Message from Administration - NET

Page created by Clyde Barker
Message from Administration - NET
                                                            March 2022
1265 Barratt Avenue, Wpg, MB R3G 0L5     Telephone: (204)772-9527     Fax: (204)783-1806
                                Principal: C. Goring                Vice-Principal: N. De Luca

Message from Administration
Dear Parents & Guardians,

Many of our students and their families have excellent a endance and this needs to be celebrated. Some students and
families are struggling with regular a endance or being late to class. Our school data tells us we need to develop strat-
egies that focus on both celebra#ng a endance successes and improving student absenteeism and late arrivals to
Research indicates that missing more than 5 days of school each year, regardless of the cause, affects student academic
performance and starts shaping a'tudes about school. Therefore, we must realize that excused absences and
unexcused absences have similar impact on student academic performance.
Our school has a progressive a endance strategy with an emphasis on proac#ve strategies:
Stage 1-
• Office staff and teachers record daily student lates and absences. If an absence is unexplained, a parent/guardian will receive an
  automated phone call or email sent using the Safe Arrival System.
• Classroom teachers will make the first contact to families and make phone calls/emails home to inquire about student’s absence,
  documen#ng their efforts.
• Classroom teacher brings a endance concerns (and documented efforts) forward to Principal/Vice-Principal. Principal/Vice-
  Principal calls home to inquire about student’s absence, documen#ng efforts.
Stage 2 - A endance Le er #1 & Home Visita on
• Proac#ve home visit conducted by Principal/Vice-Principal, Resource teacher or other staff member with a endance le er #1.
  Copy of le er #1 provided to homeroom teacher, resource teacher, and office staff places le er in student’s pupil file. A mee#ng
  is scheduled with student and parent/guardian/caregiver to develop an a endance improvement plan with classroom teacher,
  resource teacher and Principal/Vice-Principal.
Stage 3 - A endance Le er #2 and Truancy Involvement
• Copy of le er #2 mailed with copy provided to homeroom teacher, resource teacher, and office staff places le er in student’s
  pupil file. A mee#ng is scheduled with student and parent/guardian/caregiver to develop an a endance improvement plan with
  classroom teacher, resource teacher and Principal/Vice-Principal.
• Principal/Vice-Principal will contact Truancy Officer who will conduct home visit. Truancy will con#nue to be involved to support
  the a endance improvement plan.
• School social worker may become involved to support the plan to increase student a endance.
Stage 4 - A endance Le er #3 & School Social Worker Involvement
• Copy of le er #3 mailed with copy provided to homeroom teacher, resource teacher, and school social worker and office staff
  places le er in students student’s pupil file.
• School social worker will become involved to support the plan to increase student a endance. A mee#ng is requested with stu-
  dent and parent/guardian/caregiver to develop an a endance improvement plan with classroom teacher, resource teacher and
• Truancy Officer con#nues to support a endance improvement plan.
Stage 5 - Le er #4 - Withdrawal from Credit Course(s) or School
• If all a empts at home/school connec#on and improved a endance have failed, a student may be withdrawn a;er 20 or more
  absences as per Winnipeg School Division guidelines. Withdrawal le er mailed home with copies to homeroom teacher, resource
  teacher, school social worker and office staff places le er in student’s CUM file.
• Some consequences may include: Grade 9 student will have to repeat course; Cree and Ojibwe bilingual program students will
  have to register in their catchment/community school.
- Mr. C. Goring
Message from Administration - NET
Drop-Off/ Pick-Up Zone - Student Safety
                   Please take note of the no parking, no stopping and school bus loading zone restric#ons on
                   Barra Ave before and a;er school. It's a busy area as six school buses load and unload
                   students during these #mes. Addi#onal traffic or illegally stopped/parked vehicles cause #mely
                   delays. We encourage all families to use the designated drop-off/pick-up area or the loading
                   zone on the west side of Cli;on Street north of Barra Avenue.

Reminders to All Parents:
•   Dismissal #me at the end of the day is 3:30 p.m. for all grade levels. Please ensure you call the school if
    you cannot make it for 3:30 p.m. While we understand that situa#ons arise that may make parents late
    for pick up, we are unable to accommodate this on a regular basis. All children must be picked up by 3:30
    p.m. If you require a;er-school care, please contact Valour Community Centre.
•   Report Cards will be distributed on Wednesday, March 16th. As stated in November, Isaac Brock School is
    switching to emailing report cards to parents instead of prin#ng hard copies. If you prefer to obtain a
    paper copy of your child’s Report Card and have not informed us already, please call the Office at
    204-772-9527 before March 16th.

                                                                    Isaac Brock School encourages all
                                                                    students to bring their own reusable
                                                                    water bo le to school. The Office
                                                                    has a limited amount of paper cups
                                                                    to give our students.

                                  Isaac Brock School
                               Isaac Brock School is now accepting new registrations
                               for our English, Cree and Ojibwe Programs for the
                               2022-2023 school year!
                               Registration forms and information can be found on our
                               school website at:
                               Registrations may be emailed to
                               with pictures of the required documents, or dropped off
                               at the school between 8:00 AM and 4:30PM.

                               Come join our amazing group of students!

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Message from Administration - NET
Room 15 Tug-of-War
 PULL- Room 15 experimented their muscular force while playing "Tug Of War". We divided classroom kids in
               different groups to show equal balanced forces/unequal unbalanced forces.
                                    Group 1: Boys(11) versus Girls(8)
                                    Group 2: Girls (4) versus Girls(4)
                                    Group 3: Boys(6) versus Boys(5)
                           Group 4: Boys(5) + Girls(4) versus Boys (6) + Girls(4)
                               Boys(6) + Girls(4) versus Boys (5) + Girls(4)

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Message from Administration - NET
Update from Room 32
We have had a great #me learning about Flight in our room! We built and tested many different things over
the past month or so. As part of a homework assignment, we built parachutes that we dropped down the
stairwells of Isaac Brock School. Congratula#ons to Jrayden for crea#ng the parachute that produced the
greatest amount of drag! We also built rockets that used inflated balloons for their pneuma#c power and
helped propel them across the room. Finally, we tested out how different paper affected the flight path of
paper airplanes, and how regular paper airplanes changed their flight paths when paperclips were a ached
to them. The second floor hallways became the new Isaac Brock runways, but we had a blast!

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Message from Administration - NET
Update from Room 31
The grade 6 and 7 students in room 31 spent part of February crea#ng projects on early Canadian history.
They researched an important event, created a project to communicate their research findings, and
presented their projects to the class! They worked really hard and even though they were nervous to
present to their classmates, they did an amazing job and showed excellent research and communica#on
skills! Way to go, room 31!

                                                                                      Room 31

                                                                                    Room 31

                                                                                       Room 31

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Message from Administration - NET
Dear Parents/Guardians,

       Isaac Brock Parent Council’s spring fundraising campaign will be a sale of excellent quality and compe vely
       priced bedding plants, perennials, hanging baskets, vegetables, herbs, succulents, and container gardens from
       Glenlea Greenhouses. Fall Garden Mums can be easily ordered now in the spring for delivery shortly a=er Labor
       Day in the early Fall. Gi= Cards are also available to be used at their greenhouse or at their booth at any of the
       markets they a end.

       In an a empt to be more environmentally conscious, our primary method for ordering will be online. Instruc ons
       for how to do that are found below. We understand that not everyone has access to ordering online, so a small
       number of paper catalogues and order forms have been made available. Please contact the office via email at or phone at 204-772-9527 to request a hard copy of the catalogue and arrangements will be
       made to get that to you. A=er taking any of your paper orders from friends and family, compile them all on one
       order form to hand in. Only one order form per par cipant please. (Any of them can choose to order online
       instead, if they wish.) Please send cash or cheque made payable to Isaac Brock Parent Council along with order
       forms with your child to give to their teacher NO LATER THAN Wednesday, April 6th, 2022.

       You as the customer can follow these simple steps to shop and pay online at Glenlea Greenhouses website at
       1. On their homepage select Spring Fundraiser.
       2. Once you are finished shopping, go to the cart page and select “to support & pick up at a fundraiser group”.
       A=erwards, three fields will appear.
       3. Please select from the dropdown Isaac Brock Parent Council
       4. Under Name of Seller insert the name of the individual you are suppor ng with this fundraiser's name
       5. Lastly check the Checkbox to confirm all the informa on in the above fields are correct and click checkout &
       6. Input your email and under Receiving Method ensure “More Receiving Methods” is selected. Finish inpuKng
       your personal informa on and click Con nue.
       7. Select “Fundraiser - To Support and Pickup at the Fundraiser Group I selected on CART page and con nue to
       payment method.
       8. Once on the payment method screen, payment can be completed with VISA, MASTERCARD, and AMERICAN
       EXPRESS credit cards or INTERAC e-transfer to the Greenhouse.
       Shortly a=er comple on of the order, an email confirma on is sent to the email address provided confirming
       delivery loca on and date along with the products ordered. Online orders will be able to be placed un l 11:59 pm
       on April 15th, 2022.
       The plants will be delivered to the school on May 30th, 2022. Full details about pick-up will be made available
       closer to the delivery date to ensure we are following any and all public health orders related to Covid that may
       We can generate up to 25% commission from the plants that are purchased. Monies raised will help provide items
       such as new books for the library, cameras and other electronic devices for classrooms, and class specific requests
       for field trips and supplies!

       Volunteers are needed to help sort flowers and with plant pick up. If you are available to help out or have any
       further ques ons please contact Sindy at Thanks in advance for suppor ng Isaac
       Brock School!

       Happy Gardening!
       Isaac Brock Parent Council

MARC                                                      Page 6                                                            ISAA
Message from Administration - NET
Who ordered all this snow?! Let’s hope that clearer and warmer days are on the horizon! Our Parent Council
has been dreaming about spring as we make plans to once again host a plant fundraiser through Glenlea
Greenhouse! Informa#on for the fundraiser has gone out through the School Messenger. We will be
accep#ng orders primarily through their online plaRorm at h ps:// under the
fundraiser tab. You can pay with credit card or e-transfer. Last day for ordering is April 15th.

We understand that an online op#on may not work for all families, so we have a small number of paper
catalogues and order forms available in the office. Please call or email the office to request a copy and
arrangements will be made to get it to you. You can pay by cash or cheque made payable to the Isaac Brock
Parent Council. Orders are to be sent in with your child and given to the teacher. They are due no later than
April 6th.

Plant pick is currently scheduled for May 30th and we will be sending out details on that closer to the date.

As for an update on our Scholas#c Book Fair funds, we fulfilled wish lists that were submi ed by teachers and
with monies le; over, we selected various book #tles and storage units to be shared by the school. This was a
fun way for us to end February and “I Love to Read” month. We hope these new books keep the children
excited for reading!

Just a reminder, we hold monthly mee#ngs to discuss what’s going on at the school, provide parental input to
the admin and plan ways to fundraise to provide our students with the best learning experience possible!
March’s mee#ng will be March 15th, 2022. As of right now, we s#ll have to hold virtual mee#ngs through
Zoom, so you can email a request to join to

Sindy A. Stra on & Leanne Janzen
Parent Council Co-Chairs
                                       March’s Comic of the Month brought to you by: Elias in Room 2!

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Message from Administration - NET
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Message from Administration - NET
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Message from Administration - NET
March 2022
Monday        Tuesday                 Wednesday           Thursday                Friday
              1              Day 5 2              Day 6 3                 Day 1   4           Day 2
                                            Mobile Vision Clinic Tes ng
                AM- Gr. 7/8 Shops                          8:15-8:45– Room
               8:15-8:45– Rm. 1,2,3    PM– Gr. 9 Shops          5,12,15               Term 2 Ends
                  Badminton Club
                                                           Badminton Club
                 Lunch: Rm. 15/12
                   Ukulele Club

7        Day 3 8             Day 4 9              Day 5 10                Day 6 11            Day 1
                8:15-8:45– Rm.        AM– Gr. 7/8 Shops       8:15-8:45
               31/32 Badminton                             Rm. 24/25/26/34
                     Club                                  Badminton Club
               Lunch: Rm. 15/12
                 Ukulele Club                               PM– Gr. 9 Shops

14       Day 2 15           Day 3 16              Day 4 17                Day 5 18            Day 6
               8:15-8:45- Rm. 1,2,3    Report Cards    8:15-8:45– Room                NO CLASSES
                 Badminton Club     emailed to parents       5,12,15
                Lunch: Rm. 15/12
                                     PLEASE CALL THE    Badminton Club             Tri-Conferences
                   Ukulele Club
                                      OFFICE IF YOU    AM- Gr. 7/8 Shops                all day
               6:30– Parent Council  PREFER A PAPER     Tri– Conference
                     Mee#ng               COPY              Evening

21       Day 1 22           Day 2 23              Day 3 24                Day 4 25            Day 5
                8:15-8:45– Rm.                                8:15-8:45    AM- Gr. 7/8 Shops
               31/32 Badminton                             Rm. 24/25/26/34
                     Club                                  Badminton Club
               Lunch: Rm. 15/12
                 Ukulele Club

28            29                      30                   31

                      CLASSES RESUME MONDAY, APRIL 4TH
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