     competitive landscape.                                   companies, this information is not available.
responsibility projects. Companies are aware of the
                                                       Make sure your message and business case are             Two important online resources are the CompraNet
need to increase efficiency and quality in industry,
                                                       clear – how is your product solving a problem,           platform12, which gives details of sales made
and there is a strong drive towards automation.
                                                       how much money will your client save or gain by          to the government, and government website
                                                       using your product, are there any advantages or          Proyectos Mexico, which has information about the
                                                       disadvantages with your product? Define if you are       government projects13.
                                                       focusing on the whole country or certain market
                                                       segments. Often you need to find a representative
                                                       for each segment or geographical area and then to
                                                       set clear rules.
Things to Consider

Customer service                                       Banking & investments                                     Certain guarantee programmes and government
                                                                                                                 funds are channelled through the banks; these are
Customers are often concerned about the ability of     In general, the banking system is trusted in Mexico
                                                                                                                 aimed at granting loans to micro and SMEs.
foreign companies to provide adequate customer         due to the high level of regulation required by the
service. Customer service is expected to be in         National Banking and Securities Commission –              Niche financial institutions such as SOFOMES and

                                                                                                                                                                             Going Global
Spanish and easy to reach. Therefore, it is vital to   CNVB (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores)            SOFIPOS have gained market in the granting of
have a local partner providing customer service or     – and the Central Bank of Mexico – Banxico (Banco         credit to SMEs or even start-ups because they are
to make some sort of other arrangement. It’s worth     de México) – related to the protection of deposits        specialised institutions in a certain sector (industrial,
noting that many companies are winning market          and the level of capitalisation that the banks must       commercial, communal, etc.). However, the cost of
share with superior customer service.                  maintain.                                                 the credit is higher than traditional banks and often
                                                                                                                 the conditions are more stringent.
                                                       Spanish banks have a strong presence in the
                                                       Mexican banking sector, with the major players            In general, the interest rates for micro and SMEs are
                                                       being Santander and BBVA. Other relevant foreign          between 6.6% and 24% and the credits are from 6
                                                       banks are British bank HSBC, US-based Citigroup           to 60 months.
                                                       (through their acquisition of Banamex, the second-        For new companies, there are some local and
Boots on the ground                                    largest bank in Mexico) and Canada’s Scotiabank.          international private venture capital companies
                                                       The largest local banks are Grupo Financiero              present in the Mexican market, such as Mountain
Mexico is a large and attractive market with huge
                                                       Banorte and Grupo Financiero Inbursa. Smaller local       Partners15, 500 Startups16, Guadalajara Angel
potential for Irish companies, but it’s important to
                                                       banks are CI Banco, Afirme y Banco del Bajio. The         Networks17 and Fondo de los Fondos18.
really do your research and know your particular
                                                       financial system in Mexico looks after approximately
market segment, inside and out, in order to be
                                                       54 million people14.                                      There are also government-supported venture
successful. The Mexican market is a complex
                                                                                                                 capital organisations such as Startup Mexico19 and
ecosystem, relatively slow-paced and largely based     For established companies, it is generally not            Nacional Financiera (Nafin), which is a government
on who you know, which is why it’s crucial to have     difficult to access banking services through the          development bank. Startup Mexico is a business
local know-how and support on the ground.              Mexican finance system. However, credit exposure is       accelerator and they also raise capital for the
                                                       not very high, mainly due to the fact that in order to    companies under their wings.
                                                       qualify for a line of credit, a bank requires financial
                                                       statements, payment capacity and real guarantees
                                                       – which a business can’t produce until their second
                                                       year in business. The current government is
                                                       providing credit programmes for micro and small
                                                       companies without these requirements but the
                                                       amounts on offer are small, approximately 25,000
                                                       pesos (less than €1,000)
Key Growth
Opportunities in Mexico

         Life Sciences                                 considered to be in the top 15 in pharmaceuticals      related to precision farming, crop health,
                                                       and in the top 10 in medical device manufacturing,     traceability and certification of products for export.
The Mexican healthcare sector consists of both         Companies involved in the sector in Mexico are         Packaging technologies are also highly sought after.
public and private players. In the main, the public    both foreign and local21.                              The sector is also keen on adding value to products
sector is acquiring basic materials in a very                                                                 through freezing and processing.
price-oriented manner; however, public specialty       The current government is making structural

                                                                                                                                                                       Going Global
hospitals are also interested in acquiring the top     changes in the public health care organisation.        The outlook for the industry is positive. Farming is
technologies and innovations. The private sector                                                              moving from manual activities to mechanisation
operates in different market segments, ranging                                                                at a fast pace and the agricultural machinery
from the basic to top-class private hospitals, which                                                          market is projected to register a growth rate of
compete with each other through offering advanced
                                                                Agritech                                      5.27% from 2019 to 2024, according to Mordor
technology that is comparable to any European          Mexico is ranked No. 11 in the world in food           Intelligence24. The current government has taken
country. There are also clusters of medical tourism    production, agricultural crops and primary             away the large majority of support programmes for
in Mexico, providing private health services to        livestock22.                                           machinery acquisitions for the small and medium-
visitors, especially North American patients.                                                                 sized farmers; however, the large-scale and export
                                                       The agriculture industry sector has been growing       farmers do have investment capacity, with local
The country is struggling with diabetes,               above GDP levels, with the country making major        distributors also offering financing schemes to
hypertension and obesity, which puts a strain on       efforts to increase exports. In 2017, food exports     clients. The two major dairy companies have a
the public health system. Preventive solutions and     were US$32,583 million, making the sector one          credit union for their producers.
treatments are both needed.                            of the most important in the country’s foreign
                                                       exchange, above the tourism, remittances and oil
Trends in the industry include low-cost treatments,
                                                       sectors. In Mexico, there are 560 million poultry,
basic doctors’ offices at pharmacies and retail
                                                       34.3 million cattle, 17.2 million pigs, 8.7 million
stores, the use of mobile technology, electronic
                                                       goats and 8.9 million sheep23.
medical records, and more integration and
cooperation between the public and private sectors.    The agriculture sector in Mexico has many different
In 2017, Mexico had the second highest national        market segments, ranging from small-scale family
out-of-pocket costs of all OECD countries, 41.3%20.    subsistence farms to large-scale professional farms,
                                                       which are world-leading exporters. The large-scale
Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing
                                                       farms also provide market opportunities for niche
are important industries in Mexico. The country is
                                                       products that make agriculture more efficient and
                                                       improve the quality of the crops and products.
                                                       Farmers of high value crops such as berries,
                                                       vegetables and fruits are especially ideal targets
                                                       as they are open to investing in top technologies
Key Growth
Opportunities in Mexico

            Fisheries                                          Aerospace                                               Renewable energy
            and aquaculture                           Mexico has an advanced aerospace industry,
                                                                                                                       and environmental
Mexico is ranked as No. 17 in world fisheries         including several clusters, with growth largely
and aquaculture production25. Mexico produces         fuelled by the growing demand of commercial            Waste to value has not been relevant in Mexico

                                                                                                                                                                  Going Global
approximately 1.8 million tons of seafood a year      aircrafts throughout the world. The sector is          so far, but this trend is slowly changing as some
with a value of more than US$1.4 million. In the      one of the fastest growing in the country and          states have begun requiring landfill operators to
last six years, the Mexican fishing and aquaculture   exports are growing by double digits year on year.     implement various waste-to-value technologies,
sector has grown by 13%, equivalent to twice the      Mexico ranks currently as No. 12 in aerospace          such as recycling and energy generation. There
world average26. The strongest growth is in the       manufacturing, with the number of aerospace firms      are already some landfill gas collection projects
aquaculture sector, especially shrimp and tilapia,    in Mexico growing to 330 in 2017, up from only 112     in progress with more coming up, as well as
where the local and international companies are       firms in 200927. The industry is attracting foreign    biodigesters. Some regions will soon be publishing
actively seeking new technologies to make their       companies to establish operations in Mexico,           public bids for integrated waste management
operation more efficient, increase quality and        as key players such as Boeing, GE, Safran and          centres.
add value to their products. In the fishery sector,   Bombardier require their suppliers to be located
                                                                                                             Mexico has 40 million electricity customers. The
the large-scale tuna and sardine companies            nearby. Currently, in addition to components, small
                                                                                                             installed capacity is 73 gigawatts (GW) and of
already have very sophisticated technologies          parts and harnesses, airframes, flight surfaces,
                                                                                                             that, about 23% is renewable energy, including
and are looking for more innovations to make          small drones, and flight control and avionic
                                                                                                             hydropower, wind, geothermal, biomass and solar.
improvements in locating the fish, processing and     assemblies are also manufactured in Mexico. The
                                                                                                             In 2015, Mexico was among the top 10 destinations
packing.                                              sector particularly requires local production of
                                                                                                             in the world for new clean energy investment,
                                                      different types of castings. The maintenance, repair
                                                                                                             bringing in US$4 billion. Mexico has set an
                                                      and operations (MRO) sector is also strong and
                                                                                                             aggressive target to generate 35% of its power
                                                      growing, as air traffic is increasing steadily and
                                                                                                             from clean sources by 2024 and has imposed
                                                      Mexico is also attracting MRO activities from other
                                                                                                             interim targets to reach that goal28.
                                                      countries in the region.
                                                                                                             Environmental technologies, such as water
                                                                                                             treatment plants for municipal, industrial and
                                                                                                             petrochemical uses, are required. Many cities
                                                                                                             are having emergencies with air quality and thus
                                                                                                             solutions that lower emissions are required.
Key Growth
Opportunities in Mexico

            Oil and gas                                 solutions for transportation and storage in terms     Mobile operators in Mexico are developing and
                                                        of oil terminals and pipelines are needed; and        enhancing their networks, and 4G services will roll
Mexico is the 11th largest oil producer in the world,   in downstream, there are opportunities for            out to cover 85% of the population by the end of
producing 2.084 million barrels per day in 201829.      technologies for industrial transformation and        2020. By 2020 there is also expected to be 70%
Oil is a crucial component of Mexico’s economy,         refining, distribution and retail.                    adoption rate of smart phones32.

                                                                                                                                                                     Going Global
and earnings from the oil industry accounted
for about 32% of total government revenue in
2017. In 2018, Mexico had 88 offshore rigs30. Oil
production has been declining in recent years and                Telecoms                                                Fintech
the government is now focused on increasing the
                                                        According to the Competitive Intelligence Unit        According to the Mexican FinTech Association, the
national oil company´s Pemex capacities in terms
                                                        (CIU), by the end of 2018, there were more than       following services are the most relevant ones in the
of exploration, production and refining. The goal is
                                                        121 million mobile subscriptions in Mexico with an    sector:
to increase the oil production by 600,000 barrels
                                                        annual growth rate of 5.5%. Telcel (part of Mexico-
per day. A major new refinery called Dos Bocas                                                                • Forms of payment and transfers – payment
                                                        based América Móvil) dominates the market with
is currently being constructed and the refining                                                                 platforms, electronic commerce and
                                                        61.9%, followed by Spanish company Movistar
capacities of existing refineries are being increased                                                           international transfers
                                                        (Telefónica) with 21.6% and US-based AT&T with
through a modernisation programme.
                                                        15%. The Virtual Mobile Operators count for only      • Infrastructure for financial services – client
In December 2013, Mexico amended its                    1.4%. Prepayment dominates with 81%31.                  evaluation and risk profiles, fraud prevention,
constitution with an energy reform to allow both                                                                identity verification, banking APIs, payment
                                                        Four out of five mobile phone users in Mexico
local and foreign private investment into the energy                                                            methods aggregators, big data & analytics,
                                                        use IP messaging and access social networks,
sector for the first time since its nationalisation                                                             business intelligence, cyber security and
                                                        which is higher than the regional average.
in 1938. As a result, the sector went from a sole                                                               electronic contracting
                                                        However, affordability is affected by high taxes
operator in 2013 to over 40 new foreign and local
                                                        and fees applied to mobile services in Mexico,        • Digital origination of credits – companies
companies in 2018.
                                                        thus increasing costs for consumers and mobile          that offer credit products through electronic
In upstream, companies are looking for exploration      operators. The mobile ecosystem is expanding            platforms
and extraction solutions for deep waters and            rapidly, and compared to other regions, Mexico is
                                                                                                              • Financial solutions for companies – software
optimising existing fields; in midstream,               receiving more VC funding. For example, mobile
                                                                                                                for accounting and billing infrastructure and
                                                        operators are increasingly becoming involved
                                                                                                                financial management
                                                        in emerging areas such as IoT/ M2M, digital
                                                        commerce, mobile security and IP communications.
Key Growth
Opportunities in Mexico

• Personal finance and financial advice –                      Retail                                                 Covid 19 impact
  administration of personal finances, comparison
                                                      The retail market is vast and growing and new
                                                                                                                      on Mexican economy
  and distributors of financial products, financial
  education, automated advisors and financial         international players are entering the market. There   During the 2nd quarter of 2020
  planning                                            are also many traditional “mom & pop” stores and       (from April to June) GDP fell by 18.9%. According

                                                                                                                                                                   Going Global
                                                      adapted concepts such as OXXO convenience              to the International Monetary Fund the decrease of
• Financial markets – digital brokerage services of   stores and Farmacias Similares low-cost                the GDP in 2020 could be 10.5%35.
  securities, financial instruments and currencies    pharmacies. The National Association of Retail and
                                                                                                             Some industries such as agroindustry and electronic
• Crowdfunding                                        Department Stores members have close to 60,000
                                                                                                             commerce have been growing during the
                                                      stores, and non-members such as Walmart alone
• InsurTech – technology applied to the provision                                                            pandemic; however, many other sectors have been
                                                      has over 2,500 stores. For instance, Starbucks
  of services in the insurance sector                                                                        hit hard, such as the automotive industry and
                                                      opened its first store in Mexico in 2002 and by the
• Crypto currencies and blockchain – developers       end of 2018 had 723 stores.
  of blockchain-based solutions, intermediaries       Disposable income is rising, and Mexicans are
  and digital asset markets                           spending more on clothing, health and beauty
• Disruptive financial entities – banks or other      products. Mexican consumers are aspirational;
  100% digital financial entities33                   Mexico is the largest luxury items market in Latin
                                                      America and globally ranked 20th among 32
                                                      markets with sales of more than US$7 billion in
                                                      2017. By 2022 the market is expected to reach
                                                      US$9 billion34.
                                                      E-commerce is a growing trend and technologies
                                                      to facilitate this are required. The major grocery
                                                      stores already offer online shopping and there are
                                                      many delivery startups. Payments, flexible return
                                                      policies and better customer service have hindered
                                                      the growth of online shopping and there are market
                                                      opportunities for solutions.
Legal & Taxation

Visa requirements                             the person is an employee, and the          Intellectual Property (IP)                  Employment
                                              company will pay for the services he
Irish citizens who wish to visit Mexico                                                   Mexican IP laws evolved according to        Mexican labour law is somewhat
                                              will provide in Mexico36.
as tourists, in transit or on business                                                    the demands of the industry. The main       complex and employing and firing is not

                                                                                                                                                                                  Going Global
(including business meetings) do not        If a person receives a salary from a          laws are the Law of Industrial Property,    flexible. When recruiting key staff, it
require a visa provided that:               company or organisation established           established in 1991, and the Federal        is important to use professional head-
                                            in Mexico or wishes to remain for a           Copyright Law, enacted in 1996. There       hunters, as firing can be costly if the
• The duration of the stay does not
                                            longer time, a work permit issued by the      are also various international agreements   employee is not the right fit. Labour law
  exceed 180 days
                                            Mexican Immigration Institute should be       that lay out IP protection for foreign      has some special characteristics such as
• The person does not receive any           obtained. It is recommended to contact        investors. IP in Mexico is divided into     the obligatory payment of the Christmas
  remuneration from a Mexican               the Mexican Embassy in Ireland to obtain      copyright and industrial property. IMPI,    bonus “Aguinaldo” and profit sharing.
  company                                   the detailed list of the requirements.        the Mexican Institute for Industrial        Professional advice should be used when
                                                                                          Property, and the Attorney General have     setting up an operation.
To enter Mexico, visitors must fulfil the
                                                                                          the legal authority to enforce laws that
following requirements:
                                                                                          ensure intellectual property protection.
• Hold a valid passport                                                                   However, commercial scale infringement
• Get a landing card (Multiple Migratory                                                  of IP does take place, eg counterfeit of
  Form, FMM form) from the airline or at    Corporate structures                          luxury brands and spreading of pirate
                                                                                          video games, music and movies.
  any port of entry in Mexico and keep
                                            When establishing a local company, it                                                     Tax structures
  it in a safe place as this document
                                            is important to hire a knowledgeable                                                      Value added tax (Impuesto al Valor
  will be requested on departure from
                                            lawyer and accountant that can advise                                                     Agregado – IVA) is 16% for goods or
                                            which corporate structure is the best for                                                 services, excluding exports and on
• Provide Immigration Authorities at        your business. The most common ones                                                       imports and some basic products.
  the port of entry with any documents      are stock corporation and limited liability
  required to prove the purpose of the      company.                                      Contracts                                   Corporate income tax rate is 30% on
  visit, such as a letter in Spanish from                                                 A local lawyer with the knowledge of
  the employer indicating that                                                            local laws and procedures should be
                                                                                          used for contracts. The local laws and
                                                                                          regulations must be known and obeyed.
Helping you
win in Mexico

                                                     In-market support
                                                     • Introductions to buyers and decision makers
Enterprise Ireland assists clients                   • Identification of potential partners
entering new markets with:

                                                                                                     Going Global
                                                     • Facilitating buyer visits to Ireland
Pre-visit support                                    • Assistance with product launches and
Prior to engaging with an overseas market, client
companies should engage with their Development       • Securing reference sites
Advisor (DA) and the Enterprise Ireland Market
Research Centre in Dublin to ensure they leverage    International trade events
the full range of possible supports in preparation
                                                     • Inward buyers’ missions to Ireland
for engaging with the EI team in the market.
                                                     • Group stands at international trade fairs
• Sector overview
                                                     • Overseas trade missions
• Validation of the opportunity for your product
  or service                                         • Market study visits
• Evaluation of your market entry strategy           • Client knowledge seminars
• Suggested channels to market                       • Networking events with market contacts
• Competitor analysis
• Relevant contacts/suggested itinerary
Contact Us

                                                                                                   Going Global
             Contacts in Mexico (Managed from Enterprise
             Ireland office in Austin, Texas)

             Sara Hill, SVP Southern US & Mexico
             Enterprise Ireland
             515 Congress Ave, Suite 1750, Austin, TX 78701

                        Ireland’s European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes 2014-2021.
                                       Co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union.
                                                                  © Enterprise Ireland 2021
1   World Bank                   22 Mexican Secretariat of Agriculture
2   World Bank
                                                                                      23 Mexican Secretariat of Agriculture
3   OECD                                                siap/pag/2018/Atlas-Agroalimentario-2018

4   OECD                                             24 Mordor Intelligence

5   OECD                                             25 Mexican Secretariat of Agriculture
6   OECD
                                                                                      26 World Seafood Industry
7   Enterprise Ireland Annual Business Review 2020

                                                                                                                                                                               Going Global
                                                                                      27 Interview of Mr. Luis Lizcano, General Manager of Femia, the Mexican Federation of
8   World Bank      Aerospace Industries, 10.12.2019, Mexico City
                                                                                      28 Wilson Center
9   World Bank                                 ergy_future_0.pdf
10 Mexican Secretariat of Economy         29 U.S. Energy Information Administration
   trade-and-investment                                                                  try.php?iso=MEX
11 Forbes Mexico     30 Statista
                                                                                      31 CIU
12 Compranet
                                                                                      32 GSMA
13 Proyectos Mexico                                           ico2016-EN.pdf
14 CNBV          33 Fintech Mexico Association
15 Mountain Partners     34 Mexico News Network
16 Latam 500
17 Guadalajara Angels
18 Fondo de Fondos
                                                                                      36 Embassy of Mexico in Ireland
                                                                                      37 Santander
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