Message from the Mayor - NSW ...

Page created by Dorothy Gross
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
15 October 2021
  Message from the Mayor

Welcome to the Community                     back to providing the great service       we are also now finding businesses
Connection Newsletter.                       for which our businesses are known.       coming to us. This is very heartening
                                             Please make sure we provide them all      and acknowledgement of the great
More than anything we are all hoping
                                             with our custom to help them get back     work being done to promote the Shire
that the issue of COVID will soon be
                                             on their feet quickly.                    and highlight what a strategically
a distant memory. An aberration on
                                                                                       located position we find ourselves in.
an otherwise productive year. We             Whilst we have been constrained in
have now opened up somewhat, and             what we can do in terms of meeting        Access to major highways and
the restrictions being imposed on            personally and getting things             eventually Inland Rail and the NSW
us will ease over the course of the          happening across the Shire our            country rail network gives us incredible
next few months as we reach our              Council staff have continued to get       advantages over other areas as well
vaccination targets. I would continue        the job done. Our parks and ovals         as the great natural attributes of the
to urge those who are not vaccinated         look pristine and the effort that goes    Narromine region. Taking advantage
to please do so as the virus is deadly.      into them is not lost on the bulk of      of all this interest is so very beneficial
It is indiscriminate and has affected        our community. Council’s essential        to our predicament and bodes well for
young children all the way through to        staff have continued to service the       the future of the Shire.
the very elderly. Far too many have          community and I acknowledge their
perished due to COVID and in the             non-stop effort during lockdown,
main it is the unvaccinated or those         whilst other staff have endured dozens
not fully vaccinated. It is easy, safe and   of Zoom or Teams meetings and whilst
just makes good sense.                       they get us together, it just does not
                                             have the same feel.
I can’t thank enough the health staff
in our Shire who have put themselves         It will be a welcome relief when
on the front line in the fight against       we can sit with colleagues and see
COVID. It is an incredibly daunting          the relief in their eyes that finally
situation for our nurses, pharmacists        COVID-19 is starting to become a
and volunteers to have provided              thing of the past or at least we have
the care that has kept so many of us         learnt to live with it.                   Skypark is again showing us what
safe at great risk to themselves. The                                                  a popular spot it is in the mix of
                                             So much has been put on hold and
entire community is very much in                                                       residential locations across the Shire
                                             the opportunity to now get back
their debt and their efforts are greatly                                               and with the finalisation of 27 lots last
                                             into development mode, seeking
appreciated. Let’s sincerely hope they                                                 Sept 2020 we now find only 12 left for
                                             investments through initiatives that
too can soon enjoy the break they                                                      sale. Amazing that 15 lots have sold in
                                             have laid dormant for too many
need to step back and smell the roses.                                                 just twelve months and symptomatic
                                             months. In doing so we generate
                                                                                       of the demand for residential blocks
With the much welcomed opening up            jobs for our youth that allows them
                                                                                       in the Shire. Plans are to bring many
comes the opportunity for all the small      to stay in our communities with high
                                                                                       more on stream for the hundreds of
businesses across the Shire who have         tech and well paid jobs rather than
                                                                                       jobs being generated in the Shire.
taken so much of the brunt of COVID          leaving for the cities. There is much
to hopefully shake free of these             to catch up on and our focus will         The Dappo Road development is
shackles and resume what have been           quickly move to the value adding          all but ready for a start and includes
very successful operations. All the          opportunities available, to Inland        15 large residential blocks being
retailers, the food and coffee outlets       Rail, the Aerodrome and aviation          developed by Council along with the
and even the schools will welcome            related industries and a host of other    very exciting Timbrebongie House
the opportunity to resume from this          initiatives in the formative stages. We   development with a mix of freehold
untenable state and resume of level of       have much in front of us and whilst       blocks and aged residential facilities.
normalcy. How good it will feel to get       much of it has been driven internally
                                                                                       Continued on next page...

Community Connection                                                              NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Message from the Mayor continued...                                                   Local
Evidence of this work will become        community events held in the Shire            Elections
obvious over the next six months         and it is through these efforts that
and many jobs will again be created      the amazing sums are raised. They
in the building industry. We are in a    are truly an inspiration for us all and       Local Government Elections
very exciting growth stage that will     our very best wishes go with them to          will be held on Saturday 4
continue for a number of years.          the NSW titles.                               December 2021.

Trangie is certainly not forgotten in    In Trangie, Terrie Milgate is nothing         For more information about
the events across the Shire and much     short of phenomenal in her ability to         registration, nomination,
interest is coming for blocks of land    attract funds for her work in not only        election campaign finances,
and residential opportunities. The       the Indigenous space in which she             voting and other election
growth within the Shire will have        operates but across many areas of             processes, as well as
a very beneficial effect on Trangie      the community.                                important dates and
and job opportunities will become                                                      deadlines, go to the NSW
                                         She is responsible for the successful
a feature across the entire region.                                                    Electoral Commission
                                         funding of Indigenous Housing for
Tomingley Gold Operations continue                                                     website at:
                                         the Aged that resulted in almost
to employ staff to take advantage                                            
                                         $2.5 million being granted to the
of their new developments and the
                                         project which will provide housing
opportunity for work is hard to miss.
                                         for six couples or individuals at a
December 4th will finally bring local    site near the MPHS.
government elections across the
                                         Terrie’s tireless work has also resulted
State and the opportunity to either
                                         in hundreds of thousands being
nominate or help a candidate to
                                         granted for the Wungunja Cultural
become a Councillor. It would be
                                         centre which is an iconic site full
wonderful to see more nominations
                                         of some of the best examples of
for Council to ensure we get
                                         Indigenous artefacts found anywhere
the best possible representation
                                         in Western NSW. Her contribution
from members of our community
                                         has resulted in many exciting projects
dedicated to better outcomes for the
                                         being undertaken and Trangie is so
                                         much the better for her efforts.
There is an exciting time ahead with
                                         We live in a wonderful Shire with an
many opportunities and the potential
                                         exciting future and I hope all our
for new Councillors to bring their                                                       REMEMBER - VOTING IS
                                         citizens can benefit by being part
own initiatives. I’m always happy to                                                        COMPULSORY
                                         of a very positive and proactive
speak to aspiring Councillors and
give them a better understanding
of what is involved and how they
can best help their community.
                                         Cr Craig Davies,
Finally, and with a great deal of        Mayor Narromine Shire Council
pleasure, I wish to acknowledge
some outstanding contributions
being made in our Shire by local
                                                                                       Council has adopted the
residents. The Narromine Rotary
                                                                                       Narromine Floodplain Risk
Club in the NSW Volunteers
                                                                                       Management Study and Plan
Association awards, has been
                                                                                       and now progresses to the
awarded the Orana Region Team
                                                                                       next stage of preparation of
Of The Year Award and become
                                                                                       detailed design (dependent
eligible for the NSW Titles. Their
                                                                                       on funding).
inspiring work continues to bring
benefits to charities across the Shire                                                 For further information visit:
with approx $19,500 being given to                                                     https://www.narromine.nsw.
local charities each year. The Rotary                                        
catering van is always prominent at                                                    NFRMSP

Community Connection                                                     NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Narromine and Trangie Aquatic Centres
2021 Swimming season to get underway                            Single person entry is $4.00
The Trangie Aquatic Centre opens from 10.00 am                  10 visit pass is $40.00
Saturday 16 October 2021.                                       POOL OPENING HOURS (hours of operation may vary
The Narromine Aquatic Centre will open from 10.00               and can be subject to change)
am Saturday 23 October 2021, as a result of winter              Narromine Aquatic Centre
refurbishment of the 50 metre swimming pool.
                                                                Monday – Friday:          	
                                                                                          6am  - 8am
Conditions of entry                                                                       (season ticket holders only)
In order to ensure all Aquatic Centre staff and visitors        Monday – Friday:          1pm - 6pm
are kept safe and to adhere to the NSW Public Health
                                                                Weekends: 		              10am - 6pm
Orders, from 16 October 2021 the Narromine and Trangie
Aquatic Centres will require all visitors aged 12 and over      Trangie Aquatic Centre
to have proof of double vaccination, while all minors           Monday – Friday:     6am - 8am
(under the age of 12 years) must be accompanied by a                                 (from December 2021 onwards)
vaccinated adult.                                               Monday – Friday:          3pm - 6pm
There may be medical exemptions to this, which will also        Weekends: 		              10am - 5pm
require evidence.
REMEMBER - Hand sanitising, social distancing and
check in codes must be adhered to and if you are unwell
stay at home and get tested immediately.
Evidence you can use
Your COVID-19 digital certificate which shows proof of
only your COVID-19 vaccinations that you can add to a
digital wallet.
Your immunisation history statement which lists your
COVID-19 vaccinations and all other vaccinations.
Season tickets
Joint pool season tickets (for use at both Narromine and
Trangie) are available for purchase at the aquatic centre
venues only. A full season entry ticket will cost a family of
four $215 per season and a single full season ticket will
cost $110 per person, half season and 10 visit passes are
also available.
More information about season tickets can be found on
Council’s website at:

Road Safety Reminder
  All motorists are reminded drive to the road conditions
  on all roads.
  Council reminds all motorists to be alert on roads and
  at rail level crossings as grain locomotives continue to
  use rail lines. Motorists are reminded to plan ahead,
  slow down and allow plenty of time to get to your
  destination safely.
  Please note, major roads come under the jurisdiction of
  Roads and Maritime Services. Please visit for live updates, traveller
  information and personalised alerts for NSW roads.

Community Connection                                                           NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Skypark Residential                                                                                                                      Council Appealing to Residents
         Estate – For Sale                                                                                                                        During Wet Weather Events











                                             NANCY BIRD WALTON DRIVE

                                             WARREN ROAD

         SkyPark Residential Estate – Lifestyle and
         Where you’re not just buying a lot… you’re
         buying a lifestyle!
         Build your house and hangar on your own block
         of land at Narromine Aerodrome with taxiway
         access from your backyard. Whether you are
         upgrading or downsizing, Skypark in Narromine                                                                                            Residents are reminded that       closed when wet, as Council
         gives you space to live and breathe.                                                                                                     following wet weather events      cannot accept responsibility
                                                                                                                                                  some unsealed roads in the        for any damages that may arise
         The Estate is located adjacent to
                                                                                                                                                  Shire could be closed to all      during these periods.
         Narromine’s Aerodrome, next door to
                                                                                                                                                  traffic.                          Road condition reports are
         Narromine’s 18-hole sand-green Golf
                                                                                                                                                  If Council is required to close   posted on Council’s website
         Course, across the road from the Macquarie
                                                                                                                                                  roads due to wet weather,         (
         River and a short stroll to Narromine’s CBD.
                                                                                                                                                  the roads WILL remain closed      residents/road-conditions),
         The impressive land release offers sites that
                                                                                                                                                  until further notice, usually     social media – facebook,
         are fully serviced with power, NBN, kerb and
                                                                                                                                                  until drier conditions prevail.   livetraffic and via radio
         guttering and sealed roads.
                                                                                                                                                  School buses, emergency and       broadcast. Please also visit
         Skypark presents an opportunity to build                                                                                                 Council maintenance vehicles for live
         your dream home at an affordable price.                                                                                                  are exempt while roads are        updates, traveller information
         Perfect for bringing up your family, retiring in                                                                                         formally closed.                  and personalised alerts for
         luxury, starting your independence or simply                                                                                                                               NSW roads.
                                                                                                                                                  Following the recent rainfall,
         living a carefree lifestyle.
                                                                                                                                                  a significant portion of the      Council’s Roads Maintenance
         Pre-sale on residential lots are now available.                                                                                          Shire’s unsealed road network     Schedule identifies that road
         For land availability, prices and more                                                                                                   (772km) require maintenance.      maintenance and repairs are
         information.                                                                                                   With more rain forecast over      primarily based on the primary
         business/skypark                                                                                                                         coming months, Council is         use (i.e school bus route),
                                                                                                                                                  appealing to drivers to assist,   the condition and the overall
                                                                                                                                                  where possible, in preventing     safety of the road, with roads
                                                                                                                                                  damage to unsealed roads by       carrying a higher volume of
                                                                                                                                                  choosing alternative routes or    traffic being addressed first.
                                                                                                                                                  waiting until drier conditions    Residents are encouraged to
                                                                                                                                                  prevail. Where it is necessary    report hazards to Council as
                                                                                                                                                  that residents undertake          safety remains a priority on
                                                                                                                                                  essential travel on the closed    local roads.
                                                                                                                                                  roads, they are encouraged        Feedback is welcome via
                                                                                                                                                  to drive to the conditions with   Council’s website or by
                                                                                                                                                  many of the unsealed roads        phoning 6889 9999 Monday –
                                                                                                                                                  impassable or temporarily         Friday 8.30 am – 5.00 pm.

    Community Connection                                                                                                                                              NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Successful Grant Funding

Fixing Local     Narromine Shire Council has received $915,000 to resheet 12.2 kilometres of gravel roads in the
Roads            Narromine Shire from the current round of Fixing Local Roads Program. This funding program is
Round 3          aimed to provide well-maintained roads and supporting growth and development, as well as
                 access to critical services such as hospitals and schools.

Cale Oval        Construction has commenced at Cale Oval with the removal of the old buildings to make way for the
and Sporting     construction of the new clubhouse and grandstand with seating for up to 200 people, state of the art
Recreational     changerooms, kitchen/canteen, bathrooms, storage facilities and a meeting space. Construction is planned
Precinct         to be completed and the new facility ready to use by early 2022.

Driver Reviver   Federal Member for Parkes Mr Mark Coulton MP recently announced $130,014 for Trangie’s Driver Reviver
Safety Boost     and $48,185 for Narromine Saleyards Driver Reviver facilities.
                 Upgrades to these facilities offers a place for safety and fatigue breaks for drivers and their passengers,
                 ensuring drivers have a place to stop during a long trip.
                 The funding also supports the hard-working local volunteers who put in their time and effort to man the
                 Driver Reviver sites, offering motorists a cuppa, friendly conversations and a nice spot to take a break to
                 manage fatigue and reduce the risk of crashes.
                 Trangie’s funding will go towards upgrading toilet facilities whilst the Narromine Saleyards Driver Reviver
                 will offer improvements to shade, picnic tables, amenities, canteen and signage.

NSW Road         NSW Government recently announced that it had accepted the Independent Panel’s Interim Report into
classification   road classification and the transfer of regional roads to state ownership, including recommendations for
review and       the Priority Round of transfers and reclassifications.
transfer of
                 This included the Panel’s recommendation for the transfer of the road thoroughfare from Tomingley
regional roads
                 through to Eumungerie (via Narromine) including Manildra, Culling Streets and part of Warren Road.
                 Transport for NSW will now commence engaging with councils to plan for the transfer of roads and
                 identify those roads that require an immediate upgrade. NSW Government has allocated funding of
                 $250M in this year’s budget towards upgrading transferred roads.

 Mitchell Highway upgrade                  Highway between Dubbo and                  drainage, installing rumble strips and
 between Dubbo and Narromine               Narromine.                                 widening.

 The NSW Government is investing           The project involves building three        The detailed designs are almost
 $30 million in overtaking lanes and       new overtaking lanes and safety            complete with work expected to
 safety upgrades on the Mitchell           improvement work including                 commence in early 2022.
                                           upgrading the road surface and

 Community Connection                                                            NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Agsafe’s ChemClear Program
Dispose of your unwanted agvet chemicals safely in
upcoming ChemClear collection in NSW.
Agsafe’s ChemClear program is holding a collection in
New South Wales in March 2022. Agvet chemical users can                                                      A NSW
now register their unwanted or obsolete agvet chemicals
                                                                    Dispose of your                          CHEMCLEAR
                                                                    unwanted or
for collection by visiting the ChemClear website www.
                                                                    obsolete agvet                           COLLECTION or by calling 1800 008 182.                        chemicals in one                         IS COMING!
Registrations close 28 January 2022.                                easy collection.
                                                                                                               NSW Collection
All successful registrations are acknowledged by email or           Group 1 chemicals collected                March 2022
                                                                    free of charge:
post. A reference number relating to each of your Group
                                                                    • eligible drumMUSTER
1 and 2 chemical registrations will be provided. Once your            products
                                                                    • with readable labels
chemicals are registered with ChemClear, continue to                • still in original containers
                                                                    • not mixed with other products
store the chemicals safely and securely.                            • within 2 years of expiry or
An appropriate quantity of storage stickers will be sent
                                                                    Group 2 chemicals are those                      Registrations close
out by post, one month after your registration with                 that have expired and are                         28 January 2022
ChemClear. These stickers will display your registration            not part of the drumMUSTER
                                                                    program. Group 2 chemicals may                     For further information
reference number and are provided for placement on the              incur a fee for service.                           call ChemClear on
                                                                                                                       1800 008 182
containers you have registered for disposal. These                  * Limits apply to ag and vet
                                                                    chemical resellers.
stickers will aid safe storage and identify the chemicals to
your employees, auditors and others as being registered
                                                                   Register your chemicals at ChemClear:
for disposal.
ChemClear will contact you directly to advise the                  ( 1800 008 182

location and date of the collection point in your local
government area. If you have registered any Group 2            • the address of the collection site
classified chemicals you will be provided with a quotation     • a date for the collection
on a per lt/kg basis for the collection and disposal of        • an appointment time to deliver the chemicals to the
these products.                                                  collection team
ChemClear will contact you and provide the following           To register your chemicals, please visit:

Narromine Shire Council Nature Strip and Tree Policy
Council recently adopted the Nature          not carry out renovations or                          nature strip mowing would be
Strips and Tree Policy - Mowing,             maintenance of nature strips.                         carried out in conjunction with
Planting, Landscaping, Maintenance        • All areas not maintained by                            the mowing of the private property.
and Removal after a period of public        Council are expected to be                             Nature strips will generally not be
consultation.                               maintained by the owners and/or                        mowed by Council if other lawns
This Policy sets out roles and              residents of the adjoining private                     on the private property are being
responsibilities with regards to the        property. Grassed nature strips are                    maintained by the resident or a
maintenance of nature strips and            expected to be mowed regularly                         contractor on behalf of the resident.
includes such detail as:                    by residents or property owners                 Council would like to extend its
• The property owner or resident of         and kept neat and tidy such that                gratitude to all residents in their
  abutting properties are responsible       they provide a safe environment                 efforts in keeping their verges/nature
  for maintaining the visual amenity        and contribute to the general                   strips clean and tidy.
  by maintaining the vegetation             appearance and aesthetics of the                Residents are advised that there are
  (excluding street trees) and              streetscape.                                    hardship provisions available for those
  landscape features on the nature        • It is recognised that some residents            who require assistance.
  strip including watering, weeding,        may appoint a contractor to                     A copy can be obtained by
  mowing, removal of loose material         undertake general yard or garden                downloading the Policy from: https://
  that poses as a slip or trip hazard       maintenance work for them. It is      
  and edging turf. Council does             considered reasonable that the                  policies

Community Connection                                                                        NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
Shop Local is back in 2021

                                                         3 Nov
                                                      until 15 Dec

Shop Local is back in 2021!
Council and local retailers are
collaborating to present the 2021
Shop Local Campaign to assist in
promoting the Region for its fantastic
shopping opportunities in the lead up
to Christmas.
The 2021 Shop Local Campaign
includes the opportunity to WIN
$1,000 if you shop locally in
Narromine, Trangie or Tomingley.
To enter the competition, you must
spend over $20 in a participating
business, complete the entry form
and pop it in the entry box.
The competition runs from
3 November until 15 December 2021
with the winner will be drawn on
Friday 17 December 2021.
Click here to download the online
Narromine shopping guide >

Community Connection              NEXT
Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
HubnSpoke co-working space
Narromine’s Hub N Spoke co-working space                              Located at 37 Burraway Street, The Hub is accessible
is opening soon.                                                      9 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday.
The Hub will provide a shared space where start up,                   Contact us to discuss your co-working options:
home based, microbusiness and creatives can work from
in Narromine.
                                                                      Phone: 6889 9999
The building offers high speed internet in a shared
environment, single offices will also be available with
amenities. Narromine Shire Council’s initiative is to
create jobs, foster innovation and grow the Narromine
region’s economy.
Casual, part-time and full time subscriptions will
be available.

Promote Your Event
If you are holding an event in the          To list your event click here: https://
Narromine Region, we want to      
know!                                       in-narromine-region
We can help promote your event
through Council’s website, social
media and on the LED digital board
in Dundas Park.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          April – June 2019

 See what’s happening
                                                                                                                                                                A community newsletter        for the interest of residents and visitors

                                                                                                                      Message from the Mayor                                                                     In this issue

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Welcome to our second digital
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 newsletter. You can click on
                                                                                                                                         It’s always a            Local member Dugald Saunders has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the below to take you there.
                                                                                                                                         pleasure to              notified Council of the impending
                                                                                                                                         update the               planning that will shortly signal the          FOGO exceeds recycling >
                                                                                                                                         residents of             start of work on the Mitchell Highway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Defibrillators installed >
                                                                                                                                         Narromine                upgrade between Narromine and
                                                                                                                                         Shire with the           Dubbo.                                          Re-homing pets >
                                                                                                                                         latest news from

 in our region by visiting
                                                                                                                                                                  The work will include a further four           Glenn McGrath Opening >
                                                                                                                                         Council and the
                                                                                                                                                                  overtaking lanes and other works
                                                                                                                     past three months have seen much
                                                                                                                                                                  designed to improve the safety of road
                                                                                                                                                                  users and travel times for those who
                                                                                                                     Amongst the many drought funding             frequently make this journey. Again it’s
                                                                                                                     initiatives that made their way into the     great to see a politician honouring his

                                                               Click here >
                                                                                                                     community recently, we can now report        election promises.
                                                                                                                     that of the twelve projects, only two
                                                                                                                                                                  Another real highlight of the social
                                                                                                                     are yet to be finalised.

                                                                                                               Subscribe >
                                                                                                                                                                  calendar occurs on 6th July when
                                                                                                                     Council distributed $110,000 to              the Pink Pigeon organisation host an
                                                                                                                     community groups across the Shire to         evening with Glenn McGrath and a
                                                                                                                     improve facilities in our towns. There       cast of sporting icons from the Shire.
                                                                                                                     is no better method of achieving the
                                                                                                                                                                  These icons include Australian
                                                                                                                     desired results than by allowing the
                                                                                                                                                                  representatives, World Champions
                                                                                                                     community groups to nominate and
                                                                                                                     facilitate the projects. We are very
                                                                                                                                                                  and many who have excelled across                Staff give back
                                                                                                                                                                  the years and is simply a night not to

 the Events Calendar
                                                                                                                     hopeful that more of this funding                                                             Council’s staff are giving back to
                                                                                                                                                                  be missed. The evening is designed to
                                                                                                                     which was a Nats election promise                                                             the community by volunteering
                                                                                                                                                                  thank sponsors and those who have
                                                                                                                     finds its way into the Shire again                                                            their lunch hour, to assist with
                                                                                                                                                                  helped for the past ten years to raise
                                                                                                                     shortly.                                                                                      the Meals on Wheels Program in
                                                                                                                                                                  over $150,000 for the Glenn McGrath
                                                                                                                                                                  Foundation supporting Cancer nurses              Narromine.
                                                                                                                     One of the most satisfying
                                                                                                                     projects included the River Repair           across the state.                                Meals on Wheels has
                                                                                                                                                                  Tickets are available from 123tix at             been operating for over
                                                                                                                     bus which had teams clean up the
                                                                                                                                                                  $50 /head and the evening will be                60 years. Staff have found
                                                                                                                     local river reserves including the                                                            the volunteering aspect a
                                                                                                                     Goan Water Hole in Trangie.                  held at the Narromine USMC. The
                                                                                                                                                                  night will sell out quickly so please            rewarding way to give back and
                                                                                                                     Whilst not all of the Reserves is the        ensure your get you tickets early to             assist those in the community,
                                                                                                                     responsibility of Council, they are          avoid disappointment. Finger food is             who require nutritious meals,
                                                                                                                     iconic leisure and activity centres in       included as is the entertainment.                social interaction and a friendly
                                                                                                                     the Shire and are most deserving of a                                                         check-up.
                                                                                                                     clean-up.                                    Finally a plea during these really tough
                                                                                                                                                                  times to look out for your mates and             Meals are delivered to residents
                                                                                                                     Council also conducted another               neighbours and where possible let’s              in the Program and would not
                                                                                                                     Welcome Evening for new residents            support our local Businesses.                    be possible without the help of
                                                                                                                     in May. Whilst numbers were down,                                                             the many volunteers within the
                                                                                                                     Council has taken much from the night        Cr Craig Davies,                                 community.
                                                                                                                     and look forward to future nights for        Mayor Narromine Shire Council
                                                                                                                     even better outcomes.

                                                                                                                   Community Connection April – June 2019                                                NEXT

 CONTACT US                                                                                           FOLLOW US
 118 Dandaloo St                                                                                    #visitNarromineRegion
 PO Box 115 Narromine
 NSW 2821
 T. 02 6889 9999                                                                                                                                                                                             Tourism

                              This newsletter has been produced by Narromine Shire Council for the benefit of residents of Narromine, Trangie,
                              Tomingley and surrounding areas. Jane Redden, General Manager
Message from the Mayor - NSW ... Message from the Mayor - NSW ...
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