METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band

Page created by Tim Nichols
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
METimage Cloud Top pressure
 retrieval from oxygen A-band
Mathieu Compiègne (HYGEOS, Lille, France,,
Laurent Labonnote (LOA, Lille, France),
Nicolas Ferlay (LOA, Lille, France),
Jérôme Riedi (ICARE/LOA, Lille, France),
Phillipe Dubuisson (LOA, Lille, France),
Didier Ramon (HYGEOS, Lille, France)

ESA LPS2019, Milano
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
METimage (aka VII)
    METimage is a scanning optical imaging
    radiometer supporting operational
    meteorology and climate study
    –   Recording a gapless image from Polar orbit
        with large swath 2800 km (global coverage
    –   Multi-spectral radiometry in 20 channels
    –   Ground spatial sampling of 500 m at nadir.
                                                     Courtesy : Loredana Spezzi, EUMETSAT
    It will fly onboard EUMETSAT Polar
    System Second Generation (Q4 2022
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
EUMETSAT     Retrieval
                          L2 retrieval @ EUMETSAT
                                                                    Geophysical product as     EUMETSAT     Parameter to
product ID                                                          per user requirement       product ID   be validated
VII-02-CLD   Threshold based decision tree including 18 tests
             based on distinct cloud features and measurements      Cloud detection /Cloud     VII-02-CLD   Clear/cloudy
             across the full VII spectral range.                    mask (CLD)                              flag
VII-02-OCA   Optimal Cloud Analysis exploiting the full spectral    Cloud top                  VII-02-OCA   CTP and CTT
             range and simultaneously constraining cloud phase,     temperature/pressure       VII-02-CTP
             COT, CTP, particle effective radius, and related       (CTT,CTP,CTH)
VII-02-CTP   1Dvar approach exploiting measurements                 Cloud optical thickness    VII-02-OCA   COT (optional)
(METimCTP)   around the O2 A-band and simultaneously                (by-product) (COT)         VII-02-CTP
             constraining         CTP,      COT   and   related     Cloud particle effective   VII-02-OCA   CRE (optional)
             uncertainties.                                         radius at cloud top (by-
VII-02-WVV   1Dvar approach using 0.9µm water vapor absorption      product) (CRE)
             band and simultaneously constraining TPW, surface      Cloud liquid/ice water     VII-02-OCA   LWP and IWP
             reflectance and related uncertainties.                 path (by-product)                       (optional)
VII-02-WVI   1Dvar approach exploiting thermal IR (in particular,   Volcanic ash               VII-02-OCA   Ash flag
             the 6.7 and 7.3µm water vapor absorption bands)        Water-vapour total         VII-02-WVV   TPW
             and    constraining    TPW,     surface/atmospheric    column (TPW)               VII-02-WVI
             temperature and related uncertainties.
                                                                    Polar atmospheric motion   VII-02-AMV   AMV direction,
VII-02-AMV   Cloud/water vapor feature tracking algorithm           vectors (AMV)                           speed, pressure
             between successive images. Height assignment from                                              and
             OCA CTP.                                                                                       temperature

Courtesy : Loredana Spezzi, EUMETSAT                                                                                         3
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
METimCTP overview
    Optimal estimate framework with Levenberg-Marquardt iterative
    –   State vector x=[ log10(COT), CTP ]
    –   The measurement vector is y=[ I , I763/I752 ]
        ●   I=I670 over land (darker vegetation)
        ●   I=I865 over ocean (darker water, lower aerosol impact)

    Forward model F(x,b)
    –   Non retrieved parameters b= (phase, r eff, cloud vertical profile, surface
        BRDF, ground level pressure, geometry)
    –   Only accounts for mono-layer situation
    –   Pre-computed Look-Up tables due to NRT constraint ( METimCTP retrieval
        time / pixel ~ 0.1 ms)
    –   Computed with ARTDECO (
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
METimCTP physical basis
 ●   I763/I752 signal is driven by the mean photon path
     In a perfect world (dotted line) only Cloud Top
     Pressure (CTP) matters
     But due to photon penetration, photon path is
     also affected by:
     –   cloud optical thickness (COT)
     –   cloud vertical structure
     –   droplet or ice cristal size
     –   ice cristal shape
     –   surface…
     These parameters must be constrained to
     properly model the signal in F(x,b)
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
                 Cloud vertical structure
                      The vertical structure of the cloud
                      is a crucial parameter for O2 A-
                      band signal modelling
                      –   COT→ ~number of scattering
CGT   COT, CTP        –   CGT / extinction profile→~length
                                                                   COT, CTP
                          between scattering

                      METimage characteristics
                      (spectral and geometry sampling)
                      does not offer enough information
                      content to constrain both the CTP
                      and vertical structure                                  6
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
Cloud vertical profile
    Cloudsat climatology (year 2010) extinction profiles for 9
    ISCCP cloud types:
    –   produced and used by Carbajal-Henken et al. (2013) for CTP
        O2 A-band retrieval with MERIS
    Geometrical Thickness climatology (year 2008) built from
    CloudSat/Caliop data
    –   ice over land
    –   ice over ocean
    –   liquid over land
    –   liquid over ocean
    The vertical structure is
    implicitly varied in the forward
    model as a function of the
    state vector x=[ log10(COT),
    CTP ]                                                            7
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
Caltrack dataset
    Calxtrack extracts products (L1 and L2) from different sensors (CALIOP,
    IIR, MODIS, PARASOL, CLOUDSAT...) in coincidence with CALIOP
    It is developped at ICARE data center at
    Lille University
    We apply METimCTP to Parasol/Polder
    –   670, 763, 765, 865 nm channels
    –   We use a single view angle to be in
        METimage conditions
    Validate COT versus MODIS
    Validate CTP versus Cloudsat/Caliop                                       8
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
Retrieval on 2008 full year
●   Number of successfully retrieved (Φ/ny
METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
Cloud Top Height result

Error on CTOP versus error on CGT
                 Very strong correlation between the error
                 on CTOP and error on CGT
                 –   Deviation from this correlation is related to
                     other sources of error (extinction profile,
                     effective radius, ice crystal shape, surface
                     properties... )
                 –   But we clearly see that the vertical structure
                     constraints is critical for a good CTOP retrieval

                 To use METimage thermal IR channels
                 should bring constraints on vertical
Cloud Top Height result
                   For a given altitude class, the retrieval
                   is globally better for thicker clouds
                   –   best cases is Stratus and Nimbostratus
                   –   exception for DCC

                   For a given COT class the bias goes
                   from overestimating the CTOP altitude
                   for lower clouds to underestimating it
                   for high cloud (except for DCC!)

                   The standard deviation increases for
                   higher clouds

Cloud Top Height result
 Multi-layer situations
                       In multi-layer
                       situation, our retrieval
                       does not rely to any of
                       the layers

                       Nothing (cost, number
                       of iteration, ...) allows
                       to diagnose the
                       presence of multi-
                       layer in this version of
Cloud Top Height result
 Multi-layer situations
                       In multi-layer
                       situation, our retrieval
                       does not rely to any of
                       the layers

                       Nothing (cost, number
                       of iteration, ...) allows
                       to diagnose the
                       presence of multi-
                       layer in this version of
Physical basis
       for multi-layer detection using WV channels
                     If gas absorption, the TOA signal
                     results of absorption/scattering
                     coupling and is sensitive to the
                     vertical distribution of absorbers
                     and scatterers
O2, well mixed

                 ●   WV vertical distribution ≠ O2
                     vertical distribution →              H2O, altitude
                     supplementary information content    dependent
                     on cloud vertical distribution

SWIR WV channel use
                in METimCTP
    Step I : we run METimCTP with the measurment vector
    y=[I,I763/I752] to get the retrieved state vector

    Step II : we recompute
    the cost function using the retrieved state and including the WV
    channel in the measurement vector as y=[I, I 763/I752, I914/I865] or
    y=[I, I763/I752, I1375/I1240]
    –   914 nm shows moderate WV absorption
    –   1375 nm shows strong WV absorption

    Challenging to properly account/model the WV profile
WV cost in
Multi-layer situations
                     Apply on Caltrack data using
                     Parasol 914 nm channel and
                     MODIS 1375 nm channel
                     The WV cost function increases
                     –   in ML situation with 910 nm
                         channel but even more in the
                         lower cloud situation
                     –   clearly in ML situation for 1375nm
                         channel use
                     Early conclusion (from first
                     caltrack analysis and theoretical/
                     modelling consideration) is that
                     1375 nm could be more fruitful
                     for ML detection
On going
    Consolidate the analysis with Caltrack data retrieval
    –   Refine error budget and better characterize METimCTP retrieval characteristics
    –   Derive a recipe for multi-layer flag from WV cost
    Update (seasonal and zonal) vertical structure climatology using
    DARDAR product
    –   Improved results for mono-layer situation
    Longer term: Use the full METimage spectral range (i.e. merge MOCA
    and METimCTP) to increase the information content on cloud vertical
    structure thanks to thermal infrared
    –   improve results for mono-layer situation
    –   better handling of multi-layer situations
Backup slides

WV channel modelling
    In F(x,b) for WV channels, only WVC is
    varied                                       Normalized to 1g/cm2

    To vary the WV profile is forbidden in
    LUT approach due to LUT size problem
    We compute a variance related to V
    profile diversity that will be used to
    compute the cost function :

●   Sσwvprofwvprof= f(WVC, COT, CTP, SZA, VZA,
    RAA) is stored as a LUT
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