CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200

Page created by Clarence Weber
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
                             Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200

                                Preparing Our Students For The Future
                                                Term 1 2020

Principal’s Message                                       students and staff for their support and guidance in
We are well underway this term and it’s almost over.      this area.
A huge welcome to our Year 7 students, our new
enrolments and to our new staff. We have the              An enormous task for schools now is to ensure that
following new permanent appointments and we               every student wishing to gain a Higher School
welcome them to our school:                               Certificate needs to have demonstrated a minimum
                                                          standard in Literacy and Numeracy. This means that
Mr Tom Naseby, Head Teacher Support                       they need to sit an online test and pass in reading,
Ms Julie Ransom, Support Teacher                          writing and mathematics. Students will have a
Ms Sladjana Zubac, English Teacher                        number of opportunities to re-sit these tests if they
Mr Antony Viegas, English/ ESL Teacher                    fail, but it is important to know that if they do not
Ms Jessica Gibson, English Teacher                        pass, they do not receive the HSC testamur. More
Ms Moujda Faiz, Mathematics/ Science Teacher              detailed information is provided in this newsletter. If
Mr Andrew Canobra, TAS Teacher                            any parents/caregivers have any concerns or
Ms Maggie Lu, HSIE Teacher                                questions about HSC minimum standards, please
                                                          contact Ms Maslen, Head Teacher Mathematics, on
One of the reasons for the appointment of many new        9709 4522.
staff is the massive increase in student enrolment in
2020. We now have 931 students enrolled with many         School photos will be taking place on Monday
on our waiting list. We have more than reached our        March 16. Please ask your children for information
maximum number of 920 students.                           about the school photos.

I know that there are many families on our waiting        Mobile phones continue to be one of our focus
list and I apologise for that, but it is very important   areas. You would have all been reading the news
that all children attend their local school. We are       and know that many schools have been following in
currently at capacity and cannot take any more new        our footsteps to ban mobile phones during the
enrolments unless they are local. Thank you all for       school day. Please ensure that your child hands their
your understanding with this sensitive matter.            phone to the office at the beginning of the school
                                                          day and collects them at the end of the day. No
I am so pleased to report that in 2019, we had            phones are allowed to be kept with students during
absolutely amazing HSC results, climbing the 2019         the day. If found, we will continue to confiscate
HSC School Rankings by 150 places. Our 2019 top           them for 14 days. Your support in this matter has
student, Hoang Dao, was on the elite achievers list       been appreciated. We have enough technology in
and earned an ATAR of 94.8.                               the school for your child to use. They do NOT need
                                                          their phones.
We are all so proud of these results and aim to
continue to raise our standards, lift the ceiling and     Student ID cards are also very important. Please
support every student in their learning journey to        ensure that your child brings their ID card to school
achieve success.                                          every day. Every student needs one. Every student
                                                          has one at the moment, except for Year 7 and new
Our P&C meetings are underway and I encourage our         students. After March 16, all students will be
parents to attend. An information page is provided in     receiving a new one with their school photos.
this newsletter with dates and times for all scheduled
meetings for 2020.                                        At the end of this term, during the school holidays,
                                                          our Christian families will be celebrating Easter. I
Many of our students have been chosen to participate      would like to take this opportunity to wish you a
in the various leadership and educational programs        Happy Easter and a safe and wonderful break.
that we have created links and partnerships with. I
would like to remind you to encourage your children       SC Mobayed
who have been nominated to attend these unique
opportunities as they arise.                                             Semester One 2020
Our student leaders have already been busy, leading
our school with fundraising activities, organising        Thursday 9 April, 2020         Last Day Term 1
events to raise money for all who are less privileged
than we are. The NSW Rural Fire Service were
donated $700 from selling roses on Valentine’s Day                                       Term 2 Commences for
and there is a plan for Crazy Hair Day to raise money     Tuesday 28 April, 2020         All Years
for people with Cancer. A big thank you to all
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
Welcome back!

Year 7 Welcome Barbeque

On Monday 10 February, we held our Welcome Barbeque for Year 7 students and their families. Though it
was a very hot afternoon, many parents attended to make use of the opportunity to meet with teachers.
Our philosophy is that our school is a second family to your children. We know from research and
experience that when parents work with teachers, their children will have the best opportunity to achieve
their potential.

Best Start

We are using the BEST START on-line diagnostic tests to tailor learning for your children. We have used a
combination of the test results and class work to assess the best class for your child and tailor the
teaching and learning to meet their educational needs.
Our primary focus is that your child is safe, happy and learning. It is very important that every child feels
connected; that he or she has friends who are positive and supportive. Talking to your child about their
day and what they have learnt is a useful way to get a sense about how they are feeling about school. If
you have concerns, please let us know so that we can work together to solve any issues.
Our values of respect, equity, safety and positivity are paramount in our daily interactions. We expect that
our students respect their teachers and follow instructions in the first instance so that the focus can be on
teaching and learning. We appreciate your support in explaining the importance of these values with your
Teachers are following up on students recording their homework in their diaries. Please ask your child to
show you their diary so you can monitor the daily work and assessment tasks that are due. The school
uses EDMODO, an educational electronic platform to upload homework, class work and school related
information. Parent codes are available and should also be found in your child’s diary. Please ask your
child to provide you with the parent code. If they are unable to give it to you, please contact the school.
We are looking forward to recognising and celebrating your child’s growth in learning this term.
Ms Nielsen
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
What a wonderful and busy first few weeks we have had with Year 7 since they began at Condell Park
High School! The students have completed literacy and numeracy testing, participated in our peer
support program, raced their hearts out in the swimming carnival and have begun developing strong
friendships throughout the school day. They have also been very keen in achieving RESP Merits, which is
wonderful to see.

Along with Mr Maher, I have enjoyed getting to know the students and look forward to seeing each one
discover their desire for learning as we encourage them on their journey towards their future. Year 7
2020 are a delightful mix of personalities and talents. They are friendly, vibrant and generally caring
towards each other, and I am excited to see how they all flourish and grow as their high school years

Settling into high school may be easy for some and can be challenging for others. It is imperative for
students to establish a solid school and homework routine. Your support as their parents is vital in
achieving success in your child’s learning. The work we do here goes hand in hand with the work done at
home. I hope we can work together to facilitate and
achieve the best learning and wellbeing outcomes for your
Homework should be regular and ongoing, involving a
combination of completing set tasks, revising concepts
covered in class, extra practice of difficult skills or concepts
and no matter WHAT HAPPENS, literacy and numeracy
revision is a must.
While we are pleased to see how well Year 7 are doing, all
parents and Year 7 students are reminded that if they have
any issues, the best approach is to speak with me,
Mr Maher or another member of staff so the school can
provide a supportive and appropriate response.

Ms Lagos
Year 7 Year Advisor

On December 10, 2019, Lana Daaboul of Year 12
attended the Academy Access Award Ceremony at
Western Sydney University. Lana, among other
students from different schools, received the
Academy Access Scholarship.

Lana will have access to the library at any WSU
campus, as well as access to important information
and events regarding the HSC and University
opportunities after school.

Thank you to Mrs. Watts and Miss. Ali for attending
the award ceremony with Lana.
This is a huge honour and is a credit to her hard work
and dedication. Congratulations Lana!
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
Condell Park High School held the 2020 swimming carnival
at Birrong Pool on Friday 21 February. Well done to all
students who participated on the day and congratulations
to the ROE house for winning the house point score
competition. Year 12 had a great day and were in fine form
celebrating their final school swimming carnival.

Congratulations to the following students who were
crowned age champions for the efforts on the day:
12yr Girls – Danya Brais
13yr Girls – Alena Mariam
14yr Girls – Raqayaa Abdulkarim

12yr Boys – Samy Chelghoum
13yr Boys – Muhammad Habbouche
14yr Boys – Adam Harris
15yr Boys – Ahmed Ghamrawi
16yr Boys – Immanuel Mansour
17+yr Boys – Lavashanth Kuranakaran
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
This term, our school, like many other public schools in the state, will participate in a Department of
Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey measures factors that
are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide
survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices.

More information about the survey is available at:
The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide us with valuable and quick feedback on
what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers
interact with them. More than 6,300 schools in Australia and around the world have used Tell Them
From Me to survey 5.4 million students. Capturing the voices of our students will help improve how we
do things at our school.
The survey is confidential and is conducted online. It will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete
and will be administered during school hours between 9 March and 8 May. Participating in the survey is
entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey will be sent home with
students shortly.
Ms S Singh

In the lead up to Valentine's Day, the SRC of 2020 organised a fundraiser in order to raise funds for the
New South Wales Rural Fire Services. A big thank you to the teachers and students of Condell Park High
School for their kind donations towards the fundraiser, as a school we were able to raise $700.
Valentine's Day was very special this year at Condell Park High School and we were all definitely feeling
the love in the air.
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
RESP at Condell Park High School
At Condell Park High School, the values of Respect, Equity, Safety and Positivity are at the heart of our
daily teaching and learning.
As a school, we are always thinking of ways to improve RESP for both students and teachers. In 2019,
our RESP tokens were linked to our Merit Awards. In addition, each time a student received a Merit
Award, it was recorded as a RESP point on Sentral. Students also earned RESP points when they received
a positivity letter, a positive phone call home or a Special Award for participating in extra-curricular
The students who had the most RESP points received RESP rewards throughout the year and were
invited to exclusive RESP Events. This system will continue to be in 2020.

In 2019, the RESP rewards included; weekly prizes on assembly, RESP BBQs, a RESP Movie day and a
RESP Excursion to Luna Park. Below are some photos of our RESP excursion to Luna Park at the end of
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
THANK YOU to the local businesses that support our students through Work Experience opportunities,
Workplace learning and fundraising. Condell Park High School is very appreciative to have your continued
                                         school involvement.

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CONDELL PARK HIGH SCHOOL - Third Avenue, Condell Park NSW 2200
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