MAYFL WERCongregaƟonal Church - SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP - Mayflower ...
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MAYFL WER Congregaonal Church Fa i t h ’s j o u r n e y • G o d i s g o o d • J e s u s s aves • S p i r i t l e a d s SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP January 9, 2022 - 10:30am
ORDER OF WORSHIP *Indicates please stand if you are able. Bolded text or music score indicates congregational response. Please sign the friendship register located in your pew. PRELUDE Two Fugues from F. 31, in C Major and C minor Dr. Julia Brown, by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1719-1784) Organist NEWS OF THE CHURCH Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Co-Pastor MOMENT FOR MUSIC Dr. Brown INTROIT Lord God, We Worship Thee by J.S. Bach, arr. Hopson Lord God, we worship Thee. Our highest praise we offer. Thy love is ever sure. Thy watchful care is ever near. Let all the earth sing forth, then echo to the sky. Receive our thankful song. Lord God, we worship Thee. CALL TO WORSHIP (from Psalm 33) Leader: The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. All: He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. Leader: He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. All: Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of him. Leader: For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command. All: Come let us worship the Lord of creation! HYMN #267* Morning Has Broken BUNNESSAN OPENING PRAYER* Rev. Bell Olsson GLORIA PATRI* Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
CHILDREN’S MESSAGE Joel Schoon-Tanis HYMN #30* Earth and All Stars DEXTER SCRIPTURE READING Genesis 1:1-27 Eric Britcher, PEW BIBLE, PAGE 1 Lay Reader Leader: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God! HOMILY What’s New in ‘22: Rev. Steve Armfield, A New Creation Co-Pastor MUSIC FOR REFLECTION CALL TO OFFERING Rev. Bell Olsson OFFERTORY ANTHEM How Beautiful On the Mountains Scott Bosscher by Felix Mendelssohn Put on thy strength, awake and praise God; He hath redeemed His people. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of Him that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings to Zion: Thy God doth reign! Thy God is with thee, O be not afraid. DOXOLOGY* Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. DEDICATION OF GIFTS* Rev. Bell Olsson CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER SUNG RESPONSE #570 Hear Our Prayer, O Lord WHELPTON Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord; Incline Thine ear to us and grant us Thy peace. Amen.
LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. HYMN #28* God, You Spin the Whirling Planets NETTLETON BENEDICTION* Rev. Armfield POSTLUDE Fugue in D minor from F. 31 Dr. Brown by Wilhelm Friedemann Bach WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach and Family Ministries Joel Schoon-Tanis, Special Guest Scott Bosscher, Cantor Eric Britcher, Lay Reader
Welcome! We are so glad you joined us today! Hearing assistance is available on the main floor by using the T-switch on your hearing aid. Handheld receivers with earphones are also available from the ushers. Nursery is available for children birth through 1 year. Little Lambs is available for ages 2 and 3 in Room 115. You are welcome to sign your child(ren) in prior to the service and receive a pager if needed. Following the Children’s Message, children will be escorted to their age-appropriate classroom to learn Bible stories, have a snack, and play. - Bible Beginnings & Bible Alive are in lower level Youth Room A/B for 4-year-olds through 4th graders. Children in Bible Beginnings and Bible Alive can be picked up after the service on our lower level in Youth Room A. - Bridge for 5th-6th graders will meet in the library twice a month during worship as a transition between Sunday school and worship, equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding they need to participate in worship. ~ Andrea Koster, CE Director | Bible Beginnings ~ Amy Wiener, Bible Alive ~ Rachael Cooley, Nursery Director ~ Allison Houlihan, Bridge Leader
Details on upcoming events available at** JoininusJanuary GREETERS/ Mayflower will welcome Joel Schoon-Tanis as artist in residence the week of January 9-15 as he creates a mural outside of the Youth Rooms. COOKIE PROVIDERS ELEVATE meets TONIGHT, January 9th - with a break on the 16th - and is back again on the 23rd. NEEDED Are you willing MIDWEEK will re-engage January 12th with more fun for friends of all ages. to greet before a Sunday service or Please join our Monday 5pm Women’s Bible Study bring a treat for for “winter semester” -- Snow Birds welcome! a Sunday coffee reception? Our meetings will begin on January 24th at the church, and we will be offering both a Zoom and in-person option. We will study the book Jan/Feb dates The Epic of Eden - Isaiah by Sandra Richter. Our leader is Dr. Alexiana are now available Fry. Videos will begin in-person at 4:30pm, with discussion starting at notify Murry 5pm. Everyone will have access to be able to watch that week’s video Idema at at their leisure if they cannot make the 4:30 timeslot. Questions? 243-2764. Contact Susan Jones at
We have been blessed Total and it is our opportunity Funds Committed to be a blessing. 2022 Commitments to date: 100% Same pledge 82 Increased pledge 71 Decrease 18 New pledge 8 Total 179 $707k Please join our effort Thank you! Have you been visiting Mayflower and want 66% to learn more? Are you ready to become a member? What does this mean? Members publicly identify as part of our community, supporting the church through engagement, spiritual growth, and giving. Members are critical to the leadership of the church by voting on the Council, the annual budget, and calling our next pastor. New member classes: February 13 and 20 (following Sunday worship in the library) New member induction: February 27 0% Please contact Amy Hermen ( with questions or to register for the classes.
NOTES FOR REFLECTION Prayers of Celebration or Concern are often requested for our Mayflower Church Family and Friends. If you would like to receive the detailed Prayer List, please email Hard copies of the Prayer list are also available in the racks in the Narthex. MAYFLOWER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 2345 Robinson Road SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 616-459-6255 Rev. Steve Armfield, Interim Co-Pastor | Rev. Ruth Bell Olsson, Interim Co-Pastor Dr. Julia Brown, Director of Music and Organist | Scott Bosscher, Chancel Choir Director Abby Brooks, Children’s Choir Director | Rachael Cooley, Director of Outreach and Family Ministries Andrea Koster, Christian Education Director | Amy Wiener, CE Associate | Amy Hermen, Office Manager Allison Houlihan, Youth Ministry | Courtenay Oosterman, Communications Murry Idema, Director of Congregational Care | Andy Ely, Business Manager If you, or a family member, have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or you exhibit any of the symptoms associated, or have recently tested positive for COVID-19, please refrain from attending any Mayflower event until you have been through the proper time of quarantine.
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