March 2022 - West Haddon Parish Council
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Page 2 of 12 Parish Council News HEDGE MAINTENANCE The intention behind pruning hedges is to remove and or prevent dead or dying branches from harming neighbouring plants. By removing the dead or dying branches it actually allows the hedge plants to flower and / or fruits to blossom. Regular pruning is not done to slow down the growth of a hedge – quite the opposite in fact as regular annual pruning actually stimulates healthy growth and is part and parcel of carefully managed hedgerow care. Indeed, pruning improves the future health of the hedge and assists biodiversity by reducing / eliminating negative insect infestation and spread of disease whilst promoting productive native insect and bird life and will result in thicker, greener & healthier hedgerows over time. SPEEDWATCH A huge thank you to those who came forward and volunteered to be trained to assist and carry out speed checks in the village as part of the community speedwatch programme. The community speedwatch programme is aimed at reminding drivers to watch their speed when travelling in and through West Haddon. West Haddon Parish Council was one of the first parishes to sign up to the reinstated scheme which had been postponed during the covid restrictions. Nevertheless, despite numerous calls for volunteers to come forward on social media, and in the newsletter, only 4 volunteers have come forward to date and we are advised there should, ideally, be a minimum of 10 volunteers in order to proceed. Therefore, regrettably, the Council will have to withdraw from the project to allow another community the opportunity to participate in the project which is limited in capacity. JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS 2022 As part of the forthcoming Queens platinum jubilee celebrations the Parish Council will be organising a beacon lighting event on 2nd June, in line with other communities across the nation. Further details will follow. On behalf of the Council, Kim and Gill will be hosting a royal themed activity for children the week of the jubilee, and Daisies Café will be serving afternoon tea on the 2nd June. Again, details will follow in due course. The Council have purchased an oak tree to be planted in commemoration of this once in a lifetime event and, in collaboration with the village biodiversity group, there will be the planting of 7 trees in honour of the seven decades Queen Elizabeth II has served as a reigning monarch. Inside this issue: Parish DAISIES CAFÉ DATES AND EVENTS MARCH 2022 Council Pg 1-3 • 3rd March – Café Open 2pm – 4pm & Clothes Swap Event (see front Puzzle cover.) Page Pg 4 • 10th March – Café Open 2pm – 4pm & Age Concern charity collection at Church pavilion (unwanted clothes and unwanted items for resale welcomed News Pg 5-6 by the charity). • 17th March – Café Open 2pm – 4pm & Village Walk and Chat (see front Village cover). News Pg 7-9, 12 • 24th March – Café Open 2pm – 4pm. Local • 31st March – Café Open 2pm – 4pm & Fun Bingo. Services Pg 10-11
Page 3 of 12 Parish Council News Parish Council Health & Wellbeing Questionnaire West Haddon is a very privileged village in terms of its beautiful countryside location, services, facilities, assets and also benefits from excellent schools in the vicinity. The Parish Councils plays its part in providing and or facilitating a number of assets and services and West Haddon is fortunate to benefit from sports facilities which are used by the thriving tennis, cricket, football, bowls and pétanque clubs. Also, there is a range of recreational facilities for use by all parishioners including a play area, outdoor gym equipment, and an all-weather sports resource. The Parish Council has a Health and Wellbeing Group whose role is to consider how it can facilitate services and events in the community to improve residents mental and physical wellbeing. The Health and Wellbeing Group would really appreciate your thoughts on what you feel would enhance and improve life even further in West Haddon. You can either complete the survey online at or complete the questions below, cut out this page and post it in the Parish Council post-box outside the pavilion on the playing fields. Which facilities / events / regular activities do you feel would benefit the community or you further? Please tick as many options as you like:- A Youth club Social events for children Social events for adults Improved services to aid the elderly and vulnerable A befriending service Additional sporting activities e.g. back to netball / walking football Choir / music groups Community produce garden / gardening projects Walking group Outdoor gym sessions Defibrillator use training Art classes Day trips – shopping / places of interest Other: We would also welcome anyone who has experience in these areas in coming forward. Daisies Café is part of the health and wellbeing programme being rolled out in the community. Daisies is open from 2pm – 4pm every Thursday afternoon and is a social activity where all are welcomed, with free tea, coffee, and cake. The café occasionally incorporates events and activities and more recently this has included jewellery making and a Christmas craft making session. There are plenty of ideas from the regular attendants at ‘Daisies’ as to possible activities at the café and we would be fascinated in your views on what you may be interested / inclined in attending:- Fun bingo Film event Flower arranging session Clothes swap event Craft Afternoon Jewellery making Other: The Council Health and Wellbeing Group really appreciate your feedback and thank you for your time with this. We cannot promise that we can deliver everyone’s’ wishes – but we will certainly look into them.
Page 4 of 12 Puzzle Page TAKE A BREAK Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards. CALM DOWN, CATNAP, CHILL OUT, COMFORT, COOL OFF, DAYDREAM, DOZE, EASE, FREEDOM, HOLIDAY, LEAVE, LEISURE, LOOSEN UP, LUXURIATE, PEACE, PICNIC, QUIETEN, RECESS, RELAX, RELIEF, REPOSE, REPRIEVE, RESPITE, REST, SABBATICAL, SERENITY, SETTLE DOWN, SIESTA, SIMMER DOWN, SIT BACK, SLACKEN, SLEEP, SLUMBER, TAKE A BREAK, TAKE IT EASY, TIME OFF, TIME OUT, UNCOIL, UNWIND, VACATION. Medium Difficulty Sudoku Harder Difficulty Sudoku The solutions to the sudoku puzzles can be found on Page 11
Page 5 of 12 Church News All Saints Church – Service arrangements The floodlights were put on for the following occasions: The Church is open for private prayer every day from about 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday 5th February in memory of John Baldwin St. Michael & All Angels, Winwick is now open 24/7 on his funeral date We are worshipping together online every Sunday at Monday 7th February 10.30am. For details please visit: in memory of Maureen Wilkes. On what would have been her In All Saints Church the service times are: 79th birthday. Ash Wednesday 2nd March 7.30 p.m. Holy Communion Sunday 13th February by an anonymous donor. Sunday 6th March 10.30a.m. Holy Communion (this is Zoomed) If you would like the church floodlights put on from dusk until Sunday 13th March 9.15 a.m. Morning service midnight in memory of someone special or for a special occasion Tuesday 15th March 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion please get in touch with me on 510275 at 4 Guilsborough Road or at Sunday 20th March 9.15 a.m. Morning Service Mothering Sunday 27th March 9.15 a.m. Morning Service If you would like them acknowledged in the newsletter, please let me know Also at St. Lawrences, Long Buckby, Tea Time Together at 4 what you would like in writing. A p.m. for families and young children on Sunday 6th March donation of at least £5 would be and on Sunday 3rd April. appreciated. Contact Revd Graham Collingridge on 01327 842204 or Sandy Tringham All Saints West Haddon Lent Lunches Wednesday 9th and Tuesday 22nd March 12—2pm After a gap of two years, we are pleased to be able to offer our Lent lunches again. All are welcome to attend. Fresh homemade soup and fruit will be served. Just come along to the Baptist Hall between 12 and 2 pm. No booking required. From the registers Monday 7th February funeral service for Margaret Scott Donations will be given to the Church Mission Society.
Page 6 of 12 Church News All Saints Church needs your help We are very fortunate to have this beautiful grade 1 listed building in the heart of our village. We keep the church open every day for visitors. We get a surprisingly large number of people who come into church each day. Some for just a moment of reflection or prayer. Some visitors come in to look at the lovely stained glass or reminisce about school services and important life events. We have visitors who want to research family history. Or just people who want to sit and cool off on those hot summer days. We would like to be able to keep the church unlocked during the day but we need volunteers to help with this. Can you spare a day each week to unlock and lock? We open at 9am (although it could be earlier) and lock at 4pm, again this is flexible. We are hoping to develop a rota and will consider any offers. If you are able to help, please contact me. Many thanks in advance. Julie Morgan, Churchwarden,
Page 7 of 12 Village News Church coffee morning/The Children's Society/ T@3 Pop-up cake stall We are planning to restart the monthly meetings at In the past, the church coffee morning on the first Saturday of each the Baptist schoolroom on month was very popular and enjoyed by many. We would like to invite the second Monday of old friends and new to this event beginning on Saturday 5th March, each month beginning on 10a.m.-12 noon and every first Saturday following (restrictions Monday 11th April. We allowing). will start at 2.30pm to give us extra time and On 5th March there will also be a bring and buy stall with raffle in aid of avoid possible space The Children's Society. Box holders are welcome to bring along their issues. Please join us for boxes. If that's not possible, please contact me to arrange collection. tea, cake, companionship, Thank you. laughter, and a good chat. The pop-up cake and produce stall will also return on 5th March and will Dorothy Whittaker. feature each month following. Dorothy Whittaker - 510392. GUILSBOROUGH Music and Drama Society (GMADS) 1972-2022. This group began as Guilsborough and District Choral society and produced an annual show, mostly musicals. Members came from Guilsborough and surrounding villages. Since the 1990s we have been based at Guilsborough village hall and have broadened our repertoire to include plays, pantomimes, comedy nights and more including many original shows. This year we celebrate our 50th anniversary. We'd love to hear from past members and associates to share memories, photos etc. to hopefully create a commemorative book. If you could help, please contact me, Dorothy Whittaker (chairperson) 01788510392
Page 8 of 12 Village News Update from Buckby Library & Hub Early March offers some opportunities for all. From Wednesday March 2 nd, we’ll be open from 2-4pm on Wednesday afternoons. This will be for self-service only. It's also World Book Day on Thursday, March 3rd. Children (and carers if needed) can drop in at any time between 3.15-4.15pm to design their own book cover, make their very own bookmark or join in with our 'Where's Wally?' letter hunt. We'll also be having a book sale on Saturday, March 5th from 10-3pm. Do come and browse at your leisure! Further events coming up are: • March 23rd morning (10.30-11.30am), we're co-hosting a 'Multi-Media Collage Demo', organised by the WEA. Registration for this event will be through the WEA (we will provide a link on the Buckby Library & Hub website.) • Thursday April 7th, when we will be holding an informal evening with the Long Buckby Ukelele Group. Have you got young environmentalists in the family? As the Easter holidays approach, BBC Bitesize provides a range of resources, including on environmental issues: the links are on our Learning Opportunities page: And are you aware that you can hire space in the library and in our car park for your own events/activities? For further information and rates, please go to: For details of all our events, do check our website nearer the time ( and Long Buckby Friends Facebook; email; phone: 01327-842591. Last, but not least, we welcome our new, part-time, manager, Sam Holst. Please do drop in to say hello when you're in the village and have a few minutes to spare. She'd love to hear from you. WEST HADDON VILLAGE HALL Thank you for your responses in favour of setting up a cinema club at the village hall - 44:4 in favour. With this encouragement we would like to hear from you if you could be involved in getting it started - perhaps a team of friends with ideas for organising the club. Please get in touch with our chairman Richard Lilleyman on 07813 827472. We are also looking for someone to join our team to manage social media and our website. Please email us at A reminder to send in your entries for our tea towel competition - 5 prize categories for the distances travelled from West Haddon, with full details on our website Hirings are on the increase - thanks for using our Village Hall. Please check availability and make your bookings on or make an enquiry with
Page 9 of 12 Village News Village History Shorts Ever wondered about the people behind the street names in West Haddon? This is no.29 in a series of brief sketches of earlier village lives... Westfield House Before the Pytchley was the Pytchley, it was the Westfield Hotel and before that it was Westfield House. Emily Gammage (nee Adams) was born in the village in 1904 and went into service as an under-housemaid at Westfield House on leaving school. In 1988, (photo below) she looked back on those days, of scattering damp tea leaves over the carpets to keep the dust down before sweeping, going in on a Sunday evening to serve a cold dinner (the cook wasn’t permitted to cook on the Sabbath, but the family still needed waiting on). Mrs Paul, the lady of the house wasn’t there for long, but left her mark in the village, setting up local branches of both the Girl Guides and the Women’s Institute by 1918. In 2010, Ronald Peach (photographed outside his childhood home in Crown Lane) shared his memories of Westfield House. His father had been batman to Col. Harvey Welman in the First World War and moved to Westfield Cottage as chauffeur when the Welmans moved here from Warwickshire. The Colonel died in 1927, but his widow Constance survived him to see the opening of the Second World War. Accustomed to a life out in India during her early married life, she was not a woman who took kindly to being told what to do. In about 1938 she tripped on the Westfield lawn and broke her hip. She refused to go to hospital and insisted on X-ray equipment being set up in a front bedroom of the house. She died in 1942 at the age of 77. A local builder called Stan Coleborne then bought the property (for £2,800) and development began... Interested in village history? Try the Facebook group: Old Photos of West Haddon. Wendy Raybould (
Page 11 of 12 Local Services West Haddon News does not accept any responsibility for errors and omissions in this publication, or for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. Views expressed by contributors are their own and are not necessarily shared by the publishers. This publication has no political bias. West Haddon News Advertising If you would like to enquire about placing an advert in the newsletter, please contact the Parish Council Executive Officer, Gill Wells at Costs: small advert - £18.00 / 3 months advertising ¼ page advert - £72.00 / 3 months advertising ½ page advert - £108.00 / 3 months advertising Full Page advert - £216.00 / 3 months advertising Puzzle Solutions Medium Difficulty Sudoku Harder Difficulty Sudoku
Page 12 of 12 Village News West Haddon’s Photographic Club Report Every January's meeting starts with our AGM before we move on the theme show and tell section and this month it was Architecture. It was great to see a large turnout and subsequently a large number of images. This theme allowed plenty of scope for our members to explore and we were treated to images of buildings, structures and edifices from mansions to the modest, plus intriguing details that you'd normally not notice. Some of our members are a well-travelled lot and there were pictures from Brasilia to Boston, India to Italy and all around Britain. A large number of photos inevitably meant voting was widespread, but two emerged as joint members' favourites: a moody, imposing Hallgrimskirkja (left) by Alisa Duncan and a drone shot of the impressively long Welland Viaduct (right) by David Moorhouse. Some interesting weather conditions since our last meeting were exploited by members in their Image of the Month submissions. Dramatic skies and misty and frosty mornings featured in several images. Some members had clearly preferred to stay in the warm and it was one of those, David Kallmeier, whose performing vegetable photo Jumping Sprouts (left) was voted joint favourite by the members. Jim Shaw was one of those who ventured into the outside and was rewarded by capturing a lovely picture of a kestrel, soporific after its meal in his Lunch Break image (right). All the Theme and Image of the Month photos submitted this month can be seen on our website at WEST HADDON PARISH COUNCIL Deadline for the E-mail:- Website:- April 2022 edition telephone:- 07493366527 is Twitter:- @WestHaddonPC Friday 18th Facebook:- West Haddon Council Newsletter Editor:- March Full Council meetings are normally held on 1st Tuesday of each Please send your articles to month Christina Betson at Please see the website for further information and agenda items.
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