MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine

Page created by Kevin Robinson
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
MEDIA KIT 2021 — 2022
          hrmagazine .com.h k
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022          2

                                                  About HR Magazine
                                                  HR Magazine is the most widely circulated
                                                  and respected independent HR publication
                                                  in APAC. Providing quality editorial to the
                                                  HR community, we also run regular HR
                                                  conferences and events throughout the region.

    Who                                                  When
    Read by regional
    heads of HR,               0+ on
                                      line               HR conferences
                                                                            19                18             10              10
                       19,000                            + livestreams
    VPHR, HROs,               + prin
                                     t                                       Jan              Jun            Sep             Dec
                      Print c                                                                   2021
    HRMs, HR                  irculat
    professionals            red dir n                                             Q1               Q2             Q3              Q4
                     to sub           ec                 HR Magazine
    and C-suite             scribe tly                                               Spring

                                                                                                    Summer          Autumn            Winter

                     desks            s ’
                                                         + HR online daily updates

Why                                                      Where
HR Magazine provides:                                    HR Magazine distribution channels
•   Unparalleled reach to over 100,000 HR
•   Targeted distribution to HR leaders &                                 Top 0.1% of                              HR conferences every
                                                                          social media                             quarter and additional HR
                                                                          influencers in HR                        events throughout APAC
•   Trusted editorial quality and integrity
•   Multi-platform reach: print, online, eDM,
                                                                                                                     Direct mail to
    direct mail, HR conferences, bookstores,
                                                                          Quality bookstores and                     subscribers’ desks
    distinguished clubs, HR breakfast briefings                           distinguished clubs
    and HR events                                                         throughout Hong Kong                       Regular e-mail updates
                                                           COSMOS BOOKS                                              to subscribers
•   Regional focus in 19 countries throughout
    APAC plus global distribution
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022   3

                                                 Our presence
                                                   Most widely circulated HR publication in
                                                   the region. Distributed to subscribers across
                                                   19 countries globally.

                            UK                                                          Pakistan                            China
                       USA                        India                                                                                  South Korea

                                                     Thailand                                                                             Hong Kong
                                                                                                          Macau             Taiwan
                                                               Malaysia                                                      Brunei

                                                                 Singapore                                                      Philippines
        HR Magazine subscriber circulation

        HR Magazine Conference location                      Indonesia

        HR Magazine bookstore & club distribution

        HR event distribution                                                                                                                Australia

HR conferences & HR events                                                                                 New Zealand
Extended reach face-to-face with HR decision makers
In addition to global distribution of HR Magazine + HR online,
your message will also be distributed at all of our HR conferences
and HR events globally.

   Hong Kong                                          Australia                               Singapore                                  India
   •   AmCham Human Capital Conference                • ANZ Summit                            •    Asia Best Employer Branding Awards     • HR Directors Forum Asia
   •   Community Business Conference                  • Remuneration & Reward Summit          •    HRO Summit                             • World HRD Congress
   •   Commons Workshop
   •   Compass Offices
                                                                                              •    HRDMO Summit                           • World CSR Congress
   •   Construction Technology Expo                                                           •    Shared Services & Outsourcing Week
   •   Diversity & Inclusion Asia
   •   Economist: Pride & Prejudice Conference
   •   HKMA Award for Excellence in T&D
   •   HRM Awards
   •   HR Magazine Conference x 4
   •   HR Tech Tank Hong Kong
   •   IEA China Conference
   •   Women Extraordinaire Forum

        China                                         Malaysia                               Philippines                                  Indonesia
   • HR Transformation & Service Delivery             • Shared Services & Outsourcing         • HR Senate                                • HR Directors Forum Asia
     Summit China                                       Malaysia Summit                       • Shared Services & Outsourcing
   • Shared services & outsourcing week                                                         Conference

   Delegates receiving HR Magazine at regional events		                        9,200
   + Print circulation to subscribers                                          10,000
   Total print circulation                                                     19,200

   + Online subscribers                                                        100,000+

   Additional distribution in HK at quality bookstores including Bookazine, Commercial Press, Cosmos Books,
   Dymocks, Swindon and distinguished clubs including Hebe Haven Yacht Club.
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022   4

Targeted readership
Corporate readership profile
by job titles

                                                                5%                                                          29%
                                                 C-suite executives                                                HR Managers

                                                               12%                                                          15%
                                            Regional Heads / VPHR                                                    HR Officers

                                                               22%                                                          11%
                                                     HR Directors                                                 HR Consultants

                                                                5%                                                           1%
                                             L&D and T&D Heads                                                       Government

                                                                             2 3 57%
Company breakdown
by no. of employees
                                                                                       out of             of readers travel
                                                                                                          regularly for business
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022   5

Print media advertising rates
Enquiries | Tel: (852) 2736 6339 | Email:

                     Double Page Spread                                       Full Page
                        420mm (W) x 297mm (H)                             210mm (W) x 297mm (H)

                            HK$34,000                                          HK$21,000

                                                                              Half Page
                                                                          210mm (W) x 148.5mm (H)
 Vertical                                           Vertical                   HK$13,500
   1/3                                                2/3
  Page                                               Page
  70mm (W)
      x                                         140mm (W) x 297mm (H)
  297mm (H)

                                                                              1/3 Page
                                                                           210mm (W) x 99mm (H)

MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022     6

AD                                                                                                                        AD

     Digital Spec                     We also offer insertions
                                                                                                 Premium Position Loading
                                                                                                 for full page ad
     Include trim & 5mm bleed
       Clear Space (15mm each side)                                                              Outside Back Cover               HK$37,500
       Bleed area (5mm each side)                                                                Inside Front Cover               HK$31,500
       Crop mark
                                                                                                 Inside Back Cover                HK$29,500
                                                      200mm (W)
                                                                                                 Opposite Contents Page           HK$25,500
                                                      287mm (H)
     High resolution
     Resolution has to be in 300dpi
     and/or above                                                                                Value-added Service
                                                                                                 Guaranteed position              + 20% loading

     Print colours
                                               Quantity               Excludes printing
     All colours used should be
     CMYK                                 1,000 - 10,000                @ HK$2.10
                                            (min)      (max)

                                      We can help you design & print insertions too­—just ask!

     File format
                                      HR Classifieds
     PDF, JPEG or TIFF format only
                                      Service Listings                                           Deadlines
                                                                                                 Issue         Booking         Material
                                      Introduce your services to HR                                            Deadline        Deadline
                                      professionals, build your brand & grow                     Summer 2021 07 May 2021       14 May 2021
     File system                      your client base.
                                      (Company logo and contact information with                 Autumn 2021   13 Aug 2021     20 Aug 2021
     Windows PC / Mac OS only
                                      up to 100 words description)                               Winter 2021   12 Nov 2021     12 Nov 2021
                                                                                                 Spring 2022   03 Feb 2022     10 Feb 2022
                                      HK$ 3,600/4 issues
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022                                    7

Online advertising rates
Enquiries | Tel: (852) 2736 6339 | Email:

HR Magazine website                                                                                             HR Pulse (Newsletter)

             Website Full Banner Top Left                            Website Full Banner Top Right                                           Newsletter Top Banner
         468px (W) x 60px (H)   HK$3,750 / month                  468px (W) x 60px (H)   HK$3,750 / month                         468px (W) x 60px (H)           HK$5,300 / month

                                                                                                                                         Newsletter Mid-page Banner
                                                                                                                                                300px (W) x 250px (H)

                                                                                                                                                  HK$7,500 / month

                                                                                     Square Banner
                                                                                    250px (W) x 250px (H)
                                                                                     HK$2,650 / month

                                                                                                                Newsletter Position #1

           Website Full Banner Bottom Left                         Website Full Banner Bottom Right
         468px (W) x 60px (H)   HK$2,150 / month                  468px (W) x 60px (H)   HK$2,150 / month
                                                                                                                                           Newsletter Highlight Spot

                                                                                                                                                  HK$5,000 / month

  Digital Specs
                                                                                                                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut purus faucibus,
                                                                                                                fermentum felis in, imperdiet eros. Fusce venenatis urna quis magna venenatis luctus.

                                                                                                                Maecenas dapibus nibh non lacus facilisis maximus. Pellentesque mattis quam a
                                                                                                                venenatis vulputate. Nulla nisl justo, iaculis eu ultrices vel, ornare quis sapien.

         File size                 Screen colours             File format                    File system
                                                                                                                Newsletter Position #2 & #3
     File size has to be        All colours used should       JPEG, GIF, PNG        Windows PC / Macintosh OS
  below 500 kb (kilobytes)              be RGB              or TIFF format only          platforms only

  Fees quoted are for Run-Of-Site (ROS):                  Fees for fixed (non-rotational) position
  max rotation of 3 ads per position                      are 3 x quoted fees
                                                                                                                                                  Newsletter Spot
                                                                                                                                                  HK$3,000 / month

  eDM Services

                                               Over 102,000 current, named HR contacts                          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut purus faucibus,
                                                                                                                fermentum felis in, imperdiet eros. Fusce venenatis urna quis magna venenatis luctus.
                                               available (updated daily)                                        Maecenas dapibus nibh non lacus facilisis maximus. Pellentesque mattis quam a
                                                                                                                venenatis vulputate. Nulla nisl justo, iaculis eu ultrices vel, ornare quis sapien.
                                               from HK$15,000 per blast
    Max file size for HTML: 102Kb

   *eDM blasts can be segmented by job function, job title, location, company size &                                                      Newsletter Bottom Banner
    more. Please contact your account service manager for details.                                                                468px (W) x 60px (H)           HK$4,800 / month
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022          8

Social media shoutouts
Need to demonstrate ROI on your marketing efforts? Then you need a professionally wordsmithed informative message
marketed to the right target audience—making them want to actually read it!

     HR Magazine social media shoutouts
     •  Create innovative, informative angles on your products,
        services and brand.
     •  Copywriting, design and layout of cutting-edge editorial on
        your brand within context of a timely and relevant HR topic.
     •  Multi-channel reach: messages delivered via print, digital,
        social and face-to-face platforms.
     •  Targeted readership driven into thought leadership pieces
        via innovative social messages and eDM campaigns.
     •  Leveraging HR Magazine’s unrivalled print, online and
        social presence globally in the top 0.1% of social media globally on HR, Recruitment, Training, Management and
        Leadership; in the top 1.4% on Labour Law; and in the top 25% of all social media users globally (Source: KLOUT)
     •  Clients using social media shoutouts gain preferential rates for sponsorship of HR conferences, advertising in HR
        Magazine (digital & print), eDMs and private HR events.

HR Magazine social shoutouts
 Top 25% of all social media users globally                                               Network contribution

    Website views/month
                                                     Average reach/post



    Linkedin followers
                                                       Twitter followers
                                                                                           Twitter                                 52%
                                                                                           LinkedIn                                28%
                                                                                           Facebook                                13%
                                                                                           Instagram                               7%

  Social shoutout campaigns                             CONTACT:
  available from HK$ 23,000                             Aamir Khan:; or
                                                        Dinesh Sivakumar: or call
                                                        (852) 27366339 and we’ll make sure you get noticed too.
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
Magazine Media Kit 2021 — 2022   9

Social media highlights
YouTube                      Facebook


HR Magazine Livestreams
See our seperate media kit
MEDIA KIT 2021 2022 - hrmagazine .com.h k - HR Magazine
                                       1. Rates quoted are for space only. If materials require design, production
Excel Media Group Limited                 and/or alternation, extra charge may occur.
Shops 3 - 5, G/F                       2. Colour proof (hard-copy) cannot be provided, only soft-copy availble.
Pak Sha Wan Centre                     3. Advertisement space bookings/order are non-cancellable after artwork
Lot 523, DD 210                        4. Digital ad materials: all ads artwork must be supplied in a digital format
Hiram’s Highway Hebe Haven                that meets Excel Media Group Limited’s specifications for electronic
New Territories                           output.
Hong Kong SAR                          5. Excel Media Group Limited will accept no responsibility for content or
                                          colour accuracy when no proof has been supplied.
Tel: (852) 2736 6339                   6. Advertisers assume responsibility for proofing and accuracy of
Email:      information on pub-set ads.
                                       7. All ad materials should be sent to Excel Media Group Limited, Shops 3 - 5, G/F,
                                          Pak Sha Wan Centre, Lot 523, DD 210, Hiram’s Highway Hebe Haven, New
                                          Territories, Hong Kong SAR or via email at
                                       8. The publisher will not be responsible for ad material(s) beyond 12
                                          months after publication.
                                       9. Agency commission: in order to be eligible for agency commission, such
                                          agency must be recognised by Excel Media Group. Commission rate is
                                          15% of each rate.
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