Spring Flower Show 2020 - Royal Jersey Agricultural ...

Page created by Brent Marquez
Spring Flower Show 2020 - Royal Jersey Agricultural ...

           Spring Flower Show
                  (open to non-members)
        Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th March
                  11am – 5pm
          Venue: Royal Jersey Showground, Trinity

                OVERALL BEST IN SHOW 2019
Kate Le Ruez – Triandrus Narcissi (Group of Narcissi in picture)

 Entry Forms must be received no later than Wednesday 18th March
Spring Flower Show 2020 - Royal Jersey Agricultural ...
Spring Flower Show 2020 - Royal Jersey Agricultural ...
Contents                                                                                      Page Number

Spring Flower Show Stewards & Committee Members ……………………….                                          4

Important Notices for Exhibitors ………………………………………………………                                              5

Show Regulations ……………………………………………………………………..……..                                                   6

Awards …………………………………………………………………………………….……..                                                        9

Schedule of Classes:
     Bulbs / Corms ………………………………………………………………………..                                                   12

     Other plants in Containers/ Children & School……………………..….                                     13

     Cut Flowers ……………………………………………..……………………..… …..                                                14

     Ornamental Trees & Shrubs / Camellias.................................................        15

     Cacti, Succulents & Carnivorous …………………………………………….                                            17

     Pot Plants / Miscellaneous / Fruit / Vegetable ……………………….                                     18

     Photograph / Children’s Fruit & Vegetable ...............…………………                              19

     Floral Arranging (Adults) …………………………………………………......                                           20

     Floral Art (Children) - Kit Robert Children’s Classes……………….                                  21

     Cakes, Bread and Preserve (Adults) …………………………………..….                                          23

     Cakes (Children) …………………………………………………………………..                                                  24

2020 RJA&HS Dates for your Diary …………………………………………….......                                          25

Suggestions of Narcissi and their Divisions ……………………………………..                                       26

Images and Classifications of Narcissi …………………………………………….                                          28

Entry Form (to keep for your reference) …………………………………………                                           31

Entry Form (to be completed and returned by 18th March 2020) ….....                                33

Spring Flower Show 2020 - Royal Jersey Agricultural ...
Stewards for Spring Flower Show 2020
       Neil Fauvel (Directing Steward)
               Alan Le Troquer
                 John Hidrio
               Martin Rouault
                 David Pope
                  Steve Falle
                Nance Hicklin

    Spring Show Sub-Committee
         Chairman – Martin Preisig
                Dale Hector
               Pam Laurens
              Ivy Le Troquer
            W. Graham Queree
            Maxine Fergusson
                Neil Fauvel
              Barbara Hidrio
               Roy Le Brun
               Linda Mollet
              Martin Rouault

Important Notices for Exhibitors
• All judging of flowers, fruit and vegetables will be according to RHS guidelines.
• Enclosed within this schedule is a leaflet for guidance on daffodil divisions and
• Closing date for entries is Wednesday 18th March – entries received after
  this date cannot be accepted.
• Exhibitors may only enter one entry per class.
• Exhibitors may stage their entries on:
      • Thursday 26th March between 2pm and 5pm
      • Friday 27th March between 9am and 7pm
      • Saturday 28th March between 7am and 7.45am
• Judging will commence at 8am on Saturday 28th March (exhibitors to vacate the
  hall by 7.45am please).
• Please find the brown envelope with your name on it and put your Exhibitor
  Card with each exhibit to avoid being awarded ‘Not According to Schedule’.
• Entries are to be taken home between 5pm and 6pm on Sunday 29th March –
  please do not take them before then.
• Prize Certificates will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Commended awards.
• Prize Money of £1 will be awarded to all 1st prize winners unless otherwise
• Please name all flower specimens, vegetables, fruit and plants wherever
  possible as it makes the Show more interesting for visitors.
• One plant per pot unless otherwise specified.
• Where pot sizes are stated, please measure the interior diameter of the rim.
• Please use clean pots and saucers when exhibiting pot plants.
• The Prize Giving will take place on Sunday 29th March at 4pm.
• The Cake Auction will take place after the Prize Giving on Sunday 29th March in
  aid of Community Savings.


                      HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY
                       TO DISQUALIFICATION)

1. Exhibitors must be Members of the Society, 10 Years of age or over, except in
   classes where otherwise defined i.e. open classes or shows.

2. If they wish to be provided with Schedules and Entry Forms, exhibitors must
   specifically ask to be given copies of the same.

3. Exhibitors must forward to the Horticultural Secretary, not later than the date
   specified in the Schedule, a list of the flowers, fruit or vegetables they intend to
   exhibit, giving the number of the class or classes in which, they intend to compete.

4. No exhibit, once brought to the place of exhibition, may be removed without the
   prior permission of the Horticultural Secretary. Exhibits must be staged by the
   time specified in the Schedule. Exhibitors wishing to send collections to the place
   of exhibition on the day before the Show must arrange with the Horticultural
   Secretary, for their receipt and safe keeping. The Horticultural Department, whilst
   undertaking all reasonable care, does not accept responsibility for loss or damage
   to any exhibit. The Horticultural Department does not undertake to stage any

5. Cards, with the number of an entry and the classes in which it is competing, will be
   given to each exhibitor on entering the place of exhibition. Exhibitors are
   requested to be particular in place their cards which must be placed by the
   exhibitor correctly. The Horticultural Department will not be responsible for any
   error in placing the cards.

6. Elected Stewards will if asked, assist exhibitors in the placing of their exhibits.

7. Exhibitors are invited to show unusual, new or newly introduced cultivars or
   plants, whether or not mentioned in the Show Schedule on the Members’ Table.

8. The place of exhibition will be closed promptly at 9pm on the day before the Show
   unless otherwise specified. All exhibitors must have vacated the premises by that
   time. The place of exhibition may be opened early in the morning of the day of the
   Show by arrangement with the Horticultural Secretary.

9. No person, not being an Official, may remain in the place of exhibition whilst the
   Judges are officially engaged.

10. Judges are elected by the Committee of the Horticultural Department of the

11. The decision of the Judges as to the merit of an exhibit shall be final. The
   Horticultural Department reserves the right to remove for further inspection any
   specimens or plants which are the subject of a dispute. The decision of the Judges
   shall be final, except in cases when, after an award is made, the exhibit is found
   not to be in accordance with the Schedule.

12. All matters of protest, disqualification etc MUST be lodged with the
   Horticultural Secretary no later than close of the first day of the Show, when they
   will be dealt with by an adjudicator appointed by the Horticultural Department
   whose judgement which shall be based on the RHS criteria and shall be final.

13. Only one entry may be made in each class unless the Schedule provides
   otherwise. If a given class shall only have one competing entry, it shall not receive
   a prize or commendation unless, in the opinion of the Judges, it is deserving of

14. All plants must have been in the ownership of the exhibitor for at least two
   months prior to the Show. All cut flowers, fruit and vegetables must have been
   grown by the exhibitor or they will not be eligible to compete for the prize, except
   where marked otherwise in the Schedule.

15. Amateur – a person who, not being a professional, maintains a garden or grows
   plants, flowers, fruit or vegetables for pleasure and enjoyment and not for his or
   her livelihood.

16. All plants, cut flowers and vegetables must be distinct and named where
   possible and in the cases of equality, preference will be given to those exhibits
   which comply with this regulation. Seedlings and sports must be described as

17. Anyone elected as a Judge in a Show will be unable to make entries in that
   particular Show.

18.   All entries should be made on the appropriate entry form.

19. The Horticultural Department shall have entire control of all exhibits from the
   time of their staging at the place of exhibition until the close of the Show.

20. All prize money shall be available seven working days after each Show to
   collect at the Department’s offices. Any prize money not claimed by 31st
   December shall be forfeited.

21. Judging of Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers will be according to the RSH

22. Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show will only be awarded to exhibits grown
   by the exhibitor i.e. Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers but not Flower Arranging or Cakes

The Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society complies with all Data
Protection Legislation and any information we hold is not shared with any third
parties but your name may be attributed to a photograph in our publications and
listed in Show Results. If you wish to see a copy of our Privacy Policy, please contact
the Office.

2019 Spring Flower Show Awards

           Award                       Awarded For                     Winner
    The Belles Fleurs Trophy         Overall Best Exhibit in         Kate Le Ruez
   Generously Donated by Mr &       the Spring Flower Show        Triandrus Narcissi
      Mrs Bernard Rebours
    Reserve Best in Show         2nd Overall Best Exhibit in    Peter & Anne Kempster
                                  the Spring Flower Show       1 Cyclamen in a Container

    Jersey Chrysanthemum             The Best Entry in the           Kate Le Ruez
      Lovers Challenge Cup          Narcissus Section - Cut       Triandrus Narcissi
    Originally donated by The       Flowers or Containers
Society of Jersey Gardeners, and
 re-Presented in memory of the
late Jim Hosking of Fentongollan
      Flower Farm, Cornwall
International Camellia Society For the Best Exhibit in the        Ann Macmichael
              Trophy              RJA&HS Camellia Classes      One Anemone or Paeony
 Generously Donated by the ICS                                        Camellia
          (Jersey Group)
 Denis Shaw Memorial Shield The Most Humorous Fruit              Ashleigh Eder (age 5)
  Donated in his Memory by his and/or Vegetable Creation              ‘Thumper’
          Family in 2012         at the Spring Flower Show
   RHS Junior Competitor’s             Merit by a Junior        Kate Le Mottee (age 9)
         Award of Merit                   Competitor            ‘Let’s Celebrate Spring’
    Worshipful Company of          Excellence in Floral Art           Pam Laurens
            Gardeners                                                Spring Flower
       Award for Floral Art                                           Arrangement
         Daffodil Society         The Best Narcissus Bloom            Kate Le Ruez
       The Bronze Medal &          in the Show (cut flower        Triandrus Narcissi
      The Best Bloom Card                classes only)
         Daffodil Society        The Best Vase of 3 Stems in         Kate Le Ruez
          The Diploma                the 3-Stemmed Vase           Triandrus Narcissi
         Best in Section                                          Stephen Le Feuvre
        Cacti & Succulents
         Best in Section                                        Peter & Anne Kempster
            Pot Plants
         Best in Section                                             Kate Le Ruez
           Cut Flowers
         Best in Section                                              David Pope
         Best in Section                                           Ann Macmichael
Best in Section                                                    Pam Laurens
     Floral Art Amateur
       Best in Section                                                  Jennie Le Sueur
       Cakes (Adults)
       Best in Section                                                    Isla England
      Cakes (Children)

                                       Points Prizes

             Award                             Awarded For                        Winner
 Society of Jersey Gardener                   Winner of Class 1:               John & Barbara
            Trophy                   Group of 5 Different Varieties of             Hidrio
Originally Presented by the Late                  Daffodil/
  Sq Leader Arthur Robert in       Narcissi, one variety in each container
 1953 to the Society of Jersey          not to exceed a 4ft frontage
Gardeners for Chrysanthemums
   £25 Gardening Voucher                       Winner of Class 2:                 Alan Le
           First Prize                Group of 5 Different types of “True         Troquer
                                    Bulbs”, one type in each container not
                                           to exceed a 4ft frontage
   £20 Gardening Voucher                       Winner of Class 3:              John & Barbara
         First Prize               Group of 3 Different types of “True             Hidrio
                                   Bulbs”, one type in each container, not
                                   to exceed a 30in frontage
   RJA & HS Horticultural                     Winner of Class 39:               Kate Le Ruez
        Department                    Group of Cut Flowers consisting of
   Special First Prize £50            Daffodils and Narcissi, 12 Vases, 5
                                    Blooms to a vase, 1 variety in each, all
                                      named if possible. Not less than 6
                                    varieties included in the group, not to
                                     exceed a 4ft frontage on table space
 Perpetual Narcissus Trophy            Winner of Class 42, Trumpet and          Jane Dervin
  Kindly Donated by Mr Peter          Large-Cupped Daffodil varieties, 3
        Hunt & Family                       vases, divisions 1 or 2

 Longest Stemmed Daffodil                    Winner of Class 59:               Linda Mollet
   (£5 Gardening Voucher)                 Longest Stemmed Daffodil             (36.5 inches)

                   A display of Spring Flowers will be provided by:
         St Martin’s Flower Club & The Jersey Flower Club have been invited
            to arrange non competitive displays using Spring Flowers TBC
                              The Dolls’ House Club TBC
                      The Jersey Sogetsu Study Group (Ikebana)
              The Jersey Sogetsu Study Group (Ikebana) Camelia Display
                       The Eric Young Orchid Foundation – TBC

                        Patrick Hacket Daffodils
A very big thank you to Fentongollan
Flower Farm, Cornwall,
who have once again generously
donated daffodil bulbs for this Show

These are to be exhibited in Class 9

The Variety is called Patrick Hacket

A really strong and prolific flowering
yellow trumpet daffodil which was bred
in Cornwall. A great addition to any
garden. Flowers in March and is 16” tall

                          ARE OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS

It has been agreed that we should use the standard bulb divisions in ALL the daffodil classes.
All daffodils belong to the NARCISSUS family.

Class   Class name                                                                              Prize
 1.     Group of 5 different varieties of Daffodil/Narcissi, any number of bulbs but only one   £1
        variety in each container, not to exceed a 4ft frontage.
 2.     Group of 5 DIFFERENT TYPES OF “TRUE BULBS”, any number of bulbs but only one            £25
        type in each container, not to exceed a 4ft frontage.
        First Prize £25 Gardening Voucher
 3.     Group of 3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF “TRUE BULBS”, any number of bulbs but only one            £20
        type in each container, not to exceed a 30in frontage.
        First Prize £20 Gardening Voucher
 4.     1 Hyacinth bulb growing in a container                                                  £1
 5.     3 Hyacinth bulbs growing in a container                                                 £1
 6.     5 Hyacinth bulbs growing in a container                                                 £1
 7.     1 Amaryllis bulb growing in a container                                                 £1
 8.     3 Amaryllis, one bulb per container                                                     £1
 9.     Container of Narcissus Patrick Hacket - the bulbs having been kindly donated by         £1
        Fentongollan Flower Farm, Cornwall

NOTE: Pots or Containers in Classes 10 to 22 inclusive must not have a diameter exceeding
Class Class name                                                                        Prize
 10.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 1              £1
 11.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 2              £1
 12.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 3              £1
 13.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 4              £1
 14.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 5              £1
 15.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 6              £1
 16.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 7              £1
 17.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 8              £1
 18.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 9              £1
 19.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 10             £1
 20.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 11             £1
 21.  Container of Narcissi, one variety, any number of bulbs – Division 12             £1
 22.  Any other Narcissi including Division 13, one variety in the container            £1
 23.  Container of Muscari, one variety (Grape Hyacinths)                               £1
 24.  Container of Muscari, mixed varieties (Grape Hyacinths)                           £1
 25.  Container of Tulips, one variety                                                  £1
 26.  Container of Tulips, mixed varieties                                              £1
 27.  3 Containers, tulips, one variety in each container                               £1
 28.  Cyclamen, 1 plant in a container                                                  £1
 29.  Cyclamen, 3 containers, 3 colours, 1 plant in each container                      £1
 30.  Any other Bulb(s) or Corm(s), one container                                       £1

        Other Plants in Containers
NOTE: Pots or Containers in Classes 31 to 34 inclusive must be no more than 18 inches.
Class Class name                                                                         Prize
 31.  Container of Primroses                                                             £1
 32.  Container of Violas                                                                £1
 33.  Container of Pansies                                                               £1
 34.  Container of Polyanthus                                                            £1
 35.  Hanging Basket of mixed Spring Flowers and Foliage                                 £1

        Children’s Class under 14yrs at date of exhibition
Class   Class name                                                                       Prize
 36.    A container of mixed Spring bulbs in bloom                                       £1
 37.    A container of Narcissus, one variety                                            £1

        Special School Class – open to Schools only
Class   Class name                                                                       Prize
 38.    A container of Patrick Hacket Narcissus bulbs supplied by Fentongollan Flower    £1
        Farm, Cornwall (see picture Class 9)

Cut Flowers

Class   Class name                                                                                  Prize
 39.    Group of Cut Flowers consisting of Narcissi only, not to exceed a 4ft frontage on table     £50
        space. 12 vases in total, 5 blooms to a vase, one variety in each, all names if possible.
        Not less than 6 varieties in the group.
        RJA&HS Horticultural Department Special First Prize £50
 40.    Trumpet Narcissi (division 1), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                               £1
 41.    Large-Cupped Narcissi (division 2), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                          £1
 42.    Trumpet (division 1), 3 stems to a vase, 3 varieties, one variety per vase, 3 vases or      £1
        Large-Cupped Narcissi (division 2) 3 stems to a vase, 3 varieties, one variety per
        vase, 3 vases. (3 vases in total in the class either Division 1 or Division 2)
        The Perpetual Narcissus Trophy donated by Peter Hunt & Family to
        the winner of this Class
 43.    Small Cupped Narcissi (division 3), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                          £1
 44.    Double Narcissi (division 4), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                                £1
 45.    Triandrus Narcissi (division 5), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                             £1
 46.    Cyclamineus Narcissi (division 6), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                           £1
 47.    Jonquilla Narcissi (division 7), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                             £1
 48.    Tazetta Narcissi (division 8), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                               £1
 49.    Poeticus Narcissi (division 9), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                              £1
 50.    Bulbocodium Narcissi (division 10), 5 stems, one vase, one variety                          £1
 51.    Split Corona Narcissi - i Collar & ii Papillon (division 11) 5 stems, one vase, one         £1
 52.    Other Narcissi cultivars that do not fit the definition of any other division (division     £1
        12), 5 stems, one vase, one variety
 53.    Narcissi distinguished solely by botanical name (division 13), 5 stems, one vase, one       £1
 54.    Trumpet Narcissi (division 1), 3 stems, one vase, one variety                               £1
 55.    Large-Cupped Narcissi (division 2), 3 stems, one vase, one variety                          £1
 56.    Small Cupped Narcissi (division 3), 3 stems, one vase, one variety                          £1
 57.    Double Narcissi (division 4), 3 stems, one vase, one variety                                £1
 58.    Narcissus, any division, 1 stem in a vase                                                   £1
 59.    Narcissi, longest stemmed, 1 stem (not faded)                                               £5
        First Prize £5 Gardening Voucher
 60.    Freesias, 1 vase, 5 stems                                                                   £1
 61.    Freesias, 3 vases, 5 stems in each vase, mixed colours, same colour in each vase            £1
 62.    Anemones, 1 vase, Red, 5 stems                                                              £1
 63.    Anemones, 1 vase, Blue, 5 stems,                                                            £1
 64.    Anemones, 1 vase, mixed colours, 5 stems,                                                   £1
 65.    Dutch Iris, 1 Vase, 5 stems                                                                 £1
        The Louis Dekker Trophy donated by Mr Louis Dekker of Guernsey,
        to be awarded to the winner of this Class
 66.    Dutch Iris, 3 Vases, 5 stems to a vase, 3 Varieties, one variety in each vase               £1
 67.    Tulips, 1 vase, 5 stems, one variety                                                        £1
 68.    Hellebores, 1 vase, 5 stems, one variety                                                    £1
 69.    Hellebores, 1 vase, 5 stems, mixed varieties                                                £1
70.     Any other cut flower not mentioned in the schedule, 5 stems, 1 vase.                    £1
 71.     Any other Cut flower not mentioned in the schedule, 3 varieties, 3 vases, one variety   £1
         in each vase
 72.     Foliage, 1 vase, one variety                                                            £1
 73.     Foliage, 3 vases, 3 varieties, one variety in each vase                                 £1
 74.     Bark/Dry Stem/Seed head, 1 vase, mixed, at least one of each kind mentioned             £1

        Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Class     Class name                                                                             Prize
  75.     Mixed varieties in flower, one vase                                                    £1
  76.     One variety in flower, one vase                                                        £1
  77.     Three varieties in flower, 3 vases, one variety in each vase                           £1
  78.     Mixed Varieties of foliage only, one vase                                              £1
  79.     Miniature Tree                                                                         £1

        Camellia Classes
   •    The Camellia classes will be described by form and diagrams are included below
   •    Single blooms, fully opened, short stemmed; one or two leaves and no buds.
   •    Please name camellias where possible
   •    Only one entry per class, per exhibitor
   •    See following page for guidance on camellia forms

Class     Class name                                                                             Prize
  80.     One Single Form                                                                        £1
  81.     One Semi-Double Form                                                                   £1
  82.     One Formal Double or One Rose Form                                                     £1
  83.     One Anemone or Paeony Form                                                             £1
  84.     One Seedling of your own – ANY FORM                                                    £1
  85.     One Spray not to exceed 18 inches above the top of the vase.                           £1
  86.     Three blooms, same cultivar                                                            £1
  87.     Five blooms, all different cultivars                                                   £1

Camellia Forms

Single - shallowly cup-shaped flowers each have not
more than 8 petals, arranged in a single row, and a
conspicuous, central boss of stamens.

Semi-double - cup-shaped flowers each have 2 or
more rows of 9-21 regular or irregular petals and
conspicuous stamens.

 Anemone - rounded flowers each have one or more
rows of large outer petals lying flat or undulating: the
domed centre has a mass of intermingled petaloids
and stamens.

Paeony-form - rounded domed flowers have usually
irregular petals, intermingled with petaloids and

Rose-form - cup-shaped flowers each have several
rows of overlapping petals and open to reveal
stamens in the centre.

Formal double - rounded flowers have many rows
of regular, neatly overlapping petals that obscure
stamens. Irregular double forms are similar but often
have more loosely arranged, sometimes irregular

   • Please label all Cacti, Succulents and Carnivorous where possible as it stimulates interest in
   • Judging along with RHS rules, Cacti, Succulents and Carnivorous will be judged based on the
       condition, maturity and rarity of the plan. Plants in flower or showing evidence they have
       flowered are to be preferred.

Class    Class name                                                                                Prize
  88.    Cactus, 1 specimen, in a pot, pot not to exceed 8 inches in diameter                      £1
  89.    3 pots of Cacti with the same species in each pot, pots not to exceed 8 inches in         £2
 90.     3 pots of Cacti, 3 different species, 1 specie in each pot, pots not to exceed 8 inches   £2
         in diameter
 91.     6 pots of Cacti with the same species in each pot, pots not to exceed 8 inches in         £3
 92.     6 pots of Cacti, 6 different species, 1 specie in each pot, pots not to exceed 8 inches   £3
         in diameter
 93.     Group of Cacti, to fill but not exceed a space of 6ft x 2½ft on table space               £5
 94.     Succulent (excluding Cacti), 1 specimen, in a pot, pot not to exceed 8 inches             £1
 95.     3 pots of Succulents with the same species in each pot (excluding Cacti), pot not to      £2
         exceed 8 inches diameter
 96.     3 pots of Succulents, 3 different species, 1 specie in each pot (excluding Cacti), pots
         not to exceed 8 inches in diameter
 97.     6 pots of Succulents with the same species in each pot (excluding Cacti), pots not to     £2
         exceed 8 inches diameter
 98.     6 pots of Succulents, 6 different species, 1 specie in each pot (excluding Cacti), pots
         not to exceed 8 inches diameter
 99.     Group of Succulents (excluding Cacti), to fill but not exceed a space of 6ft x 2½ft on    £5
         table space
100.     Collection of Airplants to be shown on a table space no wider than 20 inches              £5
101.     1 Pot of Crassula (or Jade Plant), any size pot up to a maximum of 12 inches              £1
102.     Carnivorous, 1 specimen in a pot                                                          £1
103.     3 pots of Carnivorous, 3 different species, 1 specie in each pot                          £2
104.     6 pots of Carnivorous, 6 different species, 1 specie in each pot                          £3

   • Pot/Container not more than 18 inches width and depth.

Class    Class name                                                                           Prize
105.     Bonsai, 1 pot                                                                        £1
106.     Bonsai, 3 pots                                                                       £1.50
107.     Foliage, one pot, other than Ferns                                                   £1
108.     Ferns, 3 pots                                                                        £1.50
109.     Ferns, 1 pot                                                                         £1
110.     Azelea, one container                                                                £1
111.     Primula, one pot                                                                     £1
112.     Orchid, one pot                                                                      £1
113.     Orchid, 3 pots                                                                       £1.50
114.     Clivia, one container                                                                £1
115.     Saintpaulia (African Violets), 3 pots                                                £1
116.     Saintpaulia (African Violets), 1 pot                                                 £1
117.     Any other flowering plant in a container, excluding bulbs and corms                  £1

Class    Class name                                                                           Prize
118.     Best Cabbage Walking Stick – the finished product, grown in the Island               £1

Class    Class name                                                                           Prize
119.     3 items of any Fruit grown on the Island by the exhibitor and shown on a plate       £1

Class    Class name                                                                           Prize
120.     3 items of any Vegetable grown on the Island by the exhibitor and shown on a plate   £1
121.     8 Onions shown on a string                                                           £1
122.     12 Shallots shown on a string                                                        £1

Class    Class name                                                                           Prize
123.     ‘A photo (5” x 7”) of a Spring flower “a single bloom”, grown by anybody, the photo £1
         to be taken between January and March in the current year’
124.     ‘A photo (5” x 7”) of “a group of spring flowers”, grown by anybody, the photo to be £1
         taken between January and March in the current year’

Class    Class name                                                                            Prize
125.     3 items of any Fruit or Vegetable grown on the Island by a Nursery or School shown    £1
         on a plate
126.     3 items of any Fruit or Vegetable grown on the Island by a Garden Club shown on a     £1
127.     3 items of any Fruit or Vegetable grown on the Island by a Child Aged 3 – 9 years     £1
         shown on a plate
128.     3 items of any Fruit or Vegetable grown on the Island by a Child Aged 10 – 16 years   £1
         shown on a plate
129.     Best Crop of Cress, grown on paper in a saucer, by a child aged 3 – 10 years          £1

130.     The Ugliest Vegetable grown by a Child Aged 3 – 16 years                              £1

Floral Arranging – Adults

Class    Class Name                                                                         Prize
131.     An arrangement of Spring Flowers and foliage in a pin holder.                      1st £8
         Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.                                   2nd £6
         Professionals only.                                                                3rd £4
132.     A Pedestal arrangement using mixed flowers and foliage to mark the “75th           1st £12
         Anniversary of Liberation Day”.                                                    2nd £10
         Drape and accessories allowed (but not secondary arrangements).                    3rd £8
         Professionals only.
133.     An arrangement using mixed flowers and foliage to mark the “150th Anniversary of   1st £8
         The British Red Cross”.                                                            2nd £6
         Accessories allowed. Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.              3rd £4
         Professionals only.
134.     An arrangement of ONLY Camellias in a container of your choice.                    1st £8
         Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.                                   2nd £6
         Professionals only.                                                                3rd £4
135.     Informal arrangement of Spring Flowers in your own container.                      1st £8
         Arrangement to be no wider than 30 inches.                                         2nd £6
         Professionals only.                                                                3rd £4


Class    Class name                                                                         Prize
136.     An arrangement of Spring Flowers and foliage in a pin holder.                      1st £8
         Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.                                   2nd £6
         Amateurs only.                                                                     3rd £4
137.     A Pedestal arrangement using mixed flowers and foliage to mark the “75th           1st £12
         Anniversary of Liberation Day”.                                                    2nd £10
         Drape and accessories allowed (but not secondary arrangements).                    3rd £8
         Amateurs only.
138.     An arrangement using mixed flowers and foliage to mark the “150th Anniversary of   1st £8
         The British Red Cross”.                                                            2nd £6
         Accessories allowed. Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.              3rd £4
         Amateurs only.
139.     An arrangement of ONLY Camellias in a container of your choice.                    1st £8
         Space allocated will be no wider than 30 inches.                                   2nd £6
         Amateurs only.                                                                     3rd £4
140.     Informal arrangement of Spring flowers in your own container.                      1st £8
         Arrangement to be no wider than 30 inches.                                         2nd £6
         Amateurs only.                                                                     3rd £4
141.     An arrangement of ‘Flowers & Greenery’ from your garden or allotment in a          1st £8
         recycled container.                                                                2nd £6
         Arrangement to be no wider than 30 inches.                                         3rd £4
         Amateurs only.
142.     A Floating Arrangement in an 8-inch dish.                                          1st £8
         Amateurs only.                                                                     2nd £6
                                                                                            3rd £4

Floral Art – KIT ROBERT Children’s Classes

Class   Class Name                                                                        Prize
143.    Create a “Lion King Character”, using fruit and/or vegetables.                    1st £4
        3 to 6 years old                                                                  2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
144.    Create a “Lion King Character”, using fruit and/or vegetables.                    1st £4
        7 to 12 years old                                                                 2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
145.    Create a “Lion King Character”, using fruit and/or vegetables.                    1st £4
        13 to 16 years old                                                                2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
146.    An arrangement “75th Anniversary of Liberation Day” using spring flowers and      1st £4
        foliage in a basket – a space no wider than 15 inches will be allocated.          2nd £2
        3 to 6 years old                                                                  3rd £1
147.    An arrangement “75th Anniversary of Liberation Day” using spring flowers and      1st £4
        foliage in a basket – a space no wider than 15 inches will be allocated.          2nd £2
        7 to 12 years old                                                                 3rd £1
148.    An arrangement “75th Anniversary of Liberation Day” using spring flowers and      1st £4
        foliage in a basket – a space no wider than 15 inches will be allocated.          2nd £2
        13 – 16 years old                                                                 3rd £1
149.    Best Decorated Hen’s Egg, boiled or blown.                                        1st £4
        3 to 5 years old                                                                  2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
150.    A Collage celebrating the new “Lion King” movie, 15 inches x 15 inches.           1st £4
        3 to 6 years old                                                                  2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
151.    A Collage celebrating the new “Lion King” movie, 15 inches x 15 inches.           1st £4
        7 to 12 years old                                                                 2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
152.    A Collage celebrating the new “Winnie The Pooh” movie, 15 inches x 15 inches.     1st £4
        13 to 16 years old                                                                2nd £2
                                                                                          3rd £1
153.    Create a miniature garden in a seed tray no larger than 18 inches x 12 inches     1st £4
        themed “Moss Garden”, using fresh and dried material as far as possible.          2nd £2
        3 to 6 years old                                                                  3rd £1
154.    Create a miniature garden in a seed tray no larger than 18 inches x 12 inches     1st £4
        themed “Moss Garden”, using fresh and dried material as far as possible.          2nd £2
        7 to 12 years old                                                                 3rd £1
155.    Create a miniature garden in a seed tray no larger than 18 inches x 12 inches     1st £4
        themed “Moss Garden”, using fresh and dried material as far as possible.          2nd £2
        13 to 16 years old                                                                3rd £1
156.    A Necklace made from Garden Materials, threaded on cotton and made with natural   1st £4
        material only. Space allowed 26cm x 46cm.                                         2nd £2
        6 to 9 years old                                                                  3rd £1
157.    A Necklace made from Garden Materials, threaded on cotton and made with natural   1st £4
        material only. Space allowed 26cm x 46cm.                                         2nd £2
        10 to 16 years old                                                                3rd £1
158.   A painting (15”x15”) with a theme “Spring Flowers”.                             1st £4
       3 to 6 years old                                                                2nd £2
                                                                                       3rd £1
159.   A painting (15”x15”) with a theme “Spring Flowers”.                             1st £4
       7 to 12 years old                                                               2nd £2
                                                                                       3rd £1
160.   A painting (15”x15”) with a theme “Spring Flowers”.                             1st £4
       13 to 16 years old                                                              2nd £2
                                                                                       3rd £1
161.   An Arrangement of Foliage and/or Flowers in a Recycled Container no larger than 1st £4
       15 inches x 15 inches.                                                          2nd £2
       3 to 6 years old                                                                3rd £1
162.   An Arrangement of Foliage and/or Flowers in a Recycled Container no larger than 1st £4
       15 inches x 15 inches.                                                          2nd £2
       7 to 12 years old                                                               3rd £1
163.   An Arrangement of Foliage and/or Flowers in a Recycled Container no larger than 1st £4
       15 inches x 15 inches.                                                          2nd £2
       13 to 16 years old                                                              3rd £1

        Adults and Children 14yrs and over

   •    Please do not include fresh cream in any cake that is intended for Auction.
   •    All cakes and biscuits will be auctioned in aid of Community Savings on Sunday afternoon
        after the Prize Giving at 4pm, unless otherwise stated on your Entry Form.

Class     Class name                                                                               Prize
164.      Best Decorated Hen’s Egg, boiled or blown                                                £1
165.      Madeira Cake, including a piece of candied peel on top of the cake                       £1
166.      Cherry Cake                                                                              £1
167.      Simnel Cake                                                                              £1
168.      Almond Cake                                                                              £1
169.      Victoria Sandwich Cake                                                                   £1
170.      Chocolate Sandwich Cake                                                                  £1
171.      Lemon Drizzle Cake                                                                       £1
172.      Carrot Cake                                                                              £1
173.      Coffee and Walnut Cake                                                                   £1
174.      Ginger Cake                                                                              £1
175.      Fruit Cake                                                                               £1
176.      Red Velvet Cake                                                                          £1
177.      Marble Cake (3 colours)                                                                  £1
178.      Vegan Cake                                                                               £1
179.      Jam Swiss Roll                                                                           £1
180.      5 Muffins                                                                                £1
181.      6 Rock Cakes                                                                             £1
182.      6 Cup Cakes decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day                             £1
183.      6 Plain Scones                                                                           £1
184.      6 Cheese Scones                                                                          £1
185.      6 Fruit Scones                                                                           £1
186.      Apple Pie, in a standard size foil dish                                                  £1
187.      Jersey Wonders, 6 on a plate                                                             £1
188.      Traybake – 6 portions                                                                    £1
189.      Shortbread – 6 Petticoat Tails                                                           £1
190.      6 Cheese Straws on a plate                                                               £1
191.      8 Biscuits on a plate, 4 varieties (2 of each kind)                                      £1
192.      3 Biscuits on a plate decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day                   £1
193.      6 Hot Cross Buns, any flavour, all the same                                              £1
194.      Savoury Flan                                                                             £1
195.      Bread Loaf, any variety, baked in a 1lb (450g) tin & shown on a plate                    £1
196.      Free Form Bread Loaf, a flavour of your choice, show on a plate                          £1
197.      1 Cake – Any Other Kind                                                                  £1
198.      1 Cake of any kind – Baked by a Serving Connetable                                       £1
199.      Seville Marmalade, 1 jar                                                                 £1

        Children under 14yrs

   •    Please do not include fresh cream in any cake that is intended for Auction.
   •    All cakes and biscuits will be auctioned in aid of Community Savings on Sunday afternoon
        after the Prize Giving at 4pm, unless otherwise stated on your Entry Form.

Class   Class name                                                                                   Prize
200.    3 Rock Cakes on a plate – 3 to 5 years                                                       £1
201.    3 Rock Cakes on a plate – 6 – 9 years                                                        £1
202.    3 Rock Cakes on a plate – 10 – 13 years                                                      £1
203.    3 Cup Cakes on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 3 to 5 years      £1
204.    3 Cup Cakes on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 6 to 9 years      £1
205.    3 Cup Cakes on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 10 to 13 years    £1
206.    3 Biscuits on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 3 to 5 years       £1
207.    3 Biscuits on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 6 to 9 years       £1
208.    3 Biscuits on a plate, decorated for 75th Anniversary of Liberation Day – 10 to 13 years     £1
209.    3 Flapjacks on a plate – 3 to 5 years                                                        £1
210.    3 Flapjacks on a plate – 6 – 9 years                                                         £1
211.    3 Flapjacks on a plate – 10 – 13 years                                                       £1
212.    A Victoria Sandwich Cake – 6 to 9 years                                                      £1
213.    A Victoria Sandwich Cake – 10 to 13 years                                                    £1
214.    A Fruit Cake – 6 to 9 years                                                                  £1
215.    A Fruit Cake – 10 to 13 years                                                                £1
216.    A Chocolate Cake – 6 to 9 years                                                              £1
217.    A Chocolate Cake – 10 to 13 years                                                            £1
218.    3 Jam Tarts – 3 to 5 years                                                                   £1
219.    3 Jam Tarts – 6 to 9 years                                                                   £1
220.    3 Jam Tarts – 10 to 13 years                                                                 £1
221.    1 Decorated Gingerbread Animal – 3 to 5 years                                                £1
222.    1 Decorated Gingerbread Animal – 6 to 9 years                                                £1
223.    1 Decorated Gingerbread Animal – 10 to 13 years                                              £1
224.    6 Cheese Straws on a plate – 3 to 13 years                                                   £1
225.    Savoury Flan – 6 – 9 years                                                                   £1
226.    Savoury Flan – 10 – 13 years                                                                 £1
227.    A ‘Healthy Packed Lunch’, to include 3 items, packed in a lunch box – 3 to 5 years           £1
228.    A ‘Healthy Packed Lunch’, to include 3 items, packed in a lunch box – 6 to 9 years           £1
229.    A ‘Healthy Packed Lunch’, to include 3 items, packed in a lunch box – 10 to 13 years         £1

2020 RJA & HS Dates
25th January

24th March

28th & 29th March

30th April

13th & 14th June
Includes: Early Summer Flower Show, Cattle Show, Cultivate, Exhibitions & Local Stalls

30th June & 1st July (Kindly sponsored by Le Quesne’s Garden Centre – TBC)

14th, 15th & 16th July (Kindly sponsored by Ransoms Garden Centre - TBC)

18th July (Kindly sponsored by Ernie’s – TBC)

25th July

2nd August
A tour of some of the winning gardens from the All Island Garden Competition

22nd & 23rd August
Includes Jersey Poultry & Ornithological Show, Cultivate, Exhibitions & Local stalls

6th September (Kindly sponsored by Garden Scene – TBC)

3rd & 4th October
Includes: Cattle Show, Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Show, Jersey Poultry &
Ornithological Show, Cultivate, Exhibitions & Local Stalls

 Classes for narcissi are listed by division and you may find the list below helpful.

 Please note these are not all the varieties, you will probably find some more that are
 not included. The list is purely a sample to help when you order or buy bulbs for

One (Trumpet        Yellow          By Jove, Crock of Gold, Fort Knox, Golden Riot, Hero,
Daffodils)                          Gold Medal, Lemon Cloud, Golden Harvest, Dutch
                                    Master, Pistachio, Lemon Glow, Honeybird, By Jove,
                                    Yellow Triumphator, Unsurpassable
One                 Yellow &        Prophet
One                 White &         Ballygarvey, Bravoure, Cristobal, Trousseau, Queen
                    Yellow          Mum
One                 Yellow & Red    Hero
One                 All White       Empress of Ireland, Mount Hood, Tedstone, Vigil
One                 Reverse Bi-     Honeybird, Lemon Glow, Pistachio, Spellbinder
Two (Large-         Yellow          Camelot, Golden Aura, St. Keverne, Strines, Carlton,
Cupped)             Lemon           Trelawney Gold, Gigantic Star
                    Yellow          Sunnyside, St Patrick’s Day, Millennium Sunset
Two                 Yellow &        Bandleader, Bantam, Berlin, Buster, Kissproof, Modern
                    Orange          Art, Pipe Major, Sealing Wax, Vulcan, Fiery Maiden
Two                 Reverse Bi-     Binkie, Daydream, Pastorale
Two                 Yellow &        New World, Widgeon
Two                 White & Buff    Klamath
Two                 Rimmed          Ringleader
                    large cups
Two                 White & Pink    Pink Charm, Salome, Coquille, Showcase, Precocious
Two                 White &         Barley Thorpe, Ice Follies, Smiling Sun, Fragrant
                    Yellow          Breeze, High Society, Brunswick
Two                 All Red         Ambergate, Limbo
Two                 All White       Ashmore, Desdemona, Regal Bliss, Worcester, Easter
Two                 White &         Johan Strauss, Red Hill, Gouache, Millenium Sunrise,
                    Orange          Early Bride, Spencer Tracy

Three (Small      Yellow        Beige Beauty, Sabine Hay, Triple Crown, Bethal,
Cupped)                         Killivose, Bossa Nova
Three             White & Red   Edna Earl, Bullseye, Kazuko, Centrefold
Three             White &       Hamoon, Sidley, Virginia Water, Rimmon, Cedar Hills,
                  Yellow        Merlin.
Three             All White     Dreamcastle, Tranquil Morn, Glen Cassley, Pitts
Three             Rimmed        Eminent, Merlin, Redstart, Royal Princess
                  small cup
Four (Doubles)                  Double Fashion, Manly, Tahiti, Cheerfulness,
Four              Yellow        Golden Ducat, Jack the Lad, Telamonius Plenus,
                                Tasgem, Poppy’s Choice, Castle Rings, Wheal Bush
Four              White &       Duet, Obdam, White Lion, Unique, Jersey Roundabout,
                  Yellow        Serena Lodge, Ice King.
Four              White         Candida, White Marvel, Ice King, Ice Diamond,
                  Doubles       Trewoon, Calgary,
Four              White &       Madison, Poltreen, Watersmeet, Mary Copeland
Four              White & Pink Pink pageant, Pink Paradise, Mazzard, Exotic Beauty
Four              White & Red Gaytime, Honolulu
Five                           Hawera, Ice Wings, Thalia, Angel’s Tears, Niveth,
(Triandrus)                    Tresamble, Puppet, Harmony Bells, Lemon Drops
Six (                          Beryl, Cotinga, Jack Snipe, Jet fire, Kay Dee, Wisley,
Cyclamineus)                   February Silver, Jenny, Cornet, Swallow, Lemon Silk
Seven                          Curlew, Pipit, Rosemoor Gold, Quail, Suzy, Pink Angel,
(Jonquilla)                    Bell Song, Curlew, Cherie, Bunting, Intrigue
Eight                          Chinita, Falconet, Paper White, Matador, Chinese
(Tazetta)                      Sacred Lily, Silver Chimes, Soleil D’Or, Bridal Crown
                               Scilly White
Nine                           Milan, Pheasant Eye, Stilton, Dimple, Poetsway, Double
(Poeticus)                     White, Felindre, Hellenicus,
Ten                            Golden Bells, Kenellis, Taffeta, Little Soldier,
(Wild Species)                 Lobularius, Mimimus, Obvallaris
Eleven                         Cassata, Palmares, Orangery, Lemon Beauty, Papillon
(Split-Corona)                 Blanc, Sunny Side Up, Mondragon, Arwenack, Rosado,
                               Changing Colours, Sorbet, Tricolet, Trilune
Twelve                         Jumblie, Quince, Tête-a-Tête, Eaton Song, Cornish
(Miscellaneous)                Chuckles, Odd Job
Thirteen                       Daffodil distinguished solely by Botanical name

                                 RJA&HS OPEN SPRING FLOWER SHOW
                                      28th & 29th MARCH 2020
This form must be completed and returned to: Rachelle Robinson, Royal Jersey Showground, La Route de la
Trinité, Trinity JE3 5JP or email to rachelle@royaljersey.co.uk If sending by email, an acknowledgement will
be sent by Rachelle but if not received, please contact the office to confirm received.

           Please state below the class numbers in which you intend to exhibit:
 Class number:        Class number:      Class number:      Class number:

Exhibitors may stage their entries at the Royal Jersey Showground on:
           • Thursday 26th March between 2pm and 5pm
           • Friday 27th March between 9am and 7pm
           • Saturday 28th March between 7am and 7.45am

I hereby certify that all the above entries are made in conformity with the Rules, Bye-Laws, and Regulations
of the Department.

Name ..........................................................................................................Tel no. …………………………..……...


………………………………… Email Address ……………………………………………………………………………........

Gardener ................................................……….. Age if the entrant is a child:……………………………..….

All plants must have been the bona-fide property and in the possession of the exhibitor for at least two
months previous to the show. All cut flowers, fruit and vegetables must have been grown by the exhibitor,
except where otherwise marked in the schedule, or they will not be eligible to compete for the prizes.

                            Judging commences promptly at 8am on Saturday 28th March.
                                Exhibitors must vacate the hall, no later than 7.45am

                                                   Thank you for your co-operation.

Date Protection: By submitting this entry you give your consent for details to be included in the
                        Society publications – see Show Regulations.
                                 RJA&HS OPEN SPRING FLOWER SHOW
                                      28th & 29th MARCH 2020
This form must be completed and returned to: Rachelle Robinson, Royal Jersey Showground, La Route de la
Trinité, Trinity JE3 5JP or email to rachelle@royaljersey.co.uk If sending by email, an acknowledgement will
be sent by Rachelle but if not received, please contact the office to confirm received.

           Please state below the class numbers in which you intend to exhibit:
 Class number:        Class number:      Class number:      Class number:

Exhibitors may stage their entries at the Royal Jersey Showground on:
           • Thursday 26th March between 2pm and 5pm
           • Friday 27th March between 9am and 7pm
           • Saturday 28th March between 7am and 7.45am

I hereby certify that all the above entries are made in conformity with the Rules, Bye-Laws, and Regulations
of the Department.

Name ..........................................................................................................Tel no. …………………………..……...


………………………………… Email Address ……………………………………………………………………………........

Gardener ................................................……….. Age if the entrant is a child:……………………………..….

All plants must have been the bona-fide property and in the possession of the exhibitor for at least two
months previous to the show. All cut flowers, fruit and vegetables must have been grown by the exhibitor,
except where otherwise marked in the schedule, or they will not be eligible to compete for the prizes.

                            Judging commences promptly at 8am on Saturday 28th March.
                                Exhibitors must vacate the hall, no later than 7.45am

                                                   Thank you for your co-operation.

Date Protection: By submitting this entry you give your consent for details to be included in the
                        Society publications – see Show Regulations.
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