METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band
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METimage Cloud Top pressure retrieval from oxygen A-band Mathieu Compiègne (HYGEOS, Lille, France,, Laurent Labonnote (LOA, Lille, France), Nicolas Ferlay (LOA, Lille, France), Jérôme Riedi (ICARE/LOA, Lille, France), Phillipe Dubuisson (LOA, Lille, France), Didier Ramon (HYGEOS, Lille, France) ESA LPS2019, Milano 1
METimage (aka VII) ● METimage is a scanning optical imaging radiometer supporting operational meteorology and climate study – Recording a gapless image from Polar orbit with large swath 2800 km (global coverage daily). – Multi-spectral radiometry in 20 channels (VIS/NIR/SWIR/IR). – Ground spatial sampling of 500 m at nadir. Courtesy : Loredana Spezzi, EUMETSAT ● It will fly onboard EUMETSAT Polar System Second Generation (Q4 2022 launch) 2
METimage EUMETSAT Retrieval L2 retrieval @ EUMETSAT Geophysical product as EUMETSAT Parameter to product ID per user requirement product ID be validated VII-02-CLD Threshold based decision tree including 18 tests based on distinct cloud features and measurements Cloud detection /Cloud VII-02-CLD Clear/cloudy across the full VII spectral range. mask (CLD) flag VII-02-OCA Optimal Cloud Analysis exploiting the full spectral Cloud top VII-02-OCA CTP and CTT range and simultaneously constraining cloud phase, temperature/pressure VII-02-CTP COT, CTP, particle effective radius, and related (CTT,CTP,CTH) uncertainties. VII-02-CTP 1Dvar approach exploiting measurements Cloud optical thickness VII-02-OCA COT (optional) (METimCTP) around the O2 A-band and simultaneously (by-product) (COT) VII-02-CTP constraining CTP, COT and related Cloud particle effective VII-02-OCA CRE (optional) uncertainties. radius at cloud top (by- VII-02-WVV 1Dvar approach using 0.9µm water vapor absorption product) (CRE) band and simultaneously constraining TPW, surface Cloud liquid/ice water VII-02-OCA LWP and IWP reflectance and related uncertainties. path (by-product) (optional) (LWP/IWP) VII-02-WVI 1Dvar approach exploiting thermal IR (in particular, Volcanic ash VII-02-OCA Ash flag the 6.7 and 7.3µm water vapor absorption bands) Water-vapour total VII-02-WVV TPW and constraining TPW, surface/atmospheric column (TPW) VII-02-WVI temperature and related uncertainties. Polar atmospheric motion VII-02-AMV AMV direction, VII-02-AMV Cloud/water vapor feature tracking algorithm vectors (AMV) speed, pressure between successive images. Height assignment from and OCA CTP. temperature Courtesy : Loredana Spezzi, EUMETSAT 3
METimCTP overview ● Optimal estimate framework with Levenberg-Marquardt iterative scheme – State vector x=[ log10(COT), CTP ] – The measurement vector is y=[ I , I763/I752 ] ● I=I670 over land (darker vegetation) ● I=I865 over ocean (darker water, lower aerosol impact) ● Forward model F(x,b) – Non retrieved parameters b= (phase, r eff, cloud vertical profile, surface BRDF, ground level pressure, geometry) – Only accounts for mono-layer situation – Pre-computed Look-Up tables due to NRT constraint ( METimCTP retrieval time / pixel ~ 0.1 ms) – Computed with ARTDECO ( 4
METimCTP physical basis ● I763/I752 signal is driven by the mean photon path ● In a perfect world (dotted line) only Cloud Top Pressure (CTP) matters ● But due to photon penetration, photon path is also affected by: – cloud optical thickness (COT) – cloud vertical structure – droplet or ice cristal size – ice cristal shape – surface… ● These parameters must be constrained to properly model the signal in F(x,b) 5
METimCTP Cloud vertical structure ● The vertical structure of the cloud is a crucial parameter for O2 A- band signal modelling – COT→ ~number of scattering CGT COT, CTP – CGT / extinction profile→~length COT, CTP between scattering CGT ● METimage characteristics (spectral and geometry sampling) does not offer enough information content to constrain both the CTP and vertical structure 6
Cloud vertical profile climatology ● Cloudsat climatology (year 2010) extinction profiles for 9 ISCCP cloud types: – produced and used by Carbajal-Henken et al. (2013) for CTP O2 A-band retrieval with MERIS ● Geometrical Thickness climatology (year 2008) built from CloudSat/Caliop data – ice over land – ice over ocean – liquid over land – liquid over ocean ● The vertical structure is implicitly varied in the forward model as a function of the state vector x=[ log10(COT), CTP ] 7
Caltrack dataset ● Calxtrack extracts products (L1 and L2) from different sensors (CALIOP, IIR, MODIS, PARASOL, CLOUDSAT...) in coincidence with CALIOP measurements ● It is developped at ICARE data center at Lille University ● We apply METimCTP to Parasol/Polder measurements – 670, 763, 765, 865 nm channels – We use a single view angle to be in METimage conditions ● Validate COT versus MODIS ● Validate CTP versus Cloudsat/Caliop 8
Error on CTOP versus error on CGT Mono-layers ● Very strong correlation between the error on CTOP and error on CGT – Deviation from this correlation is related to other sources of error (extinction profile, effective radius, ice crystal shape, surface properties... ) – But we clearly see that the vertical structure constraints is critical for a good CTOP retrieval ● To use METimage thermal IR channels should bring constraints on vertical structure 11
Cloud Top Height result Mono-layers ● For a given altitude class, the retrieval is globally better for thicker clouds – best cases is Stratus and Nimbostratus – exception for DCC ● For a given COT class the bias goes from overestimating the CTOP altitude for lower clouds to underestimating it for high cloud (except for DCC!) ● The standard deviation increases for higher clouds 12
Cloud Top Height result Multi-layer situations ● In multi-layer situation, our retrieval does not rely to any of the layers ● Nothing (cost, number of iteration, ...) allows to diagnose the presence of multi- layer in this version of METimCTP 13
Cloud Top Height result Multi-layer situations ● In multi-layer situation, our retrieval does not rely to any of the layers ● Nothing (cost, number of iteration, ...) allows to diagnose the presence of multi- layer in this version of METimCTP 14
Physical basis for multi-layer detection using WV channels ● If gas absorption, the TOA signal results of absorption/scattering coupling and is sensitive to the vertical distribution of absorbers and scatterers O2, well mixed ● WV vertical distribution ≠ O2 vertical distribution → H2O, altitude supplementary information content dependent on cloud vertical distribution 15
SWIR WV channel use in METimCTP ● Step I : we run METimCTP with the measurment vector y=[I,I763/I752] to get the retrieved state vector ● Step II : we recompute the cost function using the retrieved state and including the WV channel in the measurement vector as y=[I, I 763/I752, I914/I865] or y=[I, I763/I752, I1375/I1240] – 914 nm shows moderate WV absorption – 1375 nm shows strong WV absorption ● Challenging to properly account/model the WV profile 16
WV cost in Multi-layer situations ● Apply on Caltrack data using Parasol 914 nm channel and MODIS 1375 nm channel ● The WV cost function increases – in ML situation with 910 nm channel but even more in the lower cloud situation – clearly in ML situation for 1375nm channel use ● Early conclusion (from first caltrack analysis and theoretical/ modelling consideration) is that 1375 nm could be more fruitful for ML detection 17
On going ● Consolidate the analysis with Caltrack data retrieval – Refine error budget and better characterize METimCTP retrieval characteristics – Derive a recipe for multi-layer flag from WV cost ● Update (seasonal and zonal) vertical structure climatology using DARDAR product – Improved results for mono-layer situation ● Longer term: Use the full METimage spectral range (i.e. merge MOCA and METimCTP) to increase the information content on cloud vertical structure thanks to thermal infrared – improve results for mono-layer situation – better handling of multi-layer situations 18
Backup slides 19
WV channel modelling ● In F(x,b) for WV channels, only WVC is varied Normalized to 1g/cm2 ● To vary the WV profile is forbidden in LUT approach due to LUT size problem ● We compute a variance related to V profile diversity that will be used to compute the cost function : ● Sσwvprofwvprof= f(WVC, COT, CTP, SZA, VZA, RAA) is stored as a LUT 20
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