6th International Musculoskeletal MRI meeting 2019: MRI of elbow and other forgotten joints - Official SSSR educational meeting 2019

6th International Musculoskeletal MRI meeting 2019: MRI of elbow and other forgotten joints - Official SSSR educational meeting 2019
Official SSSR educational meeting 2019

6th International Musculoskeletal MRI
meeting 2019: MRI of elbow and other
forgotten joints

Saturday, May 25th 2019
Auditorium, Università della Svizzera Italiana
From 08h00 to 16h00

                                        Copyright Ente Turistico di Lugano
6th International Musculoskeletal MRI meeting 2019: MRI of elbow and other forgotten joints - Official SSSR educational meeting 2019
Dear Colleagues,

MRI of elbow, temporomandibular joint, sternoclavicular joint and
metacarpophalangeal joint are relatively rare exams in the clinical
practice and as such they can raise some concern in reporting.
Therefore, we decided to collect theses joints in one day and invite a
very high panel of speakers with a special expertise in the field that
will give us a detailed overview of the topic from the clinical and the
imaging point of view.

We hope to welcome you in Lugano to enjoy not only the meeting but
our beautiful city as well

             Filippo Del Grande                     Gabriele Vincenzo

Swiss Society of Orthopedics and Trauma         8 Credits
Swiss Society of Radiology                      6 Credits
Swiss Society of Medical Technologists          5 Credits
Swiss Society of Rheumatology                   6 Credits
6th International Musculoskeletal MRI meeting 2019: MRI of elbow and other forgotten joints - Official SSSR educational meeting 2019
08h20   Arrival and registration
08h40   Welcome                             F. Del Grande
08h50   Elbow ligaments and instability:
        the radiologist approach            R. Sutter
09h10   Elbow ligaments and instability:
        surgical considerations             S. Bouaicha
09h30   Discussion                          F. Del Grande
09h40   Tendons around the elbow:
        the radiologist approach            P. Omoumi
10h00   Tendons around the elbow:
        what is important to know
        from the MRI                        C. Candrian

10h20   Break

10h50   MRI of the elbow in throwing
        athletes                            J. A. Carrino
11h10   3D MR imaging of the elbow.
        How I do it.                        J. Fritz
11h30   Discussion                          F. Del Grande
11h40   Nerve impingement syndrome
        around the elbow                    J. Fritz
12h00   MCP I joint                         A. Hirschmann
12h20   Symphysis adductor and groin pain   C. Pfirrmann
12h40   Discussion                          F. Del Grande
12h50   Lunch at the Restaurant of the Regional Hospital of
        Lugano, Italiano (4th floor)

14h10   Sacroilical joints.
        Not only rheumatic disease             L. Sconfienza

14h30   Sterno clavicular joint                J. A. Carrino

14h50   Discussion                             F. Del Grande

15h00   Temporo-mandibular joint: made easy    G. Andreisek

15h20   Temporo-mandibular joint:
        what the radiologist should know       N. Lukic

15h40   Discussion                             F. Del Grande

15h50   Conclusion                             F. Del Grande

16h00   End of MRI meeting 2019

Gustav Andreisek, MD, MBA, Chefarzt Radiologie Kantonspital
Musterlingen, (Switzerland)
Samy Bouaicha, MD, Leitender Arzt Shoulder and Elbow team,
Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich (Switzerland)
Christian Candrian, MD, Viceprimario di Chirurgia ortopedica e re-
sponsabile dell’unità di traumatologia e ortopedia, Ospedale Regio-
nale di Lugano (Switzerland)
John A. Carrino, MD, M. P.H. Vice Chairman, Department of Ra-
diology and Imaging, Hospital for Special Surgery Professor of Ra-
diology, Weill Cornell Medicine New York, NY (USA)
Jan Fritz, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore (USA)
Anna Hirschmann, MD, Abteilungsleiterin Muskuloskelettale Ra-
diologie, Universitätsspital Basel (Switzerland)
Nenad Lukic, MD, DDM, Clinic of Masticatory Disorders Center of
Dental Medicine University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Patrick Omoumi, MD, MSC, PhD, Chef de l’Unité d’imagerie de
l’appareil locomoteur du service de radiodiagnostic et radiologie in-
terventionnelle du CHUV, Lausanne, (Switzerland)
Christian W. A. Pfirrmann, MD, MBA, Chefarzt Radiologie, Univer-
sitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich (Switzerland)
Reto Sutter, MD, Co-chefarzt Radiologie Universitätsklinik Bal-
grist, Zürich (Switzerland)
Luca Maria Sconfienza, MD PhD, Direttore dell’unità operativa di
radiologia diagnostica per immagini e interventistica, IRCCS Istitu-
to Ortopedico Galeazzi Milano (Italy)
Target Audience
Radiologists, Rheumatologists, Orthopedic surgeons, Technologists

Address                                                                      University
Auditorium, Università della Svizzera Italiana                                               Italiano
                                                  Hotel Villa Sassa
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13 - 6900 Lugano
Free parking spaces by our parking garage:
                                                                                          Parking garage
Via agli Orti 20 - 6900 Lugano

If you are looking for an accommodation,          Lugano Station
                                                          Lugano train station
we recommend Hotel Villa Sassa
+41 (0)91 911 41 11

Costs and payment
Participants are kindly requested to enroll before Monday, May 20th 2019 by
paying a registration fee of CHF 170 (CHF 150 for SSSR members and CHF
100 for residents and technologists - verification required). These are the
payment details:

      Banca dello Stato del Cantone Ticino
      Account: 1060983001000001
      Swift/BIC: BSCT CH 22
      Clearing: 764
      IBAN: CH88007641060983C000C
      In favour of: Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale
      Reason: 144.99001
      Name: MRI meeting 2019

Please sent your payment proof to: MRI.meetinglugano@eoc.ch
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