A short history of funding and accomplishments post-Deepwater Horizon - The Water ...

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A short history of funding and accomplishments post-Deepwater Horizon - The Water ...
A short history of funding and accomplishments
                          post-Deepwater Horizon

                                          Jessica R. Henkel1 and Alyssa Dausman2
               1) Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, New Orleans, Louisiana; jessica.henkel@restorethegulf.gov
                        2) Water Institute of the Gulf, Baton Rouge, Louisiana; adausman@waterinstitute.org

     t has been a decade since BP’s Deep-          settlements in research and restoration in       agreements related to criminal penal-
     water Horizon (DWH) oil rig ex-               the Gulf. For example, the $500 million BP       ties between BP ($2.394 billion) and
     ploded and sank on 20 April 2010,             voluntarily dedicated to research through        Transocean ($150 million) and the U.S.
killing eleven workers and spreading at            the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative           Department of Justice. Provisions within
least 3.19 million barrels of crude into           (GOMRI); the $500 million awarded to the         the plea agreements directed a total of
the Gulf of Mexico (Graham et al. 2011;            National Academy of Sciences, Engineer-          $2.544 billion to NFWF over a five-year
Trustees Council 2016). In response to             ing, and Medicine, Gulf Research Program         period to be used to support natural re-
the spill, an estimated 1.84 million gal-          (NASEM-GRP) resulting from two crimi-            source projects in the five Gulf of Mexico
lons of dispersant was utilized (OSAT-1            nal settlements; the $100 million to the         states (Figure 1).
2010). Initial efforts to stop the spill failed,   North American Wetlands Conservation
and the DWH oil spill lasted for 87 days,          Fund related to fines from violation of the
                                                                                                        Since 2013, NFWF-GEBF has awarded
resulting in the largest spill in United           Migratory Bird Treaty Act; as well as other
                                                                                                    over $1.4 billion for 164 projects (NFWF-
States history, the contamination of more          settlements for billions in restoration to the
                                                                                                    GEBF 2020). NFWF has worked closely
than 43,000 square miles of Gulf waters,           National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s
                                                                                                    with state and federal resource agencies
and the oiling of at least 1,300 miles of          Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (NFWF-
                                                                                                    to focus their restoration investments
coastal shoreline from Texas to Florida            GEBF)(Figure 1).
                                                                                                    where they would do the most good for
(US DOJ 2015).
                                                      With these dollars, the DWH tragedy           fish, oysters, birds, marine mammals, sea
    As a result of the DWH spill, Gulf             has given way to an unparalleled oppor-          turtles and other wildlife populations.
of Mexico ecosystems were devastated               tunity to research, restore, and preserve
                                                                                                        The awards NFWF-GEBF have made
and coastal economies were disrupted.              the ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico. This
                                                                                                    to date are expected to enhance more
For example, natural resources such as             paper provides a short review of the his-
                                                                                                    than 100,000 acres of coastal habitats, that
coastal wetlands, sandy beaches, fish and          tory and accomplishments of the largest
shellfish, sea turtles, birds, deep-sea cor-                                                        include more than 40 miles of shoreline,
                                                   funding allocations for research and res-
als, and other living coastal and marine                                                            800 acres of oyster beds, 2,750 acres of
                                                   toration that have been made as a result of
life were greatly injured (Baker et al. 2017;                                                       each and dune habitat, and more than
                                                   the DWH oil spill. This history provides
NCRL 2019). As many as 105,400 sea                                                                  36,000 acres of marsh habitat (NFWF-
                                                   an important context for the publications
birds, 167,000 sea turtles, and 8.3 billion                                                         GEBF 2018). These activities have worked
                                                   included in this 10-year commemoration
oysters were lost and over 5,000 vertical                                                           to conserve coastal habitats and artificial
                                                   issue dedicated to Deepwater Horizon.
feet of water column was exposed to oil                                                             reef systems important to many species
                                                         RESTORATION FUNDING                        of Gulf fish, address light pollution and
and/or dispersant. Investigations into
                                                          National Fish and Wildlife                protect important sea turtle nesting
public health effects on coastal residents
                                                       Foundation Gulf Environmental                habitats, and protect critical rookery
and responders are ongoing (US DOJ
                                                         Benefit Fund (NFWF-GEBF)                   islands and beach nesting sites for birds.
2015; Trustees Council 2016).
                                                                   Background                       In addition to the wildlife benefits of the
    The oil spill triggered several criminal           The National Fish and Wildlife Foun-         NFWF-GEBF investments, these projects
and civil suits (Figure 1), including the          dation (NFWF), a nonprofit “dedicated to         also have generated immediate and long-
largest environmental settlement in U.S.           sustaining, restoring and enhancing the          term benefits to coastal communities
history — $20.8 billion — on 4 April 2016          nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats     that rely on the natural resources that
(Cruden et al. 2016), termed the “Global”          for current and future generations,” has         were impacted by the spill. For example,
settlement. The 2016 Global settlement             been a conservation leader in the Gulf           several NFWF-GEBF projects provide
ended all civil and criminal penalty claims        of Mexico for more than two decades.             restoration and protection for barrier
against the owners and operators of the            Following the DWH oil spill, NFWF                islands, beaches and marshes that protect
rig — BP, Anadarko, TransOcean and                 responded quickly, investing nearly $23          coastal communities from the effects of
Halliburton — under the Clean Water Act            million between 2010 and 2012 through            hurricanes (NFWF-GEBF 2018).
and the Oil Pollution Act. It also included        the Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife to
                                                                                                        The NFWF-GEBF represents one of
economic damage claims submitted by the            benefit the natural resources of the Gulf
                                                                                                    the first major conservation and restora-
five Gulf states and their local governments       Coast (NFWF-GEBF 2018). NFWF then
                                                                                                    tion funding sources that arose as a result
(US DOJ 2015). The 2016 Global settle-             launched the Gulf Environmental Ben-
                                                                                                    of the DWH spill. Many of the activities
ment, to be paid out by BP over 15 years,          efit Fund (GEBF) in 2013 in response
                                                                                                    funded by the NFWF-GEBF since 2013
was in addition to other investments and           to remedial orders contained in plea
Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                          Page 11
government fund established in 1986 to
                                                                                         aid in oil spill removal and damage as-
                                                                                            In addition to creating the Gulf Coast
                                                                                         Restoration Trust Fund, the RESTORE
                                                                                         Act established a new federal entity —
                                                                                         the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration
                                                                                         Council (RESTORE Council or Council).
                                                                                         The Council includes the governors of
                                                                                         the states of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana,
                                                                                         Mississippi, and Texas, and the secretaries
                                                                                         of the U.S. Departments of Agriculture,
                                                                                         Army, Commerce, Homeland Security,
                                                                                         and the Interior, and is currently chaired
                                                                                         by the administrator of the U.S. Environ-
                                                                                         mental Protection Agency.
                                                                                            A total of $5.33 billion dollars resulted
                                                                                         from 80% of the CWA penalties going to
                                                                                         the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund
                                                                                         (from a total penalty amount of $6.659
                                                                                         billion [plus interest], based on CWA
                                                                                         penalties of $1 billion [plus interest] from
                                                                                         Transocean Deepwater Inc. and related
                                                                                         entities; $159.5 million from Anadarko
                                                                                         Petroleum Corporation; and $5.5 billion
                                                                                         [plus interest] from BP). These funds are
                                                                                         dedicated to five priorities, commonly
                                                                                         referred to as “funding buckets”. Details
                                                                                         of each of these buckets are listed below:
  Figure 1. This figure depicts                                                              n A “Direct Component,” managed
  a timeline showing the date,
                                                                                         by the U.S. Treasury, for natural resource
  amount and location of funding allocations
                                                                                         restoration or economic improvement
  resulting from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH)
  oil spill. Abbreviations: GOMRI = Gulf of                                              efforts in the five Gulf states (35%, $1.86
  Mexico Research Initiative; NRDA = Natural                                             billion) (Bucket 1);
  Resource Damage Assessment; CWA =                                                          n A “Council Selected Restoration
  Clean Water Act; NFWF-GEBF = National                                                  Component” for a region-wide restora-
  Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf                                                      tion effort to restore, protect and revi-
  Environmental Benefit Fund; NASEM-GRP =
                                                                                         talize the Gulf Coast according to the
   National Academies of Sciences,
                                                                                         RESTORE Council’s Comprehensive Plan
  Engineering and Medicine, Gulf Research Program; OSLTF = Oil Spill
  Liability Trust Fund; NAWCF = National Wetlands Conservation Fund;                     (Council 2016) (30%, $1.6 billion + 50%
  GCRTF = Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund.                                             interest) (Bucket 2);
                                                                                            n A “Spill Impact Component” for
will serve as a springboard for larger      coast (Mabus 2010). Congress ultimately
                                                                                         planning and implementing approved
restoration investments and ecological      passed the Resources and Ecosystem
                                                                                         state projects, programs, and activities
improvement in the Gulf in the years to     Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities and
                                                                                         (30%, $1.6 billion) (Bucket 3);
come.                                       Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast
                                            States Act (RESTORE Act) in 2012. The           n The “NOAA Restore Science Pro-
      RESTORE Act: Restoration
                                            RESTORE Act dedicates 80% of any civil       gram” for research to support the long-
               Background                                                                term sustainability of the Gulf ecosystem,
                                            and administrative penalties paid under
   On 5 October 2010, President Barack                                                   and the recreational, commercial, and
                                            the CWA, after the date of enactment, by
Obama established the Gulf Coast Eco-                                                    charter fishing industry in the Gulf of
                                            responsible parties in connection with the
system Restoration Task Force at the                                                     Mexico (2.5%, $133.3 million + 25%
                                            Deepwater Horizon oil spill to the Gulf
recommendation of Ray Mabus, then                                                        interest) (Bucket 4); (Discussed under
                                            Coast Restoration Trust Fund (GCRTF)
Secretary of the Navy and former Gov-                                                    “Research Funding”) and,
                                            for ecosystem restoration, economic
ernor of the State of Mississippi (Mabus    recovery, and tourism promotion in the
2010). Secretary Mabus also recom-                                                          n Establishing “Centers of Excellence”
                                            Gulf Coast region (RESTORE Act 2012).
mended that Congress dedicate Clean                                                      in each Gulf state through competitive
                                            The remaining 20% (or $1.33 billion)
Water Act (CWA) civil penalties collected                                                subawards to nongovernmental orga-
                                            went to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund
as a result of the DWH spill to the Gulf                                                 nizations and academic institutions in
                                            (listed as “OSLTF” in Figure 1), a general
Page 12                                                                      Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
the Gulf for science, monitoring, and          “framework agreement” which BP termed                   matic damage assessment and restoration
technology (2.5%, $133.3 million + 25%         “Early Restoration” (Figure 1). BP made                 plan and programmatic environmental
interest) (Bucket 5) (Discussed under          $1 billion available for restoration projects           impact statement in 2016 to restore the
“Research Funding”).                           and planning to begin restoring injured                 Gulf and allocate funds from the settle-
                                               resources while injury and damage assess-               ment with BP (Trustees Council 2016).
                                               ment was ongoing (with no agreement yet                 This document set five goals:
    The variety of funding types available
                                               on a final settlement). This was the first
through the RESTORE Act has resulted in                                                                    n Restore and conserve habitat: $4.7
                                               agreement of its type in the history of the
multiple areas of restoration accomplish-                                                              billion
                                               damage assessment in the United States.
ments, but is also limited by the 15-year
                                               Seven trustees — the five Gulf states, the                 n Restore water quality: $410 million
timeline of the BP payout (e.g. not eligible
                                               U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and
for large lump-sum investments). The                                                                      n Replenish and protect coastal living
                                               the National Oceanographic and Atmo-
U.S. Treasury has awarded more than                                                                    resources: $1.8 billion
                                               spheric Administration (NOAA) — col-
$335 million to activities in the five Gulf
                                               laboratively worked together, with public                 n Provide and enhance recreational
states via Direct Component funding
                                               involvement, to select and implement                    opportunities: $420 million
(Bucket 1) (U.S. Department of Treasury
                                               projects with the $1 billion from Early
2019). These funds have gone towards the                                                                 n Monitoring, adaptive management
                                               Restoration funding resulting in five draft
planning and implementation of activi-                                                                 and oversight: $1.5 billion
                                               and final Early Restoration plans. (The
ties such as stormwater and wastewater
                                               Environmental Protection Agency [EPA]                      Since the Global settlement, each TIG
improvement, county resiliency planning,
                                               and the U.S. Department of Agriculture                  has been working to finalize restoration
coral reef restoration, as well as several
                                               [USDA] were later added as trustees.)                   plans and implement projects that will
education and economic development
projects.                                           In April 2016, there was a final DWH               restore the natural resources injured by
                                               consent decree where BP agreed to pay                   the DWH spill. As of December 2018, the
   The RESTORE Council has awarded                                                                     TIGs had expended approximately $555.3
                                               the DWH Trustee Council up to $8.8 bil-
more than $250 million for projects and                                                                million for restoration activities (Trustees
                                               lion (US DOJ 2016, this includes the $1
programs across the five Gulf States                                                                   Council 2019a). The Trustees have been
                                               billion allocated in Early Restoration, and
through its two funding buckets (Bucket                                                                working to implement similar restora-
                                               $7.1 billion for restoration to be paid out
2 and 3) (Council 2019a). To date, these                                                               tion type projects across the broad ge-
                                               over 15 years). In addition, up to an ad-
activities have resulted in the conserva-                                                              ographies of the Gulf of Mexico through
                                               ditional $700 million will be provided for
tion of almost 7,500 acres of coastal                                                                  coordinated and leveraged restoration
                                               adaptive management and to respond to
habitat, the restoration of more than                                                                  activities.3 In addition, the Trustees con-
                                               natural resource damages unknown at the
1,800 acres of wetlands, and provided                                                                  tinue to develop project-level guidelines
                                               time of the consent decree. Following the
funding for multiple restoration plan-                                                                 for monitoring and adaptive manage-
                                               Global settlement, the Trustee Council
ning studies, monitoring coordination,                                                                 ment of their funded projects (Trustees
                                               established seven restoration areas of fo-
and education and engagement activities                                                                Council 2019b). Assessment and restora-
                                               cus, and a Trustee Implementation Group
(Council 2019b).                                                                                       tion data generated by NRDA TIGs are
                                               (TIG) for each area. The restoration areas
                                               include each of the five Gulf states, plus              available through the Data Integration,
      Natural Resources Damages
                                               region-wide and the open ocean.2                        Visualization, Exploration, and Reporting
 Assessment and Restoration Program
                                                                                                       (DIVER) and Environmental Response
                                                           Accomplishments                             Management Application (ERMA Ⓡ )
   The oil spill also triggered a multi-
                                                  Early Restoration activities under                   tools. 4 A Cross-TIG Monitoring and
agency, multi-government regulatory
                                               NRDA were intended to accelerate the                    Adaptive Management work group with
administrative process known as a natural
                                               restoration of natural resources injured by             representation by the nine Trustees was
resource damages assessment (NRDA).
                                               the DWH spill, but not fully compensate                 established in part to synthesize and
Under the Oil Pollution Act, the NRDA
                                               the public for all resulting injuries and               evaluate monitoring information across
process has the goal of restoring natural
                                               losses. Sixty-five projects with a total                TIGs (Trustees Council 2019c).
resources and services to the condition
                                               cost of approximately $877 million were
they would have been had the oil spill not                                                                      RESEARCH FUNDING
                                               selected by Early Restoration, intended
occurred (H.R. 1465 1990). This process                                                                  Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
                                               to partially address injuries to nearshore
involves assessing the extent of harm                                                                                  (GOMRI)
                                               resources, birds, fish, sea turtles, and
to natural resources, and the amount                                                                                  Background
                                               recreational (Trustees Council 2016).
of money necessary to fund projects to                                                                    Approximately one month after the oil
                                               These projects included coastal habitat
replace or restore those resources and the                                                             spill began, while oil was still pouring into
                                               restoration, resource-specific restoration,
services they provide (H.R. 1465 1990).                                                                the Gulf of Mexico, BP voluntarily com-
                                               education, and infrastructure projects.
The natural resource damage assessment                                                                 mitted $500 million over 10 years to initi-
and restoration process is implemented           Following a five-year evaluation of the               ate a research program primarily focused
by federal, state, and tribal natural re-      damage, the Trustees issued a program-                  3) Project level information, reports, and download-
source “trustees”1 acting on behalf of the     1) Trustees are selected by the President and the       able data are available at www.gulfspillrestoration.
public.                                        governors of the relevant states. 33 U.S.C. 2706(b).    noaa.gov.

   On 20 April 2011 (one year after the        2) Details regarding funding allocation and restora-    4) Additional information and searchable data avail-
                                               tion areas are available at https://www.gulfspillres-   able at https://www.diver.orr.noaa.gov, and https://
date of the spill), the government came to a   toration.noaa.gov/restoration-areas.                    erma.noaa.gov/gulfofmexico/erma.html.

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                                   Page 13
on funding researchers in the five Gulf        In addition to establishing an un-                   the program granted approximately $25
states (Figure 1). The program, the Gulf    precedented source of research data and                 million through 25 awards as well as 19
of Mexico Research Initiative (GOMRI),      analysis for Gulf of Mexico habitats,                   fellowships, and in 2018 the program
administered by the Gulf of Mexico          GOMRI has also funded public outreach                   funded 50 grants totaling almost $20
Alliance, has 20 board members and is       efforts to translate and communicate re-                million with 30 fellowships. Since its
completely independent of BP. GOMRI         search findings to local communities, and               inception, the program has funded over
objectives include the investigation of     trained the next generation of scientists               $62 million total in research and fellow-
the impacts of the oil and dispersants      across the Gulf and beyond.                             ships (DWH Project Tracker 2020). In
on the ecosystems of the Gulf within the                                                            addition, the NASEM-GRP has funded
                                                National Academies of Sciences,
context of improving our fundamental                                                                several consensus studies to help inform
                                                Engineering and Medicine Gulf
understanding of the dynamics of oil                                                                their work and advance their goals. In
                                               Research Program (NASEM GRP)
spills and the associated environmental                                                             2018, the program funded studies to
stresses and public health implications                   Background                                improve understanding of community
(GOMRI 2019a).                                 The National Academies of Sciences,                  resilience, chemical dispersant use in oil
                                            Engineering and Medicine Gulf Research                  spill response, effective mentoring, the
            Accomplishments                 Program (NASEM-GRP) was funded                          coupled natural-human system, and the
   Moving into 2020, the 10-year re-        $500 million total from two criminal                    Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System
search program will be sunsetting in the    settlements in 2013 (Figure 1) to enhance               (NASEM-GRP 2018).
near future. GOMRI has made significant     offshore energy system safety, human
accomplishments in eight Core Areas:        health, and environmental resources                         Because of the diverse nature of the
                                            in the Gulf of Mexico region and other                  program, the NASEM-GRP supports
  n Core Area 1: Plume & Circulation                                                                interdisciplinary research and engages
                                            U.S. outer continental shelf regions that
Observations & Modeling                                                                             a wide variety of researchers from aca-
                                            support offshore energy production. The
   n Core Area 2: Fate of Oil & Weath-      settlement funds are to be expended over                demic, industry, government, and non-
ering: Biological & Physical-Chemical       a 30-year time period.                                  profits. The program also has robust data
Degradation                                                                                         management and delivery requirements
                                               Four initiatives advance the Gulf Re-                ensuring that all funded grants make
  n Core Area 3: Ecological/Ecosystem       search Program:                                         all data publicly available in approved
Impacts                                                                                             repositories. Given the 30(+) year life-
                                               n Healthy Ecosystems
  n Core Area 4: Human Health and                                                                   span of the NASEM-GRP, the program
                                               n Thriving Communities                               will continue to play a critical role in
Socioeconomic Impacts
                                               n Safer Offshore Energy Systems                      training future scientists and supporting
  n Core Area 5: Ecosystem Services,                                                                interdisciplinary research and activities
Human Health and Socioeconomic                 n Capacity Building                                  that advance oil systems safety, commu-
Impacts                                                                                             nity resilience, and healthy ecosystems in
                                                The NASEM-GRP advances these
  n Core Area 6: Microbiology, Metage-      initiatives through grant opportunities,                the Gulf for several decades.
nomics & Bioinformatics                     fellowship programs, consensus studies,                         RESTORE Act: Research
                                            and collaboration and outreach efforts.                                Background
  n Core Area 7: Integrated/Linked
                                            The NASEM-GRP includes an Advisory                          As mentioned above, a total of $5.3
Modeling System
                                            Board of 20-25 appointed experts that                   billion dollars resulted from 80 percent
   n Core Area 8: Knowledge Exchange        provide intellectual and strategic leader-              of the CWA penalties going to the Gulf
with User Communities: Lessons Learned      ship to the NASEM-GRP staff and fellows                 Coast Ecosystem Restoration Trust Fund.
and Operational Advice                      (NASEM-GRP 2018).                                       In addition to on-the-ground restora-
   GOMRI has funded almost $400 mil-                     Accomplishments                            tion planning and implementation, the
lion in research, brought together over        In 2014 the NASEM-GRP developed                      RESTORE Act allocated funding for
2,500 scientists, has produced over 1,000   a strategic vision to guide its future in               research and innovation via the NOAA
peer-reviewed journal publications, and     implementing the program (NASEM-                        RESTORE Science Program and Centers
resulted in over 2,100 datasets all made    GRP 2014). By 2015, the program began                   of Excellence funding (Buckets 4 and 5):
publicly available through the Gulf of      implementing the vision and granted                        The NOAA RESTORE Science Pro-
Mexico Research Initiative Information      over $6.5 million through investments                   gram for research to support the long-
and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) (GOM-         in capacity building and exploratory,                   term sustainability of the Gulf ecosystem,
RI 2019b). GOMRI founded GRIIDC             synthesis, capacity building, research-                 and the recreational, commercial, and
with the requirement that all GOMRI-        practice, and research and development                  charter fishing industry in the Gulf of
funded research data is uploaded and        grants. The program continued increas-                  Mexico (2.5%, $133.3 million + 25%
available to other researchers and the      ing research investments in 2016, includ-               interest) (Bucket 4); and
public, becoming a resource to many         ing a joint venture with the Robert Wood
around the Gulf of Mexico and the world.    Johnson Foundation to enhance commu-                       Establishing “Centers of Excellence”
GRIIDC also accepts data from other         nity resilience, as well as 20 fellowships to           in each Gulf state through competitive
funded research programs. GRIIDC is         advance early career scientists. In 2017,               subawards to nongovernmental orga-
currently a repository for almost 2,700     5) Additional information and searchable data           nizations and academic institutions in
datasets from 292 research groups.5         available at https://data.gulfresearchinitiative.org.   the Gulf for science, monitoring, and
Page 14                                                                               Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020
technology (2.5%, $133.3 million + 25%        realized. These collaborative efforts have          ment Inventory of Existing Water Quality
interest) (Bucket 5).                         been particularly active in working to              Monitoring, Habitat Monitoring, and
                                              align monitoring and data management                Mapping Program Metadata in the Gulf
             Accomplishments                  efforts in the Gulf. Below we highlight a           of Mexico. This inventory integrated and
   Beginning in 2015, the NOAA RE-            few of these efforts.                               expanded upon existing monitoring da-
STORE Science Program has conducted                                                               tabases (i.e. Ocean Conservancy, Global
three funding competitions which have            The Gulf of Mexico Restoration and
                                                                                                  Change Monitoring Portal, and GOMA)
provided $35 million to 26 teams of           Science Program Coordination Forum
                                                                                                  to develop a more comprehensive direc-
researchers and resource managers for         (GRSP), chaired by the NOAA RESTORE
                                                                                                  tory of active and inactive monitoring and
activities aimed to support the science       Science Program, serves as a venue for
                                                                                                  mapping programs in the Gulf of Mexico.
and coordination necessary for a bet-         Gulf science programs to communicate
                                                                                                  Ultimately the information collected will
ter understanding and management of           on-going and future activities and pro-
                                                                                                  be made publicly accessible via a geo-
the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem (NOAA            mote coordination of joint activities that
                                                                                                  referenced, quality assured and controlled
RESTORE 2019). These teams and their          address shared issues across program
                                                                                                  inventory of key water quality and habitat
projects were selected using a competitive    (NOAA RESTORE 2018). The Coor-
                                                                                                  monitoring metadata for Gulf programs.
selection process that includes review by     dination Forum also publishes an an-
                                                                                                  This feature is planned for completion in
panels of outside experts, and feedback       nual funding calendar that consolidates
                                                                                                  2020 (NOAA and USGS 2019).
from resource managers and other end          planned funding opportunities across all
users (NOAA RESTORE 2018). Col-               DWH programs.6                                                   CONCLUSIONS
lectively, these awards demonstrate the                                                               According to the Deepwater Horizon
                                                  The DWH Long Term Data Manage-
NOAA RESTORE Science Program’s                                                                    Project Tracker Tool8 which tracks all
                                              ment (LTDM) Coordination working
commitment to producing timely and                                                                reported restoration, conservation, and
                                              group was established in 2017 to foster
high-quality scientific findings and                                                              science funding investments since the
                                              collaboration, data sharing and best
products to support the management                                                                DWH oil spill, over 1,200 projects have
                                              management practices among the many
and sustainability of the Gulf of Mexico                                                          been implemented totaling over $4 bil-
                                              groups working in coastal restoration
ecosystem, including its fisheries.                                                               lion and leveraging over $500 million
                                              and research in the Gulf of Mexico. This
                                                                                                  (DWH Project Tracker 2020). This is a
    The RESTORE Act Centers of Ex-            working group is facilitated by the Coastal
                                                                                                  significant investment considering the
cellence (COE) have research grant            Research Response Center at the Univer-
                                                                                                  “Global” settlement was in 2016 and is
programs stood up in Texas, Louisiana,        sity of New Hampshire in partnership
                                                                                                  limited by a 15-year payout from BP (the
Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. While       with National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                                                                                  final payment is scheduled in 2032). By
each state is allocated $26.66 million in     Administration (NOAA).7
                                                                                                  2032 it is expected that more than $17.5
settlement funds for the COE (subject
                                                  In 2015, the RESTORE Council                    billion will have been made available for
to the BP payout), every state’s COE is
                                              funded the Council Monitoring and                   restoration, conservation, and science to
slightly different, for example there are
                                              Assessment Program (CMAP). CMAP,                    the Gulf of Mexico (this number does
two established in Texas. The research
                                              which is administered jointly by NOAA               not include the economic settlements).
grant programs are set up to essentially
                                              and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),              While much has been accomplished 10
support each state in filling research
                                              funded activities that include the develop-         years post-spill, the Gulf of Mexico is still
gaps related to their restoration and
                                              ment of basic, foundational components              at the early stages of post-DWH recovery.
management decisions around the Gulf
                                              for Gulf-wide monitoring to measure                 Significant governance challenges – mul-
of Mexico. Up until now, 50 grants have
                                              beneficial impacts of investments in                tiple responsible parties, settlements, and
been funded in the five states totaling
                                              Gulf restoration by the Council (Council            decision-making entities — have been
more than $14.5 million and leverag-
                                              2015). The program, in coordination with            met with a willing community around the
ing more than $350,000 (DWH Project
                                              the Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA)                  Gulf of Mexico to coordinate and be good
Tracker 2020).
                                              and through collaboration with the Gulf             stewards of the funding and opportunity
   SCIENCE COOPERATION AND                    states, federal and local partners, aca-            presented. Continued accomplishments
      COORDINATION ACROSS                     demia, non-governmental organizations,              in restoration and science are expected
      FUNDING STREAMS AND                     and business and industry, has leveraged            to be significant over the coming 10 years
            ORGANIZATIONS                     existing resources, capacities, and exper-          as funds are made available, moving the
    While each of the organizations and       tise and builds on existing monitoring              Gulf of Mexico towards recovery from
agencies funded as a result of the DWH        data and programs. One of the highlights            the spill. In addition, the lessons learned
oil spill settlement are addressing differ-   of the CMAP project is the development              in research, restoration and multi-agency
ent research and restoration needs in the     of the Council Monitoring and Assess-               coordination through DWH funded
Gulf of Mexico, all of the funding agencies   6) Available at https://restoreactscienceprogram.
                                                                                                  activities can provide lasting benefits to
described here have taken part in active      noaa.gov/funding-opportunities/funding-oppor-       other large-scale, multi-agency efforts,
cooperation and collaboration efforts to      tunities-2019-2021.                                 restoration or otherwise, in the Gulf
ensure DWH funds are leveraged, and           7) Additional information on this working group     region and beyond for decades to come.
the potential for this funding is fully       available at https://crrc.unh.edu/data_management
                                              as well as elsewhere in this Journal issue.         8) Available at: https://dwhprojecttracker.org/.

Shore & Beach  Vol. 88, No. 1  Winter 2020                                                                                               Page 15
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