MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360

Page created by Crystal Scott
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Who we are                                                                                                                       POSTTRADE 360

                   PostTrade 360° – Events and news for post-trade pros
                   PostTrade 360° hosts physical and digital conferences, and a news site (at With historical roots in
                   Nordic conferences, PostTrade 360° takes it to the next level:

                   •   News site launched in 2019, exploring the reach of digital media and the international nature of the industry.
                   •   Our physical conferences grew outside the four Nordic countries, to Amsterdam.
                   •   June 2020: birth of the all-digital PostTrade 360° Web Summit (990 delegates, 60 speakers).
                   •   Since 2020, physical events integrate digital option for speakers and delegates. Full-session videos are a success
                       on the news site.

                   Our mission is to promote the sense of joyful collaboration and belonging across the professional community – by
                   sharing the stories that make the complex stuff simple, and by inspiring the audience through meetings with their
                   industry colleagues. Our partners benefit from the perfect environment to share their insight, position their offers and
                   establish personal recognition.


                   41,000                              3,000                      6                 4,500                               97
                   Unique page views                   Delegates                  Events            Weekly newsletter                   Countries
                   2020 to date                                                                     subscribers                                                                                                                               2020 Media Kit       2
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Audience           Geographic     POSTTRADE 360

demographics       breakdown                2020 Media Kit    3
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
At a glance - what we do                                                                                                                                     POSTTRADE 360

News                                                                                                                        Events
The PostTrade 360° news site was launched in January 2019.                                                                  Yearly conferences in Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen,
                                                                                                                            Helsinki and Amsterdam, featuring 2,000 delegates.
Topic categories: custody, regulation, infrastructure, fund administration
and technology.                                                                                                             The natural meeting-places for securities operations
                                                                                                                            professionals across the Nordics and Netherlands.
Weekly newsletter to around 4,500 subscribers.
                                                                                                                            Flexible partnering opportunities.
Physical edition printed with PostTrade 360° Stockholm 2020,
mixing own articles with sponsor contributions.                                                                             All-digital Web Summit launched in June 2020, in
                                                                                                                            response to the covid-19 challenge. 990 registered
Interviews are among the most popular articles.                                                                             delegates, 60 speakers.

Edited with a light touch.                                                                                                  Since 2020, events are hybrid physical/digital,
                                                                                                                            integrating the option for speakers and delegates to
Editorially independent, with sponsored material clearly labelled.                                                          participate via web.

Benefits from the high quality of conference content.

Started with Nordic emphasis, but has spread based on
the cross-border nature of the subject.

Success for videos since launch of digital
conferences in June 2020.

                                                        White-label services
                                                        Does your company publish its own magazines or reports, or host its own
                                                        conferences? Put us on the task! With our skills in anything from trend-
                                                        spotting and storytelling/writing, to media production and event execution
                                                        across Europe, we might very well be able to help you get more bang for your
                                                        communication buck. Let’s talk!                                                                                                                                          2020 Media Kit           4
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Editorial Calendar - Event Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                POSTTRADE 360

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                                 Stockholm                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oslo   Copenhagen               Amsterdam                         Helsinki

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                                 The long and winding road
                                                                                                                                                                        / unsplash
                                                                                                                                                                          fritz bielmeier

                                                 Contributed by

                                                 Per Nyquist, CEO,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Full page      €2,995    €2,695      €2,545       €2,396    €2,096
                                                 Brokerway AB

                                 T      he Beatles song ‘The Long and
                                        Winding Road’ was written by
                                        Paul McCartney in Scotland
                                 in 1968 at a time when the band was
                                                                             thing as agreeing on the interpretation
                                                                             of SRDII?
                                                                                   The Beatles split, but the mem-
                                                                             bers continued to create and produce
                                                                                                                          capture and cleanse data. Everyone
                                                                                                                          captures data from market infrastruc-
                                                                                                                          ture and cleansing is all over the place.
                                                                                                                          Producers of market data often wind
erage,                           starting to experience problems with        fantastic music. All songs are well          up purchasing the very same data from
                                                                                                                          a different vendor. It quite simply just
                                 collaboration and stopped communi-          known around the world and shared

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Double page    €5,500    €4,950      €4,675       €4,400    €3,850
                                 cating with each other. They recorded       with millions of listeners via all kinds     goes round and round.
                                 a demo during the ‘White’ album ses-        of media channels. What can the Cor-
ffective                         sions, but the song wasn’t released until   porate Actions community learn from          ‘Data is the new oil’ I heard someone

 on of                           the album the ‘Let it be’ from 1970.        the story of The Beatles?                    say. But who owns the data? I think we
                                                                                                                          need to find smarter ways to reuse and
                                 It’s a beautiful song but it’s also sad     Whether it is a band playing or a            share data. Everybody needs to take re-
                                 and it somehow reflects the problems        market that administers Corporate            sponsibility for their own data and cus-
                                 the Beatles were experiencing during        Actions, order and clarity are required.     tomer relationships. The original golden
                                 those years. You may now wonder             There are certainly musicians who            copy will always be altered throughout
                                 what ‘The Long and Winding Road’            would not admit this fact. But it is an      the chain of intermediaries. Maybe the
ets                              has to do with Corporate Actions? It’s      indisputable fact unless the only thing      securities industry could borrow some
                                 the title of the song that makes me         you want to produce is noise. Let me         ideas from both streaming services, like
                                 think of the journey that lies ahead of     therefore try to summarize what I            Spotify, and parts of the characteristics
                                 us. The implementation of new EU            think is needed to achieve something         you find in the Blockchain technology.
                                 regulations such as Shareholders Rights     that might sound like music when it          Via clear standards and open networks
                                 Directive II (SRD II) is complicated to     comes to the administration of Corpo-        for trusted members, data could be
                                 begin with. But placed in today’s tur-      rate Actions:                                shared and cleansed at same time.
                                 bulent world of political and economic             • First, agree on an end date for     Maybe this is just a utopia. But look-
                                 disorder I find myself wondering how        ISO15022 and shift to ISO20022. The          ing back The Beatles music is still the
                                 the global securities market will be        market isn’t moving fast enough and is       best and still relevant in the modern
                                 able to focus on such a relatively small    still investing in both standards. This is   context of digital channels and social
                                                                             not only costly, it will also complicate     networks. It’s also possible to do this
                                                                             the implementation of SRDII.                 within the Corporate action industry.
                                 Whether it is a band                               • Secondly, let Issuers or Issuer     Let’s start producing our version of
                                                                             agents take greater responsibility for       ‘Revolution’ today. ■
                                 playing or a market that
                                                                             creating the true initial version of the
                                 administers Corporate                       event and secure data integrity with         Brokerway’s system STX takes care of the
                                 Actions, order and                          standard technical solutions that exist      complete workflow throughout corporate
                                                                             in e.g. the blockchain industry              actions life cycle i.e. event capture, pro-
                                 clarity are required.
                                                                                    • Finally, find smarter ways to       cessing, reconciliation and messaging. |
                                                                                                                                                            25                                                                                                                 Preferred placement of ads 10% premium

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2020 Media Kit     5
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Events                                                                          STOCKHOLM
                                                                                                                                           POSTTRADE 360





              WEB SUMMIT

                                                             Partnership options
                       Strategic Partner – €21,500           Partner – €14,500                      Lanyard Partner – €5,000
                       Lead Partner – €17,500                Networking Partner – €9,995            Supporting Partner – €1,995

                   For tailored solutions and packaging for more than one event, please contact Kim Ersson |                                                                                                                         2020 Media Kit    6
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
White-label services                                                                                                                              POSTTRADE 360

Let us produce                                         Media content and                                           Event production –
your publications,                                     campaigns                                                   physical and digital
campaigns and events                                   Do you need insightful articles or press releases
                                                       written in your name, or layout/editing carried out for
                                                                                                                   From physical meetings across Europe, with
                                                                                                                   hundreds of attendees, to virtual summits on web
Besides thinking of us as a publisher, or event        your own pdf or print report? Would you like us to          platforms – we do it regularly for ourselves, and
organiser under our 360° brand – note that our         produce your email or media campaign – all the way          would be happy to operate the same type of setups
media and event operations could also be put at the    from idea to distribution, through to evaluation against    on your company’s behalf. A physical breakfast
disposal of your own company, “under the hood” of      suitable KPIs? Or you just need help to frame suitable      seminar somewhere in Europe, or a webinar across
your own publications and events under your own        current topics and story-telling approaches? We can be      the globe? Let’s organize it! Planning, project
brand. Our combined understanding of post trade        your provider in any or all parts – let us talk about how   management and implementation requires extremely
and media is unique, so why not let us take            we can help you communicate more efficiently!               much internal time from the entire organization to
headache out of your communications, and help                                                                      succeed. Let us help you use your resources more
lead it to higher effect in the target audience?       By the way, did you know that PostTrade 360° is part        efficiently.
                                                       of Content Lab by Differ AB, a Stockholm-based
                                                       company whose main business is to provide agency

Event operations as a                                  services in content marketing and marketing
                                                       automation for corporate clients? So from ideation to

service                                                campaign evaluation, we already have the line in
                                                       place, waiting to start production for you too.
Wouldn’t it feel good to clear your operational
headache for the external events you are attending
through the whole year? Have someone to deal with
other event organizers? Hire us to take care of all.                                                                                                                               2020 Media Kit           7
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Digital Products                                              POSTTRADE 360

  Display ads
  980*120/240 px 50% SoV
  €1250 / month
  468*240/360/400 px 50% SoV
  €995 / month

  250*240/360/480/600 px 50% SoV
  €750 / month

                                   Module          screen                                            2020 Media Kit    8
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Sponsored category                                       POSTTRADE 360

Long term brand building /
top of mind activity
Present a category on bootcategory level and article
level at all time.

Communicate campaigns, webinars, events, subjects,
thought leadership within this topic at all time.

   12 month sponsorship
   €1000 / month*12                                       2020 Media Kit    9
MEDIA KIT - PostTrade 360
Subscription package                                                                                                                                                                                                                 POSTTRADE 360

Going forward, we plan to make full-session conference videos and other premium content available on the basis of a yearly subscription fee. Subscribers will also be sent a
yearly edition of our event magazine, physically printed. (As we started out, all content at the news site was published openly, without any subscription required.)


                                                                                                                                        Long story long
                                                                                                                                        SEB reboots its global custody
                                                                                                                                        (The 25-year version) 10

                                                                                                                                        Let’s re-platform!
                                                                                                                                        Storebrand scrapped
                                                                                                                                        10+ legacy systems while
                                                                                                                                        moving 800 billion kroner. Meet
                                                                                                                                        COO Arne Martin Moen 3

                                                                    Premium content
                                                                                                                                        Should your town’s CCP be
                                                                                                                                        its rescue squad or its tough
                                                                                                                                        sheriff? 18

                                                                                                                                            The Post-Trade landscape BNP Paribas on what the COO is becoming 6 • SIX on where we
                                                                                                                                              are all going 8          BNY Mellon on how tokenization opens illiquid assets to
                                                                                                                                          investors 14 • Swedbank on the world of partnerships 16 Clearing Danske Bank on the
                                                                                                                                         regional rise of OTC derivatives clearing 17 • EuroCCP on last year and next 20 CSDs VP
                                                                                                                                           Securities on the case for European market harmonisation 22 Technology Brokerway on
                                                                                                                                                  Paul McCartney 25 • ERI on the sparkling beauty of corporate actions 26

        Conference video                                                               2                                   Event magazine at
     presentation on demand                                                                                                    your door

                                                1                                                                          3

                                                                The yearly fee is yet to be determined, possibly
                                                                €349/year                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2020 Media Kit    10
Contact us


Daniele Truini                 Kim Ersson                 Alexander Kristofersson
Head of PostTrade 360º         Commercial relations       Editor of PostTrade 360º
+46-72-243 41 73               +46-70-149 53 31           +46-73-947 11 95
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