May 29-June 10, 2022 With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General - Mayflower 400 Tours

Page created by Andrew George
May 29-June 10, 2022 With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General - Mayflower 400 Tours
With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General
           May 29-June 10, 2022
May 29-June 10, 2022 With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General - Mayflower 400 Tours
Mayflower Heritage Tour
Are you a Mayflower Descendant? This                                   exhibition about the Pilgrims. John Robinson is buried in this
tour is designed for you and your family                               church and we will see his home nearby, which is marked with
and friends! We are delighted to announce                              a plaque. The tour will also include seeing the site of William
that our special guest is Jane Hurt, Gover-                            Brewster’s printing shop, the Hooglandse Kerk, and Da Waag,
nor General of The General Society of                                  where the Pilgrims first set foot in Leiden. The afternoon will be
Mayflower Descendants (GSMD). You                                      at leisure to visit the Botanical Gardens, the Museum de Laken-
are invited to join other “cousins” on a 13                            hal, or the many shops. We will enjoy a traditional Dutch meal
day tour tracing the lives of our ancestors                            this evening. (B/D)
on this Mayflower-themed tour of the Neth-
erlands and England.

                    Our tour host is Lisa Shoemaker, Histor-
                    ic Sites Chairperson for the GSMD. She
                    has been tour directing, tour managing and
                    tour guiding since 2008. She leads tours
                    for students, adults, music groups and spe-
                    cial interest groups. She has been an offi-
                    cial member of the GSMD for several years
                    and looks forward to introducing you to
                    places significant to Mayflower history.
                                                                       Day 4: Wednesday, June 1, 2022: Delfshaven, Harwich
Day 1: Sunday, May 29, 2022: Depart North America                      This morning we will visit Delfshaven, the departure point for
We will depart from the USA today. Flight bookings and pre-            the Speedwell. We will visit the Pilgrim Fathers’ Church and
tour arrangements can be made through Reformation Tours.               explore the harbor district. We will then make our way to the
There is an optional pre-tour night in Amsterdam. (IF)                 Hook of Holland to board our own ship bound for England. The
                                                                       crossing to Harwich takes 6½ hours. The ship has restaurants
Day 2:      Monday, May 30, 2022: Amsterdam, Leiden                    on board, as well as shops, and a cinema. When we arrive in
When we arrive in Amsterdam, we will transfer directly to the          England, we will check in to our hotel near Harwich. (B)
pre-tour hotel in Amsterdam where our tour director will wel-
come us to the Netherlands. In the afternoon we will have an           Day 5: Thursday, June 2, 2022: Harwich, Boston, Retford
orientation tour of the city, including the Begijnhof, one of Am-      Harwich is the port town where the Mayflower was built and
sterdam’s best-known almshouses and a narrated canal ex-               where its captain, Master Christopher Jones, was born. We will
cursion, passing gabled warehouses, noble mansions, arched             tour his recently renovated house, the Guildhall, and the
bridges, and colorful houseboats. We will then travel to Lei-          Ha’Penny Pier. We will then drive to Boston, a port town on the
den, a delightful Dutch town where the Pilgrims lived for 12           East coast. In 1607, a group of pilgrims walked 60 miles from
years. We will get to know the group at tonight’s Welcome Din-         Scrooby to Boston to meet a ship to take them to Holland. They
ner. (B/D)                                                             were betrayed and instead of a new life, they were arrested
                                                                       and taken to the Guildhall. We will see the cells where they
                                                                       were held in the Guildhall. St. Botolph’s Church, known as
                                                                       “Boston Stump,” is one of England’s largest parish churches.
                                                                       Rev. John Cotton urged members of his congregation to join
                                                                       the Massachusetts Bay Company, and he helped found the city
                                                                       of Boston in the 1630s. The Puritan Path leading to the church
                                                                       is in his honor. We will dine in our hotel in Retford. (B/D)

Day 3: Tuesday, May 31, 2022: Leiden
After a leisurely breakfast, we will tour the American Pilgrim
Museum, which tells the stories of the founders of New Eng-
land (subject to availability). It features furnishings from Pilgrim
times, as well as maps and engravings from the 16 th and 17th
century. The Pieterskirk was founded in 1121 and has a small
May 29-June 10, 2022 With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General - Mayflower 400 Tours
May 29—June 10, 2022
Day 6: Friday, June 3, 2022: Babworth, Scrooby, Auster-             Day 10: Tuesday, June 7, 2022: Southampton
field, Gainsborough, Retford                                        After breakfast, we will travel to Southampton. Our local ex-
This morning our expert guide will take us on a tour of local       pert guide will take us on a guided walk describing South-
sites that would have been very familiar to the Pilgrim Fa-         ampton as it would have been in 1620, when the Pilgrims
thers. We will start at Babworth church where William Brew-         arrived from Leiden. We will hear about the provisioning of
ster and William Bradford came together under Richard Clyf-         the Speedwell and the Mayflower and see their departure
ton’s leadership. We will view Scrooby Manor, Brewster’s            point. This is now commemorated with a Pilgrim Fathers’
home in Scrooby, as well as the village church. In Austerfield,     Memorial, which was unveiled in 1913. We will tour the Tu-
we’ll visit St. Helena’s church to see the font where Bradford      dor House and Garden, which existed at the time of the Pil-
was baptized and learn about his childhood. In the afternoon        grims’ departure. We will dine together this evening. (B/D)
we will visit Gainsborough, from where the Pilgrims set out on
their final and successful escape attempt. We will tour the
medieval Old Hall, home of a local puritan. After time to
browse the excellent gift shop, we will return to Retford,
where we will have the opportunity to tour the Mayflower Gal-
lery in the Bassetlaw Museum. We will dine in our hotel in
Retford. (B/D)

Day 7: Saturday, June 4, 2022: Stratford-upon-Avon
After breakfast, we will drive to Stratford-upon-Avon, a medi-
eval market town that was the 16th-century birthplace of Wil-
liam Shakespeare. We will tour Shakespeare’s Birthplace,
Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, and Trinity Church. The rest of            Day 11: Wednesday, June 8, 2022: Dorking, London
the day will be at leisure and tickets to a Shakespeare pro-        After breakfast, we will have coffee at the Mullins Coffee
duction can be arranged. (B)                                        Shop, located in the ancestral home of William Mullins, in
                                                                    the heart of the old quarter of Dorking. We will then tour the
                                                                    Dorking Museum with Kathy Atherton, followed by a tour of
                                                                    the town. We’ll hear about Dorking in the time of the Pil-
                                                                    grims, and view several homes from that time period. We
                                                                    will continue to London and the evening is at leisure. (B)

                                                                    Day 12: Thursday, June 9, 2022: London
                                                                    We will have a fabulous view of London from the London
                                                                    Eye this morning, followed by a round-trip cruise from West-
                                                                    minster Pier. The bus will then take us to lunch at the May-
                                                                    flower Pub in Rotherhithe. This used to be called the Shippe
                                                                    Inn and was well known to the crew of the Mayflower. We
                                                                    will see the original 1620s mooring point and we’ll have the
Day 8: Sunday, June 5, 2022: Droitwich Spa, Worcester,              opportunity to sign the Mayflower Descendants visitors’
Plymouth                                                            book. The evening is at leisure. (B/L)
After breakfast at the hotel, we will travel to nearby Droitwich
Spa to attend the morning service at St. Peter’s Church             Day 13: Friday, June 10, 2022: London
where Edward Winslow was baptized. He served three terms            After breakfast, there will be a group transfer to Heathrow
as governor of Plymouth Colony. Winslow was educated at             and additional transfers can be arranged. Post-tour travel
King’s School, which was part of Worcester Cathedral at that        options are available. (B/IF)
time. After a group lunch, we will drive down to Plymouth and
dine in our hotel. (B/L/D)

Day 9: Monday, June 6, 2022: Plymouth
We will have breakfast in our hotel, then spend a full day ex-
ploring Plymouth. Our specialist guide will tell the story of the
Mayflower Pilgrims, the ship, and the voyage, before they
finally set off on September 16, 1620. We will see the May-
flower steps, the cobbled streets of the Barbican, and Sutton
Harbor. We will then have a few hours to explore inde-
pendently before we meet again for a boat cruise around the
harbor. We’ll visit the new Box Museum, then the rest of the
evening will be at leisure. (B)

                          64 Fiesta Circle, St. Louis, MO 63146
                     (800) 303-5534 ●
May 29-June 10, 2022 With special guest Jane Hurt, Governor General - Mayflower 400 Tours
MMT22 Tour Price: $3,599* per person                                            Terms and Conditions
      *Price based on double occupancy with a minimum of 30 participants

Your Tour Includes:                                                                 We reserve the right to cancel this trip due to
• Transportation: via deluxe air-conditioned coaches
                                                                                    lack of subscription. In the event of cancellation
• Ferry ticket from the Hook of Holland to Harwich
                                                                                    of the trip in its entirety, a full refund of all de-
• Accommodations (double-occupancy) in 3-star and 4-star hotels
• Meals as indicated in the itinerary                                               posits will be made to passengers enrolled at
• Professional Tour Director throughout the tour                                    the time of cancellation. Tour price is based on
• Local step-on guides for city tours and major attractions                         the value of the dollar, the number of partici-
• Admission to all activities indicated in the itinerary                            pants and the cost of airfare and is subject to
• All transfers, as a group                                                         change without notice. Any changes in airfare
• Baggage handling when available (1 piece of baggage per guest)                    booking may result in a processing fee.
• All taxes and tips except as indicated below

Your Tour Does Not Include:                                                         Responsibility: Reformation Tours, LLC., their
• Round-trip air transportation                                                     officers and employees, tour hosts, or any oth-
• Single supplement ($900)                                                          er persons or vendors connected with the tour
• Meals and beverages not identified in itinerary                                   shall not under any circumstances be liable to
• Items of a personal nature, such as passports and visas. Passports must           the client under or by reason of this agreement
     be valid for 6 months beyond return date.
                                                                                    directly or indirectly for any accidents, injury,
•    Travel Insurance
                                                                                    delay, damage, or inconvenience caused to the
•    Gratuities for tour director and driver
                                                                                    client by negligence of others, by malfunctions
Payment Schedule:                                                                   of transportation systems or equipment, by acts
 • Deposit of $350 will secure your place on the tour. All payments should be       of war, terrorism, or rebellion, strikes, theft,
    sent to Reformation Tours, 64 Fiesta Circle, St. Louis, MO 63146.
                                                                                    itinerary changes, extreme weather conditions,
• Final invoices will be sent in January 2022
                                                                                    or cancellations, and the client hereby releases
• Final payments will be due no later than February 28, 2022
• Early registration is encouraged. Please note: all credit card payments will      the above mentioned corporation and persons
    incur a 3.5% surcharge.                                                         from any and all such liability. The airline/s con-
                                                                                    cerned are not held responsible for any act,
Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be in writing and the date of postmark will determine
                                                                                    omission, or event during the time passengers
the amount of refund due. Refunds are based on the number of days prior to          are not on their planes or conveyances. The
departure date. From the time of deposit until 100 days prior to departure, a       passenger's contract in use by the airlines con-
$100 per person penalty will be charged for cancellation. From 99-14 days           cerned, when issued, shall constitute the sole
prior to departure, a $350 per person penalty plus any nonrefundable deposit        contract between the airlines and the purchas-
will be charged for cancellation. Anyone canceling 14 days or less prior to         er of this tour and/or passenger. Any and/or all
departure will receive no refund. In the unlikely event the tour does not reach     transportation companies herein mentioned
minimum enrollment required, all deposit money will be returned.
                                                                                    shall not have nor incur any responsibility to
                                                                                    any traveler aside from their liability as com-
Reformation Tours reserves the rights to alter itineraries without notice should
it become necessary. While on tour, if conditions necessitate changes, or if
                                                                                    mon carriers. Air and land costs are subject to
certain features are unavailable or limited, we reserve the right to vary or sub-   change without notice. Air transportation is
stitute alternatives. All prices are calculated at the exchange rate in effect at   via special, nonrefundable airfare. Any addi-
the time of this quotation. Should currency fluctuations necessitate an adjust-     tional airfare assessments made by the air-
ment in tour price, the adjusted price will be reflected in the final invoice.      lines for any changes whatsoever shall be
                                                                                    the responsibility of the client. Other rules
                                                                                    may also apply. Services of any A.R.C. or
                                                                                    I.A.T.A. carrier may be used in conjunction with
                                                                                    this tour. If there is a change in air prices and/
                                                                                    or currency exchange rates, we reserve the
    Mayflower 400 Tours, a division of Reformation Tours, LLC                       right to adjust the price.
              64 Fiesta Circle, St. Louis, MO 63146
                 (618) 222-9914 ▪ (800) 303-5534
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