São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society

São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
Final Programme

      São Paulo
February 07–08, 2019
                                          3rd ICRS World Series

          International Cartilage Regeneration
               & Joint Preservation Society
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
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São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N               S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

                                                                                                                                      International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society                  International Cartilage Regeneration
70% Improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              & Joint Preservation Society

in Osteoarthritic                                                                                                                     I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                         R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

Knee Pain at
2 years following                                                                                                                     I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N
                                                                                                                                             & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

a Single Injection3,#
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                     INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                                                                          & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y                                        Joint Preservation Society

nSTRIDE® Autologous
Protein Solution Kit
                         Treating Osteoarthritic Knee Pain
Autologous Anti-Inflammatory Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis                                                                          nSTRIDE Autologous Protein Solution (APS) was developed after an extensive
The nSTRIDE APS Kit is designed to produce a novel autologous anti-                                                                   research program which focused on understanding the osteoarthritic disease
inflammatory therapy to treat osteoarthritis pain in the knee via a single                                                            process in the knee and understanding the mode of action that an autologous
intra-articular injection.                                                                                                            blood-based product could have.

The nSTRIDE APS Kit is a point of care cell-concentration system designed                                                             • Significantly Reduces Pain Associated with Knee OA up to 2 years1-3
to concentrate anti-inflammatory cytokines and anabolic growth factors to                                                             • Significantly Improves function in the Knee Joint associated with OA1-3
significantly decrease pain and promote cartilage health. nSTRIDE APS is                                                              • Effective for patients with Kellgren and Lawrence stage 2 and 3 following
suitable for treating patients who have Kellgren & Lawrence Stage 2 or 3 and                                                            a single injection 1-3,
who have failed conservative care.                                                                                                    • 70% Improvement in Knee Pain at 2 years following a Single Injection3,#

1.   Kon E, Engebretsen L , Peter Verdonk P, Nehrer S and Filardo G. “Clinical Outcomes of Knee Osteoarthritis Treated with an Autologous Protein Solution. A 1-year Pilot Double-Blinded Randomized Control Trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine, Oct. 2017.
2.   Van Drumpt RA, van der Weegen W, King WJ, Toler K, Macenski M. Safety and treatment effectiveness of a single autologous protein solution injection in patients with knee osteoarthritis. BioResearch Access, Vol 5.1, 2016.
3.   Kon E, Engebretsen L , Peter Verdonk P, Nehrer S and Filardo G. “Two-year Clinical Outcomes of An Autologous Protein Solution Injection For Knee Osteoarthritis.” ICRS 14th World Congress, presented, 2018.
#    As measured by WOMAC pain scores reported by patients continuing follow-up through 2 years (n = 22).

This material is intended for health care professionals. Check for country product clearances and reference product specific instructions for use. For product information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse
effects, see the package insert and www.zimmerbiomet.com. Not for distribution in France. ©2018 Zimmer Biomet
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society


                                     autologous cultured
                                     on porcine
                                     collagen membrane

      MACI builds on over 20 years success with Articular Cartilage Implantation (ACI)1
      Utilizing a unique biocompatible membrane, MACI offers potential benefits over
      traditional ACI through minimal incision, simplified delivery, and suture-free fixation
      for the treatment of articular cartilage defects of the knee.

INDICATION                                                                           IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION
MACI (autologous cultured chondrocytes on porcine collagen
                                                                                     MACI is contraindicated in patients with a known history of hypersensitivity to gentamicin, other aminoglycosides, or products
membrane) is an autologous cellularized scaffold product that                        of porcine or bovine origin. MACI is also contraindicated for patients with severe osteoarthritis of the knee, inflammatory
is indicated for the repair of single or multiple symptomatic,                       arthritis, inflammatory joint disease, or uncorrected congenital blood coagulation disorders. MACI is also not indicated for
full-thickness cartilage defects of the adult knee, with or                          use in patients who have undergone prior knee surgery in the past 6 months, excluding surgery to procure a biopsy or a
without bone involvement.                                                            concomitant procedure to prepare the knee for a MACI implant.
MACI is intended for autologous use and must only be                                 MACI is contraindicated in patients who are unable to follow a physician-prescribed post-surgical rehabilitation program.
administered to the patient for whom it was manufactured. The                        The safety of MACI in patients with malignancy in the area of cartilage biopsy or implant is unknown. Expansion of present
implantation of MACI is to be performed via an arthrotomy to                         malignant or dysplastic cells during the culturing process or implantation is possible.
the knee joint under sterile conditions.                                             Patients undergoing procedures associated with MACI are not routinely tested for transmissible infectious diseases. A cartilage
The amount of MACI administered is dependent upon the                                biopsy and MACI implant may carry the risk of transmitting infectious diseases to healthcare providers handling the tissue.
size (surface in cm2) of the cartilage defect. The implantation                      Universal precautions should be employed when handling the biopsy samples and the MACI product.
membrane is trimmed by the treating surgeon to the size and                          Final sterility test results are not available at the time of shipping. In the case of positive sterility results, health care provider(s)
shape of the defect, to ensure the damaged area is completely                        will be contacted.
covered, and implanted cell-side down.
                                                                                     To create a favorable environment for healing, concomitant pathologies that include meniscal pathology, cruciate ligament
Limitations of Use                                                                   instability and joint misalignment, must be addressed prior to or concurrent with the implantation of MACI.
Effectiveness of MACI in joints other than the knee has not                          Local treatment guidelines regarding the use of thromboprophylaxis and antibiotic prophylaxis around orthopaedic surgery
been established.                                                                    should be followed. Use in patients with local inflammations or active infections in the bone, joint, and surrounding soft tissue
Safety and effectiveness of MACI in patients over the age of 55                      should be temporarily deferred until documented recovery.
years have not been established.                                                     The MACI implant is not recommended during pregnancy. For implantations post-pregnancy, the safety of breast feeding to
                                                                                     infant has not been determined.
                                                                                     Use of MACI in pediatric patients (younger than 18 years of age) or patients over 65 years of age has not been established.
                                                                                     The most frequently occurring adverse reactions reported for MACI (≥5%) were arthralgia, tendonitis, back pain, joint swelling,
                                                                                     and joint effusion.
                                                                                     Serious adverse reactions reported for MACI were arthralgia, cartilage injury, meniscus injury, treatment failure, and osteoarthritis.

For more information, please see Highlights of Prescribing Information about MACI, or visit MACI.com
1. Saris D, Price A, Widuchowski W, et al. Matrix-applied characterized autologous cultured chondrocytes versus microfracture: Two-year follow-up of a prospective randomized trial. Am J Sports Med. 2014;42(6):1384-94.
MACI® is a registered trademark of Vericel Corporation. ©2018 Vericel Corporation. All rights reserved. PP.US.MAC.0261
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N               S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

WELCOME / BEM VINDOS                                 International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society                  International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                             & Joint Preservation Society                                                  5

Caros Colegas & Amigos,                              I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                        R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                                        I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                           R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

A cirurgia de reparo da cartilagem articular encontra-se em desenvolvi-
mento no Brasil e na América Latina. Temos acessos a diversas técnicas,
porém é senso comum que para as lesões de cartilagem grandes, há
limitações e diferenças em relação a vários países do exterior, tornando
o tratamento de grandes defeitos um desafio para o ortopedista. Com
                                                     I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                               I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                            & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y

grande prazer, nós lhe convidamos para o Curso de Reparo de Lesões
da Cartilagem Articular realizado sob égide da ICRS no Brasil. O curso
acontecerá em São Paulo, no Hotel Maksoud Plaza, de 07 a 09 de                                                                          International Cartilage Regeneration
fevereiro de 2019. Hospedagem no hotel oficial do evento, com tarifas
                                                     INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                          & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                                                                                              Joint Preservation Society
especiais. Pretendemos discutir e trocar experiência sobre o tratamento
de lesões grandes da cartilagem articular, com enfoque em soluções
possíveis com as tecnologias existentes para uso clínico no Brasil. Ter-
emos também aulas sobre novas tecnologias e perspectivas futuras no
tratamento de lesões condrais e osteocondrais, mas o principal objetivo
do curso é discutir soluções possíveis de serem realizadas no nosso meio.
Consideramos este aspecto a maior diferença e o maior benefício para
o ortopedista brasileiro em comparação a assistir eventos realizados no
exterior. Temos convicção que será um excelente curso!

Camila Kaleka Cohen, Moisés Cohen, Marco Demange,
Luis Eduardo Passarelli Tirico, Comissão Organizadora

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

The subspecialty of Cartilage repair is emerging in South America and es-
pecially in Brazil. We recognize that cartilage defects remain a challenge
for orthopaedic surgeons and their patients, especially for larger defects.
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the ICRS Course in Brazil, which will
be held in São Paulo from February 07 to 09, 2019 at the Maksoud Plaza
Hotel. We intend to discuss and exchange experience regarding the treat-
ment of large cartilage defects considering technology that is available
for clinical use in Brazil. Although there will be lectures discussing future
trends and novel treatments of cartilage defects, the primary aim of this
course is to present practical solutions currently available to our surgeons.
We feel this will be the most important benefit of our course comparing to
attending meetings abroad.

Camila Kaleka Cohen, Moisés Cohen, Marco Demange,
Luis Eduardo Passarelli Tirico, Local Organization Committee
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
Nós acreditamos
em regeneração!
Conheça a melhor
opção para o
tratamento das
lesões de cartilagem!
> Matriz de colágeno porcina
> Experiência clínica com
  mais de 10 anos
> Influencia na diferenciação
  condrogênica de células-tronco
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

                                           International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                               & Joint Preservation Society                                                  7

       A C K N O W L E D G M E N T T O O U&R S P O N S O R S
                                           I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N
                                                                                        J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                          I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                             R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

 The International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society would like
to thank its industry partners for their generous support to the ICRS World Series.

                                            I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                          I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                  & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                   & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y

                            Diamond Partners:
                                                                                                                          International Cartilage Regeneration
                                           INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y                                   Joint Preservation Society

                           Platinum Sponsors:

                               Silver Sponsor:

São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
               • Synvisc-One® posterga a ATJ por mais
               de 7 anos em
               75% dos pacientes com OA Grau IV.3
               • Synvisc-One®: longa duração no
               alívio da dor por até 12 meses.*2,4
               • Synvisc-One® é desenvolvido
               especificamente                                                         Referências: 1. Instruções de uso do produto Synvisc e Synvisc One. 2. Raman R, et al. Efficacy of Hylan G-F 20
                                                                                       and Sodium Hyaluronate in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee -- A prospective randomized clinical trial. The
                                                                                       Knee 2008;15:318 -324. 3. Waddell DD. Delayed Total Knee Replacement with Hylan G-F 20. J Knee Surg. 2016
                                                                                       Feb;29(2):159-68. 4. Pal S, Thuppal S, Reddy KJ, Avasthi S, Aggarwal A, Bansal H, et al. Long-term (1-year) safety and

                para imitar o líquido sinovial jovem e                                 efficacy of a single 6-mL injection of hylan G-F 20 in indian patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis. The Open
                                                                                       Rheumatology Journal 2014;8:54-68. 5. Balazs EA, et al. Hyaluronic Acid in Synovial Fluid. I. Molecular Parameters of
                                                                                       Hyaluronic Acid in Normal and Arthritic Human Fluids. Arthritaisn D Rheumatismw. 1967.10(4):357-376. 6. Balazs EA1,

               saudável.5-7                                                            Denlinger JL. Viscosupplementation: a new concept in the treatment of osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol Suppl.1993;39:3-9.
                                                                                       7. Weiss. Musculoskeletal applications of hyaluronan and hylan. Potential uses in the foot and ankle. Clin Podiatr Med
                                                                                       Surg 1995;12(3): 497-517.
                * OSTEOARTRITE DO JOELHO

SYNVISC-ONE (hilano G-F 20) é comercializado em uma seringa de vidro de 10 mL contendo 6 mL de hilano G-F 20. Indicações: Para administração intra-articular a ser
efetuada por um médico, para o tratamento da dor associada a osteoartrite do joelho em pacientes que falharam em responder adequadamente a terapia conservadora
não-farmacológica e analgésicos simples. Instruções para dosagem: O esquema de tratamento recomendado é de uma injeção na articulação do joelho. A injeção
pode ser repetida seis meses após a primeira injeção, se os sintomas do paciente justificarem a aplicação. Reg. MS: 80149670008.

SYNVISC OU SYNVISC-ONE. Contraindicações: Synvisc ou Synvisc-One não devem ser injetados na articulação se existir uma estase venosa ou linfática no membro
afetado. Não devem ser utilizados em articulações infectadas ou gravemente inflamadas, ou em doentes com doenças de pele ou infecções na área do local da injeção.
Advertências: Não injetar por via intravascular. Não injetar extra-articularmente ou nos tecidos ou na cápsula sinovial. Não faça uso concomitante de desinfetantes
que contenham sais quaternários de amônio para o preparo da pele, pois o hialuronato pode precipitar na presença deles. Precauções: Synvisc ou Synvisc-One não
devem ser usados se houver grande derrame intra-articular anterior à injeção. Como em qualquer procedimento invasivo em articulação, recomenda-se que o paciente
evite atividades intensas após a injeção intra-articular, e só retorne às atividades habituais depois de alguns dias. Não há estudos clínicos realizados com Synvisc e
com Synvisc-One em gestantes ou em menores de 18 anos de idade. Synvisc e Synvisc-One contêm pequenas quantidades de proteína aviária e não deve ser usado
em pacientes com hipersensibilidades relacionadas a este tipo de produto. Eventos Adversos: Eventos adversos envolvendo a articulação onde foi feita a injeção: dor
passageira e/ou inchaço e/ou derrame da articulação injetada podem ocorrer após injeções intra-articulares de Synvisc ou Synvisc-One. Em alguns casos o derrame
pode ser extenso e causar dor acentuada; é importante remover e analisar o líquido para descartar a possibilidade de infecção ou artropatias. Essas reações geralmente
diminuem no prazo de alguns dias. O benefício clínico do tratamento pode ainda ser aparente após essas reações. Última revisão: 17/01/2014
Contraindicações: Synvisc ou Synvisc-One não devem ser injetados na articulação se existir uma estase venosa ou linfática
no membro afetado. Não devem ser utilizados em articulações infectadas ou gravemente inflamadas, ou em doentes com
doenças de pele ou infecções na área do local da injeção. Nenhum outro medicamento deve ser injetado no joelho durante
o período de tratamento de Synvisc ou Synvisc One, a não ser que o médico que presta assistência ao paciente considerar o
medicamento necessário.

São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N               S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

                O R G A N I S AT I O N /
                                                       INTERNATIONAL CARTILAGE
                                                                                              JOINT PRESERVATION
                                                                                        International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society                  International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                                                & Joint Preservation Society                                                  9

                                                                                        I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                           R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                           I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                                                       International    Cartilage  Regeneration
                                                                                        I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                               I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N

& Joint Preservation Society                           Sociedade  Internacional de Regeneração  da
                                                                                               & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y                                               & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                                                             & Jointe Preservação
                                                        Cartilagem    PreservationdasSociety

                                                                                                                                                                           International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                             & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y                                       Joint Preservation Society

                Local Committee / Diretores Locais                                    Organizing Office / Organização

                Camila Kaleka Cohen (BR)
&   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                  Moisés Cohen(BR)
                Marco Demange (BR)
                                                 I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                    R E G E N E R AT I O N
                                                                                            Cartilage      Executive Office GmbH
                                                                                              J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                            Spitalstrasse 190
                Luis Eduardo Passarelli Tirico (BR)                                         8623 Wetzikon, Switzerland
                                                                                            Phone: +41 (44) 503 73 70
                                                                                            Email: sseiler@cartilage.org
                International Faculty /                                                     Web: www.cartilage.org
                Palestrantes Internacionais

             Bill Bugbee, USA                                                         Course Venue / Local do Curso
             Jack Farr, USA
             Andreas Gomoll, USA                                                         HOTEL MAKSOUD PLAZA
             Sabrina Strickland, USA                                                     Rua São Carlos do Pinhal, 424
             Kenneth Zaslav, USA                                                         01333.000 – São Paulo / SP, Brazil
G E REG EN ER   ATI O NLüring, GER                     I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
             Christian                                                                   www.maksoud.com.br
                                                               & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                                                      International Cartilage Regeneration
                       Mark Your                      Agenda          / Upcoming                                                                             ICRS Events
ION SOCIETY                                                 Joint Preservation Society

                                             ICRS Focus Meeting – One Step Cartilage Repair
                                                        June 05–07, 2019 – Rome, Italy

                                                           ICRS 2019 World Congress
                                                      October 05–08, 2019 – Vancouver, Canada

                                          ICRS Focus Meeting – Imaging, Diagnosis, Treatment
                                                   November 21–23, 2019 – Vienna, Austria
São Paulo Brazil February 07-08, 2019 - International Cartilage Repair Society

Thursday, February 7, 2019

08.00–12.00   Registration

09.00–12.00   Pre-Course     (Geistlich Hands-on Workshop)
                             Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min         O que é scaffolds? Qual é a sua função?
                             Lüring Christian (DE)

              10 min         Fluxograma do tratamento das lesões condrais
                             Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min         Alinhamento dos membros inferiores e cartilagem. Qual é a relação?
                             Tirico Luis (BR)

              10 min         Princípios da terapia celular e aplicação prática
                             Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)

              10 min         Procedimento em um x dois tempos cirúrgicos
                             Gracitelli Guilherme (BR)

              10 min         Lesão Focal x Artrose: o que há de evidência para uso da terapia celular
                             Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min         Preservação articular é uma realidade? Como fazemos na Alemanha?
                             Lüring Christian (DE)

              110 min        Casos Tratados

13.00–14.00   Module 1:      Basic Science and Imaging in Cartilage Defects
                             Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min         Welcome & Introduction
                             Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min         Clinically Relevant Aspects of Structure & Biomechanics of Articular Cartilage
                             Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)

              10 min         Imaging on Chondral and Osteochondral Lesions
                             Skaf Abdalla (BR)

              10 min         Cartilage Markers
                             Antonioli Eliane (BR)

              10 min         Treatment Algorithms & Evidence Based Evaluation of Surgical
                             Cartilage Repair Techniques
                             Gomoll Andreas (US)

              10 min         Discussion
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

FINAL PROGRAMME                                       International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                          & Joint Preservation Society                                                  11

14.00–14.50   Module 2: PRP, Cytokines, & Hyaluronic
                                                      I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                                                  &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                          Moderator: Tirico Luis (BR)
                                                                         R E G E N E R AT I O N    SOCIETY                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N        SOCIETY

              10 min      PRP & PRF – How to Prepare in the Lab and in Clinical Practice.
                          Conventional Centrifuges, Closed System Centrifuges and Apheresis
                          Almeida Adriano (BR)
                                                      I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                           I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                             & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                             & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y

              10 min      Basic Science and Differences among Hyaluronic Acid
                          Uchoa de Rezende Marcia (BR)

              10 min      Clinical Evidence in the Use of PRP & Hyaluronic AcidInternational
                                                                                 for CartilageCartilage Regeneration
                          Defects and Early OA        INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                     Joint Preservation Society
                                                           & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                          Constantino de Campos Gustavo (BR)

              10 min      Genicular Nerve Block: Clinical Evidence and Clinical Results
                          Krause Marcelo (BR)

              10 min      Discussion

14.50–15.40   Module 3A: Microfracture, Autologous Osteochondral
                         Transplant & Mosaicplasty
                          Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min      Basic Science Behind Scaffolds
                          Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min      Microfracture & AMIC – Surgical Technique : Tips and Pearls
                          Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min      Biomaterials for the Treatment of Cartilage Defects with Matrix-
                          augmented Bone Marrow Stimulation Technique – Technique & Literature
                          Lüring Christian (DE)

              20 min      Discussion

15.40–16.10   Coffee Break/Exhibition

16.10–17.00   Module 3B: Microfracture, Autologous Osteochondral
                         Transplant & Mosaicplasty
                          Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min      OATS, COR, Multiple Plugs Mosaicplasty Surgical Technique: Tips and Pearls
                          Tirico Luis (BR)

              10 min      Imaging on Microfracture Repair and Mosaicplasty Repair
                          MOCART SCORE & What to Look for?
                          Cavalcanti Conrado (BR)

              10 min      Rehabilitation, Return to Sports, Expected Short and Long-Term Results after
                          Microfracture & Autologous Osteochondral Transplantation
                          Tambascia Rafael (BR)

              20 min      Discussion

17.00–18.00   Module 4: Osteotomy/Osteotomia
                           Moderator: Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min       Long Limb Axis Evaluation, Patellofemoral Joint Evaluation &
                           Osteotomy Planning
                           Bugbee William (US)

              10 min       Valgus Tibial Osteotomy – Surgical Technique: Tips & Pearls
                           Gomoll Andreas (US)

              10 min       Varus Femoral Osteotomy- Surgical Technique: Tips & Pearls
                           Bugbee William (US)

              10 min       Patellofemoral Joint Osteotomy & Simple Trochleoplasty Surgical
                           Technique: Tips and Pearls
                           Farr Jack (US)

              20 min       Discussion

18.00–19.00   Module 5: Case Discussions
                           Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              50 min       Clinical Cases of Simple and Complex Chondral and Osteochondral Lesions

              10 min       Take Home Points
                           Demange Marco (BR)

Friday, February 8, 2019

7.45–8.00                  Highlights & Take Home Points from Day 1

8.00–9.00     Module 6: Meniscus Repair, Transplant & Substitutes
                           Moderator: Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)

              10 min       Imaging Evaluation of Meniscal Tear and Repair
                           Rosemberg Laercio (BR)

              10 min       In-Side Out, All-Inside and Out-Side In Meniscal Suture Surgical
                           Technique: Tips and Pearls
                           Tirico Luis (BR)

              10 min       Meniscal Root Repair and Ramp Lesion
                           Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min       Meniscal Transplant: Surgical Technique: Tips & Pearls
                           Farr Jack (US)

              10 min       Meniscal Substitutes, Implants and Future Trends
                           Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)

              10 min       Discussion
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

FINAL PROGRAMME                                          International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                             & Joint Preservation Society                                                  13

9.00–9.40     Module 7: Fresh Osteochondral Transplantation
                                                 &       I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                                                     &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                            Moderator: Tirico Luis (BR)
                                                                            R E G E N E R AT I O N    SOCIETY                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N        SOCIETY

              10 min        Historical Development & Basic Science behind Fresh
                            Osteochondral Transplantation
                            Gracitelli Guilherme (BR)
                                                         I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                           I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y

              10 min        Fresh Osteochondral Allograft – Surgical Technique: Tips & Pearls
                            Bugbee William (US)

              10 min        Clinical Indications, Rehabilitation, Return to Sports, Expected            Short
                                                                                     International Cartilage        &
                            Long-Term Results            INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                           Joint Preservation Society
                                                              & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                            Tirico Luis (BR)

              10 min        Discussion

9.40–10.30    Module 8: Case Discussions
                            Moderator: Tirico Luis (BR)

              50 min        Clinical Cases – Meniscus Repair, Transplant and Substitutes
                            What to do with and without Osteochondral Allograft available?

10.30–11.00   Coffee Break/Exhibition

11.00–12.00   Module 9: Cell Therapy – Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI)
                            Moderator: Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min        From ACI to MACI: Cell Transplantation for Cartilage Repair
                            Zaslav Kenneth (US)

              10 min        ACI – Surgical Technique: Tips & Pearls
                            Zaslav Kenneth (US)

              10 min        ACI in the Patellofemoral Joint – Clinical Evidence
                            Strickland Sabrina (US)

              10 min        ACI Rehabilitation & Return to Sports- Expected Short & Long-Term Results
                            Gomoll Andreas (US)

              20 min        Discussion

12.00–13.00   Module 10: Case Discussions – Cell Therapy/ACI
                            Moderator: Demange Marco (BR)

              60 min        Clinical Cases – What to do With & Without Cell Therapy Available?

13.00–13.45   Lunch Break
Vancouver                       15Th World Congress
Canada                                 of the International Cartilage
                                       Regeneration &
October 5–8, 2019                      Joint Preservation Society

Abstract Submission: Feb 15 – April 15, 2019

                                                Mark your agenda!
International Cartilage Regeneration
     & Joint Preservation Society               www.cartilage.org
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N               S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

FINAL PROGRAMME                                     International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society                  International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                            & Joint Preservation Society                                                  15

13.45–14.30   Industry Sponsored Session            I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                       R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                                       I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                          R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

              45 Minutes   Sala Araguaia – Traumacamp Hands-on Workshop
                           The Superior Technology of a Collagen Type 1 Hydrogel

              45 Minutes   Sala Brasil – Sanofi Satellite Symposium – Avanços no Tratamento
                           Conservador da Osteoartrite              do Joelho
                                                   I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                                I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N

                           Moderator: Tirico Luis (BR) & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y
                                                                                                                                               & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

14.30–15.30   Module 11: Stem Cells & Cartilage Fragments in Cartilage Repair
                           Moderator: Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)                                                                         International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                    INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                                                                             Joint Preservation Society
              10 min       Stem Cells and Adult Mesenchymal Pluripotent Cells – Basic Science
                                                         & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                           Cohen Moises (BR)

              10 min       Bone Marrow Derived MSC (BMAC) – Clinical Application
                           Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min       Adipose-Derived MSC – Clinical Application
                           Cohen Kaleka Camila (BR)

              10 min       Juvenile Cartilage Fragments and Minced Cartilage
                           Farr Jack (US)

              20 min       Discussion

15.30–16.00   Coffee Break/Exhibition

16.00–17.10   Module 12: Subchondral Bone and Unicompartimental Osteoarthritis
                           Moderator: Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min       Clinical Evidence on Subchondral Bone Lesions, Bone Edema &
                           OA Progression
                           Bonadio Marcelo (BR)

              10 min       Sub-chondral Bone Reconstruction in Cartilage Repair
                           Zaslav Kenneth (US)

              10 min       Subchondroplasty: Basic Science and Surgical Procedure
                           Demange Marco (BR)

              10 min       Tibio-Femoral Partial Arthroplasty – UKA
                           Bugbee William (US)

              10 min       Partial Ressurfacing Knee Arthroplasty & Patellofemoral Arthroplasty
                           Strickland Sabrina (US)

              20 min       Discussion

17.10–18.00   Module 13: Case Discussions / Discussão de Casos
                           Moderator: Demange Marco (BR)

              50 min       Casos Clínicos – Células Tronco, Osso Subcondral e
                           Osteoartrose unicompartimental

18.00–18.10   Take Home Points

           ÁCIDO HIALURÔNICO                        SORBITOL

 Uma formulação de Gel Inteligente que proporciona, em menos de uma semana,
              RÁPIDO, INTENSO e PROLONGADO alívio da dor
                     em pacientes com OSTEOARTRITE.




                                            Aptíssen Brasil

 DOSES ADAPTÁVEIS AO TIPO DE ARTICULAÇÃO    E-mail: comercial@aptissen.com.br
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

I N T E R N AT I O N A L FA C U L T Y                                              International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                                       & Joint Preservation Society                                                  17

                       Almeida Adriano, MD, MsC, PhD, MBA
                                                                                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E       J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                       Clínica Atlas Knee Surgery and Sports Medicine Sao Paulo, Brazil
                                                                                                      R E G E N E R AT I O N    SOCIETY                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N        SOCIETY

                       Graduated at University of São Paulo Medical School (2000), Masters and PhD at Uni-
                       versity of São Paulo, Brazil, Specialization: Knee Surgery, Sports Medicine at University
                       of São Paulo Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Member of the scientific
                       committee of SBRATE – Brazilian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology, Ac-
                       tive member of: AAOS, ISAKOS, ICRS.          & J OSBOT             (Brazilian             Society of Orthopedics and
                                                             I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                                                 I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                          & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                          I NT PRESERVATI    O N SO CI E T Y

                       Traumatology), SBMEE (Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine and Exercise), SBCJ (Brazil-
                       ian Society of Knee Surgery), Winner of the Gastao Veloso Award at Brazilian Meeting
                       of Orthopedics and Traumatology 2010, with the paper: “Patellar tendon regeneration
with platelet rich plasma: a prospective randomized study”                                                                International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                        & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y                                         Joint Preservation Society

                       Antonioli Eliane, Dr., PhD
                       Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein Programa Locomotor São Paulo, Brazil
                       Eliane Antonioli is a PhD in Cellular Biology by UNICAMP (State University of Campi-
                       nas/SP/Brazil). Currently, Dr. Antonioli is a researcher of Orthopedic Department of
                       Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo. Her main research interests are cartilage
                       repair, especially in cell therapy, mesenchymal stem cells, cellular aging, and biomark-
                       ers for osteoarthritis. Bióloga, doutora em Biologia Celular e Estrutural pelo Instituto de
                       Biologia, Unicamp (2007). Realizou pós-doutoramento no Instituto Israelita de Ensino e
                       Pesquisa (IIEP) do Hospital Albert Einstein (2008-2011), com apoio financeiro da FAPESP.
                       Coordenadora do curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Ortopedia Multiprofissional,
do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein. Docente-colaboradora do curso de Pós-graduação Stricto-sensu Ciências
da Saúde da Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Hospital Albert Einstein. Pesquisadora do Programa
Locomotor, do Hospital Albert Einstein. Desenvolve pesquisas com foco na regeneração da cartilagem com o
uso de terapia celular e desenvolvimento de biomateriais e envelhecimento celular.

                   Bonadio Marcelo, Mr., MD
                   São Paulo, Brazil
                   Marcelo Bonadio is a knee surgeon at the University of São Paulo. He is a member of
                   the Knee Surgery division at the University of São Paulo. He received his medical de-
                   gree from Medical School of the University of São Paulo in 2009. He has finished his
                   Residency in Orthopedics in 2012 in the Orthopedic and Traumatology Department at
                   the Clinics Hospital – University of São Paulo. He has done his Knee Surgery Fellowship
                   in the University of São Paulo in 2013 and in the University of Pennsylvania in 2016. He
                   is a member of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and a member
                   of the Brazilian Society of Knee Surgery. His main clinical and research interests are
subchondral bone and cartilage repair procedures in knee surgery.

                               Bugbee William, Prof., MD
                               Scripps Clinic Medical Group Orthopaedics La Jolla, United States of America
                               William Bugbee is an attending physician at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla and Professor, de-
                               partment of Orthopaedics, university of California, San Diego. His clinical interests are
                               in arthritis surgery of the hip, knee and ankle, joint replacement, osteochondral allograft
                               transplantation and cartilage restoration. Research interests include biologic response
                               to implants, innovation in knee replacement technique and design, Osteochondral trans-
                               plantation, cartilage tissue engineering and biologic joint repair. For CV please proceed
                               to www.drbugbee.com

                      Cavalcanti Conrado, Dr.
                      Hospital Sírio-Libanês Sao Paulo, Brazil
                      Médico Radiologista formado pela FMUSP, com Fellow em Radiologia pela New York
                      University. Trabalho no Hospital Sírio-Libanês desde 2006, como gestor médico do
                      setor de Ressonância Magnética. Diretor acionista das empresas de diagnóstico UltraX
                      e Unique em São José do Rio Preto. Acionista da clínica Sua Saúde em Campinas. Dire-
                      tor do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia. Vice-presidente do Conselho Deliberativo da

                      Cohen Kaleka Camila, Dr.
                      Sao Paulo, Brazil
                      Camila Cohen Kaleka is an attending physician at Instituto Cohen and Hospital Israelita
                      Albert Einstein, São Paulo. Master degree at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas Santa
                      Casa de São Paulo. Her clinical interests are in surgery of the knee, focused in meniscus
                      and cartilage restoration. Research interests include mesenchymal stem cells, meniscus
                      preservation and substitutes, cartilage tissue engineering and biologic joint repair.

                       Cohen Moises, Prof., PhD
                       Cohen Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Institute Orthopaedic Sports
                       Medicine Division São Paulo, Brazil
                       Moises Cohen is a Full Professor and Chief of the Orthopaedic, Traumatology and
                       Sports Medicine Department of the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. He is the
                       Director and see the patients at the Cohen Institute of Orthopaedic, Sports Medicine
                       and Rehabilitation and the surgeries at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo.
                       His clinical interests are in degenerative and sports Knee disorders, Orthopaedic Sports
                       Medicine, Cartilage repair. Hes a CNPQ and FAPESP scientific investigator and he is
                       coordinating an important project in Genetic Study of some disorders of the Knee and
Shoulder Joints. He is a past president of the Brazilian Knee Society, Brazilian Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Society, SLARD, ISAKOS (2011-2013). Since the beginning, he is a ICRS member as well as a member of
AAOS, ESSKA, ACL Study Group and others. Moises is the Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Fed-
eração Paulista de Futebol (2014 – Now) and member of the Board of directors of the Medical Committee of
the Confederação Brasileira de Futebol CBF (2014- Now). Also he is the Chairman of the FIFA Center of Excel-
lence of the UNIFESP. He is a current reviewer of Arthroscopy Journal, American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia. Moises is a professor of the Post-graduation program in Translational Surgery
and published 10 books, 183 articles in scientific journal, oriented 28 master degree, 16 PhD candidates and
2 post PhD.

                      Constantino de Campos Gustavo, Dr., MD, PhD
                      University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Department of Orthopedics
                      Campinas, Brazil
                      PhD at University of São Paulo (USP), Coordinator of UNICAMP’s musculosketelat tissue
                      bank, Knee surgeon at Campinas’s State University (UNICAMP) – Department of Ops,
                      Fellowship at Lyon’s School of knee surgery – Lyon, France, Postgraduate in osteometa-
                      bolic diseases at University of São Paulo (USP), Active member of Brazilian Society of
                      Orthopedics and Traumatology (SBOT), Brazilian Society of Knee Surgery (SBCJ) and
                      Brazilian intra-articular therapy studies association (ABETI)
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

I N T E R N AT I O N A L FA C U L T Y                                              International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                                       & Joint Preservation Society                                                  19

                      Demange Marco, Dr., PhD.
                                                                                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E       J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                      University of São Paulo Orthopedics Department Sao Paulo, Brazil
                                                                                                      R E G E N E R AT I O N    SOCIETY                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N        SOCIETY

                      Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of São Paulo – Brazil, Chief of Knee
                      Surgery Division, Hospital das Clínicas – FMUSP, Private Practice at HCor – SP – Brazil,
                      Medical Degree – Unicamp – State University of Campinas – Brazil, Orthopaedic Train-
                      ing – University of São Paulo – Brazil, Knee Surgery Training – University of São Paulo
                     – Brazil Master of Science (M.Sc.) – University             of São    O N SOPaulo         – Brazil, Ph.D. – University of
                                                           I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                                                   I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                                          & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                  & J O I NT PRESERVATI            CI E T Y

                      São Paulo – Brazil, Post Doctoral Fellowship – Harvard Medical School – Brigham and
                      Women’s Hospital – Cartilage Repair Center – Boston – USA, Post Doctoral Fellowship –
                      Hospital for Special Surgery – NY – USA, Memberships: SBOT (Sociedade Brasileira de
Ortopedia e Traumatologia), SBCJ, SLARD, ISAKOS, International Affiliate Member – AAOS.                                              ECFMG
                                                                                                                         International               Certi-
                                                                                                                                        Cartilage Regeneration
fied (U.S. – Educational Committee for Foreign Medical Graduates)                  INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                                                                               Joint Preservation Society
                                                                                        & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y

                      Farr Jack, MD, MD
                      Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana OrthoIndy Greenwood,
                      United States of America
                      Jack Farr received his undergraduate degree in biological engineering from Rose Hul-
                      man Institute of Technology in 1975, where he also was awarded an honorary doctor-
                      ate of biological engineering. He earned his medical degree from Indiana University
                      in 1979. He completed his orthopedic surgery residency at Indiana University Medical
                      Center in 1986. Dr. Farr has a subspecialty practice in knee and cartilage restoration.
                      His numerous appointments and affiliations include a voluntary clinical full professor-
                      ship in orthopedic surgery at Indiana University Medical Center, a board position with
the Cartilage Research Foundation, the International Cartilage Repair Society general board (Meetings and
Education Committee Chair) and Patellofemoral Foundation vice president. For more information, please go
to www.Cartilage Restoration.org. As a leader in U.S. cartilage restoration advances, Dr. Farr has written
numerous articles, book chapters and has completed and edited two cartilage books published in 2013. He
serves as associate editor for the journals Cartilage and American Journal of Orthopedics. For a full listing of
publications, please visit www.Cartilage Restoration.org. He lectures both nationally and internationally and
participates in several ongoing articular and meniscal cartilage clinical trials. He also was a design surgeon
for a meniscal allograft transplant system and two knee patellofemoral osteotomy systems. For patients with
knee changes too far advanced for restoration, Dr. Farr worked as a design surgeon for a current partial knee
replacement system (Sigma High Performance Partial Knee Replacement). Dr. Farr is actively affiliated with
the OrthoIndy Hospital and Community Hospital South. He is a member of the American Academy of Ortho-
paedic Surgeons, the American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy Association of North
America, the International Cartilage Repair Society, International Patellofemoral Study Group, International
Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine and the European Society of Sports
Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy.

                       Gomoll Andreas, Ass. Prof., MD
                       Hospital for Special Surgery New York, United States of America
                       Born and raised in Germany, Dr. Gomoll attended Ludwig-Maximilians-Medical School
                       in Munich prior to spending 2 years at Brigham and Womens Hospital as a research
                       fellow. He then completed his residency training at the Harvard Combined Orthopaedic
                       Residency Program in Boston, MA, and a Sports Medicine Fellowship at Rush Univer-
                       sity in Chicago, IL. After his return to Boston, he joined the Cartilage Repair Center at
                       Brigham and Womens Hospital, where he rose to Associate Professor of Orthopaedic
                       Surgery, Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Orthopedic Program, BWH Cen-
                       ter for Regenerative Medicine. He moved his practice to the Hospital for Special Surgery
in 2018. He specializes in joint preservation and biologic knee reconstruction, such as cartilage repair, menis-
cal transplantation and osteotomy. His main research interests are clinical outcome studies of existing, as well
as the investigation of new cartilage repair procedures.

              Gracitelli Guilherme, Dr., Phd
              Federal University of Sao Paolo Sao Paulo, Brazil
              Graduated from Medical School – Federal University of São Paulo in 2007. Orthopedic
              and Traumatology Residency at Department of Orthopedic and Traumatology of Federal
              University of Sao Paulo 2009-2011. Fellowship in Knee Reconstruction and Arthroscopy
              at Hospital Sao Paulo- Federal University of São Paulo in 2012. Member of knee group
              at Federal University of São Paulo, member of the Brazilian Knee society. Current posi-
              tion: Research fellow at The Scripps Research Institute (San Diego-USA) and visiting fel-
              low at the University of California San Diego.

              Krause Marcelo, Prof.
              ITORK – Instituto de Traumatologia e Ortopedia Romeu Krause, Recife, Brazil
              Professor of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery at UNINASSAU / Pernambuco –
              Brazil, Staff of Knee Surgery and Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Division at ITORK / PE –
              Brazil, Private Practice at ITORK – SP – Brazil, Medical Degree – UFPE – State University
              of Pernambuco – Brazil, Orthopaedic Training – University of São Paulo – Brazil, Sport
              Medicine, Knee Surgery and Shoulde and Elbow Training – University of São Paulo –
              Brazil, Memberships: SBOT (Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia), SBCJ,
              SLARD, SBCOC

              Lüring Christian, Prof., Dr. Med
              Klinikum Dortmund Dortmund, Germany

              Rosemberg Laercio, MD PhD,
              Einstein Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil
              Born in Sao Paulo, attended University of Sao Paulo Medical School. Residency in the
              same institution was visitor fellowship for NYU, Emory , UCSF and HUP. Dr Laercio was
              part of the first group to work with MRI in Latin America, in Hospital Albert Einstein Sao
              Paulo , Brazil. He works at Hospital Albert Einstein and at Institute of Orthopaedic of
              Hospital das Clinicas FMUSP where he started the service of Radiology and Interven-
              tional Radiology in Orthopaedics. He works in close collaboration with Orthopaedic
              surgeons that are involved in Cartilage Implants and repair.
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N           S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

I N T E R N AT I O N A L FA C U L T Y                               International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society              International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                        & Joint Preservation Society                                                  21

                      Skaf Abdalla, Dr., MD
                                                                    I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                 J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N   I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E       J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                      Hospital do Coração Sao Paulo, Brazil
                                                                                       R E G E N E R AT I O N    SOCIETY                                              R E G E N E R AT I O N        SOCIETY

                      Chefe do departamento de diagnóstico por imagem do HCor (Hospital do Coração)
                     – São Paulo, Diretor médico da Teleimagem; Radiologista responsável pelo setor de
                      tomografia e Ressonância da clinica ALTA., Diretor da CAECIM – Centro de Aper-
                      feiçoamento e Educação em Imagem Médica; Membro titular do Colégio Brasileiro de
                      Radiologia e associado das sociedades       & Americana                   e CIFrancesa    de Radiologia; Research
                                                           I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                                    I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                           & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                     J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO      ETY

                      fellow na Universidade da Califórnia, San Diego (1999 – 2000); Médico-assistente
                      estrangeiro dos Hospitais de Paris (1997- 1998); Clinical fellow no Hospital Cochin e
                      Pitié-Salpetriere – Paris (1998 – 1999).
                                                                                                                                                   International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                    INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                                         & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y                                   Joint Preservation Society

                       Strickland Sabrina, Ass. Prof., MD
                       Hospital for Special Surgery Orthopedics New York City, United
                       States of America
                       Sabrina Strickland is board-certified in Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Surgery at
                       Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), where she specializes in surgery of the knee and
                       shoulder. Currently, Dr. Strickland is an Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at
                       HSS and Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Strickland is a co-founder along with col-
                       league Dr. Beth Shubin Stein of the HSS Patellofemoral Center. This center was created
                       to addresses the current lack of formalized research into patellofemoral disorders, treat-
                       ments and outcomes. The center focuses on clinical outcome studies that evaluate current
surgical techniques and improve patient outcomes as well as develop new ones. A comprehensive approach
is taken to investigating patient outcomes in a variety of patellofemoral disorders and treatment procedures.
By utilizing a combination of prospective, retrospective, and biomechanical studies, our group assesses the
efficacy of current procedures and improves upon them to develop even better treatment options. The Patel-
lofemoral Center is also focused on conducting collaborative research efforts with other institutions in the form
of multi-center studies, in order to maximize the quality and power of patellofemoral patient data available.
The comprehensive research efforts of the Patellofemoral Center play a critical role in improving the quality of
life of the many patients suffering from knee pain and instability.

                   Tambascia Rafael, Prof.
                   Instituto Wilson Mello Campinas, Jd. Santa Genebra , Brazil
                   DSc student at the Surgery Postgraduate Program at Unicamp – State University of
                   Campinas – Brazil, MSc from the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto – University of São
                   Paulo/ Brazil, Physiotherapist at The Wilson Mello Institute – Campinas/SP, Degree in
                   Physical Therapy from Unesp – State University of São Paulo/Campus Marília/SP, Mem-
                   ber of Physio&Science Group, Professor of Post Graduate Degree courses at the Facul-
                   dades Inspirar/MS and Universidade Barão de Mauá/SP, Post graduated in Orthopae-
                   dic and Traumatology at Unicamp – State University of Campinas – Brazil, Fellowship
                   at Guildford Physiotherapy Sports Centre – Sydney/AUS, Certificated in Spinal Manual
Therapy – Sydney/ AUS, Clinical interests are in degenerative and sports knee disorders and Orthopaedic
Sports Medicine

                    Tirico Luis, Dr., M.D.
                    University of São Paulo - Medical School Orthopedic and
                    Traumatology Sao Paulo, Brazil
                    Luis Tirico is an Orthopedic Surgeon in São Paulo, Brazil. Born and raised in Brazil, he
                    received his medical degree from the University of São Paulo Medical School in 2003.
                    He worked as an attending physician in the Brazilian Army in 2004 and completed his
                    residency in Orthopedics in 2007 in the Orthopedic and Traumatology Department –
                    Hospital das Clinicas – University of São Paulo Medical School. In 2008 he finished his
                    fellowship in Knee Surgery in University of São Paulo and did a shortterm fellowship
                    with Dr. William Bugbee at Scripps Clinic, Green and Anderson Hospital in San Diego
CA in 2010. Since then, he has developed and been responsible for the Fresh Osteochondral Allograft pro-
gram in Knee Surgery at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, University of São Paulo,

 Brazil. He was awarded the ICRS – Zimmer Scholarship Programme in 2012, spending time with Dr. Tom
 Minas and Dr. Andreas Gomoll in Boston, MA. In 2015 he completed his Doctor of Medicine thesis entitled
“Protocol of procurement, processing and transplantation of fresh osteochondral allografts in the knee joint”
 from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. In 2017 he was awarded by ICRS with the Lars Peterson Travelling
 Fellowship representing the epitome of education and international partnership through thought leaders in
 cartilage repair. His main clinical and research interests are cartilage repair procedures in knee surgery.

                      Uchoa de Rezende Marcia, Dr., MD, PhD
                      São Paulo, Brazil
                      Márcia Uchoa de Rezende is head of the Osteometabolic Group at the Instituto de
                      Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculade de Medicina da
                      Universidade de São Paulo (IOTHC-FMUSP). Graduated from medical school (FMUSP)
                      in 1988, Member of the Brazilian Orthopedic Society (SBOT) since 1992. Overseas fel-
                      lowship at Duke University in 1995. Masters in 1996 and PhD in 2000 both at FMUSP.
                      Member of the board of directors of the Brazilian Knee Society since 2001. President of
                      the Brazilian Knee Society in 2009 and 2010. Post-doc in orthopedics in 2015. Heads
                      a program for education and conservative treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

                      Zaslav Kenneth, Prof., MD
                      Ortho Virginia Sports Medicine and Cartilage Restoration Center
                      Richmond, United States of America
                      Ken Zaslav is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and the founding director of Advanced Ortho-
                      paedic Centres: Sports Medicine and Cartilage Regeneration Centres, in Richmond,
                      Virginia in the U.S.A. He is a Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Virginia Com-
                      monwealth University and has published and lectured worldwide on Cartilage Repair,
                      and non-operative treatments for Articular Cartilage injury over the past 10 years. Dr.
                      Zaslav performed the first Articular Cartilage Transplant in Virginia in 1996 and since
                      then articular cartilage has been his prime clinical research interest. He has been a fel-
low of the ICRS since 1999 and has served on its Executive Committee and Board of Directors. He was the
president of the ICRS from 2016-2018. He is a member of the AOSSM, AAOS and AANA and has served on
its research, education and membership committees. He has spoken as an invited speaker at The FDA’s Cel-
lular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee meeting and was the lead author of The STAR Study of
Articular Cartilage repair published in AJSM in 2009. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Boards of several
Biologics companies in the United States and Israel and has previously served as The Chief Science Officer
of The Virginia Bio-commercialization Center at Virginia Commonwealth University and now serves on The
Board of Directors of The Virginia Life Science Investment Fund. He has been the Company Physician for The
Richmond Ballet for the past 20 years.
&    J O I N T       P R E S E R VA T I O N               S O C I E T Y                             REGENERATION                &    SOCIETY

                                                          International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society                  International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                  & Joint Preservation Society                                                  23

                                                          I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                             R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N
                                                                                                                                             I N T E R N AT I O N A L C A R T I L A G E
                                                                                                                                                                R E G E N E R AT I O N    &   J O I N T P R E S E R VAT I O N

                                                          I NT ERN ATI O N A L CA RTI L AG E REG EN ER ATI O N                               I N T ERN AT I O N A L C A RT I L AG E R EG EN ER AT I O N
                                                                                                                                                     & J O I N T PR ES ERVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                 & J O I NT PRESERVATI O N SO CI E T Y

        The ICRS is the Main Forum for International Collaboration
          in Cartilaginous Tissue Research & Joint Preservation
                                                          INTERNATIONAL CARTI L AGE REGEN ER ATIO N
                                                               & J O I N T P R ES E RVAT I O N S O C I E T Y
                                                                                                                                             International Cartilage Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                   Joint Preservation Society

        Recognizing that there is a continuum from cartilage injury to degenerative joint disease we bring
      together basic scientists, clinical researchers, physicians, other healthcare providers and members of
    industry, engaged or interested in the field of articular biology, its genetic basis and regenerative medi-
    cine. We seek to improve our patients´ quality of life, decrease their disability and reduce the impact of
    degenerative joint disease on healthcare systems worldwide by preserving joints and maintaining func-
                    tion.” The Society has currently 1300 active members from 65 countries.

     The purpose of ICRS is charitable: The society envisages the scientific research and the exchange of
    knowledge among physicians, scientists, patients and researchers of the industry in the field of Cartila-
     ge Regeneration and Joint Preservation. To serve its purpose, the society organizes international con-
             gresses and events, publishes journals and provides a universal internet platform.

Join ICRS Now!                         Benefits for ICRS Members
                                       • 4 Issues of the official ICRS Journal Cartilage, published by SAGE
                                       • Highly reduced registration fees for all ICRS educational events
                                       • Eligibility for ICRS Scholarships
                                       • Eligibility for ICRS Travelling Fellowships
                                       • Access to the “Member Only” section of the ICRS Website (incl. Membership
                                         Database and access to the Cartilage Knowledge Database, Electronic Posters,
                                         Abstracts and selected Symposia presentations)
                                       • Free advertising of your cartilage meeting /course in the ICRS Newsletter
The Annual Membership Fees are:          and online event calendar
    Ordinary Members: € 220.00
       Junior Members: € 100.00
   Corporate Members: € 3000.00

              Join ICRS online at
                                       Our Mission
         www.cartilage.org             Advancing Science & Education of the Prevention
         office@cartilage.org          & Treatment of Cartilage Disease Worldwide

                                        International Cartilage Regeneration
                                             & Joint Preservation Society
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