Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation

Page created by Katherine Schultz
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
The Virginia Horse Center Foundation        Celebrating 34 Years

                                           “An Experience to Remember”
                                                May 9-11, 2019
                                                         USEF Rated
                                              United States Equestrian Federation
                                                American Hackney Horse Society
                                                  American Morgan Association
                                            American Road Horse & Pony Association
                                             American Saddlebred Horse Association
                                        American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia
                                       American Saddlebred Horse Association of the Carolinas
                                               Appalachian Saddlebred Association
                                          Pennsylvania Saddlebred Horse Association
                                         International Friesian Show Horse Association

                                                       Show Manager
                                                        Kent Moeller
                                                         Jim Taylor
                                                        Robert Byers
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
This show is licensed by and run for the benefit of the Virginia
Horse Center Foundation.
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Horse Show Officials
                            Horse Show Manager
Kent Moeller (804-363-3085)......................................Versailles, KY
Jim Taylor......................................................................Medina, OH
Robert Byers.........................................................Simpsonville, KY
                                     USEF Steward
Stacey Wright...................................................................Blairs, VA
Wyatt Lilly..................................................................Princeton, WV
John Bare...........................................................................Forest, VA
                                   Entry Secretary
Lori Nelson........................................................................... …Paris,KY
Stacy Beam..................................................................Nashville, TN
Doug Shiflet...............................................................Asheboro, NC
                                      Ring Master
Dan Shirley.............................................................Simpsonville, SC
                                    Video Services
Richfield Video..........................................................Shelbyville, KY
                               Veterinarian Service
Blue Ridge Equine Clinic. ................................... Staunton,VA
                              Phone: 540.460.5702

                        Horse Show Office
       540-464-2962 (from May 8 through May 11, 2019 only)
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Virginia Horse Center Foundation
                      Board of Directors

                   Gardner L. Bloemers, President
                  Kenneth Wheeler, Vice President
             Charles A. “Chuck” Grossmann, Treasurer
                Elizabeth Mason Horsley, Secretary
                       Thomas M. Clarke H. El.
                   (Buddy) Derrick, Jr.
                         William C. Heizer
                          Ernest M. Oare
                           Lynn E Rice
                            Brian Ross
                         Ann Tierney Smith
                            Jeffry Sterba
                        Christopher Wynne
                       Judith Heisley Bishop
                           Roxanne Booth
                         Thomas M. Clarke

                Virginia Horse Center Mission Statement
    The Virginia Horse Center Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit
organization which owns and operates the Virginia Horse Center. The
  Foundation is proud to be a part of the Rockbridge community, an
asset to the state’s equine economy, and a resource to the East Atlantic
                           competition circuit.
  Committed to serving the needs, well-being, and safety of both rider
  and horse, the VHCF supports a 600-acre competition facility that
   serves over 400,000 people and 100,000 animals of all breeds and
  disciplines. The VHCF manages 115 events annually, most free and
 open to the public. Host to the Hoofbeats Therapeutic Riding Center,
 the Foundation’s mission is to enrich lives with programs focused on
                recreation, education, and preservation.
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Bonnie Blue National Horse Show
          Tentative 2019 Time Schedule - Howard P. Anderson Coliseum

                                       Thursday Morning-10:00am
1...ASB Three Gaited Park Pleasure Open                   14...ASB Saddle & Bridle Shatner Western Country Pleasure
2...ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Novice Rider or Horse   15...Amateur Road Pony
3...Road Pony Limit                                       16...Friesian Dressage Suitability
4...Morgan Park Saddle Open
5...ASB Adult English Country Pleasure                    17...Three Gaited Park Open
6...Friesian Hunt Seat Pleasure                           18...Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Open
7...ASB Three Gaited Park-Jr./Novice Horse                19...Three Gaited Park Pleasure-Jr/Novice Horse
8...Morgan Western Pleasure Open                          20...ASB Adult Three Gaited Show Pleasure
9...Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving                         21...Morgan Hunter Pleasure Open
10...ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure-Novice Rider
11...Opportunity Any Breed Pleasure Driving               22...ASB English Country Pleasure Novice Rider or Horse
12...Morgan English Pleasure Open                         23...Hackney Pony Open
13...ASB Three Gaited-Jr./Novice Horse                    24...ASB Five Gaited-Jr/Novice Horse

                                        Thursday Evening-6:30pm

25. ASB Amateur Fine Harness                              38...Roadster Pony Open
26...Morgan English Pleasure Amateur                      39...ASB Amateur Three Gaited
27...ASB Amateur Five Gaited                              40...ASB Three Gaited Park-Jr. Exhibitor
28...ASB Hunter Country Pleasure                          41...Morgan English Pleasure Driving Jr. Exhibitor/
29...ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Adult                  Amateur
30...Friesian Show Pleasure Driving                       42...ASB Five Gaited Junior Exhibitor
31...ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor          43...Roadster Horse to Bike Open
32...Morgan Park Harness Open                             44...ASB Amateur Three-Gaited Park
33...ASB Three Gaited Ladies                              45...Hackney Harness Pony Open
34...AHHS Youth Medallion Roadster Pony Under Saddle      46...ASB Three Gaited Open
35...Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Open                 47...AHHS Youth Medallion Roadster Pony to Bike
36...ASB Three Gaited Junior Exhibitor                    48...Morgan Pleasure Driving Open
37...ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure Jr. Exhibitor         49...ASB Five Gaited Ladies

                                         Friday Morning-10:00am
50...Morgan Pleasure Driving Jr./Novice Horse             61...Morgan English Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse
51...Saddle Seat Equitation-Rider 17 years and under      62...ASB Country Pleasure Driving
52...UPHA Pleasure Equitation Challenge Cup               63...Roadster Horse Under Saddle
53...UPHA Roadster Pony Classic                           64...Three-Year-Old UPHA Park Pleasure Classic
54...Morgan Hunter Pleasure Jr./Novice Horse              65...Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat Championship
55...ASB Show Pleasure Driving                            66...AHHS Hackney Pleasure Driving Medallion
56...UPHA 10 and Under Walk/Trot Equitation               67...Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Ladies
57...Five Gaited Pony                                     68...Three Gaited Pony
58...ASB Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited English Country    69...ASB Western Country Pleasure
Pleasure                                                  70...ASB Junior Five Gaited
59...Friesian Saddle Seat English Pleasure                71...Morgan Park Saddle Junior/Amateur
60...Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure Rider 12 Years and    72...Hackney Pleasure Pony Under Saddle Medallion
under                                                     73...Opportunity All Breed English Pleasure
                                                          74...Three Gaited Pleasure Pony
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Bonnie Blue National Horse Show
         Tentative 2019 Time Schedule - Howard P. Anderson Coliseum

                                         Friday Evening -6:30pm
75...ASB Amateur Fine Harness Championship                 84...Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Junior Exhibitor
76...Morgan Park Harness Junior/Amateur                    85...UPHA Challenge Cup-Rider 17 years and under
77...ASB Hunter Country Pleasure Ladies                    86...Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Ladies
78...ASB Three Gaited Park Championship                    87...ASB Fine Harness Junior/Novice
79...Amateur Hackney Pony                                  88...Amateur Roadster Horse to Bike
80...UPHA Three-Year-Old, Three-Gaited Classic             89...Friesian Show Pleasure Driving Championship
81...Morgan Western Pleasure Jr./Amateur                   90...Morgan English Pleasure Junior Exhibitor
Championship                                               91...Amateur Harness Pony
82...UPHA Three-Year-Old Fine Harness Classic              92...UPHA Three-Year-Old Five Gaited Classic
83...ASB Adult Three Gaited English Country Pleasure

                                      Saturday Morning-10:00am
93...Three Gaited Pony Championship                        104...Roadster Pony Under Saddle Championship
94...Morgan Hunter Junior/Amateur Championship             105...ASB Country Pleasure Driving Championship
95...Friesian English Pleasure Championship                106...Morgan English Pleasure Open Championship
96...Amateur Roadster Pony Championship                    107...Junior Exhibitor English Country Pleasure
97...Opportunity Walk/Trot 12 and under Rider              Championship
Championship                                               108...Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Championship
98...ASB Hunter Country Pleasure Championship              109...Hackney Pleasure Pony Under Saddle Championship
99...Saddle Seat Equitation Pleasure Championship (17 &    110...Three Gaited Pleasure Pony Championship
under)                                                     111...ASB Western Country Pleasure Championship
100...Roadster Pony to Bike – Jr. Exhibitor Championship   112...Morgan Pleasure Driving Championship
101...Walk/Trot Equitation Championship (10 & under)       113...Hackney Pony Pleasure Driving Championship
102...Opportunity All Breed Pleasure Driving               114...Opportunity All Breed English Pleasure
Championship                                               Championship
103...Morgan Western Open Championship                     115...Five Gaited Pony Championship
                                                           115a...Roadster Horse Under Saddle Championship

                                       Saturday Evening- 6:30pm

116...Morgan Park Harness Championship                     127...Hackney Pony Championship
117...ASB Show Pleasure Driving Championship               128...ASB Five Gaited Jr./Amateur Exhibitor Championship
118...Saddle Seat Equitation Championship (17 & Under)     129...Morgan Western Jr./Amateur Exhibitor Championship
119...Morgan Open Hunter Championship                      130...ASB Three Gaited Park Pleasure Championship
120...Harness Pony Championship                            131...ASB Three Gaited Jr./Amateur Exhibitor
121...ASB Five Gaited Show Pleasure Jr./Amateur            Championship
Exhibitor Championship                                     132...ASB Three Gaited Park Jr./Amateur Exhibitor
122...Morgan Pleasure Driving Jr./Amateur Exhibitor        Championship
Championship                                               133...Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Championship
123...Roadster Horse to Bike Championship                  134...ASB Fine Harness Jackpot Stake
124...ASB Three Gaited Jackpot Stake                       135...ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure Junior Exhibitor
125...ASB Three Gaited Show Pleasure Adult                 Championship
Championship                                               136...Morgan Park Saddle Championship
126...Morgan English Pleasure Jr./Amateur Exhibitor        137...Roadster Pony Championship
Championship                                               138...ASB Five Gaited Jackpot Stake
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
Online Entries are now available for this show at
    There is a $1/entry charge for this service. Below are instructions to enter online.

What you need:
 • A free account at HorseShowsOnline. If you don't already have an account you can create
 one when you click the continue button below. HorseShowsOnline basic member is FREE.
 • A record in your account for each person and horse that you will use on show entry forms
 when you enter a show.

How do I get started:
 1. Login to HorseShowsOnline by clicking the "Member Services" button in the main menu,
    OR click the continue button below.
 2. Once you are logged in, click the "My Horses, People, Shows" button in the member menu.
 3. At the People, Horses, Shows page, add any new people and horses to your account as
    required on the appropriate tab (IE: My People, My Horses). People and horses are saved
    with your account. Once you have those records in your account you can use them at every
    show you enter.
 4. Click the "Enter show" button to select the show you want to enter and follow the steps in
    the online entry wizard.

Steps to enter a show:
  • Select the show you want to enter from your "My People, Horses, Shows" page on the "My
    Show Entries" tab, or find the show you want to enter in show selector and click the Online
    Entry icon. This will start the online entry wizard. Make sure you have already created the
    horses and people in your member account.
  • The online entry wizard will guide you through the steps to complete the entry form. The
    basic steps in the wizard are:
      5. Select the horse, people, and riders for your entry
      6. Select the classes each rider is entered in.
      7. Select the quantity for stalls and other fees.
      8. Confirm your selections
      9. Checkout and submit the show entry.
  • The final step generates the completed entry form and submits your entry to the show for
    review and acceptance. If the show requires a payment at entry time, you will be prompted
    for your credit card information.

  • You can cancel the entry part way through the wizard and resume the entry later on. For
    example if you need to add more people to your account, or you just want to come back
    and complete the entry later. Unfinished entry forms are listed in your "My entries" tab and
    will allow you to edit the entry.
  • People and horses you create in your account are saved permanently and can be used in
    other shows you enter. You only need to add people and horses once and then they can be
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
American Saddlebred Pony, Hackney-Harness Pony, and Roadster Ponies must present an up-to-date
measurement card or form before numbers will be issued for the show. See each division for registration paper
requirements. Time and place for measurements will be posted.

All prize money will be paid by check within thirty days of show closing unless there is an outstanding amount
           Distribution of Prize Money Awarded
           Class       1st         2nd         3rd         4th        5th         6th

            $ 200       $ 55       $ 45        $ 35         $ 25        $ 20        $ 20

           $ 500        $ 140      $110         $ 80        $ 65         $ 55        $ 50

                            EARLY ARRIVALS
         Due to the large show preceeding the Bonnie Blue, any
        arrival before Monday, May 6, 2019, may be asked to move
                   into their permanent stalls on Monday.
For safety purposes, an official lunging area will be posted. No lunging will be permitted outside of this area.
Practice and schooling will be allowed in the arenas and coliseum until one hour before each session. Schooling
hours and places will be posted for all areas.

No refunds will be made after April 29, 2019. If a request for a refund is received by registered mail prior
to April 29, 2019 and accompanied by a veterinary certificate, all entry and stall fees will be refunded less a
$30.00 handling fee.

Entries in the UPHA Classic classes must be eligible and registered with the UPHA ($150 nomination). Initial
entry fee of $50.00 is to be made on the BBNHS entry forms. Final entry fee of $50.00 must be made prior
to the class.
All riders, drivers and attendants must be properly attired to enter the show ring.

Reserved seating is available in the box seating area of the coliseum. These seats are limited and will be reserved
on a first come basis. A box containing twelve reserved seats is available for $175.00 during the week of the
Bonnie Blue National.

            For more information about the Bonnie Blue National Horse Show,
               Vendor Spaces, Advertising and Sponsorship, contact the
     Bonnie Blue National Horse Show, 487 Maury River Road, Lexington, VA 24450
                                   (540) 464-2950.
Celebrating 34 Years "An Experience to Remember" - Virginia Horse Center Foundation
All dogs must be kept on a leash. No dogs are allowed in the Coliseum (Except Guide and/or service dogs).

No parking will be permitted in the front of, around or near the barns due to fire regulations. All vehicles must
be parked only in the designated parking area.

Photographs will be taken by Doug Shiflet during the sessions and will be available directly through him.
Video will be provided by Richfield Video. Arrangements may be made before the session or by calling 1-800-
345-2429. Commercial Photographers at all national shows are limited to PRESS PHOTOGRAPHERS ONLY. Press
photographers (anyone taking pictures for newspapers or periodic publications ) will be required to sign an agreement stating that they
will abide by officialBonnie Blue Nationals Horse Show rules and any photographs they take are to be used for editorial purposes
only and are NOT TO BE SOLD under any circumstances. Only one press pass will be issued per publication. Once an agreement
has been signed, an official BBN Press Pass will be issued. Press passes can only be obtained from the horse show office. Cameras
with detachable lenses or lenses of more than two inches are prohibited. Any lenses greater than two inches is considered professional
equipment and is not permitted in the arena buildings or into the competition arenas to include seating areas. The official show
photographers are exempt from this policy. Professional photographers may not record the event with any kind of camera, or video
equipment. This policy will be strictly enforced. Violation of the policy may result in removal from the show grounds. Commercial
photographers found violating this policy will be accessed a $1000 fee and escorted off the grounds.

Camper spaces are available but limited. Spaces will be assigned on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis
upon check-in at the STABLE OFFICE. Spaces are $40 per day, and are to be paid for at the stable office. Fee
includes electricity and water. Dump service is available on the horse show grounds.

The Bonnie Blue National Horse Show is held in the Howard P. Anderson Coliseum. The Coliseum arena is
150 feet by 300 feet in dimension. The Coliseum arena contains a sand/loam combination footing. The same
is the case for the warm-up arena. Stalls are 12’ x12’ with metal mesh sliding doors.

All used needles and syringes must be deposited in the Red BioHazard Containers located at the wash racks in
each barn. Violators will be prosecuted.
USEF - GR1210.4- regarding Sharps Containers Competition management shall place a minimum of
one sharps container per each competition, whether or not stabling is provided. Additionally, at least one
sharps container per fifty occupied stalls for the disposal of needles and other disposable sharp instruments
in convenient locations in barns housing competition horses. It is competition management’s responsibility
to replace such containers when full and dispose of them properly. Competition management may fine any
individuals including trainers, owners, exhibitors, or their agents up to $100 for improper disposal of needles
or other sharp disposable instruments. Competition management will place a notice of this requirement
either in its prize list or on a specific handout given to trainers on check in at the competition. If local law has
different requirements, local law will prevail. Competitions failing to comply with placing the required number
of containers on the show grounds will be considered in violation of the rules and may be subject to penalty as
determined by the CEO or Executive Director and/or the Hearing Committee.
SB 103. General: Attention getting devices &/or other noisemakers (including but not limited to tape
measures, blow horns, bamboo poles, explosives, fire extinguishers, baby powder, whips longer than 6’, etc.) are
not allowed in and around the make up and competition rings during scheduled competition sessions. All such
items will be confiscated and offenders will be reported to the USEF, (See also GR839.4i)

                      ATTENTION COMPETITORS
          Each competitor is responsible for supplying management with
          correct applicable numbers (USEF) for horse, owner, rider, and
          trainer before the day(s) of the competition.
Each owner, trainer, rider, driver must be a current member of the USEF and a copy of the current card must
be included with your entries (or must be presented when picking up numbers) or each non-member may apply
for a $45 Show Pass. Non-member amateurs are not eligible for the Show Pass. Amateurs showing in amateur
recognized classes must apply for membership with the USEF.

Owners, riders, drivers, handlers and trainers of horses competing at Federation licensed competitions in
all American Saddlebred sections must be current competing members in good standing with the American
Saddlebred Horse Association, Inc. Owners and trainers of Hackneys must be AHHS members, owners, riders of
roadster horses must be AHHA members. Owners (lessees), riders, drivers, handlers, coaches, and
trainers of horses participating at Federation licensed competitions in all Morgan sections must be
current members in good standing with the American Morgan Horse Association, Inc. Individuals
signing the USEF Entry Agreement (i.e. rider, driver, handler, agent of an owner, and trainer) for
horses competing in the Friesian division must be members of IFSHA.

Copy of the registration papers showing proof of ownership of in respective sections must be mailed with
entries. Also, copies of membership cards and/or measurement cards may be mailed with entries, but must
be available upon request.

Health certificates required for all out of state horses. Current negative Coggins Test dated within twelve months
of show required for all horses.

MAIL ENTRIES TO: Bonnie Blue National Horse Show (Do not send entries by
signature required or they will not be processed)
                                   c/o Lori Nelson
                                    956 Hill Road
                                   Paris, KY 40361
                        Additional entry blanks are available at
                   www.vahorsecenter.org or by calling BBNHS at


Pre-orders for bedding by calling 540-464-2966. All pre-order bedding must be paid for
at the STABLE OFFICE upon ordering with a separate open check or a credit card.

All entries must be received by April 26, 2019. Entries must be completed in full, signed and accompanied by
full payment. Post entries accepted with full fees and a $30.00 post entry fee per horse, but must be
accompanied with either a check or an open signed check. All post entries must be made one hour before the
start of the session. A $100.00 fee will be charged to those entries made less than one hour before the start of
the session or without an open signed check.

Management reserves the right to combine or cancel any class with less than three entries. Any cancellations
prior to April 26, 2019 will be refunded for that class. Management reserves the right to change or alter the
officials listed without notice prior to or during the show.

Payment in full is due upon receipt of completed entry form. An open check made payable to BBNHS / VHCF
may be used. All checks returned for non-payment will be charged a $50.00 handling fee and must be replaced
by a certified check or cashier’s check within 10 days of notification. All international payments must be made
either by certified funds, credit card or cash. USEF will be notified of any noncompliance with this.
Mastercard and Visa Credit Cards only.
 A current coggins (within 12 months) will be collected by
 show management. State law requires that copies are sent to the
 State Veterinary office. In addition, if you are traveling across
 state lines, a current (within 30 days) Health Certificate will be
 collected at the stable office. These precautions are for the benefit
 of you and your horse.

                   effort will be made to maintain a
                   working PA system. However, due
                   to unforseen problems with any
                   mechanical device, the PA system and
                   paddock calls must be considered a
                   courtesy. It is the responsibility of the
                   exhibitor to be sure that his/her horse
is at the gate at the prescribed time. A two (2) minute
gate rule will be strictly enforced.

        Minors Operating Motorized Vehicles
 Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate
 a motorized vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted
 to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not limited to,
 golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles, on the competition
 grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary
 license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they
 are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The parent(s),
 legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry blank as a parent or
 guardian of a minor operating a motorized vehicle in violation of this rule
 are solely responsible for any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting
 from that operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against
 the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the
 child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child,
 parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the
 remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above
 individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility
 assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule.
         For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter SB

 #    Prem                            Class                             Fee         Session
42            Junior Exhibitor Five Gaited                             $30     Thursday PM
27            Amateur Five Gaited                                      $30     Thursday PM
49            Ladies Five Gaited                                       $30     Thursday PM
128   $200    Junior/Amateur Five Gaited Championship                  $35     Saturday PM
              Must have shown in Class 27, 42 or 49 if shown by an
24            Junior/ Novice Five Gaited Horse                         $30     Thursday AM
92    $250    UPHA Three-Year-Old & Under Five Gaited Classic          $100    Friday PM
138   $500    Five Gaited Jackpot Stake                                $50     Saturday PM

 #    Prem                            Class                             Fee         Session
39           Amateur Three Gaited                                      $30     Thursday PM
36           Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited                             $30     Thursday PM
33           Ladies Three Gaited                                       $30     Thursday PM
131   $200   Junior/ Amateur Exhibitor Three Gaited                    $35     Saturday PM
             Must have shown in Class 36, 39 or 33 if shown by a
13           Junior/Novice Three Gaited Horse                          $30     Thursday AM
80    $250   UPHA Three-Year-Old & Under Three Gaited Classic          $100    Friday PM
124   $500   Three Gaited Jackpot Stake                                $50     Saturday PM

 #    Prem                             Class                             Fee         Session
25            Amateur Fine Harness                                     $30      Thursday PM
75    $200    Amateur Fine Harness Championship                        $35      Friday PM
              Must have shown in Class 25
82    $250    UPHA Three-Year-Old Fine Harness Classic                 $100     Friday PM
87            Junior/Novice Fine Harness Horse                         $30      Friday PM
134   $500    Fine Harness Jackpot Stake                               $50      Saturday PM
2019 Corporate Sponsors of the Virginia Horse Center

                                        BY CHOICE HOTELS

           Show Office Hours
The Show Office Hours will be posted in the Show
    #   Prem                           Class                           Fee        Session
7              Three Gaited Park Junior/Novice Horse                   $30    Thursday AM
44             Amateur Three Gaited Park                               $30    Thursday PM
40             Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited Park – rider 17 & under   $30    Thursday PM
132     $200   Junior /Amateur Exhibitor Three Gaited Park             $35    Saturday PM
               Must have shown in Class 40 or 44
17             Three Gaited Park Open                                  $30    Thursday AM
78      $200   Three Gaited Park Championship                          $35    Friday PM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

    #   Prem                           Class                            Fee        Session
19             Three Gaited Pleasure Park Junior/Novice Horse          $30     Thursday AM
64      $250   UPHA Three-Year-Old Three Gaited Park Pleasure          $100    Friday AM
1              Three Gaited Park Pleasure Open                         $30     Thursday AM
130     $200   Three Gaited Park Pleasure Championship                 $35     Saturday PM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

    #   Prem                           Class                           Fee         Session
68             Three Gaited Pony                                       $30    Friday AM
93             Three Gaited Pony Championship                          $30    Saturday AM
               Must have shown in Class 68
57             Five Gaited Pony                                        $30    Friday AM
115            Five Gaited Pony Championship                           $30    Saturday AM
               Must have shown in Class 57
74             Three Gaited Pleasure Pony                              $30    Friday AM
110            Three Gaited Pleasure Pony Championship                 $30    Saturday AM
               Must have shown in Class 74

                        ENTRY DEADLINE APRIL 26, 2019
                       ENTRES CAN BE DONE ONLINE AT
                                                             May 9-11, 2019
                                                       Entries close April 26, 2019
One Horse per entry Blank                                                                  Mail To: Bonnie Blue National Horse Show
Make checks payable to:                                                                                                  956 Hill Rd.
Bonnie Blue National Horse Show                                                                                     Paris, KY 40361
Included with this entry:
Registration papers [ ] Coggins [ ]
Membership cards: USEF [ ] ASHA [ ] AHHS [ ] ARHPA [ ] UPHA [ ] IFSHA [ ]

***PRE-ORDER BEDDING: Pre-order bedding by calling 540-464-2966. All pre-order bedding must be paid for at the STABLE OFFICE upon
ordering with a separate open check or a credit card.
                                              PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE (Fill out completely)

Owner ____________________________________ USEF #_________ ASHA#_________AHHS#_________OTHER# _________
Address __________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________ Phone
# _____________________________Cell Phone # ________________________ email ______________________________
Trainer ____________________________________ USEF # _________ ASHA# _______ AHHS#_________OTHER# __________
Address __________________________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________ ____________________ Phone
# _____________________________Cell Phone # ________________________ email ______________________________ Stable Name
Rider/Driver/Handler ________________________ USEF # _________ ASHA#_________AHHS#_________OTHER # ________
Address __________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________________________ Phone
# _____________________________Cell Phone # ________________________ email ______________________________
Make premium checks payable to: ___________________________ Social Security /Tax ID _____________________________
Address _________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________

    Horse Name                                                        Registration #                      USEF #

Color                              Sex                                Age                                 Height

Class #                                                                                                                    Total Fees

Entry Fee

                           TOTAL ENTRY FEES                                                                                 $

#                          STALLS @ $125 EACH                                                                               $

                           EARLY ARRIVAL STALL FEE @ $75 EACH                                                               $

#                          GROUNDS FEE (Horses showing not using a stall) @ $20                                             $

#                          USEF DRUG FEE @ $23 PER HORSE ($15 Drug & Med/$8 Horse)                                          $

#                          USEF SHOW PASS (NON-MEMBER) FEE @ $45                                                            $

#                          OFFICE FEE PER ENTRY $25                                                                         $ 25.00
#                                                                                                                          $
                           NUMBER OF BOX SEATS (12 SEATS PER BOX) @ $175 PER BOX
#                          HORSE SHOW SPONSORSHIP                                                                           $

#                                                                                                                           $

                           TOTAL REMITTANCE                                                                                 $

CHECK # __________ AMOUNT $ ____________ DATE RECEIVED__________________ WE ALSO ACCEPT: VISA __________________ MASTER CARD __________
CARD # __________________________________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE ____________________ SECURITY CODE _____________
CARD HOLDER NAME (please print)___________________________________________ CARD HOLDER SIGNATURE________________________________________
I have read the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) Entry Agreement (GR906.4) as printed in the Prize List for Bonnie Blue National
Horse Show (“Competition”) and agree to all of its provisions. I understand and agree that by entering this Competition, I am subject to Federation Rules, the
Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to waive the right to the use of my photos from the competition, and agree that any actions against the
Federation must be brought in New York State.
The complete statement is as follows:
                                                            FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT
By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler,
Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of
The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the
Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release
and hold harmless the Virginia Horse Center, Bonnie Blue National Horse Show, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken
under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that
as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios,
cablecasts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the competition for the promotion,
coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a
way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to
compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws
of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4.
                                           Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification
This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing.
I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following:
I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials,
officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates.
I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach,
trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous
risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”).
I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse
and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the
Federation or the Competition.
I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition.
I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect
to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition.
I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear
protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective
equipment can guard against all injuries.
If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume
all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf.
I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition.
I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the
Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form.
BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and
provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same
validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand.

Circle all that apply                                                          Circle all that apply
Rider/Driver/Handler/Owner/Agent/Trainer/Coach                                 Rider/Driver/Handler/Owner/Agent/ Trainer/Coach
Print Name ______________________________________________                      Print Name ______________________________________________

Signature ________________________________________________                     Signature ________________________________________________
Circle all that apply
Rider/Driver/Handler/Owner/Agent/ Trainer/Coach                                Required if Rider/Driver/Handler/Vaulter/Longeur is a minor

Print Name ______________________________________________                      Print Name ______________________________________________

Signature ________________________________________________                     Parent/Guardian

Emergency Contact Phone ____________________________                 Is Rider/Driver/Vaulter a U.S. Citizen?: ___ Yes ___ No
    #   Prem                           Class                       Fee       Session
10             Three Gaited Show Pleasure Novice Horse or Rider    $30   Thursday AM
37             Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited Show Pleasure         $30   Thursday PM
135            Three Gaited Show Pleasure Junior exhibitor         $30   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in Class 37, or 10 if shown by an
20             Adult Three Gaited Show Pleasure                    $30   Thursday AM
125     $200   Adult Three Gaited Show Pleasure Championship       $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in Class 20 or 10 if shown by an

    #   Prem                           Class                       Fee       Session
2              Five Gaited Show Pleasure Novice Horse or Rider     $30   Thursday AM
31             Junior Exhibitor Five Gaited Show Pleasure          $30   Thursday PM
29             Adult Five Gaited Show Pleasure                     $30   Thursday PM
121     $200   Adult Three Gaited Show Pleasure Championship       $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in Class 2, 29, or 31

    #   Prem                           Class                       Fee       Session

55             Show Pleasure Driving                               $30   Friday AM
117     $200   Show Pleasure Driving Championship                  $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in Class 55

                    ENTRY DEADLINE APRIL 26, 2019
                   ENTRES CAN BE DONE ONLINE AT
    #      Prem                          Class                       Fee       Session
22                English Country Pleasure Novice Rider or Horse     $30   Thursday AM
58                Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited Country Pleasure     $30   Friday AM
107               Junior Exhibitor Three Gaited Country Pleasure     $30   Saturday AM
                  Must have shown in Class 58 or 22 if shown by a
5                 Adult Three Gaited Country Pleasure                $30   Thursday AM
83         $200   Adult Three Gaited Country Pleasure Championship   $35   Friday PM
                  Must have shown in Class 5 or 22 if shown by an

    #      Prem                          Class                       Fee       Session
62                Country Pleasure Driving                           $30   Friday AM
105        $200   Country Pleasure Driving Championship              $35   Saturday AM
                  Must have shown in Class 62

    #      Prem                          Class                       Fee       Session
14                Saddle & Bridle William Shatner Western Country    $30   Thursday AM
69                Western Country Pleasure                           $30   Friday AM
111        $200   Western Country Pleasure Championship              $35   Saturday AM
                  Must have shown in Class 14 or 69

    #      Prem                          Class                       Fee       Session
28                Hunter Country Pleasure                            $30   Thursday PM
77                Hunter Country Pleasure Ladies                     $30   Saturday AM

98         $200   Hunter Country Pleasure Championship               $35   Saturday AM
                  Must have shown in Class 28

        A current coggins (within 12 months) will be collected by show
        management. State law requires that copies are sent to the State
        Veterinary office. In addition, if you are traveling across state lines, a
        current (within 30 days) Health Certificate will be collected at the
        stable office. These precautions are for the benefit of you and your horse.
         For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter RD
 #     Prem                           Class                             Fee         Session
43            Roadster Horse to Bike - Open                            $30     Thursday PM
88            Amateur Roadster to Bike                                 $30     Friday PM
123    $500   Roadster Horse to Bike Championship                      $50     Saturday PM
              Must have shown in any of the above bike classes
63            Roadster Horse Under Saddle                              $30     Friday AM
115a   $200   Roadster Horse Under Saddle Championship                 $35     Saturday AM
              Must have shown in Class 63

 #     Prem                           Class                             Fee          Session
15            Amateur Roadster Pony to Bike                            $30      Thursday AM
96     $200   Amateur Roadster to Bike Championship                    $35      Saturday AM
              Must have shown in Class 15
38            Roadster Pony to Bike - Open                             $30      Thursday PM
137    $200   Roadster Pony to Bike Championship                       $35      Saturday PM
              Must have shown in any of the above bike classes

         For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter HK

 #     Prem                           Class                             Fee         Session
23            Hackney Pony – Open                                      $30     Thursday PM
79            Amateur Hackney Pony                                     $30     Friday PM
127    $200   Hackney Pony Championship                                $35     Saturday PM
              Must have shown in any of the above classes

 #     Prem                           Class                             Fee         Session
45            Harness Pony – Open                                      $30     Thursday PM
91            Amateur Harness Pony                                     $30     Friday PM
120    $200   Harness Pony Championship                                $35     Saturday PM
              Must have shown in any of the above classes

                        ENTRY DEADLINE APRIL 26, 2019
                       ENTRES CAN BE DONE ONLINE AT
Hackney Pleasure Pony Under Saddle
    #    Prem                            Class                           Fee         Session
72               AHHS Hackney Pleasure Pony Under Saddle Medallion $30          Friday AM
109              Hackney Pony Under Saddle Championship                  $30    Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in Class 72
    #    Prem                            Class                           Fee         Session
9                Hackney Pleasure Pony Driving                          $30     Thursday AM
113      $200    Hackney Pleasure Pony Driving                          $35     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 9

    #    Prem                            Class                           Fee         Session
47               AHHS Medallion Junior Exhibitor Roadster Pony to       $30     Thursday PM

100              Junior Exhibitor Roadster Pony to Bike Championship    $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 47
34               AHHS Medallion Junior Exhibitor Roadster Pony          $30     Thursday PM
                 Under Saddle

104              Junior Exhibitor Roadster Pony Under Saddle            $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 34

             For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter EQ
    (Please note: All riders in UPHA equitation classes must be junior members of UPHA before
    showing in the class)

    #    Prem                            Class                           Fee         Session
51               Saddle Seat Equitation – rider 17 years & under        $30     Friday AM
85               UPHA Challenge Cup – rider 17 years & under            $30     Friday PM
118              Saddle Seat Equitation Championship                    $30     Saturday PM
                 Must have shown in class 51 or 85
56               UPHA Walk/Trot Challenge Cup – rider 10 years of       $30     Friday AM
                 age and under
101              Walk/Trot Championship – rider 10 years of age and     $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in Class 56
52               UPHA Pleasure Equitation Challenge Cup – rider 17      $30     Friday AM
                 years of age and under
99               Pleasure Equitation Championship                       $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 52
The Bonnie Blue National Horse Show, the Virginia Horse Center Foundation,
the Horse Show Manager, or any employee of the Horse Show shall in no way,
jointly or individually, be responsible for any loss, accident, damage or loss of life
that may occur to any exhibitor, owner, trainer, agent, groom, stable, corporation,
partnership, individual, or spectator sustained while at the Bonnie Blue National
Horse Show. This shall be incorporated as a condition of entry or admittance to the
Bonnie Blue National Horse Show.

• All horses and owners/lessees must be members of IFSHA in order to
 compete. All others, except a parent of a minor, must either pay a non-
 member fee or they may join. The non-member fees are: Adults
 $35 and Youth $30
• A copy of the registration papers must accompany all horses

   The Bonnie Blue National HorseShow
  Carries USEF Rating for all divisions. Therefore, points may be earned
            toward the Saddlebred Record Champion Status.
                        For complete information, contact:
                        American Saddlebred Horse Association
                         Patricia Edwards / Saddlebred Record
                               4093 Iron Works Parkway
                                  Lexington, KY 40511
       For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter MO

 #    Prem                            Class                           Fee          Session
4            Morgan Park Saddle Open                                  $30    Thursday AM
71           Morgan Park Saddle Junior/Amateur                        $30       Friday AM
136   $200   Morgan Park Saddle Championship                          $35    Saturday PM
             Must have shown in class 4 or 71

Park Harness
 #    Prem                            Class                           Fee          Session
32           Morgan Park Harness Open                                 $30    Thursday PM
76           Morgan Park Harness Junior/Amateur                       $30       Friday PM
116 $200     Morgan Park Harness Championship                         $35     Saturday PM
             Must have shown in 32 or 76

English Pleasure
 #    Prem                            Class                           Fee          Session

12           Morgan English Pleasure Open                             $30    Thursday AM
26           Morgan English Pleasure Amateur                          $30    Thursday PM

90           Morgan English Pleasure Junior Exhibitor                 $30    Friday PM

61           Morgan English Pleasure Junior/Novice Horse              $30    Friday AM

126   $200   Morgan English Pleasure Jr/Amateur Championship          $35    Saturday PM
             Must have shown in class 26 or 90
106   $200   Morgan English Pleasure Open Championship                $35    Saturday AM
             Must have shown in any of the above classes

Pleasure Driving
 #    Prem                            Class                           Fee          Session

50           Morgan Pleasure Driving Junior/Novice Horse              $30    Friday AM
41           Morgan Pleasure Driving Jr/Amateur                       $30    Thursday PM

48           Morgan Pleasure Driving Open                             $30    Thursday PM

122   $200   Morgan Pleasure Driving Jr/Amateur Championship          $35    Saturday PM
             Must have shown in class 41
112   $200   Morgan Pleasure Driving Open Championship                $35    Saturday AM
             Must have shown in any of the above classes
Classic Pleasure
    #   Prem                           Class                     Fee       Session
18             Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Open               $30   Thursday AM
84             Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Junior Exhibitor   $30     Friday PM
67             Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Ladies             $30     Friday AM
108     $200   Morgan Classic Pleasure Saddle Championship       $35   Saturday AM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

Classic Pleasure Driving
    #   Prem                           Class                     Fee       Session
35             Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Open              $30   Thursday PM
86             Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Ladies            $30     Friday PM
133     $200   Morgan Classic Pleasure Driving Championship      $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

Hunt Seat Pleasure
    #   Prem                           Class                     Fee       Session
54             Morgan Hunt Seat Pleasure Junior/Amateur          $30     Friday AM
21             Morgan Hunt Seat Pleasure Open                    $30   Thursday AM
94      $200   Morgan Hunt Seat Pleasure Jr/Amateur Champ        $35   Saturday AM
               Must have shown in 54
119     $200   Morgan Hunt Seat Pleasure Open Champ              $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

Western Pleasure
    #   Prem                           Class                     Fee       Session
81             Morgan Western Pleasure Junior/Amateur            $30     Friday PM
8              Morgan Western Pleasure Open                      $30   Thursday AM
129     $200   Morgan Western Pleasure Jr/Amateur Champ          $35   Saturday PM
               Must have shown in 81
103     $200   Morgan Western Pleasure Open Champ                $35   Saturday AM
               Must have shown in any of the above classes

                    ENTRY DEADLINE APRIL 26, 2019
                   ENTRES CAN BE DONE ONLINE AT
               For judging and show specifications for this section, refer to USEF Chapter FR

Saddle Seat Pleasure
    #   Prem                              Class                            Fee         Session
59               Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat                    $30        Friday AM
95               Friesian English Pleasure Saddle Seat Championship       $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 59

Show Pleasure Driving
    #   Prem                              Class                            Fee         Session
30               Friesian Show Pleasure Driving                           $30     Thursday PM
89               Friesian Show Pleasure Driving                           $30        Friday PM
                 Must have shown in class 30

English Pleasure Hunt Seat
    #   Prem                              Class                            Fee         Session
6                Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat                      $30     Thursday PM
65               Friesian English Pleasure Hunt Seat Champ                $30        Friday PM
                 Must have shown in class 6

    #   Prem                              Class                            Fee         Session
16               Friesian Dressage Suitability Under Saddle               $30     Thursday AM

                                  OPPORTUNITY DIVISION
Opportunity Open to any breed
    #   Prem                              Class                            Fee         Session
73               Opportunity Any Breed English Pleasure WTC               $30        Friday AM
114              Opportunity Anny Breed English Pleasure WTC              $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 73
11               Opportunity Any Breed Pleasure Driving                   $30     Thursday AM
102              Opportunity Any Breed Pleasure Driving                   $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 11
60               Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure Riders 12&under           $30        Friday AM

97               Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure Riders 12&under           $30     Saturday AM
                 Must have shown in class 60

located on the northwest corner of the con-


      located on the west concourse
           beginning at 8:30pm
Bonnie Blue National
                  USEF Rated
       United States Equestrian Federation
          American Hackney Horse Society
           American Morgan Association
     American Road Horse & Pony Association
      American Saddlebred Horse Association
 American Saddlebred Horse Association of Virginia
American Saddlebred Horse Association of the Carolinas
        Appalachian Saddlebred Association
   Pennsylvania Saddlebred Horse Association
  International Friesian Show Horse Association

Life, senior active and junior active members shall be eligible to participate in all
classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Compeitions at the Preliminary Level
or above and Combined Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage,
Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may
participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at
Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage Competitions, Reining
Competitionas and combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $30
Show Pass. Particpant in the following classes are exempted from the Requirements
of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H
members; 5) walk trot and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited
to horses used regularly in lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests,
pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions
8) Opportunity Classes; 9) citizens of other antions who have proof, in English,
of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation; 10)
USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse
Breeding Classes.

              Coffee and Pastries available
                  each morning in the
               Bonnie Blue Show Office.
  I have read the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) Entry Agreement (GR906.4) as printed in the Prize List for this Competition and agree to all
 of its provisions. I understand and agree that by entering this Competition, I am subject to Federation Rules, the Prize List, and local rules of the competition. I agree to
 waive the right to the use of my photos at the competition, and agree that any actions against the Federation must be brought in New York State.

 Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnification
 This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing.
  I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following:
  I AGREE that the “Federation” and “Competition” as used above includes all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and
      affiliated organizations.
  I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or
      as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss,
      and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death (“Harm”).
  I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any
      Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition.
  I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition.
  I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims
      for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition.
  I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114 and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective
      equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against
      all injuries.
  If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the
      obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf.
  I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition.
  I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation
      on the official USEF accident/injury report form.

 BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize
 List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my
 signature by my own hand.

 RIDER/DRIVER/HANDLER/                       OWNER/AGENT                                    TRAINER                                     COACH
 Vaulter/Longeur (mandatory)                 (mandatory)                                   (mandatory)                                  (if applicable)
 Signature:                                  Signature:                                    Signature:                                   Signature:
 Print Name:                                 Print Name:                                   Print Name:                                  Print Name:
 Parent/Guardian Signature: (Required if Rider/Driver/Handler/Vaulter/Longeur is a minor)
 Print Parent//Guardian Name:                                Emergency Contact Phone No.
 Is Rider/Driver/Vaulter a U.S. Citizen:       Yes            No

     The Bonnie Blue National Horse Show
Carries  USEF
        USEF   Rating
             “A”      forfor
                 Rating   allall
                              divisions. Therefore,
                                 divisions.         points
                                            Therefore,     may
                                                       points   bebe
                                                              may   earned
          toward    the SaddlebredRecord
                      Saddlebred       Record  Champion
                                              Champion      Status.
                                             For complete information, contact:
                                                American Saddlebred Horse Association
                                                Patricia Edwards / Saddlebred Record
                                                      4093 Iron Works Parkway
                                                         Lexington, KY 40511

   Make Your reservation todaY!
Call 1-800-533-1410 to book Your rooM
  Due to a large horse show preceding the
Bonnie Blue, early arrivals MAY be asked to
  layover in alternate stalls until Monday.
      If you have questions please call
      the Stable Office at 540.464.2966

 Looking for more Saddlebred Shows?
            Join us in 2019
                   June 19-22
           Shenandoah Classic Horse Show

                     July 25-27
           Rockbridge Regional Horse Show

               September 26 -28
               ASHAV Horse Show
VHC 2019 General Rules

                     SECURITY:          (540) 784-0156                      STABLE OFFICE:               (540) 464-2966
                     EMT:               (540) 464-2971                      FIRE/RESCUE:                 911

1.    Upon arrival at the Virginia Horse Center, all trailers MUST check in at the Welcome Center (Stable Office).
2.    No smoking in Coliseum or Barns. This is the law.
3.    VEHICLES: Drive Carefully. Obey All Traffic Signs. Speed limits are strictly enforced. Every vehicle operator must have a
      valid driver’s license and proof of insurance. The use of vehicles in the camping areas is restricted to regular roadways for
      entering and exiting only. Vehicles are permitted only if operated in a safe manner (this is a Virginia state law), but may not
      be used in the Coliseum or in the interior of any of the barns. Four wheelers and ATV’s are not permitted on the VHC
      grounds. Non-powered scooters, bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates, heelers (skates in shoes) are not permitted in the
      Coliseum or the interior of any of the barns. The VHC reserves the right to prohibit the operation of any vehicle.
4.    Dogs/Pets: All dogs/pets must have current inoculations for rabies as prescribed by state of residency. No loose dogs/pets are
      allowed anywhere on the premises. All dogs/pets that are not crated must be on a hand-held or tied leash. Loose dogs/pets will incur
      a $100 fine. You must clean up after your dog/pet.
      Coliseum: Absolutely no loose dogs/pets allowed in the Coliseum, no dogs/pets are allowed in food service areas of the Coliseum
      with the exception of service dogs. Absolutely no dogs/pets in the Mezzanine (2nd floor of the Coliseum) under any circumstances
      with the exception of Service Dogs. We ask that your Service Dog have his/her vest on.
      Grounds/Parking Areas/Barns/East Complex: All dogs/pets must be on a hand-held or tied leash.
5.    No trash or sharps in the manure pits. Sharps should be placed in red boxes in barns. Shows
      will be charged $1,000 for sharps in the manure pits.
6.    ALCOHOL: At events serving alcohol, all ABC laws must be followed. If asked to provide
      Identification for purposes of age validation, you must comply. Those individuals who do no
      comply will not be served alcohol. Disorderly patrons will be removed from the premises.
7.    Theft/Vandalsim: Anyone involved in destroying property or found stealing property will
      be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
8.    All stalls must have at least one bale of shavings or straw. Sawdust is prohibited.
      Shavings may be purchased at the Welcome Center (Stable Office).
9.    No lunging in posted rings. Wiley, Speed, and B Rings NEVER.
10.   No overnight horses may be stabled in trailers or tied out.
11    Horses are absolutely not allowed to be ponied behind any moving vehicles.
12.   No vehicles allowed in the barns.
13.   Campers must register at Stable Office.
14.   Check-In time and Check-Out time subject to show date.
15.   No gray water is to be dumped on the ground. Sewage arrangements are made through the stable office.
16.   Campfires are not permitted.
17.   Campers must keep their sites clean and dispose of refuse in the receptacles provided. All campers will be responsible for leaving the
      campsite as they found it. Any damage or repairs resulting from negligence shall be the responsibility of the camper.
18.   All central service buildings and other facilities in the campground are for campers’ and exhibitors’ use only.
19.   Firearms and fireworks are not permitted.
20.   No tent, camper, RV or camping equipment shall be left unattended longer than 24 hours without written permission from
      campground management.
21.   Any loss, theft, accident or disturbance should be reported to the Virginia Horse Center Security. Lost and Found is located in the
      Security Office.
22.   Virginia Horse Center management reserves the right to remove from the premises any camper or visitor who is in violation of these
      rules and regulations.
23.   The Virginia Horse Center shall be held harmless against all claims, costs, losses or liability of every nature and kind asserted against
      or incurred by camper arising or resulting in any respect from camper’s occupancy and use of premises, and/or visitor and visitor’s use
      of premises.
24.   There will be a fine for anything hooked to or suspended from electrical conduit in the barns. This is extremely dangerous and
      electrocution could occur.
You can also read