A tale of two halves 2023 investment outlook: U.S. Bank

Page created by Sarah Graham
2023 investment outlook:
A tale of two halves
                                 Executive summary                             spending. Businesses may, in turn,
Quarterly Outlook                We anticipate a choppy 2023 start giving      anticipate weakening consumer spending
                                 way to a more favorable investment            and limit expansion plans. As the economy
Contributors from                environment later in the year. The year’s     endures higher borrowing costs, corporate
U.S. Bank Asset                  first half centers on the U.S. Federal        earnings may be challenged relative to
Management Group:                Reserve (Fed) and other central banks’        current estimates.
                                 policy resolve, with investors weighing
Eric J. Freedman                                                               The content below reflects U.S. Bank’s
                                 how stringent policymakers will be given
Chief Investment Officer                                                       investment views through a global lens.
                                 recent interest rate hiking trends. Central
                                                                               While we do anticipate some potential
Kaush Amin, CFA                  banks face a challenging backdrop, with
                                                                               volatility as we begin the new year, the
Head of Private Market           inflationary pressures remaining above
Investing                                                                      pendulum can always swing too far and
                                 historic levels but economic growth
                                                                               we see several opportunities for patient
                                 demonstrating slowing conditions, risking
Thomas M. Hainlin, CFA                                                         investors. As always, please do not hesitate
National Investment Strategist   central banks increasing borrowing levels
                                                                               if we can answer any questions tied to your
                                 into a weakening economy.
Robert L. Haworth, CFA                                                         unique situation and our best wishes to you
Senior Investment Strategy       We have shared a two-staged investment        and yours in the new year.
Director                         framework to explain current capital
                                 market reactions. The first stage reflects    Global economic views
William J. Merz, CFA
                                 how markets react to interest rate changes,   Interest rate increases and inflation
Head of Fixed Income Research
                                 and the second anticipates how the            pressures are weighing on the
Terry D. Sandven                 economy adjusts to higher interest rates’     United States and foreign developed
Chief Equity Strategist          cumulative impact. When central banks         economies as we enter 2023.
                                 target higher interest rates, newly issued
Chad Burlingame, CFA, CAIA                                                     A conclusion to interest rate hikes should
Head of Impact Investments       government bonds reflect elevated yields,
                                                                               provide benefits into 2023’s year-end,
                                 forcing other assets to reprice lower. With
                                                                               especially should inflation pressures ease.
Kevin T. Weigel, CFA             persistent interest rate hiking campaigns
Senior Research Analyst,                                                       China’s battle against COVID-19 continues,
                                 and relatively consistent central bank
Real Assets                                                                    which should limit growth to start the year.
                                 communication, we may be mostly through
                                                                               Over the latter half of the year China could
                                 the first stage.
                                                                               see a recovery should the government
                                 Our near-term caution rests within the        implement a vaccination program and
This informational material
                                 second change. Higher interest rates          ease its zero-COVID lockdown practice to
is provided by U.S. Bank
Asset Management Group           reflect higher borrowing costs that act       reopen the economy.
who provides analysis and        like a tax to credit-reliant consumers and
research to U.S. Bank and        businesses. Although the labor market         The U.S. economy is likely to struggle
its affiliate U.S. Bancorp       remains strong and job openings exceed        at the outset of 2023 due to Federal
Investments. Contact your                                                      Reserve (Fed) interest rate hikes, though
                                 jobs sought, low labor force participation
wealth professional for                                                        slower inflation should help a second
more details.                    and reduced savings may thwart consumer

Investment products and services are:
2023 investment outlook

half recovery.                                 weather could drive prices higher, or     second-largest economy — remains
Accumulated Fed interest rate hikes            even require rationing available gas      under pressure; consumer spending
and souring consumer and business              as Russian embargos limit supplies,       growth remains modest and deposits
sentiment weigh on economic growth             pressuring the region into a recession.   are rising while the housing market
as we open 2023. While the labor               Additionally, interest rate increases     remains in recovery from excess
market remains solid, spending is              from the European Central Bank            inventories and homebuilder distress.
unlikely to keep pace after consumers          and the Bank of England likely hurt       Interest rate cuts and targeted housing
maintained robust spending on                  growth prospects for much of the          market stimulus should eventually
experiences in 2022. Two additional            year. Any resolution to the Russia/       support recovery. However, overall
headwinds include a slowing housing            Ukraine conflict is a positive for the    Chinese growth is likely to remain
market and weaker equity prices,               global economy and a conclusion to        modest for the full year. A pivot from
which are both empirically linked              sanctions could ease global supply        its zero-COVID policy, to combat the
to spending tendencies. Negative               issues.                                   spread of coronavirus outbreaks, and
economic growth is a risk should                                                         distribution of an effective mRNA
                                               The Bank of Japan alone maintains         vaccine in China should lift growth
unemployment rise or inflation spike,
                                               its near-zero interest rate policy        in the back half of 2023, perhaps
damaging consumer spending.
                                               and continues to purchase assets          rekindling some inflationary pressures
The slower economy should soften               to stimulate its economy and              as consumer spending rebounds.
inflation pressures into 2023’s                spark inflation, despite continuing
second half, when investors expect             headwinds of an aging and declining       U.S. equity markets
the Fed to stop interest rate hikes            population. These measures appear
                                               likely to pay off modestly in 2023        The potential for an economic
and perhaps cut rates by as much
                                               as the economy benefits from its          slowdown or recession and lower
as half a percentage point by year-
                                               recovery from deflation and improving     2023 earnings forecasts tempers our
end. An end to interest rate hikes
                                               consumer spending prospects in the        optimism for meaningfully higher
should allow consumer and business
                                               wake of wage increases.                   equity returns in the new year.
spending to stabilize, driving a small
economic recovery. Any resurgence                                                        We view U.S. equities’ return
in inflation pressures, especially a           China’s economic prospects                prospects as positive but muted
spike in commodity prices, could hurt          remain linked to a recovery from          relative to the S&P 500’s 12.3%
economic prospects into year-end.              coronavirus practices, while major        historical average annual total return
Alternatively, more robust business            commodity exporters among                 (including price appreciation and
spending, especially if companies seek         emerging market economies may             dividends) from 1926 through 2021.
to resolve supply chain challenges,            see softer growth on weaker prices.       The lagged effects of Fed rate hikes
could lift the economy more than               Emerging market economies                 and a declining fiscal impulse from
anticipated.                                   continue to see disparate trends in       a newly divided Congress amid a
                                               their recovery. Global manufacturers      slowing economy increases the
High energy costs will likely hold             may remain under pressure until the       prospects for a recession in 2023,
foreign developed economies in                 developed world rebounds from             representing a headwind to overall
a recession for much of the year,              global central bank rate increases.       equity returns. Recent equity price
while the Russia/Ukraine conflict              Major commodity exporters, such           strength may signal investors’
remains a key economic swing                   as Brazil and South Africa, likely        anticipation that inflation has or
factor.                                        experience weaker growth due to           will soon peak; however, we deem
                                               cumulative interest rate hikes and        it unlikely that the Fed will quickly
High energy costs are sapping
                                               recent weakness in commodity prices.      reverse course away from restrictive
consumer strength across Europe and
                                               The latter half of 2023 could stabilize   policies and we are doubtful that
the United Kingdom. While recession
                                               if global commodity demand improves       Congress will pass legislation
was avoided in 2022, the bill likely
                                               on weaker prices.                         designed to jump-start economic
comes due in 2023. Despite full
natural gas reserves in Europe, cold
                                               Entering the year, China — the world’s
2 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
2023 investment outlook

Inflation, interest rates and earnings         suggest investors focus on companies       pace. While secular-growing sectors’
growth are keys to equities’ return            offering current dividend yields close     near-term outlook remains challenged
potential in 2023.                             to the S&P 500’s current 2% rate but       by central banks’ determination in
Inflation levels and interest rates            demonstrate fundamental strength to        combating persistent inflation, we
influence the price investors are              grow dividend payments by 10% or           continue to like the longer-term
willing to pay for anticipated                 higher, above that of the index and the    prospects for companies in several
earnings. Elevated inflation erodes            inflation rate.                            growth sectors, taking advantage of
the purchasing power of future                                                            lower prices following 2022’s market
                                               Companies in the Healthcare, Utilities,    decline.
dividend payments and earnings
                                               Real Estate, Consumer Staples,
streams while rising interest rates
                                               Financials and Energy sectors, on          Information Technology is one sector
make higher-yielding safer assets
                                               balance, present relatively stable         that offers longer-term appeal. Fast
such as U.S. Treasuries more
                                               growth profiles throughout varying         is getting faster, and speed, scale
attractive. Taken together, elevated
                                               economic environments, with                and efficiencies require continued
inflation and rising interest rates
                                               many offering compelling dividend          technological advancement.
cause investors to demand higher
                                               yields and dividend growth rates.          Additionally, the interaction of artificial
compensation for taking on equity
                                               The Healthcare sector is favorably         intelligence, machine learning,
price risk, paying lower prices relative
                                               positioned to benefit from long-term       e-commerce, cloud computing,
to anticipated earnings. Investors’
                                               demographic trends such as an aging        data security and analytics provide a
higher compensation demand causes
                                               population. We favor Utilities that have   platform for new tools and outcomes
the stock price-to-anticipated
                                               an overall diversified revenue stream,     that favorably position companies
earnings ratio to compress, resulting
                                               including a bias toward renewables.        within the Technology sector. We
in increased volatility and more
                                               Many Real Estate, Consumer Staples         favor Consumer Discretionary
subdued returns. Inflation appears
                                               and Financials companies offer             companies that combine an internet
likely to trend higher for longer due
                                               products and services in demand in         presence, require or encourage
to persistent wage pressures and
                                               all economic environments. Finally,        in-store traffic and rank high on
associated shortage of workers, along
                                               Energy, while being the best-              experiential metrics. Finally, we find
with ongoing supply constraints
                                               performing sector in 2022, remains         opportunities within a bifurcated
due to COVID-related shutdowns in
                                               favorably positioned to benefit from       Communication Services sector,
countries such as China.
                                               elevated hydrocarbon prices due to         split between telecommunications
                                               the ongoing Russia/Ukraine war while       and media-related companies. We
Dividend-paying and traditionally
                                               remaining economically relevant even       favor the growth-oriented media
defensive sectors retain near-
                                               as renewables become a viable energy       companies that are moving to online
term appeal when weighing the
                                               alternative.                               platforms where customer targeting
prospects for a growth slowdown or
                                                                                          and analytics, in many cases, provide
                                               Secular growth sectors remain well-        better return potential compared to
Defensive-oriented, dividend-paying            positioned for longer-term growth.         traditional media sources.
equities were among the best-
                                               Secular growth sectors, where
performing companies in 2022 and                                                          Foreign equity markets
                                               technological advancements and
we look for this trend to continue
                                               demographic trends drive longer-           A subdued 2023 earnings outlook
into 2023. Roughly 17% of S&P 500
                                               term demand, were among the                supports our cautious stance on
companies offer dividends yielding
                                               worst-performing sectors in 2022.          foreign developed and emerging
above the 10-year Treasury yield
                                               Higher interest rates increased            market equities’ return prospects.
of 3.5%, as of December 16, 2022,
                                               companies’ borrowing costs and
providing investors with a diverse                                                        The unsettled Russia/Ukraine conflict,
                                               drove economically sensitive equity
opportunity set of income-oriented                                                        China’s ongoing COVID restrictions
                                               prices lower due to reduced demand,
equities. To combat inflation’s negative                                                  and central banks tightening monetary
                                               ongoing supply chain challenges and a
effects on fixed cash flows, we                                                           policy to combat elevated inflation
                                               slowing revenue and earnings growth

3 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
2023 investment outlook

remain material headwinds for                  exceptional uncertainty emanating         of goods and helping fuel global
global economic growth and foreign             from the Russia/Ukraine war, analysts     inflationary pressures by constraining
companies’ 2023 profit outlooks.               have left foreign developed earnings      goods supply relative to global
Analysts forecast a modest 1.9%                2023 estimates little changed from        demand. Additionally, China’s
earnings growth across foreign                 the beginning of 2022. Tightening         slowdown continues to weigh
developed markets and 1.0% across              financial conditions for businesses and   on growth prospects for major
emerging markets relative to 2022,             consumers challenge analysts’ current     firms providing key technological
according to Bloomberg consensus               2023 earnings growth forecasts; if        and industrial goods to the global
estimates. High interest rates and             analysts’ expectations prove overly       economy. In response, analysts sharply
energy prices continue to erode                optimistic, we remain concerned           reduced 2023 earnings forecasts
consumers’ purchasing power, while             about renewed asset price weakness,       across emerging market economies by
high input and financing costs impair          with stock prices following potentially   21%, with timing regarding a durable
companies’ profitability potential.            downgraded earnings forecasts lower.      zero-COVID policy easing remaining
The European Commission (EC)                                                             unclear.
recently reduced its 2023 full-                China’s uncertain COVID policy
year growth outlook across its 27              path remains a two-sided variable         Subdued consumer spending in the
member countries from 2.3% to just             for foreign market prospects in           world’s second-largest economy
0.3%, citing the region’s geographic           2023.                                     continues to weigh on China’s growth
proximity to the war and dependence                                                      prospects as well as global export
                                               China’s COVID policy path remains
on Russian gas imports. While the EC                                                     markets. However, a 2023 economic
                                               a key determinant for not only its
expects year-over-year inflation to                                                      reopening would unlock China’s pent-
                                               2023 domestic equity outlook but
peak by 2022 year-end, it stipulated                                                     up consumer demand for domestic
                                               broader foreign markets’ prospects,
that the largest variable in its already                                                 and foreign goods and services,
                                               as well, due to China’s economic
downgraded outlook is the risk of gas                                                    providing upside earnings potential
                                               size and key position in global supply
shortages in the winter of 2023-2024,                                                    for emerging market firms, while
                                               chain linkages. Restrictive zero-
highlighting the uncertainty’s depth                                                     improved supply chain transmission
                                               COVID policies have benefited
and duration and the wide range of                                                       would alleviate global central banks’
                                               local stay-at-home delivery services
potential outcomes in the year ahead.                                                    inflationary pressures, highlighting
                                               but severely constrained overall
                                                                                         China’s COVID policy path’s two-sided
                                               domestic activity, impairing larger
Recent positive equity price                                                             impact on 2023 outcomes.
                                               e-commerce, financial services, and
performance warrants attention,                entertainment companies’ revenue          Fixed income markets
but we view the rally’s durability             streams. China’s annual retail sales
with skepticism.                               through November were 6% above            Higher starting interest rates make
After setting an all-time high on              pre-pandemic 2019 levels, sharply         high-quality bonds more attractive
September 6, 2021, the MSCI EAFE               contrasting with U.S. consumers’          and may help portfolios amid
Index (representing 21 developed               more resilient 32% spending growth        slowing economic growth.
market countries across the world,             over the same period. Meanwhile,          High inflation and Fed interest rate
excluding the United States and                China’s households have increased         hikes caused significant Treasury yield
Canada) trended lower over the next            bank deposits by 44% relative             increases in 2022; since bonds and
four quarters, ultimately declining            to 2019, reflecting consumers’            yields move in opposite directions,
31% from the 2021 peak to the                  spending caution and subdued future       rising yields dragged down bond
October 2022 low. The 17% rally in             expectations amid ongoing activity        prices. Corporate and municipal bond
2022’s fourth quarter has recovered            curbs.                                    yields also rose relative to Treasuries,
nearly 40% of the peak-to-trough                                                         leading to negative 2022 returns, but
price decline, but we view recent              Lockdowns of major logistics hubs
                                                                                         higher coupon payments improve
positive performance with some                 to contain local COVID outbreaks
                                                                                         investors’ 2023 income prospects.
skepticism. Despite challenging                have entangled global supply chains,
                                                                                         Near-term, higher trends in Treasury
macroeconomic conditions and                   hindering the normal movement

4 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
2023 investment outlook

yields continue despite indications            eventually anchor long-term yields.       decelerating economic growth.
of slower growth and tighter market            More Fed interest rate hikes should
liquidity conditions. We anticipate            place direct upward pressure on           Mortgage bonds not backed by the
opportunities in longer-term bonds             short-term yields and, by implication,    government and reinsurance offer
may become more compelling in 2023             downward pressure on bond prices.         attractive income.
if inflation slows further and economic        However, high-quality short-term          High mortgage rates will pressure
headwinds from restrictive Fed policy          bonds are positioned to deliver           housing market activity well into 2023.
and worsening liquidity conditions             favorable returns in 2023 with coupon     However, yields on mortgage bonds
drag on growth.                                payments at their highest in more than    not backed by the government already
                                               a decade. Opportunities in longer-        adjusted to near their highest levels in
Tighter monetary policy may                    term high-quality bonds may emerge        over a decade as investors reduced
remain a headwind for riskier                  once inflation decelerates further and    allocations during 2022. Mortgage
assets, with uncomfortably high                if economic growth remains under          bonds remain well-collateralized when
inflation keeping pressure on the              pressure in 2023. Increased demand        considering home values relative to
Fed to increase rates at least into            for safe-haven assets as economic         loan amounts and a limited supply of
early 2023.                                    growth slows could provide support        new mortgage bonds due to falling
The Fed increased short-term funding           for long-term bond prices next year.      home sale transactions. These all
rates by 4.25% in 2022, and Fed                Treasuries offer attractive income and    represent tailwinds for mortgage
officials remain steadfast in their            opportunities in long-term Treasury       bonds not backed by the government.
commitment to fight inflation with             bonds could improve as interest rates     Reinsurance, also referred to as
further rate hikes. Treasury yields            peak and the economy slows.               insurance-linked securities, continues
incorporate expectations that the                                                        to offer compelling yields. Insurance
Fed’s target rate will peak around             High-quality corporate and                premiums (minus insured losses from
5.00% in mid-2023 then fall to 4.30%           municipal bond issuers may                natural disasters) drive returns and
by the end of 2023. In contrast, Fed           withstand decelerating earnings           remain uncorrelated with typical
officials have said they plan on holding       and tax revenue growth.                   economic cycles that drive stock and
rates at high levels for some time to          Low yields in 2020 and 2021 allowed       bond returns. Losses from Hurricane
avoid premature easing of financial            corporate and municipal bond              Ian are leading a significant upward
conditions that may stoke inflationary         issuers to lock in low borrowing          adjustment in reinsurance premiums
pressures. The Fed also plans to               costs. Despite a slowing economy,         heading into 2023.
continue reducing its bond holdings,           investment-grade issuers likely have
referred to as quantitative tightening.        ample cash flows to service this          Real asset markets
Allowing $95 billion in Treasury               cheap debt in 2023. However, slowing      Rising borrowing costs may offset
and mortgage bonds to mature                   earnings and tax revenue growth may       positive income growth in the real
each month without reinvesting                 cause a modest increase in high yield     estate market, hampering returns.
the proceeds may eventually strain             issuer defaults, though strong credit
market liquidity conditions because                                                      Publicly traded real estate securities
                                               fundamentals limit the prospect of a
private investors must absorb more                                                       underperformed the broader equity
                                               significant default wave. Re-pricing
bonds in the Fed’s absentia. While                                                       market in 2022, with rising interest
                                               risk stemming from weak investor
tighter monetary policy represents a                                                     rates offsetting positive property
                                               sentiment remains a larger risk to
headwind to riskier assets, high-quality                                                 market fundamentals. Additionally,
                                               corporate and municipal bonds in
bonds could benefit from a pause in                                                      recession fears affected investor
                                               2023 given the challenging economic
rate hikes or eventual cuts.                                                             sentiment in the secular growth
                                               outlook, although their extra income
                                                                                         properties (cell towers, data centers
                                               over Treasuries should help offset
                                                                                         and industrial warehouses) despite
Short-term Treasury yields should              potential price decreases. High-quality
                                                                                         positive income growth and vacancy
increase as the Fed hikes rates, but           bonds tend to deliver stronger returns
slowing growth and inflation may               than riskier bonds during periods of

5 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
2023 investment outlook

Nationally, vacancy rates are declining        utilities, toll roads, transportation and   and recessionary concerns. While
across most property types and                 communications infrastructure and           restrictive monetary policy and
income is still growing, but at a              energy storage and transportation.          slowing economic growth creates a
slowing rate. Income growth likely             Relatively high energy prices should        challenging backdrop for traditional
tapers to more average levels in               help midstream energy continue to           hedge fund managers engaged in
2023 and beyond. Income relative               drive above-average production.             long-short investing (buying long firms
to property values rose from all-time          Utilities sector earnings should get        perceived having strong fundamentals
low levels in the publicly traded Real         a lift as regulated companies push          and underpriced while selling short
Estate market due to declining prices          through price increases to offset           firms deemed with weak fundamentals
and improving valuations. Credit for           inflation. Coupled with declining           and overpriced), tactically oriented
property investment is still available         interest rates during a potential global    managers who stay nimble and can
but no longer cheap. Commercial                economic recession, Utilities sector        trade quickly have been well suited
mortgage interest rates — borrowing            returns may strengthen.                     for this environment. Coincidently,
costs — may be above the average                                                           the opposite approach has also been
earnings yield on Class A property             After strong gains in 2022,                 profitable; trend-following, which
(typically the highest-quality buildings       decelerating global economic                seeks to capture longer-term price
in a location). As a result, it is more        growth and slowing inflation should         momentum, was one of the best
difficult for investors to find quality        pressure commodity prices.                  performing strategies in 2022.
investments.                                   More pronounced deceleration in
                                                                                           Macroeconomic uncertainty favors
                                               global economic growth to open 2023
In 2023, decelerating economic                                                             defensive positioning with less
                                               provides a challenging backdrop for
growth should be a negative for                                                            overall exposure to the equity and
                                               commodity prices despite relatively
property prices, especially in the                                                         credit markets. While we anticipate
                                               tight supplies. The unfortunate conflict
private markets. Private real estate                                                       hedge fund defensive posturing will
                                               between Russia and the Ukraine drove
appraisals are slow to adjust to                                                           continue, we do not conclude that
                                               higher commodity prices in 2022,
the shifting economic tides, and                                                           hedge fund managers will avoid risk
                                               but resultant demand destruction
we believe 2023 will bring price                                                           in the year ahead. Low overall net
                                               from these higher prices hurts
pressures. This is especially true with                                                    exposure (the difference between
                                               2023 prospects. Should the Federal
office and retail properties; excess                                                       the aggregate value of the portfolio
                                               Reserve pause rate hikes, perhaps
capacity makes it highly unlikely                                                          invested long less the portfolio
                                               in the second half of 2023, prices
landlords can raise rents to offset                                                        invested short) reduces a hedge
                                               could rebound, given limited recent
declining income growth and rising                                                         fund’s sensitivity to broad market
                                               investment in productive capacity.
vacancies. Publicly traded real estate                                                     movements, providing managers
                                               Additionally, current inventories for
investment trusts (REITs), on the                                                          with a defensive starting point from
                                               oil, industrial metals and even grains
other hand, re-priced significantly in                                                     which to tactically lean net long or
                                               remain low relative to the past decade,
2022 and now trade at cheaper levels                                                       short and pursue high conviction
                                               with a demand recovery supporting
relative to their fundamentals.                                                            opportunities. Changing credit quality
                                                                                           as the economic cycle continues to
A slowing economy creates an                                                               unfold highlights fixed income as one
                                               Alternative investments
opportunity for infrastructure                                                             market opportunity we see in the
assets paying consistent dividends.            Hedge fund managers continue to             year ahead. As credit downgrades
Decelerating growth and inflation              navigate market dislocations for            increase (credit ratings agencies lower
in 2023 likely mean investors prefer           opportunities.                              borrowers’ creditworthiness due to
investments with consistent and                The capital market landscape remains        deteriorating fundamental conditions),
growing cash flows, such as global             rapidly evolving amid numerous              hedge fund managers skilled at
infrastructure. Global infrastructure          undercurrents, including rising             trading around credit events will have
includes companies operating in                interest rates, persistent inflation,       ample chances to generate profits.
                                                                                           We also anticipate a greater number

6 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
2023 investment outlook

of idiosyncratic credit opportunities          broad price declines as short-term         Finally, private market fund managers
to surface, including distressed               interest rates represented by two-year     are operational experts in their
debt, where managers invest in                 Treasury yields rose from 0.7% at the      respective investment focal areas,
securities of companies otherwise              beginning of the year to 2022’s peak       helping companies better adjust to
unable to refinance their debt or              4.7% rate. In response, other riskier      changing economic conditions.
meet restrictions on existing debt             asset classes repriced lower to reflect
covenants.                                     the increased competition from safer       We anticipate continued slowing
                                               assets’ higher yields.                     in private markets activity toward
We continue monitoring the current                                                        long-term averages from the heady
difficulties challenging fundamentally         Meanwhile, private markets generally       levels of 2021.
focused hedge fund strategies                  exhibited resilience relative to
                                                                                          Overall, private market activity slowed
that hold securities for longer to             public markets during this phase
                                                                                          substantially in 2022 compared to the
unlock value. This approach has                of asset repricing. Private market
                                                                                          record levels achieved in 2021’s fourth
been favorable in recent years,                asset valuations had increased less
                                                                                          quarter. For example, global mergers
especially among the sectors with              compared to public markets as
                                                                                          and acquisitions (M&A) deal volume
a high degree of price momentum                prices peaked in 2021 and private
                                                                                          declined by 29.8%, according to
and turnover in winners and losers,            equity-owned business fundamentals
                                                                                          Pitchbook, a private markets data and
such as Information Technology and             remained buoyant, delivering
                                                                                          research firm. Deal announcements,
Healthcare. We see longer-term                 continued growth in revenues and
                                                                                          a leading indicator for future deal
value in such strategies and market            profits and essentially “growing into
                                                                                          activity, slowed over the course of
dislocations present equity hedge              their valuations.” However, if economic
                                                                                          2022 and suggest M&A activity will
fund managers with investment                  conditions deteriorate further in
                                                                                          continue to cool further in 2023.
opportunities in their respective              2023, we anticipate private company
                                                                                          Additionally, the disconnect between
sector focal areas. Biotechnology              revenues and profits will come under
                                                                                          sellers’ and buyers’ perceptions of
stocks represent one example, largely          pressure and asset prices to decline,
                                                                                          company values in an uncertain
abandoned in 2022 but presenting an            akin to public companies’ price
                                                                                          economic environment impedes
attractive opportunity set for hedge           trajectory.
                                                                                          robust deal activity. We anticipate
fund managers specializing in the
                                               Several factors could mitigate private     M&A activity to slow toward historical
Healthcare sector in 2023. Finally, we
                                               markets’ downside under such               levels as sellers adjust to current
remain positive on macro strategies’
                                               conditions. First, fund managers           valuations and the path of economic
forward prospects, both discretionary
                                               raised substantial capital that remains    conditions becomes apparent.
(based on managers’ outlooks for
various asset classes) and systematic          undeployed in the private markets; the
                                                                                          According to Pitchbook, private
(based on quantitative rules to identify       industry term for this is “dry powder.”
                                                                                          market fundraising activity declined
trend persistence or reversal), due            Fund managers raised large capital
                                                                                          32% year-over-year as of September
to anticipated changes in economic             pools as strong historical performance
                                                                                          30, 2022, and Pitchbook anticipates
growth rates, interest rate levels and         drew greater investor interest. This
                                                                                          fundraising will remain soft through
currency values.                               private equity dry powder stands at
                                                                                          2023 as investors digest higher
                                               $1.2 trillion, according to CB-Insights,
                                                                                          interest rates and assess portfolio
Private markets                                and provides private companies
                                                                                          price declines. Initial public offering
                                               with a liquidity source to shore up
Private markets were resilient                                                            (IPO) activity declined by 44% over
                                               balance sheets or to fund expansion
through the first leg lower in riskier                                                    the first three quarters, according to
                                               initiatives in growing markets at more
asset prices but are not immune if                                                        Renaissance Capital. Reverse special
                                               attractive prices. Relatively strong
economic conditions deteriorate                                                           purpose acquisition company (SPAC)
                                               balance sheets represent a second
further in 2023.                                                                          mergers — whereby a publicly traded
                                               support factor, with cash on hand
                                                                                          SPAC merges or acquires a private
Fed interest rate hikes in 2022                helping private businesses weather a
                                                                                          company and becomes listed on the
catalyzed public equity markets’               moderate recessionary environment.

7 See important disclosures on pages 8 and 9
Quarterly Outlook

stock market — also fell by 59%,                investors, while managers may find
limiting the opportunity for private            opportunities to acquire otherwise
market fund managers to exit their              good businesses with broken balance
investments via these channels and              sheets in a special situation strategy
return investor capital. IPO markets            known as “debt for control.” In private
may not recover until the economic              real assets, we see compelling
outlook improves.                               opportunistic real estate strategies
                                                that invest across sectors based on
Consistency and adaptability                    relative value differences. Finally,
continue to guide our private                   supply constraints in the Energy sector
markets approach.                               have attractive dynamics depending
Long-term secular trends in the                 on the investment strategy. Amid the
Healthcare and Technology sectors               changing economic landscape, our
previously noted remain intact and              unwavering focus on resilient business
broad market declines in 2022                   models and secular transformative
provide attractive entry points for             trends while being open to relative
private investors in the quarters               value opportunities remains our
ahead. Early-stage growth equity and            private investing north star in the year
lower middle market buy-and-build               ahead.
strategies that did not experience
a glut of capital are becoming even
more interesting. Private debt offers
attractive risk-adjusted returns for

This commentary was prepared December 2022 and represents the opinion of U.S. Bank Wealth Management. The views are subject to
change at any time based on market or other conditions and are not intended to be a forecast of future events or guarantee of future results
and is not intended to provide specific advice or to be construed as an offering of securities or recommendation to invest. Not for use as a
primary basis of investment decisions. Not to be construed to meet the needs of any particular investor. Not a representation or solicitation
or an offer to sell/buy any security. Investors should consult with their investment professional for advice concerning their particular
situation. The factual information provided has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or
completeness. Any organizations mentioned in this commentary are not affiliated or associated with U.S. Bank or U.S. Bancorp Investments
in any way.
8 See important disclosures continued on page 9
U.S. Bank and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Your tax and financial situation is unique. You should consult your tax
and/or legal advisor for advice and information concerning your particular situation.
Diversification and asset allocation do not guarantee returns or protect against losses. Based on our strategic approach to creating
diversified portfolios, guidelines are in place concerning the construction of portfolios and how investments should be allocated to specific
asset classes based on client goals, objectives and tolerance for risk. Not all recommended asset classes will be suitable for every portfolio.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All performance data, while deemed obtained from reliable sources, are not guaranteed
for accuracy. Indexes shown are unmanaged and are not available for investment. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged, capitalization-
weighted index of 500 widely traded stocks that are considered to represent the performance of the stock market in general. The MSCI
Emerging Markets Index is designed to measure equity market performance in global emerging markets.
Equity securities are subject to stock market fluctuations that occur in response to economic and business developments. The value of
large-capitalization stocks will rise and fall in response to the activities of the company that issued them, general market conditions and/
or economic conditions. Stocks of small-capitalization companies involve substantial risk. These stocks historically have experienced
greater price volatility than stocks of larger companies and may be expected to do so in the future. Growth investments focus on stocks
of companies whose earnings/profitability are accelerating in the short term or have grown consistently over the long term. Such
investments may provide minimal dividends, which could otherwise cushion stock prices in a market decline. Stock value may rise and
fall significantly based, in part, on investors’ perceptions of the company, rather than on fundamental analysis of the stocks. Investors
should carefully consider the additional risks involved in growth investments. Value investments focus on stocks of income-producing
companies whose price is low relative to one or more valuation factors, such as earnings or book value. Such investments are subject to
risks that their intrinsic values may never be realized by the market, or such stocks may turn out not to have been undervalued. Investors
should carefully consider the additional risks involved in value investments. International investing involves special risks, including foreign
taxation, currency risks, risks associated with possible difference in financial standards and other risks associated with future political and
economic developments. Investing in emerging markets may involve greater risks than investing in more developed countries. In addition,
concentration of investments in a single region may result in greater volatility. Investing in fixed income securities are subject to various
risks, including changes in interest rates, credit quality, market valuations, liquidity, prepayments, early redemption, corporate events, tax
ramifications, and other factors. Investment in debt securities typically decrease in value when interest rates rise. The risk is usually greater
for longer-term debt securities. Investments in lower-rated and non-rated securities present a greater risk of loss to principal and interest
than higher-rated securities. Investments in high yield bonds offer the potential for high current income and attractive total return but involve
certain risks. Changes in economic conditions or other circumstances may adversely affect a bond issuer’s ability to make principal and
interest payments. The municipal bond market is volatile and can be significantly affected by adverse tax, legislative or political changes and
the financial condition of the issuers of municipal securities. Interest rate increases can cause the price of a bond to decrease. Income on
municipal bonds is free from federal taxes but may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT), state and local taxes. There are
special risks associated with investments in real assets such as commodities and real estate securities. For commodities, risks may include
market price fluctuations, regulatory changes, interest rate changes, credit risk, economic changes and the impact of adverse political or
financial factors. Investments in real estate securities can be subject to fluctuations in the value of the underlying properties, the effect of
economic conditions on real estate values, changes in interest rates and risks related to renting properties (such as rental defaults). Hedge
funds are speculative and involve a high degree of risk. An investment in a hedge fund involves a substantially more complicated set of
risk factors than traditional investments in stocks or bonds, including the risks of using derivatives, leverage and short sales, which can
magnify potential losses or gains. Restrictions exist on the ability to redeem or transfer interests in a fund. Private capital investment funds
are speculative and involve a higher degree of risk. These investments usually involve a substantially more complicated set of investment
strategies than traditional investments in stocks or bonds, including the risks of using derivatives, leverage, and short sales, which can
magnify potential losses or gains. Always refer to a Fund’s most current offering documents for a more thorough discussion of risks and
other specific characteristics associated with investing in private capital and impact investment funds. Private equity investments provide
investors and funds the potential to invest directly into private companies or participate in buyouts of public companies that result in a
delisting of the public equity. Investors considering an investment in private equity must be fully aware that these investments are illiquid
by nature, typically represent a long-term binding commitment and are not readily marketable. The valuation procedures for these holdings
are often subjective in nature. Private debt investments may be either direct or indirect and are subject to significant risks, including the
possibility of default, limited liquidity and the infrequent availability of independent credit ratings for private companies.
9 ©2022 U.S. Bank 888405 CR-xxxxxxxx (12/22)
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