MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine

Page created by Edith Mccoy
MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine
MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine
Berkshire Magazine is your go-to guide to Western Massachusetts.
                                                                   The high-quality publication explores the arts, homes, happenings,
                                                                   personalities, and attractions with an informed curiosity, high-quality
                                                                   editorial content, and beautiful photography. Berkshire Magazine
                                                                   reaches thousands of readers via subscriptions, newsstand sales, a
                                                                   robust social media following, and in-room at area inns and hotels.

    READERSHIP                                                                                                                Instagram
    Reach an ever-expanding readership through a circulation of 25,000+/- and extended readership of 60,000                10,000 followers

    • Mail distribution to homeowners in the Berkshires, tri-state region, and beyond.                                        Facebook
    • Physical distribution locations include real estate offices.                                                         6,000+ followers
    • Issues are provided in-room for over 35 hotels and inns, from Canyon Ranch to local B&Bs.                             E-Newsletter
      They are also available at over 30 newsstand locations through the Berkshires.                                       6,000+ readers

                                                         2021 ISSUANCE

                 SPRING                                     M AY / J U N E                                         J U LY

                closing: 1/8                                 closing: 3/12                                  closing: 5/14
                material: 2/6                                material: 4/9                                  material: 5/21
                issuance: 3/8                                issuance: 5/3                                  issuance: 6/21

                AUGUST                                            FA L L                                    H O L I D AY

               closing: 6/11                                  closing: 7/9                                  closing: 9/17
               material: 6/18                                 material: 8/6                                 material: 10/15
               issuance: 7/19                                 issuance: 9/6                                 issuance: 11/15

                                                                               NEWSLETTER SPONSORED EVENT
  D I G I TA L A D V E R T I S I N G
                                                                               In body of newsletter (must be actual event) — $225
  2 Month Minimum
                                                                               •   Event photo: 165 X 165, .jpeg, 72 dpi
  WEBSITE                                                                      •   event title up to 25 characters
  Leaderboard (holds position on homepage)     800 x 150   $420/mo             •   descriptive sentence up to 40 words
  Footer (across site)                         800 x 300   $420/mo             •   include date, time, price, event link
  Medium Square (homepage only)                300 x 300   $250/mo             •   due 5 days prior to start date
  Skyscraper (homepage only)                   300 x 600   $300/mo
                                                                               N E W S L E T T E R TA K E O V E R
  NEWSLETTER                                                                   The three newsletter ads plus one sponsored event — $325

  Top and Middle Banners                       800 x 150   $200
  Bottom Oversize Banner                       800 x 300   $175                    Our newsletter readers are active and
                                                                                   out there and looking for things to do. This is the
                                                                                   perfect place if you are promoting an event or time-
  .jpg or .gif, 72 dpi                                                             limited offering. Newsletter advertising tends to fill
  provide the URL to link to your website                                          up quickly, so talk to us soon about available space!

JENNI F E R H I NE S     |   4 1 3 -4 4 6 -0 2 3 6   |   JENNIFER@OLDMILLROADMEDIA.COM                         |   A CCO U NT EX ECUTIVE
                                                           BERKS H IR E M A G . C OM
MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine
R AT E S                                 +
                                                           SIZES                                                                PLEASE NOTE
                                                                                                       OUR TRIM SIZE AND AD DIMENSIONS ARE CHANGING
                                                                                                                    WITH THE MAY/JUNE ISSUE.
                                                                                                          Be sure to size your ad with the new dimensions.
IN ALL SIX ISSUES! 6x rates below:                                                                             CURRENT SIZE                                    NEW SIZE

FULL PAGE & COVERS                2/3 PAGE                         1/2 ISLAND

                                         2/3 V                           1/2 V


        FULL PAGE
      2-PAGE SPREAD                                  $1,586                $1,397
        $3,444                                                                                                      8.125"                                        9"

*SEE BELOW FOR AD SIZES           4.625 X 10”                      4.625 X 7.375”
1/2 HORIZONTAL                    1/3 VERTICAL                     1/3 SQUARE                     1/4 PAGE                                      1/6 HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL

        $1,397                                      $966                    $966                               $704                                           $467
                                                                                                                                                   1/6 V

         1/2 H                        1/3 V                              1/3 SQ                          1/4

                                                                                                                                                      1/6 H

7.5 X 4.875”                      2.25 X 10”                       4.625 X 4.875”                 3.625 X 4.875”                                H: 4.625 X 2.375”
                                                                                                                                                V: 2.25 X 4.875”

                                                                                    COVER AD RATES                             1X                  2X            3X
 				                                            BLEED AREA
                                                                                     inside front cover                      $3,675              $3,308        $2,993
 			                                               TRIM SIZE
 		                                               SAFE AREA                          inside back cover                       $3,360              $3,024        $2,730
                                           NON BLEED AD SIZE                         back cover                              $4,410              $3,964        $3,570

           FULL PAGE ARTWORK GUIDELINES                                             DISPLAY AD RATES                           1X                  3X            6X
                                                                                     spread                                  $4,137              $3,906        $3,444
                    bleed area 9.25”x 11”                                            full page                               $2,494              $2,352        $2,074
                    Extend your background beyond                                    2/3 page                                $1,906              $1,801        $1,586
                    the trim to fill the bleed area
                                                                                     1/2 page                                $1,680              $1,586        $1,397
                                                                                     1/3 page                                $1,155              $1,092         $966
                    trim size 9”x 10.75”                                             1/4 page                                 $845                $798          $704
                    This is where the pages
                    get cut off
                                                                                     1/6 page                                 $557                $525          $467
                                                                                     Advertising rates per issue.

                    safe area 8.5”x 10.25”
                                                                                    PUBLICATION SPECS
                    Keep text, logos, icons, etc.
                    within .25” of trim                                             Preferred Format: Adobe Acrobat PDF exported as a high quality 300 dpi file
                                                                                    (266 minimum)—no crop marks or color registration bars.
                                                                                          When exporting your file to a pdf format, be sure to:
                    non bleed ad 8.5”x 10.25”                                                 • embed all fonts, flatten transparency
                    This is the size required for ads                                         • all files must be CMYK — no spot colors, no RGB files
                    that don’t extend off the page.                                           • place all photos/images in ad as 300 dpi CMYK .tif files
                                                                                              • no crop marks or color registration bars
                                                                                    We can also accept: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop provided
          Please only include crop marks for                                        all linked art and fonts accompany the file. However, there will be an additional $35
          Covers, Full Pages, and Spreads.                                          charge for us to make the pdf from your native file. We can NOT accept Microsoft
                                                                                    Publisher files. The advertiser is responsible for producing print-ready ad material.
                                                                                    Any prep work needed to make material ready for press will be billed to the
                                                                                    advertiser at $100/hr. Advertiser is responsible for filling reserved space. Incorrectly-
                                                                                    sized material will be adjusted for optimal placement. Advertisers agree that Old Mill
                                                                                    Road Media may add a border to submitted ads, if needed, at no additional cost.

   JENNI F E R H I NE S          |    4 1 3 -4 4 6 -0 2 3 6    |   JENNIFER@OLDMILLROADMEDIA.COM                                  |   A CCO U NT EX ECUTIVE
                                                                     BERKS H IR E M A G . C OM
MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine
               Please reach out for detailed advertising information on Old Mill Road Media’s other publications.

 Vermont Magazine is committed to showcasing the beautiful             Stratton Magazine showcases the people and lifestyle of the
 landscapes, rich history, and the energetic & creative culture       Manchester & the Mountains area. The publication provides an
   that is Vermont today! Regular features focus on the arts,         inside look at the vibrant year-round recreation, events, culinary
entrepreneurs, the outdoors, history, and superb craftsmanship.           and arts activities that make the region so spectacular.


Manchester Life magazine showcases the beauty, lifestyle, and           The Vermont News Guide is a weekly newspaper featuring
  community of Manchester & the Mountains. It features the             events and news from all over the state to help you plan your
 arts, dining, shopping, recreational activities and events, and       Vermont adventure and stay connected to the community. Its
lodging choices, highlighting the treasures unique to the area.         primary focus is Southern VT, Nearby NY, and Western MA.

MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine MEDIA KIT 2021 - Berkshire Magazine
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