March 7, 2021 Ministers - Every Member - Tri-City Baptist Church Ministries

Page created by Nancy Ruiz
March 7, 2021 Ministers - Every Member - Tri-City Baptist Church Ministries
March 7, 2021
Ministers – Every Member

Sunday Evening Service
Join us this evening at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium as Pastor Jeff Caupp
preaches. Pastor Jeff is the Executive Pastor for Tri-City Baptist Church.

Baptism Opportunity
If you are interested in following Christ in obedience by being baptized, please
see Pastor Jason McDonnell (

New Members Class: Doorway Fellowship
Our next New Members Class (Doorway Fellowship) begins Sunday, March 14.
This is a great opportunity for prospective members to connect with Pastor
Ken. Topics from theology to church operations and more will be addressed
during this class. Sign up at the Welcome Center or contact the church office
at 480-245-7900 or

Guest Speaker: Tim Schmig
Join us Sunday evening, March 14, at 6:00 p.m. as guest speaker Tim Schmig
discusses the Christian origins of America. You will not want to miss this special

Awana Grand Prix
The Awana Grand Prix will be held on Sunday, March 21! Buy your car today
in the lobby after the morning service or at the Awana office Sunday night.
Cars will also be available during the week at the Welcome Center.

Teen Camp Scripture Scholarship Fundraiser
As a means of earning their way to camp through scholarly work, the teens
have the opportunity to memorize the book of Philippians! Not only does
this help provide for summer camp but it also helps plant God’s Word in
their lives in a very meaningful way. Please consider praying for this endeavor
and then giving to the scholarship fund on March 21st! See Pastor Matt for
more details.

Good Friday Service
Join us Friday, April 2, at 7:00 p.m. for a special service of remembrance.
We will observe the Lord’s Supper and reflect on Christ’s great sacrifices for us.
A retiring offering will be taken for those in need in our church.

He Is Risen! Easter Sunday
Celebrate Christ’s resurrection with us on Sunday, April 4, at 9:30 a.m. There
will be no ABF, Evening Service, or AWANA that day.

                                   Family News

Welcome Baby Eliana!
Congratulations to Toufic and Atyaf Chehwane on
the birth of their daughter, Eliana Marie! Eliana was
born February 24, coming in at 5lbs 5oz and 19in

                              Nursery Workers
                          Babies              Toddlers                 2s                   3s

Morning Service       Patti Anderson,     Amanda Stevens,         Dulce Hernandez, Susan DeFord,
9:20 a.m., Mar 7         Pat Foote          Amy Miller                     ______________

      ABF                                 Tricia, Kallei, Lara
                     Danielle Horbert,                             Kimberly Endean, Sarah Dublin,
10:50 a.m., Mar 7     Katy Sampson                                         Desiree Haney
                                             Anna Collins
Evening Service       Lois Anderson,           Monica Stinson, Kimberly Collins, ________________
5:50 p.m., Mar 7     Becky Stertzbach

   Wednesday           Amy Pluth,             Ashley Moffitt, Dulce Hernandez, Kimberly Collins
6:00 p.m., Mar 10    Bethany Mestler

Morning Service                           Karen & Sadie
                      Katy Sampson,                                   Alyssa & Danielle Horbert,
9:20 a.m., Mar 14       Lisa Caupp                                        Katrina Mattingly
                                          Tiffany Graham
       ABF             Karin Fosnot,       Alyssa DeFord,            Esther Beetler, Sarah Dublin,
10:50 a.m., Mar 14    Hannah Curran        ________________                 Desiree Haney

 Evening Service     Katrina Mattingly,                  Rachel Bullock, Laura Stertzbach
5:50 p.m., Mar 14     Monica Stinson

   Wednesday         Monica Stinson,
                     Elizabeth Russell,                   Erin Mendoza, Lindsey Lawson
6:00 p.m., Mar 17     Rebecca Moffitt
Ways to Give to TBC

 1. Give online through our secure website at

                             2. Drop off your tithe at the Welcome Desk
                             Monday–Friday from 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

 3. Text to give: text your tithe amount to
 Watch a tutorial on how to “Text to Give”

                            Pray For Us

Pastor: Jim Sproul (wife Kay Lynn)
Deacon: Todd Sullivan (wife Shawn)
IBM Missionary: George and Lexie Binoka (daughter MayLee)—Kenya
Vocational Staff: Jarid Lawson (wife Lindsay; children Aaden, Summer, Xander,
& Kinsley), Emmanuel Malone (wife Claudia), Eliza Mayoral (husband Emilio),
Jason & Michelle McDonnell (children Eddie, LynRae, Joey, & Eliana), Josh
& Erin Mendoza, Nathan & Bethany Mestler (children Macy, Levi, Grant, &
Brynn), Bryan & Debbie Miller (son Andrew), Emily Miller, Brittany Moffitt,
Rebecca Moffitt, Eric Paine (wife Lana), Kara Paine (husband Colin), Joe Pluth
(wife Amy; children Joseph, Aria, Harper, Cadence), Mark Sarhan (wife Katie),
Stephen Shumate (wife Melissa; son Nathanael), John Steidley
Sermon Notes

                      Speaker: Pastor Nathan Mestler




























Upcoming Events
 Date                             Event                                Time           Location

Mar 8-12    TCA and IBCS Spring Break
            New Members Class                                      11:00 a.m.        A-268
Mar 14      (Doorway Fellowship) Begins
            Guest Speaker: Tim Schmig                              6:00 p.m.         Auditorium
Mar 20      Men’s Prayer Breakfast                                 8:00 a.m.         Hall
            Ignite Summer Camp Fundraiser                          11:00 a.m.
            Awana Grand Prix                                                         Gym
Mar 21
            Sunday Evening Sermon Series Continues:
                                                    6:00 p.m.                        Auditorium
            The End Is Near, Be Informed!
            Good Friday Service and Lord’s Supper
 Apr 2                                                             7:00 p.m.         Auditorium
            Easter Sunday Service                                  9:30 a.m.         Auditorium
 Apr 4
            No ABF, No Evening Service, No AWANA

           For more information, see the website calendar at

                           ABF - Adult Bible Fellowship
               Awana - Children’s program for grades K5 through 8th
                 IBCS - International Baptist College & Seminary
                        IBM - International Baptist Missions
                               Ignite - Teen Ministry
                          Re:Vive - College-Age Ministry
                           TBC - Tri-City Baptist Church
                         TCA - Tri-City Christian Academy
                TFT - Time For Tots Preschool & Kindergarten Prep.
Regular Weekly Schedule
       Morning Worship Service............................................................................9:30 a.m.
       Children’s Sunday School......................................................................... 11:00 a.m.
       Adult Bible Fellowships............................................................................. 11:00 a.m.
       Choir Rehearsal............................................................................................... 4:45 p.m.
       Prayer Meeting (A-130)............................................................................... 5:15 p.m.
       Evening Preaching Service ........................................................................ 6:00 p.m.
       Awana Clubs.................................................................................................... 6:00 p.m.
       Spanish Preaching Service (D-140)......................................................... 6:00 p.m.
        Ladies Bible Study (A-222)..........................................................................9:00 a.m.
       Women at the Well Care and Share Group......................................... 3:00 p.m.
       Ignite Youth Group........................................................................................ 6:00 p.m.
       Joyful Noise! Children’s Music Program (A-256)............................... 6:15 p.m.
       Care and Share Groups ............................................................................. 6:15 p.m.
       Gilbert Care and Share Group.................................................................. 6:30 p.m.
           Spanish Care and Share Group................................................................ 6:15 p.m.
           Re:Vive Care and Share Group................................................................. 7:15 p.m.
        Men’s Prayer Fellowship..............................................................................7:00 a.m.

                                                  TBC Staff
                                  Senior Pastor                                         Dr. Ken Endean
                               Executive Pastor                                            Jeff Caupp
                               Assistant Pastor                                            Dan Olson
                                  Music Pastor                                          Dave Stertzbach
                       Hispanic Ministry Pastor                                        Randy Hernandez
                              Children’s Pastor                                           Bryan Miller
                                   Youth Pastor                                            Matt Utley
                                 College Pastor                                         Nathan Mestler
                           Young Adults Pastor                                          Daniel Llorente
                        Adult Ministries Pastor                                        Jason McDonnell
                           Senior Adults Pastor                                            Jim Sproul
                                Ladies Ministry                                          Judy Endean
                               Awana Directors                                     Paula Mostrom, Pat Foote
                         Chief Financial Officer                                          Matt Eberle
Time For Tots Preschool & Kindergarten Prep                                                Jarid Lawson
                Tri-City Christian Academy                                                Lauren Brady
International Baptist College & Seminary                                              Pastor Nathan Mestler
            International Baptist Missions                                                 Dr. Larry Ball
Tuition Tax Credit

Please do not forget to take advantage of the Arizona Tuition Tax Credit. If you’re
     new to Tri-City, you might not be familiar with this incredible program.

     Singles are allowed to redirect up                      Married couples can redirect
     to $1,089 ($546 in the Original                         up to $2,177 ($1,092 in
     program and the overflow in the                         the Original program and
     PLUS “Switcher” of $543).                               the overflow in the PLUS
                                                             “Switcher” of $1,085).

 All Arizona workers owe state               Donors take the “donated” money as
 taxes. Arizona allows singles               a credit against the Arizona state taxes
 and married couples to redirect             they owe when they file their state tax
 their state tax dollars to a                returns. Donors can recommend private
 tuition tax credit organization             schools or students they would like the
 like TOPS for Kids.                         money to go to. If left blank, the funds
                                             go to help low-income families with
                                             education costs.

It is one of the biggest ministries to our Tri-City Christian Academy families! Go to for more information and to redirect your state tax dollars.

                                                             2211 W. Germann Rd.
                                                              Chandler, AZ 85286
                                                                (480) 245-7900
          If you have personal needs, requests, or blessings you wish to share with the
                  pastoral staff, please send them to
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