KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School

Page created by Theresa Walton
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
Friday 8th October 2021

                                           KHS News 2021-22
                                       Trips, Sports Fixtures and
            Chickens…..School life resuming at KHS
We are now six and a half weeks into the Autumn Term—one of the
busiest times of the school year, particularly this year as more of the
wider school provisions have been re-established following COVID-19

On Saturday, our Head of Outdoor Education, Mr Martin, rehomed 10
battery chickens who had been badly treated. These chickens form
part of our Outdoor Education curriculum and have provoked
curiosity and interest amongst our students this week.

We are also incredibly proud of the 380 students who have already
achieved their Bronze badge, the 44 already achieving Silver and the 4
students who have achieved Gold for having over 300 House points
already this year!

We will also be issuing our new KHS Student Leadership tie to mem-
bers of our School Council and Mental Health Student Ambassadors
once they arrive (see picture below).

It has also been good to see the return of trips and visits, with A Level
Geography and Photography trips taking place over the past week. We
look forward to expanding our trips and visit opportunities post-
pandemic to all students.

Finally, a big congratulations to our Year 7 football team who beat Harris
Garrard on penalties 4-3 on Tuesday evening after a close 2-2 draw—a
great effort by this new team.

Mr R Leitch
Headteacher, King Henry School (

Key dates:
                             Year 11 GCSE Fayre—Tuesday 19th October
                             Sixth Form Open Evening—Thursday 21st October
                             Year 7 Meet the Tutor Evening (virtual) - Thursday 21st October
                             End of term—Friday 22nd October
                             Return to school—Monday 8th November
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
King Henry School are currently consulting on our Admission Policy for 2023 - 2024 and a copy has been
published below.
Consultation on a proposed reduction in Published Admission Number (PAN) for King Henry School with
effect from September 2023.
The current Published Admissions Number (PAN) for King Henry School is 300
Year 7 on roll (previous Years):
2020: 246
2019: 330
2018: 303
2017: 316
2016: 289

Specific proposal

The Governing Body plan to reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) of the school from 300 to 250
with effect from September 2023.
The number of places available for children in Year 7 in 2023 – and all subsequent Year 7 cohorts will at

Factors that have been considered by the Governing Body in deciding to consult include:
Additional changes to the oversubscription criteria are listed below:
   Priority 3 – Sibling
This is given to a child with a brother or sister attending a school within the ‘Odyssey Trust for Education’
at the time of application, other than where the older sibling started at an Odyssey school in the sixth
   Priority 4 – Staff Child (new)
Staff Children – those students with a parent or registered guardian employed within the Odyssey Trust
for Education on a permanent basis at the time of application.
How to respond
The consultation period will end on: Friday 31st January 2022; if you have any comments please write to
the Chair of Governors – Ms S Sykes at the school or email Mrs C Dooley, EA to the CEO at clearly marked for the attention of Ms Sykes with the heading: Consultation
to King Henry’s Admissions Policy 2023/2024 by the above date.
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
"Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors:

 I would like to congratulate all the students
 that have been nominated and chosen to be
 part of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Am-
 bassadors. We have had our first meeting and
 the students have had their training from our
 external provider. The students participated
 very well and showed politeness, kindness, re-
 spect and courage during all the activities.
 The students will be providing drop-in sessions
 for any students that want to talk to someone
 about mental health and any worries they
 have. This will be on a Monday at break time
 in the New Hall. All students are welcome to
 pop in and talk to one of our trained Mental Health and Well-being Am-
 It is very exciting to be able to support, and work with the ambassadors
 at King Henry School. Well done to them all. Mrs O'Donnell "


As a Trust and school community,
Odyssey, Townley Grammar and
King Henry school would like to ex-
press our deep sorrow at the passing
of James Brokenshire MP.

As an MP, a parent at TGS and a friend, James was the epitome of in-
telligence, good grace and kindness. We have been blessed by his
presence and his absence will leave a hollow which was once filled
with the very best of humanity.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time. May
they find comfort in the legacy left by this remarkable soul.
Mr Deehan
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

I would like to congratulate all the students that have been
nominated and chosen to be part of our Anti-Bullying Ambassa-
dors. We have had our first meeting and the students have pre-
sented in our assemblies. The students participated very well and
showed politeness, kindness, respect and courage during all the

The students will be providing drop-in sessions for any students
who want to talk to someone about any bulling issues and any
worries they have. This will be on a Monday at after school in S2B
for 10 minutes at 2.30. All students are welcome to pop in and
talk to one of our trained Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

We also have worry boxes in house offices and form rooms for
students to use. A fantastic example of this is in Mr Martin's 8L2
form who created a worry monster, gave it horns and a snaggle-
toothed mouth to eat the worries.
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
Success for our KHS Year 11 student !

"A massive congratulations to Maddison H in Year 11 who recently won the
Emmerse Education essay competition with an essay looking at the issue of
modern slavery.

Maddison won a 30% scholarship which allows her to take up a two-week ac-
ademic enrichment program at either Oxford or Cambridge University this
summer taught by expert tutors from World class universities like Cambridge,
Oxford and Harvard.

Maddison will be sharing her success with students at school this week dur-
ing assemblies and will be fundraising to help her attend in the summer.”
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
MFL News
What a great beginning of the year with MFL celebrating European Day of
Languages in collaboration with the canteen and as you can see below, it
was a great success.
Students were given the opportunity to taste different European food and
the menu that day offered:
     The famous Coq au vin ( French)
     An very delicious Goulash ( Hungarian )
     An exquisite Frittata ( Italian) and Patatas Bravas ( Spanish) for our
     vegetarian gourmets
     The whole event was manned mostly by our MFL Ambassador Ellen
     who convinced lots of her peers to taste these dishes.
As per usual in King Henry the atmosphere was extraordinary and very inclu-
sive with students and teachers joining this multiculturalism venture.

Mandarin extracurricular club:
The mandarin club is going really well.     EAL update:
We have enthusiastic pupils who are         We have finished the year 7 EAL screen-
getting to grips with this very different   ing. We are pleased to say that we will
language. I have to say that I have been    be starting interventions for those pupils
impressed by how quickly they have un-      who need it soon. We are also pleased to
                                            announce that we will be hosting a wel-
derstood the challenging concepts.
                                            come breakfast for parents of our EAL
There are still some spaces available and   pupils. The date will be announced
it is not too late to join!                 shortly, and we will be in contact to in-
谢谢                                          vite parents.
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
New Safeguarding Policies
To support the safeguarding procedures at King Henry School we have introduced a series
of new policies to compliment the child protection and safeguarding policy in place. The
list of new policies includes a Medical Policy, Positive Mental Health Policy, E-Safety Policy
and an Anti-Bullying policy. All policies can be found on the KHS website: https://

                                  School Policies and Reports | King Henry
                                  Annual reports and Expenditure plans. Our annual reports on the
                                  pupil premium spend and impact can be found here: 2018-19 Pu-
                                  pil Premium Breakdown and Expenditure plan

             Request from Drama Department
   We are in desperate need for coat hangers for our
   costumes please ! If you have any spare, we
   would be so grateful . Please bring to the Main or
   Student Reception where they will be collected.

  KHS Student gains black belt in
  Karate !
  On Sunday, i passed my black
  belt grading with International
  Shotokan Karate, i couldn't thank
  the chief instructor Sensei Lee
  (8th dan) enough for helping me
  reach this incredible milestone.
  I've been doing karate for 11
  years and it has given me so
  many good times and has hugely
  shaped my personality into what
  it is today.
  Ellen W - Year 11
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
Every School Day Counts

The guidance below has been taken from the NHS website which is focused particularly around common
illnesses when school has been missed. It is vital that all parents follow this guidance as King Henry School
will issue an unauthorised absence if we feel your child is well enough to come to school.

Coughs and Colds
It is fine to send your child to school with a minor cough or cold. But if they have a fever, keep them
off school until the fever goes. A new, continuous cough could be Coronavirus (Covid-19) so in this in-
stance please get your child tested.

Sore throat
  You can still send your child to school with a sore throat. But if they also have a fever, they should
  stay at home.

 You can still send your child to school with a headache. But if they also have a fever, they should stay
 at home.

Menstrual Cramps
You can still send your child to school as school should not be missed due to ‘the time of the month’. It
is important for your child to have pads or tampons with them at all times and to ensure they are
comfortable to make regular trips to the bathroom. Consider whether medication is needed if nausea
and pain is recurring and talk to the school about whether this can be stored for use at school. At King
Henry School we have emergency sanitary products available in the House office should a child not
have access to them.

Vomiting and Diarrhoea
 A child with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school for 2 days until their symptoms
 have gone.

Ear Infection
  If your child has an ear infection and a fever or severe headache, keep them off school until they are
  feeling better. Take them to the doctors.

You do not need to keep your child off school. Get advice from the pharmacist and encourage your child
to not rub their eyes
It is the parent/carers responsibility to notify the school by 8am (email: attend- or call: 01322 339 642 if their child is absent. A reason must be
provided. Failure to report a child’s absence by midday will result in an unauthorised ab-
KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School KHS News 2021-22 - King Henry School
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