Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL

Page created by Joanne Hampton
Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
Meadowfield School
        Swanstree Avenue
           ME10 4NL

        Tel: 01795 477788

        Fax: 01795 477771

                                       Meadowfield School
                                       Swanstree Avenue
Website:   Kent
                                       ME10 4NL

                                       01795 477788
                                                            Revised May 2015
Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
Additional information
Page   Contents
                                                         6th formers are role models for the rest of the school.
3      Introduction
4      Our Vision                           Equipment    Young people can be forgetful. We still want them to
5      Who are we?                                       bring in their diary, stationery set and a smile each day.
6      Pathways to the Future
                                            Financial    As part of their growing independence, the students
8      A Taste of Our Curriculum
                                            Support      have regular opportunities to cook, buy lunch and travel.
10     Our Policy                                        Parent/carers are asked to contribute to the costs. The
12     The Sixth Form Year                               school does have a small fund available to help students
13     Enrichment                                        with the costs. All are welcome to apply.
14     Work Experience
14     Duke of Edinburgh and Residentials   Home links   The more that school and home communicate,
15     Additional information                            the more we can support each other. Email is helpful.

                                            Food         We encourage a healthy diet. Fruit and water are
                                                         preferable to sweets and fizzy drinks. No energy drinks

                                            Mobiles      Students are allowed to bring mobile telephones into
                                                         school, however these are to be placed in lockers or
                                                         turned off during lessons.

                                            Photos       Students are photographed to provide evidence for
                                                         their ASDAN and LASER qualifications. Support is

                                            Sanctions    Wherever possible, we try to talk matters through with
                                                         our students. In the event of injury, racism or damage,
                                                         a family meeting is called.

                                                We hope this booklet proves useful. If you need to know more, we      are
                                            only a phone-call, email or diary note away.

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Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
Work Experience
We aim for most students within the 6th Form to undertake a minimum
of one work                                                               This booklet is designed for everyone who is interested in
experience placement each year. Placement providers have included:
                                                                          being part of the Sixth Form at Meadowfield. That includes
ActivePlay Nursery                   Morrisons Sittingbourne
Age UK Sittingbourne                 Meadowfield School Kitchen
                                                                          students, parents/carers and all the people and organisations
ASDA Sittingbourne                   Meadowfield School Site Team         who work with our young adults.
Badgers Class KS2                    Pine Lodge Care Home
Beaux Aires Kennels                  Sainsbury’s Faversham                There are many reasons why a student may wish to join our
Bodylines Beauty Therapy             Sittingbourne Community Centres      sixth form. They may already be at the school, and want to
Canterbury College Café              Swallows Leisure Centre Café
Century UK                           The Conservatory Café Faversham
                                                                          stay on after year 11. They may not feel ready to leave school
Character Costumes                   The Hop Yard, Harrietsham            yet, or to join college full-time. They may benefit from a phase
Co-op Murston                        The John Graham Centre               of transition over one, two or three years. Or they may be at
Co-op Teynham                        The Oaks School Kitchen              another school or college, and want a fresh start.
Danley Marshes Equestrian Centre     Watling Tyres
Honeybees Nursery                    Whiteleaf Farm
Morrisons Faversham                  Whiteleaf Stables
                                                                          So what do you get if you join the sixth form?
Please note that we are not always able to escort a student to or from
their work placement. The more that parents and carers can provide        At least three things.
support, the more successful the placement is likely to be. If you know
of an employer who may be able to offer a placement, do let us know.      Extra time. Time to find your voice, to speak up and be heard,
                                                                          and to listen to others. Time to develop more independence
                        Duke of Edinburgh                                 and confidence, and to get used to being a young adult. Time
     Last year in the 6th Form we gained 15 Bronzes and 5 Golds           to learn more about who you are and what you want to do.
            We are extremely pleased of this achievement
                                                                          Independence skills. All the sixth formers have regular oppor-
                                                                          tunities to cook, shop and use public transport. They learn how
                                                                          to cope with change, and how to be safe online and in the
                                                                          community. They are also offered work placements .

                                                                          Learning pathways. Everyone has personal targets, choices
                                                                          and chances. Our courses and qualifications are designed to
                                                                          support a wide range of abilities and interests. We want every-
                                                                          one to leave with pride in their progress and real hope for the

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Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
Our Vision                                                     Dress code
                                         Within Meadowfield Sixth Form we aim to create a college like learning environ-
                                         ment which we hope will allow our students to mature and develop into respon-
“The Meadowfield Sixth Form strives to   sible young adults.
provide a pathway for our young people
                                         We help and encourage this growing process in a number of positive ways. One
 from school through the challenges of   is to allow our students to wear their own smart casual clothes rather than a
     growing maturity via individual     uniform.

 achievement and personal choice to a    We would like students to choose to wear clothes which conform to the smart
                                         casual description, so we are issuing the following guidelines to help students
            fulfilling future”           and parents.

                                         Clothing: Jeans, trousers or skirts (of appropriate length) are acceptable. In-
                                         creasingly students are choosing to wear leggings; this is fine however we
                                         would ask parents to ensure the top chosen to go with them is long enough to
                                         ensure that underwear is not visible through the leggings.

                                         Sweat shirts, tee shirts and smart tops are acceptable. “T” shirts with unsuita-
                                         ble graphics, slogans or logos are considered inappropriate. Students should
                                         ensure that tops are not “low cut”, or show a bare midriff.

                                         Footwear: Shoes, boots, sandals or trainers are suitable, high heels or flip
                                         flops are not.

                                         Jewellery: Should be kept to minimum, chains and large hooped earrings can
                                         present a health and safety hazard to the wearer.

                                         Activities: Where students are taking part in sporting, gardening, cooking or
                                         college activities they would be expected to bring the appropriate activity cloth-
                                         ing and change before the activity begins.

                                         If you have any questions about this dress code, do please telephone me at
                                         Denise Edwards
                                         Head of Sixth Form
                                         September 2018

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Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
Sixth Form Induction
Before students join the sixth form, they have an induction programme. This                     Who are we?
          involves spending time with the current sixth form and
 having staff and family discussions to make sure this is their best option.

                           This year’s dates are
                                                                               Head of      Denise Edwards BA(Hons), PGCE
                                                                               Sixth Form

                                                                               Teachers     David Powell
                                                                                            Caroline Jaques DTLLS, QTLS, MIfL
                                                                                            Karen Harris
                                                                                            Tim Stock-Leech
                           Student contract
                          (written by the students)
     Speak politely to staff and students
     (this includes not swearing)
                                                                                            Lisa Alexander
      Please have kind hands.                                                  Teaching     Theresa Marsh
      Be more positive to everyone.                                            Assistants   Karen Walters
      Ask if you can leave the classroom.                                                   Pam Harris (Mon-Wed)
      Do not throw things in the classroom.                                                 Kim Webb
                                                                                            Sue Chesson
      Mobile phones to be turned to silent or off                                           Sandra Phillips (Mon-Thurs)
     in class. Ask permission before you use it                                             Kelly Birchmore
     for listening to music etc.                                                            Ana Loasby
     Respect everyone whatever their race, reli-                                            Sue Broad
                                                                                            Jane Cole
     gion or sexual orientation                                                             Sarah Grant
                                                                                            Rebecca Mead
                                                                                            Lisa Fisk
                                                                                            Debbie Marsh

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Meadowfield School Swanstree Avenue Sittingbourne Kent - ME10 4NL
                     Ourto the Future
                         Policy                                          Things You Need To Know
This policy is written with the students, and revised every September.   1.   We wear our own clothes.
Who We Are                Meadowfield                                    2.   We take many different qualifications to help us move on.
                          Sixth Form                                          These include ASDAN, Functional Skills and LASER.
We are young adults
  We are not children. We have rights and responsibilities.              3    We experience the world of work in many different ways ,
  We are here to develop our life skills,                                     including volunteering and work experience, and get
  and to make the most of who we are.                                         regular careers advice.
We are a community.                                                      4    Every week, some of us go to Canterbury College
  The Sixth Form is a community.
  We share our culture and support each other.                           5.   We make many meals for ourselves, and sometimes for
  We take part in the life of our school, college and local area.             staff (if they pay).
We are positive role models                                              6.   Every term, we meet with our teachers for an individual
  We set a good example for each other, and for everyone we meet.             tutorial.
  We are not afraid to make mistakes, or to celebrate our progress.
                                                                         7.   Every week we take part in vocational options which lead to
We talk things through                                                        qualifications ( Mini-Enterprise, Citizenship, Hospitality,
  We all have voices and we all have choices.                                 Duke of Edinburgh, Performing Arts & Media, Sports
  No-one should feel ignored.                                                 Lead er, Music).
  We take time out when we need it.
  We stay safe and appropriate.                                          8.   The Sixth Form space is part of the school building and
                                                                              we have our own common room with sofas and a TV
We plan for the future                                                        (which we paid for ourselves), kitchen, and interactive
  These years are our last years in school.                                   whiteboards in every classroom, and laptops.
  We’re getting ready to move on.
  Supported                                           Specialist
  We set targets for ourselves, to help us all.
 Employment                Further                    Provision
We keep growing          Education
  We want to grow in confidence and independence,
   and get used to change.
   We may take different paths, but we are all on the same journey.
                              6                                                                          11
                     Ourto the Future
This policy is written with the students, and revised every September.

Who We Are

We are young adults                                                      Meadowfield Sixth Form offers students a further one, two
  We are not children. We have rights and responsibilities.              or three years of education depending on their individual
  We are here to develop our life skills,                                needs and looks to prepare them for progress to Further
  and to make the most of who we are.                                    Education, Supported Employment, or other Specialist
We are a community.
  The Sixth Form is a community.                                         We believe that students who have spent time with us
  We share our culture and support each other.                           leave with added confidence and experience having had
  We take part in the life of our school, college and local area.        the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to make in-
                                                                         formed choices about their futures.
We are positive role models
  We set a good example for each other, and for everyone we meet.        Our curriculum is designed to build upon and expand ex-
  We are not afraid to make mistakes, or to celebrate our progress.      periences, maximising the personal effectiveness of stu-
                                                                         dents whilst taking into account each students individual
We talk things through                                                   needs and abilities. We are committed to:
  We all have voices and we all have choices.
  No-one should feel ignored.                                                Building on existing skills
  We take time out when we need it.                                          Developing life and independence skills
  We stay safe and appropriate.                                              Boosting self-esteem and confidence
                                                                             Preparation for transition to college, employment or
We plan for the future                                                        specialist provision
  These years are our last years in school.
  We’re getting ready to move on.
  We set targets for ourselves, to help us all.

We keep growing
  We want to grow in confidence and independence,
  and get used to change.
  We may take different paths, but we are all on the same journey.
                             10                                                                         7
A Taste of Our Curriculum
                                                                   A relevant, interesting and motivating next steps
All students in the Sixth Form have core sessions in English               curriculum for Post 16 Students
and Mathematics with integrated ICT in addition to following
individual pathways of learning depending on their needs and
progression route. Every student has the opportunity to
achieve at least one recognised qualification at a level aspira-
tional for their ability and all are encouraged and supported to
develop and extend their aspirations to be the very best that
they can be.

Our qualification outcomes include Awards, Certificates or
Diplomas in the following:

ASDAN Personal and Social Development (PSD)
ASDAN Personal Progress
ASDAN Employability
OCR Functional Skills Literacy, Numeracy and ICT
LASER Independent Living
LASER Participating in Learning

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