Collaborating with Mexico - POLICY, CONTEXT, OPPORTUNITIES - Universities UK

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Collaborating with Mexico - POLICY, CONTEXT, OPPORTUNITIES - Universities UK
Collaborating with

                                                  Samanta Bonelli
                                          Policy Officer, Americas
                                                                                Executive summary:
                    In July 2018 Mexico elected a new President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador,
                  heralding the most important change in Mexico´s political landscape in the last
                  50 years. In this context, a UUKi delegation of 11 UK HEIs travelled to Mexico to
                          better understand the new administration’s emerging agenda for higher
                    education and to scope potential for strengthening collaboration between UK
                      and Mexican higher education institutions. The UUKi delegation spent three
                    days in Mexico City and two days in Queretaro. The delegation was organised
                       with support from ANUIES (National Association of Universities and Higher
                         Education Institutions of the Mexican Republic), British Embassy, British
                                                                                  Council and DIT.

                             This Information Note provides an overview of recent developments,
                                and opportunities and challenges for UK-Mexico collaboration. An
                                overview of key funding opportunities and other useful resources
                                                                        is included at Annexe 1.

                                                                                         Key Action:
                                                                              For information only.

                                                     Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Directors International,
                                                          International Office staff responsible for
                                                              Mexico/Latin America and Research
                                                                                        Office Staff.

Contact details
Samanta Bonelli, UUKi Policy Officer (Americas)
Tel: +44 (0)7464 928989

British Embassy, Mexico
Dominic Gould, Education Programme and Policy Manager, Prosperity Fund
T: +52 (55) 1670 3258

Department for International Trade, Mexico
Julio Evaristo, Head of Education, Health and Life Sciences
T: +52 (55) 1670 – 3241
E-mail: and

British Council Mexico
Rodrigo Bueno, Head of Higher Education
T: +52 55 5263 1900 Ext. 1930

Mexican Embassy in the UK
Rodrigo Meléndrez A., Head of Cooperation Affairs and Education
Tel +(44) 207 9079 454

Jesús López Macedo, General Director, ANUIES

Brenda Elizabeth Galaviz Aragón, International Relations Director, ANUIES

    A UUKi delegation (25 February-1 March 2019) was
    the first outbound visit of UK higher education
    institutions to Mexico, since President Andrés Manuel
    López Obrador was elected in July 2018. The mission’s
    key objectives were to reaffirm links with Mexican
    higher education key stakeholders; to better
    understand the new administration’s emerging
    priorities for higher education; and to underline the
    potential for UK-Mexico higher education collaboration
    to contribute to Mexico’s national priorities.

    The following report aims to share insights from the
    delegation. In doing so, it provides an overview of the
    Mexican higher education system, policy context and
    priorities for reform. It also provides an overview of the
    current state of the relationship, identifying challenges
    and opportunities for the UK-Mexico higher education
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

Policy context1                                                           level policy and provides funding to
                                                                          public higher education institutions.
Mexico has made progress in several development                          Mexico has high level of public
indicators (education, health and employment) over                        expenditure on education
the last decade. However, challenges remain in
sustaining progress, while simultaneously improving                      The current higher education system is
other indicators such as confidence in institutions and                   complex but lacks diversity by field and
security policies.                                                        level of study. Over a third of students
                                                                          are enrolled in business administration
Mexico ranks above the Latin America and Caribbean                        and law, and nine out of ten study in
(LAC) average in net secondary enrolment rate (77.2%                      bachelor´s programmes.
vs. 74,4% in LAC), life expectancy at birth (77.1 years                  Higher education in Mexico needs
vs. 75.6 years in LAC), maternal mortality ratio (38 per                  better alignment with changing needs
100,000 live births vs. 74,4 in LAC) and infant                           of the economy.
mortality rate (11.5 per 1,000 live births vs. 14,7 in
LAC). Mexico’s gross domestic product (GDP) per                 In 1970/1971 there were around 270,000
capita increased by almost one-and-a-half times                 students enrolled in 385 campuses across
between 1990 and 2017. Meanwhile, the share of the              Mexico. By 2016/2017 this had grown to
population living on less than USD 5.5 a day (2011              approximately 4.4 million students (3.8 million
PPP) decreased from 44% to 33.6% between 2000-14.               students in face to face programmes and 0.6
                                                                million in distance and online programmes)
Over the same period, the population living on USD 5.5-
13 a day (2011 PPP) increased from 35.5% to 42.8%.              across more than 7,000 campuses and close to
                                                                38,000 programmes (SEP, 2017). As in other
The National Development Plan 2019-24 published in              countries that have seen massification of the
May 20192 forms the basis of the new government’s               higher education sector, this expansion mirrors
development agenda. The Plan prioritizes economic               the country’s rapid economic development and
and social development (with an emphasis on                     responds to the needs of a growing middle
infrastructure, anti-corruption and poverty reduction),         class. At the tertiary level, the gross enrolment
promote local development and improve social                    ratio of university-age students has risen
services, including health and access to education.             significantly from 15% in 1991 to approximately
                                                                31.2% 2016. Nonetheless, it lags behind the
                                                                regional average (46% in 2010) by a large
Higher education system overview
                                                                With 13 subsystems3 the Mexican higher
Key points
                                                                education system is highly complex and diverse.
                                                                The subsystems differ considerably in terms of
          The Mexico higher education system is large
                                                                institutions,    programmes,       governance
           and diverse and has undergone rapid growth
                                                                structures, funding arrangements, government
           over recent decades.
                                                                dependence and teaching and research
          Higher education provision: public and free          intensity and quality.
           institutions remain the largest providers, but
           there has been an important increase (more           All but two of the subsystems consist of public
           than 600,000 students) in private higher             higher education institutions, with varying
           education provision in the last 10 years.            degrees of government dependence. The
          In terms of higher education governance,             remaining two subsystems are private and
           states are responsible for implementing              completely independent from the government.
           higher education policies and for curricular         The primary distinction between institutions in
           developments, while SEP designs national             the public subsystems is their level of autonomy.

 OECD, 2019. Latin American Economic Outlook 2019:              3 State public universities, federal public universities,
Development                    in                 Transition.   federal institutes of technology, decentralised institutes of       technology, technological universities, polytechnic
2019.pdf                                                        universities, teacher education colleges (public), state
2                                                               public universities with solidarity support, intercultural
 National Development Plan 2019-2024. Available at:
                                                                universities, public research centres, other public higher
                                                                education institutions, private universities, teacher
                                                                education colleges (private).
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

While federal and state universities depend on the                    schools belonging to the umbrella institution of
government for public funding, they have the                          the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, and
autonomy to make most of their own decisions. The                     institutions of the armed forces.
remaining seven subsystems4 are comprised of
institutions that act as decentralised government                     Subsistema de Instituciones Particulares
agencies under control of the Secretariat of Public                   (Private Institution Subsystem): This system
Education (SEP).                                                      includes approximately 2,100 private higher
                                                                      education institutions whose programmes of
                                                                      study are supervised by either federal or state
Types of Higher Education Institutions                                ministries, or by public autonomous universities.
                                                                      Private institutions of higher education offer all
Subsistema de Universidades Públicas (Public                          types of degrees in all disciplines. Programmes
Universities Subsystem): This system includes 61                      with official validity at private institutions of
federal and state universities. These institutions have               higher education are incorporated under a
autonomy over management, budgeting, and                              public autonomous university or are recognised
curricular content. They may also incorporate, and                    by the SEP or the relevant state department of
therefore bestow official validity on, programmes                     education      (Degrees      from    incorporated
offered at private institutions. The largest such                     programmes are issued by the incorporating
university, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de                      autonomous university; however, transcripts
Mexico (UNAM) enrolled 234,501 tertiary-level                         may be issued by the private institution.)
students in 2015-2016.
                                                                      Public institutions remain the largest provider of
Non-autonomous federal institutions under the                         higher education in Mexico, enrolling 70,69
purview of the SEP or other ministries must follow                    percent of the 3.6 million students in the tertiary
study requirements determined by the state. Titles and                system as of 2015-2016. Like other Latin
transcripts are issued or endorsed by the controlling                 American countries, however, Mexico has seen
governmental body.                                                    a huge increase in the demand for tertiary
                                                                      education, and a concomitant rise in the number
Subsistema de Educación Tecnológica (Technological                    of private universities, especially in the last two
Education Subsystem): Research-based science and                      decades, seeking to fulfil that demand. As of
technology institutions include 39 polytechnic                        2016, the private sector now enrols just over
universities and 218 technological institutes offering                one million students, up from 400,000 in 2006.
university degrees in engineering and applied                         Quality in the private higher education sector is
sciences. These institutions tend to be very                          radically uneven, with a handful of “Ivy League”
specialised, offering programmes in just a few fields of              type schools obtaining prestige and respect, and
study.                                                                a substantial cohort of newer schools seeking to
                                                                      absorb demand without much regard for either
Subsistema      de     Universidades       Tecnológicas               academic standards or student outcomes.
(Technological University Subsystem): This system
includes 61 institutions administered by state                        All programmes at private institutions must have
authorities and authorised by guidelines established                  official recognition status. Validez Oficial de
by the SEP. Institutions in the technological university              Estudios (Official Validity of Studies) serves as
subsystem offer two-year technical degree programs                    the basic indicator of governmental and
incorporating on-the-job training in applied disciplines.             professional approval of higher education
                                                                      programmes. However, the quality assurance
Subsistema de Educación Normal (Teacher Training                      system is voluntary, complex and fragmented; it
Subsystem): Institutions in the system offer BA degree                lacks transparency and coherence and is costly.
programs for all types and levels of teacher training.                Currently, less than half of undergraduates are
                                                                      enrolled     in    evaluated     or     accredited
Subsistema de Otras Instituciones Públicas (Other                     programmes. Mexico´s main policy lever to
Public Institutions Subsystem): This system includes                  increase quality reaches only public institutions,
116 specialised institutions of higher education                      which account for 70% of students but less than
including the Instituto de Antropología e Historia,                   one third of the 3,762 institutions in the country.

4 Teacher education colleges, public research centres,                universities, decentralised institutes of technology, and
                                                                      federal institutes of technology.
intercultural universities, polytechnic universities, technological
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

The federal and state governments share responsibility             average). Natural sciences, mathematics and
for the governance, regulation and co-ordination of                statistics, as well as information and
higher education in Mexico. SEP designs and                        communication technologies have low shares of
implement national policy, sets education standards,               entrants in Mexico (3.1% and 1.9% respectively),
provides funding to all type of public higher education            well below the OECD average (6.5% and 4.6%).
institutions (82% of all public higher education funding           (OECD, 2018).
comes from federal sources5) and coordinates the two
levels of government (state and federal) in planning               Almost half of Mexican employers report a lack
higher education6. State secretaries of education are              of skills in their sector and consider the
responsible for implementing higher education policies             education and training of applicants as unsuited
at a state level and usually curricular requirements fall          to their needs. Raising the relevance and
to state education departments.                                    outcomes of higher education requires a
                                                                   strategic vision for higher education, a whole of
                                                                   government approach and the involvement of
The OECD in 2016 reported that public expenditure on
                                                                   the entire higher education system.
education institutions as a percentage of GDP (for all
educational levels combined) was at 6.2%, above the
OECD average of 4.5%. Of Mexico's total education                  New government priorities for higher education
expenditure, 21 % is spent on HE. Private funding at
around 0.9% accounts for a higher share of                         1.Universal admission to universities
expenditure than the OECD average of 0.8%, an
indication that demand is outpacing provision in                   Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised during
Mexico. This has given rise to year-on-year growth in              his campaign that the new government would
the private education sector at all levels of education,           offer universal admission to higher education. In
but particularly at the tertiary level where entry into the        order to do this, the new administration has
top public institutions is highly competitive. In higher           developed comprehensive and ambitious
education, 58 % of HEIs are privately-operated but                 scholarship programmes for higher education
these tend to be smaller than public institutions and              students from low income families. Selected
account for only a minority of total student numbers.              students will receive a monthly scholarship to
                                                                   support their studies (“Young People Writing the
                                                                   Future” programme).
In 2015-2016, students in Mexican higher education
were enrolled in:                                                  Alongside this, “Universities for the Wellbeing
                                                                   Benito Juárez García” aims to develop 100
      89% ISCED level 6 programmes (licenciatura)                 higher education institutions in Mexico’s poorest
       (61% OECD average)                                          regions, likely by building on existing institutions
      4.5% in ISCED level 5 short cycled programmes               and organisations. In doing so, the Government
       (técnico superior universitario and professional            aims to make available an additional 32,000
       asociado) (20.4% OECD average)                              places for higher education students. Selected
      5.9%     in    ISCED   level    7   programmes              students will receive a monthly scholarship of
       (especialización and maestría) (16% OECD                    around 2,400 Mexican pesos (approximately
       average),                                                   £100). Given their high population density, and
      less than 1% in ISCED level 8 doctoral                      minimal higher education capacity, the following
       programmes (doctorado) (2.4% OECD average).                 areas are likely to be prioritised: Oaxaca (11
       (OECD, 2017)                                                schools), Ciudad de México (10), Veracruz (8),
                                                                   Chiapas and Guanajuato (6).
The two most popular fields of study are law and
business administration, with 35% of new entrants,                 2. Increasing access to education for young
and engineering, manufacturing and construction                    people who do not work or study and for the
(24.4%) which are well above the OECD average                      indigenous population
(23.3% and 16.5% respectively). Programmes in health
and welfare are also common (10.1% vs 13% OECD

5                                                                  6
   OECD, 2017. Education at Glance 2017: OECD Indicators.              OECD, 2019.Higher Education in Mexico. Labour
OECD           Publishing,        Paris.       https://www.oecd-   Market Relevance and Outcomes. https://read.oecd-
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

The new administration has clearly stated that they will          The present state of UK-Mexico collaborations:
be looking to focus their interventions on the most               opportunities and challenges
disadvantaged populations: young people who do not
work or study and indigenous population. One of the               Mexico and the UK have long-standing
main government policies will be “Young People                    collaboration links in higher education,
Building the Future”7.This will aim to train thousands of         particularly through research collaboration and
young people aged 18-29 years old to work. The                    student mobility. The following section describes
Mexican government will provide a monthly stipend of              the current relationship and highlights some of
3,600 Mexican pesos (around £150) during a year for               the main challenges and opportunities for future
work training. This will be an opportunity for                    collaboration.
companies, public institutions and social organisations           General context
to train young people to develop their skills and start
their work life. Alongside this, the Mexican government           In the context of political change, Mexico-US
has a target of achieving a 22% gross enrolment rate              bilateral relations are increasingly tense. Mexico
for students from households in the four lowest income            has been trying to diversify away from its
categories by 2024, with special attention to the                 reliance on the US since Donald Trump took
indigenous population.                                            office in January 2017. In this context, the UK
                                                                  government is aiming to strengthen its
                                                                  relationship with Mexico, and, across the
3.Higher education alignment with the labour market               Prosperity Fund programme8, the International
                                                                  Climate Finance programmes and the
The new government intends to develop a national
                                                                  Chevening scholarship programme will invest
strategy to ensure higher education is aligned with
                                                                  around £126m in Mexico in the next four years.
labour market needs as well as with the government
development and growth strategy.
                                                                  UK companies are also exporting/investing in oil
                                                                  and gas, renewables, public transport and
4.Decreasing regional inequalities and strengthening              security. Financial services are expanding and
local government capacities, with a focus on states               there are new opportunities in education,
from the south east.                                              renewables and cyber.

There are important gaps between Mexican states in                A strengthened bilateral relationship presents
terms of access and quality of HE. While the south-               opportunities for the UK-Mexico HE relationship.
eastern region has a 28.5% higher education                       The Newton Fund has been an important
coverage, this percentage increases to 97.5% in the               international    research    and     innovation
Metropolitan Region. The previous government set a                cooperation tool, with £74 million pounds
goal of 40% HE coverage. 9 federal states have                    invested by Mexico and the UK until 2021.
reached the goal - Ciudad de México (97.5%), Sinaloa
(53%), Nuevo León (48.4%), Puebla (44.8%),                        An Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of
Aguascalientes (44.4%), Querétaro (41.8%), Colima                 Higher Education awards, titles, diplomas and
(41.6%), Sonora (41.3%) y Nayarit (40.8%) - while 7 of            academic degrees9 was also signed in 2015, in
them are below 30% (Oaxaca (19.7%), Guerrero                      the context of the Mexico-UK dual year.
(21.5%), Chiapas (21.8%), Michoacán (27.5%),                      Currently, the British Council in Mexico is
Tlaxcala (28.7%), Quintana Roo (28.9%) y Guanajuato               working with SEP on the latest version of the
(29.1%). The Government’s plans to install 100 new                agreements Annexes, in particular on amending
universities all over the country, will also address              Annex 5, which describes Mexico’s process for
regional capacity issues.                                         recognition.

 For more information:                                            9 Available at:        
8For more information:
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

Language skills                                                    Each region and each state in the country has its
                                                                   comparative advantages and strategic areas for
Language skills are required to develop and increase               development:
collaboration between two higher education systems.
Currently, not many UK students are enrolled in                    -Agrobusiness, ICT, Tourism and Mining in the
language courses while there is a lack of courses                  Northwest (Baja California, Baja California Sur,
taught in English offered in Mexico.                               Sonora, Sinaloa, Chihuahua)
Increasing English language proficiency, including
through improved English language provision at                     -Agribusiness, Renewable Energy and /
Mexican schools and opportunities for Mexican                      Hydrocarbons, Automotive and Auto-parts in the
students to travel to the UK to learn English, is a high           Northeast (San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas, Nuevo
priority for the new administration. More widely, there            León, Durango, Tamaulipas)
is a shortage of teachers being trained at the moment
in Mexico and an interest in curriculum development                -Agribusiness, ICT and Creative Industries,
and pedagogy. In this context, there may be                        Pharmaceutical and Health in the West Center
opportunities for UK universities to ‘train the trainers’,         (Aguascalientes,      Guanajuato, Michoacán,
to provide trainee teachers (e.g. BA English Language              Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima)
Training) as paid English Language assistants/interns
in schools, Colleges and Universities and/or to develop            -Water, Wastes, Agri-food, Automotive, Health, R
visiting professor programmes to teach in English at               & D & I in the Metropolitan Area
different academic levels.
                                                                   -Automotive and Transportation, Textiles and
Opportunities at state level                                       Clothing, Agro-biotechnology, R & D + I in the
                                                                   South-Central Region (Queretaro, Hidalgo,
There is potential value of working at state level, in             Guerrero, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Morelos)
coordination with national authorities. Mexican states
have expressed significant interest in building                    -Agribusiness, Renewable Energy, Alternative
partnerships aimed at strengthening the higher                     and Sustainable Tourism in the South east
education offer at a local level as well as collaboration          (Campeche, Chiapas, Quintana Roo, Oaxaca,
with local industries. Institutions should start thinking          Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatán).
about engaging with state governments, states
autonomous universities or existing networks of                    States from the South East of the country are
universities at a local level.                                     being highly prioritised by the federal
During the mission, UK delegates had the opportunity
to visit Queretaro State, located in the South-Central             Note: For more information on State opportunities for
Region of the country, with a GDP income mainly based              collaboration see Annex 1.
on the manufacturing industries. There they had the
opportunity to learn about the State’s Triple Helix                Finally, there is a strong appetite for increased
initiative, an interesting model aimed at linking                  collaboration in both countries. This was
universities, government and industries needs and                  evidenced by the attendance of over 60 Mexican
resources.                                                         institutions at a networking day organised by
                                                                   ANUIES, National Association of Universities and
                                                                   Higher Education Institutions of the Mexican
                                                                   Republic10, in the context of the UUKi

10 ANUIES is the National Association of Universities and Higher   indicators performance to decide whether the institution
                                                                   may join the Association. These include: Institutional
Education Institutions, a non-governmental organisation that
                                                                   development plan, educational and academic model,
convenes 195 Mexican institutions: public, private and research
                                                                   Infrastructure, evidence of other national or international
centres covering approximately 70% of the total student
                                                                   accreditations, minimum requirements established by
enrolment in Mexico. ANUIES institutions account for 90% of the
                                                                   PRODEP for full-time professors, 75% of the enrolment in
total research, development and innovation in Mexico10. Mexican
                                                                   quality programs recognized by the Secretariat of Public
institutions willing to become ANUIES members must go thought
                                                                   Education (SEP) and 25% of postgraduate programs
an admission procedure of two stages: the first corresponds to
                                                                   registered at the Postgraduate Quality Program of the
the Executive General Secretariat (SGE) that reviews the
                                                                   National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)
applicant institution legal conditions, and the second to the
regional councils. Regional Councils evaluate several academic
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

A survey of 27 of those institutions attending the event        CONACyT is the main source of Government
identified the following partnership priorities:                funding for Mexican students studying overseas.
                                                                Between 2014-2017, a total of 8,336
          55% of respondents (15 institutions) have            scholarships were awarded by CONACyT, with
           existing links with UK higher education              27% of scholars choosing the UK.
           institutions, most of them related to joint
           research      projects,   student   exchange         While there is growing demand for higher
           initiatives and dual degrees.                        education in Mexico, there is currently
          In terms of future priorities for partnership        uncertainty over CONACyT’s future budget and
           development, Mexican institutions mentioned          priorities. However, a new administration
           student and staff mobility, joint research,          represents an opportunity for UK institutions not
           double degrees, English language training as         currently eligible to receive CONACyT funded
           key priority areas.                                  scholars to underline their excellence.

          92% of respondents (25 institutions) said they       Cost and inability to work whilst studying are the
           were interested in establishing teaching and         two of the main perceived barriers to studying in
           learning partnerships, or transnational              the UK by Mexican students. Also, differences in
           education (TNE) partnerships.                        fees policies between Mexico and the UK may
                                                                hinder student mobility. Public universities in
                                                                Mexico are free, while international students
          Among those 25 institutions that expressed           studying in the UK do not get access to student
           interest in TNE partnerships, in terms of types      loans and face higher tuition fees.
           of TNE provision, half of them said their
           interest was focused mainly on dual/multiple         However, in Mexican institutions there is strong
           degrees (when an award is given separately by        interest in increasing staff and student mobility,
           two or more institutions), 37% in distance,          with a focus on short term and two-way mobility
           online and/or blended learning, and 13% in           schemes. Asymmetric mobility schemes (short
           articulation agreements.                             mobility from UK with long term mobility from
                                                                Mexico) were suggested by Mexican institutions
          44% of the institutions surveyed indicated           during the delegation as a way of increasing
           some challenges in partnering with the UK.           mobility in both ways.
           These included: financial costs for students,
           and the difficulties of getting a UK university      The number of international students who view
           to sign an agreement for student mobility that       Mexico as a potential education destination is
           doesn’t require students to pay tuition fees.        relatively small. According to UIS UNESCO data
                                                                published in early 2016, only 7,166 foreign
Mobility and student recruitment                                students opted to study in Mexico. Top senders
                                                                included the United States, Spain, Brazil, Cuba,
Roughly 1% of Mexican higher education students                 and France. Countries like China, Japan and
participate in an international mobility programme11,           Peru appear for the 2015/2016 academic year
with most students going to Spain, followed by the US           among the top 10 sender countries12.
and Colombia. However, for the 2015/2016 academic
year, the United States was the top destination for             The UK has very low rates of student
Mexican students.                                               engagement in outward student mobility,
                                                                relative to other Western countries. This has
The number of Mexican students in the UK has                    been attributed to anxieties about language,
increased in the last five years, mainly at a                   fear of isolation, lack of knowledge of available
postgraduate level. In 2017/2018 there were 1,945               opportunities, fear of disruption of domestic
Mexican students in the UK, with the majority receiving         academic schedules, as well as worries about
government funding (HESA, 2019).

11                                                              12
   Patlani 2014/15-2015/16. Mexican survey of International          Patlani 2014/15-2015/16. Mexican survey of
student                                              mobility   International               student            mobility
b_optimizado.pdf                                                017_web_optimizado.pdf
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

retaining access to student accommodation13. In the             collaborative research with Mexican institutions,
case of Mexico, security and safety concerns are                and joint supervision of doctoral students may
important to any new entrant. Just 240 UK students              be an opportunity to develop new partnerships.
undertaking a mobility experience as part of their
course went to Mexico in 2017-2018 (most of them at             TNE
undergraduate level). The Mexican government as well
as many HEIs highlighted the need for increasingly              Transnational education students in Mexico
more reciprocal/ two-way mobility schemes.                      studying for UK degrees increased by 179% from
                                                                2013-14 to 2016-17, albeit from a low base; in
There are funding opportunities available (e.g. such as         2016-17 there were 740 UK HE TNE students.
AMEXCID scholarships14) to increase UK outward                  Mexico now has the fifth highest number of UK
student mobility to Mexico, in the context of the UK’s          HE TNE students across North, South and
strategic commitment to double the number of UK                 Central America, and the highest volume by
students studying, working or volunteering overseas as          student numbers of all non-English speaking
part of their UK degree by 2020. However, in 2018, no           countries in the Americas. Slightly more TNE
UK student applied for this opportunity mainly because          students are postgraduate (52%) compared to
of application timing complexities.                             undergraduate in Mexico (48%), and most study
                                                                through distance, flexible or blended modes.
Research collaboration
                                                                As stated above, the Mexican higher education
Evidence shows that research collaboration with UK              system has undergone rapid growth over recent
HEIs increases the impact of Mexican-led research.              decades. TNE is considered an efficient way of
The international average FWCI for Mexico is 0.90, and          absorbing the increasing demand for higher
the FWCI of co-authored papers with UK authors is               education in Mexico. Because of regulatory
4.21 (Scival, 2018).                                            constraints, throughout the delegation, dual
                                                                degrees were highlighted as the form of TNE
In terms of the number of co-authored papers, the UK            where there was most potential to develop new
is Mexico’s 4th most frequent collaborator globally and         collaborations. Mexican higher education
3rd in Europe (after Spain and France) with 1,528 co-           institutions also stated an interest interested in
authored publications by Mexico and the UK (with 10             exploring online and/or blended formats.
or less co-authors) between 2015-2017. The most
significant research areas were Physics and
Astronomy, Medicine, Agricultural and Biological                Looking ahead
Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Biochemistry,            The UUKi delegation identified significant
Genetics and Molecular Biology, Engineering.                    demand for collaboration with the UK among
                                                                Mexican partners. UUKi will work together with
UK HEIs can contribute to the new administration’s              key stakeholders in ANUIES, the British Council,
development goals though high-quality research in               the Department for International Trade and the
partnership with Mexican HEIs. There are existing,              British Embassy to facilitate and promote this
successful schemes to support research partnerships             collaboration by increasing understanding of the
and strengthen UK collaborative research relationship           Mexican system, and changing political context
with Mexico, such as the Newton Fund and the Global             among UK universities, and promoting and
Challenges Research Fund. The main Newton Fund                  disseminating new and existing sources of
areas for collaboration in Mexico are: Future cities,           funding. Specifically, UUKi will work with
Agri-tech, Social innovation, Health/nutrition and              partners to:
Energy. By 2021 more than £30 million will be invested
in Mexico thought the Newton Fund.                                    1. Provide better information, advice and
                                                                         guidance on Mexican higher education
Co-tutored PhDs were mentioned during the delegation                     system opportunities at a national and
as a way of increasing research collaboration between                    local level, and partnership priorities,
the two systems. There is a huge potential for                           including industrial links.

   Source:                                                      14 For more information:
centre/student-mobility/report-student-perspectives-going-      programas/becas-y-cursos-de-cooperacion-academica
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

2. Renew the relationship with CONACyT,                   UK students benefited from funding to
   including updates on changing funding                  study abroad in Mexico.
   priorities and priorities for collaboration.
3. Inform the UK higher education sector on       Individual delegates are likely to follow up with
   emerging opportunities under the UK            potential partners on a range of bilateral and
   Government Sills for Prosperity Programme      collaborative activities during the delegation.
4. Work with AMEXCID to increase awareness of
   existing opportunities for outbound UK
   student and staff and to grow the number of
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

    Annex 1 Key sources for collaboration                            Mexican states strategic areas for collaboration
                                                                     and contact details:
    Mexico sources of funding                                             Baja California
                                                                          Baja California Sur
    Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).
    It formulates and finances scholarship and support                    Sonora
    programmes for the training of scientific and                         Sinaloa
    technological capital.                    Chihuahua
    15                                                                    San Luis Potosí
                                                                          Zacatecas
    Fondo para el Desarrollo de Recursos Humanos                          Nuevo León
    (FIDERH) – Bank of Mexico. Federal trust administered                 Durango
    by the Bank of Mexico for more than 40 years. Funds                   Tamaulipas
    postgraduate            Mexican             students.                 Coahuila                                   Aguascalientes
                                                                          Guanajuato
    Fundación Mexicana Para la Educación, la Tecnología
                                                                          Michoacán
    y la Ciencia (FUNED). Non-profit organisation founded
                                                                          Nayarit
    in 1993 by Mexican businessmen. In the last 25 years
    FUNED supported more than 5000 Mexicans to study                      Jalisco
    abroad through strategic alliances with the                           Colima
    government, universities and other international and                  Estado de Mexico
    private organisations.                        Querétaro
                                                                          Hidalgo
    Coordinación Nacional de Becas de Educación                           Guerrero
    Superior (CNBES). Belongs to the Ministry of Public                   Puebla
    Education and is the entity responsible for the granting              Tlaxcala
    and administration of the National Scholarship                        Morelos
    Program for students who are enrolled in the Bachelor                 Campeche
    or Higher Technical University (TSU) level in Public                  Chiapas
    Institutions   of     Higher      Education       (IPES)
                                                                          Quintana Roo
                                                                          Oaxaca
    Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para                    Tabasco
    el Desarrollo (AMEXCID). It has an offer of scholarships              Veracruz
    and academic exchange programmes for students,                        Yucatán
    teachers, researchers and foreign experts, aimed at
    contributing to facilitate the training of the leaders who       Mexican states International academic mobility
    will build the future.                                           opportunities for the UK (state/level and/or                           type of study:
    programas/becas-y-cursos-de-cooperacion-academica                     Aguascalientes, short training
                                                                              mobility schemes
                                                                          Baja California, undergraduate,
                                                                              professional practices and research
    15                                                               1%2Fconvocatorias-abiertas-becas-al-
       For information on 2019 calls:
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

       Mexico State, support for scientific research       promote the exchange of Mexican researchers
        exchange                                            to the UK, and British researchers to Mexico, in
       Guanajuato, support for international mobility      priority areas for Mexico.
       Hidalgo, short research mobility
       Michoacán, postgraduate mobility                    Research: collaborations between Mexican and
       Morelos, support for international mobility         British researchers to generate high-level impact
                                                            information for common issues.
       Nuevo León, academic exchange
       Puebla, postgraduate mobility
                                                            Translation: to promote partnerships that
       Queretaro, international mobility                   develop innovative solutions to current
       Yucatan, international mobility agreements          problems. This pillar promotes the link between
       Zacateas, masters and PhD in science,               industry, academia and government; science
        innovation and technology                           commercialisation; technology transfer; and, the
                                                            training of public officials to manage innovation.
UNAM-UK, Centre for Mexican Studies                         For                more               information
The Centre for Mexican Studies in the United Kingdom        partnering-countries/Mexico/
is an academic outpost of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM), hosted by King’s College       Chevening Scholarships. Chevening is the UK
London. It was created in March 2015, in the                Government’s international awards scheme
UKMX2015 dual year with the idea to promote                 aimed at developing global leaders. Funded by
academic and cultural exchange between UNAM and             the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
British higher education institutions.                      and partner organisations, Chevening offers a
                                                            unique opportunity for future leaders
For further information:                                    and influencers from all over the world to             develop professionally and academically,
uage=2                                                      network extensively, experience UK culture, and
                                                            build lasting positive relationships with the UK.
Contact: Prof. Ana Elena González-Treviño                   Chevening Scholarships enable international
Centre for Mexican Studies, UNAM-UK                         students to pursue a fully funded one-year
Director                                                    master’s at any UK university. Some of the main                                      subjects prioritised by the British government

UK sources of funding                                          Prosperity
                                                               Human Rights
Newton Fund. This initiative of the British government,        Security and Justice
through strategic partnerships, promotes collaboration         Energy, climate change and sustainable
in science and innovation by creating connections               development,
between the government, academia, companies and                International relations with a focus on the
NGOs, within its partner countries. The Newton Fund’s           Pacific Alliance.
vision is to promote economic development and social
welfare in its partner countries – Brazil, Chile, China,    The scheme subsidises visa and tuition fees, a
Colombia, Egypt, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Jordan,     monthly stipend, travel costs to and from the UK,
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, South            and an arrival and homeward departure
Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam-through innovation        allowance.
and science, as part of its Official Development            In Mexico, during 2017, more than 1,500
Assistance (ODA) funding.                                   applications were received for the 2018-2019
                                                            cycle.      For       further        information:
Key areas for collaboration in Mexico are: Future cities,
Agri-tech, Social innovation, Health/nutrition and
Energy.                                                     Skills for Prosperity Programme. The UK
                                                            Government, as part of HMG’s Prosperity Fund,
Pillars of action:                                          is investing in a Global Skills programme to
People: to improve scientific and innovation skills         support nine-middle income countries to tackle
through the development of students and researchers’        skills gaps, which are holding back growth and
capacities and mobility schemes. These programmes           prosperity. The Skills for Prosperity Fund will look
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

to improve the affordability, quality, relevance and           government organisations, policy makers,
equity of Higher Education (HE) and Technical and              data analysts and cultural producers
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in partner           Strengthening capacity for research and
countries around the world. Taking a partnership               innovation within both the UK and
approach and drawing on UK expertise, the                      developing countries
programme will promote sustainable and inclusive              Providing an agile response to emergencies
growth and poverty reduction through education and             where there is an urgent research need.
skills initiatives. The programme is expected to work in
Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya,   GCRF forms part of the UK’s Official
South Africa, Brazil and Mexico, and in partnership with   Development Assistance (ODA) commitment,
the governments in those countries. The estimated          which is monitored by the Organization for
value of the programme is £75m.                            Economic Cooperation and Development
                                                           (OECD). GCRF supports collaborative projects
Interventions will support the four overarching            with international partners and bids must
outcomes for the programme:                                include partners in developing countries. The
                                                           GCRF delivery partners are: UK Research and
       Improved quality of learning outcomes from         Innovation, Scottish Funding Council, Higher
        TVET and HE provision in the public and            Education Funding Council for Wales, Higher
        private sectors.                                   Education Division Northern Ireland, Academy of
       Improved public/private sector partnerships        Medical Sciences, Royal Society, British
        in the development, management delivery and        Academy, Royal Academy of Engineering and UK
        assessment of skills development, TVET and         Space Agency. A third of the projects funded in
        HE                                                 the first round were in partnership with Mexican
       Improved affordability of TVET and HE              institutions.
        provision & a conducive environment for            Further information:
        resourcing in areas key to national economic
        development                                        challenges-research-fund/
       Improved equity in access to the provision of
        TVET and HE in the public and private sectors      National Academies. The Royal Society and
        and improved progression to employment for         other national academies have several
        marginalised groups.                               international schemes to support research
                                                           mobility to and from the UK which would be open
In the case of Mexico recent opportunities were            to support collaboration with Mexico. For the
identified to develop projects focusing on the following   Royal Society these include International
areas:                                                     Collaboration Awards, Newton International
                                                           Fellowships, International Exchanges and
   Skills development (including through technical        Wolfson Fellowships.
    assistance)                                            Details of these schemes can be found at:
   Education-industry partnerships              
   Labour Market Intelligence                             awards/grants/
   4th Industrial Revolution
   Information, Advice and Guidance for under-            The British Academy also has a range of
    employed youth                                         schemes open to researchers from outside the
   English Language for technicians                       UK, including Global Professorship Awards and
                                                           Newton International Fellowships.
   STEM outreach
                                                           Details      can      be      found      here:
Global Challenges Research Fund. The Global      
Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a £1.5 billion          opportunities
fund announced by the UK Government in 2015 to
support cutting-edge research that addresses the           Erasmus+. Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to
challenges faced by developing ODA-designated              support education, training, youth and sport in
countries (including Mexico) through:                      Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide
                                                           opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to
   Challenge-led disciplinary and interdisciplinary       study, train, gain experience, and volunteer
    research, bringing social sciences, sciences and       abroad. Erasmus+ offers a variety of
    arts and humanities into conversation with each        possibilities to collaborate with institutions
    other and with individuals, communities, NGOs,         outside the EU, like the International Credit
Mexico Delegation Report 2019

Mobility initiative. This funding stream has enabled
students, doctoral candidates and staff from UK
Institutions to study or train abroad at institutions in
Erasmus+ partner countries. Mexico is a partner
country.               Further             information:

UK-Mexico chair initiative. An innovative initiative
bringing together twelve UK and twelve Mexican
universities aimed at fostering academic mobility
between the two countries. Initially proposed by the
Mexican Agency for International Development
Cooperation (AMEXCID), the Mexico-UK Visiting Chair
Initiative sees senior figures from prestigious UK and
Mexican universities spend up to two weeks each year
working collaboratively to explore new and exciting
links in research and teaching. A letter of intent to
establish the Visiting Chair was signed during March
2015 in London, witnessed by the President of Mexico
Enrique Peña Nieto.

British Academy Global Professorships scheme
This programme provides mid-career to senior scholars
- active in any discipline within the social sciences and
the humanities and based in any country overseas
- with the opportunity to relocate for a period of four
years to the UK and make a contribution to UK
research and higher education.
Further information:

British Council. Higher Education Alliances 2019
Higher Education Alliances supports the articulation of
global networks and the diversification of
internationalization schemes. This programme
provides access to international expertise that will
allow the development of a comprehensive
internationalization strategy for Higher Education
Institutions to promote partnerships for long term
collaboration. Deadline to submit application, July 14

Further information:
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