Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase

Page created by Carlos Robinson
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
2020 capital increase

Real Estate Switzerland

August 2020
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase

 1   Key facts, profile, and strategy                                                  4       Key figures

 2   Residential real estate market                                                    5       Properties in the fund's net assets

 3   2020 issue                                                                        6       Reasons to invest

           CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   2
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Key information regarding planned issue

Planned issue
 Credit Suisse Asset Management Global Real Estate is carrying
   out an issue for the Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat (CS
   REF Siat, 1 291 370) with a volume of CHF 155.4 million.
 The issue will take place from August 24, 2020, to
   September 4, 2020.
 The capital increase will preserve the subscription rights of
   existing unitholders.
 The proceeds of the issue will be used to grow the high-quality
   real estate portfolio.
 There are ongoing and planned projects amounting to CHF 496
   million, intended purchases amounting to CHF 186 million, and
   a gross yield of approx. 3.8%.

Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd. | Historical performance data and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future

                       CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.       August 2020   3
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Profile and investment strategy

Profile                                                                                      Investment policy

 A predecessor fund was established in 1938 and in 2001 was                                 Investments in high-yield residential real estate and selected
  merged with CS REF Siat – CS REF Siat is therefore the oldest                               commercial properties located in strong urban economic regions
  Swiss real estate fund.                                                                     in Switzerland.
 Largest residential real estate fund in Switzerland with a market                          Concentration on qualitative portfolio growth and the continuous
  value as of March 31, 2020, of CHF 3,350.1 million and                                      modernization of properties held in the portfolio.
  177 properties (including projects and ground leases).                                     The fund invests in sustainable projects and properties.
 Attractive investment return of 7.63% as of
  September 30, 2019.
 Steady distribution of CHF 5.40, equal to a direct yield of
  2.69% as of September 30, 2019.
 Traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange.
 The fund currency is the Swiss franc (CHF).
 The fund holds the real estate indirectly.

Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                      CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   4
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase

 1   Key facts, profile, and strategy                                                   4       Key figures

 2   Residential real estate market                                                     5       Properties in the fund's net assets

 3   2020 issue                                                                         6       Reasons to invest

            CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   5
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
The residential real estate market at a glance

 Impact on the rental accommodation market                                                       Temporary slump in rental apartment demand
•   Decrease in immigration by 15,000 persons
    (-30%) expected.
•   Recession, downturn in consumer sentiment, and fewer small
    households owing to budget constraints will lead to a softening
    of demand within Switzerland.
•   Residential construction activity was already falling before
    COVID-19 – further slowdown is likely.
•   Average vacancy rate in the rental accommodation segment
    expected to rise from 2.64% to over 2.9% (forecast from
    Swiss Real Estate Economics).
•   Rents expected to fall moderately.                                                           Sources: Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Credit Suisse, 2020

 Outlook for the CS REF Siat                                                                     Supply of rental apartments records temporary dip
•   Despite declining demand, there are various stabilizing factors
    on the rental accommodation market:
           Demand for residential property is not substitutable.
           Supportive impact of the social security systems (short-term
            working, unemployment insurance) and the federal
            government's immediate measures.
           Rents in existing rental agreements are protected and linked
            to the reference rate.
           Growing awareness accommodation quality due to increase
            in working from home.
           Reduced supply of new builds.
                                                                                                 Sources: Meta-Sys AG, Credit Suisse
•   The CS REF Siat offers attractive rent potential due to the
    large portfolio of over 6,200 properties built up over recent
Source: Credit Suisse, June 2020 Swiss Real Estate Monitor: "COVID-19 impacts on commercial property"

                     CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                      August 2020   6
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase

 1   Key facts, profile, and strategy                                                   4       Key figures

 2   Residential real estate market                                                     5       Properties in the fund's net assets

 3   2020 issue                                                                         6       Reasons to invest

            CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   7
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Key figures on the capital increase

 Type of issue                                              Best-effort basis with subscription rights trading

 Subscription period                                        Monday, August 24 to Friday, September 4, 2020, 12:00 (CET)

 Subscription rights trading                                Monday, August 24 to Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Payment of securities subscribed                           September 11, 2020

 Issue price                                                CHF 161.00 net per unit

 Subscription ratio                                         16:1 (16 existing to one new unit)

 Target volume                                              CHF 155.4 million

                                                            2.50% of NAV (included in the issue price)
 Issuing commission                                         Partial reimbursement of the 0.75% issuing commission with the purchase of least
                                                            7,500 new shares (corresponds to approx. CHF 1.2 mn)

                                                            Security number: 1 291 370
 Fund unit identifier
                                                            ISIN: CH001 291 370 0

                                                            Security number: 55 620 237
 Subscription rights identifier
                                                            ISIN: CH055 620 237 9

Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                      CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   8
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Portfolio expansion
Ongoing projects

Location                                                 Utilization                                         Total volume       Remaining amount          Gross yield      Development
Dübendorf, "Giessenturm"                                 56% residential, 44% commercial                 CHF      127 mn           CHF        32 mn           4.27%         2018–2021
Dübendorf, "Am Giessenplatz"                             100% residential                                CHF       34 mn           CHF        20 mn           3.71%         2019–2021
Spreitenbach, "Tivoli Garten" 1                          68% residential, 32% commercial                 CHF      140 mn           CHF      120 mn            4.29%         2020–2024
Lugano, "Agli Orti"                                      100% residential                                CHF       23 mn           CHF       0.6 mn           3.71%         2018–2020
Lugano, "Via Molinazzo"                                  100% residential                                CHF       18 mn           CHF       0.6 mn           3.85%         2018–2021

Planned projects
Location                                                 Utilization                                         Total volume       Remaining amount          Gross yield      Development
Dübendorf, "Giessen Lab" 2                               75% residential, 25% commercial                 CHF       44 mn           CHF        31 mn           3.60%         2021–2022
Liestal, "Lüdin Areal"    2                              85% residential, 15% commercial                 CHF       76 mn           CHF        55 mn           3.60%         2023–2025
Lugano-Massagno, "Via Ciusarella 5" 2                    100% residential                                CHF       34 mn           CHF        16 mn           3.25%         2021–2023

Projects for intended purchases
Region                                                   Utilization                                         Total volume                   Probability   Gross yield      Development
Central Switzerland   3                                  100% residential                                CHF       58 mn                          75%        3.80%          2020–2024
City of Zurich   3                                       95% residential, 5% commercial                  CHF       80 mn.                         75%        3.20%          2020–2025
Western Switzerland, Lake Geneva             3           100% residential                                CHF       46 mn                          75%        3.35%          2020–2022

    Region                                                                                                    Total volume          Remaining amount      Gross yield      Development
Total ongoing projects, planned projects, and acquisition projects                                       CHF     680 mn                CHF 481 mn            3.82%          2018–2025
150% joint ownership (under leasehold). | 2 Realization dependent on legal effect of building permit. | 3 Negotiations advanced (exclusive). Construction to start when
building permit becomes legally binding.
Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd. | Historical performance data and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future

                              CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                   August 2020   9
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat 2020 capital increase
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Ongoing projects

Key figures: Phase two, "Giessenturm"                         Key figures: Phase three, "Am Giesenplatz"                       Key figures: Spreitenbach, "Tivoli Garten"1
Usage type                  Mixed                             Usage type                     Residential                       Usage type               Mixed

Property/project            Project                           Property/project               Project                           Property/project         Project

Completion                  February 2021                     Completion                     September 2021                    Completion               2024
No. of apts                 130                               No. of apts                    36                                No. of apts              220
Commercial                  7,924 m2                          Commercial                     None                              Commercial               11,500 m2
Target net rent/vacant      5.48 mn / 0%                      Target net rent/vacant         CHF 1.20 mn / n.a.                Target net rent/vacant   CHF 13.40 mn / 80%
Project costs               approx. CHF 127.4 mn              Project costs                  approx. CHF 34 mn                 Project costs            approx. CHF 139.5 mn
Expected gross yield        4.27%                             Expected gross yield           3.71%                             Expected gross yield     4.29%

1   50% joint ownership (under leasehold).

                        CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                   August 2020   10
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Ongoing projects

Key figures: Lugano, "Residenza agli Orti"                  Key figures: Lugano, "Via Molinazzo 8"
Building type             Residential                       Usage type                    Residential

Property/project          Project                           Property/project              Project

Completion                June 2020                         Completion                    January 2021
No. of apts               43                                No. of apts                   55
Target net rent/vacant    CHF 0.83 mn / 19%                 Target net rent/vacant CHF 0.69 mn / 92%
Project costs             approx. CHF 22.48 mn              Project costs                 approx. CHF 17.70 mn
Expected gross yield      3.85%                             Expected gross yield          3.90%

                       CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   11
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Planned projects

Key figures: Liestal, "Lüdin Areal" 1                          Key figures: Phase four, "Giessen Lab" 1                           Key figures: Lugano-Massagno, "Via Ciusarella 5"
Usage type                   Mixed                             Usage type                            Mixed                        Usage type                    Residential

Property/project             Project                           Property/project                      Project                      Property/project              Project

Completion                   2025                              (Planned) year of construction From 2021                           Completion                    Fall 2023

No. of apts                  130                               No. of apts                           54                           No. of apts                   70

Commercial                   1,850 m2                          Commercial                            1,600 m2                     Commercial                    none
Target net rent/vacant CHF 2.70 mn / 0%                        Target net rent/vacant                CHF 1.60 mn/n.a              Target net rent/vacant        CHF 0.71 / n.a.
Project costs                approx. CHF 76 mn                 Project costs                         approx. CHF 44.4 mn Project costs                          approx. CHF 34.62 mn
Expected gross yield         3.60%                             Expected gross yield                  3.60%                        Expected gross yield          3.25%

1   Realization dependent on legal effect of building permit.

                           CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                August 2020   12
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Planned purchases

Key figures: Central Switzerland project 1                        Key figures: City of Zurich 1                                    Key figures: Western Switzerland, Lake Geneva 1
Usage type                   Residential                          Usage type                    Residential                        Usage type               Residential

Property/project             Project                              Property/project              Project                            Property/project         Project
Completion                   2020–2023/24                         Completion                    2025                               Completion               2022

Number of apartments         101                                  Number of apartments          Approx. 80                         Number of apartments     60

Commercial                   None                                 Commercial                    360 m2                             Commercial               None

Target net rent/vacant       CHF 2.20 / n.a.                      Target net rent/vacant        CHF 2.60 mn / n.a.                 Target net rent/vacant   CHF 1.65 mn / n.a.

Project costs                CHF 58 mn                            Project costs                 approx. CHF 80 mn                  Project costs            approx. CHF 46 mn
Expected gross yield         3.80%                                Expected gross yield          3.20%                              Expected gross yield     3.35%

1   Negotiations advanced (exclusive). Construction to start when building permit becomes legally binding.

                         CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                 August 2020   13

 1   Key facts, profile, and strategy                                                   4       Key figures

 2   Residential real estate market                                                     5       Properties in the fund's net assets

 3   2020 issue                                                                         6       Reasons to invest

            CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   14
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Financial highlights

Annual reports                                                                                            Sept. 30, 2018                Sept. 30, 2019         March 31, 2020
Fund's net assets in CHF million                                                                                    2,290.3                          2’375,8           2 335,4
Market value of properties in CHF million                                                                           3,007.6                          3’304,7           3 350,1
Premium/debt discount                                                                                               25.99%                           30,61%            34,46%
Distribution per unit in CHF                                                                                             5.40                          5.40                  n/a
Direct yield                                                                                                          2.89%                           2,69%                  n/a
Payout ratio                                                                                                      102.63%                       103,94%                      n/a
Investment return                                                                                                     5.31%                           7,63%              1,85%
Debt financing ratio (in % of market value)                                                                         13.93%                           18,71%            21,09%
Total expense ratio (TERREFGAV)                                                                                       0.71%                           0,67%              0,68%
Total expense ratio (TERREFMV)                                                                                        0.69%                           0,71%              0,71%
Rental default rate                                                                                                   4.23%                           4,94%              5,39%

Source: Annual and semi-annual reports for CS REF Siat
Last data point: March 31, 2020
1   Calculated for twelve months (Oct. 1, 2018 – Sept. 30, 2019)

Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results.

                           CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                 August 2020   15
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
   Key figures (1/3)

                               Distribution in CHF
6.00                                                                                                    Key takeaways
                                                                                                         Stable annual distribution
       2015            2016                    2017               2018                  2019

                                                                                                                                    Rental default rate
                                        Direct yield
       3.0%                                                                                          4.0%
              2.9%                                            2.9%                                   3.5%
                     2.8%     2.8% 2.8%                                                              3.0%
       2.8%                                    2.7% 2.7%                                             2.5%
                                                                     2.7%     2.7%
       2.7%                                                                                          2.0%
       2.6%                                                                                          1.5%
       2.5%                                                                                          0.5%
       2.4%                                                                                          0.0%
                2015             2016             2017           2018            2019                    2015                2016                 2017    2018             2019

                                        fund      benchmark

   Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.
   Last data point: Sept. 30, 2019

                              CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.            August 2020   16
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Key figures (2/3)

                             Investment return                                                                                    Cashflow yields
   10%        8.80%                                                                                     6%
                                                                            7.63%                                 4.89%
    8%                                                                                                  5%
                                                                                                                                  3.87%          3.87%           3.80%          3.75%
                                             5.51%          5.31%                                       4%
                             4.06%                                                                      3%
    0%                                                                                                  0%
              2015            2016            2017           2018            2019                                  2015           2016            2017            2018           2019
                               Rolling performance                                                                                 Annual performance
  30%                                                                     28.5% 27.8%
                                                                                                     20%                                                                    17.3%
  20%                                                                                                15%
  15%                                                                                                10%                             6.8%              6.6%
                                                                         12.2%                                   5.6%
  10%                                                                                                  5%
                                                  3.9% 4.6%
                   1.8%         0.9% 0.5%
                                               0.1%                                                   -5%
    0%                                                                                                                                                              -5.3%
                         -1.2%                                                                      -10%
            -2.1%                                                                                                                                               -9.1%
             1 month      3 months        YTD          1 year  3 years           5 years                           2015           2016            2017            2018           2019
                                        fund            benchmark
Source: Credit Suisse                                                                                                                 fund      benchmark
Last data point: Investment return: Sept. 30, 2019 / Performance: July 31, 2020
For quarterly returns over the last five years, see slide 26 – Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results.

                          CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                           August 2020     17
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Key figures (3/3)

                                Ten largest tenants                                                                    Remaining life of rental agreements
                                                                                                            70.0%                                                               66.0%
  Genossenschaft Migros Basel                                                          1.3%
  Infront Sports & Media AG                                                            1.2%
  Holcim Group Services Ltd.                                                           1.1%
                                                                                                                                      WAULT: 4.21 years
  Genossenschaft Migros Ostschweiz                                                     0.8%
  Cofra Holding AG                                                                     0.7%

  City Garage AG                                                                       0.5%                 20.0%
  Coop Rechtsschutz Ag                                                                 0.5%                 10.0%        4.4% 3.9% 4.1%
                                                                                                                                            2.8% 3.5% 2.5%       0.5% 0.8% 1.3%
  Bénédict Schule AG                                                                   0.4%                  0.0%

  Credit Suisse                                                                        0.4%

  AOT Trading                                                                          0.4%

          Structural allocation by actual net rental income                                                                            Geographical distribution
                       6.9%     1.5% 1.2%                                                                                           5.8%
                  1.9%                                                                                                   11.6%
                                                          Offices                                                                                                Zurich
                                                          Residential                                                  2.4%                                      Eastern Switzerland
                                                          Retail                                                                                                 Central Switzerland
                                                          Cinemas/hotels/restaurants                                                                             Northwestern Switzerland
                                                          Parking                                                                                                Bern
                                                          Other                                                       21.4%                                      Southern Switzerland
                                                          Warehousing                                                                                            Lake Geneva region
                                       67.5%                                                                                               11.2%
                                                                                                                                                                 Western Switzerland
Source: : Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd. | Last data point: September 30, 2019
1 Weighted data on the basis of annual rent

                              CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                       August 2020     18
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Sustainability approach and key figures

                                Sustainability initiatives                                                               Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark

   Building certificates            Building optimization            ESG performance

   Internal       External          Energy           CO2             ESG performance
  standard       standards         efficiency      reduction          and benchmark                                                     ESG distribution GRESB

 Internal standard:               Collaboration with            Annual measurement of                                       Fund score     Peer group        GRESB average
  greenproperty quality             Siemens Switzerland            ESG performance in
  seal applies ESG criteria         to improve energy              the environment (E),
                                    efficiency and reduce          social (S), and                                                          98                           94       87
 External standards:                                                                                                                              83      79                            84
                                    CO2 emissions                  governance (G)                                59     64    65
  e.g. Minergie, SNBS,                                             categories, as well as
  DGNB, LEED, Energy               Short-term building            benchmarking versus
  Star, BREEAM, etc.                optimization measures          the market and peer
                                    (low capex)                    group with Global Real
                                                                                                                        E                           S                             G
                                   Long-term                      Estate Sustainability
                                    refurbishments                 Benchmark (GRESB)
                                    depending on building life                                                          Energy efficiency and CO2 emissions 2010-2018
                                    (high capex)

                                                                                                         Electricity:           Heat:                   Energy:                 CO2 emissions:

                                                                                                         -13%                   -3%                     -4%                     -9%

Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd. | Last data point: September 30, 2019

                              CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                           August 2020      19

 1   Key facts, profile, and strategy                                                   4       Key figures

 2   Residential real estate market                                                     5       Properties in the fund's net assets

 3   2020 issue                                                                         6       Reasons to invest

            CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   20
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Properties in the fund's net assets (extract)

Horgen                                         Neuchâtel                                       Morges                      Sargans
Hintere Etzelstrasse 23, 25 /                  «Jardin du Lac»                                 Avenue Paderewski 26a – 26c Rheinstrasse 49, 51, 53
Einsiedlerstrasse 208
Residential property                           Residential property                            Residential property                            Residential property
Purchase date:        Jan. 31, 2003            Purchase date:        Jul. 16, 2014             Purchase date:        May 26, 2011              Purchase date:        March 18, 2011
Year built:           2006                     Year built:           2016                      Year built:           2013                      Year built:           2012
Market value:         CHF 16.52 mn             Market value:         CHF 21.47 mn              Market value:         CHF 36.2 mn               Market value:         CHF 21.1 mn
Gross yield:          4.15%                    Gross yield:          4.84%                     Gross yield:          5.00%                     Gross yield:          4.88%
0.5% of the portfolio                          0.6% of the portfolio                           1.1% of the portfolio                           0.6% of the portfolio

Data point as of Sept. 30, 2019 | Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results
Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                          CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                   August 2020   21
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Properties in the fund's net assets (extract)

Pregny-Chambésy                                Langenthal                                      Lucerne                                         Zurich
Chemin des Cornillons                          «Hopferen III»                                  «Citybay»                                       Gottfried-Keller-Str. 7

Residential property                           Residential property                            Residential property                            Commercial property
Purchase date:        Oct. 5, 2000             Purchase date:        Feb. 21, 2012             Purchase date:        Feb. 2, 2009              Purchase date:        Sept. 1, 1958
Year built:           2002                     Year built:           2013                      Year built:           2011                      Year built:           1966
Market value:         CHF 68.5 mn              Market value:         CHF 21.8 mn               Market value:         CHF 34.4 mn               Market value:         CHF 58.7 mn
Gross yield:          5.92%                    Gross yield:          4.62%                     Gross yield:          4.35%                     Gross yield           4.36%
2.1% of the portfolio                          0.7% of the portfolio                           1.1% of the portfolio                           1.8% of the portfolio

Data point as of Sept. 30, 2019 | Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results
Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                          CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                   August 2020      22
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Properties in the fund's net assets (extract)

St. Gallen                                     Zug                                             Basel                                           Zurich,
Neumarkt 1 / Neumarkt 2                        Grafenauweg 4, 6, 8, 10                         Schorenweg 20, 22, 30, 32                       «Sihlcity»

Commercial property                            Commercial property                             Residential property                            Commercial property
Purchase date:        1959 / 1962              Purchase date:        Dec. 1, 1998              Purchase date:        Mar. 1, 1959              Purchase date:        Jun. 26, 2003
Year built:           1963 / 1967              Year built:           1993                      Year built:           1961                      Year built:           2007
Market value:         CHF 90.1 mn              Market value:         CHF 128.7 mn              Market value:         CHF 49.8 mn               Market value:         CHF 93.6 mn
Gross yield:          6.43%                    Gross yield:          5.33%                     Gross yield:          3.85%                     Gross yield:          5.59%
2.7% of the portfolio                          3.9% of the portfolio                           1.5% of the portfolio                           2.8% of the portfolio

Data point as of Sept. 30, 2019 | Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results
Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                          CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                   August 2020   23
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Reasons to invest

  Oldest real estate fund in                                  Two-thirds of all income                                              Long-standing steady
                 Switzerland                                   comes from residential usage                                                distribution

                                                                                                                                       Qualitative growth and
        The market value of all
            properties is                                       Investment focus                                                  continuous
    CHF 3,350.1 mn                                                  on residential real estate                                  modernization of the

 Diversified portfolio with                                    Attractive project pipeline in                                     Attractive investment
                                                                  excess of CHF 180 mn
              177 properties                                                                                                             return of 7.63%

Data point as of September 30, 2019 | Historical performance data and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future performance.
Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.

                       CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.               August 2020   24
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Your contacts

                                         Portfolio Manager                                     Fund details
                                                                                               Fund domicile                                       Switzerland
                                         Samuel Egger                                          Fund currency                                       CHF
                                         Product Management                                    End of financial year                               September 30
                                         Sihlcity – Kalandergasse 4                            Issue date                                          September 10, 1956
                                         8070 Zurich                                           Management fee                                      0.49% p.a.
                                                                                               TERREFGAV                                           0.67%
                                                                                               Fund's net assets (in CHF mn)                       2,375.8
                                                       Total fund assets (in CHF mn)                       3,339.4
                                         Tel. +41 44 333 89 86                                 Number of properties                                181 properties
                                                                                                                                                   (incl. projects/ground
                                          Product Specialist
                                                                                               Distribution as of Dec.12, 2019 (in
                                          Christian Braun, CIIA                                CHF)                                                5.40
                                          Product Specialist Real Estate                       Direct yield                                        2.69%
                                          Sihlcity – Kalandergasse 4
                                          8070 Zurich
                                                                                               Rate of loss of rental income                       4.94%
                                                                                               Debt financing ratio                                18.71%

                                                    Bloomberg                                           SIAT SW
                                          Tel. +41 44 333 44 00*                               Security number                                     1291370
                                                                                               ISIN                                                CH012913700
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Source: Credit Suisse Asset Management (Switzerland) Ltd.
Key figures from semi-annual and annual reports.
Historical performance data and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future performance.

                         CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.               August 2020   25
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Key figures – quarterly returns

                                        Q1                                     Q2                                          Q3                                           Q4
quarterly returns net              BM            rel.            net           BM           rel.            net            BM            rel.            net            BM            rel.
              2015         8.29%        8.16%           0.13%       -5.31%        -4.86%         -0.45%           2.23%      -1.52%             3.75%          0.72%         2.80%       -2.08%
              2016         7.97%        3.79%           4.18%          0.51%        2.57%        -2.06%        -0.40%           0.88%       -1.27%             2.09%     -0.50%              2.59%
              2017         7.00%        4.57%           2.43%          1.41%        2.49%        -1.08%        -4.43%        -2.82%         -1.61%             4.91%         2.35%           2.56%
              2018       -3.21%        -1.86%        -1.35%         -1.79%        -0.76%         -1.02%        -2.91%        -1.82%         -1.09%         -1.50%        -0.99%          -0.51%
              2019         6.32%        8.46%        -2.14%            3.21%        4.15%        -0.94%           2.45%         1.03%           1.42%          4.38%         5.73%       -1.35%
              2020       -0.54%        -3.45%           2.91%          3.25%        1.87%          1.38%            n.a.          n.a.            n.a.           n.a.          n.a.            n.a.

                                     1 month                                   3 months                                    YTD
                     net           BM            rel.            net           BM           rel.            net            BM            rel.
              2020       -2.14%         1.78%        -3.92%         -1.25%          0.87%        -2.12%           0.49%         0.11%           0.38%

Source: Credit Suisse / Datastream
Last data point: July 31, 2020
Past performance and financial market scenarios are not reliable indicators of future results.

                           CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.                            August 2020       26
Credit Suisse Real Estate Fund Siat
Risks and risk mitigation

Risk                                                                                     Mitigation
Limited liquidity compared with larger listed investment products                         Thorough due diligence prior to purchase of any property
                                                                                          Continuous monitoring of individual investments, rental markets,
The values of properties may fluctuate, for example due to the                             and the macroeconomic environment by our Global Real Estate
following:                                                                                 Strategy team
 Unfavorable changes in supply or demand that negatively impact                          Local internal and external experts on regulatory framework
    the acquisition/sale or rental of properties                                           conditions and taxes
 Development of interest rates and/or currencies                                         Broad portfolio diversification through carefully selected
 Taxes or changed regulatory conditions in the respective                                 properties
    markets                                                                               Investments primarily through equity and a carefully selected
 Environmental risks                                                                      level of debt capital absorb negative interest rate developments
 Disasters
 Force majeure and terrorism

                   CREDIT SUISSE ASSET MANAGEMENT (Switzerland) Ltd. The disclaimer at the end of this document also applies to this page.   August 2020   27

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CS Real Estate Fund Siat: This fund is domiciled and registered in Switzerland. The fund management company is Credit Suisse Funds AG, Zurich. The custodian bank is Credit Suisse
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