Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

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Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

      Office of English Language Learners
       Presentation to School Committee

Dr. Esparza
Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language Learners
May 31, 2017
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

  English Learners in the Boston Public Schools
                                 13% Fo
                                                                                    English Language
                                                                                 Development (ELD) Levels
  56% N

                   of all BPS students are either
                   English Learners or Former
                          English Learners

 Data includes BPS K0-12 students as of April 21, 2017 Aspen SIS enrollment records (includes in-district Horace Mann
 charters; excludes 494 student outplacements). Former ELs include students in the 4-year monitoring period and beyond.
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

The Cultural & Linguistic Diversity of BPS English Learners

Top 10
Countries of
Origin of ELs

Top 10 First
Languages                                         Data includes BPS K0-12
Spoken by                                         students as of April 21, 2017
                                                  Aspen SIS (includes in-district
ELs                                               Horace Mann charter schools;
                                                  excludes 494 student
                                                  outplacements). Chinese includes
                                                  speakers of Cantonese,
                                                  Mandarin, and Toishanese.
                                                  United States includes Puerto
                                                  Rico and U.S. territories. Country
                                                  of origin indicates student’s
                                                  birthplace.                     3
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

Structural Framework for OELL Programs
EL Instructional Programs                                                         EL Parent Engagement
Ensure instructionally sound programs,                                             Create collaborative processes between EL
including supplemental services, aligned                                           parents, community partners and schools
to ELD Principles, CCSS and WIDA.                                                  to promote the success of EL children and
                                                                                   families through the creation of a District
                                                                                   Advisory Committee.

EL Professional Learning                                                          Newcomers Assessment
Build capacity of teachers, Language                                               Provide language proficiency
Acquisition Team Facilitators, school                                              assessments to identify English
leaders, and central office staff tailored                                         Learners and whether they need
to meet the needs of ELs, Long-Term ELs,                                           native language supports.
SLIFE, ELSWD, and DL learners.

Equity & Accountability                                                           Translation & Interpretation
Support schools with and ensure that                                               Ensure communications are translated
district policies meet the civil rights of                                         and interpreted to ensure all parents
ELs in accordance with local, state, and                                           have meaningful access to their
federal requirements.                                                              student’s education and district

     Our vision is to provide a culturally and linguistically responsive education with the supports needed to ensure
   equitable access to opportunities that promote language acquisition, bilingualism, biliteracy and lifelong learning.

 Graphic courtesy of                                                                                  4
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

EL Instruction
       Pre-Existing State                    Existing State                      Desired State
   ●   Contracted with external          ●   EL Instruction team           ●   EL Instruction team to utilize
       vendors to train teachers on          launched Culturally and           data collected via the 3 Cs & I
       SIOP strategies and on                Linguistically Sustaining         Observation Protocol and
       English Language                      ELD Principles: 3 Cs & I          provide consistent training
       Development standards                                                   and feedback to teachers to
                                                                               improve instruction

   ●   Seal of Biliteracy not provided   ●   Provided Seal of Biliteracy   ●   Provide the Seal of Biliteracy
       to graduates                          to Muniz Academy                  to all high school graduates
                                                                               who have demonstrated
                                                                               proficiency in a second
                                         ●   Establishing first Haitian
   ●   BPS offers dual language              Creole dual language          ●   Expand dual language
       programs in Spanish                   program in SY17-18                programming that is reflective
                                         ●   Provided existing programs        of our students’ linguistic
                                             with additional Spanish           backgrounds

   ●   1-teacher instructional model     ●   Implemented 2-teacher         ●   Tailoring Math supports for
       for SLIFE with focus on               instructional model for           students with low math skills
       native literacy                       SLIFE

Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

EL Professional Learning
       Pre-Existing State                   Existing State                       Desired State
   ●   Coordinated with DESE to        ●   Implemented 12 RETELL SEI ●        Implement targeted RETELL
       provide RETELL SEI                  Endorsement courses for            sessions for bilingual
       Endorsement courses for our         BPS staff                          counselors and substitutes and
       BPS staff                                                              provide follow-up RETELL
   ●   Provided certain Professional   ●   Expanded stipended PLC
       Learning Opportunities for          opportunities, including a     ●   Create a resource bank on the
       BPS staff                           focus on Long-Term ELs             work of PLCs, for r BPS
                                                                              teachers and staff districtwide
                                       ●   Dedicated instructional team
   ●   Contracted professional             to provide dual language PD    ●   Provide additional dual
       development training from           in connection with dual            language training opportunities
       vendors to support dual             language experts on Haitian        reflective of BPS’ other
       language programs                   Creole academic language           linguistic communities
                                           standards and authentic

   ●   Focused PD for ELSWD on         ●   Focused PD on instructional    ●   Expand PD for ELSWD to
       identification and                  framework for ELSWD                reach teachers, bilingual
       assessment                      ●   PLC on supporting students         counselors and other school
                                           experiencing trauma                staff

Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

Integrating Content, Connections, Comprehensibility
and Interactions into Universal Design for Learning

 ● Determine key              ● Combine                     ● Build connections
   concepts in language         visual/context clues          between what
 ● Design content and           with verbal/written           students are learning
   language objectives          communication                 and what they know
 ● Choose texts and           ● Control range,              ● Organize lessons
   materials that clarify       diversity, and                that build on
   content                      repetition of key             previous knowledge
 ● Use grade-level              words and                   ● Use a variety of
   curriculum                   vocabulary                    groupings
 ● Build on previous          ● Check frequently for
   learning                     comprehension
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

 National Professional Development Grant:
 EL Teaching Frames for Literacy

                  1           Disciplinary Discussions

                  2           Disciplinary Interactions

                  3     Acquisition of Disciplinary Language

                  4       Disciplinary Thinking Processes

                  5        Disciplinary Uses of Evidence
Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

Supplemental Services for ELs
        Pre-Existing State                 Existing State                  Desired State
    ●     Served 2,042 students in    ●   Served 2,452 students in     ●   Planning on serving 3,000
          Before/After and Summer         Before/After and Summer          students in Before/After
          School programs                 School programs                  and Summer School
    ●     No standard pre- and        ●   Implemented aligned pre-
          post- assessments across        and post-assessments for     ●   Standardize pre-and-post
          all supplemental program        supplemental programs in         assessments across all EL
          sites                           various school sites (over       summer program sites that
                                          30% growth in language           operate in partnership with
                                          acquisition)                     CBOs

    ●     Collaborated with CBOs      ●   Launched Neighborhood
          to provide SLIFE students       Language Intervention        ●   Provide dual enrollment
          with access to Robotics         program to provide SLIFE         and supplemental
          programming and                 students and their parents       vocational opportunities for
          curriculum                      with support in acquiring        SLIFE and other secondary
                                          academic English                 ELs

    ●     Transportation not          ●   T-Passes provided for        ●   Provide school bus and
          provided for Summer             secondary students               T-Pass transportation to
          Programs                        attending EL summer              students in compensatory
                                          programs                         services group

Office of English Language Learners Presentation to School Committee - Dr. Esparza Assistant Superintendent for the Office of English Language ...

Newcomers Assessment and Counseling Center
       Pre-Existing State              Existing State                 Desired State
   ●   Relocated to the Bolling    ●   Hired testing scheduler    ●   Hire 4 additional testers in
       Building for greater            to ensure families’            an effort to provide more
       accessibility                   specific language needs        flexible schedules that
                                       are met                        meet the needs of parents

   ●   Created native language     ●   Redesigning the native     ●   Implement revised native
       assessments to identify         language assessment for        language assessments
       SLIFE students                  SLIFE students to be
                                       standards-based and

   ●   Utilized Pre-LAS for        ●   Implemented K1 -           ●   Adopt WIDA online
       Kindergarten testing and        KWAPT for March                screener to provide better
       LAS for Gr 1-12 testing         testing of new and             alignment of initial testing
                                       incoming K2 students           with annual testing
                                       (entering SY17-18)

   ●   NACC assessed students      ●   Bilingual dictionaries     ●   Identify EL students
       entering exam schools for       provided for all ELs and       eligible for exam school
       English proficiency             extended time for ISEE         entrance and work with
                                       examination                    OAG to provide EL ISEE
                                                                      prep sessions


Translation and Interpretation
      Pre-Existing State                 Existing State                      Desired State
    ● Translation and               ●   Launched the Translation       ●   Implement hybrid model of
      Interpretation were               and Interpretation Unit,           providing services with internal
      provided by individual            utilizing internal staff and       staff, state approved vendors,
      departments                       contracts with                     VRI, individual vendors, and
                                        state-approved vendors             language lines

    ● Translations of               ●   As of April, fulfilled over    ●   Increase ability to provide
      District-Wide Documents           21,000 translations and            instantaneous interpretation
      and Special Education             interpretations requests           services through piloting a
      documents                         via new website                    language line at schools with a
                                                                           wide variety of language needs
    ● No system for training or     ●   Developed system to train          and piloting video remote
      assessment of local               individual vendors on              interpretation
      vendors existed                   Sp.Ed terminology and
                                        ethics as well as language     ●   Implement more robust quality
                                        fluency                            assurance protocols
    ● Employees self-identify
       their language proficiency   ●   Developed Spanish
       during hiring process            language proficiency           ●   Develop additional language
                                        screeners for                      proficiency screeners for
                                        Paraprofessionals                  teachers


Equity and Accountability
        Pre-Existing State                Existing State                       Desired State
    ●    Ensuring timely              ●   Demonstrated that              ●   Work collaboratively with DOJ
         submission of compliance         District compliance has            to create metrics for
         reports and that reports         increased in terms of              demonstrating substantial
         accurately reflected the         both ESL and SEI                   compliance
         level of services provided       instruction from qualified
         at the school-level upon         teachers, representing         ●   Create an EL Master Plan
         integrating ESL                  the district’s highest level       that will serve as a resource
         scheduling into Aspen            of compliance to date              and tool for all BPS staff to
         SIS                              from 29% in SY14-15 to             use as to understand and
                                          75% in SY16-17                     implement the EL program

    ●    Significant number of        ●   EL Liaisons collaborating      ●   Create a Language Appraisal
         DOJ monitoring visits and        with specific schools to           Team process and handbook
         calls                            support Equity &                   that will centralize guidance
                                          Accountability, including          for school-based teams that
                                          ESL scheduling, DESE               support ELs and FELs
                                          CPR, DOJ and META
                                          school visits
                                                                         ●   Create an online monitoring
    ●    Create LATF calendar of      ●   Creating online                    process of Former ELs to
         al EL accountability             accountability system to           ensure that students are
         deadlines; guidance              centralize all                     making adequate academic
         provided at LATF                 requirements                       progress after they have
         meetings                                                            exited (4-yr monitoring)


English Learners and ESSA
DESE’s Proposed Core Indicators for Tiering Schools:
★ MCAS Performance                 ★ High school graduation
★ MCAS Growth-to-Standard          ★ English Learner progress and
★ MCAS Gap closing                     attainment of English proficiency

           % of BPS English Learners Making Progress
                   toward English Proficiency                                              Starting in
                                                                                           SY18-19, for the
                                                                                           first time, schools
                                                                                           in MA will now be
                                                                                           held accountable
                                                                                           for English
                                                                                           progress in
                                                                                           learning English.

 Data includes ELs in all BPS schools (i.e., includes in-district Horace Mann charters).
 DESE’s making progress indicator is calculated based on Student Growth Percentiles
 for ACCESS (SGPAs).

EL Parent Engagement
      Pre-Existing State                    Existing State                        Desired State
  ●   Designed and led workshops       ●   Established District English      ●   Implement school-based EL
      for families regarding updates       Learner Advisory Committee            Parent Advisory Committees
      on supplemental programs             conferences to support                as part of School Site Council
      and college and career prep          parents in learning about
                                           district initiatives to support
                                           ELs and ELSWD                     ●   EL Parent Team provides
  ●   EL Parent Team was part of                                                 culturally competent parent
      NACC and focused mostly on       ●   Established standalone EL             engagement training and
      counseling parents to make           Parent Team to focus on EL            support to schools
      program choices upon                 parent engagement
      completion of the English
      language assessment                                                    ●   Expand professional learning
                                       ●   Launched SEI Kindergarten             opportunities for parents to
  ●   EL Parent Team supported             Summer Orientation                    deepen their knowledge of
      Parent University and                Workshops at Boston                   their child’s curriculum
      provided Technology Goes             Children’s Museum in
      Home to EL parents                   multiple languages                ●   Create toolkit to share with
                                                                                 immigrant students and
  ●   Connected families to                                                      families including up-to-date
      resources outside of Boston      ●   Created BPS We Dream                  information on immigrant
      Public Schools based on     website with             rights and a preparedness
      needs                                resources to support                  plan
                                           immigrant students and

BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

  EL Parent Engagement: SEI Kindergarten Kick-Off
                                                        SEI Kindergarten Kickoff
                                                             Summer 2016

                                                                         # of
                                                     Arabic               5

                                                     Cape                 15

                                                     Chinese              73

                                                     Spanish              53

                                                     Somali               21

                                                     Vietnamese           36

                                                     Total               203
BOSTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of English Language Learners

Resources for Immigrant Student and Families
                                                        "We will continue to stand
                                                        up for all of our students
                                                        and families, regardless of
                                                        their immigration
                                                        statuses… We will
                                                        welcome and teach every
                                                        single student who enters
                                                        our classrooms. Diversity
                                                        and inclusion are at the
                                                        core of our values as a
                                                        school system and as a
                                                        city. We are a 'Culture of
                                                        We,' and we are one BPS

                                                        — Superintendent Tommy
                                                        Chang, January 28, 2017

EL Parent DELAC Conference


Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining Practices for ELs:
Equity, Coherence, and Innovation

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