Members of 21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron step up to their Commanding Officer's Fitness Challenge

Page created by Erica Robles
March / mars 2010                                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 44, No. 2

Members of 21 Aerospace Control & Warning Squadron step
up to their Commanding Officer’s Fitness Challenge

Senior Airman Kenneth Myhre (left) and Private Lisa Henry (right), members of Bomarc Flight, take advantage of the convenient 21 Sqn circuit to conduct strength training during one of their shifts.
The fitness scores and schedules of each of the four flights are posted on the far wall to track their progress.

Article by: Lieutenantt Leah Pierce, Public Affairs
Photos by: Corporal Samantha Crowe, Wing Imagery
Often times, the air force has been jokingly
referred to as the “chair force” because of some
of the more sedentary jobs that air force members
perform. Members of 21 Aerospace Control &
Warning (AC&W) Squadron (Sqn), whose job it
is to sit for hours surveilling Canadian airspace,
are no strangers to inactivity. All this, however,
changed when Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) Sean
Boyle, Commanding Officer of 21 AC&W Sqn,
along with Major Ed Smith, a member of the
squadron’s Bomarc Flight, came up with the                                                                                                                         (Above) Colonel Malo, Wing Commander, presents
idea of holding a 21 Squadron Commanding                                                                                                                           members of Bomarc Flight with the Fitness
Officer’s Fitness Challenge. The concept’s                                                                                                                         Challenge Cup for winning the inter-flight
genesis stemmed from the CO’s frustration at                                                                                                                       competition of the CO’s Fitness Challenge.
being unable to hold Sqn Physical Training (PT)
sessions with the entire unit, as he had done at                                                                                                                   (Left) Lieutenant Colonel Boyle (centre) congratulates
his last Sqn. “The 24/7 shift work necessary                                                                                                                       the four squadron members who bested his score
to execute our Air Defence of Canada mission                                                                                                                       on the annual physical fitness evaluation. (left to
unfortunately precludes collective squadron PT,”                                                                                                                   right) Corporal Hing, Captain Comeau, Lieutenant
stated LCol Boyle.                                                                                                                                                 Murphy and Lieutenant Gosselin.
Officially kicking off in September 2009, the
fitness challenge made it mandatory for each of       you fighting fit and ready when called upon,”          The most fit members of 21 Squadron who received      Along with improving overall fitness through PT and
the 180 squadron members, regardless of the shift     explained LCol Boyle during the 21 Squadron’s          five days short leave for beating the CO’s EXPRES     weight loss by the majority of Squadron members,
they were working on, to take part in regular PT.     Commanding Officer’s Fitness Challenge                 score were Lieutenant Mark Murphy, Captain            seven members of 21 Squadron also quit smoking.
Making it easier to gain access to equipment and      awards presentation held on January 21st, 2010.        Darren Comeau, Lieutenant Dave Gosselin, with
                                                                                                                                                         Following 21 Squadron’s lead, the Wing
with the help of Personal Support Program (PSP)       The names of the members of the winning flight         top honours going to Corporal Bunthan Hing. Telecommunication and Information Services
and Health Promotion personnel, a section of the      each quarter will be proudly displayed on the          Honourable mention was given to Major Mark  Squadron (WTISS) is also in the process of
operations floor was blocked off and made into        new trophy, similar to Lord Stanley’s Cup.             Roberts, Private Mike Forward, Private Charles
                                                                                                                                                         developing its own fitness challenge. According
ten regularly modified circuit training stations to                                                          Gosselin and Captain Thys Hoedeman (who is
                                                      LCol Boyle congratulated all Sqn members                                                           to Warrant Officer Terry Chetwynd, WTISS,
be used by each of the flight crews.                                                                         currently deployed).. The Sqn CO challenged the
                                                      for their positive and energetic participation in                                                  also staffed with shift workers, will incorporate
The Fitness Challenge competition pitted all          this fitness program and reminded them how             four winners (cumulatively 66 years his junior) to
                                                                                                                                                         three physical training sessions during their
four 21 Sqn flight’s (Avenger, Bomarc, Canso          fortunate they are to have the opportunity, time       still be fighting fit when they reach his “ripe old
                                                                                                                                                         shift interval based on a prescribed program
and Delta (day staff)) against each other. The        and encouragement to train during duty hours –         age” of 44! Bomarc flight claimed the coveted cup
                                                                                                                                                         initiated by PSP staff. Members of WTISS will
winning flight was determined by an aggregate         according to recent media reports, not a benefit       and overall bragging rights as Fitness Challenge
                                                                                                                                                         have access to the 22 Wing Recreation Centre,
of points awarded for each flights total weight       shared by the RCMP or certain regional police          winners, also receiving a donated mammoth box
                                                                                                                                                         the Sergeant David L. Pitcher Building Physical
loss, EXPRES test scores and number of                forces. “The Fitness Challenge and associated          of chocolates from Honorary Colonel John Cutsey,
                                                                                                                                                         Training (PT) room as well as the PT training
individuals who (verifiably) quit smoking. Each       mandatory PT program will continue after I’m           51 Aerospace Control & Warning (Operational area set-up on the operations floor. Like 21
flight was assigned a primary and secondary           posted,” promised LCol Boyle, “because today’s         Training) Squadron, and a round of chuckles from
                                                                                                                                                         Sqn, they will be tracking the progress rates
fitness rep who served as points of contacts,         air force must remain a fit, healthy, and deployable   the crowd.                                  to acknowledge accomplishments. For more
mentors and flight coaches. As additional             force physically and mentally ready for operations     Colonel J.R.F. Malo, Wing Commander, information on the Health and Physical Fitness
motivation, LCol Boyle also offered five days         such as Afghanistan and Haiti.” To date, almost        addressed the squadron during the ceremony, Strategy in the Canadian Forces, please visit
short leave to any 21 Sqn members who beat            twenty 21 Sqn personnel have deployed or are           “Kudos to 21 Squadron and to the CO for
his EXPRES test score. “The air force needs           training to deploy for operations in Afghanistan.      coming up with this initiative.”            images/CF_Health_Fitness_e.pdf
2                                                                                  The Shield / le Bouclier                                                                                      March / mars

Wing Commander’s                                                   Le coin du                                                    WATS Corner/Le coin STA Ere
                                                                                                                    BCS-F Spiral 3 Graduation
     Corner                                                      Commandant de                                      Article by: Second Lieutenant Ian Mok, Wing
                                                                                                                                                                            Graduation pour le Système de
                                                                                                                                                                        Commande de Bataille – Fixe
What a beautiful winter we are
                                                                                                                    Telecommunications and Information Services
having in northern Ontario. I must                                                                                  Squadron                                            Vendredi le 29 Janvier 2010, 9 membres de SIT Ere
admit, I was expecting much colder
                                                                    Quel bel hiver nous avons ici, dans             Photo by: Sergeant Anthony Enman, Standards ont compléter leur cours de Système de Commande
weather. Not too much snow either                                                                                   and Training                                        de Bataille – Fixe (BCS-F) Incrément 3.
                                                                    le nord de l’Ontario. Je dois admettre
this year. I’ve been asking Warrant                                                                                                                                     Ce cours unique fut enseigné en vue de l’installation
                                                                    que je m’attendais à une température            On Friday, January 29th, nine members of Wing
Officer Black (Weather Section) for                                                                                                                                     et de l’utilisation opérationnelle du système BCS-F
                                                                    beaucoup plus froide. Pas beaucoup              Telecommunications and Information Services
more snow! We need more snow                                                                                                                                            Incrément 3 dans le Secteur de Défense Aérienne
                                                                    de neige non plus cette année. J’en             Squadron (WTISS) completed their Battle Control
to fully enjoy the outdoors and to                                                                                                                                      Canadien (SDAC). Le BCS-F est un système
                                                                    avais pourtant fait la demande à                System – Fixed (BCS-F) Spiral 3 course. This
ensure perfect conditions for the 2010                                                                                                                                  de défense aérien pour la surveillance/gestion
                                                                    l’Adjudant Black (qui dirige la                 unique training was presented in preparation for
Winter Carnival later this week. He                                                                                                                                     aérospatiale et l’évaluation des menaces afin d’appuyer
                                                                    Section météo de l’Escadre)! Nous               the implementation and operational use of BCS-F
tells me he is doing everything he                                                                                                                                      la mission de NORAD. 22 SIT Ere est responsable de
                                                                    avons besoin de plus de neige pour              Spiral 3 in the Canadian Air Defence Sector (CADS).
can – folk dances when the sun sets                                                                                                                                     maintenir et d’administrer tous les systèmes critiques
                                                                    profiter pleinement de l’extérieur et           The BCS-F is an air defence
and secret incantations to forgotten                                                                                                                                                                      de mission de la
                                          Colonel François Malo     assurer des conditions parfaites au             system that provides aerospace
Greek gods. We’ll see. He has a tough                                                                                                                                                                     défense aérienne,
                                                                    carnaval d’hiver 2010 qui aura lieu             surveillance and management,
job ahead as I also expect his magic                                                                                                                                                                      vingt-quatre heures
                                                       plus  tard cette semaine. Il me dit qu’il fait tout          weapons assignment and control
to provide mid-teen temperatures as of March 7      th                                                                                                                                                    sur vingt-quatre, tout
                                                       ce  qu’il peut – des  danses rituelles au crépuscule         as well as threat evaluation
so I can get my motorcycle on the road as soon                                                                                                                                                            au long de l’année,
                                                       jusqu’à des incantations secrètes à des dieux grecs          to its users in support of the
as possible!                                                                                                                                                                                              avec un temps d’arrêt
                                                       oubliés. Nous verrons bien... Son travail ne sera            NORAD mission. 22 WTISS
Our preparations for the Winter Carnival are pas facile puisque je m’attends aussi à ce que sa                      is responsible for maintaining
going very well, and everyone seems to be magie fasse hausser les températures de quelque                           and administrating all mission                                                        Les diplômés de ce
getting in the spirit of it. I look forward to seeing quinze degrés d’ici au 7 mars pour que je puisse              critical air defence systems                                                          cours sont entrainés
many of you enjoy this well deserved break, as                                                                      around the clock throughout the                                                       à maintenir ce
                                                       sortir ma moto au plus tôt!
our operational tempo will remain high until the                                                                    year, accounting for minimal to Back Row: Cpl Klubi, Cpl Nassy, Cpl D Ranger, système spécializeé
annual posting season.                                 Nos préparatifs en vue du carnaval d’hiver avancent          no downtime.                     Cpl McMullen, Pte Delauniere, MCpl Kell et passeront à leur
                                                       à merveille, et tout le monde semble dans un esprit                                                                                                formation-travail
In late January, the wing leadership got together at                                                                The graduates of this course (Instructor) Front Row: Cpl Jones, Sgt Francis,
                                                       de fête. Je suis impatient de vous voir profiter                                                                                                   d’un an au SDAC
the Ayr Mess during a strategic planning session –                                                                  are prepared to maintain this Cpl Diamond, Cpl Chamaillard
                                                                                                                                                                                                          de North Bay. Nous
fancy words to say that we had a frank discussion de cette pause bien méritée, car nos opérations                   specialized system and will
                                                                                                                                                                                                          leur souhaitons
on where we are as a wing and where we need to continueront de se dérouler à un rythme trépidant                    be moving on to their one year on-job-training
                                                                                                                                                                        beaucoup de succès lors du développement de leur
be to remain relevant to the air force and the CF for jusqu’à la saison des affectations annuelles.                 at CADS. We wish them luck in continuing to
                                                                                                                                                                        expertise à l’appui de la contribution Canadienne
years to come. The outcome of this engagement is     À la fin de janvier, la direction de l’escadre                 develop their expertise in support of Canada’s
                                                                                                                                                                        à NORAD. Velox Versutus Vigilans
a new mission statement for the wing. The mission                                                                   contribution to NORAD. Velox Versutus Vigilans
                                                     s’est réunie au mess Ayr pour une séance de
statement describes what we do and our priorities.   planification stratégique – de bien beaux mots
The mission of 22 Wing is to generate and support    pour dire que nous avons abordé sans détour la                                   22 Wing Winter Carnival 2010
professionals who conduct air surveillance and       situation actuelle de l’Escadre et nos objectifs                                        “Through the Eras” March 5th-6th Schedule of events:
control over Canadian airspace, and defend           si nous voulons continuer d’être utile à la Force
Canadians and Americans from air threats. Also,                                                                       March 5th, 2010                                       2:00 p.m.- Snowshoe Obstacle Course
                                                     aérienne et aux FC dans les années à venir. Cet
we are continually increasing our effectiveness      engagement se traduit par un nouvel énoncé de                    8:00 a.m. - Opening Ceremonies                        5:00 p.m. - Food Through Time Contest
and enhancing the quality of life of our military    mission pour l’Escadre qui expose notre activité                 9:00 a.m. - Tug of War                                7:00 p.m. - Pie in the Face Fundraiser
families. Improving our operational effectiveness    et nos priorités. La mission de la 22e Escadre est                                                                               -Beard Growing Contest
                                                                                                                      10:00 a.m.- Snowbank Volleyball
will be our main operational effort. We are good     de produire et d’appuyer des spécialistes chargés                                                                                -Award Trophy to victors
                                                                                                                      11:00 a.m. - Human Dogsled Race
at what we do and yet have untapped potential for    de la surveillance et du contrôle de l’espace aérien             12:00 p.m. - Lunch at the Mess                        9:00 p.m. - DJ and Dance at the ROCC
so much more. We have a responsibility to excel      canadien tout en assurant la défense des Canadiens
as professionals – it is one of our core values. The                                                                  1:00 p.m. - Human Foozball                            Lounge (Must be 19yrs)
                                                     et des Américains contre les menaces aériennes. De
quality of life of our families is also paramount                                                                     2:30 p.m. - Synchronized Skating                      Overnight Winter Carnival Camp (Ages 5-12).
                                                     plus, nous cherchons continuellement à accroître
to our operational effectiveness. 22 Wing has                                                                         4:30 p.m. - Supper at the Mess                        Only 25 spots available.
                                                     notre efficacité et à améliorer la qualité de vie de
already identified family health services as a key                                                                    6:00 p.m. - Pub Games (Adults)                        Camp Activities will include:
                                                     nos militaires. Notre principal effort opérationnel
‘dissatisfier.’ We have heard you and are currently                                                                             Karaoke for kids                            • Rock Climbing Wall
                                                     sera d’améliorer notre efficacité opérationnelle.
working with you to mitigate the impact of                                                                            9:00 p.m. - Karaoke for Adults                        • Swimming
                                                     Nous sommes bons dans notre domaine et,
mobility on our families.
                                                     pourtant, nous pourrions en faire beaucoup plus.                                                                       • Movie and a sleepover at Little Wings
22 Wing does not exist in a vacuum. The effect L’excellence du travail de nos spécialistes est l’une                  March 6th, 2010
                                                                                                                                                                            Daycare Centre.
we produce, our output or net value, must be de nos valeurs fondamentale. La qualité de vie de                        9:00 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast
                                                                                                                                                                            For more information or to register your
nested within the effect the CF seeks to deliver. nos familles est également primordiale à notre                      10:00 a.m. - Snow Fort building Contest
                                                                                                                                                                            child for the Winter Carnival Camp, please
The vision or the “to-be” statement for the CF is efficacité opérationnelle. La 22e Escadre sait que                  11:00 a.m. - Kids Sled Races                          contact Master-Corporal Peggy Murphy at
an effective, integrated, military force, valued by les services de santé aux familles sont un facteur clé            12:00 p.m. - Lunch                                    494-2011 local 6503 or by email at peggy.
allies, partners and friends, that stands ready to d’insatisfaction. Nous avons entendu vos doléances                 1:00 p.m. - Snowbank Volleyball (Kids)      
protect Canada and Canadians and, through the et nous travaillons avec vous à atténuer l’incidence
conduct of its missions, gives our country the de la mobilité sur nos familles.
strategic impact to shape and protect Canadian
interests. 22 Wing’s vision is to generate, La 22e Escadre n’existe pas en vase clos. Le
                                                                                                                        PSP Online - Click                                     PSP en ligne - Les
support and employ a properly equipped multi- résultat que nous avons, c’est à-dire le fruit de notre
disciplinary defence team to provide air and travail ou notre valeur nette, doit s’imbriquer dans
                                                                                                                        into the Benefits!                                    bienfaits en un clic!
space domain awareness and control, enabling the l’effet que les FC cherchent à produire. La vision                 Canadian Forces Personnel Family Support                Les services de soutien au personnel et aux familles
Government of Canada to exercise its sovereignty, ou l’énoncé des FC pour son avenir est d’être une                 Services (CFPFSS) understands the time                  des Forces canadiennes (SSPFFC) sont conscients
defend Canadians from air threats and ensure the force militaire efficace et intégrée, prisée par ses               constraints faced in the ever changing world            des contraintes des temps présents dans le monde
CF remains a strong and reliable defence partner alliés, ses partenaires et ses amis, qui se tient                  today. With more demands being placed                   d’aujourd’hui en perpétuel changement. Avec des
at home, in North America and abroad. We will prête à protéger le Canada et les Canadiens et qui,                   on your time, we understand that it may be              horaires de plus en plus chargés, nous réalisons qu’il
create a climate that promotes mutual respect, par ses missions, donne à notre pays l’incidence                     difficult to find the time between 8:30 a.m.            peut être difficile pour les gens de trouver du temps
fairness and dignity for all, fostering unity of stratégique nécessaire pour façonner et protéger                   and 4:30 p.m. during the week to register for           libre entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi
purpose in a workplace where people want to les intérêts canadiens. La 22e Escadre a pour                           the latest Personnel Support Program (PSP). It          pour s’inscrire aux plus récents programmes de
learn and excel. The wing’s new vision will shape vision de produire, d’appuyer et d’employer                       is because of this demand that CFPFSS would             soutien du personnel (PSP). Ainsi, pour remédier
the plan we will put in place next fiscal year une Équipe de la Défense pluridisciplinaire bien                     like to offer the user the convenience of online        à ces contraintes, SSPFFC propose à ses usagers
(starting April 1st) and will drive our investment                                                                  registration. No traffic and no line-ups in the         l’inscription en ligne comme solution pratique. Fini
                                                     dotée ayant pour fonction d’assurer un contrôle et
in time, people and financial resources.                                                                                                                                    le trafic et le besoin de faire la ligne car, en tout temps,
                                                     une sensibilisation du domaine aérien et spatial,              comfort of your home, online registration is
Keep up the great work all of you – whether in the de donner au gouvernement du Canada les                                                                                  dans le confort de votre foyer, vous pourrez désormais
                                                                                                                    available for you 24 hours a day!
                                                                                                                                                                            vous inscrire en ligne!
workplace, or on the home front. Perhaps you’ve moyens d’exercer sa souveraineté, de défendre
                                                                                                                    Getting Started                                         Comment démarrer
noticed as I have that daylight is sticking around les Canadiens contre les menaces aériennes et
just a bit longer every day now as we make our d’assurer que les FC demeurent un partenaire                         Getting started is easy; each participant registering   C’est facile; chaque participant devra obtenir
way into March. Remember to keep getting some de défense fort et fiable à la fois chez nous, en                     will require their own user account and password.       son propre compte d’utilisateur et mot de passe
fresh air during these winter months as you enjoy Amérique du Nord et à l’étranger. Nous créerons                   To activate yours, please contact the Community         afin de s’inscrire. Pour faire activer un compte,
outdoor activities – even if it’s walking your dog un climat qui favorise le respect mutuel, l’équité               Recreation office at 494-2011 ext 2613 or via           veuillez communiquer avec le bureau des loisirs
or shovelling your driveway. See you in the snow et la dignité pour tous et qui nous fera tendre                    email at                   communautaires au 494-2011, poste 2613, ou
in a few days for Carnival!                          à un objectif commun où l’apprentissage et le                  Program Registration                          
                                                     dépassement caractériseront notre milieu de                   New programs are accepting registration                  Inscription au programme
 The Shield ~ Le Bouclier                            travail. La nouvelle vision de l’Escadre façonnera
                                                     le plan que nous mettrons en place au cours de
                                                                                                                   continuously. We encourage you to check the              Nous acceptons toujours les demandes d’inscription
                                                                                                                   PSP online website frequently for updates. With          dans le cadre des nouveaux programmes de loisirs.
      22 Wing North Bay, Hornell Heights, ON P0H 1P0
       Phone: 705-494-2011 (2633) Fax: 705-494-2177
                                                     la prochaine année financière (dès le 1er avril)              online registration, you have the capabilities to        Nous vous suggérons de vérifier fréquemment les
          Email: +22 Wg The      et qui guidera notre investissement en temps, en              see program information. By clicking on the              mises à jour sur le site Web des PSP en linge. Avec
                                                     personnel et en ressources financières.                       “programs currently available for registration”          l’inscription en ligne, vous pouvez voir à l’écran
      The Shield/Le Bouclier, is the unofficial newspaper                                                                                                                   l’information pour chaque programme. Lorsque vous
      of 22 Wing North Bay, published monthly under           Poursuivez tous votre magnifique travail, sur box, you can see and register for programs that                 cliquez sur « programmes disponibles pour inscription
      the authority of the Wing Commander, Col F.             place ou sur le front intérieur. Peut-être avez-vous are accepting registrations. If a course is full, you    », vous pouvez voir les programmes offerts et vous
      Malo, in accordance with CFAO 57-5. Opinions
      and editorials expressed herein do not necessarily      remarqué comme moi que les jours s’allongent can add your name to the waiting list.                           inscrire à ceux qui acceptent les inscriptions. Et
      reflect the opinions of the Canadian Forces, the Wing   un peu au fur et à mesure que nous avançons There is a FAQ section available to assist you                    si un cours est déjà complet, vous pouvez ajouter
      Commander or Shield staff.                              vers mars. N’oubliez pas de prendre de l’air cet with any further questions you may have. If you              votre nom sur la liste d’attente. Il y a une section
            Wing Commander: Col F. Malo                       hiver, ne serait ce qu’en promenant votre chien can’t find answers to your questions here, please             FAQ pour vous aider dans le cas où vous auriez
             Editor in Chief : Capt J. Jones
           Managing Editor: Mr. M. Giddens                    ou en pelletant votre entrée de cour. J’espère vous contact your local Recreation Department and our          d’autres questions. Et si vous ne pouvez toujours
         Graphics & Production: Mr. M. Giddens                voir vous amuser dans la neige au carnaval dans staff will be happy to assist you.                            pas obtenir de réponses à vos questions, contactez
            Distribution: Mrs. D. MacDonald                   quelques jours!                                            votre service des loisirs pour plus d’informations.
March / mars                                                               The Shield / le Bouclier                                                                                                            3

                                                                                       Op PODIUM
It’s “Games On” for CADS                                                                                   Intégration de membres de la 22 Wing integrates
Written by and photos by: Captain Tim McClure, centres in the Vancouver area.
                                                                                                           22e Escadre à l’équipe ATOS with ATOS
51 AC&W (OT) Sqn                                                                                           Texte et photos par : Capitaine Tim McClure,    Written by and photos by: Captain Tim
                                                  While members from the wing have participated            51e Escadron d’entraînement opérationnel de     McClure, 51 AC&W (OT) Sqn
On Friday, January 22nd, members from 22 Wing/ in exercises in Vancouver throughout the last year,         contrôle et d’alerte (Aérospatiale) (51 EEOCAA)
CFB North Bay deployed to Vancouver to take Op Podium represents the first time many of them                                                               “North Bay, flight CPA038 is approved.”
up their role as members of the Vancouver 2010 have had the opportunity to experience living in            North Bay – Approbation du vol CPA038.          Corporal (Cpl) Jeff Ryan from 51 Aerospace
Winter Olympics security force. Now on site, a camp environment. Camp Aldergrove, an old                     Le Caporal (Cpl) Jeff Ryan 51e Escadron                Control and Warning (Operational Training)
twenty 22 Wing members are filling critical, Navy detachment, is currently home to the New                   d’entraînement opérationnel de contrôle et             Squadron and Private (Pte) Alex MacDonald from
highly specialized positions that support the Westminster Regiment; a reserve infantry unit                  d’alerte (Aérospatiale) et le Soldat (Sdt) Alex        21 Aerospace Warning and Control Squadron are
RCMP’s operations to provide a safe and secure made up of members from the local community.                  MacDonald du 21e Escadron de contrôle et               North Bay’s voice in the Vancouver Area Control
environment for the Games. In total, there is a Tent 19 in Camp Aldergrove is now occupied by                d’alerte (Aérospatiale) représentent North             Center (ACC). The two members deployed to
security force of over 15,000 people operating in 22 Wing’s own Corporal Jeff Ryan, Corporal Dan             Bay au centre de contrôle régional (CCR) de            Vancouver in support of Op PODIUM and are
the Vancouver area. The estimated numbers are Mihichuck and Private Alex MacDonald. All three                                                                       currently working with the professionals in the
                                                                                                             Vancouver. Les deux militaires sont affectés
6,000 police officers from 120 law enforcement members agree that this is one of the best places to                                                                 Vancouver Air Traffic Operations Specialist
                                                                                                             à Vancouver dans le cadre de l’opération               (ATOS) department. ATOS is the cornerstone for
agencies across Canada, 5,000 private security work and stay in the Joint Operations Area.                   Podium, et ils travaillent actuellement avec des       all operations at the Vancouver ACC. The ATOS
staff and 4,500 Canadian Forces (CF) members. Due to a shortage of available space in Camp                   professionnels du département des spécialistes         department is responsible for reviewing, entering
The leadership of the military component falls Aldergrove’s tent location, a number of CF                    d’exploitation de la circulation aérienne (ATOS)       and authorizing all flight plans into and out of the
under the command guidance of Rear-Admiral members have been required to bed down with                       de Vancouver. Ce département constitue la              Vancouver, B.C. area. When emergency codes
Tyrone Pile. Under his command are members the RCMP in a cruise ship docked alongside                        pierre angulaire de toutes les opérations au CCR       are detected, it is the ATOS department which
from all three elements of the CF.                downtown Vancouver. Time constraints due                   de Vancouver. Il est chargé d’examiner, de saisir      initiates the initial emergency response.
Most of our deployed 22 Wing members are staying       to their demanding schedules have left them et d’autoriser tous les plans de vol à destination               For the past year, the ATOS department has
at Camp Aldergrove. From this staging point, they      unavailable to comment on the conditions at their et en partance de Vancouver, en Colombie-                  opened their doors to the members of 22 Wing.
can deploy across the lower mainland to air traffic    location since their arrival in the Vancouver area. Britannique. Lorsque des codes d’urgence sont            During this time, 22 Wing members have become
control towers and air traffic control centres in      From the sunny Fraser Valley, we would like to détectés, c’est ce département qui met en œuvre               familiar with the NAV Canada equipment and
support of security operations. The remaining 22       wish all members of the team not under canvas a l’intervention d’urgence initiale.                           participated in numerous training exercises. The
Wing members are dispersed throughout command          great deployment!                                                                                            training and support provided from NAV Canada
                                                                                                             L’année passée, le département des spécialistes
                                                                                                                                                                    has allowed Cpl Ryan and Pte MacDonald to
                                                                                                             d’exploitation de la circulation aérienne
L’heure des Jeux a sonné » pour le Secteur                                                                   (ATOS) de Vancouver a ouvert ses portes
                                                                                                             aux membres de la 22 Escadre. Durant cette
                                                                                                                                                                    become completely integrated in the ATOS team.
                                                                                                                                                                    When an unidentified track approaches an

de la défense aérienne du Canada (SDAC)                                                                      période, les membres de la 22e Escadre
                                                                                                             se sont familiarisés avec l’équipement de
                                                                                                                                                                    Olympics venue, one of the first calls the
                                                                                                                                                                    Commanders in North Bay will make is to their
                                                                                                                                                                    deployed members in ATOS. By accessing the
Texte et photos par : Capitaine Tim McClure,           en soutien des opérations de sécurité. Les autres NAV Canada et on participé à de nombreux                   NAV Canada data banks, the ATOS team can
51e Escadron d’entraînement opérationnel               membres de la 22e Escadre sont affectés à des centres entraînements. L’entraînement et le soutien            quickly provide critical mission information.
de contrôle et d’alerte (Aérospatiale) (51             de commandement de la région de Vancouver.            offerts par NAV Canada a permis au Cpl                 The information provided will be used to
EEOCAA)                                                Bien que les membres de l’Escadre aient Ryan et au Sdt MacDonald de s’intégrer                               determine what Canada’s next move will
Le vendredi 22 janvier, les membres de la 22e          participé à des exercices à Vancouver au cours complètement à l’équipe ATOS.                                 be. 22 Wing is proud of all of its deployed
Escadre, de la base des Forces canadiennes (BFC)       des douze derniers mois, l’Op Podium constitue Lorsqu’un appareil non identifié approche d’un                members operating in support of the 2010
de North Bay, ont été déployés à Vancouver             pour plusieurs la première occasion de vivre site olympique, l’un des premiers                               Olympic Games.
pour exercer leur rôle de membres des forces           dans un camp. Le camp Aldergrove, un ancien
                                                                                                             appels que font les commandants
de sécurité à l’occasion des Jeux olympiques           détachement de la Marine, héberge actuellement
d’hiver de 2010 à Vancouver. Sur place, à l’heure      le New Westminster Regiment, une unité à North Bay s’adresse à leurs
actuelle, vingt membres de la 22e Escadre              d’infanterie de la Réserve composée de membres militaires affectés au sein de l’équipe
occupent des postes essentiels très spécialisés en     de la communauté locale. La tente no 19 héberge ATOS. En accédant aux banques de
soutien des opérations de la Gendarmerie royale        maintenant la 22e Escadre, en les personnes des données de NAV Canada, l’équipe
du Canada (GRC) pour offrir un environnement           Caporaux Jeff Ryan et Dan Mihichuck et du ATOS peut rapidement fournir
sûr et sécuritaire dans le cadre des Jeux. Au total,   soldat Alex MacDonald. Ces trois militaires ont des renseignements essentiels sur
plus de 15 000 personnes composent le service de       convenu que ce lieu constituait l’un des meilleurs une mission. Les renseignements
sécurité installé dans la région de Vancouver. Ce      endroits pour travailler et demeurer dans la zone fournis sont utilisés pour déterminer
groupe est estimé compter 6 000 policiers venant       d’opérations interarmées.                             la prochaine action du Canada.
de 120 organismes chargés de l’application de          En raison du manque d’espace disponible sous les La 22e Escadre est fière des ses
la loi au Canada, 5 000 employés d’agences             tentes du camp Aldergrove, on a demandé à certains membres qui appuient les Jeux
privées de sécurité et 4 500 membres des Forces        membres des FC de partager les quartiers offerts à olympiques 2010.
canadiennes (FC). Cet élément constitutif              des policiers de la GRC sur un navire de croisière
militaire relève du Contre-amiral Tyrone Pile.         mis à quai au centre ville de Vancouver. Vu les
Les membres des trois éléments des FC ont été          contraintes de temps attribuables aux calendriers
placés sous son commandement.                                                                                22 Wing’s Corporal Jeff Ryan works
                                                       exigeants, les personnes concernées n’ont pu
                                                                                                             from his desk a the Vancouver Area
La plupart des membres de la 22e Escadre déployés      formuler de commentaires sur leurs conditions de
résident au camp Aldergrove. À partir de ce point      logement depuis leur arrivée dans la région. Depuis Control Centre, deployed in support
de relais, ils peuvent se déployer dans le Lower       la vallée ensoleillée du Fraser, nous aimerions of Op PODIUM.
Mainland vers les tours de contrôle aérien et les      souhaiter un heureux déploiement à tous les
centres de contrôle de la circulation aérienne         membres de l’équipe qui ne sont pas sous la tente!

The View from the Harbour                                                                                         A message from the 22 Wing Chief Fire Inspector
                                                                                                             Cooking safety                                         • Keep cooking areas clean and clear of
By: Captain Tim McClure, 51 AC&W (OT) Sqn          tower data technician and tower ground controller.
                                                   His knowledge of the lower mainland geography                                                                    combustibles (i.e. potholders, towels, rags,
                                                                                                             Cooking fires are the number one cause of
Private (Pte) Steve Gillis of 4 Wing Cold along with his knowledge of air traffic control has                                                                       drapes and food packaging).
                                                                                                             home fires and home fire injuries. The majority
Lake keeps watch over Vancouver Harbour allowed him to step into his new role with ease.                                                                            • Keep children and pets away from cooking
                                                                                                             of cooking equipment fires start with the
control zone. Vancouver Harbor is located in Pte Gillis’s skill set has been indispensible to the                                                                   areas by creating a (one metre) “kid–free zone”
                                                                                                             ignition of common household items (i.e. wall
the heart of downtown Vancouver next to the Olympic security operations                                                                                             around the stove.
                                                                                                             coverings, paper or plastic bags, curtains, etc.).
International Olympic Committee media center
and the Olympic flame. Each year, Vancouver                                                                                                                         • Turn pot handles inward so they can’t be
Harbour controls over 62,000 movements of                                                                                                                           bumped and children can’t grab them.
commercial float planes, helijet taxis and a host                                                                                                                   • Wear short, close fitting or tightly rolled
of civilian traffic in and out of the downtown                                                                                                                      sleeves when cooking. Loose clothing can
core. Vancouver Harbour Tower is Canada’s                                                                                                                           dangle onto stove burners and catch fire.
busiest water aerodrome. During Op PODIUM,
Pte Gillis is tasked with keeping track of all the                                                                                                                  • Never use a wet oven mitt, as it presents a
aircraft on behalf of CADS. Pte Gillis, a native                                                                                                                    scald danger if the moisture in the mitt is heated.
of Victoria B.C., was transferred to 4 Wing Cold                                                                                                                    • Always keep a potholder, oven mitt and lid
Lake to learn the skills of the Aerospace Operator                                                                                                                  handy. If a small grease fire starts in a pan,
profession. Now back in B.C., he brings with                                                                                                                        put on an oven mitt and smother the flames
him the experience of an Instrument Flight Rule Private Steve Gillis, Vancouver Harbour Military                                                                    by carefully sliding the lid over the pan. Turn
Control Center (IFRCC) terminal data technician, Liaison Officer                                                                                                    off the burner. Don’t remove the lid until it is
                                                                                                                                                                    completely cool. Never pour water on a grease
                                                                                                                                                                    fire and never discharge a fire extinguisher onto
       Canadian Forces Personnel & Family Support Services
                                                                                                                                                                    a pan fire, as it can spray or shoot burning grease
 Services de soutien au personnel et aux families des Forces canadiennes                                                                                            around the kitchen, actually spreading the fire.
                                                                                                             Facts & Figures:                                       • If there is an oven fire, turn off the heat and
                                       CFPFSS is always looking for employees.
                                                                                                             • Unattended cooking is the leading cause of           keep the door closed to prevent flames from
                              Did you know that CFPFSS treats all military dependants as
                                                                                                             home cooking fires.                                    burning you and your clothing.
                             internal candidates? So, if you are interested in working at the
                              Kitchen, Messes, CANEX, or the Fitness & Wellness centre,                      • Three in every 10 reported home fires start in the   • If there is a microwave fire, keep the door
                                                                                                             kitchen – more than any other place in the home.       closed and unplug the microwave. Call the fire
                           please stop in and fill out an application and/or drop off a résumé
                                                                                                                                                                    department and make sure to have the oven
                           at any of these locations or the NPF Human Resources Office in                    Safety Tips:
                                                                                                                                                                    serviced before you use it again. Food cooked
                            the Headquarters Building, Room 307H. When applying please                       • Never leave cooking food on the stovetop             in a microwave can be dangerously hot. Remove
                                       indicate that you are a military dependant.                           unattended, and keep a close eye on food               the lids or other coverings from microwaved
                                        We are committed to employment equity.                               cooking inside the oven.                               food carefully to prevent steam burns.
           Military Family Resource Centre /
  Centre de Ressources pour les Familles des Militaires
                             Please note, all MFRC programs are offered to CF/USAF members,
                             reservists and their families and 22 Wing civilian employees
                                 Pour des renseignements en français au sujet de nos
                                    programmes, composez le 494-2011 poste 2053

     Do you have a family                                   Emergency Child                                                Families                                           Teen Centre
   member deployed at this                                                                                                                                                 Dragons CALENDAR
  time or about to deploy in
                                                                 Care                                      This past week, events in my personal life have
                                                                                                           made me stop and think about the important role          March 2010
                                                       Emergency child care is available to CF
       the near future?                                families at all times, day or night. If,            my family has played throughout my lifetime.             Wed 3 Homework Club 6-10 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                    Thu 4 Fitness Night
Are you looking to meet with others in the             perhaps, an emergency situation arises and          It’s sometimes frightening how often our family                    FSR 6-8 p.m.
same situation? Do you wish to learn about             you do not have child care, please follow           takes second priority when work issues get in the                  Racket ball 6-7 p.m.
the deployment process?                                the instructions below as to how to obtain          way. We take it for granted that our family will                   Cardio/ Weight room 7-8 p.m.
                                                       this service. CF families are entitled to 72        be there no matter what.                                           Drop-In 8-10 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Master Corporal Michelle
Neilson, a military member, a spouse and               hours of emergency child care per incident.         I recently read a report that families around the        Fri 5 Karaoke Night 6 p.m.-Midnight
a mother.                                              We have screened child care providers on            world are changing. Many of today’s children and         Sat 6 Drop-in 6-11 p.m.
                                                       call and the MFRC covers the cost at our            youth are no longer surrounded by the traditions         Wed 10 Homework Club 6-10 p.m.
Join Michelle and the rest of the group                predetermined rates.                                                                                         Thu 11 Fitness Night
                                                                                                           you and I have come to take for granted such as
to learn more about the deployment                                                                                                                                            FSR 6-8 p.m.
                                                                                                           family dinners, outings and bedtime routines.
experience, as presented by Michelle
during her recent tour to Afghanistan.                    Respite Child Care                               Unfortunately these circumstances are leading
                                                                                                                                                                              Dodge ball 6-7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                              Cardio/ Weight room 7-8 p.m.
Take advantage of this opportunity to ask              Respite child care is a service offered to CF       to poorer social skills, as well as emotional and                  Drop-In 8-10 p.m.
questions and to meet others who are                   families with a spouse away for 30 days or          educational issues for many children and teens.          Fri 12 Movie Night 6 p.m.-Midnight
currently experiencing a deployment or are             more. If you feel as though you would like          For generations, our families have supported             Sat 13 6 p.m.-11 p.m. Drop-in
about to experience it in the near future.             some time to yourself, please contact us to         us in good times and in bad. It is frightening           March 15-19 March Break
                                                       arrange for one of our screened Emergency/          to think what will happen if we stop creating            Mon 15 Game Tournament 6 p.m.-Midnight
Date: Wednesday, March 24th, 2010                                                                                                                                   Tue 16 Drop-in 5-9 p.m.
                                                       Respite Child Care Providers to care for your       those traditional bonds.
Timing: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                       Wed 17 Base Cottages 2 p.m.–2 p.m.
                                                       children. If you are uncomfortable with             The next time you walk through the front door of         Thu 18 Fitness Night
Location: To be confirmed                              bringing your children to someone they              your home, send an email or make a long distance                   FSR 6-8 p.m.
                                                       don’t know, then we can arrange for you             call to your family, take a moment and listen, really
Cost: No cost but pre-registration is essential                                                                                                                               Spin class 6-7 p.m.
                                                       to meet the Provider ahead of time. MFRCs           listen, to what your mother, father, preschooler, teen             Swimming 7-8 p.m.
Please call any one of the facilitators below:         are authorized to fund up to 72 hours of            or spouse have to share, give a hug to your dog or                 Drop-In 8-10 p.m.
                                                       emergency respite child care.                       cat and take a minute to enjoy your family…              Fri 19 Game Night Noon-3 p.m.
Linda Pyke 494-2011 ext 2026
Suzette Boothby 494-2011 ext 2056                      Instructions On How To Obtain Service                                                                                  6 p.m.-Midnight
                                                                                                           Diane C Sarrazin-Dubeau
Natalie Wiseman 494-2011 ext 2056                                                                                                                                   Sat 20 6 p.m. – 11 p.m.
                                                       For further information regarding Emergency         Parent Support Coordinator, MFRC
                                                                                                                                                                              Bowling Night (9 p.m.-11 p.m.)
      Separated by duty, united in love                or Respite Childcare, or to request assistance,     494-2011 local 2668
                                                                                                                                                                    Wed 24 Homework Club 6-10 p.m.
                                                       please contact Linda at 494-2011 local                                                                       Thu 25 Fitness Night
       Are You Posted                                  2026/2053 or Diane at local 2668/2053
                                                       during MFRC hours. After hours, please                     We Care About                                               FSR 6-8 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                                              Volleyball 6-7 p.m.
         This Year?                                    contact Military Police at local 2188 for a list           You Program                                                 Cardio/Weight room 7-8 p.m.
                                                       of providers. If service is used through Military                                                                      Drop-In 8-10 p.m.
Would you like some support in obtaining the           Police after hours, please ensure that the MFRC     If you know of someone who is going through              Fri 26 Drop-in 6 p.m.-Midnight
necessary resources that will make your move           Emergency/Respite Child Care Coordinator is         a difficult time, with their permission, please          Sat 27 Easter Dinner 6–11 p.m.
a little easier?                                       aware the next available business day.              refer them to the WE CARE ABOUT YOU                      Wed 31 Homework Club 6-10 p.m.
                                                                                                           PROGRAM at the MFRC for a one time gift                   * Calendars may be subject to change *
If so, we can help you out! Each MFRC across           Emergency Child Care Providers                      to help lift their spirits or to help ease their
Canada and overseas have sent us welcome
                                                       •Are screened by a thorough screening process.      situation. To do this, please call Linda Pyke,           Youth Corner / Fun Factory
packages for their centres. These packages offer
an introduction to their base and the programs         •Will respect your family’s confidentiality.        We Care About You Program Coordinator, at                       CALENDAR
                                                                                                           494-2011 local 2026.
and services offered by their MFRC. There              CHILD CARE REGISTRY                                                                                          March 2010
is also a range of information on the civilian                                                             Note: This program exists through donations              Tue 2 Bird Feeder Craft 6-8 p.m.
                                                       If you are looking for a babysitter, please come
community and the area.                                                                                    from our 22 Wing Community as well as                    Sat 6 22Wing Winter Carnival Family Fun Day
                                                       into the MFRC and look through our Childcare                                                                           No Fun Factory
We can also help you contact the appropriate                                                               fundraising activities. Charitable receipts
                                                       Registry Binder. Note: The individuals listed in                                                             Tue 9 Movie Popcorn & PJ’’s 6-8 p.m.
MFRC as well as any coordinator, including                                                                 are available.
                                                       the Child Care Registry have not been screened                                                               Sat 13 Jewellery/Piggy Bank Craft 10a.m.-12p.m.
Employment and Child Care.                             by the Military Family Resource Centre.             VISION STATEMENT                                         Tue 16 CLOSED
Stop by and check out our Interoffice Library at the                                                       To provide moral support to our military                 March 15-19 March Break
MFRC, or give Diane a call (local 2066), or send her                                                       community and their families during                      Wed 17 St. Patty’s Day
an email (               Red Cross                                     difficult times.                                         Sat 20 CLOSED
                                                                                                                                                                    Tue 23 Free Night & Planning Next Session
                                                         Babysitting Course                                MISSION STATEMENT                                          6-8 p.m.(Last Night for Session 2)
                                                                                                           To provide moral comfort and support through             Sat 27 Annual Easter Egg Hunt 12-2 p.m.
                                                                Also Featuring Home Alone                  a one time gift that is relevant to the person’s
                                                                      April 24th, 2010                     situation along with pertinent information                  Are problems coming up and you’re
                                                                      9 a.m. to 4 p.m.                     regarding services from programs within our                 wondering which direction to take? Contact
                                                                       Chapel Annex                        centre or other relevant services in the city.              Linda Pyke, your Prevention, Support and
    It’s not too late to register your school
    age child during the upcoming annual                             Ages 10 and Older                                                                                 Intervention Coodinator/Emergency Child
    “March Break” (March 15th – 19th). Spaces
    are limited.
                                                         Please bring a doll or a teddy bear and lunch.          Big Thank Yous                                        Coordinator for assistance at the Military
                                                                                                                                                                       Family Resource Centre.
                                                         Register In Person at the North Bay Military
    For more information please call 494-                Family Resource Centre by April 19th, 2010              from the MFRC!                                            TEL: (705) 494-2011 local 2026
                                                                                                                                                                                Fax: (705) 494-2106
    2011, local 2060.                                    Payment due at time of registration.              By: Pamela Lennips, Volunteer Services and                      Email:
    Nous avons quelques espaces de                       Cost $45.00 – Please make cheque                  Administrative Assistant, MFRC
                                                                                                                                                                               IT’S CONFIDENTIAL!
    disponible dans notre programma                      payable to Red Cross. For more                    “The best way to find yourself is to lose
    d’âge scolaire durant le congé de                    information, please call 494-2011 local           yourself to the service of others.”
    relève. Pour autres informations svp                 2053. Maximum 20 participants.
    composez le 494-2011 poste 2060.                                                                       – Mahatma Ghandi
                                                                                                           The MFRC Busy Bees have contributed
                                                                                                           so much to keeping the MFRC a well
                                                                                                           run organization. We truly would be lost
                                                                                                           without them. I would like to thank the                          Canadian Blood
                                                                                                           following people for assisting us – with                          Donor Clinics
                                                                                                           Job Bank Postings, Cathy White; with
                                                                                                           Coffee Connections Phone Calls, Cathy
                                                                                                           White and Tammie Russell; with music
                                                                                                                                                                       Wednesday, March 17th, 2010
                                                                                                           programming at LWCC, Fay Baxter; with                        11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and
                                                                                                           deployment packages, Geraldine Harvey;                         4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           with deployment information, Colleen                        Thursday, March 18th, 2010
                                                                                                           Charland and with the Youth Corner, Michelle                 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and
                                                                                                           Neilson and Richard Kyle.
                                                                                                                                                                          4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                                           We are also looking for volunteers for
                                                                                                           “Fun Factory” on Saturday mornings from                       Elks Lodge, 325 Elks Lane, in
                                                                                                           10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Multi-                        the Main Hall. Please book an
                                                                                                           Purpose Room.                                                 appointment today by calling
                                                                                                           For more information, please contact Pamela                          1 888 2 DONATE
                                                                                                           Lennips, Volunteer Services, MFRC, at 494-                           (1 888 236-6283)
                                                                                                           2011 local 2066.
March / mars                                                                 The Shield / le Bouclier                                                                                                       5

A Message from Commander,                                                                                     Un Message du Commandanta de la
1 Canadian Air Divison                                                                                        1re Division aérienne du Canada
By: Major-General Y. Blondin, Commander 1             had just four time slots per day to land and            La Force aérienne se montre à la hauteur              approvisionnements. Nous avions besoin d’un
Canadian Air Division                                 deliver supplies. We needed an additional entry                                                               autre point d’entrée en Haïti. Après que notre
                                                                                                              Par: Major-général Yvan Blondin,
                                                      point into Haiti. Our airfield engineers assessed                                                             équipe de génie de l’air eut évalué l’aérodrome
Photo by: Captain Alex Munoz, Air Force                                                                       Commandant de la 1re Division aérienne du
                                                      the Jacmel airfield, and with confidence in the                                                               de Jacmel, et connaissant les capacités des
Public Affairs                                                                                                Canada
                                                      capabilities of the Hercules, and the experience                                                              Hercules et de notre personnel expérimenté, nous
“Air Force Delivers”                                                                                          Photos par: capitaine Alex Munoz, officier des        avons tenté un premier vol à destination de cette
                                                      of our personnel, we took the risk of the first
                                                                                                              affaires publiques des forces aériennes               minuscule bande d’atterrissage dans les collines.
I have just experienced our Air Force operations      Hercules flight into this tiny airstrip in the hills.
                                                      Less than 24 hours later, your Air Force had            Je viens de voir de première main les opérations de   Moins de 24 heures plus tard, la Force aérienne
in aid of the people of Haiti, and viewed the final
                                                      opened a strategic ‘backdoor’ to deliver more aid       la Force aérienne organisées pour aider le peuple     du Canada avait ouvert une « porte arrière »
air component preparations for the Olympics in
                                                      to the Haitian people, and equipping the DART           haïtien et d’examiner les préparatifs finaux de la    stratégique pour fournir d’avantage d’aide au
support of the RCMP.
                                                      and the field hospital.                                 composante aérienne qui appuiera la GRC dans le       peuple haïtien et pour approvisionner l’Équipe
Such a short time ago we were telling our                                                                     contexte des Jeux Olympiques.                         d’intervention en cas de catastrophe (EICC) et
people, ‘Enjoy the holidays with our families,        Wherever you work, whether in the Division,                                                                   l’hôpital de campagne.
and when we come back, we will be focused             within the Air Force or within the Forces,              Il y a bien peu de temps, nous disions à notre
                                                      you are helping carry the workload of a                 personnel : « Profitez du temps des Fêtes avec vos    Peu importe où vous travaillez, que ce soit à
on getting ready for the Olympics. With
                                                      nation both at peace and at war. Your Wing,             familles et, en revenant des vacances, nous nous      la Division, dans la Force aérienne ou dans
Afghanistan and training, things should be busy
                                                      and every Wing, is executing an impressive              concentrerons sur les préparatifs des Olympiques.     les Forces canadiennes, vous mettez l’épaule
for us in the coming months.’ Then tragedy takes
                                                      scope of missions each and every day. You               Entre l’Afghanistan et l’instruction, nous devrions   à la roue pour assumer la charge de travail
pla ce in Haiti and we must act. In a matter of
                                                      are stretched, but you are doing as much as             être bien occupés pendant les prochains mois. »       du pays, en temps de paix comme en temps
hours, our people, and our families commit to
                                                      you can and delivering results, showing your            Puis, la tragédie a frappé Haïti, nous exhortant      de guerre. Toutes les escadres, y compris la
help save lives and heal the wounds caused by
                                                      professionalism and your dedication.                    à agir. En quelques heures, nos militaires et nos     vôtre, réalisent une gamme impressionnante
this devastation. And ‘busy’ was redefined.
                                                                                                              familles se sont engagés pour aider à sauver des      de missions chaque jour. On vous en demande
I share with you just one example of your             Your work is impressive, and I thank you, and your                                                            beaucoup, mais vous faites votre possible et
                                                                                                              vies et à remettre les gens sur pied à la suite de
commitment, from Op Hestia. Due to the                families, for what you are doing for Canadians, for                                                           vous accomplissez ce qu’on attend de vous,
                                                                                                              la dévastation. Et il a fallu réévaluer ce qu’on
amount of international aid coming into Port-au-      Haitians, for Afghans, for sailors on the high seas,                                                          ce qui témoigne de votre professionnalisme et
                                                                                                              entendait par le mot « occupés ».
Prince, the airport was so congested that Canada      and for so many other people in need.                                                                         de votre dévouement.
                                                                                                              Je veux vous transmettre un exemple de votre
                                                                                                              dévouement, tiré de l’Op Hestia. Vu la quantité       Vos réalisations sont impressionnantes et je
                 Join the Conversation                                                                        d’aide internationale affluant à Port au Prince,
                                                                                                              l’aéroport était tellement congestionné que le
                                                                                                                                                                    vous remercie, vous et vos familles, de ce que
                                                                                                                                                                    vous faites pour les Canadiens, les Haïtiens, les
         on Military Family Support Services!                                                                 Canada n’avait que quatre créneaux de temps
                                                                                                              par jour pour poser ses aéronefs et livrer ses
                                                                                                                                                                    Afghans, les matelots en haute mer, et pour tant
                                                                                                                                                                    d’autres gens qui sont dans le besoin.
    Colonel Malo, Wing Commander, invites CF family members to attend a
    community conversation to discuss, what we do well and what possibilities there
    are for improvement at 22 Wing/CFB North Bay.
    Opportunity to discuss full range of support services; medical, mental health, care of the
    ill and injured, social, recreational, family, and others.
    Discussion facilitated by
                Director Military Family Services Field Operations Manager
                                   Location: Wing Theatre
                                 When: Tuesday, March 23rd
                                      Time: 7:00 p.m.

      Joignez vous à la discussion sur les services
          de soutien aux familles militaires!
    Le commandement de la 22e Escadre/BFC North Bay, Colonel Malo, invite les                                 During the morning of January 28th, 2010, a CC-130 Hercules lands on the runway at Jacmel in
    membres des familles des FC à assister à un rassemblement communautaire pour                              Haiti, assuring the delivery of aid and resupply for Operation HESTIA.
    discuter de ce qui fonctionne bien et des améliorations à apporter à la 22e Escadre.                      Au matin du 28 janvier 2010, un CC130 Hercules a atterri à l’aérodrome de Jacmel, en Haïti,
    Une occasion de discuter de la gamme complète des services de soutien : médicaux,                         afin d’assurer l’approvisionnement en ressources de soutien pour l’Op HESTIA.
    santé mentale, soins aux malades et aux blessés, soutien social, loisirs, familles et autres.
    Rencontre animée par le
       gestionnaire des opérations, division des services aux familles des militaires
                                   Endroit: Théâtre de l’escadre
                               Date et heure: mardi, le 23 mars 2010
                                          à 1900 heures.
                                   Services de garde disponible

    Children’s Annual                                  Chasse annuelle aux
     Easter Egg Hunt                                     oeufs de Pâques
Saturday March 27th, 2010                             Samedi le 27 mars 2010
          11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                                      1100h-12h00
                                                                                                              Capt Cory Fryia (right), a Nurse from 31 Canadian Forces Health Services Centre Detachment,
           Location: 19 Market St                                  Lieu: 19 rue Market:
                                                                                                              North Bay, takes the temperature of a young boy at the DART Medical Clinic in Jacmel, Haiti.
            (Community Centre)                                    Centre Communautaire
                                                                                                              Originally hailing from Sault Ste Marie, ON, Capt Fryia has spent 9 years in the Canadian
                   Ages:                                             âges: 0 à 12 ans
                                                                                                              Forces. Photo by MCpl David Hardwick
               0-12 years old                         Un prix (oeuf doré) offert pour chaque
One Golden Egg Prize per age group; 0-5               groupe d’âges,
years & 6-12 years old.
                                                                                                                   MFRC Contact list /Personnes Contact au CRFM
                                                      tel que: de 0 à 5 ans et de 6 à 12 ans
                                                                                                                 Carolyn Lee-Guy, Executive Director/Directrice Générale, ext/poste 2057
Kids come and enjoy                                                       E h l e s j e u n e s ! Ve n e z
        free                                                                                                     Louise MacDonell, Employment Assistance Coordinator/Coordinatrice des services
                                                                          déguster du chocolat chaud
       hot chocolate                                                                                             d’aide en emploi, Business Administrator/Gestionnaire des affaires, ext/poste 2073
                                                                          et des biscuits gratuits!
     & cookies.                                                                                                  Suzette Boothby, Quality of Life, Volunteer and Family Separation and
                                                                          Après la visite avec le                Reunion, Coordinatrice en qualité de vie et soutien à la séparation et à la
  Please register at                                                      lapin de Pâques, venez                 réunion des familles, ext/poste 2056
 the MFRC by March                                                        au théâtre de l’escadre
     19 th, 2010.                                                                                                Diane Sarrazin-Dubeau, Community Integration and Parenting Support
                                                                          pour voir un film gratuit à
                                                                                                                 Coordinator, Coordinatrice en intégration communautaire et soutien au rôle
After visiting the                                                        1330hr. SVP vous inscrire
                                                                                                                 parental, ext/poste 2068/2060
Easter Bunny, come                                                        au CRFM avant le 19 mars
to the Wing Theatre                                                       2010.                                  Linda Pyke, Prevention, Support/Prévention et soutien, Emergency Child Care
to watch a free movie                                                                                            Coordinator/Coordinatrice des services urgents de garde, ext/poste 2026
                                                                          Chasse commanditée par:
at 1:30 p.m.                                                              le CANEX, le CRFM, le                  Donat Roussy, Administrative Assistant/Assistante Administrative, Teen Centre
                                                                          Centre Communautaire et                Staff/Personnel du Centre Ados, ext/poste 2053
Sponsored by: Canex,
MFRC, Community                                                           la compagnie “Hamelin’s                Diane Sarrazin-Dubeau, Acting Child Care Supervisor/Directrice par intérim
Council & Hamelin’s                                                       Outdoor Power Equipment”.              Garderie/Little Wings Child Care Centre, ext/poste 2060/2068
Outdoor Power Equipmet.                               Nos sincères remerciements au Centre                       Sherri Foley-Adams, Child, Youth, Teen Centre Coordinator/
                                                      sportif & récréatif et le restaurant Subway                Coordinatrice pour programmes jeunesse et le Centre d’Ados, ext/poste 2645
A special thank you to the FSR & Subway
for their continued support towards the               pour leur appui continuel envers les                       Pamela Lennips, Volunteer Services Administrative Assistant/Assistante
Children’s, Youth & Teen Programs at 22 Wing.         programmes pour enfants, jeunes et ados                    administrative du programme pour bénévoles, ext/poste 2066
                                                      à la 22ième Escadre.
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